Cleffingwell 555 Curriculum

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Caitlin Leffingwell

ARTS 555
Curriculum Project
Title of Curriculum Project: Valuable You, Valuable Community
Project Teachers and/or Leaders: Caitlin Leffingwell
Date: 6/2/14
Age of Children/Youth: 5
g"a#e"$ %age$ 1&'12(
Project Description/Overview
T!i$ )"o*e+t i$ a $e"ie$ of $i, wee-ly le$$on$ #e$igne# to !el) $tu#ent$ un#e"$tan# t!ei" uni.ue
/alue bot! a$ in#i/i#ual$ an# a$ )a"t of a g"eate" +ommunity, in o"#e" to !el) t!em +"eate an#
im)lement a )"o*e+t t!at u$e$ t!ei" $t"engt!$ to benefit t!ei" +ommunity0 1$ing an a"t$'integ"ate#
fo"mat, t!e +u""i+ulum em)loy$ t!"ee a"t$ mo#alitie$ %/i$ual a"t$, mu$i+, an# t!eate"( to in+"ea$e
!oli$ti+ #e/elo)ment %$o+ial, $)i"itual/+!a"a+te", a"ti$ti+, an# a+a#emi+ $-ill$( an# $tu#ent
)e"fo"man+e a++o"#ing to $tate an# national e#u+ation $tan#a"#$0
T!e o/e"all goal of t!i$ )"o*e+t i$ to !el) $tu#ent$ un#e"$tan# t!ei" in#i/i#ual /alue in a way t!at
em)owe"$ t!em to a+ti/ely /alue t!ei" +ommunity0
10 2el) $tu#ent$ e,)"e$$ a $en$e of )o$iti/e )e"$onal i#entity bot! now an# fo" t!e futu"e
%+ente"e# on .ue$tion$ li-e t!e$e3 4!o am 56 4!e"e am 5 f"om6 4!e"e am 5 going6 7o 5
!a/e /alue6(
20 2el) $tu#ent$ a"ti+ulate t!e +on+e)t of +ommunity, t!e /alue of t!ei" own, an# t!e
im)o"tan+e of t!ei" uni.ue "ole in it
0 8ui#e $tu#ent$ in +"eating a )"o*e+t t!at u$e$ t!ei" $t"engt!$ to a+ti/ely +a"e fo" t!ei"
40 2el) $tu#ent$ meet g"a#e le/el )e"fo"man+e an# $tate $tan#a"#$ in 9ngli$! language a"t$
%9LA(, !i$to"y, !ealt!, an# t!e a"t$
10 1&&: of t!e $tu#ent$ will be able to $!a"e autobiog"a)!ie$ t!at in+lu#e )e"$onal $t"engt!$
an# futu"e goal$, a$ in#i+ate# by aut!enti+ a$$e$$ment
20 ;5: of $tu#ent$ will -now t!e $)e+ifi+ im)a+t of at lea$t fou" foo#$ o" a+ti/itie$ on ou"
o/e"all !ealt!, a$ in#i+ate# by a w"itten o" o"al .ui<
0 ;&: of $tu#ent$ will be able to e,)lain t!e +on+e)t of =+ommunity> in t!ei" own wo"#$
u$ing )o$iti/e e,am)le$ f"om t!ei" own +ommunity, a$ #emon$t"ate# by w"itten o" o"al
40 ?5: of $tu#ent$ will be able to a+ti/ely +ont"ibute to t!e o/e"all !ealt! of t!ei"
+ommunity, a$ e/i#en+e# by t!ei" final $-ill )"o*e+t
50 ;&: of $tu#ent$ will be able to meet CT Vi$ual$ A"t$ 9#u+ation Stan#a"# @6 %ma-ing
+onne+tion$ between t!e /i$ual a"t$, ot!e" #i$+i)line$ an# #aily life(, a$ $!own by w"itten
o" o"al a$$e$$ment of a"t$ meta)!o"$
$um#er of Lessons% &ultiple 'ntelligences% and Art (orms: 6 le$$on$ o/e" 6 wee-$ %wit! t!e
la$t 2 le$$on$ "e$e"/e# fo" )lanning an# im)lementing final g"ou) )"o*e+t( will in+o")o"ate $e/en
