Ada 559006
Ada 559006
Ada 559006
and Cl
concentrations that have been detected in some wells may indicate sewage and/or agricultural
runoff. Elevated concentration of chemical constituents in groundwater is a sign of groundwater
degradation. DOI: 10.1007/s12517-009-0068-7. URL:
Al-Montaser, Mansour. 2010. A Reace for Drilling Water Wells. Yemen Today. March
16, 2010. Abstract: The drilling race is reaching a crescendo. Farmers throughout the country
have courted the owners of drilling rigs, as farmers have desperately searched for new access to
groundwater springs for irrigation purposes. The futile search of the farmers mirrors the
precarious situation Yemen is facing as a whole, as research continues to warn that underground
wells are being depleted faster then they can be replenished, leading to imminent disaster in
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certain parts of the country. In several areas of Sanaa governorate, people live in disparate
situations due to the drop in water tables and the general depletion in community wells. In many
situations, these drops can be directly correlated to the creation of multiple new wells within the
areas, draining the reservoirs. Despite these figures, people within the surrounding villages have
exhibited complete apathy about the water situation, not learning the vital lesson from water
depletion of the traditional wells. Mohsen al-Shaje, an inhabitant of al-Sharafa in Bani Hushaish,
explained how the local area is already facing a water crisis. This crisis is due in large part, he
feels, to the indiscriminant creation of new wells within the area. Many efforts have been
undertaken in the area to dig new wells, undertaken by locals, in the hope of accessing new
sources of water. However, the majority of these wells failed, when the depth of drilling in some
of the wells reached over 800 meters without striking water. Al-Shaje pointed out that the
scarcity of clean water has a direct negative effect on the socio-economic health of the people.
He stressed that citizens lives have become increasingly miserable as they have been forced to
live like the nomads of old, moving from one area to another, looking for water for drinking,
household usage and for the irrigation of their farms. Mohammed al-Gharir agrees with al-Shaje
that such quick fix solutions are tentative at best. Al-Gharir gave an example of the final well
dug by citizens of the area. The well reached 480 meters and cost nearly YR 40 million. As they
dug deeper, the cost of drilling just one meter rose to YR16,000. In addition to the increased
costs, there were also problems finding a pump capable of lifting water from this depth. The
drilling companies approached pump suppliers with the desire to pump water from a depth of
850 meters. The quoted cost rose to twenty million, an outrageous cost for the poor citizens of
the region. To make matters more difficult, the water found at such depths is not even suitable
for washing, let along drinking, due to its color and odor. Deserting the area: The people of the
area are dependant on the use of tanks to receive water from other areas of the directorate, with
costs reaching over YR 4,000,000. These problems have led to the emigration of several families
to other areas of the district, which has led to the loss of ancestral farms, families main source of
income. In turn, this emigration has led to the desertification of the agricultural lands that have
been deserted by the people due to inaccessibility of water. Zubairy called on the concerned
authorities to find an appropriate solution that would provide water to the people of this region.
He noted that the area enjoys excellent position for the construction of dams, which he considers
the only hope in addressing the coming crisis. URL:
Al-Mooji, Yusuf. 2000. A Systematic Analysis of the Process of Formulating and
Harmonizing Preliminary Water Standards in Yemen. Beirut: UN. Page(s): 10. Descriptors:
Water Resources; Yemen; Environmental Standards; Government publication; International
government publication. Notes: charts. Note(s): Prepared by Yusuf Al-Mooj. UN J ob no.:
N990868 E. Material type: Reports/studies. General Info: Distribution: Limited. OCLC
Accession Number: 80620373.
Al-Mooji, Yusuf Auteur; Zuppi, G. -M and Directeur de thse. 1995. Characterization of
groundwaters in the Wadi Mawr area and the origin of salinity in the Tihama plain of
Yemen =Caractrisation des eaux souterraines dans la rgion de l'oued Mawr et origine de la
salinit dans la plaine du Tihama au Yemen. Descriptors: Terre; Ocean; Espace: Hydrologie;
Hydrogeologie/Geochimie; Yemen-Eau Souterraine; Salinite; Nappe Eau; Hydrochimie;
Carbonate; Na; Sulfate; Na; Chlorure; Eau Saumatre; O 18-O 16 Isotope Stable; Evaporation;
Deuterium; Nc; Modele;Evaporite; Yemen; Ground Water; Salinity; Aquifers; Hydrochemistry;
Carbonates; Na; Sulfates; Na; Chlorides; Na; Brackish Water; O-18; O-16; Stable Isotopes;
Geology of Yemen
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Evaporation; Deuterium; Nc; Models; Evaporites; Thesis; dissertation. Abstract: quatre types
deaux souterraines sont presents dans le systeme aquifere superficiel: des eaux bicarbonatees,
des eaux sulfatees, des eaux chlorurees (thermales ou non) et des eaux mixtes dont la
composition nest dominee par aucun anion en particulier. Les eaux douces bicarbonatees (teneur
totale en ions dissous, tdi =25,8 a 50,6 meq 1#-#1) se trouvent dans les puits superficiels
implantes au long du lit de loued. Les eaux sulfatees sont saumatres (tdi =76,9 a 148,9 meq 1#-
#1), en raison de leur proximite aux affleurements des evaporites miocenes. Les eaux chlorurees
saumatres a salees (tdi jusqua 966 meq 1#-#1), thermales ou non, sont plus repandues. Leur
composition resulte dune dissolution devaporites et dune remontee des eaux thermales
profondes dans laquifere alluvial superficiel. En majorite, les puits de la region contiennent des
eaux mixtes, douces a saumatres (50 <tdi <100 meq 1#-#1) qui proviennent dun melange entre
les eaux thermales et les eaux douces infiltrees dans le lit de loued, comme en temoignent les
compositions chimiques et isotopiques, ainsi que les temperatures. La composition isotopique
des echantillons de precipitations ( #1#8o: -2,30 a +0,77; #2h: -7,90 a +19,50), se regroupent
autour de la droite des eaux meteoriques locales etablie pour addis (#2h =7,3 #1#8o +11,4),
mais quelques echantillons montrent les effets dune forte evaporation; dautres presentent des
exces en deuterium voisins de 15, qui pourraient refleter des apports de vapeur condensante de
type mediterraneen dans la region. La composition isotopique de la majorite des eaux non-
thermales douces a saumatres est comparable a celle des precipitations et des eaux de surface.
Les eaux des sources chaudes et les eaux associees aux evaporites miocenes sont
significativement appauvries en isotopes lourds par rapport aux eaux non-thermales du tihama ou
a celle de la region des plateaux, et ne contiennent pas de tritium. La composition isotopique du
sulfate dissous dans leau thermale indique quil provient du gres permien. La modelisation de
levolution geochimique des eaux souterraines du tihama a ete realisee en utilisant netpath. Les
resultats de la modelisation confirment les interpretations presentees auparavant sur la base des
analyses chimiques et isotopiques. Lapplication des geothermometres chimiques et isotopiques
aux differentes sources suggere des temperatures de reservoirs denviron 150 A 200C. Notes:
278 P. Dissertation: These de doctorat: Terre, Ocean, Espace: Paris 11: 1995. Note(s):
1995PA112225. 191 REF. Other Titles: Characterization of Groundwaters in the Wadi Mawr
Area and the Origin of Salinity in the Tihama Plain of Yemen; Responsibility: Yusuf Al-Mooji;
sous la direction de G.-M. Zuppi. OCLC: 490269612.
Al-Nozaily, F. and Alaerts, G. 2002. Performance of Duckweed-Covered Sewage
Lagoons in Sanaa, Yemen, Depending on Sewage Strength. J ournal of Water Supply: Research
and Technology - AQUA. IWA Publishing: Volume 51, Issue 3, Pages 173-182. Descriptors:
Water supply; Effluent treatment; Nitrification; Nitrogen; pH; Sewage lagoons; Wastewater.
Abstract: The performance of a duckweed (Lemna gibba) sewage lagoon (DSL) was investigated
in non-continuous batch system reactors using high strength sewage under natural environmental
conditions in Sanaa. Wastewater effluent from the anaerobic ponds of the Sanaa waste
stabilization ponds (WSPs) was used with dilution factors (DF) of 0, 2, 3 and 4. The initial COD
concentration range applied was 254-600 mg COD l-1 (150-250 mg BOD l-1) and NH4+of 25-
100 mg N l-1, while the duckweed stock density used was 500 g wet weight m-2. The duration of
the experiments was 10 days with a harvesting frequency of 5 days. NH4+in this very
concentrated Sanaa sewage was possibly the most important limiting factor for growth of L.
gibba. High pH near the end of the reaction time and lower temperatures at night-time probably
also contributed to slower growth. Relative growth rate (RGR) decreased from 0.170.04 d-1 at an
NH4+concentration of 23-40 mg N l-1 to around 0.00 d-1 at a concentration of 100 mg N l-1.
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Fresh wastewater helped to grow duckweed, especially at NH4+50 mg N l-1, while after 5 days,
algae proliferation and probably the exhaustion of other essential nutrients started to inhibit
duckweed growth. COD removal correlated strongly with the applied initial surface loading. At a
higher initial COD loading (s) of 869 kg COD ha-1, the removal loading (r) 710 kg COD ha-1 10
day-1, while at a lower initial COD loading of 344 kg ha-1, the removal loading was 210 kg
COD ha-1 10 day-1. Total Nitrogen removal (r,N) increased with initial NH4+concentration and
with initial surface loading (N). At initial nitrogen loading (N) of 28 and 164 kgN/ha, the
removal loading (r,u) was 25 kgN/ha.10 d and 148 kgN/ha.10 d, respectively. At the same time,
the first order COD kinetic removal rate constant increased from 0.10 to 0.16 d-1 at initial COD
concentration of 254 and 621 mg/l, respectively. The total nitrogen kinetic removal constant
increased from 0.16 day-1 at NH4+concentration 93 mg N l-1 to 0.26 day-1 at NH4+34 mg N l-
1. The high DO and pH encountered under outdoor environmental conditions are probably the
main cause of the high N removal compared with removal under laboratory conditions.
Therefore, total nitrogen removal was taking place through nitrification/denitrification and
probably NH3 stripping. ISSN: 0003-7214.
Al-Safadi, M. 1995. A Pilot Study of Lake MaRib, Yemen. Hydrobiologia. Volume:
315, no. 3, page(s): 203-203-209. Abstract: The geography and biology of Marib lake, one of
the largest artificial freshwater lakes in the Republic of Yemen, are comprehensively reviewed.
Following the construction of a dam across wadi Sheba (Marib) in late 1986 to provide an
irrigation water supply and to protect cultivate lands from flood damage, the ecology of the
impoundment was studied at intervals between 1989 and the present. The freshwater macrofauna
of the lake so far recorded comprised leeches, crustaceans, insects, snails, fish, toads and
waterfowl. The total number of species was low, probably due to a lack of food sources and poor
habitat diversity. ISSN: 0018-8158. Database: Technology Research Database.
Al-Safadi, M. M. 1991. Freshwater Macrofauna of Stagnant Waters in Yemen Arab
Republic. Hydrobiologia. Volume 210, Issue 3, Pages 203-208. Descriptors: freshwater; insects;
macrofauna; molluscs; wadis; Yemen Arab Republic. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 1. Abstract:
We inventorize the freshwater macrofauna of 4 different wadis, representing the low and
highlands, in Yemen Arab Republic. The fauna comprised 6 molluscan, 21 Coleopteran, 8
Hemipteran, 2 amphibian and one fish species. Of the Coleoptera, 8 species are new records to
yemen Arab Republic. The genus Exitianus is recorded for the first time in Yemen Arab
Republic. Diversity in the uplands and lowlands was similar, but biomass was much higher in the
lowlands than in the highlands. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0018-8158.
Al-Sakkaf, Rafik, Zhou, Yangxiao and Hall, Michael J . 1999. A Strategy for Controlling
Groundwater Depletion in the SaDah Plain, Yemen. Int. J . Water Resour. Dev. Carfax
Publishing Company: Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 349-365. Descriptors: Groundwater resources;
Agriculture; Arid regions; Economic and social effects; Irrigation; Laws and legislation;
Sustainable development. Abstract: Over-exploitation of the groundwater resources is the major
problem leading to groundwater depletion in the Sadah Plain, one of the major semi-arid
highland basins of Yemen. Groundwater-irrigated agriculture is the chief economic activity in
the Plain. Consequently, depletion places socioeconomic development in jeopardy. Owing to the
lack of institutional arrangements and management instruments, government intervention is not
likely to alleviate the crisis. One non-governmental approach that takes advantage of the existing
local sociopolitical structure and customary law would be to adopt an annual abstraction quota.
Approaching the crisis at a grass-roots level and relying on the conformity of the local citizens
with customary law are the main characteristics of this strategy, the optimum objective of which
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is sustainable utilization of water resources. ISSN: 0790-0627. URL:
Al-Sakkaf, R.A.; Zhou, Y.; Hall M.J . 1999. A strategy for controlling groundwater
depletion in the Sadah Plain, Yemen. Water Resources Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, pgs. 349-
Al-Shahwani, M. F. 2005. Bacterial Distribution Analysis of the Atmosphere of Two
Hospitals in Lbb, Yemen. East. Mediterr. Health J . Volume 11, Issue 5-6, Pages 1115-1119.
Abstract: A bacteriological distribution analysis of the air was carried out at 8 sites in each of 2
general hospitals in Ibb during the period February-J une 2002. Only 3 sites, reception hall,
hospital passages and outpatient clinic, gave meaningful values for the distribution of bacteria in
the atmospheric air. In these locations, mean values for total plate count, lactose fermenting
bacteria, haemolytic bacteria and non-lactose fermenting bacteria were 478.6 colony forming
units (cfu)/ m3, 24.9 cfu/m3, 6.5 cfu/m3, and 4.8 cfu/m3 respectively. The reception hall had the
highest bacterial count, followed by hospital passages and the outpatient clinic. The highest
bacterial count was for 08.00, followed by 14.00 and 18.00. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1020-
Al-Shamiri, A., Al- Zubairy, A. H. and Al-Mamari, R. 2010. The Prevalence of
Cryptosporidium Spp. in Children, Taiz District, Yemen. Iranian J ournal of Parasitology.
Tehran University of Medical Sciences: 06. Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 26-32. Descriptors:
Cryptosporidiosis; Children -- Diseases; Drinking water; Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay;
Disease prevalence; Taizz (Yemen); Yemen (Republic); Children; Cryptosporidium; Diagnosis;
Prevalence; Yemen. Abstract: Background: This is the first work done on cryptosporidiosis
among the children in Taiz, Yemen. Methods: A number of 712 samples were collected from
children of different ages (ranging from 1 month to 12 years) from Dec 2006 to Aug 2007. The
collected samples were examined by Sheathers sugar floatation and Modified Ziehl- Neelsen
stain as well as ELISA methods. The test results were statistically analyzed by SPSS software.
Results: The overall positive percentage was 43.7%. The higher incidence (36.2 %) was occurred
in males while the lowest incidence (32.7 %) was observed in females (r=0.876; P=0.001). The
correlation between infected cases and the type of drinking water was r =0.121. Among the cases
examined by ELISA (92 cases), 26.1 % were infected. The correlation between seropositivity
and gender was r=0.652 (P=0.031). Conclusion: Cryptosporidium spp. is a significant pathogen
among children at Taiz. Fresh water supplies, education, eating habits and domestic animals are
considered the main sources for transmission of cryptosporidiosis. ISSN: 1735-7020.
Alshawsh, Mohammed A., Mothana, Ramzi A., Al-shamahy, Hassan A., Alsllami, Salah
F. and Lindequist, Ulrike. 2009. Assessment of Antimalarial Activity Against Plasmodium
Falciparum and Phytochemical Screening of some Yemeni Medicinal Plants. Evid. Based
Complement. Altern. Med. December 1. Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 453-456. Abstract:
Developing countries, where malaria is one of the most prevalent diseases, still rely on
traditional medicine as a source for the treatment of this disease. In the present study, six selected
plants (Acalypha fruticosa, Azadirachta indica, Cissus rotundifolia, Echium rauwalfii,
Dendrosicyos socotrana and Boswellia elongata) commonly used in Yemen by traditional healers
for the treatment of malaria as well as other diseases, were collected from different localities of
Yemen, dried and extracted with methanol and water successfully. The antiplasmodial activity of
the extracts was evaluated against fresh clinical isolates of Plasmodium falciparum. The
selectivity parameters to evaluate the efficacy of these medicinal plants were measured by in
vitro micro test (Mark III) according to World Health Organization (WHO) 1996 & WHO 2001
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protocols of antimalarial drug tests. Among the investigated 12 extracts, three were found to
have significant antiplasmodial activity with IC50 values less than 4 {micro}g/ml, namely the
water extracts of A. fruticosa, A. indica and D. socotrana. Six extracts showed moderate activity
with IC50 values ranging from 10 to 30 {micro}g/ml and three appeared to be inactive with IC50
values more than 30 {micro}g/ml. In addition, preliminary phytochemical screening of the
methanolic and aqueous extracts indicated the presence of saponins, tannins, flavonoids,
terpenoids, polysaccharides and peptides. URL:
Al-Shibani, L. A., El-Heggiagi, M. B., Burshan, N. M. and Bassiouny, H. K. 2007.
Development of Schistosomal School-Based Health Education Model for Yemeni
Schoolchildren. J . Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. Volume 37, Issue 2, Pages 649-658. Abstract: In this
study, 152 students (90 males & 62 females) of primary (5th & 6th grades, 52 males & 30
females) and preparatory (1st & 2nd grades, 38 males & 32 females) schoolchildren of different
age and sex group inhabited in two endemic villages with Schistosoma mansoni in Taiz
Govenorate were examination. The highest prevalence and intensity of S. mansoni were-among
males at the age group from 10 - <12 years. A significant relationship was recorded between
prevalence and intensity of infection and those who using pond water for human usage. The
prevalence was significantly higher among children who received previous praziquantel
treatment as well as those who didnt have TV, Radio and/or Video. The results were discussed
on the light of certain variables. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0253-5890.
Al-Shiwafi, N., Rushdi, A. I. and Ba-Issa, A. 2005. Trace Metals in Surface Seawaters
and Sediments from various Habitats of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Environ. Geol. Springer
Verlag: Volume 48, Issue 4-5, Pages 590-598. Descriptors: Ocean habitats; Coastal zones;
Concentration (process); Data acquisition; Marine biology; Natural water geochemistry;
Seawater; Sediments; Trace analysis. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine and
assess the concentrations of trace metals in surface seawaters and sediments from different
coastal habitats of the Red Sea coast of Yemen. Surface seawater and sediment samples were
collected, treated and analyzed for cadmium, cobalt, manganese, chromium, lead, iron, nickel,
copper, zinc and vanadium by the atomic absorption spectrometric analysis. The concentrations
were high for cadmium, cobalt and lead and low or consistent with the natural background
concentrations for the rest of the metals. However, the coastal habitats of the Red Sea coast of
Yemen are still considered unpolluted, it is concluded that the cadmium cobalt and lead levels in
surface seawaters are high and could have negative effects on marine life of the sites. Further
studies are needed to characterize the sources fate, biogeochemical processes and impacts of
these trace metals on coastal habitats and marine life of the region. Springer-Verlag 2005. ISSN:
0943-0105. URL:
Al-Shiwafi, N., Rushdi, A. I. and Ba-Issa, A. 2005. Trace Metals in Surface Seawaters
and Sediments from various Habitats of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Environmental Geology
(Berlin). Springer International, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of
Germany. Aug. Volume 48, Issue 4-5, Pages 590-598. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
biota; cadmium; chemical composition; chromium; coastal environment; cobalt; copper;
discharge; ecology; habitat; Indian Ocean; lead; manganese; marine environment; marine
sediments; metals; nickel; pollution; Red Sea; sea water; sediments; trace metals; Yemen. Notes:
References: 27; illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0943-0105. URL:
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Al-Shiwafi, N. Rushdi, A. and Ba-Issa, A. 2005. Trace Metals in Surface Seawaters and
Sediments from various Habitats of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Springer-Verlag, Tiergartenstr
17, Heidelberg, 69121, Germany, [mailto:[email protected]]. Environ. Geol. Volume:
48, no. 4-5, page(s): 590-590-598. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine and
assess the concentrations of trace metals in surface seawaters and sediments from different
coastal habitats of the Red Sea coast of Yemen. Surface seawater and sediment samples were
collected, treated and analyzed for cadmium, cobalt, manganese, chromium, lead, iron, nickel,
copper, zinc and vanadium by the atomic absorption spectrometric analysis. The concentrations
were high for cadmium, cobalt and lead and low or consistent with the natural background
concentrations for the rest of the metals. However, the coastal habitats of the Red Sea coast of
Yemen are still considered unpolluted, it is concluded that the cadmium cobalt and lead levels in
surface seawaters are high and could have negative effects on marine life of the sites. Further
studies are needed to characterize the sources fate, biogeochemical processes and impacts of
these trace metals on coastal habitats and marine life of the region. Notes: TY: GEN.
ISSN/ISBN: 0943-0105. Database: Technology Research Database. URL:
Al-Shwafi, Nabil and Rushdi, Ahmed I. 2008. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Marine
Green, Brown, and Red Seaweeds from Coastal Waters of Yemen, the Gulf of Aden. Environ.
Geol. Volume 55, Issue 3, Pages 653-660. Descriptors: Metals; Absorption; Cadmium; Cadmium
compounds; Chromium; Cobalt; Concentration (process); Copper; Copper alloys; Discharge
(fluid mechanics); Fluid mechanics; Heavy metals; Iron; Lead; Lead alloys; Manganese;
Manganese compounds; Molecular weight; Nickel; Nickel alloys; Pollution; Seawater; Seaweed;
Transition metals; Vanadium; Zinc; Zinc sulfide. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to
investigate the concentration levels of heavy metals in different species of the main three marine
algal divisions from the Gulf of Aden coastal waters, Yemen. The divisions included
Chlorophyta-green plants (Halimeda tuna, Rhizolonium kochiamum, Caldophora koiei,
Enteromorpha compressa, and Caulerpa racemosa species), Phaeophyta-brown seaweeds (Padina
boryana, Turbinaria elatensis, Sargassum binderi, Cystoseira myrica, and Sargassum boveanum
species), and Rhodophyta-red seaweeds (Hypnea cornuta, Champia parvula, Galaxaura
marginate, Laurencia paniculata, Gracilaria foliifere, and species). The heavy metals, which
included cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn),
nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and vanadium (V) were measured by Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (AAs). The concentrations of heavy metals in all algal species are in the
order of Fe Cu Mn Cr Zn Ni Pb Cd V Co. The results also showed that the uptake of heavy
metals by different marine algal divisions was in the order of Chlorophyta Phaeophyta
Rhodophyta. These heavy metals were several orders of magnitude higher than the
concentrations of the same metals in seawater. This indicates that marine alga progressively
uptake heavy metals from seawater. ISSN: 0943-0105. URL:
Al-Shwafi, N. A. A. 2008. Concentration of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Sediment
Coastal of Aden City-Yemen. Pollut. Res. Volume 27, Issue 1, Pages 37-40. Descriptors: Coast;
Marine-sediment; Petroleum hydrocarbons; Shimadzu DR-8100 spectrofluorometer; Yemen.
Abstract: Because of potential health hazards, there is a great concern about setting up a baseline
levels for residual petroleum hydrocarbons in the Yemeni coastal areas, in particular Aden
beach. The levels of the petroleum hydrocarbons concentration were determined by using
Shimadzu DR-8100 spectroflourometer from nine selected sampling sites along Aden shoreline
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during April, 2001. The concentrations of residual petroleum hydrocarbons were found in
comparable concentrations for unpolluted marine environments were generally lay within the
normal range of values reported for other regions the world. The variation within the site were
mainly attributed to the human activity, oil tanker, blowout, oil pipelines, storage tanks, vessels
deballasting in the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. The significant relationships found between
residual petroleum hydrocarbons and organic carbon contents in sediments indicated that oil
contamination was one of the possible sources for increasing the concentrations of organic
materials in sediments. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0257-8050.
Alsohybe, Nabeel T. 2007. The Implementation of e-Government in the Republic of
Yemen: An Empirical Evaluation of the Technical and Organizational Readiness. United States -
- Minnesota: Capella University. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Description: ix, 123 p. : ill.,
graphs, tabs. Abstract: Due to the increased organizational dependence on information systems
and technology, most of todays organizations and governments have plans to implement
information technology and e-government in all of their job processing and communication
tools. The Republic of Yemen is a third world country that is trying to implement e-government
not just in its private organizations but also in its governmental agencies. The Republic of
Yemens government has initiated an e-government plan that starts with five ministries, which
represent the heart of, the economy and social services in The Republic of Yemen. The Yemeni
government is trying to find the appropriate e-government model to enhance the economical
growth and provide the people with the best and fastest services offered by this new technology.
To evaluate the situation in The Republic of Yemen, this paper evaluated the technical and
organizational readiness for e-government implementation. The primary objective was to
identify the challenges facing the implementation process and offer appropriate solutions to
overcome these challenges. This study examined some successful e-government models for their
effectiveness and flaws, which will help during e-government implementation in The Republic
of Yemen. This study employed mixed method research approach that includes quantitative and
qualitative data collection and analysis techniques such as personal interviews and survey
questionnaires. The researcher conducted personal interviews with 96 ministry officials and
employees from 12 ministries. The purpose of these personal interviews was to get an overview
of the e-government readiness in the Ministries and determine if they are ready to embrace such
technology. The second part of the study was the survey questionnaire which was distributed to
about 480 employees of all levels in the twelve ministries to see how much they know about
information technology and e-government to determine what these employees need most to start
using this technology. Only 382 participants replied to all questions in the survey and the rest
filled only parts of the surveys; therefore, they were omitted because of missing answers which
might have changed the outcome, and may have led to false analysis and led to wrong
conclusions. Capella University; Ph.D. OCLC: 317404368.
Al-Subbary, Abdulkarim, Nichols, Gary, Bosence, Dan and Mabesoone, J annes M.
(chairperson). 1994. Contribution to the Lithology and Paleogeography of Tawilah Group,
Yemen; 14th International Sedimentological Congress; Abstracts. International
Sedimentological Congress. International Association of Sedimentologists, Comparative
Sedimentology Division, Utrecht, Netherlands. Volume 14, Pages G.2-G.3. Descriptors: Al
Baydah Yemen; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Cenozoic; chemically precipitated rocks; clastic rocks;
Cretaceous; cross-bedding; depositional environment; ferricrete; fluvial environment; high-
energy environment; lacustrine environment; laminations; lithofacies; marine environment;
Medj-zir Formation; Mesozoic; outcrops; Paleocene; paleocurrents; Paleogene; paleogeography;
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planar bedding structures; regression; sandstone; sea-level changes; sedimentary rocks;
sedimentary structures; shallow-water environment; Tawilah Group; Tertiary; thickness;
unconformities; Yemen. References: 11; strat. cols., sketch map. Database: GeoRef. OCLC:
Al-Taiar, Abdullah, Assabri, Ali, Al-Habori, Molham, et al. 2009. Socioeconomic and
Environmental Factors Important for Acquiring Non-Severe Malaria in Children in Yemen: A
casecontrol Study. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 1. Volume 103, Issue 1, Pages 72-78.
Descriptors: Malaria; Children; Socioeconomic factors; Risk factors; Yemen; Middle East.
Abstract: Summary Little is known about the relative importance of environmental and
socioeconomic factors for acquiring malaria in Yemen. A casecontrol study was conducted to
determine the importance of these factors for acquiring malaria among children in Yemen. Cases
of non-severe malaria were recruited from health centres; community controls were from the
neighbourhood of the cases. Data were collected by personal interview and direct inspection
during home visits. In total, 320 cases and 308 controls were recruited. In the multivariate
analysis, environmental factors (living near streams and freshwater marshes), earth roofs of
houses and history of travel were all significantly and positively associated with the occurrence
of malaria, whilst regular spraying with insecticides at home was a protective factor. There was
no association with socioeconomic factors, including crowding, education and occupation of
parents, and ownership of house assets. An index created based on a number of indicators of
wealth showed a significant association with malaria in the univariate analysis but was not
significant in the multivariate analysis. Control activities can be targeted on identifiable
environmental factors such as stream and freshwater marshes, although this needs further
investigation. Extra protective measures may be needed by all those who travel in Yemen. ISSN:
al-Taiar, Abdullah, Chandler, Clare, Al Eryani, Samira and Whitty, Christopher J . M.
2009. Knowledge and Practices for Preventing Severe Malaria in Yemen: The Importance of
Gender in Planning Policy. Health Policy Plan. November 1. Volume 24, Issue 6, Pages 428-
437. Abstract: Objective In Yemen, morbidity and mortality due to malaria is high. We explored
malaria-related treatment seeking, prevention practices and knowledge of transmission amongst
parents in order to inform health education strategies. Yemen is culturally very distinct from
most malaria-endemic countries. We aimed to identify beliefs which may be barriers to malaria
prevention and treatment, and hypothesized that household gender relationships might impact on
practice. Methods Focus group discussions amongst women and men in urban, semi-urban and
rural areas, followed by questionnaire interviews with parents or guardians of children with
severe malaria, mild malaria, and healthy children from the community. Findings Recognition of
malarial symptoms was good but delays in seeking medical treatment after symptom onset were
common, with 78% of parents reporting delay. Delays primarily related to financial constraints,
but also to difficulties with treatment seeking when male family members were not available.
