JA of Med Records Dir-2
JA of Med Records Dir-2
JA of Med Records Dir-2
C I T Y O F D A V A O ]ss.
I, JOB GALBALDON, Filipino, 4 !e"#s ol$, %"##ie$, " #esi$ent
of Di"%on$ &t. Chul" Vist", C"b"nti"n, D"'"o Cit! "n$ (o#)s "s
*e$ic"l Reco#$s Di#ecto#, "fte# h"'in+ been s(o#n to in "cco#$"nce
(ith l"(, $o he#eb! $epose "n$ st"te th"t,
-. I ("s ex"%ine$ b! ATTY. PHILIP S. GALAGAR (ho is hol$in+
office "t "t .
Floo# Ab#ee/" Co#po#"te Cente#, 0"1"$", D"'"o
Cit!, Philippines, in the s"i$ office2
3. I "ns(e#e$ the 4uestions the ex"%inin+ l"(!e# "s)e$ full!
conscious "n$ I $o so un$e# o"th )no(in+ full! th"t I %"! f"ce
c#i%in"l li"bilit! fo# f"lse testi%on! o# pe#1u#!.
The 4uestions he "s)e$ "n$ %! co##espon$in+ "ns(e#s
(e#e the follo(in+,
1. Q: What is your relation with defendant
hospital DCMC?
A, I "% cu##entl! (o#)in+ fo# DC*C "s *e$ic"l
Reco#$s Di#ecto#
2. Q: How long have you been eployed at
A, I5'e been (o#)in+ the#e fo# -6 !e"#s
3. Q: What is the so!e of "o#$ %o$& as 'e(ia)
Reo$(s Di$eto$*
!: I "% the office# in-ch"#+e fo# the supe#'ision "n$
custo$! of "ll %e$ic"l #eco#$s of "ll ou# p"tients 7in "n$
out p"tients8. I "% "lso one of the %e%be#s of the
In'esti+"tin+ Co%%ittee on P"tient5s Co%pl"ints.
". Q: Do you #now Ms. $ane %aos the plaintiff
in this &ase?
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A, !es, "s the #eco#$s sho( 7Annex A8 th"t she
("s ou# p"tient in the hospit"l "n$ ("s "$%itte$
on *"! 39, 3-:
'. Q: (or what reason why she was aditted to
A, The #eco#$s st"te th"t she ("s suffe#in+ f#o%
se'e#e "b$o%in"l p"in
). Q: who was the attending physi&ian for the
said patient?
A, D#. &us"n T"n
*. Q: How long has she been &onne&ted with
the hospital?
A, since !e"# 3 o# fo# -: !e"#s "l#e"$!
+. Q: How long was the &onfineent of Ms. %aos
in your hospital?
A, The #eco#$s st"te th"t she ("s confine$ until
;une -:, 3-: o# fo# " tot"l of -< $"!s.
+. ,: Was there any unusual in&ident happened
on $une 12, 2-1.
A, Acco#$in+ to the #eco#$ of the nu#se on $ut!,
"t "#oun$ --, "% the p"tient *s. R"%os c"lle$
he# "ttention "n$ utte#e$ =I ("nt to +et out of this
hospit"l, no(. Tell the $octo# to $isch"#+e %e
A&AP. I5'e been st"!in+ he#e fo# (ee)s "n$
nothin+ h"$ h"ppene$. You "#e 1ust %")in+
%one! out of %e>. The #eco#$s fu#the# "$$e$ th"t
she ("s h"#"ssin+ othe# nu#ses "n$ %e$ic"l
st"ff (ho ente#e$ he# #oo% "n$ h"$ tol$ the% to
+et out.
1-. Q: What happened after Ms. %aos
re/uested to be dis&harged in the hospital?
A, Acco#$in+ to the inci$ent #epo#t of D#. T"n on
;une -:, 3-: 7Annex 08, *s. R"%os ("s
"$'ise$ to c"l% $o(n but the p"tient insiste$ th"t
Page | 2
she ("nte$ to be $isch"#+e$ "n$ t#"nsfe# to
"nothe# hospit"l othe#(ise she (ill not coope#"te
in he# %e$ic"tions o# (ill not sub%it he#self to
fu#the# ex"%in"tions "n$ tests.