of t!e eig!t lea"ning intelligen+e$3 %inte")e"$onal, int"a)e"$onal, natu"ali$t, bo#y'-ine$t!eti+,
lingui$ti+, mu$i+al, an# /i$ual $)atial( an# utili<e t!"ee a"t fo"m$ %mu$i+ mainly fo" it$ ability to
ai# memo"y an# bin# ten$ion, a"t mainly fo" it$ ability to fa+ilitate e,te"nal e,)"e$$ion of inte"nal
"ealitie$, an# t!eate" $)e+ifi+ally to $u))o"t -ine$t!eti+ an# /i$ual lea"ne"$(0 A"ief le$$on outline3
10 Be"$onal 5#entity
a0 Rea# an# a+t out autobiog"a)!ie$
b0 C"eate an# a+t out own autobiog"a)!ie$
20 Be"$onal Value %2ealt!(
a0 C"eate $ong +onne+ting !ow +e"tain foo#$/a+ti/itie$ !el) +e"tain )a"t$ of ou" bo#ie$ %ie +a""ot$ gi/e
u$ $t"onge" /i$ion(
b0 Bin $ymbol$ of ea+! on mu"al of life'$i<e# )e"$on
0 Community 5#entity
a0 C"eate autobiog"a)!y +ollage$C +ombine all to +"eate life'$i<e# mu"al )e"$on
b0 Blay game t"ying to meet goal wit!out e$$ential )a"t$ of t!e g"ou)
40 Community Value %2ealt!(
a0 Lea"n *a<< im)"o/i$ation to un#e"$tan# $ome $t"ategie$ of u$ing ou" uni.ue "ole to im)"o/e ou"
50 Community B"o*e+t Blanning
60 Community B"o*e+t 5m)lementation
)eference )esources/*oo+s
8uggen!eim Du$eum B"og"am3 !tt)3//www0guggen!eim0o"g0 =Lea"ning T!"oug! A"t>
=Ea<< in Ame"i+a> !tt)3//www0*a<<iname"i+a0o"g/Le$$onBlan/5/1/24;
Een$en, 9"i+0 Arts with the brain in mind. 2&&1
Smit!, Sally0 The Power of the Arts: Creative Strategies for Teaching Exceptional Learners.2&&10
Fational 9LA $tan#a"#$3 !tt)3//www0+o"e$tan#a"#$0o"g/9LA'Lite"a+y/
CT 2i$to"y $tan#a"#$3 !tt)3//tea+!ing!i$to"y0o"g/
CT A"t$ $tan#a"#$3 !tt)3//www0$#e0+t0go//$#e/+w)//iew0a$)6aG261;HIG2&?54H$#eBFa/Ct"GJ@4544
Fational 2ealt! $tan#a"#$3 !tt)3//www0+#+0go//!ealt!yyout!/$!e"/$tan#a"#$/in#e,0!tm
&aterials $eeded for the Project
Aiog"a)!ie$ of famou$ $o+ial "efo"me"$ f"om /a"iou$ et!ni+ ba+-g"oun#$ an# +!a"a+te"
B"o)$ fo" autobiog"a)!i+al $-it$
Life'$i<e )e"$on mu"al +utout fo" +ollage$ an# nut"ition game
Va"iou$ a"t $u))lie$ %)a)e" =)u<<le )ie+e$> +ut in $!a)e$ to fit mu"al, +olo"ing uten$il$, +ollage
$u))lie$, et+0(
Aa+-g"oun# t"a+- fo" nut"ient$ $ong
Koo# an# a+ti/ity +ut'out$ to )la+e on +ollage mu"al %ie0 +a""ot$ to )la+e nea" eye$(
5n$t"ument$ fo" *a<< im)"o/i$ation
Date"ial$ fo" final $tu#ent'#e$igne# +ommunity $e"/i+e )"o*e+t

Assessment method!s" selected for the project: )"ima"ily aut!enti+ a$$e$$ment %autobiog"a)!y
)"e$entation$, final )"o*e+t, an# "itual $ong$ #u"ing ea+! +la$$(, a$ well a$ w"itten an# o"al .ui<<e$
)u#ric: Attached is a five,element% four,point value ru#ric for the overall curriculum
assessment of outcomes
Leffingwell L 2
Lesson Plan for Curriculum !-"