When contact with a health worker occurred prior to admission to the hospital, the treatment was
potentially inappropriate in 29% and ineffective in 57%. There were distinct differences between
men and women in their perspective on malaria. Knowledge of malaria transmission was vague
and mosquitoes were not emphasized, particularly amongst mothers. Bednets were reported to be
used rarely and without insecticide treatment, and some beliefs such as that malaria is
transmitted by breastfeeding were potentially harmful. Conclusions: Some beliefs were potential
barriers to malaria prevention strategies. The different beliefs and roles identified between men
Geology of Yemen
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and women need to be taken into account in health promotion messages. ISSN: 1460-2237.
OCLC: 43257616.
Althary, Abdulla Mohamm. 1983. An Evaluation of the Ground Water Potential of the
Sanaa Basin, Yemen Arab Republic. Descriptors: Groundwater -- Yemen -- Sanaa Region;
Water resources development -- Yemen -- Sanaa Region. Notes: ix, 89 leaves: ill. 28 cm.
Dissertation: Thesis (M.S.)--University of Arizona, 1983. Note(s): Includes bibliographical
references. Reproduction: Electronic reproduction. Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona, 2007.
Responsibility: by Abdulla Mohammed Althary. OCLC Accession Number: 213092018.
Al-Thour, K. 1997. Facies Sequences of the Middle-Upper J urassic Carbonate Platform
(Amran Group) in the Sanaa Region, Republic of Yemen. Mar. Pet. Geol. Volume 14, Issue 6,
Pages 643-660. Descriptors: Sedimentary rocks; Carbonate minerals; Geographical regions;
Sedimentology; Sediments; Stratigraphy. Abstract: Rocks of the Amran Group in the Sanaa
region of Yemen disconformably overlie the Kohlan Formation and unconformably underlie the
Tawilah Group. Sea-level rises have produced landward migration of facies belts and the
development of deeper water facies over shallow ones. The geometry of the depositional
environments identified has enabled the passage of relatively short-lived transgressive-regressive
cycles of sedimentation to be recognized. Three facies associations are introduced: (1) Carbonate
platform facies, (2) Carbonate-marl alternation facies, and (3) Shallow water coral and
stromatoporoid build-up facies. These facies are widely distributed and the whole sequence
reflects deposition on a broad platform upon which shoals separated platform carbonates from
basin sedimentation and an open marine environment. The repetition and interfingering of both
fining- and shallowing-upward cycles within the study areas suggest that deposition occurred
within the same basin with slightly different conditions in different places. The main factors
controlling their deposition are sea-level changes and tectonics. ISSN: 0264-8172. URL:
Al-Thour, Khalid A. 2000. Diagenesis of the Middle-Upper J urassic Carbonate Platform
(Amran Group), Yemen; Middle East Models of J urassic/Cretaceous Carbonate Systems.
Special Publication - Society for Sedimentary Geology. Society for Sedimentary Geology
(SEPM), Tulsa, OK. Nov. Volume 69, Pages 155-171. Descriptors: alteration; Amran Group;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; biozones; burial diagenesis; carbonate platforms; carbonate rocks;
carbonate sediments; carbonatization; cement; cementation; compaction; dedolomitization;
diagenesis; dolomitization; dolostone; hardground; J urassic; limestone; lithofacies;
lithostratigraphy; marine environment; Mesozoic; Middle J urassic; oxidation; porosity;
secondary porosity; sedimentary rocks; sediments; shallow-water environment; solution; Upper
J urassic; weathering; Yemen. References: 28; illus. incl. chart, strat. col., 4 tables, sketch map.
Abstract: The Middle to Upper J urassic shallow marine carbonate platform (Amran Group) is
predominantly limestone to the west and northwest of Sanaa and limestone and dolomite to the
east and northeast of Sanaa. Diagenesis of the Amran Group encompasses many processes with
conspicuous effects, including cementation, dissolution, neomorphism, and compaction (both
physical and chemical), producing secondary microporosity, micritization, and dolomitization.
Dolomite cements are common and were precipitated mostly during later diagenesis in cavities
and fractures. Replacive dolomitization occurred during shallow burial (small rhombic types)
and during burial diagenesis with the formation of saddle dolomite. Integration of field,
petrographic, and geochemical analysis (ICP) indicates that lithification of these carbonates
occurred during synsedimentary and burial diagenesis, with much of the alteration controlled by
eustatic sealevel change and regional tectonism. Four major subenvironments, in which
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diagenesis of the Amran Group was operative, can be recognized. (1) Synsedimentary diagenesis
is characterized by the formation of isopachous and syntaxial cements, hardgrounds (with
associated borings and burrows, and shelter, fenestral, framework, interparticle, and intraparticle
porosity), geopetal structures, and intraclasts, indicating deposition under marine conditions. (2)
Shallow burial diagenesis shows other specific features such as leaching, recrystallization, and
early dolomitization (both replacive and void-filling) and mold-filling cements. Moldic and
vuggy porosity distribution, early compaction, collapse breccia, and silt deposition indicates that
the Amran Group continued to receive meteoric water following sediment stabilization,
enlarging some molds and vugs by solution. (3) Deep burial diagenesis is characterized by
dissolution, blocky calcite cement, late compaction (fractures and sutured grains), and saddle
dolomite. (4) Uplift diagenesis is characterized by reopening of stylolites along fractures and
development of dolomitization under meteoric conditions. The occurrence of nonferroan calcite
and ferric oxides in rhombohedral zones in dolomite indicates that dedolomitization was driven
by oxidation and alteration of ferroan dolomite zones and probably reflects alteration related to
recent weathering. Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 1565760751. OCLC: 45904403.
Alwan, Mohamed Abdul Alim and UNDP. 1992. Natural Gas and its Utilization for
Power Generation in Yemen: Country Paper. Amman: UN. Page(s): 4. Descriptors: Statistical
Data; Natural Gas; Gas Industry; Electric Power; Liquefied Natural Gas; Yemen; Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: tables. General Info: Distribution:
General. Responsibility: prepared by Mohamed Abdul Alim Alwan, Deputy Minister, Ministry
of Electricity and Water. OCLC: 78184238.
Aly, Said A. 2002. Application of Well-Log Analysis for Detecting and Evaluating the
Water Bearing Formations in the Western and Southwestern Parts of Taiz Governorate, Yemen.
Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt. Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority,
Cairo, Egypt. Volume 25, Pages 471-486. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
Cenozoic; clastic rocks; Cretaceous; electrical methods; geophysical methods; ground water;
hydrodynamics; igneous rocks; Mesozoic; mineral composition; physical properties; porosity;
sandstone; saturation; sedimentary rocks; shale; Taiz Yemen; Tertiary; volcanic rocks; well-
logging; Yemen. Notes: References: 17; illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, strat. col. Abstract: The
aim of this study is to detect and evaluate the water bearing formations and to determine the
petrophysical characteristics that affect strongly the well productivity by utilizing the well long
analysis. Two types of aquifers were detected in the study area through the electrofacies
methods. The first one is the Tertiary volcanics, which is characterized by low radioactivity, high
electrical resistivity and low spontaneous potential. The second aquifer is the Cretaceous
sandstone. It is characterized by a high radioactivity, very low resistivity and high values of
spontaneous potential. The Tertiary volcanic aquifer, which is encountered in the western part of
Taiz region increases in thicknesses to the west. The Cretaceous sandstone aquifer is located in
the southwestern part of the study area and it decreases in thicknesses towards north and west.
The volcanic aquifer is composed mainly of basalt with small intercalations of shale while the
sandstone aquifer is formed of sandstone with shale. The clay minerals present in the two
aquifers are mainly montmorillonite, illite and chlorite with some amounts of mica and
glauconite. The porosity is relatively higher in the volcanic aquifer than that of the sandstone one
due to the secondary origin of the first and the primary origin of the second. The water saturation
is high in the two aquifers but it is better in the sandstone aquifer. The movable water saturation
is generally higher than residual water saturation indicating that the specific yield of these
aquifers is excellent. The depth to water ranges from 12 to 28 m in volcanic aquifer but it
Geology of Yemen
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changes from 245 to 267 m within the sandstone aquifer at the western part of Taiz region, while
at the southwestern part, the depth to water is 4 m in the sandstone aquifer. Database: GeoRef.
ISSN: 1110-0435.
Alzandani, Bakeel A. 2010. The Bush Doctrine, the War on Terror, and American
Promotion of Democracy in the Middle East: The Cases of Egypt and Yemen. United States --
Nebraska: Political Science. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Abstract: Unlike the previous
U.S. Administrations, the Bush Administration believes that national security and promoting
democracy go hand-in-hand. In arguing that success in the war on terror demands democratic
reform in the Middle East, Bush broke a long-standing division between Realism (which stresses
security) and Liberalism (which posits that institutional change can enhance security in the long
term). Bush, in other words, proposed that security and democracy are positive sum and
increases in democracy promotion will yield positive security gains. Neoconservatives believed
that the major cause of terror is the lack of freedom and democracy in the Middle East. Thus in
the Bush era U.S. foreign policy aims to promote democracy in the region as a solution to
terrorist activities against the United States and the West. Clearly, government officials in the
Bush Administration believed that democracy promotion could guarantee security concerns of
the United States. This dissertation tries to answer the questions: did the Bush Administration
succeed in pursuing both security and democracy through its War on Terror policy, or did it end
up pursuing security at the expense of democracy? This dissertation examines in detail
statements by the Bush Administration about Democracy Promotion, including the ways in
which neoconservatives treated democracy post-9/11. This will contain explicit budgetary and
program information. ISBN: 9781124101057; 1124101055. OCLC: 696782644.
Ameen, J amal R. M. and Naji, J amil A. 2001. Causal Models for Road Accident
Fatalities in Yemen. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 7. Volume 33, Issue 4, Pages 547-561.
Descriptors: Road accident fatalities; Correlation and causality; Collinearity; Regression; Qat;
Yemen. ISSN: 0001-4575.
American Univ Washington DC Foreign Area Studies and Nyrop, Richard F. 1985.
Area Handbook Series: The Yemens Country Studies. J un. Page(s): 401 Report Number: DA-
PAM-550-183 Monitor Series: PAM-550-183. Abstract: Contents: Historical Setting; North
Yemen; South Yemen. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
Notes: 2ND EDITION, Distribution Statement: Approved for public release: Distribution
unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA176960.
[Ancient Water System, Aden, Yemen]. 2003. Descriptors: Waterworks -- Yemen
(Republic) -- Aden -- Slides; Antiquities -- Yemen (Republic) -- Aden -- Slides; Slide (sld).
Abstract: A.A-A.C. General view. Notes: 3 slides; Geographic: Aden (Yemen) -- Buildings,
structures, etc. -- Slides. Note(s): Built by Himyarites. Also available in digital format. OCLC
Accession Number: 53448470.
Anderson, J oshua Michael. 2007. Climatic and Structural Controls on the
Geomorphology of Wadi Sana, Highland Southern Yemen. Tampa, Fla.: University of South
Florida. Descriptors: Yemen. RASA. Wadi Hadramawt. Paleoclimate. Geochronology.
Paleohydrology. Abstract: Middle Holocene climate change forced significant environmental
response and influenced human activities throughout southern Arabia. Climate models and proxy
data indicate that climate along the southern Arabian peninsula changed from a moist phase,
spanning the early to middle Holocene, to an arid phase, which persisted for the last ca. 5,000
years. A weakening and southward shift of the Southwest Indian Monsoon System, forced by
northern hemisphere insolation variations in the precession band and/or glacial boundary
Geology of Yemen
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conditions, is suggested as the mechanism for the abrupt shift to more arid conditions.
Geoarchaeological evidence suggests that agriculture was more widespread and evolved
alongside the development of irrigation technologies during a period when rainfall was more
plentiful than today. Here we investigate the surficial record of the dynamic fluvial response to
the late Quaternary climate shift and reconstruct the geochronology of the geomorphic evolution
of a significant portion of the ca. 125 km length of Wadi Sana, a north-flowing tributary to the
Wadi Hadramout system. Using differential-corrected GPS-based survey, combined with
analysis of the sedimentary record, the RASA (Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia) Project
has created a paleohydrologic reconstruction of Wadi Sana in order to provide a context for
understanding how fluvial landscapes, hydrologic regime, and human activity reacted to
ivchanging middle Holocene climate. Radiocarbon and luminescence dating of remnant silt
terraces suggests that fine-grained sediment began accumulating on an older (late-Pleistocene)
coarse cobble surface between 12,000-7,000 years ago and continued aggrading until about
5,000 years ago. Paralleling the climate shift, Wadi Sana began incising and eroding the thick
sediment infilling about 4,500 years ago, which has continued to the present time. Field
reconnaissance and map analysis reveals structural and lithologic controls on the source and
availability of these fluvial sediments for downstream deposition during the late Pleistocene and
Holocene. Hydrologic modeling of active present-day channels within Wadi Sana estimates
stream velocities at 2.2 m/s and stream discharges of 444 m3/s. We propose that a change in
hydrologic regime, driven by the monsoon shift, is the cause of the middle Holocene channel
adjustment from an aggradational to incising mode in Wadi Sana. Notes: Dissertation: Thesis
(M.S.)--University of South Florida, 2007. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references.
Responsibility: by J oshua Michael Anderson. OCLC: 180701835.
Anderson, J oshua, Oches, Eric A., McCorriston, J oy and Harrower, Michael J . 2004.
Geomorphic Response to Middle Holocene Climate Change in Highland Southern Yemen;
Geological Society of America, 2004 Annual Meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological
Society of America. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO. Nov 2004. Volume 36, Issue
5, Pages 122-123. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; archaeology; Asia; Cenozoic; highlands;
Holocene; middle Holocene; paleoclimatology; Quaternary; Yemen. Abstract: Middle Holocene
climate change forced significant environmental response and influenced human activities
throughout southern Arabia. Climate models and proxy data indicate that climate along the
southern Arabian Peninsula changed from a moist phase, spanning the early to middle Holocene,
to an arid phase, which persisted for the last ca. 5,000 years. A weakening and southward shift of
the East African-Indian monsoon system, forced by insolation variations, is suggested as the
mechanism for the abrupt shift to more arid conditions. Abundant archaeological evidence
suggests that agriculture was much more widespread and evolved alongside the development of
irrigation technologies during a period when rainfall was more plentiful than today. Through
geoarchaeological survey we have investigated the surficial record of the dynamic fluvial
response to the mid-Holocene climate shift and documented a rich archaeological record of
neolithic artifacts, human settlement, and water management structures through the ca. 80km
length of Wadi Sana, a significant north-flowing tributary to the Wadi Hadramawt system. Using
differential-corrected GPS-based survey, combined with field and lab analysis of the sedimentary
record, the RASA (Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia) Project has created a
paleohydrologic reconstruction of Wadi Sana in order to provide a context for understanding
how fluvial landscapes, hydrologic regime, and human activity reacted to changing middle
Holocene climate. Radiocarbon and luminescence dating of remnant silt terraces suggests that
Geology of Yemen
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fine-grained sediment began accumulating on an older (late-Pleistocene?) coarse cobble surface
between 14,000-8,000 years ago and continued aggrading until about 5,000 years ago.
Paralleling the climate shift, Wadi Sana began incising and eroding thick sediment infilling about
4,500 years ago, which has continued to the present time. Our primary hypothesis is that a
change in hydrologic regime, driven by the monsoon shift, is the cause of channel adjustment
from an aggradational to incising mode in Wadi Sana. Additional paleohydrologic modeling will
quantify paleoflow, paleodischarge, and provide estimates of sediment flux in the Wadi Sana
system. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7592.
Anon. 1986. Yemen Water Contract Tests Nerve. World Constr. Volume 39, Issue 12,
Pages 40. Abstract: With an ancient history but only independent for 20 years, South Yemen
provides a working environment that stretches contractors skills and tolerance to the full. With
rebuilding identified as a priority by the new government, and benefiting from aid supplied by
both eastern block and western nations, the country is tackling its enormous development
problems. Some of the aid is being used to build a 56 km long, 800 mm diameter, water pipeline
from Wadi Bana, in the east, to Bir Nasir, on the outskirts of Aden. Originally designed by the
French, British consultants J ohn Taylor & Sons were called in to revise the project, and the
British contractor Bovis was in 1983 awarded the contract to build the pipeline, four large steel
reservoirs, and associated works. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0043-8375.
Anonymous. 1993. Unkonventionelle Wasserprospektion; Felderprobung Der
Rutengaenger-Methodik in Trockenzonen. Unconventional Water Detection; Field Test of
Dowsing Technique in Dry Zones. Federal Republic of Germany GTZ, Eschborn, Federal
Republic of Germany. Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung . Descriptors: Africa; Antilles;
aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; associations; Atlantic Ocean Islands; basin management;
Bavaria Germany; Cape Verde Islands; Caribbean region; Central Africa; Central Europe;
Congo; crystalline rocks; discharge; Dominican Republic; drilling; drinking water; East Africa;
Europe; experimental studies; exploration; Far East; faults; fractures; Germany; Greater Antilles;
ground water; Hispaniola; international cooperation; joints; karst; Kenya; methods; Namibia;
Niger; Philippine Islands; Sinai; Southern Africa; Sri Lanka; style; water harnessing; water
resources; water supply; water wells; wells; West Africa; West Indies; Yemen. Abstract: This
report presents new insights into an unconventional option of locating water reserves which
relies on water dowsing. The effectiveness of this method is still rightly disputed. Now, however,
extensive field studies - in line with provable and reliable historic accounts - have shown that a
few carefully selected dowsers are certainly able to detect faults, fissures and fractures with
relative alacrity and surprising accuracy in areas with, say, crystalline or limestone bed-rock. A
series of GTZ projects involving this technique were carried out in dry zones with unexpectedly
high rates of success. In particular, it was possible to locate a large number of relatively small
underground aquifers in thinly populated areas and to drill wells at the sites where water is
needed; the yields were low but sufficient for hand-pump operation throughout the year. Finding
or locating a sufficient number of relatively small fracture zones using conventional techniques
would have required a far greater work input. The relevance of the method used was tested under
various aspects. On the one hand, project areas with different geological characteristics were
chosen and, on the other hand, the relevant circumstances and project results were carefully
examined by geology experts. So far, neither critical consideration of all possible objections nor
attempts at reasoning have yielded a conventional explanation for the persistent success of the
dowsing technique - an outcome which has been corroborated by a number of specifically
designed control experiments and comparative tests. The trend of the reported findings is
Geology of Yemen
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concordant with that exhibited by the findings from recent scientific research carried out, for
example, by a Swedish geological institution and universities in Munich. Provided that certain
conditions are met, the results obtained show the dowsing technique to be a serious alternative
for ground-water prospection. It can thus be concluded from these present experiences that the
effectiveness of locating ground water in certain hydrogeological situations could be raised
significantly if conventionally organised operating teams were to make additional use of
appropriately tested and selected dowsers in order to pinpoint drilling spots. Along these lines, a
model of integration, which has already been tested on a pilot scale in some of the GTZ projects
presented herein, is discussed and proposed for future provisional use. The high success rates
described in this report suggest the design of specific tests for future use which may contribute to
a scientific clarification of the dowsing phenomenon. At the same time, there is the possibility of
an especially useful transfer of practical knowledge concerning waterresource development.
Finally, due to its biophysical background the issue might be of importance to bionics; further
treatment should aim at technical simulation of the proven albeit unexplained - effects of the
dowsers in order to create new and more effective measuring procedures. Notes: Edition: 2. erw.
Aufl. References: 25; illus. incl. tables, sects. ISBN: 3880854882. Database: GeoRef in Process.
Availability: 1994 B 113. GeoRef Accession Number: 101087-1.
Ansell, Christine. 1981. The Benefit of Rural Water Projects: An Impact Survey of Five
Villages. Sanaa, Yemen: New TransCentury Foundation. Descriptors: Water-supply, Rural --
Yemen (Republic); Sanitation, Rural -- Yemen (Republic); Water resources development --
Yemen (Republic); Cisterns -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: 23 leaves: map; 28 cm. Note(s):
Under contract to U.S.A.I.D., contract no. AID-NE-CA-1647 project no. 279-0044. October,
1981. Responsibility: Christine Ansell. LCCN: 2010-467302. OCLC Accession Number:
Ansell, Christine; Burrowes, Robert and American Save the Children/Yemen. 1981.
Communicating hygiene/sanitation Messages to Villagers: An Experiment in Wadi Ayyan.
Westport, Conn.: American Save the Children/Yemen. Page(s): 55. Descriptors: Public health
personnel -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic); Sanitation -- Yemen
(Republic); Public health -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: iii; ill. 28 cm. Responsibility: by Christine
Ansell and Robert Burrowes. OCLC: 11138432.
Ansell, Christine; Burrowes, Robert; American Save the Children/Yemen and Oxfam.
1981. Training Manual in Elementary hygiene/sanitation and its Instruction. Westport, CT:
American Save the Children/Yemen. Descriptors: Public health personnel -- Yemen (Republic);
Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic); Public health -- Yemen (Republic); Drinking water --
Yemen (Republic); Water quality management -- Yemen (Republic); Sanitation -- Yemen
(Republic); Diarrhea. Notes: v, [94] leaves: ill. 28 cm. Note(s): Cover title. Responsibility: by
Christine Ansell and Robert Burrowes. OCLC Accession Number: 11138420.
Apel, M. and Steudel, C. 2001. Rediscovery of Sphaerocarcinus Bedoti Zehntner, 1894
Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) at Socotra Island (Republic of Yemen) Andplacement in the
Genus Caphyra Guerin, 1832. J . Crust. Biol. May. Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 538-544.
Descriptors: Marine crustaceans; Taxonomy; Synonymy; Distribution records; phaerocarcinus
bedoti; Caphyra; Portunidae; Yemen, Socotra; Socotra; Animal morphology; Conspecifics;
Swimming crabs; Marine. Abstract: Two brachyuran crabs collected at Socotra Island (Republic
ofYemen) in the northwestern part of the Indian Ocean turned out tobe conspecific with
Sphaerocarcinus bedoti Zehntner, 1894, so faronly known from a single female collected at
Amboina, Indonesia, without any information on its ecology. Based on the new materialand
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especially the availability of a male for comparison of themorphology of the copulatory
appendages (gonopods), Sphaerocarcinus Zehntner, 1894, is synonymised with CaphyraGuerin,
1832. The extremely convex and globose carapace shape ofthe type specimen from Amboina
turned out to be atypical andpossibly caused by parasitic infection. Ecologically, C. bedoti, like
most species of the genus Caphyra, lives epibiontic on softcorals (Octocorallia: Alcyonaria).
Database: BioOne Abstracts and Indexes. ISSN: 0278-0372.
Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. 1975. Dirasat Bi-Al-J umhuriyah Al-
`Arabiyah Al-Yamaniyah: Istighlal Al-Mawarid Al-Maiyah Bi-Mintaqatay Sa`ada Wa-Siham:
Tatawwur Taswiq Al-Khudar Wa-Al-Fawakah. al-Khartum: J ami`at al-Duwal al-`Arabiyah, al-
Munazzamah al-`Arabiyah lil-Tanmiyah al-Zira`iyah. Page(s): 118. Descriptors: Water resources
development -- Yemen (Republic) -- Sa`dah (Province); Fruit -- Yemen (Republic); Vegetables -
- Yemen (Republic). Notes: 11, 15;; 26 cm. Note(s): Cover title. Includes bibliographical
references (p. 117-118). OCLC Accession Number: 41197012.
Arab Organization for Agricultural Development; International Service for National
Agricultural Research and UNDP. 1993. A Review of the Agricultural Research System in the
Republic of Yemen: Report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources. The Hague:
ISNAR. Page(s): 162. Descriptors: Agriculture; Agricultural Research; Agricultural Policy;
Yemen; Agricultural Engineering; Government publication; International government
publication. Notes: xii; charts, maps, tables. Note(s): Material type: Reports/studies. General
Info: Distribution: General (not for deposit). Responsibility: Arab Organization for Agricultural
Development, International Service for National Agricultural Research, United Nations
Development Programme. LCCN: 95-227865. OCLC Accession Number: 153315455;
Arar, A. 1991. Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation in the Near East Region. Kyoto, J pn:
Volume: 23, 10-12, page(s): 2127-2134. Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Conference of the
International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control, J uly 28, 1990 - August 3.
Conference: 1990. Descriptors: Wastewater Treatment; Agriculture; Environmental Protection;
Health Hazards; Irrigation; Water Resources--Conservation; Water Supply. Abstract: Limited
water supplies available in many countries of the Near East has led to a growing interest in the
rational use of this increasingly important resource. Because wastewater irrigation ensures the
reuse of resources and achieves better treatment of wastewater, plans have recently been
formulated for large-scale use of this non-conventional source of water. Consequently, in several
countries of the Near East Region, wastewater reuse in agriculture is an accomplished and
accepted fact, with a high degree of social and political commitment. Intensive and direct reuse
is being practised in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates and Tunisia. Direct,
but unsupervised reuse is being practised in Yemen Arab Republic, Morocco and Syria. All
forms of wastewater reuse is practised in Egypt. Indirect and direct restricted reuse is practised in
J ordan. However, given the health and environmental hazards associated with reuse of
wastewater, the formalization of wastewater treatment and reuse in all countries is urgent.
Furthermore, in most countries poor coordination amongst the different agencies concerned with
water supply, wastewater treatment, irrigation, public health and the environment is a key
constraint for further wastewater reuse. ISSN/ISBN: 0273-1223; 0080407749. OCLC:
ARCADIS, Euroconsult. 2003. Yemen Irrigation Improvement Project (IDA Credit No.
3412 YEM). Main Technical Assistance Package for IIP. Republic of Yemen Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation.
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Arfaa, F. 1972. Studies on Schistosomiasis in the Yemen Arab Republic. Am. J . Trop.
Med. Hyg. Volume 21, Issue 4, Pages 421-424. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 3. Database:
SCOPUS. ISSN: 0002-9637.
Arkell, W. J . 1952. J urassic Ammonites from J ebel Tuwaiq, Central Arabia. Royal
Society (London) Philosophical Transactions, Series B, number 633, volume 236, pages 257-
Arizona Univ Tucson Dept of Geosciences and Wallace, Terry C. 1989. The Effects of
Structure and Source Complexity on Waveforms: Crustal Structure of Tibet and the Recovery of
Complex Seismic Sources. 07 Sep. Page(s): 198 Report Number: GL-TR-89-0259 Contract
Number: F19628-87-K-0046 Monitor Series: TR-89-0259. Abstract: In an attempt to better
understand the effects of both source and path on regional distance waveforms, we investigated
the crustal structure of Eurasia and developed an algorithm for investigating complex seismic
sources. Part I is a study based on the inversion of 130 regional distance waveforms for average
crustal thickness and upper mantle Pn velocity beneath Tibet. Results indicate an increase in Pn
velocity, coincident with the increase in crustal thickness, of about 0.2 km/s beneath the Plateau.
