How To Make at Least $100 A Day With Graphics Design Gig On Fiverr

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How to Make at Least $100 a

Day With Graphics Design Gig
on Fiverr
Abioa !"wasan#i
CEO, NetPlus Marketing Services
Now many people always ask me my nic'es on (iverr an) i always reply * Online Marketing an)
+rap'ics ,esign. -'ese two nic'es are simply nic'es w'ere most top sellers are an) for goo) reason.
-'e services in t'ese nic'es are services internet marketers, offline marketers an) various businesses
can.t )o wit'out. /ou can.t )o wit'out SEO, -raffic +eneration, 0ogo ,esign, (an Page (an 0ikes etc.
1 serious online business nee)s any of t'ese services one way or anot'er. Plus t'is tasks are task most
will rat'er someone else )i) it for t'em w'ile t'ey concentrate on making money from t'eir online an)
offline businesses.
Now i 'ave two accounts an) you s'oul) too ,e2cept you offer services all in one nic'e. My first
account is for Online Marketing w'ere i offer SEO, -raffic +eneration, (an Page 0ikes an) 3ebsite
Submission Services. My secon) account is for +rap'ics ,esigns w'ere i offer logo )esigns, business
car) )esigns, cover p'oto )esigns, e4ook an) 5in)le cover )esigns an) banner )esigns.
Now i 'ave to a)mit t'at it is not easy 'aving to log in to t'ese accounts,completing )ifferent tasks
)aily, some t'at takes probably 6! minutes to complete. 4ut its wort' it if can tell you t'at.
7 personally like grap'ics )esign because i 'ave mastere) t'e art an) i 'ave )evelope) some pretty
templates t'at allows me to complete even 8! services all at a go. 7ts really a service t'at i en9oy )oing
t'e most not only because it is :uite easy for me t'ese )ays but also because it brings out t'at creativity
out of me.
+rap'ic )esign is one service t'at will continue to sell because ;& is a bargain for t'is service. -'ere
was a time t'at it woul) cost you a minimum of ;&! to get a logo of t'e same :uality you get on (iverr.
Some logo )esign companies c'arge as muc' as ;6!! to )esign one logo.
/ou can see w'y most internet marketers are 'appy to give you ;& to get one for t'emselves. 7t is a
service t'at allows you to )evelop your bran) an) w'en you )o t'at, you will continue to get returning
customers an) better offers.
Now let me s'ow some sellers. gigs an) 'ow t'ey are performing, you.) be impresse).
66% or)ers in :ueue, over #,!!! votes an) a 6!!< positive ratings.. 1lmost N# million ma)e.
1 staggering ="% or)ers in :ueue, >>< ratings an) ",!!! votes.... Over N= Million Naira from t'is gig
alone in one year.
=# or)ers in :ueue, 6!!< ratings an) !ver 6,!!! sales ma)e in about % mont's alone. N6 million in %
mont's only.
7 coul) go on but we are not 'ere to see ot'er people.s account rig't? 7 know w'at you care about rig't
now is 'ow to )uplicate w'at t'ese guys 'ave an) t'at.s 7 am going to s'ow you.
/ou say you )on.t 'ave any )esign skill? ,o not worry your 'ea). /ou.) be amae) 'ow easy it is to
create logo )esigns on (iverr.
How to Make Money With this Gig
-o make money wit' t'is gig, all you nee) to )o is learn to use a goo) grap'ics )esign tool. /ou nee)
any tool t'at can come up wit' a logo in few minutes. @emember we are )ealing wit' ;% 9ob 'ere an)
you )on.t want to waste precious 'ours 9ust getting one )one.
-'ere are many type of tools out t'ere for )esigning logos an) a w'ole lot of t'em are for beginners
w'ile some are for t'e pros. 7n t'e worl) of grap'ic )esigns, you nee) to be able to mi2 colours, use
fonts, resie images, cut out images an) reuse t'em to create new )esigns etc.