Curriculum Project Title: Valuable You, Valuable Community
Lesson Title: Be"$onal 5#entity
Lesson $o. - Teacher $ame and contact information: Caitlin Leffingwell
Lesson Overview: Stu#ent$ will begin by +"eating b"ief $-it$ ba$e# on t!e autobiog"a)!ie$ of famou$ $o+ial
"efo"me"$, followe# by outlining an# a+ting out )e"$onal autobiog"a)!ie$ t!at #e)i+t t!ei" )e"$onal $t"engt!$, ma*o"
life e/ent$, )"e$ent $ituation, futu"e #"eam$, an# +onne+tion to a $o+ial "efo"me"0
T!e t!eate" element$ in t!i$ le$$on !a/e been +!o$en to $u))o"t lea"ne"$ wit! bo#y'-ine$t!eti+, /i$ual $)atial,
lingui$ti+, an# inte")e"$onal intelligen+e$, w!ile t!e int"o$)e+ti/e )"o+e$$ of #e/elo)ing autobiog"a)!ie$ will !el)
$tu#ent$ wit! !ig! int"a)e"$onal intelligen+e0 Du$i+al intelligen+e i$ al$o $u))o"te# by $inging #u"ing t!e "itual$0
oal!s"3 1$e $inging an# t!eate" a"t$ to !el) $tu#ent$ meet e#u+ation $tan#a"#$ %CT 2i$to"y $tan#a"#$ 101, 10;, 10?,
an# 101C CT T!eate" A"t$ Stan#a"#$ 2, 4, 5, an# 6( an# #e/elo) in+"ea$e# un#e"$tan#ing of t!ei" )e"$onal /alue0
&essage/theme/metaphor: T!e $to"ie$ of famou$ "efo"me"$ $!ow t!ei" $t"engt!$ *u$t a$ ou" $to"ie$ "e/eal ou"
$t"engt!$0 Simila"ly, *u$t li-e it +an be ea$ie" to tell you" $to"y wit! !el) of +la$$mate$, it i$ often ea$ie" to li/e life
an# e,)"e$$ $t"engt!$ w!en !el)e# by ot!e" )eo)le0
Lesson O#jectives
10 5llu$t"ate t!e +!a"a+te"i$ti+$ of an autobiog"a)!y, a$ well a$ !ow it #iffe"$ f"om a biog"a)!y %a+a#emi+(
20 5n+"ea$e $tu#ent$M -nowle#ge of an# +onne+tion to famou$ $o+ial "efo"me"$ f"om /a"iou$ +ultu"e$ an# e"a$
0 8ui#e $tu#ent$ in un#e"$tan#ing t!ei" own )e"$onal $t"engt!$, $to"ie$, an# #"eam$ %$)i"itual/+!a"a+te"(
40 5m)"o/e $tu#ent$M ability to a+t out b"ief im)"om)tu $-it$ %a"ti$ti+(
&easura#le Outcomes3
Ay t!e en# of t!i$ le$$on,
10 ?5: of $tu#ent$ will -now !ow to +"eate an autobiog"a)!y, a$ e/i#en+e# by aut!enti+ a$$e$$ment %t!ei"
own autobiog"a)!y(
20 ;5: of $tu#ent$ will be able to name a famou$ $o+ial "efo"me" an# e,)lain a +onne+tion to !im o" !e", a$
e/i#en+e# by aut!enti+ a$$e$$ment %t!ei" own autobiog"a)!y(
0 ;&: of $tu#ent$ will be able to i#entify a )e"$onal $t"engt! an# #"eam/goal, a$ $!own t!"oug! o"al
a$$e$$ment %t!e +lo$ing "itual(
40 ;&: of $tu#ent$ will be able to a+t out $im)le $-it$, a$ e/i#en+e# by aut!enti+ a$$e$$ment %autobiog"a)!y
Lesson *rea+down:
10 N)ening Ritual %15 min0(
N)en wit! /e"$ion of t!e 8oo# Life $ong in w!i+! $tu#ent$ +!ant/$ing t!ei" name, w!e"e t!ey +ome f"om,
w!e"e t!ey a"e going, an# a +!a"a+te" .uality t!at t!ey )o$$e$$0 T!i$ a+t$ a$ an offi+ial $ta"ting )oint,