11. Q: What did Dr. 0an do after that?
A, D#. T"n c"lle$ the #esi$ent ph!sici"n of the hospit"l
to #e4uest the p#ep"#"tion of the Refe##"l Fo#% "n$
f"cilit"te the i%%e$i"te t#"nsfe# of the p"tient "s the
p"tient (ish to t#"nsfe# to D"'"o Docto#5s ?ospit"l.
12. Q: !fter Dr. 0an &alled the resident physi&ian,
what happened ne1t?
A, "s the #eco#$s (oul$ sho(, D#. ;ohn Co, the
#esi$ent ph!sici"n si+ne$ the Refe##"l Fo#% "n$
%"$e "##"n+e%ent (ith the #esi$ent ph!sici"n of
DD? to #ecei'e the t#"nsfe##in+ p"tient. *s.
R"%os ("s i%%e$i"tel! $isch"#+e$ f#o% the
hospit"l on th"t $"! "fte# "ll he# "ccounts (e#e
1.. Q: What happened on $uly 1', 2-1.?
A, As pe# #eco#$ of the P"tient C"#e Dep"#t%ent
7Annex C8, "t "#oun$ -, "% " ce#t"in *s.
@"t"lie R"%os, (ho cl"i%e$ to be the siste# of
*s. ;"ne R"%os (ent to thei# office "n$ 'e#b"ll!
co%pl"ine$ the pe#fo#"tion of the co%%on bile
$uct of *s. ;"ne R"%os (hen she ("s still
confine$ "t DC*C. &he fu#the# "$$e$ th"t (hen
she he# siste# ("s t#"nsfe##e$ to D"'"o Docto#s5
?ospit"l, the#e (e#e se'e#"l su#+e#ies pe#fo#%e$
to co##ect the ne+li+ence "lle+e$l! co%%itte$ b!
D#. T"n, bein+ the "tten$in+ su#+eon. &he "lso
$e%"n$e$ fo# "n in'esti+"tion on the s"i$
unto("#$ inci$ent.
1". Q: What was the response of the 2atient
Care Departent?
A, *s. @"t"lie R"%os ("s "$'ise$ to put the
co%pl"int "n$ thei# $e%"n$ fo# in'esti+"tion in
(#itin+ "n$ "$$#ess such lette# to D#. ;ose Chu",
Page | 3
the ?e"$ of the In'esti+"tin+ Co%%ittee on
P"tient5s Co%pl"ints.
1'. Q: Did Ms. 3atalie %aos &oply with su&h
A, @o. As pe# #eco#$ of the P"tient C"#e
Dep"#t%ent, *s. @"t"lie R"%os c"%e b"c) to
thei# office on ;ul! 3-, 3-: o# < $"!s "fte# he#
fi#st 'isit "n$ in4ui#e$ "+"in "s to the p#o+#ess of
thei# co%pl"int. Ahen she ("s "s)e$ if she h"$
sub%itte$ the co%pl"int in (#itin+, she "ns(e#e$
in the ne+"ti'e "n$ inste"$ insiste$ th"t the
hospit"l shoul$ con$uct "n in'esti+"tion "s soon
"s possible.
1). Q: What happened after Ms. 3atalie %aos4
se&ond visit to the 2atient Care Departent?
A, As the #eco#$s sho(, on ;ul! 33, 3-: "fte#
P"tient C"#e Dep"#t%ent he"$ 'e#ifie$ th"t no
fo#%"l co%pl"int ("s %"$e to the In'esti+"tin+
Co%%ittee on P"tient5s Co%pl"int, the! initi"te$
" #epo#t b"se$ on the 'e#b"l co%pl"int of *s.
@"t"lie R"%os "n$ fo#("#$e$ it to the s"i$
1*. Q: what did the 5nvestigating Coittee on
2atients Coplaints do on the report
forwarded to the, if any?
A, As pe# the #eco#$ of In'esti+"tin+ Co%%ittee
on P"tient5s Co%pl"ints in (hich I "% "lso "
%e%be# 7Annex D8, the co%%ittee too) "n "ction
thou+h "cco#$in+ to co%%ittee5s Rules "n$
Bui$elines "ll co%pl"int %ust be in (#itin+ "n$
si+ne$ b! the p"tient o# the i%%e$i"te f"%il!
1+. Q: What is the hospital4s proto&ol when it
&oes to &oplaining patients?