-o )esign grap'ics, you nee) to use any of t'ese tools or a combination of some of t'em.
6. 1)obe AP'otos'op, 7llustrator, (ireworks etc.B, Corel ,raw etc. C -'ese tools are t'e goo) ol)
tools use) by t'e pros an) beginners alike to create great grap'ics you see online. -'ese tools
'ave steep learning curves an) take patience to master 'ow to use t'em. 7f you want to be a
great grap'ics artists t'en you nee) one or combinations of t'ese.
-'e )ownsi)e of t'ese great tools for )esigning on (iverr is t'at, it takes time to come up wit' a
great )esign e2cept you 'ave )evelope) your own templates over t'e years. 7 )on.t recommen)
it for a beginner logo )esigner on (iverr.
8. Online 0ogo )esign tools*** -'ese tools are online base) tools use) to )esign logos. Most of
t'ese tools come wit' templates you can tweak to make new )esigns. /ou can )esign your logo
on t'is site for free but t'e )ownsi)e is t'at you 'ave to pay to )ownloa) or use t'em.
So 7 )on.t recommen) t'ese tools for )esigning on (iverr. Most )ownloa)s cost more t'an ;&
an) t'e fact t'at you 'ave to use browsing )ata to create one makes it a no no for me.
#. 0ogo Creator. 0ogo creator or logo makers are offline logo )esign tools t'at come wit' :uality
prema)e templates. -'ese templates are prema)e an) can be mo)ifie) to come up wit' )ifferent
)esigns. /ou also 'ave full copyrig't to use an) sell your )esigns.
-'ese are t'e best tools for a beginner (iverr )esigner. Some tools come wit' few tens of
templates w'ile some come wit' a lot more, up to 8!!. -'is is t'e perfect tool for a beginner
an) it )oes a very goo) 9ob.
4ut w'at i like about t'e tool is t'at, you )on.t nee) any ot'er tool to make it work. /ou also can )o up
to 6! )ifferent services wit' t'is single tool.
Now 7 will focus on t'e tool 7 use an) t'at you s'oul) too if you are to be successful as a logo )esigner
on (iverr. -'is tool is t'e best logo creator out t'ere wit' :uality templates, 'ig' resolution images,
:uality backgroun)s, many icons an) it is very easy to use.
Logo $reator %oo
3it' t'is tool, you can come up wit' millions of )esigns of your own from t'e prema)e templates. /ou
can )esign your own logo in few minutes )epen)ing on 'ow you 'ave mastere) t'e use of it.
See some of t'e templates t'at come wit' t'ese tool.
3it' t'is tool you canD
Mo)ify templates
Mo)ify backgroun) sie
C'ange backgroun) colour
C'ange backgroun) images
1)) 0ogo te2t an) Slogan
7mport images from outsi)e source
C'ange logo icons
@esiing images an) te2t
,elete images an) te2t
1)) colour, s'a)ow, blur an) outline to your images
E2port /our final logo in -ransparent PN+, EPE+, PN+ or S3(
-'ere is a w'ole lot more you can tweak in t'is tool to create a fantastic logo image.
How to Design a Logo With this %oo
Since t'e tool alrea)y contains prema)e templates, we )on.t 'ave any problems w'atsoever. 3e are
)efinitely not starting a new )esign from scratc' an) we are actually not )esigning anyt'ing ourselves.
0ets assume 7 got a 9ob from a buyer to )esign a logo for 'is )esign company. 7 woul) simply open my
logo creator tool w'ic' contains all t'e templates 7 can ever use.
7 woul) 9ust use a goo) template out t'e 8!! we 'ave in t'ere. 0ets say 7 c'oose t'is one below. 7t.s
really not a ba) sample for a )esign company. 7ts colour mi2es well an) for me its okay.
So click on t'e template you want. -'e template woul) s'ow up in t'e canvas like so.