engage$ t!e $tu#ent$ mentally an# emotionally, +"eate$ in#i/i#ual an# g"ou) awa"ene$$, bin#$ ten$ion, an#
allow$ tea+!e" to a$$e$$ if $tu#ent$ a"e "efle+ting on mate"ial between +la$$e$0
20 B"e'a$$e$$ment /ia an 5nt"o#u+to"y A"t 9,)e"ien+e %& min0(
1)on ente"ing t!e "oom, $tu#ent$ a"e imme#iately a$$igne# +!a"a+te"$ f"om biog"a)!ie$ of famou$ $o+ial
"efo"me"$ an# b"iefly in$t"u+te# to a+t out anyt!ing t!at t!ei" +!a"a+te" #oe$ #u"ing a $to"y0 Tea+!e" t!en
"ea#$ $im)lifie# /e"$ion of t!"ee biog"a)!ie$ %2elen Oelle" %#eaf an# blin# a+ti/i$t fo" #i$able#(, Da"y
Sea+ole %Eamai+an nu"$e a+ti/i$t fo" C"imean 4a" $ol#ie"$(, an# Da!atma 8an#!i %5n#ian +i/il "ig!t$
a+ti/i$t(( a$ $tu#ent$ +"eate im)"om)tu $-it by following along0
0 Dini'Le+tu"e %1& min0(
Leffingwell L
4!at we"e $ome t!ing$ you noti+e# about t!e$e $to"ie$6 4!at $o"t$ of t!ing$ #i# t!ey !a/e in
7efine/e,)lain biog"a)!y %a w"itten a++ount of anot!e" )e"$onM$ life(, autobiog"a)!y %$omeoneM$
own w"itten a++ount of t!ei" life(, an# t!e #iffe"en+e between t!e two %t!e aut!o"M$ "elation$!i) to
t!e $ub*e+t(
Coul# you #e$+"ibe t!e )eo)le in t!e$e $to"ie$6 4!at we"e $ome of t!ei" +!a"a+te"i$ti+$6 Some
$t"engt!$6 Some goal$6
7efine/e,)lain $o+ial "efo"me"$ %)eo)le w!o aim to ma-e +!ange$ in !ow $o+iety li/e$( an#
/a"iou$ +ont"ibution$ many !a/e ma#e o/e" time %+i/il "ig!t$, abolition of $la/e"y, $uff"age, labo"
"ig!t$, et+0(
4!at $imila"itie$ %$t"engt!$, $to"ie$, #"eam$, et+0( #o you $ee in you"$elf an# you" +la$$mate$6
4!at a"e ot!e" $t"engt!$ an# #"eam$ t!at you $ee in you"$elf an# you" +la$$mate$6
40 A"t'ma-ing )"o*e+t #e$+"i)tion H #etaile# in$t"u+tion$ %45 min0(
4o"- wit! $tu#ent$ to +"eate $im)le $-it$ t!at tell t!ei" own autobiog"a)!ie$ ba$e# in )a"t on an$we"$ f"om
t!e le+tu"e #i$+u$$ion0 Stu#ent$ $!oul# fi"$t +"eate an info"mal w"itten outline t!at in+lu#e$ t!e$e element$3
w!e"e you a"e f"om an# im)o"tant moment$ in you" life %you" )a$t(, w!at you" +u""ent life i$ li-e, an# w!at
#"eam$/goal$ you !a/e fo" you" futu"e0 Stu#ent$ $!oul# al$o u$e #i$+u$$ion mate"ial to in+lu#e )e"$onal
$t"engt!$ an# $o+ial "efo"me" $imila"itie$ in t!ei" $-it$0 T!e $tu#ent$ will w"ite t!ei" own $to"ie$ but +an
wo"- in g"ou)$ an# +e"tainly a$- fo" b"ain$to"ming a$$i$tan+e a$ nee#e#0 4!en fini$!e#, t!ey +an a+t out
t!ei" $to"ie$Penli$ting +la$$mate$ to !el) an# again ma-ing $u"e to +on/ey t!e -ey element$ to t!e +la$$0
50 A))lie# 4o"- %15 min(
Refle+t on t!e process by #i$+u$$ing w!at it wa$ li-e to w"ite an# a+t out you" own $to"y0 4!at
mig!t !a/e ma#e t!e )"o+e$$ ea$ie" o" mo"e #iffi+ult6 4e"e you able to $ee )e"$onal $t"engt!$ an#
