Automobile Sector in Odisha: Economics

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Research Paper Economics Volume : 3 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 | ISSN - 2249-555X

Automobile Sector in Odisha

Keywords crumb rubber, utilization, compressive strength, low cost, sustainable

Ratna Binodini Amiya Priyadarsini Das

ECONOMIST in Commercial tax department

As India’s economy continues to grow at a rapid pace, the automobile industry will be a key beneficiary. This
is widely true across automotive markets—from those serving customers with two-wheelers and four-wheelers to those
offering commercial vehicles. The main factors behind such growth are the increasing affluence of the average consumer,
overall GDP growth, the arrival of ultra-low-cost cars, and the increasing maturity of Indian original equipment manufactur-
ers (OEMs). However, India’s path to mass motorization will be very different from that of developed countries; it must first
develop the new technologies, business models, and government policies that will pave the way to increased automobile
penetration. The automotive sector is one of the core industries of the Indian economy, whose prospect is reflective of
the economic resilience of the country. With 4% contribution to the GDP and nearly 5% of the total industrial output, the
automotive sector has become a significant contributor to the exchequer. This paper mainly highlights the Contribution
of Automobile Sector to total revenue , Collection Pattern from different segments of automobiles , Sales tax collection
Trends , Revenue Gap Analysis .

INTRODUCTION and Chattisgarh have a higher VAT Rate than Odisha. Even a
Orissa holds huge potential in the automobile sector in- difference of 1% marks a substantial rise in the tax revenues
cluding the automobile component sector owing to its raw from the automobile sector. Pending the increase in demand
material, cost and manpower advantage. Orissa has follow- from the mining and industrial sector, we can go in for an
ing resources / infrastructures to support Orissa holds huge increased VAT Rate of 14.5%. The total contribution of au-
investment potential in the automobile sector including tomobile sector to the total revenue in 2011-12 FY was to
the auto components sector. This is because of the inher- the tune of 7.73%. The biggest organised sector which con-
ent advantage of the state in terms of raw material cost and tributed to tax revenue was petroleum followed by Industry
manpower. The resources available in the state to support and mining and followed by the automobile sector. Thus the
automobile manufacturing units includes- contribution of automobile sector is a substantial chunk of
total tax revenue i.e. VAT + CST for the State.
• Goods quality of iron and steel
• Several state of the art automobile tyre manufacturing In terms of VAT collection 38.62% of VAT collection comes
units from four wheeler sales followed by 34.02% of VAT Collec-
• Adequate supply of power tion from two wheeler and auto sales and 27.36% of VAT col-
• Several institutions which are constant source of educat- lection from heavy vehicle sales. Thus there is almost even
ed and skilled human resources etc. distribution of revenue from these three sources of auto-
Orissa government has identified the automobile and auto mobile sales. The total Sales Tax i.e. VAT + CST collected
component sector as thrust sector with the indicated criteria. from Automobiles from Apr-Sept 2012 has been Rs. 241.81
There is increasing investments in the auto-components and Cr. as compared to Rs.268.78 Cr. in the corresponding pe-
petrochemical sector which will provide additional opportu- riod in 2011. The growth rate of tax from automobile Sector
nity for the ancillary and downstream sectors .Investment op- has shown a constant decline since the beginning of 2010-
portunity in the sector exist in 11 onwards in all the categories. Particularly in the case of
Heavy Vehicles growth rate there has been a steep decline
• Passenger Car Segment of nearly -53% in the progressive collection from Apr- Sept
• Two Wheeler Segment 2012 as compared to Apr-September 2011. There has been
• Heavy truck Segment a marked decline both in the Sales Tax & Entry Tax collection
from Automobile Sector since 2011-12. In case of Entry Tax
The government is making all efforts to attract investors into there has been a decline of -43.39% from Apr-Sept 2012 over
the state, through various incentives and schemes. Odisha Apr-Sept 2011. The reason can be attributed to the fact that
holds huge potential in the automobile sector including the lesser sales by automobile companies leads to lesser receipt
automobile component sector owing to its raw material, cost of vehicles and lesser entry tax paid.
and manpower advantage. Odisha government has identi-
fied the automobile and auto component sector as thrust VAT + CST Growth Rate from Automobile Sector
sector with the indicated criteria. There is increasing invest-
ments in the auto-components and petrochemical sector Four Wheeler 2 & 3 Wheeler Heavy Vehicle
Year Growth Rate Growth Rate Growth Rate
which will provide additional opportunity for the ancillary
and downstream sectors. Odisha government receives two
major source of revenue from automobiles, i.e. motor vehicle 2009-10 27.95% 25.96% -25%
revenue and sales tax i.e. VAT Revenue. 2010-11 34.42% 32.36% 71.79%
2011-12 21.02% 16.43% -9.46%
Currently in Odisha the current VAT Rate on automobile is 2 0 1 2
13.5%. But as is seen from the above table, all the neigh- o v e r 16.77% 3.23% -53.03%
bouring States of Odisha like West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh Apr-Sept


Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 | ISSN - 2249-555X

Contribution % % of
Entry Tax Growth Rate from Automobile Sector (VAT+CST)
Name of the Sector Upto Sept Contribution growth on
Four Wheeler 2 & 3 Wheeler Heavy Vehicle 2012 of Sector Sales Tax
Year Growth Rate Growth Rate Growth Rate
2011-12 26.3% 7.61% -17.93% TOBACCO 60.76 1.54% 77.83%
A p r- S e p t GEMS, JEWELLERY,
2012 over 21.69% PRECIOUS 10.13 0.26% 74.66%
A p r- S e p t 7.59% -43.39% STONE, ETC (1%
The OVAT, CST & OET collection from four wheeler in 2010-11 THAN CEMENT 105.91 2.68% 69.33%
is Rs 18896.94 lakh, Rs3.3 lakh & Rs 2053.45lakh and the same INDUSTRY)
in 2011-12 is Rs 22871.39lakh, Rs 1.01 lakh and Rs 2593.56 TEXTILE PRODUCTS 19.89 0.50% 37.43%
respectively. In which percentage of growth in sale tax and RICE & PADDY 83.30 2.10% 34.83%
OET collection is 21.02% and 26.3% respectively. The OVAT, WORKS CONTRACT 221.72 5.60% 28.51%
CST and OET collection from two wheeler & Autos in 2010-11 DRUGS &
PHARMACEUTICALS 72.73 1.84% 26.31%
are Rs 17302.32 lakh, nil and Rs 1709.4 and the same in 2011-
12 are Rs 20144.27 lakh, nil and Rs 1839.41 respectively. . In TOTAL GENERAL 1058.39 26.74% 21.89%
which percentage of growth in sale tax and OET collection is GOODS
16.43% and 7.61% respectively The OVAT , CST & OET collec- TOTAL MINING 472.61 11.94% 18.94%
tion from heavy vehicles and others in 2010-11 are Rs 17873.4 SECTOR
lakh , Rs 21.13 lakh& Rs 3820.75 lakh and the same in 2011-12 TOTAL INDUSTRY 469.14 11.85% 18.43%
are Rs 16152.51 lakh , Rs 49.25 & Rs 3135.78 lakh respectively. SECTOR
. In which percentage of growth in sale tax and OET collection TOTAL LIQUOR 196.00 4.95% 18.02%
is -9.46% and -17.93% respectively. the OVAT, CST & OET col- HOTEL & 7.92 0.20% 11.13%
lection from four wheeler up to September,2011 in 2011-12 RESTAURANTS
is Rs 9321.68 lakh , nil & Rs 1071.21lakh and the same up to TOTAL PETROLEUM 863.56 21.82% 5.53%
September,2012 in 2012-13 is Rs 10884.66 lakh, nil and Rs SECTOR
1303.58 respectively. In which percentage of growth in sale tax TIMBER , MINOR
FOREST PRODUCTS 10.32 0.26% 3.97%
and OET collection is 16.77% and 21.69% respectively. The & KENDULEAF
OVAT, CST & OET collection from two wheelers and autos up TOTAL
to September, 2011 in 2011-12 is Rs 8975.99 lakh, Rs 0.17 AUTOMOBILE 306.01 7.73% -6.51%
lakh & Rs 838.82 lakh and the same up to September, 2012 SECTOR
in 2012-13 is Rs 9265.78 lakh, Rs 0.03 lakh and Rs 902.45 re- TOTAL
spectively. In which percentage of growth in sale tax and OET COLLECTION UPTO 3958.38   16.44%
collection is 3.23% and 7.59% respectively. The OVAT, CST SEPT 2012
& OET collection from heavy vehicles and others up to Sep- TARGET UPTO SEPT 4519.365    
tember, 2011 in 2011-12 is Rs 8570.45 lakh, Rs 0.17 lakh & Rs 2012
1636.82lakh and the same up to September, 2012 in 2012-13 REVENUE GAP 560.98    
is Rs 3989.3 lakh, Rs 41.48 lakh and Rs 926.63 lakh respec-
tively. In which percentage of growth in sale tax and OET col- The weighted average growth rate of the Three Sectors i.e.
lection is -53.03% and -43.39% respectively. Mining, Automobiles and Petroleum which together contrib-
ute 41.49% of the total revenue is only 7.14%. To achieve a
Sectorial Analysis reveals that the sectors which are growing modest growth rate of 18% overall the rest of the sectors have
strongly i.e. more than 25% contribute less than 15% to the to grow at a rate of 25.56%. [ (41.19*7.14)+(58.81*X)=18% ].
total Sales Tax collection whereas those sectors like Petro- If we analyse the target, the target is even higher. The to-
leum which contributes more than 21% of total collection has tal collection up to September 2012 has been 3958.38 Cr.
grown at only 5.53%. Similarly automobile sector which con- whereas the total target up to September 2012 was 4519.36
tributes more than 7% to total revenues has shown a nega- Cr. This has led to a revenue gap on 560.98 Cr. which has to
tive growth of -6.51%. be fulfilled by the other sectors.

