Running Head: Project Management 1
Running Head: Project Management 1
Running Head: Project Management 1
Project Management
Student Name
Course Name
23 February 2014
Project Management 2
edding P!an Project
Projects "a#e !i$e cyc!es% &"e Project Management 'ody o$ (no)!edge *PM'+(, guide
de$ines t"e $o!!o)ing -"ases in t"e !i$e cyc!e o$ a -roject: initiation. -!anning. e/ecuting.
contro!!ing. and c!osing *Project Management 0nstitute. 2013,% 1!! t"e -"ases "a#e e2ua!
signi$icance as t"ey determine t"e success o$ t"e subse2uent -"ases. and t"ere$ore t"at o$ t"e
)"o!e -roject%
0nitiation P"ase
&"e initiation -"ase is t"e $irst ste- in a -roject management -rocess% &"is ste- is
c"aracteri3ed by t"e a--ointment o$ a -roject manager *Project Management 0nstitute. 2013,%
0dea!!y. t"e -roject s-onsors are at t"e centre o$ t"is -rocess because t"e -roject is usua!!y
t"eir idea% 0n t"e conte/t o$ a )edding -!an -roject. t"e bride and bridegroom are t"e s-onsors
and t"ere$ore are ob!igated to a--oint a -roject manager to "ead t"eir )edding -!anning%
&"e s-onsors *bride and bridegroom, )i!! brie$ t"e -roject manager o$ t"eir e/-ectation o$ t"e
-roject in re$erence to cost. sco-e. sc"edu!e. and 2ua!ity *CSS4,% &"e s-onsors and t"e
-roject manager )i!! t"en identi$y team members to $urt"er t"e CSS4 into a Project C"arter
*Project Management 0nstitute. 2013,% For a )edding -!an. t"e team members to be a--ointed
)i!! inc!ude a -roject manager assistant. secretary. treasurer. and an e#ents manager%
&"e -roject manager )it" t"e ne)!y a--ointed team )or5s on t"e Project C"arter to t"e
satis$action o$ t"e s-onsors% &"e -roject c"arter )i!! inc!ude t"e $o!!o)ing: -ur-ose.
objecti#e. success criteria. and "ig" !e#e! re2uirements%
&"e )edding -!an -roject team is to organi3e t"e )edding o$ t"e s-onsors%
1% &o ensure t"at e#eryt"ing )i!! be in -!ace as -er t"e sc"edu!e set u-
2% &o c!assi$y t"e duties and a--ortion t"em to di$$erent -ersons
Project Management 3
3% &o ensure a!! t"e sta5e"o!ders are )e!! in$ormed o$ t"eir ro!es and t"eir consent o$
-artici-ation is obtained
4% &o ensure t"at t"e e#ent e/-enses do not e/ceed t"e budgeted amount
Success criteria
Success o$ t"e -roject )i!! be de-endent on meeting t"e $o!!o)ing mi!estones
Remaining Time What to be done/discussed
60 7 30 days 8ngagement -arty. brida! s"o)er
30 7 20 days Rece-tion *site ceremony $ees. tab!es and c"airs. Ca5es. ,
30 7 19
1--are! *je)e!ry. earrings. )edding rings. brida! go)n. s"oes. groom:s
20 7 1;
Music and -"otogra-"y *musicians. band $or rece-tion. $orma!s.
-"otogra-"y. #ideogra-"er,
19 < 12
=ecorations *bo)s $or t"e c"urc" -e)s. tab!e center-ieces. cand!es.
1; < 10 &rans-ortation *!imousines. -ar5ing. ta/es,
1; < >
Stationery *in#itations. guest boo5. ca!!igra-"y. -rogram cards
announcements. t"an5 you cards,
10 < 9 Food *)"at to be eaten. caterer,
> 7 6
?i$ts *best man. maid o$ "onor. $!o)er gir!. mot"er and $at"er o$ t"e
bride. mot"er and $at"er o$ t"e groom,
High-level requirements
1mount o$ $unds at dis-osa! to t"e team is @10.000
Rece-tion *@1000 7 @1200,
1--are! *@A@2000,
Music. and -"otogra-"y and #ideogra-"er *@3000 7 @3;00,
=ecorations *@;00 7 @600,
&rans-ortation *@900 7 1000@,
Stationery *@B0 7 @100,
Food *@900 7 @1000,
Project Management 4
?i$ts *@2;0 7 300@,
Rece-tion: 1 garden )edding is -re$erab!e in an o-en -!ace *a country side is best,
Music: 1 contem-orary C"ristian band is -re$erred
=ecorations: Moderate decoration )"ic" )i!! b!end )e!! )it" t"e en#ironment
&rans-ortation: 1t !east one !imousine $or t"e bride
Sta5e"o!ders may bring in $res" ideas t"at )i!! "e!- t"e -roject to run smoot"!y *8ditoria!
'oard. n%d,% &"ey may a!so "a#e connections to -!aces or -eo-!e )"o mig"t be o$ "e!- to t"e
-roject% =ue to e/-eriences some o$ t"em may "a#e. t"ey may suggest better )ays o$
accom-!is"ing some o$ t"e tas5s% Ho)e#er. t"ey may e2ua!!y suggest or demand c"anges
)"ic" mig"t be con$!icting )it" t"e interests o$ t"e s-onsors%
&"e -arents and sib!ings to bot" t"e bride and groom s"ou!d be in$ormed on t"e -rogress o$
t"e -!ans% &"eir #ie)s "a#e to be ta5en into consideration% Ho)e#er. i$ suc" #ie)s )i!! bring
about major c"anged. consu!tation )it" t"e bride and groom "as to be soug"t% &"e team
s"ou!d use its juris-rudence in considering t"e #ie)s $rom t"e $o!!o)ing sta5e"o!ders:
o$$iciating -riestC-astor. caterers. music band. car "irer. and ceremony site
Project Management ;
8ditoria! 'oard% *n%d,% 0ntroduction to Project Management% Sc"aumburg. 0D: ords o$
isdom. DDC%
Project Management 0nstitute% *2013,% 1 ?uide to t"e Project Management o$ (no)!edge:
PM'+( ?uide% Ne)to)n S2uare. P1: Project Management 0nstitute%