Impulsive Pn arrivals from paths that cross the Tibetan Plateau can be modeled with a positive
upper mantle gradient, indicating an upper mantle lid approximately 100 km thick beneath
southern Tibet. This shield-like structure has important consequences for the propagation of
regional phases Pg, Pn and Sn. Part II discusses an algorithm for time dependent moment tensor
(TDMT) inversion. The algorithm was developed to investigate complex seismic sources, such
as multiple earthquakes and, ultimately, explosions with tectonic release contamination. The
TDMT inversion algorithm was tested with 3 synthetic data examples with varying degrees of
complexity. It was also tested on the long-period body waves for 3 earthquakes: the 1982
Yemen, the 1971 San Fernando, and the 1952 Kern County earthquakes. Preliminary modeling
in the nearfield of nuclear explosions yielded mixed results. Abstract Classification: Unclassified
Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Final rept. May 87-May 89, DTIC Accession Number:
Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Ks, School of Advanced
Military Studies and Dooghan, J ames K. 2006. Muslim Prison Ministry: Hindering the Spread
of the Radical, Militant, Violent and Irreconcilable Wing of Islam. 25 May. Page(s): 70 Report
Number: XA-USACGSC/SAMS Monitor Series: USACGSC/SAMS. Abstract: Prisons and
detention centers are recruiting grounds for radical Islamists. Unfortunately, the National
Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism Campaign Plan is not a sufficient enough
strategy to hinder the conversion of detainees into terrorists. However, addressing violent Islamic
ideology at the grass roots level may decrease the number of terrorists recruited and increase the
number of Muslims favoring a nonviolent interpretation of the Quran. The author recommends
reducing terrorist recruitment through an anti-violent Islamic ministry program that educates
detainees and prisoners through Muslim clerics. This indirect approach focuses on conflict
resolution and relies on Muslims who reject a violent interpretation of the Quran. Both Islamic
and western countries are beginning to rely on moderate Muslim ministers to promote nonviolent
ideologies to counter terrorist recruitment efforts. Egypt and Yemen have already witnessed
conversions of militant Islamists to moderate Islamists. The United Kingdom and France are
appealing to moderate Muslim clerics to address the growing number of radicalized Muslims in
their prisons. The U.S. Bureau of Prisons Muslim chaplaincy program provides guidelines for
selecting Muslim religious service providers for prison ministry programs. The solution is not an
ecumenical reconciliation of the various religions of the world, but a peaceful coexistence among
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religions, beginning with an intellectual understanding of Islamic ideologies and empathy for the
Muslims caught in the war between terrorists and the coalition forces. Abstract Classification:
Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release;
distribution is unlimited. DTIC: ADA450078. URL:
Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Ks, School of Advanced
Military Studies and Machon, Matthew J . 2006. Targeted Killing as an Element of U.S. Foreign
Policy in the War on Terror. 25 May. Page(s): 69 Report Number: XA-USACGSC/SAMS
Monitor Series: USACGSC/SAMS. Abstract: On 5 November 2002, an armed Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) operated Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) launched a lethal
missile strike, killing Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, a high ranking al-Qaeda member and
suspected architect of the USS Cole bombing, in an isolated and sparsely populated region
within Yemen. This missile strike appears to have initiated a new and highly controversial phase
in the Global War on Terror; moving the Bush administration away from the law enforcement-
based tactics of arrests and detentions of al-Qaeda suspects that it had employed outside
Afghanistan in the months since the fighting there had ended. Since the 2002 Yemen strike US
officials have acknowledged at least 19 occasions since September 11th on which Predators have
successfully fired Hellfire missiles on terrorist suspects overseas. While it is uncertain how many
unacknowledged strikes the US has conducted, now that al-Qaeda has decentralized its
operations around the globe, its likely that the war against the network will assume an
increasingly covert nature, involving intelligence cooperation and targeted strikes against al-
Qaeda suspects rather than major conventional military offensives. This monograph examines
the prohibition on assassination embodied within Executive Order 12333 and its effect on a U.S.
policy of targeted killing of transnational terrorist leadership. Next this monograph will examine
the numerous interpretations of applicable international law regarding terrorism and the states
response. This examination will contrast the law enforcement model proposed by adherents of
international humanitarian law, with international humanitarian law and the law of war model
advocated by those who see the current war on terror as an armed conflict between states and
trans-national terrorists. Given the level of secrecy and lack of transparency i Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Monograph; Distribution Statement:
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC: ADA450537. URL:
Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Ks, School of Advanced
Military Studies and Mady, Ahmed M. 2005. Roles and Effects of Media in the Middle East
and the United States. 26 May. Page(s): 80 Report Number: XA-USACGSC/SAMS Monitor
Series: USACGSC/SAMS. Abstract: This monograph compares the role of contemporary media,
especially television, in the Middle East and the United States. Emphasis is placed on the more
salient roles played by the media in the Middle Eastern and U.S. perspectives of the world. These
roles include the impact of media on military operations, politics, foreign policy, economics,
society, and culture. The paper begins with definitions of the terms Middle East and media. Next,
the author presents a survey of the Middle Easts media establishment and its characteristics
across the region. The countries included in the survey are Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia,
Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, J ordan, Palestine, Turkey, Israel, Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, and Iran. The focus then
shifts to the United States, where the history and influence of the media establishment there is
reviewed. Although media in the United States and the Middle East appear quite different, they
share many attributes, including the need to deal with ownership, adapt to rapidly changing
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technology and methods, operate in diverse environments, and deal with the various challenges
to forthright news reporting and commentary. Based on this analysis, the author concludes that
the media -- now more than ever -- have the capacity not only to reflect on the world, but also to
transform it. How this capacity makes itself felt remains largely a function of context and
culture. Still, there are underlying common denominators, including the growing intrusiveness of
a burgeoning and specialized media establishment in both regions. This and related
developments mean that, like Ben Franklins adage about the poor and taxes, the media will
always be with us. The author concludes that this understanding has significant ramifications for
the relationship between the media and the military in both the United States and the Middle
East. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution Statement:
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC: ADA435946. URL:
Army Command And General Staff Coll Fort Leavenworth Ks School Of Advanced
Military Studies and Murphy, J ohn E. 2009. Air Policing. May. Page(s): 59 Report Number:
XA-USACGSC/SAMS Monitor Series: USACGSC/SAMS. Abstract: Currently, the United
States finds itself in a predicament similar to that which Great Britain experienced after emerging
from the First World War as she dealt with the governance of a growing empire. Some air-
minded proponents are asking whether the air policing policy developed and implemented by
Great Britain during the interwar years offers any relevancy for the contemporary Iraqi situation.
Specifically, does air policing offer a means to mitigate the reduction in capability associated
with the drawdown of conventional U.S. ground forces in Iraq? This monograph presents case
studies of the employment and evolution of British air policing operations from 1919 to 1934.
The case studies examine the origins, development, and mature employment of British air
policing doctrine in the Third Afghan War, Somaliland, Mesopotamia, and Aden. Air strikes
were a significant factor in preventing tactical defeats from having strategic consequences and in
preserving political will. The ability to rapidly transport and resupply small ground force teams
proved essential to conducting rapid decisive actions, provided for increased security and
freedom from attack, and reduced the requirement for ground-based logistics support. The ability
to rapidly transport civilian governing personnel across the physical vastness of a governed
territory also was extremely effective. Psychological operations conducted from aircraft were
effective at communicating and reinforcing government directives. Reconnaissance provided
actionable intelligence, enabled overwatch of small unit teams, and permitted observation of
otherwise unreachable sections of territory. While the study shows that the British doctrine of
Inverted Blockade is unsuitable for contemporary Iraqi counterinsurgency operations, and the
doctrine of Interference offers only minor utility, the employment of air power in close
coordination with ground forces and in direct support of local governance could be extremely
effective. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text
(pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a506166.pdf; Size: 355 KB; Monograph;
Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC:
ADA506166. URL:
Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Ks, School of Advanced
Military Studies and Olson, Brian S. 2008. Withdrawal from Empire: Britains Decolonization
of Egypt, Aden, and Kenya in the Mid-Twentieth Century. 30 Sep. Page(s): 71 Report Number:
XA-USACGSC/SAMS Monitor Series: USACGSC/SAMS. Abstract: Powerful nations often
find themselves physically and geographically embroiled in the affairs of other nations in the
form of empires, protectorate treaties, military occupations, and peacekeeping and stability
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operations. Generally speaking, they all eventually withdraw these forces and empower the
sovereign nation in self-governance. Withdrawal from Empire provides lessons from three case
studies of how Great Britain withdrew forces and superintendence from Egypt, Aden and Kenya
during the End of Empire era in the mid-Twentieth Century. After outlining several popular
theories of why Britain elected to (or was forced to) withdraw from these colonies, the cases are
addressed individually. To provide background and situational context to the studies, the case
studies begin with a narrative history of Britains incursions into the specific lands on Africa and
the Arabian Peninsula. The narrative traces Britains influence in these nations and her eventual
reasons and methods of withdrawal. An analysis of the plans, methods and post-withdrawal
status of the new independent nations and their relationship with Britain leads to some basic
lessons on how other nations should consider withdrawing forces from occupied territories.
While the analysis is uses four comparison criteria it is primarily focused on governance,
economics, and security issues. Some examples of the lessons learned involve whether and how
occupying nations should establish a timeline for withdrawal, how to train and educate the new
or newly independent nation in governance, and the utility of leaving behind some forces or
advisors to continue to guide the new nation or participate in its governance, economy or
security. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution
Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC: ADA510241. URL:
Army Command and General Staff Coll Fort Leavenworth KS and Gonnella, J oseph.
2005. Terrorism Prevention: How does Special Operations Fit in? 17 J un. Page(s): 117 Report
Number: XA-USACGSC Monitor Series: USACGSC. Abstract: The 2002 U.S. national security
strategy is a proactive, world-integrated strategy against terrorism. The United States chose to
highlight preemption as a viable option to deal with terrorists or rogue states. The aim of this
thesis is to address the planning and execution of this policy at the operational level with regard
to prevention more so than preemption. As such, strategic and operational decisions regarding
actions to be taken against impending terrorist threats will need to be made to prevent the onset
of hostile acts against the United States. The decision to act also will incur associated military
and political risks. Once possible terrorist activity is detected, the United States may choose to
use diplomatic, economic, or informational means of preventing it, but often the only sure way of
stopping terrorist attacks will be by military means. The decision to preempt or prevent terrorism
using the military equates to the use of force and can be accomplished with conventional or
special operations forces (SOF). The thesis includes a chapter that utilizes METT-TC to analyze
the circumstances that exist to allow a combatant commander to gain maximum situational
awareness. It explains the capabilities that he must look for when choosing appropriate forces to
achieve success, the types of threats and different states he may face, and considerations he must
take into account regarding the U.S. public and the international community. It concludes with a
Classical Terrorism-Prevention Flowchart to assist in deciding which type of forces to use.
Another chapter interprets, analyzes, and explains five cases pertaining to preventive/preemptive
strikes. The circumstances of each case are placed into the Flowchart to compare the classical
solution to applying force to the solution that was actually used. The chapter concludes with an
analysis of SOF and how SOFs capabilities present a better opportunity for both military and
political success. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution
Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC: ADA436674. URL:
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Army Field Artillery School Fort Sill OK Morris Swett Technical Library Div and
MillerL, L., J r. 1985. The Middle East, and Her Geographic Approaches. 15 Sep. Page(s): 38
Report Number: USAFAS/MSTLD/SB112. Abstract: This bibliography presents periodical
citations on the Middle East, and Approaches. Emphasis is on military and Naval articles which
provide background understanding for some of the historic and contemporary issues which
concern everyone. Coverage: Aden; Afghanistan; Bahrain; Cyprus; Diego Garcia; Iran; Iraq;
Israel; J ordan; Kurdistan Region; Kuwait; Lebanon; Muscat; Oman; Pakistan; Palestine Region;
Qatar; Saudia Arabia; Syria; Turkey; Yemen. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical
Reports Collection. Notes: Final rept. DTIC: ADA157344.
Army Medical Research Inst Of Infectious Diseases Fort Detrick Md Virology Div and
Turell Michael J Linthicum Kenneth J Patrican Lisa A Davies F G Kairo Alladin Bailey, Charles
L. 2008. Vector Competence of Selected African Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Species for Rift
Valley Fever Virus. J an. Page(s): 9 Report Number: TR-07-052 XA-USAMRIID/VD Monitor
Series: USAMRIID/VD. Abstract: Outbreaks of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in Egypt, Yemen, and
Saudi Arabia have indicated the potential for this disease to spread from its enzootic areas in sub-
Saharan Africa. Because little is known about the potential for most African mosquito species to
transmit RVF virus (RVFV), we conducted studies to determine the vector competence of
selected African species of mosquitoes for this virus. All eight species tested (Aedes palpalis
(Newstead), Aedes mcintoshi Huang, Aedes circumluteolus (Theobald), Aedes calceatus
Edwards, Aedes aegypti (L.), Culex antennatus (Becker), Culex pipiens (L.), and Culex
quinquefasciatus Say, were susceptible to infection and all except Ae. calceatus, Ae. aegypti and
Cx. quinquefasciatus transmitted RVFV by bite after oral exposure. Estimated transmission rates
for mosquitoes that successfully transmitted RVFV by bite ranged from 5% for Ae. mcintoshi to
39% for Ae. palpalis for mosquitoes that fed on a hamster with a viremia 108 plaque-forming
units of virus/ml. We did not recover RVFV from any of 3,138 progeny of infected female
mosquitoes. RVFV is unusual among arboviruses in that it has been isolated in nature from a
large number of species and that numerous mosquitoes and other arthropods are able to transmit
this virus in the laboratory. The recent introduction and spread of West Nile virus into the
Americas and the spread of RVFV to the Arabian Peninsula illustrates the potential for viruses,
once enzootic in Africa, to spread to other parts of the world. Abstract Classification:
Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release;
distribution is unlimited. DTIC: ADA486086. URL:
Army Natick Labs Mass Earth Sciences Lab and FegleyRobert, S. 1968. Clothing
Almanac For Southwest Asia. J ul. Page(s): 56 Report Number: ES-39 USA-NLABS-TR-69-6-
ES Monitor Series: TR-69-6-ES. Abstract: Monthly military clothing requirements are given for
Southwest Asia, including here the countries of Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, J ordan,
Iraq, Iran, United Arab Republic (east of the Nile River), Saudi Arabia, Yemen, South Yemen
and the Protectorates, Sultanates and Sheikdoms of the Arabian Peninsula. This region includes
portions of Clothing Allowance Zones I, II, and III, which are further divided into mountainous
and non-mountainous Clothing Requirement Areas. In general, Zone I comprises the southern
and western perimeter of the Arabian Peninsula. Zone II comprises the rest of the Peninsula and
the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf. Zone III includes the northern half
of this region. Mountainous areas generally require the use of items listed for the next colder
zone, or any additional items required for troop protection. Clothing items are grouped
alphabetically in tables for each of the six areas. A map is provided to indicate the extent of each
area in Southwest Asia. The Almanac includes a descriptive summary of physical features of this
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region, its climate, biotic conditions, and the relation of these factors to the issue of special
clothing items. (Author) Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
Notes: Technical rept., DTIC: AD0682729.
Army Training And Doctrine Command Fort Leavenworth Ks Deputy Chief Of Staff For
Intelligence. 2005. Terror Operations: Case Studies in Terrorism. U.S. Army DCSINT
Handbook no. 1.01. 15 Aug. Page(s): 106 Report Number: XA-TRADOC/DCSI Monitor
Series: TRADOC/DCSI. Abstract: This supplemental handbook presents four terrorist incidents
in a case study methodology. The handbook supports a U.S. Army Training and Doctrine
Command, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence - Threats capstone reference guide on
terrorism, DCSINT Handbook No. 1, A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty-First
Century. Understanding terrorism spans foreign and domestic threats of nation states, rogue
states with international or transnational agents, and actors with specific strategies, tactics, and
targets. The central foci of the handbook are foreign and domestic threats against the United
States in a contemporary operational environment (COE). The handbook supports operational
missions, institutional training, and professional military education for U.S. military forces in the
Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). It promotes an improved understanding of terrorist goals and
objectives; motivation; planning strategy; behavior; conduct of operations; and tactics,
techniques, and procedures (TTP). The primary audiences for the handbook are U.S. military
forces that are deployed, that are in transit to or from an operational mission, and that are
primarily nondeployable as installation or institution support. Other applicable groups may
include interdepartmental, interagency, intergovernmental, nongovernmental, private volunteer,
and humanitarian relief organizations. Compiled from source materials, the handbook promotes a
Threats perspective and enemy situational awareness in combating terrorism. The following case
studies are analyzed in detail: the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack, the Murrah Federal Building
Bombing, the Khobar Towers VBIED Bombing, and the USS Cole Bombing. Each case study
presents learning objectives, an overview, background, planning and preparation, the attack
itself, supplemental vignettes, the terrorists and victims, and case discussion questions. Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution Statement: Approved for
public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC: ADA456281. URL:
Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks PA and Al-Bukaiti, Mohamed H. 2004. Yemens
Fight Against Terrorism. 19 Mar. Page(s): 18 Report Number: XA-USAWC Monitor Series:
USAWC. Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between the United States and Yemen
in the Global War on Terror (GWOT). Yemen supports the general goals and objectives of the
United States in this effort and the Yemen national leadership has launched an initiative to
confront and fight terror and work towards ending it at the earliest opportunity. This initiative
has included military and law enforcement cooperation with U.S. agencies. These efforts have
resulted in the capture and prosecution of several terrorists some of whom were involved in the
bombing of the USS COLE. Although cooperation between Yemen and the United States has
been positive - and will continue to be so - there are differences regarding the definition of
terrorism and the perception of equal application of that definition to all states in the Middle East
including Israel that must be addressed if a truly lasting solution to the problem of international
terrorism is to be achieved. This paper will review the nature of these differences beginning with
the definition of terrorism. Additionally the nature of the Global Terrorist Threat will be
reviewed as well as Yemens strategic requirements for effectively supporting the United States
in defeating that threat. The paper concludes with an assessment of the Yemen - United States
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relationship in the fight against terrorism and a series of policy recommendations for both
Yemen and the United States centering on international security and economic aspects of the
War on Terror. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Strategy
research project. DTIC: ADA424190. URL:
Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks PA and Al-Saud, Fahad. 2000. Saudi Relations with
its Main Contiguous Neighbors. 14 Mar. Page(s): 29 Report Number: XA-USAWC Monitor
Series: USAWC. Abstract: Saudi Arabian relations with the outside world are predicated on set
of basic principles or factors. They include Islamic values, Arab heritage, geographic continuity,
reciprocal respect, and national interest. Therefore any assessment of Saudi Arabian relations
must be looked at from this perspective. In our discussion of Saudi Arabian relations with its
main neighbors (Yemen, Iran, Iraq, and J ordan), I have shown how influential those factors are
in shaping and directing Saudi Arabian policy with those countries in particular and the world in
general. This paper will not discuss Saudi relations with other Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC)
members since Saudi Arabia is an integral part of GCC and any problems between it and other
GCC members do not rise to the level of threat and are solved diplomatically and in a brotherly
manner. Saudi Arabian policy makers hope that the outcome of these bilateral relations will be
regional security and political stability, respect of national sovereignty, recognized boundaries,
normal relations in all fields, and non-interference in internal affairs with each other. In sum the
ultimate objective of Saudi Arabia is the preservation of its national security, but diplomacy must
be accompanied by the will and real determination to advance and defend this interest. This
primarily can be achieved through self-reliance and trustworthy friends and allies. Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. DTIC: ADA377948. URL:
Army War Coll Carlisle BARRACKS PA and Crawford, David. 2005. Should the
United States Increase its Engagement with Eritrea? 18 Mar. Page(s): 31 Report Number: XA-
USAWC Monitor Series: USAWC. Abstract: This paper will discuss Eritreas history, historical
and current relationship with the United States (U.S.), and those elements of U.S. national power
that should be used in a future strategy concerning Eritrea. The Horn of Africa is becoming
increasingly important to the National Security Strategy of the United States. The region is one
that directly affects U.S. objectives in the global war on terrorism (GWOT) and regional
stability. The U.S. is very much engaged diplomatically, economically and militarily in Ethiopia,
Sudan, Djibouti, and Yemen. However, Eritrea receives less than adequate attention in its
importance to regional stability or its impact on U.S. national security interests and objectives.
Eritrea has a history of affecting whether or not the U.S. accomplishes its objectives in the
region. Eritrea is struggling with significant internal developmental issues but wants to be a
participant in the GWOT. The transitional government has become authoritarian. Its heavy
handedness has often resulted in the loss of freedom of expression and representation in the
country. The economic and humanitarian situations are just as dire. Additionally, there is the
growing possibility of a terrorist organization supported by Al Qaeda attempting to turn the
country into an Islamic state. Eritrea is important to the U.S. because it is a key ally in the
GWOT, is critical in maintaining regional stability, and could provide the U.S. access to the Red
Sea. The U.S. has the opportunity to assist Eritrea in developing democratic values through the
example of the U.S. military. Without a stable and productive Eritrea there will not be peace in
the region, the U.S. will not have an Eritrean ally in the GWOT nor have the access Eritrea
provides to the Red Sea Basin. Without U.S. support in general and military support in
particular, Eritrea is likely to become an authoritarian state and search for support from countries
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not friendly toward the U.S. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
This document is not available from DTIC in microfiche. DTIC: ADA432733. URL:
Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks PA and Mahrouki, H. S. H. 1986. Omans Role in the
Strategic Balance, Apr. Page(s): 25. Abstract: This paper touches upon the explosive Persian
Gulf area and Omans critical importance to United States strategic interests. Guardian of the
Straits of Hormuz, Russia looks with covetous eyes upon Oman from South Yemen, its surrogate
to the south, and from Afghanistan and its staging area to the north. This paper touches upon
Omans geographical, historical, religious, economic, and internal significance as the lynch-pin
to both the export of oil from the region and import of raw materials into the region.
Additionally, this paper addresses the aggressive nature of its neighbor to the south--South
Yemen--and its role as a staging area for both Russian and Cuban military adventures. Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. DTIC: ADA167346.
Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks PA and Pohland, Eric A. 2002. The Global War on
Terrorism: Is Where Next really the Right Question? 09 Apr. Page(s): 31 Report Number: XA-
USAWC Monitor Series: USAWC. Abstract: The devastating attacks of modem terrorism have
necessitated a new national and international posture: responding to terrorism as war. This is the
case in the current U.S. led war in Afghanistan, and the successes there have resulted in a great
deal of media coverage and speculation on where the U.S. will attack next for phase-two in the
war on terrorism. The areas most frequently indicated for this phase-two include: Iraq, Somalia,
Pakistan, Yemen, Philippines and Colombia. But a review of the proposed military actions in
these countries reflect little in-depth analysis or justification to truly provide serious debate or
recommendations required to win the war against terror. This is primarily due to the fact that the
vast preponderance of the discussion on a next phase in the war has centered strictly on U.S.
military actions, with virtually no attention to U.S. national interests or policy in a manner -
equating to a full strategic analysis. Fortunately there are tools and methodologies for just such
an analysis. These include criteria on which to base a phase-two decision, as well as a strategic
framework on which to build an analysis. That framework is provided succinctly by the Army
War College in its ends, ways, and means paradigm. Inclusive in this framework is a
presentation of the elements of national power and-their applicability to strategic analysis of
national issues. Asking where next for the U.S. military may be a great media ploy, but it will
be of little avail in enhancing long-range U.S. interests. It is rather in a strategic context that we
need to address the war on terrorism. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports
Collection. DTIC: ADA402065. URL:
Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks PA and Saleh, Taiseer. 2006. Yemen National
Strategy to Combat Global Terrorism. 15 Mar. Page(s): 11 Report Number: XA-USAWC
Monitor Series: USAWC. Abstract: The recent terrorists acts committed in the Republic of
Yemen present a dangerous challenge to the government. The terrorists plan to shake up the
pillars of security, stability, and social peace. The terrorists intended to place Yemen among the
areas targeted in the worlds fight against terrorism. The Republic of Yemen, a member of the
international community and the United Nations, denounces and rejects terrorism; and has a
national strategy to combat it. Terrorism is alien to Muslim Yemen, society and contradicts its
deeply-rooted and noble traditions and values. This paper discusses the history of terrorism in
Yemen and examines the national strategy to address it. This examination concludes that the
Republic of Yemen has the will and a viable strategy but requires international resources to
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combat terrorism. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. DTIC:
ADA448617. URL:
Army War Coll Strategic Studies Inst Carlisle Barracks PA and Pelletiere, Stephen C.
1996. Yemen and Stability in the Persian Gulf: Confronting the Threat from within. 22 May.
Page(s): 53 Report Number: ACN-96014 XA-AWC/SSI Monitor Series: AWC/SSI. Abstract:
The author examines the recent eruption of hostilities between Yemen and its neighbor, Saudi
Arabia. He describes how the two countries have come to be so alienated from each other, and
suggests ways in which Yemen could be assisted economically and also how tensions between it
and Saudi Arabia could be relaxed. If Yemen and Saudi Arabia were to get into a real shooting
war, the author concludes, this could have significant adverse repercussions for the welfare of
American strategic interests in the Persian Gulf. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical
Reports Collection. DTIC: ADA309435. URL:
Arnold, Guy. 1995. Wars in the Third World since 1945. London: Cassell. Page(s): 670.
ISBN: 0304316717; 9780304316717. OCLC: 28115908.
Arthur, Max. 1990. Men of the Red Beret: Airborne Forces 1940-1990. London:
Hutchinson. Page(s): 430. Abstract: The books by Arthur, Norton and Thompson all give a brief
glimpse of operations by the Paras during the Aden conflict. Notes: xviii, 430 p. [16] p. of plates:
ill., maps, ports. 24 cm. Includes index. ISBN: 0091739314. OCLC: 20964768.
Arya, A. Srivastava, L. and Gupta, S. 1985. Survey of Damages during the Dhamar
Earthquake of 13 December 1982 in the Yemen Arab Republic. Seismological Society Of
America. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Volume: 75, no. 2, page(s): 597-
597-610. Abstract: The Dhamar province was shaken on Dec. 13, 1982, by a moderate
earthquake. This paper describes the damage to houses and other structures and the observed
ground fissures, rock falls, and landslides. An isoseismal map of the earthquake-damaged area is
presented. ISSN: 0037-1106.
Arya, A. Srivastava, L. and Gupta, S. 1984. Damages during Dhamar Earthquake of
December 13, 1982, in Yemen Arab Republic. Bulletin of the Indian Society of Earthquake
Technology. Volume: 21, no. 4, page(s): 115-162. Abstract: This moderate earthquake caused
considerable loss of life and different degrees of damage to the traditional houses in the Dhamar
province of Yemen, in particular to the most prevalent form of construction, stone masonry and
adobe. The destruction of these houses is ascribed to failure of superstructures rather than
movement of foundations. Damage features such as ground ruptures, failure of dry packed stone
retaining walls, rock falls, and rupture of stone on hillsides are described, along with the collapse
of an above-ground reinforced concrete water tank. An isoseismal map of the the damaged area
is presented. Database: Technology Research Database. ISSN: 0019-6371. OCLC: 7706445.
Asia. 2008. Earth Island J ournal. Earth Island Institute: Summer2008. Volume 23,
Issue 2, Pages 5-8. Descriptors: Environmentalism; Aquifers; Water-supply. Abstract: This
article presents environmental news from Asian nations. Freshwater aquifers in Yemen are being
depleted more rapidly than they can be replenished by rainfall, leading some to speculate that a
disaster is inevitable. Water shortages have resulted in health problems for citizens and have
forced many to move out of the capital. ISSN: 1041-0406.
`Aslan, `Abd al-Wahhab Muhammad. 2000. Ghuyul San`a: Dirasah Tarikhiyah Athariyah
Wathaiqiyah. Dimashq, Suriyah; Bayrut, Lubnan: Dar al-Fikr; Dar al-Fikr al-Mu`asar. Page(s):
264. Descriptors: Waterworks -- Yemen (Republic) -- San`a; Irrigation engineering -- Yemen
(Republic) -- San`a; Water-supply engineering -- Yemen (Republic) -- San`a. Notes: ill., maps,
facsims. 24 cm. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. [171]-186). Responsibility: `Abd
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 52
al-Wahhab Muhammad `Aslan. ISBN: 1575477491; 9781575477497. OCLC Accession
Number: 45931756; 646500390.
As-Saruri, Mustafa. 2007. Geologic Map of Yemen. Republic of Yemen Ministry of Oil
and Minerals Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA). This geological map
illustrates only the distribution of the geological units, mainly the groups and formations of the
outcropping sedimentary succession (No detail division of the J urassic and Cretaceous) and
represents the formal lithostratigraphic nomenclature used in Yemen. No scale given. URL:
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 53
As-Saruri, M. 2007. Sedimentary Basins of Yemen. Republic of Yemen Ministry of Oil
and Minerals Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA). Modified and expanded
after Beydoun et al. (1996, 1997, 1998); Beydoun and As-Saruri (1998); As-Saruri et al. (2006)
and As-Saruri and Sorkhabi (2006). URL:
As-Saruri, M. 2007. Sedimentary Basins of Yemen. Republic of Yemen Ministry of Oil
and Minerals Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA). This chart is compiled
after Beydoun et al. (1996, 1998); Beydoun and As-Saruri (1998); As-Saruri and Beydoun
(1998); As-Saruri et al. (1998, 1999, 2006); As-Saruri and Sorkhabi (2006) and As-Saruri (1998,
1999). This chart illustrates the formal names of the litho-straigraphic units in the surface and
subsurface sections used in Yemen and demonstrates the unified nomenclature swcheme of
Yemen stratigraphy (the used pattern of the geological formations and members represents only
the major lithologies). URL:
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i II II ! I ! I
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Geology of Yemen
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Assessment of Water Resources Situation in the ECWA Region. 1981. Beirut: UN.
Page(s): 290. Descriptors: Water Resources; Resources Inventories; Hydrogeology; Regional
Cooperation; Western Asia; Bahrain; Democratic Yemen; Iraq; J ordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Oman;
Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syrian Arab Republic; United Arab Emirates; Yemen; Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: xvi; graphs, maps, tables. Note(s): At
head of title: Water programme. Bibliography: p. 284-290. OCLC Accession Number:
`Atrus, `Ali Sa`d. 2000. Al-Miyah Al-J awfiyah. San`a: page(s): 231. Descriptors:
Groundwater -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: illustrations,
maps; 25 cm. Other Titles: Groundwater; Responsibility: talif `Ali Sa`d `Atrus. OCLC Accession
Number: 84655475.
Attaala, AM and Rubaia, BS. 2005. First Record of the Eel Anguilla Bengalensis from
Arabia with Notes on Freshwater Fishes from Hadhramout, Yemen. Zool. Middle East. 35-44.
Volume 34, Pages 35-44. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Community composition;
Freshwater fish; Geographical distribution; Inland water environment; Introduced species; New
records; Article Taxonomic Terms: Anguilla bengalensis; Awaous; Barbus; Garra; Oreochromis
mossambicus; Article Geographic Terms: Middle East; Yemen, Hadhramout; Mozambique
mouth-breeder; Freshwater. Abstract: The relatively rich freshwater fauna of Wadi Hajr in
southeastern Yemen is studied, and details on the diagnostic characteristics of two newly
recorded eel species, Anguilla bengalensis and A. bicolor, are given. A. bengalensis is the first
record for the Arabian Peninsula; specimens collected apparently belong to the subspecies
labiata. Information is also given on four other freshwater fishes new to Yemen or to Wadi Hajr:
Garra tibanica, Barbus exulatus, and Awaous aeneofuscus as autochthonous occurrences, and
Oreochromis mossambicus as an introduced species. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and
Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 0939-7140.