A, Ahen it co%es to p"tient5s co%pl"ints, it is the
hospit"l5s p#otocol th"t the p"tient o# hisChe#
i%%e$i"tel! f"%il! o# le+"l +u"#$i"n shoul$
%")e " fo#%"l co%pl"int in (#itin+ (ithin -6 $"!s
f#o% the $"te of hisChe# $isch"#+e in the hospit"l
o# f#o% the %o%ent the f"ct co%pl"ine$ of
Page | 4
"#ises. &uch co%pl"int %ust be "$$#esse$ to the
he"$ of the In'esti+"tin+ Co%%ittee on P"tient5s
16. Q: What happens after a foral &oplaint
has been filed with the proper &oittee?
A, The co%%ittee sh"ll then con$uct "n initi"l
in'esti+"tion b"se$ on the "lle+"tions in the
co%pl"int. Then, the $octo# o# hospit"l st"ff
co%pl"ine$ of "n$ the p"tient-co%pl"in"nt o#
hisChe# #ep#esent"ti'e sh"ll h"'e " close$-$oo#
%eetin+ to+ethe# (ith the %e%be#s of the
In'esti+"tin+ Co%%ittee on P"tient5s Co%pl"ints
(ithin .3 hou#s f#o% the $"te of filin+ of the
fo#%"l co%pl"int.
2-. Q: What a&tion did the &oittee ta#e, if
A, The co%%ittee #e4ueste$ fo# "ll the %e$ic"l
histo#! #eco#$s "n$ #epo#ts of the p"tient n"%e$
*s. ;"ne R"%os "n$ then %"$e "n initi"l
ex"%in"tion "n$ e'"lu"tion on the s"i$
21. Q: What were the initial findings of the
A. The#e (e#e no i##e+ul"#ities on the #eco#$s.
The#e ("s "n info#%e$ consent to pe#fo#%
DRCP. The#e ("s "lso "n info#%e$ consent to
pe#fo#% Dxplo#"to#! E"p"#oto%! to #e%o'e the
stones "s (ell "s the &TAT Dxplo#"to#!
E"p"#oto%!. The tests con$ucte$ (e#e
necess"#! to co%e up (ith such fin$in+s "n$ to
un$e#+o DRCP.
22. Q: What else did the &oittee do, if any?
A, On ;ul! 34. 3-:, the co%%ittee set "
%eetin+ (ith D#. T"n but unfo#tun"tel! she h"$
1ust left fo# C"lifo#ni", F&A to "tten$ the bu#i"l of
he# b#othe# Gin l"( "n$ ("s "lso sche$ule$ to
#ep#esent the ?ospit"l in " 3-(ee) Ao#l$
Page | 5
Docto#5s Confe#ence in Eon$on, FH on ;ul! :-,
2.. Q: What further a&tions ta#en by the
&oittee, if any?
A, the Co%%ittee sent " lette# to *s. ;"ne R"%os
"n$ in'ite$ he# fo# " close$-$oo# %eetin+ on ;ul!
36, 3-: to cl"#if! the 'e#b"l co%pl"ints %"$e b!
he# siste# @"t"lie R"%os on ;ul! -6, 3-:. The
lette# "lso #e4ueste$ he# to b#in+ he# counsel if
2". Q: Did Ms. $ane %aos respond to the said
A, Onl! *s. @"t"lie R"%os c"%e since he# siste#
("s still #ecupe#"tin+ f#o% the se#ies of su#+e#!
she h"$ "t the D"'"o Docto#s ?ospit"l.
2'. Q: What transpired during the said eeting?
A, *s. @"t"lie R"%os n"##"te$ the "lle+e$
ne+li+ence co%%itte$ b! D#. T"n "n$ th"t (hen
she ("s t#"nsfe##e$ to the DD?, the "tten$in+
$octo#s in D"'"o Docto#s ?ospit"l pe#fo#%e$
explo#"to#! l"p"#oto%! "n$ foun$ th"t the
"bscess c"use$ "n "ccu%ul"tion of pus, infecte$
tissue, "n$ bile 1uices, (hich c"use$ " %"ssi'e
infection "n$ nec#osis of the '"#ious p"#ts of his
$i+esti'e t#"ct. Then *s. @"t"lie R"%os "s)e$
fo# "n expl"n"tion f#o% D#. T"n.
2). Q: What was the e1planation of the
&oittee to Ms. 3atalie %aos regarding
the said allegations?