% of % of
Name of the C O L L E C T I O N COLLECTION growth growth
Sector UP TO SEPT,11 UP TO SEPT,12 on Sales on Entry
Tax Tax
T o t a l
Petroleum 817.23 1.04 818.27 58.61 862.65 0.9 863.55 62.74 5.53 7.04
T o t a l
Automobile 327.07 0.23 327.3 41.71 305.32 0.68 306.01 38.42 -6.51 -7.90
T o t a l
Petroleum + 1144.3 1.27 1145.58 100.33 1167.98 1.59 1169.57 101.16 2.09 0.83
Rest of the 1935.83 317.99 2253.82 457.14 2457.2 331.6 2788.81 479.05 23.74 4.79
TOTAL 3080.13 319.27 3399.41 557.47 3625.18 333.19 3958.38 580.22 16.44 4.08


Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 | ISSN - 2249-555X
Growth Rate ( i . e .
to fulfil the 2788.81
Revenue Gap 1935.83 317.99 2253.82 457.14 2457.2 331.6 + 479.05 48.62%
from Rest of Revenue
the Sectors Gap of
If we assume that the growth rate of Petroleum and Automo- hicles has virtually come to a standstill. Due to this there is
bile sector will continue at the current growth rate, to fulfil a low sale of commercial vehicles and this has subsequently
target up to September 2012, the rest of the Sectors have to led to a low demand i.e. receipt of commercial vehicles. This
grow by 48.62%. has led to the negative growth rate both in VAT as well as in
Entry Tax from the Automobile Sector and especially in the
Conclusion subcategory of “Heavy Vehicles”. We have seen that to even
The automotive industry is at the core of India’s manufac- achieve a modest growth rate of 18%, the other sectors have
turing economy. India is positioned to become one of the to grow by more than 25% whereas to achieve the target,
world’s most attractive automotive markets for both manu- they have to grow by 48%. It is unrealistic to expect the other
facturers and consumers. sectors to grow exponentially in this manner. Therefore it is
suggested to reforecast the target as well as the estimated
The major reason for the low growth in the sale of commer- collection of tax from the sectors in the coming quarters of
cial vehicles is the recession in the mining and industrial belts this financial year.
in Odisha. The demand for trucks and heavy commercial ve-

REFERENCE • Data for year 2002, 2003, 2004 are as supplied by TRW, M/O- Road Transport & highways. | • Basic road statistics published by TRW, M/O-
Road Transport & highways. | • Road transport year book published by TRW, M/O- Road Transport & highways. | • March 2012, CRISIL, CRB
Customised Research Bulletin. | • Economic survey 2011-2012. | • Badri Narayan G., working paper No-201 on “Determinants of competitiveness of the Indian Auto
Industry”. | • Sunil karkar (2010), on “Indian Auto Industry –the way forward.” |


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