Attorre, Fabio, Francesconi, Fabio, Taleb, Nadim, et al. 2007. Will Dragonblood
Survive the Next Period of Climate Change? Current and Future Potential Distribution of
Dracaena Cinnabari (Socotra, Yemen). Biol. Conserv. 9. Volume 138, Issue 3-4, Pages 430-
439. Descriptors: Bioclimatic model; Climate change; Dracaena cinnabari; Regression tree
analysis; Socotra island; Yemen. Abstract: The potential impact of climate change on Dracaena
cinnabari, a spectacular relict of the Mio-Pliocene Laurasian subtropical forest in Socotra
(Yemen), was analysed. Current distribution, abundance and vertical structure of D. cinnabari
populations were assessed with 74 plots in nine remnant areas. A deterministic regression tree
analysis model was used to examine environmental variables related to the current species
distribution. Using this model, a current potential map and a predicted potential map for the
2080 climatic scenario were generated. D. cinnabari has an altitudinal range from 323 to
1483 m a.s.l., with a mean annual temperature of 19.828.6 C and an annual precipitation of
207569 mm. The current distribution and abundance of D. cinnabari is correlated to three
factors: moisture index (i.e. the ratio between the annual precipitation and potential
evapotranspiration), mean annual temperature and slope. According to this model, D. cinnabari
occupies only 5% of its current potential habitat. This potential habitat is expected to be reduced
with 45% by 2080 because of a predicted increased aridity. Only two out of the nine remnant
areas should be considered as potential refugia. The boundaries of the strictly protected Skund
Nature Sanctuary, where no (road) infrastructure is allowed, should be extended to include both
areas. The construction of new roads leading towards these areas, thereby increasing permanent
settlements and grazing pressure, should also be discouraged. ISSN: 0006-3207.
Geology of Yemen
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Aust, Horst. 1994. Groundwater from Volcanic Rocks; Problems of Groundwater
Development and Groundwater Quality as Illustrated by an Example from Yemen. Natural
Resources and Development. Institut fuer Wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit: Bundesanstalt
fuer Bodenforschung, Tubingen, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany.
Volume 39, Pages 61-76. Descriptors: agriculture; alkali basalts; Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
basalts; drilling; erosion; igneous rocks; irrigation; mugearite; northern Yemen; potability; pump
tests; rhyolites; semi-arid environment; soil erosion; soil management; soils; terrestrial
environment; trachytes; volcanic rocks; Wadi Shadb; water management; water quality; water
resources; Yemen. Notes: References: 21; illus. incl. sect., 2 tables, geol. sketch maps. Database:
GeoRef. ISSN: 0340-2797.
Aust, Horst. 1993. Grundwasser Aus Vulkaniten; Erschliessungs- Und
Qualitaetsprobleme, Dargestellt Anhand Eines Beispiels Aus Dem J emen. Groundwater from
Volcanic Rocks; Problems of Groundwater Development and Groundwater Quality Illustrated by
an Example from Yemen. Geologisches J ahrbuch.Reihe A: Allgemeine Und Regionale
Geologie BR Deutschland Und Nachbargebiete, Tektonik, Stratigraphie, Palaeontologie.
Schweizerbart in Komm., Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany;
Stratigraphie, Palaeontologie. Volume 142, Pages 217-232. Descriptors: alkali metals; Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; Cenozoic; electrical conductivity; fluoride ion; fluorine; geochemistry; ground
water; halogens; hydrochemistry; igneous rocks; irrigation; medicinal waters; metals; potability;
pump tests; sodium; Tertiary; volcanic rocks; water quality; water wells; wells; Yemen. Notes:
References: 21; illus. incl. sect., 2 tables, geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0341-6399.
Austal to Build Patrol Boats for Yemen. 2003. MER - Marine Engineers Review.
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology: Pages 48. Descriptors: Marine
engineering; Aluminum; Boats; Hulls (ship). Abstract: Austal Ships in Australia has been
selected to build a fleet of ten high-speed patrol boats for the Republic of Yemen. Based on a
proven hull form, and built to commercial standards, the 37.5m aluminium monohulls will, said
Austal, provide the level of capability the Yemenis require in a reliable, simple to operate vessel
that is easy to maintain. The entire package for the patrol boats, including training, will cost the
Yemen authorities some US$55M. The patrol boats will provide what the company describes as
a budget-conscious solution to a set of operational requirements that is common to many
nations, including general police missions in coastal waters; customs control and anti-terrorist
operations at sea; offshore protection and tracking; surveillance of the Exclusive Economic
Zone; defence and protection of national sea areas; and operations within integrated task forces.
ISSN: 0047-5955.
Ayele, Tewodros and Al Shadily, Saad A. 2000. Some of the Engineering Geological
and Hydrogeological Problems and Conditions of Ethiopia and Yemen. Acta Geologica
Universitatis Comemianae (Bratislava). Univerzita Komenskeho, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Volume 55, Pages 51-62. Descriptors: Africa; agriculture; altitude; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula;
Asia; Blue Nile Basin; Cenozoic; climate; cracks; Dessie Ethiopia; drawdown; East Africa;
engineering properties; Ethiopia; evapotranspiration; floods; geologic hazards; ground water;
hydrology; irrigation; land use; landslides; levels; mass movements; potability; Quaternary;
rainfall; suffosion; surface water; Uba Dema Ethiopia; water management; water quality; water
resources; water table; Yemen. Abstract: The paper deals with the general information about the
two countries studied (Ethiopia and Yemen), and presents the climatic and orographic situation
of these areas. After dealing briefly about the geology, the engineering geological and
hydrogeological conditions will be discussed. In more recent times the sensitivity of both the
Geology of Yemen
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public and administrative bodies to events like, suffosion, landslides, the scarcity of water
(caused by the population increase and the exploitation of lots of water for irrigation purposes)
increased as more and more people and infrastructure are highly and considerably affected.
These geodynamic events and hydrogeological problems will be presented. Database: GeoRef.
ISSN: 1335-2830.
Azazy, A. A. and Rajaa, Y. A. 2003. Malaria and Intestinal Parasitosis among Children
Presenting to the Paediatric Centre in Sanaa, Yemen. East. Mediterr. Health J . Volume 9, Issue
5-6, Pages 1048-1053. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 3. Abstract: We studied the profile of
malaria and intestinal parasitosis among children presenting to the Paediatric Health Centre in
Sanaa from J anuary 1998 to December 2000. In stool samples from 9014 children, Ascaris
lumbricoides, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichuris trichiura were the most
common. Infection with parasites of direct life-cycle were similar in boys and girls. Schistosome
infection was significantly higher in boys than girls, but girls were more infected with ascariasis.
The only species of malaria parasite found in blood samples from 753 children with suspected
malaria was Plasmodium falciparum, with the highest rates in April-J une. The majority of
positive cases were Yemeni children, but 10.8% were Sudanese or Ethiopian. Database:
SCOPUS. ISSN: 1020-3397.
Aziz, G. M. Abdull and Mukbel, M. A. 1994. Thermal Performance of Solar Water Heater System in
Yemen. Renewable Energy. Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 241-247. Descriptors: Solar radiation; Cost accounting;
Energy management; Solar collectors; Solar water heaters. Abstract: A thermosyphonic solar water heating system
was designed and fabricated from available materials. The risers of galvanized iron are fixed to an aluminium
absorber plate by using an Omiga-in and Omiga-out technique. The collector absorber has an aperture area of 127
cm 91 cm and is connected to a storage tank with 124 1 capacity. The system was then tested under the climatical
conditions of Aden City. The performance of characteristics of the system, under nondrawn off and drawn off hot
water conditions, are experimentally determined and then compared with the theoretical results. The results are quite
satisfactory. The maximum efficiency reached 79%, with mean storage tank temperature of 60C. ISSN: 0960-1481.
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Baban, R. and Ali, M. A. 2001. The Effect of Introducing Pipelines into Irrigation Water
Distribution Systems on the Farm Economy: A Case Study in the Southern Governorates Rural
Development Project, Republic of Yemen. Irrig. Drain. Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 41-52.
Descriptors: Groundwater; Irrigation; Pipelines; Yemen. Abstract: The Southern Governorates
Rural Development Project (SGRDP) is a comprehensive participatory rural development project
covering three of the five southern Governorates of the Republic of Yemen, namely Hadramaut,
Abyan and Lahij. Its objective is to alleviate poverty in rural areas of these three Governorates. A
major component of the project is to develop virgin lands for agriculture and allocate each 5
feddan (FD) plot to those farmers who do not own land (1 FD =4200 m2). As the annual rainfall
in the project area is less than 100 mm and since landlords and other farmers already own lands
suitable for agriculture in the major wadis, the only source of irrigation water in the newly
developed land is the groundwater (GW). The SGRDP is aware of the scarcity of water resources
in the country, particularly in the project area; it therefore makes every possible effort to
optimize the use of GW for irrigation by practical means. One way of reducing GW used for
irrigation is by replacing major canals in the farms by buried pipelines. This method has been
tried in small-scale individual farms outside the project area and it proved that farmers could
adapt to the system without difficulty. Sprinkler and drip irrigation systems have been tried in
many previous agricultural development projects in the country but with no apparent success, as
far as the farmers adoption of the method is concerned. Thus, the project, as the first stage to
reduce the use of GW for irrigation in the newly developed areas, planned to eliminate, initially,
the conveyance losses by replacing the open canals by buried PVC pipes. In this paper, it is
attempted to show that the use of buried pipes in small scale irrigation schemes is financially
feasible, even if the indirect and non-tangible environmental benefits are not considered. This
paper deals only with special GW schemes recommended for the project area; however, the
outcome could be generalized and applied elsewhere in the country. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN:
Badertscher, SV; Scheidegger, Y. Leuenberger, M., et al. 2007. Trace Gas Content in Air
Inclusions in Speleothems as New Paleoenvironmental Archive? Geophysical Research
Abstracts. [np]. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Air quality; Atmospheric composition;
Carbon dioxide; Carbon dioxide sources; Carbon isotopes; Copper; Environmental conditions;
Gases; Greenhouse gases; Humidity; Ice; Ice core analysis; Mass spectrometry; Methane;
Methane in the atmosphere; Microscopy; Oxidation; Oxidation of methane; Oxygen isotopes;
Paleoclimates; Soil; inspection; paleoclimate; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen, Socotra.
Abstract: In a companion abstract (Scheidegger et al. 2007) we report a pilot study to extract
paleoclimate information from noble gases dissolved in water-bearing inclusions in speleothems.
Here, we report the first attempt to use also the air trapped in the water-free inclusions from the
same speleothemes for paleoenvironment reconstructions. Based on microscopy inspection we
concentrated on a stalagmite from Socotra (Yemen). We clearly could optically distinguish air
from water inclusions. The assessed amount of air inclusions is about 3% by volume. Samples of
1-2cm super(3) of a recent (<50y) and an old ( similar to 2000y) section of the stalagmite were
crushed under vacuum in a copper tube. The released gases (being predominantely from air
inclusions) were analysed by dynamic mass spectrometry. Fractional abundances of the major
gas components - N sub(2), O sub(2) and Ar - were found to be atmospheric within the
experimental precision of a few percent. However, CO sub(2) was clearly in excess by 2-10
times relative to atmospheric composition. Similarly, methane concentrations (200-600ppm)
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exceeded atmospheric values by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. In addition, part of the samples were
even enriched in N sub(2)O. Hence all major atmospheric greenhouse gases - CO sub(2), CH
sub(4) and N sub(2)O - could be determined and quantified in air inclusions of speleothems.
Further, we analysed the isotopic composition of the CO sub(2) of the trapped air by a GC-MS
technique commonly used for trace gas analysis in ice cores. In a recent sample a delta
super(13)C value of -39.4%, V-PDB and a delta super(18)O value of -7.5%, V-PDB were
observed, whereas an old sample showed a delta super(13)C value of -28%, V-PDB and delta
super(18)O of -6%, V-PDB. The observed light isotopic compositions point either towards a
biogenic carbon dioxide source or an oxidation of methane with low delta super(13)C to CO
sub(2). The CO sub(2) results suggest that air inclusions in stalagmite crystals can be used to
assess the characteristics of the overlying soil (e.g. productivity, humidity etc.) and its evolution
in time. In summary, this pilot study is a first convincing step to assess the suitability of air
inclusions in speleothems as another high quality archive to reconstruct past local environmental
conditions. Notes: NU: 06252. ISSN: 1029-7006. Database: Meteorological & Geoastrophysical
Abstracts. OCLC: 8802679.
Bagenholm, G., Kristiansson, B. and Nasher, A. A. A. 1987. Child Feeding Habits in the
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen. I. Breast and Bottle Feeding. J . Trop. Pediatr. August
1. Volume 33, Issue 4, Pages 208-212. Abstract: Breast and bottle-feeding among 86 urban, 132
slum, and 747 rural children below 2 years of age in the Peoples Democratic Republic of
Yemen (PDR Yemen) were studied in 1982-83 using current status method. Most mothers began
by breast feeding, but a rapid decline was seen, especially in the urban and slum populations with
a concomitant high prevalence of bottle feeding. The median duration of breast feeding was
6.5,10, and 14 months among urban, slum, and rural mothers, respectively. The prevalence of
exclusive breast feeding of infants below 3 months of age was significantly higher (P<0.05) in
the rural setting compared to both urban and slum areas, and prolonged exclusive breast feeding
was only found, though rarely, in rural areas. Rural and slum mothers with suckling infants
below 6 months of age tended to state 12 months as the optimal length of breast feeding, whereas
mothers with older infants more often stated 2 years. Few mothers used cows milk formula in
the proper concentration and amount. ISSN: 1465-3664.
Bagenholm, G., Kristiansson, B. and Nasher, A. A. A. 1987. Child Feeding Habits in the
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen. II. Supplementary Foods and Weaning Patterns. J .
Trop. Pediatr. October 1. Volume 33, Issue 5, Pages 278-283. Abstract: The use of
supplementary foods among 86 urban, 132 slum, and 747 rural children below 2 years of age in
the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDR Yemen) has been surveyed. The very first
supplementary food introduced was biscuits, which were given from before 3 months of age in
slum areas. Biscuits were considered by mothers to be very suitable for the youngest infants and
these new products fit into the traditional Yemeni food classification as beneficial for growth and
strengthening of the body. Commercial baby food was used predominantly in the urban areas
and because of convenience. It was often considered superior to home made food. Family food
was introduced at a median age of 8.5, 7, and 11 months among urban, slum, and rural children,
respectively. Most mothers believed that the supplementary food given was adequate and that
their children were thriving normally. However, 4-35 per cent of mothers expressed concern
about their childrens thriving. The mothers thought that the supplementary food given was the
maximum possible because of either the volume, or financial constraints, or her perceiving the
amount to be quite adequate. Considerable differences were found between urban and rural
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mothers. Half of the mothers who had experienced food rejection from the child tried to
compensate by increasing the frequency of feeding. ISSN: 1465-3664.
Bagnold, R. A. 1951. Sand Formations, Southern Arabia. Geographical J ournal.
Volume 117, part 1, pages 78-86.
Bain, Chris J . 2007. Cold War Hot Wings. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Aviation. Page(s):
318. Abstract: Memoirs of a Cold War fighter pilot 1962-1994. Notes: xxvii, 318 p., [40] p. of
plates: ill. 24 cm. ISBN: 9781844155750. OCLC: 124977832.
Baker, J . A., Macpherson, C. G., Menzies, M. A., Thirlwall, M. F., Al-Kadasi, M. and
Mattey, D. P. 2000. Resolving Crustal and Mantle Contributions to Continental Flood
Volcanism, Yemen; Constraints from Mineral Oxygen Isotope Data. J . Petrology. December 1.
Volume 41, Issue 12, Pages 1805-1820. Abstract: Oxygen isotope ratios determined by laser
fluorination analysis on olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase separated from 31 Oligocene
flood basalts and rhyolites from Yemen display small but significant variations (5{middle dot}1-
6{middle dot}2{per thousand} for olivine; 5{middle dot}5-6{middle dot}9{per thousand} for
clinopyroxene; 5{middle dot}9-6{middle dot}9{per thousand} for plagioclase). The range in
{delta}18O values exceeds: (1) the analytical reproducibility of the technique ({+/-}0{middle
dot}15{per thousand}; 2 SD); (2) the range expected for minerals that would have crystallized
from uncontaminated oceanic basalts or primary magmas in equilibrium with mantle peridotite;
(3) the range in melt values and equilibrium phenocryst compositions that could be produced by
fractional crystallization of these magmas. Samples with the highest {delta}18O values exhibit
increases in 87Sr/86Sr ratio, decreases in 143Nd/144Nd ratio, and increasing Pb isotopic
heterogeneity. Samples with the lowest {delta}18O values have radiogenic isotope ratios that
approach those inferred for the Afar plume. The oxygen isotope data provide unequivocal
evidence that assimilation of heterogeneous lower and upper Pan-African crust was the primary
control on isotopic variation in this continental flood basalt province. Moreover, new radiogenic
and oxygen isotope data for Pan-African crustal samples from Yemen have appropriate crustal
isotopic compositions to generate the observed isotopic variations in the volcanic rocks. A near-
primary high-MgO basalt with low {epsilon}Nd and extreme Pb isotope ratios contains strongly
zoned clinopyroxene crystals that range from green cores through to greenish brown, brownish
green and dark brown or black rims. Handpicked crystals of each colour type display the
following correlated range in isotope ratios: 87Sr/86Sr =0{middle dot}7036-0{middle
dot}7049; 143Nd/144Nd =0{middle dot}5129-0{middle dot}5127; 206Pb/204Pb =18{middle
dot}6-17{middle dot}9; {delta}18O =5{middle dot}67-6{middle dot}86{per thousand}. The
Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotope variations are attributed to rapid assimilation of [~]25% Pan-African
continental crust by hot mafic magma during clinopyroxene crystallization. Contamination in
this flood basalt province varied from combined assimilation and fractional crystallization to
rapid assimilation of crust by hot mafic magmas with little fractionation. Laser fluorination
oxygen isotope analysis of mineral separates allows small differences in {delta}18O to be
correlated with radiogenic isotope data and is a powerful tool for evaluating the relative roles of
enriched lithospheric mantle and continental crust in suites of continental flood basalts. ISSN:
Baker, J . A., Menzies, M. A., Thirlwall, M. F. and MacPherson, C. G. 1997.
Petrogenesis of Quaternary Intraplate Volcanism, Sanaa, Yemen: Implications for Plume-
Lithosphere Interaction and Polybaric Melt Hybridization. J . Petrology. October 1. Volume 38,
Issue 10, Pages 1359-1390. Abstract: Quaternary intraplate volcanism near Sanaa, western
Yemen, produced a chemically and isotopically diverse volcanic field. The predominantly mafic
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samples include alkali basalt, transitional basalt, basanite and trachybasalt; rarer evolved
compositions are typically trachyandesite. No samples represent primary magmas, all having
undergone fractionation of olivine +clinopyrene {+/-} plagioclase {+/-} Fe-Ti oxides {+/-
}apatite. Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopic variation (87Sr/86Sr=0.7032-0.7046; 143Nd/144Nd=0.51298-
0.51278; 206Pb/204Pb=18.93-18.05; {delta}10O=+5.2 to +5.5{per thousand}) is largely the
result of mixing between a mantle component, with a composition intermediate between that of
mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and the Afar plume, and 0-20% of an Early Proterozoic or Late
Archaean silicic lower-crustal component which produced little change in {delta}18O values.
Ratios of very to moderately incompatible trace elements vary widely (e.g. Ce/Y=0.9-3.7) and
independently of isotopic composition. Semi-quantitative modelling of REE rations requires this
heterogeneity to be the product of mixing between small melt fractions (<1%) from recently
incompatible-trace-element-enriched garnet peridotite facies mantle and relatively larger melt
fractions ( 5%) from spinel peridotite facies mantle, with samples containing 40-90% spinel-
facies melt. Substantial variations in Zr/Sm and Nb/La ratios also suggest that the spinel-facies
mantle may be amphibole bearing. Intraplate volcanism in western Yemen appears to be the
result of melting shallow mantle, perhaps in response to small amounts of lithospheric extension,
that was metasomatized and hydrated by the Afar plume during, or shortly after, Oligocene flood
volcanism. ISSN: 1460-2415.
Baker, J . A., Thirlwall, M. F. and Menzies, M. A. 1996. Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic and Trace
Element Evidence for Crustal Contamination of Plume-Derived Flood Basalts: Oligocene Flood
Volcanism in Western Yemen. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. Volume 60, Issue 14, Pages 2559-
2581. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 55. Abstract: Oligocene flood basalts from western Yemen
have a relatively limited range in initial isotopic composition compared with other continental
flood basalts: 87Sr/86Sr =0.70365-0.70555; 143Nd/144Nd =0.51292-0.51248 (Nd =+6.0 to
-2.4); 206Pb/204Pb =17.9-19.3. Most compositions lie outside the isotopic ranges of temporally
and spatially appropriate mantle source compositions observed in this area, i.e., Red Sea/Gulf of
Aden MORB mantle, the Afar plume, and Pan-African lithospheric mantle. Correlations between
indices of fractionation, silica, and isotope ratios suggest that crustal contamination has
substantially modified the primary isotopic and incompatible trace element characteristics of the
flood basalts. However, significant scatter in these correlations was produced by: (a) the
heterogeneous isotopic composition of Pan-African crust; (b) the difference in susceptibility of
magmas to contamination as a result of variable incompatible trace element contents in primary
melts produced by differing degrees of partial melting; (c) the presence or absence of plagioclase
as a fractionating phase generating complex contamination trajectories for Sr; (d) sampling over
a wide area not representing a single coherent magmatic system; and (e) variation in
contamination mechanisms from assimilation associated with fractionation (AFC) to assimilation
by hot mafic magmas with little concomitant fractionation. The presence of plagioclase as a
fractionating phase in some suites that were undergoing AFC requires assimilation to have taken
place within the crust and, coupled with the limited LREE-enrichment accompanying isotopic
variations, excludes the possibility that an AFC-type process took place during magma transfer
through the lithospheric mantle. Isotopic compositions of some of the inferred crustal assimilants
are similar to those postulated by other workers for an enriched lithospheric mantle source of
many flood basalts in southwestern Yemen, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. The western Yemen flood
basalts contain 0-30% crust which largely swamps their primary lead isotopic signature, but the
primary Sr-Nd isotopic signature is close to that of the least contaminated and isotopically most
depleted flood basalts. LREE/HFSE and LILE/HFSE ratios also correlate with isotopic data as a
Geology of Yemen
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result of crustal contamination. However, Nb/La and K/Nb ratios of >1.1 and <150, respectively,
in least contaminated samples require an OIB-like source. The pre-contamination isotopic
signature is estimated to be: 87Sr/86Sr 0.7036; 143Nd/144Nd 0.51292; 206Pb/204Pb 18.4-
19.0. This, coupled with low LILE/HFSE ratios, suggest the source has characteristics akin to the
Afar plume. A mantle source isotopically more depleted than Bulk Earth, but not as depleted as
MORB, coupled with LILE depletion, also characterises other examples of plume-derived flood
volcanism. This mantle reservoir is responsible for the second largest outbursts of volcanism on
Earth and has radiogenic isotopic characteristics akin to PREMA mantle, but the incompatible
trace element signature of HIMU mantle. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0016-7037.
Baker, J oel; Chazot, Gilles; Menzies, Martin and Thirlwall, Matthew. 1998.
Metasomatism of the Shallow Mantle Beneath Yemen by the Afar Plume-Implications for
Mantle Plumes, Flood Volcanism, and Intraplate Volcanism. Geology. Volume: 26, no. 5,
page(s): 431-431-434. Abstract: Amphibole plus or minus apatite-bearing lherzolite xenoliths
from Yemen have Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope ratios that are the same as those of Oligocene flood and
Quaternary intraplate basalts in Yemen, and also the Afar plume, which is genetically linked
with this volcanism. The xenoliths have mineral, chemical, and isotopic characteristics consistent
with enrichment of shallow mantle by carbonatitic melts and hydrous fluids from the Afar plume
during or shortly after Oligocene flood volcanism. Separation of carbonatitic melts and hydrous
fluids from mantle plumes may affect the composition of erupted flood basalts and is consistent
with an origin of such plumes by recycling of oceanic lithosphere. Mantle plumes appear to have
volatile fluxes that are large enough to affect solidus temperatures, both within plumes and the
overlying lithospheric mantle, during the generation of large igneous provinces. The fertile
lithosphere formed by plume-derived melts and fluids is an important potential source for
intraplate volcanism that can be exploited by melting during later extension or erosional
unloading of the lithosphere. ISSN: 0091-7613. Database: Technology Research Database.
Baker, J oel, Snee, Lawrence and Menzies, Martin. 1996. A Brief Oligocene Period of
Flood Volcanism in Yemen: Implications for the Duration and Rate of Continental Flood
Volcanism at the Afro-Arabian Triple J unction. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2. Volume 138, Issue 1-
4, Pages 39-55. Descriptors: Yemen; Ethiopia; triple junctions; flood basalts; K/Ar; Ar-40/Ar-39;
Oligocene. Abstract: 40Ar/39Ar dating of mineral separates and whole-rock (WR) samples has
established that basaltic continental flood volcanism (CFV) began between 30.9 and 29.2 Ma in
northwestern and southwestern Yemen, respectively. Rhyolitic volcanism commenced at 29.0
29.3 Ma throughout Yemen. Lower basaltic lavas were erupted every 10100 kyr, whereas upper
bimodal volcanic units were erupted every 100500 kyr, which reflects generation of rhyolitic
magmas from basalts that resided for longer periods in lithospheric magma chambers than during
the early phase of exclusively mafic magmatism. The youngest dated flood volcanic units were
erupted between 26.9 and 26.5 Ma throughout Yemen. The duration of preserved CFV defined
by 40Ar/39Ar dating (4.4 myr) contrasts with the wide range of WR K/Ar dates previously
obtained in Yemen (>50 myr). 40Ar/39Ar step-heating studies of WR samples has shown that
this discrepancy is due to the disturbed Ar systematics of volcanic samples. Most samples have
experienced post-crystallization loss of radiogenic Ar and/or contain excess Ar, with only ca.
25% of the WR K/Ar dates within 12 myr of true crystallization ages. WR K/Ar data can be
screened for reliability using the radiogenic Ar yield and 40K/36Ar ratio, which reflect the Ar
retentivity of the sample, the likelihood that alteration has disturbed a samples Ar systematics,
and the susceptibility of the sample to a finite amount of Ar loss or the presence of a finite
amount of excess Ar. Examination of existing WR K/Ar data in the Ethiopian part of this flood
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volcanic province, using these parameters, suggests that much of these data are also misleading.
Two phases of flood volcanism are inferred in Ethiopia and Eritrea at 38-30 Ma and ca. 20 Ma.
The older phase is equivalent to that in Yemen, and is consistent with the progression in basal
volcanic ages obtained in Yemen moving from north to south. The younger phase is related to
the onset of upper crustal extension and incipient Red Sea-Gulf of Aden rifting. The sequence of
events surface uplift (?), flood magmatism and subsequent upper crustal extension in
Yemen is consistent with the involvement of a mantle plume at the Afro-Arabian tripe junction.
However, the overall eruption rate for this flood volcanic province is only 0.03 km3/yr, much
slower than that postulated for other plume-related provinces such as the Deccan or Siberian
Traps, but perhaps comparable to the Paran-Etendeka province, which also contains significant
amounts of rhyolitic volcanic products like those of Yemen-Ethiopia. The highly variable
eruption rates in individual provinces must reflect the very different character of individual
plumes, or the control of lithospheric structure and plate tectonic stresses on the surface
manifestations of plumes. The long duration of CFV and large amounts of rhyolitic volcanism at
the Afro-Arabian triple junction may be attributed to the relatively slow separation of the African
and Arabian plates compared with, for example, the rifting of India and the Deccan Traps. ISSN:
Bakes, Philip A. Robb, Douglas W. Rasmussen, Christian J . and Tracy, Kevin F. 1996.
Horizontal Wells in Yemen make a Marginal Field Economic. Calgary, Alberta, Can: Society of
Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Page(s): 215-222. Proceedings of the 1996 2nd International
Conference on Horizontal Well Technology, November 18, 1996 - November 20. Conference:
1996. Descriptors: Horizontal wells; Oil bearing formations; Oil field development; Oil well
completion; Oil well drilling; Oil well production. Abstract: This paper documents the
development of a high permeability, medium-heavy oil, bottom water drive field in Yemen from
its discovery through to the staged development of the field using multilateral horizontal wells.
The 16.5 MM barrels of reserves in the field are only economic when developed by horizontal
drilling due to severe coning from the very active underlying aquifer. Vertical wells in the field
produced at initial rates of about 400 stb/d of oil. Horizontal wells have resulted in productivity
index increases of over ten times the vertical well values. Initial trilateral horizontal well
production rates were as high as 8,500 stb/d of oil. The key technology that makes the project
successful is the multilateral open hole completions in soft, friable sand. Bilateral and trilateral
horizontal wells with 3,000 feet and 4,500 feet of horizontal section were drilled using PDC bit
technology in a soft sandstone formation. The horizontal laterals of each well were drilled
without tripping for a new bit and hole integrity was maintained. Proceedings - SPE international
on horizontal well technology. OCLC: 290430053; 36622544.
1991. Baldwin, Brig H. W. The Royal Engineers in the British Arabian Peninsula and
the Middle East Command 1958-1957 Part II. The Royal Engineers J ournal. April 1991.
Volume Vol. 105, No. 1, Pages 32-47. ISSN: 0035-8878.
1990. Baldwin, Brig H. W. The Royal Engineers in the British Arabian Peninsula and
the Middle East Command 1958-1957 Part I. The Royal Engineers J ournal. December 1990.
Volume Vol. 104, Issue No. 3, Pages 246-255. ISSN: 0035-8878.
Balescu, Sanda, Breton, J ean-Franois, Coque-Delhuille, Brigitte and Lamothe, Michel.