A, The co%%ittee tol$ *s. @"t"lie R"%os th"t D#. T"n
("s on le"'e bec"use she h"$ to "tten$ " bu#i"l in the
F& "n$ "lso th"t she h"$ to "tten$ the Ao#l$ Docto#5s
Confe#ence. Then D#. Chu", the he"$ of the co%%ittee
expl"ine$ to he# the follo(in+,
-. DRCP is "n i%"+in+ %etho$ th"t (ill t#! to "ssess
(h"t c"uses the "b$o%in"l p"in th"t the p"tient is
co%pl"inin+ since the $octo# !ou c"nnot +i'e the
p#ope# %"n"+e%ent if heCshe $oes not )no( in the
Page | 6
fi#st pl"ce (h"t c"uses the p"tient5s s!%pto%s
3. DRCP is " less in'"si'e p#oce$u#e so it ("s initi"ll!
p#efe##e$ but since the stones (e#e of l"#+e si/es,
the su#+eon pe#fo#%e$ the %o#e in'"si'e option
(hich is the explo#"to#! l"p"#oto%! to #e%o'e the
:. Pe#fo#"tion is #e"ll! " )no(n co%plic"tion in DRCP.
The pe#fo#"tion #"tes (ith DRCP #"n+e f#o% .-I to
2*. Q: What was the response of Ms. 3atalie
%aos on the e1planation ade by the
&oittee in behalf of the hospital
A, &he still insiste$ th"t expl"n"tion shoul$ be
+i'en b! D#. T"n he#self since it ("s he# (ho
con$ucte$ the DRCP ne+li+entl! "n$ th"t she (ill
1ust ("it (hen she "##i'es.
2+. Q: When did Dr. 0an report ba&# to the
A, D#. T"n #epo#te$ b"c) to $ut! on Au+ust -J,
26. Q: What was the a&tion ta#en by the
&oittee after Dr. 0an reported ba&# to
duty, if any?
A, &he ("s i%%e$i"tel! c"lle$ to " %eetin+ "n$
("s "s)e$ to expl"in on the "lle+e$ ne+li+ence
"n$ b#e"che$ of st"n$"#$ of c"#e #e4ui#e$ "s
i%pute$ b! *s. ;"ne R"%os "n$Co# he# #el"ti'e.
.-. Q: What was the e1planation given by Dr. 0an
before the Coittee on the alleged
A, Th"t she con$ucte$ the initi"l tests to *s.
;"ne R"%os, the initi"l bloo$ che%ist#! #esults
#e'e"le$ Eeu)oc!tosis on C0C, p#esence of
bili#ubin in the u#ine, ne+"ti'e chest x-#"! "n$ the
?ep"tobili"#! Flt#"soun$ #e'e"le$ " $il"te$
Page | 7
co%%on bile $uct but the c"use of $il"tion
c"nnot be 'isu"li/e$.
Fu#the#, she con$ucte$ %o#e specific l"bo#"to#!
tests to $ete#%ine le'els of "l)"line phosph"t"se,
+"%%"-+lut"%!l t#"nsfe#"se, A&T, AET, PT,
Albu%in "s (ell "s CT &c"n of the "b$o%en.
&uch l"bo#"to#! tests in$ic"te$ th"t the#e is
bili"#! obst#uction. The CT sc"n of the "b$o%en
su++este$ cholelithi"sis, Chole$ocholithi"sis
thus she opte$ to p#ocee$ (ith DRCP "fte#
expl"inin+ full! the p#oce$u#e "n$ its effects to
the p"tient thus fo#%in+ "n info#%e$ consent.
The DRCP #esulte$ th"t the co%%on bile $uct
("s -< %% in $i"%ete# (ith " 3-.9 %% c"lculus
i%p"cte$ "t its lo(e# en$ "n$ th"t DRCP coul$
not #e%o'e the s"%e $ue to l"#+e si/e stones so
she opte$ to pe#fo#% " su#+e#! (ith the consent
of the p"tient. Also, Cholec!stecto%!,
chole$ocholithoto%! thou+h " sup#" $uo$en"l
chole$ochoto%! ("s pe#fo#%e$ $u#in+ the
su#+e#!. It5s (o#th! to note th"t pe#fo#"tion ("s
not "pp"#ent in the +"ll bl"$$e# o# +ut ("ll th"t
E"stl!, " &TAT explo#"to#! l"p"#oto%! ("s
fin"ll! con$ucte$ on ;une 9, 3-:, it ("s foun$
out th"t the#e ("s Pe#fo#"tion of the co%%on bile
$uct "n$ "bscesse$ infection. D#. T"n pe#fo#%e$
" tho#ou+h pe#itone"l l"'"+e. A T-tube ("s
inse#te$ into co%%on bile $uct th#ou+h
pe#fo#"tion site "n$ the "b$o%en close$ (ith one
subhep"tic $#"in. Afte# th"t, the p"tient ("s
he%o$!n"%ic"ll! st"ble postope#"ti'el! "n$ $i$
not #e4ui#e "n! inot#opic suppo#t.