-'e back groun) is w'ite but we can c'ange t'at or 9ust leave it t'e way it is. 4ut let us c'ange t'e logo
icon. 7f you 'ave any icon you can import it 'ere to replace t'e icon but since t'e tool comes wit' lots
of icons. 3e will 9ust )rag one 'ere.
-'e icons are in )ifferent categories so lets c'oose from t'e creative pack category like so.
3e coul) c'oose t'e pack of crayons w'ic' is goo) for w'at we want or even t'e ne2t mutlicolour
rings but 7 woul) c'oose a basic one, t'e first one. So )elete t'e icon we 'ave in t'ere alrea)y an)
replace it will anot'er in t'e set above.
So 9ust )rag t'e icon or element from t'e top onto t'e canvas. So t'is is w'at we 'ave.
1s you can see, it is covering our te2t so we nee) to re)uce t'e logo or make t'e te2t smaller.
So we click on t'e image an) go to t'e left si)e of t'e screen an) resie t'e image. Eust )rag t'e sli)e
bar to t'e left to re)uce or to t'e rig't to increase t'e sie.
/ou can also click on t'e te2t an) )o t'e same if t'e scale is still not rig't. ,o t'at until bot' icon an)
te2t fit si)e to si)e on t'e canvas. -'is is w'at we 'ave in our case.
(rom 'ere on we can )eci)e to c'ange backgroun) colour, e)it t'e name an) t'e slogan. -o e)it t'e
name an) slogan, Eust click on eac' names on t'e canvas an) on t'e left si)e of t'e tool, click on e)it.
-ype in t'e name an) click on FimplementG. ,o so for t'e slogan an) t'is is w'at we 'ave.
Now we )o w'atever we want like )rag t'e icon up wit' t'e te2t below like so.
7f you )on.t like t'e font, 9ust go up an) click on fonts to c'ange it to your )esire) fonts. -o c'ange t'e
colour of te2t, click on colour an) )o t'e same.
-o import image into t'e tool from your system click on import an) select your image, resie an) you
are )one.
Once )one click on e2port images an) save in eit'er EPE+ or PN+ format. Notice 'ow t'e gri) in t'e
software backgroun) is gone an) now you 'ave a pure w'ite backgroun).
Or 7 coul) 9ust c'ange t'e backgroun) by going up once again to t'e backgroun) images an) grag one
onto t'e canvas like so.
1n) w'en you import you 'ave somet'ing like t'is..
-'at looks kin) of better an) t'ere is a lot you can still )o. 7f at anytime you )on.t like w'at you see,
9ust click an) )elete an) )rag anot'er to replace it. 7ts not t'e best of samples but for )emonstration
purposes 7 )eci)e) to 9ust use one wit' t'at backgroun).
/ou can )o t'is for 9ust &*6! minutes an) if you are someone like me, you can come up wit' a )esign in
un)er 8 minutes 'aving been using t'is tool for over # years now.
Once my 9ob is )one, 7 woul) 9ust attac' t'e file in eit'er EPE+ or PN+ an) sen) it to t'e buyer. 7f 'e
wants a revision, i woul) 9ust )o it in anot'er 8 mins an) move on to t'e ne2t one.
So you can see 'ow 7 'ave ma)e logo )esign simple an) profitable for me.
C'eck out amaing logo )esigns )one by importing images from t'e internet. 3'at you )o is fin) some
icons, import it an) you coul) come up wit' )esigns like t'is ones.
1n) t'ese ones.......
!ther &ervices 'o" $an !((er )sing this %oo
/ou can also )o ot'er services like
4anner )esigns
(acebook -imeline cover gig
-witter cover gig
/ou-ube cover gig
+oogle plus cover gig
4log Post 7mages etc.
-'is is a nice banner 7 come up wit' in less t'an % mins. 1ll 7 )i) was )rag t'is green backgroun) an)
t'e 8 images onto t'e canvas, a))e) some te2t on bot' si)es an) on t'e click 'ere button. Eob )one all
in % mins.
or t'is one 7 )i) by importing t'e girls image an) )ragging t'e 8 re) lines above an) below t'e image. 7
also a))e) t'e te2ts. Eob )one in anot'er % mins.