1998. La Datation Par Luminescence Des Limons De Crue: Une Nouvelle Approche De ltude
Chronologique Des Primtres dIrrigation Antiques Du Sud-Ymen. Translated title:
Luminescence Dating of Flash Flood Deposits: A New Approach for the Chronological Study
of Ancient Irrigation Perimeters in Southern Yemen. Comptes Rendus De lAcadmie Des
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Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science. 7. Volume 327, Issue 1, Pages 31-37.
Descriptors: luminescence dating; geochronology; flash flood deposits; ancient South Arabian
irrigation systems; arid environment; Yemen; datation par luminescence; gochronologie; limon
de crue; irrigations antiques sudarabiques; environnement aride. Abstract: This study is an
attempt to assess the age of ancient irrigation silts from Southern Yemen using the optically
stimulated luminescence (OSL) of the constituent K-feldspar grains. This OSL dating method is
tested on the al-Haraja irrigation sequence (wd Bayhn) which overlies an archaeological
occupation level previously dated at 2 203 123 years BP by 14C. The OSL age estimates range
between 2 097 177 years at the bottom of the sequence and 1 555 150 years at the top. This
study demonstrates the potential of the luminescence dating method to provide chronological
information on the deposition of ancient silts following irrigation in arid environment where 14C
datable material is rare.Rsum Une nouvelle mthode de datation par luminescence optique
(OSL) est ici mise en uvre pour tenter destimer directement lge des dpts dirrigation
antiques des basses valles arides du Sud-Ymen, ces dpts tant totalement dpourvus de
matriel datable par 14C. La mthode OSL est teste sur les grains de feldspaths potassiques des
limons dirrigation dal-Haraja (wd Bayhn), qui surmontent un niveau archologique dat 2
203 123 annes BP au 14C. Les ges OSL obtenus sont compris entre 2 097 177 annes la
base de la squence et 1 555 150 annes au sommet. Nous dmontrons ici, pour la premire
fois, que des limons dirrigation dge historique sont datables par la mthode OSL. ISSN: 1251-
Bamoumin, A. 2000. Water Resources and its Uses for Agricultural Development in
Yemen. The Sultanate of Oman international conference on water resources management,
Muscat 12-16 March 1995. J abrin sessions / International?Water Resources Association,Unesco.
Banaimoon, SA, Kitto, MR, Rodrigues, A. and Regunathan, C. 1998. Aquaculture in
Yemen: Utilization of Marine Resources and Prospective Investments. World Aquacult. Sep.
Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 12-15. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Aquaculture development;
Aquaculture economics; Fish culture; Reviews; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen; aquaculture
development. Abstract: The Republic of Yemen has a unique ocean-front, relief position in the
Arabian Peninsula. Natural salinity dilution, narrow spectral air /water temperatures, water
quality standards, and a 100,000 hectare land strip, measuring one kilometer wide along the
shore with suitable soil characteristics all make aquaculture a practical use of the land. Fisheries
and aquaculture rank among the priorities in the national development policy. The oceanographic
turn with the upwelling events in the Arabian Sea has provided an abundance and variety of
fishery resources with seasonal peaks and lows. Fisheries are a priority as a source of food and as
a foreign trade commodity. There are no inland fisheries of commercial significance. Mangrove
vegetation is relatively scarce. The fishing industry makes a valuable contribution to the animal
protein supplies of the country; however, availability is still confined to the coastal population.
The goal of the marine farming industry, todays prerequisite, is to be eco-sustainable and
profitable. To achieve and maintain these values, an adequate supply of quality seed and feed,
efficient production management, judicious financing, an effective husbandry-health program
and extensive marketing distribution all form essential components to success. Substantial funds
have been invested or otherwise made available for the growth and development of fisheries in
Yemen by donor agencies such as The International Development Agency (IDA), The
International Fund for Agrarian Development (IFAD), and The Food and Agriculture
Organization/United Nations Development Program (FAO/UNDP). Database: ASFA: Aquatic
Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 1041-5602.
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Banajeh, Salem M. 1998. Outcome for Children Under 5 Years Hospitalized with
Severe Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Yemen: A 5 Year Experience. J . Trop.
Pediatr. December 1. Volume 44, Issue 6, Pages 343-346. Abstract: Between 1991 and 1995,
2,554 children under 5 years old hospitalized with severe acute lower respiratory tract infection
in Al-Sabeen, Sanaa, Yemen were studied. 47.7 per cent (1218) were under 6 months of age
and 74.1 per cent (1893) were in their first 12 months. Sixty-four per cent (1633) were males. Of
the 2554 cases, 221 died (overall, a case fatality rate of 8.7 per cent). 118 of the deaths (53.4 per
cent) were in the under 6 months age group and 188 (85 per cent) were in the first 12 months age
group. During 1995 the hospital started adopting the WHO standard case-management guidelines
for treating severe acute lower respiratory tract infections. There were no significant reductions
in case fatality rates in 1995 (CFR 9.8 per cent) compared with those of 1991 (CFR 7.9 per cent),
1992 (CFR 9.4 per cent), 1993 (CFR 7 per cent), or 1994 (CFR 8.5 per cent). Factors such as late
hospital admission with cyanosis, malnutrition, rickets as well as increased resistance of the
common causative organisms (pneumococci and H. influenzae) to antibiotics recommended by
the WHO may have contributed to such a high case fatality rate remaining unchanged. In
addition to reducing the risk of developing pneumonia and dying from pneumonia by improving
maternal nutrition, health education, promoting breastfeeding, and preventing rickets and
nutritional anaemia among the vulnerable age groups, vaccination against pneumococci and H.
influenzae type b should be seriously considered as one of the strategies to reduce lower
respiratory tract infection-related mortality. ISSN: 1465-3664.
Banajeh, Salem M., Ba-oum, Nadia H. S. and Al-Sanabani, Raja M. N. 2001. Bacterial
Aetiology and Anti-Microbial Resistance of Childhood Diarrhoea in Yemen. J . Trop. Pediatr.
October 1. Volume 47, Issue 5, Pages 301-302. Abstract: In a 12-month period, 561 stool
cultures from Yemeni children aged 1-60 months and presenting with diarrhoea, were analysed
to identify the bacterial aetiology and their anti-microbial resistance to the commonly used
antibiotics. A total of 190 (33.9 per cent) were positive for bacterial culture. Most of the positive
cultures (58 per cent) were from children aged 1-12 months. The majority of the positive cultures
were enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (58.4 per cent) Salmonella spp., and Shigella spp. (20 per
cent each). Campylobacter were found to be an extremely uncommon agent of childhood
diarrhoea making only 1.6 per cent of the positive cultures. The majority of the Salmonella were
group C (60.5 per cent) and group B (29 per cent). Of the Shigella isolates, 13 (34 per cent) were
S. flexneri, and seven (18 per cent) S. dysentrea. More than two-thirds of the Salmonella isolates
were resistant to nalidixic acid, chloramphenicol, co-trimoxazole, gentamicin, and amoxycillin,
while 42 per cent were resistant to cefotaxime. Most of the Shigella isolates were susceptible to
nalidixic acid and cefotaxime, and resistant to the other antibiotics. All the tested
enteropathogenic E. coli isolates were resistant to amoxycillin, 83 per cent were resistant to co-
trimoxazole, 62 per cent to chloramphenicol, and 54 per cent to gentamicin, while only 16 and 6
per cent were resistant to nalidixic acid and cefotaxime, respectively. This study, the first in
Yemen, draws attention to the urgent need of a national surveillance system, essential for the
containment of anti-microbial resistance. ISSN: 1465-3664.
Banks, Maj M. E. B. 1965. A Company Commander in the Radfan. In Brasseys Annual:
The Armed Forces Year-Book 1965. London: William Clowes. Abstract: The armed forces
yearbook. Notes: 24 v. ill. 24 cm. ISSN: 0068-0702. OCLC Accession Number: 5950905.
Bano, Masooda. 2007. Sustaining Gains in Poverty Reduction and Human Development
in the Middle East and North Africa * by FARRUK IQBAL. J ournal of Islamic Studies. May 1.
Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 302-304. ISSN: 0955-2340.
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Barraud, J . 1961. Aden - Irrigation in the Aden protectorate - Report to the government.
FAO 1961 - EPTA Report no 1435 - 54 p., 15 app. with 1 tab. Keywords: Flood Control;
Irrigation; Irrigation Systems; Canals; Dams; Wells; Democratic Yemen. EPTA PROJ ECT.
Report Number: LA-EPTA 1435. FAO Library Accession Number: 051435.
Barrett, Tomas A. 2005. Lessons of Air Control from a Forgotten War: The Radfan
Campaign, Aden 1964-67. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air Command & Staff College, Air University.
Page(s): 47.
Basahi, I. A. A. 2000. Marib Dam: The Importance of Environmental and Health Impact
Studies for Development Projects. East. Mediterr. Health J . Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 106-117.
Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 1. Abstract: Marib Dam was built without an environmental
impact assessment study which created many conflicts. In 1995 and 1996 its impact on water
quality, agriculture and groundwater recharge and socioeconomics was studied. Lake water
could suffer severe eutrophication when floods are weak and algae growth is not controlled.
Introducing Tilapia nilotica provided biological control of algae growth. The dam positively
affected agriculture and groundwater within the designed irrigation scheme but negatively
affected them beyond it. The dam also negatively affected health conditions and increased
conflicts over water distribution. It positively affected women by allowing them to work in
agriculture and participate in decision-making. The dam raised income levels of farmers and
encouraged tourism. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1020-3397.
Bass, liane. 1930. Contributions a ltude du J urassique Suprieur (facies corallien)
en Ethiopie, et en Arabia Meridionale. Soc. Go. France Mm. New ser. Volume 6, part 3-4, no.
14, pages 1-05-148, plates 4-5.
Bass, liane, et al. 1955. Fossiles du J urassique Suprieur et des Grs du Nubie de la
region de Sanna (Yemen). Soc. Gol. France Bull. Ser 6, no. 4, pt 7-9, pages 655-688, plates
Bathurst, J C. 1982. Equations for Estimating Discharge in Steep Channels with Coarse
Bed Material. Advances in Hydrometry: Proceedings of a Symposium Held during the First
Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences at Exeter, U.K.19-
30 J uly 1982. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication. 10 ref.
Descriptors: Stage-discharge relations; Flow discharge; Stream gages; Conveyance equations;
Mathematical equations; Slopes; Hydrometry; Yemen; Bed-load discharge; Errors. Abstract: The
use of process-based conveyance equations for estimating discharge in steep channels with
coarse bed material is discussed. As the hydraulic characteristics of such channels often preclude
direct gauging techniques, it is necessary to use the indirect slope-area method. In this method,
the peak discharges are calculated as functions of channel slope and conveyance, the latter being
a function of channel cross-sectional shape and bed material size. Previous application has been
hampered by a lack of knowledge concerning flow processes in steep channels, but with the
equations now available, variations of conveyance with depth, bed material size, and sediment
movement can be estimated. Using data from the Yemen Arab Republic, it is shown that
discharge predictions by these equations have an accuracy of about 10% for low flows and are of
the correct order of magnitude at flood flow. The test results in the present study agree with the
few other field results available. The accuracy depends on the satisfaction of the assumptions
behind the equations, particularly that the measurement site not be affected by ponding. It also is
important, where sand is present, to note whether or not the coarse bed material is dominating the
conditions. Also, errors may result from the use of equations (designed for steady flows) in
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unsteady conditions, for example, at flood peaks. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. OCLC:
Bauman, P.; Kellett, R.; Steensma, G.; Cadman, C., Hardisty, P.; Dottridge, J . 2003. Two
case studies of geophysical delineation of salt water intrusion in Yemen: Wadi Hadramaut and
the Tuban and Abyan Deltas. Presented at the Second International Conference on Saltwater
Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers- Monitoring, Modeling, and Management. Merida, Yucatan,
Bauman, Paul, Sallomy, J anan, Lyness, Lucien, et al. 1996. The Exploration for a Deep
Aquifer in the Hadhramaut, Yemen; Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of
Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems. Proceedings of SAGEEP.
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Wheat Ridge, CO, United States: United
States. Apr. Volume 1996, Pages 363-366. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
boreholes; clastic rocks; Cretaceous; deep aquifers; exploration; geophysical surveys; ground
water; Hadhramaut Yemen; Masila Block; Mesozoic; Mukalla Formation; permeability; remote
sensing; sandstone; satellite methods; sedimentary rocks; surveys; water resources; well-logging;
Yemen. References: 1; illus. incl. 1 table. Abstract: The Hadhramaut province of Yemen, an area
with a population of more than half a million inhabitants, is presently facing a serious water
crisis. A groundwater exploration project is presently drilling 23 exploration wells widely spaced
over the Masila Block, an oil exploration lease are within the province. The main target is the
Cretaceous Mukalla Formation, a 300 m thick highly permeable sandstone. Field reconnaissance
was integrated with satellite images; geologic, hydrogeologic, geophysical, topographic maps;
and local socioeconomic and political information to choose the well locations. Studying
available seismic reflection data was particularly useful for choosing drilling locations over
grabens buried in wadi fill. The various pieces of information were integrated in a geographic
information system (GIS). To date, eight wells have been drilled and completed. Borehole
geophysical logging has played an important role in all phases of well completion. All completed
boreholes have tested from 200 to over 1,000 imperial gallons per minute. Database: GeoRef.
ISSN: 1554-8015.
Bazza, Mohamed. 2003. Wastewater Recycling and Reuse in the Near East Region;
Experience and Issues; Water Recycling in the Mediterranean Region; Selected Proceedings of
the IWA Regional Symposium on Water Recycling in the Mediterranean Region [Modified].
Water Sci. Technol. Water Supply. IWA Publishing, London, UK. Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 33-
50. Descriptors: Africa; agriculture; aquifer vulnerability; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; arid
environment; Asia; coastal environment; Cyprus; ecology; economics; Egypt; fresh water;
global; ground water; hydrologic cycle; hydrology; impact statements; international cooperation;
Iran; irrigation; J ordan; Kuwait; legislation; Middle East; Morocco; Near East; North Africa;
policy; pollution; preventive measures; public policy; recycling; regulations; salt-water intrusion;
Saudi Arabia; Syria; technology; terrestrial environment; Tunisia; urban environment; waste
water; water balance; water management; water supply; water treatment; water use; Yemen.
References: 23. Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 184339457X.
Beattie, C. I. Mills, B. R. and Mayo, V. A. 1998. Development Drilling of the Tawila
Field, Yemen, Based on Three-Dimensional Reservoir Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings,
1998 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition: 27-30 September 1998, New Orleans,
Louisiana: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Volume: Sigma, page(s): 715-725. Part
Omega, September 27, 1998 - September 30. Conference: 1998. Descriptors: Oil well drilling;
Computer simulation; Estuaries; Mathematical models; Oil field development; Petroleum
Geology of Yemen
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reservoirs; Planning; Random processes; Sediments; Three dimensional. Abstract: Canadian
Petroleum Ltd. and partners in the Yemen Masila Block have successfully used detailed three-
dimensional reservoir modeling and reservoir simulation to optimize the development of the
larger oilfields in the Masila area. The models were used to predict reservoir performance and
plan additional development drilling which subsequently demonstrated that the models
accurately predicted drilling results. The main producing horizon in the Masila area is the
Cretaceous Upper Qishn formation, a clastic-dominated transgressive depositional sequence with
fluvial sediments at the base, tidal dominated estuarine sediments in the middle, and marine
shoals at the top. This variable array of facies presents modeling challenges but the resulting
heterogeneous models provide a realistic representation of actual reservoir characteristics. This
paper describes the approach used to stochastically distribute both facies bodies and
petrophysical parameters, and to upscale the model for reservoir simulation, while preserving the
complex reservoir description. The Tawila field was the first Masila field to have wells drilled on
the basis of the modeling effort, with very encouraging results. For these new well locations, the
model successfully predicted both reservoir development and oil-water contact movements
resulting from production from existing wells. This paper presents key conclusions and
predictions from the modeling and reservoir simulation, and compares them to the results from
subsequent drilling. As a result of the successful development drilling, these models are now an
integral part of reservoir management and development planning for all Masila fields. OCLC:
Bedair, HM, Saeed, MA and Al-Saad, HT. 2006. Status of Oil Pollution in Sediment
Samples from the Aden Coast, Yemen. Int. J . Food Agric. Environ. Volume 4, Issue 3-3, Pages
284-287. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Air pollution; Coastal zone; Coasts; Effluents;
Gulfs; Hydrocarbons; Industrial areas; Industrial wastes; Municipal wastewater; Oil; Oil
Pollution; Oil spills; Organic Carbon; Particle Size; Petroleum; Petroleum hydrocarbons;
Pollution detection; Refineries; Residues; Sediment Contamination; Sediment pollution;
Sediments; Total organic carbon; Water pollution; Weight; agriculture; boats; petroleum
residues; pollution levels; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen. Abstract: Sediment samples from
nine stations (1-9) along the Coast of Aden, Yemen, were analyzed utilizing spectrofluorometry
technique in an attempt to estimate the levels of petroleum hydrocarbon residues. The results
obtained were sought to provide a baseline data for the estimation of petroleum hydrocarbon
pollution level in the Aden Coast. The results obviously indicated a degree of oil pollution,
however, still lower in magnitude when compared with status in some other regional sites. The
obtained levels of petroleum hydrocarbons ranged from 0.28 mu g/g (sediment dry weight) at
Station 4 to 26.24 mu g/g (sediment dry weight) at Station 7. in order to give a better evaluation
of the petroleum hydrocarbon levels in the sediments, the total organic carbon (TOC) percentage
and grain size analyses were done by granulometry technique on selected slips of the bulk
sediments obtained for this purpose. The mean percent TOC estimations ranged from 0.2 at
Station 4 to 1.15 at Station 7. The mean values obtained in this study indicated that the petroleum
hydrocarbon levels in the sediment samples of the Aden Coast are lower than the levels in
sediment samples obtained with similar methodology and analyses in some of the Gulf States
and countries in close vicinity of the region. It is, therefore, recommended that a continual,
vigilant program for oil pollution detection is adopted to facilitate accurate determination of the
petroleum hydrocarbon levels and sources in the air, water, land and sediments of the Aden
Coast, where the major pollution sources may involve tanker and boat discharges and activities,
municipal sewage and rural run-off from land. Also, discharges and effluents from oil refineries,
Geology of Yemen
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electricity generating station and industrial activities into the Aden Coast are obvious.
Nevertheless, the data obtained with this study is vital as baseline information, at least at this
stage for any prospective pollution detection program to be established in the area. Database:
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 1459-0255.
Beeby-Thompson, A. 1939. The Water Problems of the Aden Protectorate. London:
Crown Agents for the Colonies. Descriptors: Water supply & management; Aden. Notes: 2 v. in
1 (30; 63 leaves): 35 cm. Note(s): Typescript. Responsibility: Beeby-Thompson, A. OCLC
Accession Number: 704168178.
Beesley, Richard, Serouri, Abdel Al and Filteau, Suzanne M. 2000. Measurement of C-
Reactive Protein in Dried Blood Spots on Filter Paper. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 6.
Volume 94, Issue 3, Pages 348-349. Descriptors: C-reactive protein; measurement;
methodology; blood spots; filter paper; storage; Yemen. ISSN: 0035-9203.
Bernhardt, Charles F. Consortium for International Development and Water Design
Team. 1980. Water Policy Initiatives for Yemen: Recommendations. Sanaa: Consortium for
International Development. Descriptors: Water resources development -- Yemen (Republic);
Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: 1 v. (various pagings): ill., map; 28 cm. Note(s):
September 1980. CID Yemen Report 052-1980-1. CER80-81DH32 (CID). Includes
bibliographical references. Responsibility: by CID Water Team; C. Bernhardt ... [et al.]. OCLC
Accession Number: 526741936.
Berridge, Virginia. 2008. The Khat Controversy: Stimulating the Debate on Drugs. Soc
Hist Med. April 1. Volume 21, Issue 1, Pages 189-190. ISSN: 0951-631X.
Beydoun, Z. R., Bamahmoud, M. O. and Nani, A. S. O. 1993. The Qishn Formation,
Yemen: Lithofacies and Hydrocarbon Habitat. Mar. Pet. Geol. 8. Volume 10, Issue 4, Pages
364-372. Descriptors: Qishn Formation; Yemen; hydrocarbon habitat; source rocks. Abstract:
The Barremian-Aptian Qishn Formation of Yemen is broadly described in the context of its role
as the lowest widespread transgressive unit of the Cretaceous system in the country and of the
two laterally equivalent lithofacies groups that reflect the advance of the Cretaceous sea from
east to west. This is undertaken against the background of the tectonic events that preceded its
deposition and those that followed it during the remainder of the Cretaceous, so as to better
understand its hydrocarbon habitat. The Qishn Formation clastics (sands) have proved to be an
excellent and major oil reservoir in eight recent oil discoveries made in the area between the
Mukalla and Hoowarin highs of the Hadhramaut province of Yemen. The oil in these
discoveries, like the oil (and gas) in 14 of the currently remaining 15 fields and discoveries in the
country, is generated from Upper J urassic organic-rich source rocks and vertically charged the
Qishn reservoir in the absence of an effective intervening seal. Subsurface data from the recent
discoveries area and from sparse subsurface control in the J eza basin to its east indicate the
presence in this region of an areally more limited pre-Qishn Cretaceous platform sequence and
suggests that the J eza basin was an early Cretaceous marine embayment between still positive
land masses on either side in which thicker Cretaceous sequences continued to be laid down after
the bordering areas were inundated by the Qishn transgression. These basinal sequences
probably include Qishn source shale levels similar to those found in the southern offshore area;
there they are mainly immature, however, or else do not appear to have generated identifiable
trapped oil. The J eza basin thus appears to hold promising untested potential for oil sourced by
unpenetrated Qishn levels (in addition to good Upper Cretaceous Mukalla Formation source
levels and Upper J urassic levels, where preserved and not too deeply buried) which would be at
varying degrees of oil and gas maturity. These sources could charge, by multi-stage migration
Geology of Yemen
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from the kitchen areas, various Cretaceous reservoirs, including Qishn clastics or carbonates, in
any updip traps. ISSN: 0264-8172.
Beydoun, Ziad R. 1997. Introduction to the Revised Mesozoic Stratigraphy and
Nomenclature for Yemen. Mar. Pet. Geol. 9. Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 617-629. Descriptors:
Yemen; Mesozoic; stratigraphy; nomenclature. Abstract: Until the early 1980s the Mesozoic
stratigraphy of Yemen was based on measured surface sections exposed mainly in the faulted
and dissected shoulders of the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea Rifts or on the high Yemen Plateau. On
the basis of correlations between areas, the broad facies belts, palaeogeographies and tectonic
frameworks for the Mesozoic epochs were established. The arealy extensive Tertiary limestone
tablel and and Tertiary volcanics, however, masked more local underlying pre-Cenozoic major
structural features. Extensive oil exploration drilling backed by regional and/or detailed
geophysical surveys (increasingly based on seismic surveys) from the late 1970s, have gradually
unraveled a complex Mesozoic tectonic history which had given rise to the formation of a
number of NW-SE and E-W trending rift basins and depressions; these were initiated mainly in
the Late J urassic and Early Cretaceous, principally by rejuvenation of ancient basement-
controlled fractures during further Gondwanan break-up which led to the separation of India
(with eastern Gondwana) from Afro-Arabia. These basins exhibit considerably thicker and
rapidly varying stratigraphic sequences which reflect successive phases of rifting, subsidence and
depositional settings in time, with the type and provenance of basin-fill helping to detail the
developing palaeogeography for each stage. The precise relationships of these varied intra- and
inter-basin facies are not yet properly understood. The discovery of commercial oil and gas in
several of these Mesozoic rift basins accelerated competitive exploration activity by a host of
operating companies leading to the proliferation of informal locally-applicable in-house
subsurface lithostratigraphic nomenclature schemes. These, in the extreme cases, either ignore
published surface nomenclature, or else utilize existing surface-defined formation names which
then become over-loaded with undifferentiated coeval but depositionally and environmentally
different units without due regard to internationally accepted rules. This confusion is further
compounded by detailed local academic research from within and outside Yemen, with little or
no access to subsurface data, and by service companies utilizing limited client-supplied data
which is then extrapolated on a province-wide or a regional basis; proliferation takes place
through data exchange between operators or through circulation of non-exclusive reports, or by
means of localized publications. A Stratigraphic Commission was appointed to address this
problem and to carry out nomenclature clean-up and simplification. After intensive review of all
utilised nomenclature and with full cooperation from the operating companies, its principal
findings are summarised in graphic form (in Figure 4 and Figure 5) which include, for example:
retention but revision; correction and expansion of the formalised nomenclature in Beydoun and
Greenwood (1968) which will apply to all of Yemen; one new formation, previously
unrecognised until recent subsurface and outcrop studies (the Saar Formation) has been added;
formalisation of several new members in the Madbi Formation (previously informally assigned
formation rank); a new member to the Qishn formation, the Saaf Member (previously
informally called the Furt formation); correction to and reassignment of the Nayfa Formation
type section to the Maabir Member of the Madbi Formation, the type Nayfa provisionally, now
being at Mintaq salt dome. Full descriptions of these and of all the revised Mesozoic
nomenclature together with that for the Palaeozoic and Cenozoic will be published later in
International Lexicon of Stratigraphy format. ISSN: 0264-8172.
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Beydoun, Z. R. 1966. Geology of the Arabian Peninsula- Eastern Aden Protectorate and
Part of Dhufar. USGS Professional Paper 560-H. Abstract: A review of the Eastern Aden
Protectorate and part of Dhufar as shown on USGS Miscellaneous Map I-270-A, Geologic Map
of the Arabian Peninsula, 1963. This account is divided into four parts. The first outlines the
position of the Eastern Aden Protectorate and part of Dhufar and (a) includes an account of
previous geological work carried out, (b) outlines the fieldwork since 1953 done for the Iraq
Petroleum Company, Ltd., and associated companies under the leadership of the author, the
results of which form the body of this account, and (c) incorporates earlier results with
acknowledgment of the very substantial contribution of colleagues and specialists. The second
part discusses geography of the area and accessibility and operating conditions. The third part
describes and discusses the stratigraphy. Basement, J urassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary
sedimentary rocks are divided into lithostratigraphic units for which description, faunal lists
where applicable, regional correlation of formations with neighboring countries, and economic
aspects of various
formations are given. Sedimentary and intrusive-extrusive Precambrian and lower Paleozoic (?)
(basement) rocks are classified and described, and a probable reconstruction of basement events
from field and laboratory observations is given. The basement rocks were in part subjected to
low-grade metamorphism, folded, faulted, cleaved, and maturely eroded. Intrusive activity may
have extended into the Upper Silurian, as suggested by some isotope age determinations. The
oldest rocks overlying the basement peneplain are Middle and Upper J urassic (?); these consist
of basal sands, limestones, marls, and local evaporites. The Cretaceous transgression advanced
from the east, and the oldest datable sedimentary rocks are Barremian. Lower to Upper
Cretaceous sediments were laid down over the entire area, being predominantly elastics in the
west and carbonates in the east, but intertonguing. The Tertiary Period began with a widespread
Paleocene transgression during which cliff-forming limestones were deposited over the whole
area; these were followed by lower and middle Eocene shales, limestones, and evaporites, and
then by regional uplift and geanticlinal folding and faulting. Oligocene and Miocene elastics,
reef limestones and local evaporates were then deposited in coastal embayments. The fourth part
discusses structure, including (a) a general introduction, (b) description of structural
development of the area in the Tertiary, as those events were responsible for the present broad
structure of the territory, (c) an interpretation of the Tertiary structure in the area and across the
Gulf of Aden in former British Somaliland, (d) examination of evidence from the Somali side
with discussion of earlier views, and (e) a brief outline of structural history of the Eastern Aden
Protectorate and Dhufar. In the interpretation of the Tertiary structure, the development of the
biaxial Hadramawt arch (Hadhramut arch) and a comparable Somali arch are attributed to
regional compression
which buckled the whole thickness of the crust. Important block and step faulting which
followed buckling collapsed the flanks of the arches facing the Gulf of Aden. USGS Library.
Beydoun, Z. R. 1964. Stratigraphy and Structure of the Eastern Aden Protectorate.
London: Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources, Bull. Supp. Ser. 5, 107 pages. Her Majestys
Stationery Office, London.
Beydoun, Z.R. 1960. Synopsis of Geology of the East Aden Protectorate. 21
International Geological Congress. Copenhagen. 1960. Report 21, part 21, pages 131-149.
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Beydoun, Z. R. and Greenwood, J .E.G. W. 1966. Lexicon of Statigraphy for Aden
Protectorate and Dhufar. In: Lexique Stratigraphique Internationale. Paris: International
Geological Congress, Committee on Stratigraphy.
Bin Gadhi, S. M. and Mukbel, M. A. 1998. A Review of Renewable Energy Activities
in Yemen. Renew. Energy. 29 March 1998 through 1 April 1998. Volume 14, Issue 1-4, Pages
459-465. Notes: Conference code: 49183; Cited By (since 1996): 1. Abstract: Republic of
Yemen is a developing country depending on oil for the energy needs. A look at the availability
of renewable energy resources shows that the country is endowed with considerable solar, wind,
bio-gas energy resources. This paper presents a review of activities in the field of renewable
energy applications in Yemen and future trends, some suggestion and recommendations for
using this renewable energy resources are also drawn. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 09601481.
Blacker, Gen Sir Cecil. 1993. Monkey Business: The Memoirs of General Sir Cecil
Blacker. London: Quiller Press. Page(s): 232. Notes: VIII, 232, [16] S.: Ill. ISBN: 1870948874.