+onne+tion$ to $o+ial "efo"me"$ in you" +la$$mate$M $-it$6 2ow #i# t!e )"o+e$$ +!ange if you w"ote
an# a+te# out t!e $-it$ wit! ot!e" )eo)le !el)ing6 4!at a"e $ome way$ you mig!t want to be more
li-e t!e$e "efo"me"$6
A$$ignment$ fo" ne,t $e$$ion3 "e$ea"+! ot!e" $o+ial "efo"me"$ an# $ee w!at )e"$onal $t"engt!$,
goal$, an# $to"ie$ you !a/e in +ommon
60 Con+lu$ion/Summa"y %5 min(3
Life i$ li-e t!e $to"ie$ you *u$t a+te# outC it in/ol/e$ you" )a$t, )"e$ent, an# futu"e, wit! you" +!a"a+te"
$t"engt!$ an# t!e )eo)le !el)ing you a$ $ome of t!e mo$t im)o"tant element$0 Eu$t li-e it wa$ ea$ie" to w"ite
you" $to"y an# +"eate you" $-it wit! t!e !el) of ot!e"$, $o life +an be ea$ie" to li/e if we wo"- along$i#e
ot!e"$0 An# *u$t li-e t!e$e $o+ial "efo"me"$ u$e# t!ei" $t"engt!$ to #o goo# t!ing$ fo" ot!e"$, $o you +an u$e
you" $t"engt!$ to #o goo# t!ing$ fo" ot!e"$0
7. Post Assessment: closing ritual and authentic assessments in the form of the skits and class discussions
;0 Clo$ing Ritual %15 min(3 T!e 8oo# Life $ong again, wit! t!e tea+!e" noting any +!ange$ in an$we"$ to
w!e"e $tu#ent$ a"e f"om, w!e"e t!ey a"e going, an# w!at t!ei" )e"$onal $t"engt!$ a"e
/upplementar0 *oo+s% 1e#sites or CD2s &aterials 3 /upplies
Da"y Sea+ole biog"a)!y3
2elen Oelle" biog"a)!y3
Do!atma 8an#!i biog"a)!y3
Aiog"a)!ie$ of famou$ $o+ial "efo"me"$
C!a"a+te" a$$ignment$
Ba)e" an# )en+il$ to w"ite autobiog"a)!ie$
Ran#om )"o)$
Assessment methods!s" selected: aut!enti+ a$$e$$ment %autobiog"a)!ie$ $!own t!"oug! $-it$( an# o"al a$$e$$ment
Leffingwell L 4
%#i$+u$$ion an# +lo$ing "itual(
Lesson Plans for Curriculum !4"
Curriculum Project Title: Valuable You, Valuable Community
Lesson Title: Community 5#entity %2ealt!(
Lesson $o. 5 Teacher $ame and contact information: Caitlin Leffingwell
Lesson Overview: Stu#ent$ will +"eate t!ei" own a"t )ie+e$ ba$e# on t!e $t"engt!$ "e/eale# in t!ei" Le$$on 1
autobiog"a)!ie$ an# +ombine t!em into a $ingle life'$i<e# +ollage mu"al0 T!ey will t!en )lay a game in w!i+!
t!e g"ou) attem)t$ to meet a nut"itional goal wit! an# wit!out -ey )a"t$ of t!e bo#y, followe# by a #i$+u$$ion0
T!e )"o+e$$ of #e/elo)ing, +"eating, an# )"e$enting t!e +ollage$ an# mu"al$ in t!i$ le$$on $u))o"t lea"ne"$ wit!
int"a)e"$onal, /i$ual $)atial, an# lingui$ti+ intelligen+e$ "e$)e+ti/ely, w!ile t!e /e"y a+ti/e =bo#y> game
)a"ti+ula"ly engage$ $tu#ent$ wit! bo#y'-ine$t!eti+, inte")e"$onal, an# natu"ali$t intelligen+e$0 Du$i+al
intelligen+e i$ al$o $u))o"te# by $inging #u"ing t!e "itual$0
oal!s"3 1$e $inging, /i$ual a"t$, an# game$ to !el) $tu#ent$ meet e#u+ation $tan#a"#$ %Fational 2ealt!