-'ere is a lot you can )o wit' t'is simply tool. -'e money you can make wit' eac' gig mentione)
above is 'uge. 7 mean banner )esigns alone coul) make you ric' on (iverr.
So logo )esign is one service you s'oul) offer because it is 'ig'ly lucrative an) easy to )o. /ou )on.t
'ave to waste money on internet connections 9ust )esigning w'at coul) take 'ours. Eust )rag an) )rop
an) you are )one.
How to Get this %oo
-'is tool is is available online at at ;#" or N=,6!! 'ere. /ou can buy t'is tool from t'e owner at t'is
price or get it from me at 'alf price of *+,000. 7f you nee) it wit' t'e 4usiness car) creator t'en you
get it for *-,.00.
3'at 7 am going to offer you in a))ition to t'e tool are my collections of premium P'otos'op PS,
logo templates 7 'ave collecte) over t'e years. 7 use t'ese P'otos'op templates wit' t'e logo creator to
come up still more uni:ue )esigns.
3'et'er you like it or not, t'ere will come a time w'en you nee) to learn P'otos'op an) t'is rea)y
ma)e PS, templates will 'elp you grasp t'e use of P'otos'op :uickly. Plus you can use t'e templates
alongsi)e t'e tool.
So for *+,000 you are getting t'is amaing logo creator wit' 8!! templates, t'ousan)s of icons an)
elements an) :uality backgroun)s. /ou also get a bonus of my premium PS, P'otos'op templates you
can use 'owever you want.
-'is tool will turn you to a Professional +rap'ics )esigner overnig't. /ou nee) t'is tool if you want to
start making money imme)iately like t'e top logo sellers )o or you coul) go learn P'otos'op for
mont's. 7ts up to you.
0ogo )esign is one service t'at will never go away. 7t will continue to make money on (iverr as long as
t'ere is still t'e internet, businesses wit' a name an) t'e nee) to create a bran).
/ou nee) t'is 0ogo Creator, contact me on (acebook at 1biola Oluwasanmi. 7nbo2 me to ask :uestions
before you buy.
or you can sen) *+,000 to t'is account to get yours.
1biola Oluwasanmi
1fter making payment, sen) me your payment slip number, full names an) email a))ress to
!"!#$$%%$&&. /ou will receive your logo creator tool along wit' t'e bonus P'otos'op PS, files
imme)iately after confirmation.
1lso 9oin our (iverr Marketing +roup on (acebook to get e2clusive (iverr marketing -ips or my (iverr
marketing tips website at an) also like my (acebook page at Netplus Marketing
,on.t waste your time wit' gigs t'at )on.t sell. 1n) as long as you continue wit' t'ose s'itty services,
you will never make money. 0ogo creation is t'e real )eal an) its never going away.
P.S C 7 am available any time on (acebook or 9ust call my number !"!#$$%%$&& anytime of t'e week
an) weeken)s.
P.S.S *** 0imite) copies available, so you nee) to 'urry before it is all gone.
1biola Oluwasanmi
CEO, NetPlus Marketing Services.
-o /our (iverr Marketing Success.
!ther Free Fiverr eBook By Me
6. How to make ;6!! ,aily on (iverr.
8. Make Money on (iverr wit' 3ebsite Submission Service.
/ou can also get t'is (iverr Marketing -ools from me at an affor)able price.
6. (acebook (an Page 0iker -ool C *.,000
8. 3ebsite Submission -ool to #,6&! 4acklink Sites C */,.00
#. 0ogo Creator wit' over 8!! templates C *+,000
%. 0ogo Creator an) 4usiness Car) ,esign Plugin A3orks wit' 0ogo Creator as a pluginB C
&. &!,!!! IS/I5 Email lists for your email an) solo a)s campaign C */,000
=. P0@ 1rticle Pack on )ifferent Nic'es C *1,000

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