OCLC Accession Number: 231652594.
Blom, Ronald G., Crippen, Robert E. and Zarins, J uris. 1998. Possible Ancient
Anthrosols Near Lost City of Ubar Site in Oman; Geological Society of America, 1998 Annual
Meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. Geological Society of
America, Boulder, CO. Volume 30, Issue 7, Pages 123. Descriptors: agriculture; Anthrosols;
Arabian Peninsula; archaeology; Asia; failures; geophysical surveys; imagery; irrigation;
Landsat; Lost City of Ubar Oman; mapping; Marib Dam; Oman; remote sensing; soils; surveys;
thematic mapper; Yemen. Abstract: During mapping for the Wadi al J ubal Archaeological
Project in Yemen, USGS Geologists Overstreet and Grolier mapped anthrosols of pre-Islamic
age east of the Marib dam site (15 degrees 24N, 45 degrees 18E). These soils were the result of
agriculture supported by irrigation enabled by water impounded by the dam, areas which were
abandoned after dam failure. During analysis of Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite images of
Yemen and Oman for the Mahra Archaeological Project, we noted that these anthrosols had a
distinctive image expression. Many anthrosol sites were noted, most, but not all, of them
previously documented. Undocumented possible anthrosol sites include an area east of Shisr in
Oman, the archaeological site discovered by us to be responsible for some features of the Lost
City of Ubar legends. Included in legendary accounts of the Ubar region are reports of fertile
oases, and areas that have known the plow . Based on demonstrated reliability of aspects of
carefully interpreted legendary accounts, we postulate that we may have located the area of
desert agriculture that may have existed to support the frankincense caravansary of Ubar. The
possible anthrosol area is located at approximately 18 degrees 10N, 53 degrees 54E, and will
be the subject of study in a future expedition. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7592.
Blom, Ronald G. Crippen, Robert E. Zarins, J uris and Hedges, George R. 2000. Remote
Sensing, Shuttle Radar Topographic Mapper Data, and Ancient Frankincense Trade Routes.
Honolulu, HI, USA: IEEE. Volume: 6, page(s): 2477-2479. 2000 International Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000), J uly 24, 2000 - J uly 28. Conference: 2000. This
paper appears in: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2000. Proceedings. IGARSS
2000. IEEE 2000 International . Descriptors: Remote sensing; Radar imaging; Space shuttles.
Abstract: Over the last fifteen years, an unusual combination of space technologies coupled with
traditional archaeology has given insight into the ancient southern Arabian frankincense trade,
including the discovery of the lost `city of Ubar in present day Oman. Continued research
indicates a series of desert caravansaries to the west in modern Yemen. Pliny, the ancient Roman
historian, reports that there were `octomansiones (eight fortresses, or mansions) along the desert
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frankincense trade route. Our present work seeks to document this, and illuminate the poorly
known civilization which supported frankincense trade. We presently have Landsat Thematic
Mapper (TM) coverage of most of southern Arabia. We also have geographically discontinuous
SIR-C and ERS coverage. At present we also have publicly released quicklook SRTM data for
the border area between Yemen and Oman, and eagerly await full coverage with SRTM
topographic data. Topographic data will provide critical insight into trade routes and fortresses
with regards to water sources and routes from the coast and mountains, where people lived, to
the interior desert. Given the nature of this research, comprehensive geographic coverage
provided by SRTM and Landsat are a fundamental requirement. ISBN: 0-7803-6359-0. OCLC:
Boehmer, W. K. 1990. Groundwater Flow in a Faulted Groundwater Basin; Water
Resources in Mountainous Regions. Memoires - Association Internationale Des
Hydrogeologues =Memoires - International Association of Hydrogeologists. Association
Internationale des Hydrogeologues; Committee of U.S.A. Members of the International
Association of Hydrogeologists, Montpellier, International. Volume 22, Part 1-2, Pages 46-55.
Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Cenozoic; clastic rocks; Cretaceous; faults;
ground water; Holocene; interpretation; mathematical models; Mesozoic; models; mountains;
movement; permeability; Quaternary; Rada Basin; sandstone; sedimentary rocks; water
management; water quality; water resources; Yemen. Notes: IAHMAP; References: 10; illus.
incl. 2 tables, geol. sketch maps. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0579-6733.
Bogan, Arthur E. Overstreet, William C. Grolier, Maurice J . and Toplyn, Michael R.
1988. A Preliminary Report on the Land and Freshwater Gastropods Recovered from
Archaeological and Geological Samples from the Yemen Arab Republic. United States: Am.
Found. Study Man, Washington, DC, United States. Volume: 4, Descriptors: Al-J ubah
Quadrangle; Arabian Peninsula; archaeological sites; Asia; Cenozoic; faunal list; fresh-water
environment; Gastropoda; Invertebrata; Mesogastropoda; Mollusca; Quaternary; stratigraphy;
taxonomy; terrestrial environment; Yemen. Notes: Includes 5 appendices; illus. incl. 2 tables,
sketch maps. Database: GeoRef. OCLC: 6782603. ISSN: 0569-4833.
Bonavia, Franco F., Chorowicz, J ean and Collet, Bernard. 1995. Have Wet and Dry
Precambrian Crust Largely Governed Cenozoic Intraplate Magmatism from Arabia to East
Africa? Geophys. Res. Lett. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. 01 Sep. 1995.
Volume 22, Issue 17, Pages 2337-2340. Descriptors: Afar; Africa; African Plate; Arabian
Peninsula; Arabian Plate; Arabian Shield; Asia; basalts; Burundi; Cenozoic; Central Africa;
Congo Democratic Republic; continental crust; crust; East Africa; East African Rift; Ethiopia;
flood basalts; igneous activity; igneous rocks; intraplate processes; Kenya; lithosphere; mantle
plumes; models; moisture; Nubia; Nubian Shield; plate boundaries; plate tectonics; Precambrian;
Somali Republic; Tanzania; underplating; uplifts; volcanic rocks; water; Yemen; Zaire. Abstract:
To explain Cenozoic continental volcanism between Arabia and East Africa, the existing model
infers that a plume impinged beneath Ethiopia, between 30 Ma and 20 Ma, and volcanism
extruded within a 1000 km radius. Because relative motion of the Afro-Arabian plate was about
northeast in the last 120 Ma, we infer that at 84 Ma a plume, originated from the core-mantle
boundary, impinged beneath Nubia-Arabia and is now under the Tanzania craton. This plume
caused uplift (Afro-Arabian swell) and magma under-plating. After Fyfes idea (1992), the
conceptual model proposed herein suggests that, following plume impact, there was in Nubia-
Arabia only intrusion of mafic dykes because the crust was largely unprocessed (wet). At about
50 Ma the plume was under Ethiopia, and coeval volcanism extruded because the crust was
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highly recycled (dry). In Zaire-Burundi and Tanzania, volcanism is explained to be coeval with
the arrival of the plume because there also the crust is recycled. In Arabia and Yemen-Ethiopia
continental-flood basalts younger than 30 Ma formed because lithospheric extension along the
Red Sea-Gulf of Aden was the cause of (or the result of) plume(s), probably originated from the
upper mantle. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0094-8276.
Bonnenfant, P. 1997. Irrigation in the Wadi Zabid Area (Yemen). Bulletin -
Association de Geographes Francais. Volume 1, Pages 12-24. Abstract: A presentation of
irrigation systems in the Wadi Zabid area (Yemen) demonstrates recent technical and social
changes. The area was opened to the market and peasants have been partly freed from an
economic and social status in which they were exploited. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0004-5322.
Bosence, D. W. J . 1997. Mesozoic Rift Basins of Yemen. Mar. Pet. Geol. 9. Volume
14, Issue 6, Pages 611-616, IN1-IN6. Descriptors: Mesozoic rift basins; hydrocarbons; Yemen;
Sabatayn Basin; Marib Basin; Masilah Basin; Socotra. Abstract: This special issue is the first
compilation and review of the stratigraphy and basin evolution of the Mesozoic petroleum basins
of Yemen. The volume arises from an international symposium on the Sedimentation and
Tectonics of Rift Basins of the Red Sea-Gulf of Aden area held at the University of Sanaa in
September 1995. Papers relating to the Cenozoic rifting of the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea and Gulf
of Suez are to be published shortly (B. H. Purser and D. W. J . Bosence, Sedimentation and
Techtonics of Rift Basins: The Red Sea-Gulf of Aden. Chapman and Hall, London, in press).
Eight papers within this issue focus on basins within the interior of the country and the margins
of the Gulf of Aden/Indian Ocean. The papers cover reviews of the developing stratigraphic
concepts for these basins, outcrop studies and subsurface studies of recently explored areas by
geoscientists from the U.K. oil industry and from U.K., Lebanese and Yemeni universities.
ISSN: 0264-8172.
Bosworth, William, Huchon, P. and McClay, K. 2005. The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
Basins; Phanerozoic Evolution of Africa. J . Afr. Earth Sci. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. Oct. Volume
43, Issue 1-3, Pages 334-378. Descriptors: Adigrat Series; Afar; Afar Traps; Africa; African
Plate; Akbra Shale; Amba Aradon Series; Amran Series; Antalo Series; Arabian Peninsula;
Arabian Plate; Arabian Sea; Arabian Shield; Asia; Baid Formation; basement; basin analysis;
basins; depositional environment; earthquakes; East Africa; Ethiopia; faults; Foraminifera;
fracture zones; Globigerina; Globigerinacea; Globigerinidae; Gulf of Aden; Gulf of Aqaba; Gulf
of Suez; igneous rocks; Indian Ocean; Invertebrata; Kohlan Series; lithostratigraphy; mantle;
mantle plumes; microfossils; paleoenvironment; paleogeography; plate tectonics; Precambrian;
Proterozoic; Protista; Red Sea; Red Sea Rift; rift zones; rifting; Rotaliina; sea-floor spreading;
sedimentary basins; sedimentary rocks; sedimentation; seismotectonics; Stratoid Series; strike-
slip faults; Tawilah Group; tectonics; transform faults; upper Precambrian; volcanic rocks;
volcanism; Yemen. Notes: References: 487; illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch maps. Abstract: We
here summarize the evolution of the greater Red Sea-Gulf of Aden rift system, which includes
the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden marine basins and their continental
margins, and the Afar region. Plume related basaltic trap volcanism began in Ethiopia, NE Sudan
(Derudeb), and SW Yemen at approximately 31 Ma, followed by rhyolitic volcanism at
approximately 30 Ma. Volcanism thereafter spread northward to Harrats Sirat, Hadan, Ishara-
Khirsat, and Ar Rahat in western Saudi Arabia. This early magmatism occurred without
significant extension, and continued to approximately 25 Ma. Much of the Red Sea and Gulf of
Aden region was at or near sea level at this time. Starting between approximately 29.9 and 28.7
Ma, marine syn-tectonic sediments were deposited on continental crust in the central Gulf of
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Aden. At the same time the Horn of Africa became emergent. By approximately 27.5-23.8 Ma a
small rift basin was forming in the Eritrean Red Sea. At approximately the same time
(approximately 25 Ma), extension and rifting commenced within Afar itself. At approximately
24 Ma, a new phase of volcanism, principally basaltic dikes but also layered gabbro and
granophyre bodies, appeared nearly synchronously throughout the entire Red Sea, from Afar and
Yemen to northern Egypt. This second phase of magmatism was accompanied in the Red Sea by
strong rift-normal extension and deposition of syn-tectonic sediments, mostly of marine and
marginal marine affinity. Sedimentary facies were laterally heterogeneous, being comprised of
inter-fingering siliciclastics, evaporite, and carbonate. Throughout the Red Sea, the principal
phase of rift shoulder uplift and rapid syn-rift subsidence followed shortly thereafter at
approximately 20 Ma. Water depths increased dramatically and sedimentation changed to
predominantly Globigerina-rich marl and deepwater limestone. Within a few million years of its
initiation in the mid-Oligocene the Gulf of Aden continental rift linked the Owen fracture zone
(oceanic crust) with the Afar plume. The principal driving force for extension was slab-pull
beneath the Urumieh-Doktar arc on the north side of the narrowing Neotethys. Drag of Arabia by
the northward-moving Indian plate across the partially locked northern Owen fracture zone and
the position of the Carlsberg oceanic ridge probably also influenced the geometry of the Aden
rift. The trigger for the onset of rifting, though, was the impingement of the Afar plume at
approximately 31 Ma. The Red Sea propagated away from the plume head, perpendicular to the
extensional stresses then operating in Arabia, and arrived at the bend in the African-Levant
margin, which itself may have been a stress concentration ripe for rifting. The local geometry of
the early Red Sea rift was strongly influenced by pre-existing basement structures, and as a
consequence followed a complex path from Afar to Suez. Each segment of the rift was initially
an asymmetric half graben, with well-defined accommodation zones between sub-basins. In the
Gulf of Aden, the positions of accommodation zones were strongly influenced by older
Mesozoic rift basins. Early rift structures can be restored to their original contiguous geometries
along both the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden conjugate margins. In both basins, present-day
shorelines restore to a separation of 40-60 km along most of their lengths. The initial rift basins
were 60-80 km in width. Oceanic spreading initiated on the Sheba Ridge east of the Alula-Fartaq
fracture zone at approximately 19-18 Ma. After stalling at this fracture zone, the ridge probably
propagated west into the central Gulf of Aden by approximately 16 Ma. This matches the
observed termination of syn-tectonic deposition along the onshore Aden margins at
approximately the same time. At approximately 14 Ma, a transform boundary cut through Sinai
and the Levant continental margin, linking the northern Red Sea with the Bitlis-Zagros
convergence zone. This corresponded with collision of Arabia and Eurasia, which resulted in a
new plate geometry with different boundary forces. Red Sea extension changed from rift normal
(N60 degrees E) to highly oblique and parallel to the Aqaba-Levant transform (N15 degrees E).
North of Suez in Egypt the rift system became emergent, perhaps due to minor compression of
the Sinai sub-plate, and the marine connection to the Mediterranean Sea became restricted but
not terminated. Red Sea sedimentation changed from predominantly open marine to evaporitic,
although deep water persisted in many regions. A third phase of magmatism commenced, locally
in Ethiopia but predominantly in western Saudi Arabia and extending north to Harrat Ash Shama
and J ebel Druse in J ordan, Lebanon, and Syria. At approximately 10 Ma, the Sheba Ridge
rapidly propagated west over 400 km from the central Gulf of Aden to the Shukra al Sheik
discontinuity. Oceanic spreading followed in the south-central Red Sea at approximately 5 Ma.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1464-343X.
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Botez, G. and Lange, H. G. 1926. Studii Geo-Hidrologice in Vilaetul, Yemen Geo-
Hydrological Studies in the Vilayet of Yemen. Bucuresti: Cultura nationala. Descriptors:
Hydrogologie -- Ymen -- Cartes; Ymen -- Cartes. Notes: Description: 1 carte.: en coul. 51 x
66 cm, plie 26 x 16 cm. Anuarul Institutului Geologic al Romniei (1908) (1925-1926) vol. 11
(ABES) 037373552; Map Info: 1:300 000. Note(s): Relief reprsent par des courbes de niveau
et des points cots. Coupe gologique. General Info: Version: Accompagne: Studii petrografice
in Yemen (regiunea Hodeida-Saana) David Roman.- Bucuresti: Cultura nationala, 1967.-
(Anuarul institutului geologic al Romniei, vol. XI, 1925-1926). Other Titles: Geo-hydrological
studies in the Vilayet of Yemen; Responsibility: schita geologica a regiunei ... de G. Botez;
schita geografica a regiunei ... de H. G. Lange =geological sketch of the region ... by G. Botez;
geographical sketch of the region ... by H. G. Lange. OCLC Accession Number: 495260291.
Bott, W. F., Smith, B. A., Oakes, G., Sikander, A. H. and Ibraham, A. I. 1992. Tectonic
Framework and Regional Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Gulf of Aden. J . Pet. Geol. Volume
15, Issue 2, Pages 211-243. Descriptors: Petroleum geology; Geothermal energy; Petroleum
prospecting; Sedimentology; Tectonics. Abstract: The Gulf of Aden rifting predates that in the
Red Sea. Isolated sub-basins developed during the earliest Oligocene following a major
emergent (erosional) period during the latest Eocene. Marine sedimentation began in the middle-
to-late Oligocene and progressed upwards from marginal marine to bathyal environments with
significant turbidite input (primarily on the Yemen side). Stretched and dike-invaded continental
crust exists in water depths greater than 1000 m in some areas. Sea-floor spreading began in the
late Miocene and progressed westward into the Afar region. Only limited faulting has affected
the post-rift, uppermost Miocene to Recent section, which is primarily dominated by prograding
sequences and thermal subsidence. With over 40,600 square kilometers of continental shelf in
less than 300 m of water, the Gulf of Aden is a frontier exploration area. Only minimal
exploration work has been carried out in the offshore, including twelve wells resulting in one
sub-commercial discovery and numerous indications of hydrocarbons. The wells drilled to-date
have encountered source, reservoir and seals in both the pre-rift and syn-rift section. Heat flow
and thermal modelling has shown that the Gulf of Aden continental margins are not areas of
excessive heat flow, and hydrocarbon-generative kitchens can be mapped in the pre-rift
sequence. The hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Gulf of Aden differs from that in the Red Sea in
that the primary hydrocarbon plays are found in the pre-rift sequences. Pre-rift exploration plays
exist in horst and rotated fault blocks within NW-SE trending sub-basins controlled by Upper
J urassic to Lower Cretaceous tensional tectonics. A combination structural-stratigraphic trap has
proved hydrocarbons beneath the pre-Oligocene erosional unconformity. Syn-rift exploration for
clastic reservoirs sealed by anhydrites exists in early Oligocene transtensional sub-basins. The
primary structure traps are rollover anticlines associated with listric growth faults. Source
maturity is a significant risk for syn-rift plays. ISSN: 0141-6421.
Bouhlel, M. Hail, A. R. FAO and UNDP. 1986. Stock Assessment of Shrimp (Penaeus
Semisulcatus) Inhabiting the Shallow Water of Yemen Arab Republic: Development of Fisheries
in Areas of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Rome: FAO. Descriptors: marine; Yemen, Arab Rep;
Penaeus semisulcatus; shrimp fisheries; stock assessment; population dynamics. Notes: 58 s.
Responsibility: Mahmoud Bouhlel; Abdul Rahman Hail. OCLC Accession Number: 476749783.
Branko Milanovic. 2007. Qat Expenditures in Yemen and Djibouti: An Empirical
Analysis. World Bank. MPRA Paper No. 1425. World Bank and Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, Washington, D.C. Abstract: Using household surveys from Yemen and
Djibouti, the paper analyzes determinants of qat consumptions in two countries. The results
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confirm huge importance of qat in daily life: with between one-half (in Djibouti) and 70 percent
(in Yemen) of all households reporting at least one user. But in Yemen, qat consumption is
remarkably flat across income groups, age, and between rural and urban areas. Qat is a normal
good and there is no indication that its use substitutes for food. In Djibouti, however, qat
consumption increases with income, and
appears to act as a substitute for food consumption. In both countries however there is a strong
gender bias in the use: men are much more likely to use qat than women. URL:
Brannan, J ., Gerdes, K. D. and Newth, I. R. 1997. Tectono-Stratigraphic Development
of the Qamar Basin, Eastern Yemen. Mar. Pet. Geol. 9. Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 701-730,
IN7-IN12. Descriptors: basin development; Qamar Basin; Yemen. Abstract: The Qamar Basin is
a polyphase rift basin located in eastern Yemen, adjacent to the Indian Ocean. It probably
originated as part of an extensive rift system which developed during the Late J urassic to Early
Cretaceous and led to the break-up of Gondwanaland. Rift reactivation during the mid
Cretaceous affected limited areas including the Qamar Basin. A third episode of rifting occurred
during the Oligo-Miocene prior to sea floor spreading in the Gulf of Aden. Since spreading in the
Gulf began in the Middle Miocene, the offshore Qamar Basin has been thermally subsiding. In
contrast, the onshore part of the basin has been elevated by over 1 km. The nature of the pre mid-
Cretaceous basin fill is unknown. During Santonian to Early Campanian times thick fluvio-
deltaic clastics accumulated in a rapidly subsiding depocentre. Marked deepening during the
Early Campanian led to deposition of deep water limestones. During the Late Campanian
prograding deep marine clastics infilled the basin. Minor transgression during the Maastrichtian
caused a resumption of marine carbonate deposition. Sedimentation was interrupted during the
Early Palaeocene, following which shallow marine carbonates were deposited over a large area
of the Arabian Peninsula. After a hiatus spanning the Late Eocene to Late Oligocene, carbonate
sedimentation resumed offshore in an active rift basin. Deep water carbonates and carbonate
turbidites accumulated in lows whilst reefs developed on footwall highs. From the late Miocene
onwards the reefs have been gradually drowned by rapidly accumulating clastics. Onshore the
Tertiary rift episode was associated with major uplift and only a thin veneer of recent wadi
deposits overlies the rift topography. The superposition of J urassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary rifts,
which has not been described elsewhere in the region, is tentatively related to the evolution of
the Indian Ocean. ISSN: 0264-8172.
Breaking Bread with the Bedouins. 1993. BusinessWeek. 08/16. Issue 3332, Pages
18D-18G. Descriptors: First person narrative; Narration (Rhetoric); Travel; Travelers; Yemen
(Republic). Abstract: The article discusses the authors experience on traveling to Al-Abr in
Yemen. The author mentions that Al-Abr was used by English traveler Wilfred Thesiger as a
base camp in 1949, where he filled his goatskins with water and bought dates and flour for the
month-long journey into the desert. The author also mentions that the town is off-limits to
tourists because of what the government calls perpetual insecurity among the Bedouin tribes.
ISSN: 0007-7135.
Bremere, Ingrida, Kennedy, Maria, Stikker, Allerd and Schippers, J an. 2001. How
Water Scarcity Will Effect the Growth in the Desalination Market in the Coming 25 Years.
Desalination. Volume 138, Issue 1-3, Pages 7-15. Descriptors: Water resources; Desalination;
Groundwater. Abstract: Desalination technology is finding new outlets in supplying water to
meet growing municipal domestic consumption needs in water scarce countries with a per capita
availability below 1,000 m3/y. An expansion of the current municipal water desalination market
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was related to the population growth and the groundwater scarcity in the coming 25 years in
various regions of the world: Europe, The Caribbean, South East and Western Asia, GCC States
and North Africa. First, the current impact of desalination on the renewable groundwater
resources in these selected areas was determined. Results indicated that the desalination capacity
exceeds 2-10 times the renewable groundwater resources in Qatar, Kuwait, Malta and Saudi
Arabia, 10-50% in Libya and Barbados, and less than 0.5% in J ordan, Yemen and Singapore. In
the future, a population growth from 51-116 million, 1995-2025, was assumed to be the driving
force determining the need for desalination in order to maintain the current urban municipal
domestic water consumption (an average of 0.265 m3/cap/d) in these countries. By 2000, a total
sea and brackish water desalination capacity of 7.3 million m3/d was installed for municipal
purposes in these countries. This indicated a growth in the desalination capacity of 1.9 million
m3/d, 35%, between 1995 and 2000. By 2025, the growth in the municipal water desalination
market will need to reach 14.8 million m3/d, 200%, to maintain the current urban municipal
domestic water needs and to prevent any decline in renewable groundwater resources in the 10
water scarce countries selected in this study. ISSN: 0011-9164.
Breton, Jean-Franois et Jean-Claude Roux, Le wd/Dur: un modle dirrigation
antique? Chroniques ymnites [En ligne], 10. 2002, mis en ligne le 07 septembre 2007,
Consult le 10 octobre 2011. Abstract: Dans le gouvernorat de Shabwa, au sud de Ni/sb, le wd
/Dur a fait lobjet dtudes pluridisciplinaires de 1992 1996. Ouvrages hydrauliques trs
varis, inscriptions nombreuses et datations par thermoluminescence des limons montrent que
toute la valle a t mise en valeur intensive pendant prs de deux millnaires. Ces rsultats
permettent-ils dlaborer un modle, au moins qualitatif, dune irrigation antique en relief semi-
montagneux? Compte tenu des donnes disponibles, un modle dfinitif ne peut tre valid,
toutefois les rsultats obtenus permettent d'baucher une modlisation originale du wd /Dur
et de ses affluents. URL :
Bridge link. 2007. International Construction, Sep 2007, Vol. 46 Issue 7, p7-7; 1/6.
Subject Terms: Construction projects; Bridges- Design & construction; Construction contracts;
Bin Laden, Sheikh Tarek Mohammed; Stockholders. Abstract: The article reports on the bridge
construction plan of Bin Laden Group shareholder Sheikh Tarek Mohammed Bin Laden, in
Yemen. The proposed 27.5 kilometers bridge construction will link Yemen and Djibouti on the
Horn of Africa, in a bid to connect the Middle East and Africa. Meanwhile, the construction of
the bridge has been estimated to take nine years. ISSN: 0020-6415.
Brown, G. F. 1960. Geomorphology of Western and Central Saudi Arabia. 21
International Geological Congress. Copenhagen. 1960. Report 21, part 21, pages 150-159.
Brown, G. F. and J ackson, R. O. 1960. The Arabian Shield. 21
Geological Congress. Copenhagen, 1960. Report 21, part 9, pages 69-77.
Brown, J eff L. Record-Breaking Suspension Span to Link Two Continents. Civil
Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers: Volume 77, Issue 8, Pages 36. Descriptors:
Bridge design; Long span bridges; Arabian Peninsula; Djibouti; Red Sea; Yemen. Abstract: A
planned bridge across the Red Sea would create an intercontinental bridge and the first direct
ground transport between the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa. It would be some 700
meters longer than the current longest suspended bridge. The article describes the history and
evolution of the project and plans for a fast-track schedule. Two alignments have emerged after a
feasibility study, each consisting of two segments, anchored on an island in the Bab al Mandab
strait. Its main spurs are exceptionally long, especially considering they are intended to carry
highway traffic and railcars. Previous bridges of similar scope are discussed, as well as special
Geology of Yemen
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considerations for this site. They include foundation needs in a geotechnically complex
environment. Wind resistance is also an issue. The bridge would be located near the juncture of
two tectonic plates. Work on feasibility continues. Database: TRIS. ISSN: 0885-7024.
Brown, Lester R. 2002. "Water Deficits Growing in Many Countries." Appropriate
Technology 29.3 (2002): 36-. Abstract: In Yemen, a country of 19 million, the water table under
most of the country is falling by roughly two meters a year. Under the capital, Sanaa, the water
table is falling six meters per year, and the aquifer will be depleted by the end of this decade.
Test wells are being drilled two kilometers deep, but they have failed to find water. Yemen must
soon decide whether to bring water to Sanaa, possibly from coastal desalting plants, or to
relocate the capital. Scores of other countries are also running up regional water deficits,
including nearly all of those in Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, plus India,
Pakistan, and the US. In an increasingly integrated world economy, the shortfalls can cross
national boundaries via the international grain trade. ISSN: 0305-0920.
Brown, Lester R. 2003. The Effect of Emerging Water Shortages on the Worlds Food;
Whose Water is it? The Unquenchable Thirst of a Water-Hungry World. United States: National
Geographic Society, Washington, DC, United States. Banff Mountain Summit; Mountains as
Water Towers, Banff, AB. Canada Conference: Nov. 23-26, 2003. Descriptors: agriculture; Amu
Darya; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Aral Sea; Asia; Central Asia; China; Commonwealth of
Independent States; Far East; ground water; Huang He; hydrology; Iran; Middle East; North
China Plain; Ogallala Aquifer; pumping; rivers and streams; Saudi Arabia; surface water; Syr
Darya; United States; water; water management; water resources; water table; Yemen. Database:
GeoRef. ISBN: 1894773144; 9781894773140. OCLC: 56371147.
Bruce, A. J . 2006. Pontoniine Shrimps (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) from the Island of
Socotra, with Descriptions of New Species of Dactylonia Fransen, 2002 and Periclimenoides
Bruce, 1990. Zootaxa. Issue 1137, Pages 1-36. Descriptors: Crustacea; Dactylonia carinicula;
Decapoda; Indian Ocean; New species; Periclimenoides socotrae; Pleocyemata; Pontoniinae;
Socotra; Yemen. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 1. Abstract: The present report provides
information on 20 pontoniine shrimp taxa from the island of Socotra, collected by Dr Michael
Apel, including two new species, of the genera Dactylonia Fransen and Periclimenoides Bruce.
Thirteen species are reported from Yemen for the first time, 8 are newly recorded from the north
western Indian Ocean. The record of Periclimenoides is the first occurrence of this genus in the
western Indian Ocean. The number of pontoniine shrimps known from the north west Indian
Ocean is now increased from 32 to 44 taxa. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1175-5326.
Brunner, Ueli. 2002. Tldetection archologique dans la Wadi Markha , Chroniques
ymnites [En ligne], 6. 1997, mis en ligne le 25 novembre 2002, Consult le 10 octobre 2011.