Stan#a"#$ 10501, 1050, 50506, an# ;0502C CT Vi$ual A"t$ Stan#a"#$ 1, 2, 5, an# 6(, un#e"$tan# t!e +on+e)t of
+ommunity, an# begin to $ee t!ei" in#i/i#ual im)o"tan+e in t!ei" +ommunity0
&essage/theme/metaphor: Communitie$ a"e !ealt!ie$t w!en e/e"y membe" +ont"ibute$ !i$ o" !e" uni.ue
$t"engt!$, *u$t li-e ou" bo#ie$ fun+tion be$t w!en ea+! membe" i$ !ealt!y0
Lesson O#jectives
10 2el) $tu#ent$ "e+olle+t an# fu"t!e" a"ti+ulate %in wo"#$ an# $ymbol$( t!e )e"$onal $t"engt!$ an# goal$
t!ey #i$+u$$e# in Le$$on 1 %$)i"itual/+!a"a+te"(
20 9,)lain an# )"a+ti+e /e"y $im)le mu"al$ an# +ollage te+!ni.ue$ by !el)ing $tu#ent$ +"eate a life'$i<e#
+ollage mu"al t!at +ombine$ ea+! $tu#entM$ a"two"- %a"ti$ti+(
0 Reinfo"+e $tu#ent$M -nowle#ge f"om Le$$on 2 of w!e"e +e"tain )a"t$ of t!e bo#y a"e, w!y t!ey a"e
im)o"tant, an# !ow to ta-e +a"e of t!em %a+a#emi+(
40 5n+"ea$e $tu#ent$M awa"ene$$ of t!ei" im)o"tant "ole in a !ealt!y +ommunity %$o+ial an#
&easura#le Outcomes3
Ay t!e en# of t!i$ le$$on,
10 ?5: of $tu#ent$ will be able to a"ti+ulate t!ei" )e"$onal $t"engt!$ an# goal$ t!"oug! )e"$onal a"two"-, a$
#emon$t"ate# by aut!enti+ a$$e$$ment %t!e a"two"- an# a /e"bal e,)lanation of it(
20 ?&: of $tu#ent$ will -now t!e #efinition$ of +ollage, mu"al, an# +ommunity, a$ $!own by w"itten o" o"al
0 1&&: of $tu#ent$ will -now t!e lo+ation an# im)o"tan+e of +e"tain )a"t$ of t!e bo#y, a$ in#i+ate# #u"ing
game an# following #i$+u$$ion
40 ;&: of $tu#ent$ will be able to a"ti+ulate a uni.ue way t!ey +ont"ibute to t!ei" +ommunity, a$ e/i#en+e#
in a final #i$+u$$ion

Lesson *rea+down:
10 N)ening Ritual %2& min(
N)en wit! /e"$ion of t!e 8oo# Life $ong t!at !a$ $tu#ent$ +!ant/$ing t!ei" name, w!e"e t!ey +ome f"om,
w!e"e t!ey a"e going, an# a +!a"a+te" .uality t!ey )o$$e$$0 T!i$ a+t$ a$ an offi+ial $ta"ting )oint, engage$
t!e $tu#ent$ mentally an# emotionally, +"eate$ in#i/i#ual an# g"ou) awa"ene$$, bin#$ ten$ion, an#
allow$ tea+!e" to a$$e$$ if $tu#ent$ a"e "efle+ting on mate"ial between +la$$e$0
20 B"e'a$$e$$ment /ia an 5nt"o#u+to"y A"t 9,)e"ien+e %4& min(
1$ing autobiog"a)!y outline$ f"om t!e fi"$t +la$$ an# a/ailable a"t mate"ial$ %$)e+ifi+ )a)e" )"o/i#e#(,
$tu#ent$ #e)i+t )e"$onal $t"engt!$ an# #"eam$/goal$ t!"oug! a +ollage o" #"awing0 A$ $tu#ent$ fini$!,
Leffingwell L 5
en+ou"age t!em to e,)lain t!ei" )ie+e to t!e g"ou) an# fin# it$ $)ot on t!e mu"al0 9a+! )ie+e of )"o/i#e#
)a)e" i$ a )u<<le )ie+e t!at fit$ into t!e mu"al an# align$ loo$ely wit! )a"t$ lea"ne# in )"e/iou$ +la$$e$