.1. Q: Was the said e1planation a&&eptable to
the Coittee?
A, Actu"ll!, !es.
3-. ,: Can you tell us why it was a&&eptable?
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A, The in$epen$ent #epo#t %"$e b! the
co%%ittee "n$ the expl"n"tion %"$e b! D#. T"n
(e#e not conflictin+. Ae (e#e "ble to "##i'e "t "
conclusion th"t the#e ("s no ne+li+ence "n$ "ll
p#oce$u#es $one to p"tient (e#e in "cco#$"nce
(ith the p#esent st"n$"#$s of %e$ic"l p#"ctice
"n$ in line (ith %e$ic"l st"n$"#$s set b! the
... Q: Did the hospital relay this inforation to
the patient?
A, Yes. The hospit"l sent " lette# to *s. ;"ne
R"%os "n$ in'ite$ he# to "nothe# close$-$oo#
%eetin+ (ith the In'esti+"tin+ Co%%ittee on
P"tients Co%pl"ints to+ethe# (ith D#. &us"n T"n
on Au+ust 34, 3-:.
.". Q: What happened during the eeting on !ugust
2", 2-1.?
A, @one. *s. ;"ne R"%os $i$ not "tten$ the s"i$
%eetin+. &he $i$ not sen$ "n! #ep#esent"ti'e on he#
beh"lf. Then the next thin+ (e foun$ out ("s th"t *s.
;"ne R"%os sue$ D#. T"n to+ethe# (ith the hospit"l
fo# D"%"+es "n$ Atto#ne!5s fees.
:. I "lso "ttest th"t the "tt"ch%ents of this ;u$ici"l
Affi$"'it "#e f"ithful #ep#o$uctions of thei# co##espon$in+
o#i+in"l copies.
IN WITN.SS WH.R.OF/ I he#eb! "ffix %! si+n"tu#e this
Dece%be# J, 3-: "t D"'"o Cit!, Philippines.
SUBSCRIB.D AND SWORN TO befo#e %e, " @ot"#! Public of
D"'"o Cit!, Philippines, ;ob B"b"l$on, exhibitin+ to %e his &&& ID
'"li$ until -3C:-C-6 be"#in+ his photo+#"ph "n$ si+n"tu#e "s
co%petent p#oof of his i$entit!.
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Doc @o.KKKKKK2
P"+e @o.KKKKK2
0oo) @o.KKKKK2
&e#ies of KKKK.
I, PHILIP S. GALAGAR/ of le+"l "+e, Filipino, sin+le, "n$ "
#esi$ent of D%il! ?o%es, C"b"nti"n D"'"o Cit!, Philippines (ith
office "$$#ess "t "t .
Floo# Ab#ee/" Co#po#"te Cente#, 0"1"$",
D"'"o Cit!, Philippines, un$e# o"th he#eb! st"tes T?AT,
-. I con$ucte$ "n$ supe#'ise$ the ex"%in"tion of *#. ;O0
BA0AEDO@ "s (itness of the "bo'e-entitle$ c"se2
3. I f"ithfull! c"use$ to be #eco#$e$ the 4uestions I "s)e$
"n$ the co##espon$in+ "ns(e# th"t the s"i$ (itness +"'e2 "n$
:. @eithe# I no# "n! othe# pe#son then p#esent o# "ssistin+
%e co"che$ the (itness #e+"#$in+ his "ns(e#s.
IN WITN.SS WH.R.OF/ I "ffix %! si+n"tu#e this Dece%be# J,
3-: "t D"'"o Cit!, Philippines.
SUBSCRIB.D AND SWORN TO befo#e %e, " @ot"#! Public of
D"'"o Cit!, Philippines, this KKKKK, 3-:, KKKKKKKKK exhibitin+ to
%e KKKKKK nu%be#e$ KKKKKKKK '"li$ until KKKKKK be"#in+ his
photo+#"ph "n$ si+n"tu#e "s co%petent p#oof of he# i$entit!.
Doc @o.KKKKKK2
P"+e @o.KKKKK2
0oo) @o.KKKKK2
&e#ies of 3-:.
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