Abstract : L'irrigation de crue tait la spcialit de l'Arabie du Sud. Les eaux de crue, produites
par les violentes pluies de printemps et d't, taient conduites directement dans les champs qui
taient submergs par environ un demi-mtre d'eau. Chaque anne plus d'un centimtre de fins
sdiments tait dpos. A Marib, on trouve aujourd'hui de monotones dpts de limons de plus
de 30 m de haut. Aprs l'abandon de l'irrigation, ces sdiments clairs furent rods par l'eau et le
vent le long des canaux et des murets des champs, de sorte qu'apparat aujourd'hui un schma
d'rosion en quadrillage. Les dpts sdimentaires antiques dus l'irrigation sont dsormais
l'lment gographique le plus frappant des grands wadis du Ymen. URL :
Geology of Yemen
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Brunner, U. 2000. The Great Dam of MaRib in Yemen - an Example of Ancient
Irrigation Techniques Adapted to the Local Environmental Conditions. Wasser Boden. Volume
52, Issue 10, Pages 4-10. Descriptors: agriculture; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; embankments;
history; irrigation; methods; spatial distribution; water management; water storage; Yemen.
Abstract: The research in Southern Arabia over the past two decades has revealed an indigenous
hydraulic culture. Heavy tropical summer rains in the Yemeni mountains lead to a high runoff
which pours down the wadis as flash floods. The Yemeni flood water irrigation system is capable
of managing large amounts of water. An earth dam deflects part of the flood into a canal system.
Large fields are flooded knee-deep. This soaks the soil sufficiently to produce a yield. The
famous Great Dam of Marib functioned in the same manner. The earth dam, up to 20 m high,
620 m long and at its base about 100 m wide, raised the water to the level of the fields. A sluice
at each end of the dam served as entrances to the primary canals. A network of rectangularly
arranged secondary canals distributed the water over the oasis. In this way irrigation was
immediate. Surplus water was conducted back to the wadi by massively built overflows. The
safety of the system was ensured by a wide spillway, an overflow at the south sluice regulating
the amount of water entering the primary canal and by the weak dam which was washed away by
extraordinarily big floods. The discussion leads to the conclusion that the Sabean oasis was
irrigated in a sustainable manner in the true sense of the word. The best proof is given by the
longevity of the arrangement. The Sabeans faced only one severe problem; silting of the fields at
an average of about 1 cm/year. In the end the Great Dam was used by the Sabeans to conduct the
sayl into another wadi. The reason for this was to evade the highest part of the oasis. The rapidly
built dam system of al-Mabna caught the water on the north side of the oasis. From here a safe
supply of the area around the capital was still possible. The new dam of Marib and its irrigation
system is described briefly. The comparison with the old dam shows the many disadvantages of
the new one. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0043-0951.
Brunner, Ueli. 1992. Besuch im Wadi Marcha (visite au wadi Markha), J emen Report n
2, (1992).
Brunner, Ueli. 1983. Die Erforschung der antiken Oase von Marib mit Hilfe
geomorphologischer Untersuchungsmethoden (tude de l'oasis antique de Marib l'aide de
mthodes d'investigation gomorphologiques), Archologische Berichte aus dem J emen, vol. 2,
Mayence, (1983).
Brunner, Ueli & Harold Haefner. 1990. "Altsdarabische Bewsserungsoasen (oasis
d'irrigation antique en Arabie du Sud)", Die Erde, pp. 135-153, (1990).
BSG Provides Gratings for Sanaa Works. 2000. Water & Environ Int. Turret Rai Plc:
02. Volume 9, Issue 64, Pages 4. Descriptors: Sewage disposal plants; Yemen (Republic); British
Standard Gratings (Company); DUMEZ-GTM (Company). Abstract: Reports on British
Standard Gratings contract for the supply of galvanized tubular handrailing and open steel
flooring from French construction company Dumez-GTM for Sanaa sewage treatment works in
Yemen. ISSN: 0956-0157.
Bunker, D. G. 1952-53. Desert Locust Survey Reconnaissance. 1:500,000 map. Nairobi:
Royal Geographical Society, London.
Bunker, D.G. 1953. The Southwest Borderlands of the Rub al Khali. Geographical
J ournal. Volume 19, part 4, pages 420-430.
Burdon, D. 1982. Hydrogeological Conditions in the Middle East. Quarterly J ournal of
Engineering Geology Vol 15, no 2, p 71-82, 1982.4 Fig, 26 Ref. Abstract: Five factors which
influence infiltration to aquifers under conditions of low precipitation and high potential
Geology of Yemen
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evapotranspiration in the Mideast are discussed. The predominance of fossil groundwater is the
most striking hydrogeological phenomenon occurring on a regional scale in the Middle East. It is
estimated that 65000 cubic kilometers of groundwater are stored in artesian basins. This is a
nonrenewable resource. Renewable groundwater resources of the Middle East are of local rather
than regional significance. Some originate outside the Middle East as surface flows in the Nile
and Tigris-Euphrates and infiltrating into the sediments in and adjacent to the flood plains. Other
renewable resources accumulate within the region where high precipitation and mountainous
relief are associated. Such areas include the Tertiary fold mountains from the Taurus to the
Oman ranges, and the volcanic and basement highlands of Yemen, Asir and Ethiopia. Locally, in
areas of lower precipitation, lenses of recent fresh groundwater float on regional more saline
groundwater. In some areas subsurface flows toward and through wadi systems are also of
importance. Database: Technology Research Database. ISSN: 0481-2085. OCLC: 465359158.
Burns, Peter and Cooper, Chris. 1997. Yemen: Tourism and a Tribal-Marxist
Dichotomy. Tourism Management. 12. Volume 18, Issue 8, Pages 555-563. Descriptors:
Yemen; politics; Marxism; Islam; Middle-East. Abstract: Tourism in the Middle East is
experiencing expansion due to the Middle East peace process and the economic advantages of
tourism. However, in the region there are also significant political and cultural constraints to the
development of tourism. Yemen has historically been divided into North and South Yemen until
the reunification in 1990. Tourism still bears the imprint of this division in terms of its
organization, provision of resources and developments. Planning for tourism in Yemen is
attempting to reconcile these past divisions and also to manage the growth of tourism in
environmentally and culturally sensitive and vulnerable areas. This paper provides an analysis of
tourism in Yemen in the mid 1990s, based on fieldwork visits by the authors. ISSN: 0261-5177.
Burns, SJ , Fleitmann, D., Matter, A., Kramers, J . and Al-Subbary, AA. 2003. Indian
Ocean Climate and an Absolute Chronology Over Dansgaard/Oeschger Events 9 to 13. Science
(Wash.). American Association for the Advancement of Science. 5 Sep. Volume 301, Issue
5638, Pages 1365-1367. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Palaeoclimate; Oxygen isotope
ratio; Caves; Monsoons; Atmospheric precipitations; Geochronometry; Rainfall; Annual
variations; Climatic changes; Paleoclimatology; Climatic oscillations; Monsoon precipitation;
Oxygen isotopes; Paleoclimates; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen, Socotra; PN, Greenland;
Indian Ocean; Greenland; ice cores; Speleothems; carbonates; calcite; stalagmites; Marine.
Notes: OD: Object Subject Terms: Age y BP (yr); Oxygen-isotope 18O; Oxygen-isotope
18O; U/Th age determinations; Water depth (mm); Object Statistical Terms: Average; Mean;
TR: CS0318005. OD: Object Subject Terms; Age y BP (yr); Oxygen-isotope 18O; Object
Statistical Terms; Average. Abstract: Oxygen-isotope ratios of a stalagmite from Socotra Island
in the Indian Ocean provide a record of changes in monsoon precipitation and climate for the
time period from 42 to 55 thousand years before the present. The pattern of precipitation bears a
striking resemblance to the oxygen-isotope record from Greenland ice cores, with increased
tropical precipitation associated with warm periods in the high northern latitudes. The largest
change, at the onset of interstadial 12, occurred very rapidly, in about 25 years. The chronology
of the events found in our record requires a reevaluation of previously published time scales for
climate events during this period. Database: Aquatic Sciences. ISSN: 1095-9203.
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Camberlin, P., Fontaine, B., Louvet, S., Oettli, P. and Valimba, P. 2010. Climate
Adjustments over Africa Accompanying the Indian Monsoon Onset. J . Climate. American
Meteorological Society: 04/01; 2011/04. Volume 23, Issue 8, Pages 2047-2064. ISSN: 0894-
8755. URL: CLI3302.1.
Cantor, Sidney M. United Nations Development Programme and Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. 1970. Report to the Government of Southern Yemen on a
Suggested Programme of Water Development Studies. Rome: Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. Page(s): 65. Descriptors: Irrigation -- Yemen (Republic);
Government publication; International government publication. Notes: xi; ill., maps; 28 cm;
Note(s): Errata inserted; Other Titles: Suggested programme of water development studies;
Responsibility: based on the work of G. Y. J olankai. OCLC Accession Number: 85213347.
Caponera, DA. 1973. Water Laws in Moslem Countries. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Irrigation and Drainage Paper NO 20/1. 202 Pages,
118 Refs. FAO agricultural development paper, no. 43. Descriptors: Water Resources; Water
Law; Legislation; Water Rights; Reviews; Legal Aspects; Water Resources Development; Arid
Lands; Asia; Africa; Irrigation; Moslem Water Law; Afghanistan; Bahrain; Brunei; Iran; J ordan;
Kuwait; Morocco; Qatar; Somalia; Tunisia; The Peoples Democratic Republic Of Yemen;
Yemen Arab Republic. Abstract: this is a revision of FAO agricultural development paper no.
43, water laws in Moslem countries published in 1954. The earlier paper has been outdated by
changes in water law and by the emergence of many new nations in the Moslem world. In this,
volume one of a two volume update, a general introduction is given and twelve nations
(Afghanistan, Bahrain, Brunei, Iran, J ordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, The
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen, and the Yemen Arab Republic) are described. Since
Moslem law is based upon revelations transmitted from Allah to man through the agency of the
prophet Mohammed, its religious overtones are unmistakable and western planners must expect
plans to be suspect which ignore or contradict this divine law. Moslem law has faced the
practical problems of dividing a limited resource among the populace; however, it should be
remembered that the scarcer the water is, the more complicated and elaborate the regulations are.
Modern tendencies in Moslem water law make water a national resource under central control
and ownership. This is compatible with traditional islamic thinking which has always viewed the
concept of community interest as the basis of moslem water law. Database: Water Resources
Abstracts. OCLC: 468841174; 5768722.
Carter, H. J . 1852. Geographical Description of Certain Parts of the Southeast Coast of
Arabia, and a Short Essay on the Comparative Geography of the Whole Coast. Royal Asiatic
Society, Bombay Branch J ournal. Volume 3, part 2, pages 224-317.
Caton-Thompson, G. 1938. Geology and Archaeology of the Hadhramaut, Southwest
Arabia; Preliminary Notes on Lord Wakefield Expedition. Nature. Volume 142, number 3586,
pages 139-142.
Caton-Thompson, G. and Gardner, E.W. 1939. Climate, Irrigation and Early Man in
Hadhramaut. Geog. J ournal. Volume 93, number 1, pages 18-38.
Carver, Michael. 1990. War since 1945. London: The Ashfield Press. Page(s): 322.
Notes: 322 p., [8] leaves of plates: ill. 23 cm. Includes index. OCLC Accession Number:
Cederstrom, D. J . 1971. Ground Water in the Aden Sector of Southern Arabia. Ground
Water. National Water Well Association, Ground-Water Technology Division, Urbana, IL.
Geology of Yemen
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Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 29-34. Descriptors: Aden Yemen; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; ground
water; hydrogeology; resources; Yemen. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0017-467X.
Center for Naval Analyses, Alexandria, VA and Thompson Eric, Asfura-Heim Patricio.
2008. Assessments of the Impact of 1206-Funded Projects in Selected Countries: Lebanon,
Pakistan, Yemen, Sao Tome, and Principe. J ul. Page(s): 58 Report Number: CRM-
D0017988.A4-REV-1 XD-GSA/DC Contract Number: N00014-05-D-0500 Monitor Series:
GSA/DC. Abstract: This study examines the operational effects of 1206 global train and equip
programs in Lebanon, Pakistan, Yemen, Sao Tome, and Principe. Abstract Classification:
Unclassified. Technical Reports Collection. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release;
distribution is unlimited. OCLC Accession Number: ADA485160. URL:
Center for Naval Analyses, Alexandria, VA and Thompson Eric, Asfura-Heim Patricio.
2008. Assessment of the Impact of 1206 Funded Projects in Lebanon, Pakistan, Yemen, Sao
Tome and Principe. May. Page(s): 57 Report Number: CRM-D0017988.A2 XD-GSA/DC
Contract Number: N00014-05-D-0500 Monitor Series: GSA/DC. Abstract: This study examines
the operational effects of 1206 global train and equip programs in Lebanon, Pakistan, Yemen,
Sao Tome and Principe. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA482627. URL:
Chakraborty, Rajib. 2005. MaRib Dam and Irrigation Project--a Wonder in the Desert.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Civil Engineering. 08. Volume 158, Issue 4,
Pages 170-177. Descriptors: Dams -- Design & construction; Irrigation projects; Construction
contracts; Agricultural engineering projects; Water -- Storage; Yemen (Republic); barrages &
reservoirs; dams; drainage; floods; floodworks; irrigation. Abstract: The article focuses on the
design and construction of the Marib irrigation project in Yemen. Detailed designs and tender
documents for the dam project were completed in 1981 and a construction contract was
eventually signed between ADFD and Dogus Construction Co. of Turkey in 1984, with
supervision and design by EWI. The new Marib Dam impounds a 10 km long, 400 million m
storage reservoir occupying 31 km of the J abel Balaq Gorge. The dam is a 780 m long, 38 m
high zoned earth-fill structure with a central impervious core providing a positive cut-off in the
alluvial foundation and shell zones on either side. ISSN: 0965-089X.
Chang, Yeon S., zgkmen, Tamay M., Peters, Hartmut and Xu, Xiaobiao. 2008.
Numerical Simulation of the Red Sea Outflow using HYCOM and Comparison with REDSOX
Observations. J . Phys. Oceanogr. American Meteorological Society: 02/01; 2011/04. Volume
38, Issue 2, Pages 337-358. ISSN: 0022-3670. URL: PO3697.1.
Chaouachi, K. T. 2007. Qat Chewing and Water Pipe (Madaa) Smoking in Yemen: A
Necessary Clarification when Studying Health Effects on Oral Mucosa. Oral Surg. Oral Med.
Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. Volume 104, Issue 6, Pages 731-733. Notes: Cited By (since
1996): 2. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1079-2104.
Charalambous, AN. 1982. Problems of Groundwater Development in the Sanaa Basin,
Yemen Arab Republic. Improvement of Methods of Long Term Prediction of Variations in
Groundwater Resources and Regimes due to Human Activity IAHS Publication no.136.
Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the First Scientific General Assembly of the IAHS at
Exeter. England , J uly 19-30. Pages 265-274. 5 ref. Descriptors: Groundwater mining;
Groundwater potential; Aquifers; Groundwater depletion; Water demand; Yemen;
Geohydrology; Groundwater level; Groundwater recharge; Wells; Boreholes; Water resources
Geology of Yemen
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development; Sanaa Basin; Competing use; Sandstone. Abstract: Until recently the
hydrogeology of the Sanaa was little known. Studies in 1972 to identify a source of water
supply for Sanaa indicated that the Tawilah sandstone could meet the citys requirements to the
year 2000 and beyond. Thus, all further work was directed in developing this aquifer. At the
same time, local farmers who until recently relied on abstration from shallow well, embarked on
a program of intensive exploitation by boreholes, which has remained largely uncontrolled. This
has led to declining water levels which have placed the now completed wellfields at serious risk.
Examination of the aquifer in the light of the present situation indicates that previous
assessments of recharge by the throughflow method have significantly overestimated the
resource. Lack of data rather than hydrogeological techniques are considered to have been the
major factor. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 0144-7815. OCLC: 9222814.
Chaudhary, J unaid Rafi and Husain, Tahir. 2007. Uncertainty Analysis of Humidity and
Precipitation Changes using Data from Global Climatic Models with a Case Study. Ottawa, ON,
Canada: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society. 2006 IEEE EIC Climate Change
Technology Conference, EICCCC 2006, may 10, 2006 - may 12. Conference: 2006. Descriptors:
Atmospheric humidity; Climate change; Mathematical models; Precipitation (chemical);
Uncertainty analysis. Abstract: The process of assessing vulnerability in agriculture, water
resources, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and coastal zone management due to climate
change requires construction of predicted vision of climate scenarios under physically reasonable
assumptions of greenhouse gas levels. In arid and hot climatic conditions, even minor climatic
changes will have significant impact on survival of plant species, wild animals, and other desert
ecosystems as well as on human health. The paper presents future changes in temperature,
precipitaton and humidity in Yemen, Oman, UAE and Qatar under different scenarios using
IPCC database derived through GCMs. Various climatic change scenarios developed by IPCC
were reviewed, A2 and B2 climatic scenarios were selected for the study. Long-term simulated
records derived by the following models were retrieved from the database: 1. Hadley Model -
(HADCM3) 2. Canadian Climatic Model - (CGCM2) 3. National Center for Atmospheric
Research Model - (NCAR-PCM) Using 1970-2000 values as baseline, variations in 2020-2050
and 2070-2099 were estimated and statistically analyzed to determine uncertainties in prediction.
Summarized impacts of climate change on human health based on empirical approach for the
region is presented in the paper to make it better prepared (adapted) to the climatic changes with
recommendations on future capacity building In modeling and data collection. 2006 IEEE EIC
climate change technology conference, EICCCC 2006. ISBN: 1424402182.
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Photo Credit: Cheryl Rodewig. A hamadryas baboon stretches his jaws Saturday inside his cage.
Found in Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen, this species grows up to 37 inches long and lives
for around 35 years. url:
Chazot, Gilles, Lowry, David, Menzies, Martin and
Mattey, David P. 1997. Oxygen Isotopic Composition of
Hydrous and Anhydrous Mantle Peridotites. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta. Pergamon, Oxford, International. J an.
Volume 61, Issue 1, Pages 161-169. Descriptors: Alaska;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; chain silicates; coexisting
minerals; experimental studies; fluid phase; igneous rocks;
inclusions; isotope ratios; isotopes; mantle; megacrysts;
metasomatism; nesosilicates; Nunivak Island; O-18/O-16;
olivine; olivine group; orthosilicates; oxygen; peridotites;
plutonic rocks; pyroxene group; silicates; Southwestern
Alaska; spinel lherzolite; stable isotopes; ultramafics;
United States; water; xenoliths; Yemen. References: 41;
illus. incl. 3 tables. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7037.
Chen, M. Zuo, J . Li, P. Du, L. and Li, L. 2007.
Current and Thermohaline Characteristics of the Arabian
Sea during J anuary 1998. Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg).
J ournal of Ocean University of China. Volume: 6, no. 2,
page(s): 117-124. Abstract: Based on a ship survey during
J anuary 1998, the characteristics of the flow, the thermohaline properties and the volume
transport of the Arabian Sea are discussed. A strong westward flow exists between 10.5 degree N
and 11 degree N, part of which turns to the south as the Somali current near the coast at about 10
degree N and the rest turns north. At the passage between the African continent and the Socotra
Island, the northern branch separates into two flows: the left one enters the passage and the right
one flows eastward along the southern slope of the island. Off the island the flow separates once
more, most of it meandering northeast and a small fraction flowing southeast. Volume transport
calculation suggests that the tidal transport is one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the
total transport in this region and it becomes more important near the coast. The average velocity
of the flow in the upper layer (0-150m) is about 20 cm s super(-1), with a maximum of 53 cm s
super(-1) appearing east of the Socotra Island, and the subsurface layer (200-800m) has an
average velocity of 8.6 cm s super(-1); the velocity becomes smaller at greater depths. The depth
of the seasonal thermocline is about 100m, above which there is a layer with well mixed
temperature and dissolved oxygen. High-salinity and oxygen-rich water appears near the surface
of the northern Arabian Sea; a salinity maximum and oxygen minimum at 100m depth along 8
degree N testifies the subduction of surface water from the northern Arabian Sea. Waters from
the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf also influence the salinity of the area. ISSN: 1672-5182.
Database: Technology Research Database.
Cheng, Michael L., Leal, Marco A. and McNaughton, David. 1999. Productivity
Prediction from Well Logs in Variable Grain Size Reservoirs Cretaceous Qishn Formation,
Republic of Yemen. The Log Analyst. Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Houston,
TX, United States: United States. Feb. Volume 40, Issue 1, Pages 24-32. Descriptors: Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; calibration; clastic rocks; cores; Cretaceous; geophysical surveys; grain size;
Masila Block; Mesozoic; models; natural gas; permeability; petroleum; petroleum engineering;
production; Qishn Formation; quantitative analysis; reservoir properties; reservoir rocks;
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 86
resistivity; sedimentary rocks; surveys; well logs; Yemen. References: 5; illus. incl. chart, 2
tables, sketch map. Abstract: The Upper Qishn Clastics of Cretaceous age are the primary
producing reservoirs in the Masila Block Development area. The underpressured, low gas-oil
ratio reserves require artificial lift from initial completion. Electric submersible pumps are used
to produce these reservoirs; consequently, knowledge of initial reservoir productivity is essential
to the well completion designs and pump sizing. Conventional core and log evaluation methods
used to predict reservoir productivity have not been reliable because of variation in reservoir
quality and facies changes between pools. A simple and cost effective prediction technique using
commonly available open-hole log data has been developed. The method uses log-derived
normalized resistivity ratios (R (sub n) =log {(R (sub t) /R (sub w) )/(R (sub xo) /R (sub mf) )}),
that characterize reservoir fluid mobility, and predict well productivity indices (PIs). The
correlation was developed using well test data from 20 oil bearing zones in 9 wells, and is
routinely applied to predict initial PIs in new development wells. The method has been proven
effective over four years of field development and production in the Masila Block. The R (sub n)
technique is a natural extension of the conventional moved-oil plot method in log analysis that is
used to infer zones of maximum permeability and movable hydrocarbon. The model is simple
and appears to be grain size independent. Further, the technique does not require complex
petrophysical and geological analysis; it utilizes data sets (i.e., dual laterolog with
microspherically focused resistivity devices) that are consistent between wells. Database:
GeoRef. ISSN: 0024-581X.
Chizhikova, N P, N A Goncharova, M P Verba, and Awad Said Al'-Kasiri. 1995.
"Mineralogy of Desert Soils in the Hadramawt Valley (Yemen) and Changes Following
Irrigation". Eurasian Soil Science. 27, no. 3: 91. ISSN: 1064-2293. OCLC: 89283162.
Chorin, Ethan Daniel. Von Clausewitz Meets Sea-Air: Examining the Link between
Internal Transportation Infrastructure, Transshipment and Income Growth in the Republic of
Yemen. 30-01792 UMI. Pages 169 pages. Descriptors: Container terminals; Design; Economic
development; Economics; Impact; Impacts; Infrastructure; Ports; Roads; Shipments; Yemen;
Aden. Notes: Thesis--University of California, Berkeley, 2000. Microfiche. Ann Arbor, Mich.:
Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company, 2001 2 microfiches; 11 x 15 cm. vi, 169
leaves; Bibliography; Illustrations. Abstract: Examining the link between internal transportation
infrastructure, transshipment and income growth in the Republic of Yemen. Database: TRIS.
OCLC: 47633673.
Chowdary, J S, Gnanaseelan, C., Thompson, B. and Salvekar, PS. 2005. Water Mass
Properties and Transports in the Arabian Sea from Argo Observations. J . Atmos. Ocean Sci.
Sep. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 235-260. Descriptors: Advection; Climatological means; High
salinity waters; Isopycnals; Isotherms; Marginal seas; Monsoons; Ocean circulation; Ocean-
atmosphere system; Oceanographic data; Potential density; Salinity decrease; Salinity profiles;
Salinity structure; Salinity variations; Seasonal variability; Southwest monsoon; Strong winds;
Summer monsoon; Upper ocean; Water mass properties; Water mass structure; Water masses;
Article Taxonomic Terms: Socotra; Article Geographic Terms: Arabian Sea; Arabian Sea,
Persian Gulf; Red Sea; Yemen, Socotra; World Ocean; Marine. Abstract: The information
acquired from Argo floats such as temperature and salinity profiles is used to study water mass
properties in the Arabian Sea from 2002 to 2004. An examination of water mass structure at
different locations reveals the presence of high salinity water of marginal seas in the Arabian
Sea. During the southwest monsoon season, the impact of the early onset of southwesterlies is
noticed in the upper ocean temperature and salinity structure over the Western Arabian Sea
Geology of Yemen
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(WAS) during 2002. Surface density variations are found to be more during the southwest
monsoon season due to strong wind forcing. Argo temperature and salinity profiles showed that
the winter cooling and the formation of Arabian Sea High Salinity Water (ASHSW) over the
Northern Arabian Sea (NAS) began during the second half of November within the upper 100 m
depth. In the NAS, the Persian Gulf Water (PGW) salinity is above 36, as PGW moves towards
the south along isopycnal layer of 26.6 sigma sub( theta ) ( sigma sub( theta ) is potential
density) salinity decreases. It is observed that the PGW high salinity water is not continuously
prominent over the WAS in 2002 and in 2003. In the WAS the 27.2 sigma sub( theta ) isopycnal
layer depth, corresponding to Red Sea Water (RSW), did not exactly follow the pattern of
isotherms as is seen in the northern and eastern Arabian Sea. The variability related to RSW
salinity is due to the underwater currents. The present study also confirms that RSW is prominent
in the southeast Arabian Sea at the potential density of 27.2 with a maximum in summer
monsoon compared to other seasons. The observed peak in the salinity at 27.2 density level
during the spring intermonsoon is due to the influence of winter time spreading of RSW to the
south of Socotra in 2002. Westward movement of Argo floats in the region east of Socotra
during the winter is evident in both the observations and model studies. Water mass properties
change when they move away from their source region due to the consistent horizontal
advection. The changes in the water mass properties along the Argo float trajectory are
confirmed by comparing with the climatological mean monthly values from the World Ocean
Atlas 2001 data set. Database: Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts. ISSN: 1741-7538.
Christie, Susan J .. 2005. Socotras road to Ruin. Geographical (Campion Interactive
Publishing); May 2005, Vol. 77 Issue 5, p60-64, 5p, 6 Color Photographs, 1 Map. Keywords:
roads -- Design & construction; public works; Transportation; Socotra (Yemen). Abstract:
Discusses the possible effects of road infrastructure development on the archipelago of Socotra
in Yemen. Information on the road infrastructure project in the island; Problems concerning
erosion of road beds in the island; Inset: The weird and wonderful world of Socotran flora. ISSN:
Clark, J anine A. 2004. Islam, Charity, and Activism: Middle-Class Networks and Social
Welfare in Egypt, J ordan, and Yemen. Bloomington, IN, Indiana University Press, 2004. 236 p.
ISBN: 0253343062; 9780253343062; 0253216265; 9780253216267. OCLC: 52086027.
Clark, PB and Davies, SMA. 1988. Application of Regime Theory to Wadi Channels in
Desert Conditions. International Conference on River Regime. Hydraulics Research Limited,
Wallingford, Oxon UK. 1988. Pages 67-82, 5 Fig, 3 Tab. 18 ref. Descriptors: Hydrological
regime; Yemen; Ephemeral streams; Alluvial channels; Sediment transport; Channel
morphology; Flow characteristics; Steep slopes; Mathematical equations; Discharge
hydrographs. Abstract: In South Yemen slopes are extremely steep, channel sections cannot be
considered stable and the ephemeral nature of flows and their infrequency raises problems as to
the nature of any regime condition and even to the concept itself. In addition, the activities of
man have had a significant effect on the channel section. Therefore, an attempt has been made to
establish general hydraulic parameters for each reach in order to allow for the design of a future
program for individual training and bank protection programs. The evidence suggests that Bray
s regime relationship for channel width gives reasonable values when used with representative
flows of greater rarity then are usually considered applicable. Such flows have been estimated to
have return periods of between about 5 and 20 years and there is some indication that the return
period is a function of the frequency of spate flows. Other available regime relationships relating
depth of flow and slope to a representative flow appear not to be applicable for these very steep
Geology of Yemen
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channels. Equations for the slope/discharge relationships have been developed from the data set
but, particularly in view of the difficulty in defining the dominant discharge, these must be
viewed as tentative. A relationship between the channel wavelength and dominant discharge has
also been developed as this wavelength appears to be a measurable parameter that might provide
an independent check on the dominant discharge for further work on this type of channel.
Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISBN: 0471919551; 9780471919551. OCLC: 17550893.
Claudon, M., Viallard, Y. and Elmerich, A. 1982. Hydrotelluric Fluorotic Intoxication in
North Yemen. First Results. Med. Trop. Volume 42, Issue 3, Pages 327-337. Notes: Cited By
(since 1996): 2. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0025-682X.
Cna Analysis and Solutions, Alexandria, VA and Kaufman, Alison A. 2009. Chinas
Participation in Anti-Piracy Operations Off the Horn of Africa: Drivers and Implications. J ul.
Page(s): 19 Report Number: MISC-D0020834. A1 XD-XD Monitor Series: XD. Abstract: In
December 2008, the navy of the Peoples Republic of China (Peoples Liberation Army Navy, or
PLAN) deployed a task force, made up of two guided missile destroyers and a supply ship, to
participate in international antipiracy operations off the coast of Somalia, in the Gulf of
Aden/Horn of Africa (HoA) region. This deployment marked the first time in modern history
that Chinas navy has engaged in an operational mission outside of its claimed territorial waters.