%eye$, ea"$, mout!, !an#$, feet, an# !ea"t(, $u+! t!at t!e +om)lete# )"o*e+t will be in t!e fo"m of a life'
$i<e# )e"$on0
0 Dini'Le+tu"e' %1& min(
Sim)le #efinition/e,)lanation of mu"al$ %a large picture created directly on a wall or
ceiling) an# +ollage$ %a"t +"eate# by +olle+ting many #iffe"ent mate"ial$ on a single surface)
with powerpoint examples (ie Jane Golden and The Mural Arts Program in PA)
4!at a"e $ome t!ing$ you noti+e about t!i$ mu"al6 4!at a"e $ome t!ing$ t!at $tan# out to you
about $omeone el$eM$ +ollage6 4!at wa$ it li-e to +"eate you" own +ollage6
Sim)le #efinition/e,)lanation of a +ommunity %a g"ou) of )eo)le wit! $!a"e# inte"e$t$ o"
2ow i$ t!i$ mu"al $imila" to a +ommunity6
4!at a"e $ome +ommon $t"engt!$ an# goal$ t!at you $ee6 Any goal$ t!at +oul# be met wit! t!e
!el) of anot!e" )e"$onM$ $t"engt!$6
40 A"t'ma-ing )"o*e+t #e$+"i)tion H #etaile# in$t"u+tion$ %1& min(
9a+! $tu#ent a+t$ t!e "ole of t!e bo#y )a"t t!at t!ei" )a)e" "e)"e$ent$0 5f a $tu#ent i$ not in t!e
=+ommunity,> t!en e/e"yone w!o i$ in it +annot u$e t!at fun+tion %ie if t!e =eye$> a"e not yet in, t!en
e/e"yone el$e mu$t o)e"ate wit! t!ei" eye$ $!ut(0 A$ a +ommunity, t!ei" goal i$ to +om)ile an# eat f"uit
$ala#$0 9a+! "oun# la$t$ fo" 1 minute o" until t!e g"ou) gi/e$ u)0 Roun# Nne $ta"t$ wit! one )e"$onPt!e
!ea"tPt"ying to a++om)li$! t!e goal alone0 5n ea+! new "oun#, anot!e" )e"$on i$ a##e# wit! t!ei"
fun+tion %feet, ea"$, !an#$, eye$, an# mout!(, until finally t!e g"ou) i$ +om)lete an# +an u$e any fun+tion
to +om)lete it$ goal0
50 A))lie# 4o"- %4& min(
4!ile eating /i+to"y f"uit $ala#, #eb"ief about !ow t!e )"o+e$$ wentPw!at wa$ #iffi+ult, w!at
ma#e t!ing$ ea$ie", !ow $tu#ent$ felt in t!e )"o+e$$, et+0
Eu$t li-e you" "ole in t!e game wa$ im)o"tant, !ow a"e you" $t"engt!$ im)o"tant to you"
+ommunity6 4!at a"e $ome "ole$ t!at you )lay in you" +ommunity6
Ko" ne,t time, noti+e a time #u"ing t!e wee- t!at you u$e# you" $t"engt!$ to !el) $omeone in
you" +ommunity a+!ie/e t!ei" goal
60 Con+lu$ion/Summa"y %5 min(
Nu" +ommunity i$ li-e ou" bo#yC it fun+tion$ be$t w!en e/e"y )a"t i$ mo$t !ealt!y an# +ont"ibuting all
it$ $t"engt!$0 4e nee# to $ee ou" )e"$onal /alue an# )ut it into a+tion, $o t!at we +an ma-e ou"
+ommunity a !ealt!y )la+e to li/e an# !el) ea+! ot!e" a+!ie/e ou" goal$0
70 Bo$t A$$e$$ment %1& min(3 4"itten %o" o"al, #e)en#ing on )"efe"en+e( .ui< to #ete"mine if $tu#ent$ +an
#efine mu"al, +ollage, an# +ommunity %in a##ition to a$$e$$ment t!at too- )la+e w!en $tu#ent$ )"e$ente#
t!ei" +ollage$ an# )a"ti+i)ate# in +la$$ #i$+u$$ion$(
;0 Clo$ing Ritual3 $!o"te" /e"$ion of t!e 8oo# Life $ong w!e"e $tu#ent$ $ing t!ei" name, w!e"e t!ey a"e
going, an# a +!a"a+te" .uality %1& min(
Su))lementa"y Aoo-$, 4eb$ite$ o" C7M$ Date"ial$ H Su))lie$
Doltman, Eu"gen0 Theology of Play0 1?72
Smit!, Sally0 The Power of the Arts: Creative
Strategies for Teaching Exceptional Learners. 2&&10
T!e Du"al A"t$ B"og"am !tt)3//www0mu"ala"t$0o"g/
Collage mate"ial$
Life'$i<e# )e"$on mu"al wit! +ut'out$ "e)"e$enting
eye$, ea"$, mout!, !an#$, feet, an# !ea"t
9a" )lug$, blin# fol#$, glo/e$, et+0 fo" game
K"uit $ala# +om)onent$
Assessment methods!s" selected: aut!enti+ a$$e$$ment %+ollage$ an# mu"al +"eationC game +om)"e!en$ion(,
Leffingwell L 6
o"al a$$e$$ment %/e"bally e,)laining a"two"-C #i$+u$$ion$(, an# w"itten a$$e$$ment %#efining +ommunity, mu"al,
an# +ollage in a )o$t'te$t(
Leffingwell L 7
BN5FT VAL19S 4 R e,em)la"y
' a++om)li$!e#
2 R #e/elo)ing
1 R no o"
beginning $-ill
C"eate$ an autobiog"a)!y
t!at in+lu#e$ t!e$e ba$i+
element$3 tell$ !i$/!e" own
$to"y, i$ tol# f"om !i$/!e"
)oint of /iew, in+lu#e$
)e"$onal $t"engt!$, an#
$!a"e$ goal$ fo" futu"e0
SAut!enti+ A$$e$$ment
t!"oug! t!eate" a"t$T

Fully meets
four out of
Kully meet$
three out of fou"
Kully meet$
two out of fou"
Kully meet$
none or one of
2( S!ow$ -nowle#ge of !ow
+e"tain foo#$ an# a+ti/itie$
im)a+t o/e"all !ealt!
S4"itten o" N"al
+onne+t$ four
or more foo#$
o" a+ti/itie$
wit! t!ei"
!ealt! im)a+t
+onne+t$ three
foo#$ o"
a+ti/itie$ wit!
t!ei" !ealt!
+onne+t$ two
foo#$ o"
a+ti/itie$ wit!
t!ei" !ealt!
+onne+t$ no or
one foo# item
o" a+ti/ity wit!
t!ei" !ealt!
( 7eli/e"$ in#i/i#ual
e,)lanation of w!at
=+ommunity> mean$ u$ing
)o$iti/e e,am)le$ f"om
)e"$onal +ommunity
S4"itten o" N"al
e,)lain$ te"m
an# refers to
e,)lain$ te"m
=+ommunity> but
does not refer to
e,)lain$ te"m
but refers to
e,)lain$ te"m
an# does not
refer to
4( Cont"ibute$ #u"ing
b"ain$to"ming, )lanning, an#
im)lementation )!a$e$ of
final )"o*e+t SAut!enti+
#u"ing three of
t!e t!"ee $tage$
of t!e final
#u"ing two of
t!e fou" $tage$ of
t!e final )"o*e+t
#u"ing one of
t!e fou" $tage$
of t!e final
#u"ing none of
t!e fou" $tage$
of t!e final
5( Deet$ CT Vi$ual$ A"t$
Stan#a"# @6 %ma-ing
+onne+tion$ between t!e
/i$ual a"t$, ot!e" #i$+i)line$
an# #aily life(
S4"itten o" o"al a$$e$$ment
of a"t$ meta)!o"$T
of a"t$
meta)!o"$ %in
at least four
of a"t$ meta)!o"$
%in three +la$$e$(
of a"t$
meta)!o"$ %in
one o" two
Does not
of a"t$
meta)!o"$ %in
no +la$$e$(
Leffingwell L ;

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