The PLANs participation in international anti-piracy operations has been viewed by many in the
United States and elsewhere as an indication of Chinas apparent willingness to take on a larger
military role on the global stage. Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution
Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. OCLC Accession Number:
ADA503697. URL:
Coleman, R. G., DeBari, S. and Peterman, Z. 1992. A-Type Granite and the Red Sea
Opening. Tectonophysics. Volume 204, Issue 1-2, Pages 27-40. Notes: Cited By (since 1996):
13. Abstract: Miocene-Oligocene A-type granite intrudes the eastern side of the Red Sea margin
within the zone of extension from J iddah, Saudi Arabia south to Yemen. The intrusions
developed in the early stages of continental extension as Arabia began to move slowly away
from Africa (around 30-20 Ma). Within the narrow zone of extension silicic magmas formed
dikes, sills, small plutons and extrusive equivalents. In the J abal Tirf area of Saudi Arabia these
rocks occur in an elongate zone consisting of late Precambrian basement to the east, which is
gradually invaded by mafic dikes. The number of dikes increases westward until an igneous
complex is produced parallel to the present Red Sea axis. The J abal Tirf igneous complex
consists of diabase and rhyolite-granophyre sills (20-24 Ma). Although these are intrusine
intrusive rocks their textures indicate shallow depths of intrusion (<1 km). To the south, in the
Yemen, contemporaneous with alkali basaltic eruptions (26-30 Ma) and later silicic eruptions,
small plutons, dikes, and stocks of alkali granite invaded thick (1500 m) volcanic series, at
various levels and times. Erosion within the uplifted margin of Yemen suggests that the
maximum depth of intrusion was less than 1-2 km. Granophyric intrusions (20-30 Ma) within
mafic dike swarms similar to the J abal Tirf complex are present along the western edge of the
Yemen volcanic plateau, marking a north-south zone of continental extension. The alkali granites
of Yemen consist primarily of perthitic feldspar and quartz with some minor alkali amphiboles
and acmite. These granites represent water-poor, hypersolvus magmas generated from parent
alkali basalt magmas. The granophyric, two-feldspar granites associated with the mafic dike
swarms and layered gabbros formed by fractional crystallization from tholeiitic basalt parent
developed in the early stages of extension. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of these rocks and their bulk
chemistry indicate that production of peralkaline and metaluminous granitic magmas involved
Geology of Yemen
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both fractination and partial melting as they ascended through the late Precambrian crust of the
Arabian plate. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0040-1951.
Combes, H., Pierre Caulet, J . and Tribovillard, N. 2005. Monitoring the Variations of
the Socotra Upwelling System during the Last 250 Kyr: A Biogenic and Geochemical
Approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 1 Aug. 2005. Volume 223,
Issue 3-4, Pages 243-259. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Community composition; Fronts;
Geochemistry; Organic carbon; Palaeoceanography; Palaeoecology; Paleoceanography; Seasonal
variability; Sediment chemistry; Thermocline; Trace elements; Trace elements in seawater;
Upwelling; Article Taxonomic Terms: Radiolaria; Article Geographic Terms: Indian Ocean;
Indian Ocean, Socotra Gyre; Yemen, Socotra. Abstract: A combination of changes in the species
composition of the radiolarian populations, and in the sediment chemical composition (content
and mass accumulation rates of carbonate, organic carbon, and selected major and trace
elements, with special attention paid to Ba) is used to reconstruct the variations in upwelling
activity over the last 250 kyr in the Socotra gyre area (Somali-Socotra upwelling system, NW
Indian Ocean). In the Socotra gyre (Core MD 962073 at 10 super(o)N), the variations in
upwelling intensity are reconstructed by the upwelling radiolarian index (URI) while the
thermocline/surface radiolarian index (TSRI) testifies to productivity variations during non-
upwelling intervals. Despite an origin related both to marine and terrigenous inputs, the
geochemical records of organic carbon, silica, and trace elements (Ba, P, Cu, and Zn) normalized
to Al are controlled by the variations in surface paleoproductivity. The data indicate a continuous
increase in upwelling intensity during the last 250 kyr with a maximum activity within the MIS
3, while high productivity periods in between the upwelling seasons occurred both during glacial
and interglacial intervals. A comparison of our data with published observations from another
gyre of the Somalian upwelling area located at 5 super(o)N in the Somali gyre area shows
differences regarding periods of upwelling activity and their geochemical imprint. Three
hypotheses are proposed to explain these differences: (1) changes in the planktonic community,
resulting in more silica-rich deposits in the Socotra gyre, and more carbonate-rich deposits in the
Somali gyre, that are controlled by differences in the source water of the upwelling; (2) a more
important terrigenous input in the southern gyre; and (3) a different location of the sites relative
to the geographic distribution of the upwelling gyres and hydrologic fronts. Database:
Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts. ISSN: 0031-0182.
COMSICCA. 2005. Fleeing One War, Finding another: Support for Somali Refugees in
Yemen. Community Dev. J . April 1. Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 201-204. Abstract: This case
study describes the work of COMSICCA, a Yemeni NGO working with refugees. ISSN: 0010-
Commission for the Geological Map of the World/Commission for the Geological Maps
of the Middle East (CGM/CGMME). 2010. Yemen. The CGMW, the oldest international
organization in geosciences after the International Geological Congress (IGC), was created in
1881 during the 2nd IGC in Bologna. It is a non-profit-making scientific and educational body
governed by French law. The CGMW is responsible for designing, promoting, coordinating,
preparing and publishing small-scale thematic (geology, tectonics, ore deposits, natural
resources, climate, etc.) Earth Science maps of continents, major regions, and oceans. In the
context of its mission, the CGMW intends to play a leading role in the use and diffusion of
digital cartographic techniques, as well as in the development of international standards. See:
Geology of Yemen
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Conference on Alternative Strategies for Desert Development and Management. 1982.
United Nations, Inst. for Training and Research. 1977, Sacramento, Calif. Alternative Strategies
for Desert Development and Management 3, Water. New York: Pergamon Press, 1982.
Environmental sciences and applications, 3, 3. UN document symbol recorded as
UNITAR/CR/16 on all 4 vols. Includes bibliographical references. Material type: Conferences,
etc. (proceedings/final reports). Proceedings of the Conference on Alternative Strategies for
Desert Development and Management co-sponsored by United Nations Institute for Training and
Research and the State of California. ISBN 0-08-022404-0. OCLC: 8114955.
Connor, Ken. 1998. Ghost Force: The Secret History of the SAS. London: Weidenfeld &
Nicolson. Page(s): 375. Abstract: Desert warriors 1941-45 -- Malaya 1950-58 -- J ebel Akhdar
1958-59 -- Return to the West 1958-63 -- Brunei and Borneo 1962-66 -- The Kennedy
assassination 1963 -- Aden 1964-67 -- Operation Storm, Dhofar 1970-77 -- Northern Ireland
1968-97 -- Terrorism 1968-98 -- Iranian Embassy 1980 -- The Falklands 1982 -- Afghanistan
1982-89 -- Cold War 1945-90 -- Gulf War 1990-91 -- The future -- Appendix: Extracts from the
Founding principles of the SAS, laid down by David Stirling. Buy this book and you are getting
more that SAS history and lore, but geo-political facts. Long and winding, but well worth it.
Notes: xiii, 375 p., [16] p. of plates: ill., ports. 26 cm. ISBN: 0297840800. OCLC Accession
Number: 40876666.
Conservation of Old Sanaa, Yemen. 1995. Architectural Review. 11. Volume 198,
Issue 1185, Pages 78-78. Descriptors: Architecture -- Conservation & restoration; Water utilities;
Streets; Alleys; Buildings -- Repair & reconstruction; Yemen (Republic). Abstract: The article
describes the conservation project in Sanaa, Yemen. Using technical studies, the Yemeni
government has been organizing water supplies and sewerage and a paving program which has
already covered half the citys streets and alleys with black basalt and white limestone. Some of
the old buildings have been converted into womens technical school, art and galleries and
hotels. ISSN: 0003-861X.
Coque-Delhuille, Brigitte and Gentelle, Pierre. 1992. Sedimentations et Erosions
Historiques Dans La Vallee Du Wadi Bayhan (Yemen). Historic Erosion and Sedimentation in
the Wadi Bayhan Valley, Yemen; 27th International Geographical Congress; Technical Program
Abstracts. Technical Program Abstracts - International Geographical Congress. International
Geographical Congress, [location varies], International. Volume 27, Pages 119-120. Descriptors:
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Cenozoic; desertification; erosion; fluvial features; fluvial
sedimentation; Quaternary; sedimentation; valleys; Wadi Bayhan; wadis; water erosion; Yemen.
Database: GeoRef.
Coque-Delhuille, Brigitte. 2011. Paloenvironnements historiques et goarchologie
dans la rgion du Wadi Dura' , Chroniques ymnites [En ligne], 6 | 1997, mis en ligne le 21
octobre 2002, Consult le 26 septembre 2011. URL:
Coque-Delhuille, B. 1994."Caractrisiques, gense et signification des vernis dsertiques:
l'exemple du Ymen", Les milieux arides et semi-arides. Hritages et dynamiques actuelles,
Colloque en l'honneur de R. Coque, publications ENS Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, (1994), pp. 259-
Coque-Delhuille, B. et P. Gentelle. 1994. "Erosion historique et actuelle et
environnement humain dans le sud du dsert arabique (Ymen du Sud)", Publications de
l'ORSTOM, Colloque ORSTOM sur l'environnement humain de l'rosion, Paris-Bondy, (1994),
pp. 345-360.
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 91
Coque-Delhuille, B. et P. Gentelle. 1995. "Crues et sdimentation contrle au Ymen
antique", publications du Colloque Crues, versants et lits fluviaux. Processus naturels et impacts
des activits humaines, Colloque du Laboratoire de Gographie physique, URA 141 CNRS
Meudon, Paris, (mars 1995).
Coque-Delhuille, B. et P. Gentelle. 1995. "Aeolian dust and superficial formations in the
Arid part of Yemen", confrence internationale Al Ain (Emirats Arabes Unis), (dcembre 1995),
Quaternary Deserts and Climatic Change, paratre in Balkema Press, Pays-Bas.
Coque-Delhuille, B. et P. Gentelle. 1995. "Ancient irrigation (sayl) and south-arabian
anthrosols in the wadi Dura' valley (Yemen)", Publications of the Ministry of Water Resources,
Sultanate of Oman, (1995), pp. 122-128.
Coque-Delhuille, B. et P. Gentelle 1995. "Le Ymen aride: environnements quaternaires,
historiques et actuels", Scheresse, (1995), numro spcial sur les scheresses dans le monde, pp.
Corstange, Daniel M. 2008. Institutions and Ethnic Politics in Lebanon and Yemen.
United States -- Michigan: University of Michigan. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Abstract:
This dissertation presents three essays based on the theme of ethnicity and institutions, utilizing
insights and data collected from Lebanon and Yemen, two Arab societies within which ethnicity
(sect, tribe, and region) is salient socially and politically, but which use different institutions to
channel these cleavages through the political system. The first essay uses a methodological
innovation to study illiterate voting rights in Lebanon, which has normative, sectarian and
distributional consequences. It first addresses the difficulties of studying sensitive topics with
surveys, in which systematic response bias severely limits the reliability of self-reported data. I
present an augmented version of the list experiment and a new statistical estimator called listit to
mitigate incentives for respondents to misrepresent themselves. I show that responses to a direct
question on illiterate voting rights produce sectarian answers: community membership drives
attitudes, whereas material conditions do not. The opposite obtains when the question is asked
indirectly via the list experiment: community membership has no influence on attitudes, which
instead are driven strongly by material conditions. The second essay studies institutional
preferences in Lebanon. Given the salience of sectarianism in Lebanon, it argues that preferences
should vary by community membership. Although religion provides the nominal boundaries
between the sectarian communities, the Lebanese are also able to invoke shared religious ideals
to imagine a larger community beyond the sect: religion unites as well as divides. I show that
religiosity reduces favorable assessments of autocratic institutions in all sects, suggesting that
religious individuals conceive of the polity in more inclusive terms than do sectarian individuals.
The third essay compares Lebanon and Yemen and argues that the descent principle makes
ethnic constituencies captive audiences to their own elites, reducing the cost of political support.
The price of votes depends on the institutionally-influenced intraethnic competitive environment:
oligopsony, in which elites compete for their coethnics votes, or monopsony, in which a single
vote-buyer is dominant and constituents compete for patronage. I provide evidence that
constituents in monopsonized communities--Lebanese Sunnis and Yemeni Shiites--make overt
displays of political support for leaders with patronage considerations in mind, a dynamic unseen
in the more internally competitive communities in either country. Notes: University of Michigan;
Ph.D. Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT).
Corum, J ames S. & J ohnson, Wray R. 2003. Airpower in Small Wars: Fighting
Insurgents and Terrorists. , 2003, 507. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. Page(s): 507.
Abstract: Biplanes and bandits -- Colonial air control -- The Greek civil war and the Philippine
Geology of Yemen
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anti-Huk campaign -- The French colonial wars, 1946-1962 -- The British colonial wars, 1945-
1975 -- Airpower in South Vietnam, 1954-1965 -- Airpower and counterinsurgency in Southern
Africa -- Protracted insurgencies -- Intervention in the Mideast, 1962-2000. Notes: xiv, 507
pages: ill. 24 cm. ISSN/ISBN: 0700612394. OCLC Accession Number: 51477066.
Costin, E. et al. 1973. Establishment of windbreaks and shelterbelts in arid regions with
special reference to P.D.R. of Yemen. FAO/DANIDA Inter-Regional Training Centre on
Heathland and Sand Dune Afforestation, Field Excursions (Denmark); Field Excursions (Lybian
Arab R.), 26 Aug 1973. FAO, Rome (Italy). Report on the FAO/DANIDA Inter-Regional
Training Centre on Heathland and Sand Dune Afforestation, Denmark and Libya, 26 August - 21
September 1973. p. 151-165. Report No: FOR--DEN/TF-123; FORT. Keywords: Erosion
Control; Arid Zones; Windbreak Trees; Species; Planting; Silviculture; Forest Ecology; Crops;
Democratic Yemen. FAO Acc. No: 127069.
Costin, E., et al. 1973. Sand dune fixation and afforestation in some semi-desert
countries of the Middle East area. FAO/DANIDA Inter-Regional Training Centre on Heathland
and Sand Dune Afforestation, Field Excursions (Denmark); Field Excursions (Lybian Arab R.),
26 Aug 1973. FAO, Rome (Italy). Report on the FAO/DANIDA Inter-Regional Training Centre
on Heathland and Sand Dune Afforestation, Denmark and Libya, 26 August - 21 September
1973. p. 66-79. Keywords: Deserts; Afforestation; Dunes; Soil Stabilization; Sand; Ecology;
Fencing; Planting; Species; Democratic Yemen; Egypt. Report No:FOR--DEN/TF-123; FOR
T. FAO Acc. No: 127060.
Costin, E. 1972. People's Democratic Republic of Yemen: forestry with special reference to
sand dune fixation and establishment of windbreaks. SOY/3. Agricultural Demonstration and
Training, El-Kod and Giar. Research Series no 5. 59 pages. 3 tab., 1 map, 13 phot., 7 app. with 5
tab., 1 org. chart & 2 large maps attached. Keywords: Dunes; Soil Stabilization; Sand; Forestry;
Forests; Species; Forest Plantations; Windbreak Trees; Afforestation; Democratic Yemen.
UNDP SF PROJ ECT. Report No:ESR-UNDP/SF SOY/3. FAO Accession Number: 117641
Couli, E., Quidelleur, X., Gillot, P. -Y, Courtillot, V., Lefvre, J . -C and Chiesa, S.
2003. Comparative KAr and Ar/Ar Dating of Ethiopian and Yemenite Oligocene Volcanism:
Implications for Timing and Duration of the Ethiopian Traps. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2/15.
Volume 206, Issue 3-4, Pages 477-492. Descriptors: flood basalts; Oligocene; Ethiopia; Yemen;
Ar-40/Ar-39; KAr; GPTS. ISSN/ISBN: 0012-821X.
Coulter, P. 1974. Mother and Child Health Care in the Yemen. Nurs. Times. Volume
70, Issue 46, Pages 1764-1765. Abstract: Yemen, a country in which 1/2 of the children die
before their 15th birthday, is just beginning to develop rural health services. After the revolution
in 1962, Yemen was left with only a few poorly equipped city hospitals, a handful of trained
medical personnel, and a complete lack of health facilities at the village level. Village health
centers, which emphasize both preventive and curative aspects of maternal and child health, are
now being established. The personnel at these centers are stressing the value of breast-feeding in
an attmept to counter the growing practice of bottle feeding. Bottle feeding is completely
inappropriate in the rural areas since the water, fuel, and utensils needed to sterilize the bottles
are lacking. In addition, illiteracy prevents the mothers from mixing and administering powdered
products safely. For those women unable to breast-feed, the health centers are providing the
mothers with instructions for spoon and bottle feeding. There is a pressing need to train more
individuals to serve as auxiliary health personnel. The health programs must be designed to take
into account the traditional beliefs of the villagers. For example, any attempt to treat rickets must
take into account the belief that sunlight is harmful to children. Programs must also recognize the
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lack of resources in the community. Promoting a diet of meat, eggs, and fruit is pointless since
these items are either not available or are too expensive for most of the villagers to purchase.
Men who do most of the shopping must also be educated on health and nutrition matters. Due to
the traditional segregation of the sexes, this training will have to be provided in separate settings.
Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0954-7762.
Cox, K. G., Gass, I. G. And Mallick, D. I. J . 1970. The Peralkaline Volcanic Suite of
Aden and Little Aden, South Arabia. J . Petrology. October 1. Volume 11, Issue 3, Pages 433-
462. Abstract: The volcanic rocks of Aden, Little Aden, and Ras Imran, here designated as
belonging to the Aden Volcanic Series, were erupted through central-vent, strato-volcanoes
about 5 m.y. ago. In its major element chemistry the Aden Volcanic Series is intermediate
between the alkaline and tholeiitic associations, and this is demonstrated by comparing it with
the alkaline suite of Hawaii and the tholeiitic series of Thingmuli, Iceland. It is proposed that the
most acceptable parental magma is a mildly alkaline olivine basalt which, on fractionation,
produced a series ranging from trachybasalts through trachyandesites and trachytes to rhyolites.
These rhyolites are peralkaline as the molecular proportion of alumina is less than that of the
combined alkalis, and are comenditic as the series is poor in normative femic constituents. Trace
element data suggest that the peralkaline silicic eruptives are chemically comparable with those
of Mayor Island, New Zealand, where a mildly alkaline olivine basalt parent has also been
postulated. Although the age of eruption of c. 5 m.y., given by K-Ar measurements, is entirely
consistent with an age deduced from geomorphological criteria, an 87Sr/86Sr versus 87Rb/86Sr
isochron plot suggests that the series is related to a thermal event some 20-30 m.y. older than the
age of eruption. As this earlier age corresponds directly to the age of the previous magmatic
episode, the eruption of the Yemen Trap Series, the upper part of which is petrologically similar
to the Aden Volcanic Series, and as the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios suggest that the magma
originated in the mantle, it is proposed that the most acceptable petrogenetic scheme, which
would also explain the anomalously old Rb-Sr age, is: (a) Partial fusion in the upper mantle
giving rise to the alkaline Yemen Trap Series, (b) After the cessation of surface activity, a large
body of magma existed in the upper mantle and this magma, on crystallizing, fractionated to
produce a layered sequence, (c) About 5 m.y. ago some event, either pressure relief or further
thermal activity, resulted in the partial remelting of this fractionated plutonic sequence and the
liquids so formed reached the surface without significant mixing or chemical fractionation.
Crassard, Rmy. 2009. Modalities and Characteristics of Human Occupations in Yemen
during the Early/Mid-Holocene. Comptes Rendus Geosciences. 9. Volume 341, Issue 8-9,
Pages 713-725. Descriptors: Holocene; Yemen; Neolithic; Lithic technology; Arabian Humid
Period; Holocne; Ymen; Nolithique; Technologie lithique; Priode humide arabe. Abstract:
Although few reference sites are known in Yemen, those found to date give good, although
preliminary, chronostratigraphic sequences that demonstrate different types of lithic industries.
The Hadramawt region of eastern Yemen is particularly rich in Early to Mid-Holocene sites.
These sites are characterized by the appearance of laminar and especially bifacial lithic
industries. The latter includes the production of flat as well as symmetrical arrowheads, and
likely later manufacture of arrowheads with triangular section. The distribution of the trihedral
points through southern Arabia suggests a technical tradition anchored at the beginning of the
Middle Holocene. Presence of the fluting technique reinforces the impression that a true local
Arabian endemic development area was constituted through time, without any particular
external influences. Climate and geography probably contributed to settling modalities and
Geology of Yemen
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consequently influenced diffusions, relations and movements of populations. ISSN/ISBN: 1631-
Cross, W. K. and Stephens, R. M. 1986. Road Maintenance In Bangladesh And In North
Yemen. Planning and Transport Research And Computation. Pages 1-10. Descriptors:
Maintenance and repair; Maintenence and repair; Maintenance; Repairing; Roads; Bangladesh;
Yemen. Notes: W.K. CROSS AND R.M. Stephens Rendel Palmer & Tritton Planning And
Transport Research And Computation International Co Meeting Proceedings Of Seminar J Held
At The Ptrc Summer Annual Meeting. Database: TRIS. Availability: Available from UC
Berkeley Transportation Library through interlibrary loan or document delivery.
Current Water Policies and Practices in Selected ESCWA Countries. 1999. New York:
UN. Page(s): 104. Descriptors: Water Management; Water Policy; Egypt; J ordan; Lebanon;
Syrian Arab Republic; Yemen; Government publication; International government publication.
Notes: iv; charts, graphs, tables. UN J ob no.: I991024 E. Material type: Reports/studies. OCLC
Accession Number: 78120379.
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Davey, J . C. 1990. Wellfield Development for Urban Water Supplies in Yemen. Arab
Water World Int. Volume 14, Issue 4 J uly-August, 1990. Pages 9-11. Abstract: Internationally-
funded groundwater projects have recently been completed for the main urban areas of PDR
Yemen. The necessary resources to secure potable supplies into the next century have been
proved in Cretaceous sandstone, Eocene limestone and Quaternary clastic aquifers, and their
investigation has highlighted the importance of comprehensive hydrogeological studies prior to
permanent works design and construction. The projects discussed will improve the quantity,
quality and accessibility of potable water to nearly one third of the countrys population. (A).
Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1015-8332.
Davey, J C. 1989. Wellfield Development for Urban Water Supplies in PDR Yemen.
J ournal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists J IWSDI Vol. 3, No. 4, p 413-422.
August 1989. Pages 9 ref. Descriptors: Water supply; Water supply development; Groundwater
potential; Yemen; Urban areas; Geohydrology; Potable water; Wells. Abstract: Internationally-
funded groundwater projects have recently been completed for the main urban areas of Peoples
Democratic Republic of Yemen: (1) Improvements at Bir Nasir and the commissioning of the
Upper Abyan well field have led to enhanced supplies throughout Greater Aden; (2) after years
of shortages Al Mukalla can look forward to adequate water supplies when the An Nagah
wellfield is commissioned and remedial works to optimize existing investment at Wadi Buwaysh
are completed; and (3) further developments at Seiyun and farther east will help to spread the
benefits of a new water supply system throughout the Hadramaut valley. The necessary resources
to secure potable supplies into the next century have been proved in Cretaceous sandstone,
Eocene limestone and Quaternary clastic aquifers, and their investigation has highlighted the
importance of comprehensive hydrogeological studies prior to permanent works design and
construction. The projects discussed will improve the quantity, quality and accessibility of
potable water to nearly one third of the countrys population. Database: Water Resources
Abstracts. ISSN: 0309-1600.
Davey, J ., and T. Harris. 1987. "Seeking New Sources on the Incense Route." World
Water 10.10 (1987): 51,51,53. Abstract: Traditional sources of water in the Wadi Hadramaut
region of Yemen are described and the effects of increasing salinity reported. Searches for
further water sources commenced in 1977 and investigations in the area of Seiyun are described
briefly. The first stage scheme comprised a new well field, disinfection facilities, storage and
distribution. Seven wells were drilled and groundwater abstracted from 40 m deep at over 37.5
litres per second from each hole. The first stage development will satisfy the water demand for a
projected population of 76,000 by 1995. Future developments are briefly discussed.
Davey, J ohn. 1986. Where East Meets West; PDR Yemen. The British Geologist.
Geological Society, London, UK. Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 64-65. Descriptors: Al Mukalla;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; drawdown; ground water; Hadramont Valley; hydrogeology; Mukulla
Sandstone; surveys; water resources; water table; Yemen. Notes: illus. incl. sketch map.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0144-0063.
David, Clifford B. and David, Patricia Hallett. 1984. Bottle-Feeding and Malnutrition in
a Developing Country: The Bottle-Starved Baby. J ournal of Tropical Pediatrics. J une 1.
Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 159-164. Abstract: To measure the impact of bottle-feeding on
nutrition, we studied 510 consecutive mothers and their infants under 3 attending an urban health
center in North Yemen. Infants were weighed and their mothers interviewed on use of cows
milk and other foods and on demographic, educational and economic status. Of those who bottle-
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fed, most (74 per cent) used powdered whole-milk products and not special infant formulas.
Bottle-fed infants under 6 months had a markedly increased risk of severe malnutrition over
those fully breast-fed (16.2 per cent vs. 2.2 per cent, P60 kcal/kg body weight daily from milk.
Use of dilute milk (<50 kcal/dl) appeared to double the risk of severe malnutrition in bottle-fed
infants. Milk concentration was correlated with size of the measuring scoop supplied in the tin.
Concentration and daily intake were both related more strongly to family income than to parental
literacy or other socio-demographic measures. Interim strategies to prevent the syndrome of the
bottle-starved infant should focus on early provision of additional calories from all possible
sources, particularly breast milk and suitable solids. To affect feeding patterns, regulation of the
infant-formula industry must control producers of other milk products as well. ISSN: 1465-3664.
David, Patricia H., Bisharat, Leila and Kawar, Sana. 1991. Using Routine Surveys to
Measure Mortality: A Tool for Programme Managers. Soc. Sci. Med. Volume 33, Issue 3,
Pages 309-319. Descriptors: childhood mortality; maternal mortality; EPI surveys; J ordan; Syria;
Yemen; Djibouti. Abstract: Aid donors and recipients have begun to demand timely, population-
based information for programme planning and for measuring health programme performance.
Results from trials in J ordan, Syria, Djibouti and Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen show
that widely-used routine surveys for estimating vaccination coverage can be adapted to collect
data on health indicators such as child and maternal mortality. Estimation methods must be
robust and fieldwork well-supervised. adding questions about total children ever born and
surviving, the survival of the preceding birth, and the survival of sisters to such surveys,
population-based estimates of the trend and recent level of childhood mortality and of the
lifetime risk of maternal death can be obtained. These trials indicate that the need to monitor
selected health indicators could be met through inexpensive, low-technology surveys. ISSN:
Davidson, D. et al. 1975. Preparation of a Geologic Photo Map and Hydrologic Study of
the Yemen Arab Republic [Quarterly Report, Dec. 1975]. Volume: E76-10246, page(s): 3P-3P.
Abstract: There are no author-identified significant results in this report. Reports-Open file series
- United States Geological Survey, 78-770; Project report: Yemen Arab Republic investigations -
U.S. Geological Survey, (IR)Y-13. Report prepared for Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
Maryland. Type III final report, September 1977. Description: ii, 15 pages: maps; 28 cm.
Database: Technology Research Database. OCLC: 7035464.
Davidson I., Al-Kadasi M., Al-Khirbash S., Al-Subbary A.K., Baker J ., Blakey S.,
Bosence D., Dart C., Heaton R., McClay K., Menzies M., Nichols G., Owen L., Yelland A. 1994
Geological evolution of the southeastern Red Sea rift margin, Republic of Yemen. Bull Geol Soc
Am 106: 1471 to 1493.
Davies, Caroline. 2003. Sedimentary and Geochemical Investigation of Lacustrine
Sediments from the Yemen Highlands and Implications for Climate Change; Geological Society
of America, North-Central Section, 37th Annual Meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological
Society of America. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO. Feb. 2003. Volume 35, Issue
2, Pages 53. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; basins; Cenozoic; climate;
climate change; Dhamar Highlands; environmental effects; fluctuations; geochemistry;
highlands; Holocene; intermontane basins; lacustrine environment; lacustrine sedimentation; lake
sediments; lake-level changes; monsoons; paleoclimatology; paleoenvironment; Quaternary;
Rubal Khali; sedimentation; sedimentology; sediments; terrestrial environment; topography;
Yemen. Abstract: Lacustrine deposits from the semiarid Dhamar Highlands of Yemen record
significant changes in paleoclimate. This paper presents sedimentary and geochemical analyses
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of lacustrine sediments and their implications for climate change in southwestern Arabia. The
study area, on the southeastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, is located in a climatic transition
zone. It is bounded by the Rub al-Khali Desert to the north, and to the south and east, the Indian
Ocean, which subjects the highlands to the influence of the Indian Ocean monsoon. The Dhamar
Highlands of Yemen consist of high intermontane valleys surrounded by the highest mountains
(3000 m asl) on the Arabian Peninsula. The intermontane basins contain very long sediment
histories. Lacustrine deposits occur within the basins where, today, the area is semi-arid without
major reservoirs of surface water. Lakes with restricted outlets are evidence of periods in the
past, characterized by climates significantly moister than the present. A peat deposit with a
radiocarbon age of 9,820 +60 yrs B.P. is also evidence of moister conditions in the early
Holocene. Sedimentary and geochemical analysis of paleo-lake sediments record fluctuations in
sedimentation and chemical regimes that extend into the Pleistocene. These fluctuations provide
signatures in the sediment profile that identify episodes of soil development and episodes of
lacustrine deposition. The occurrence of multiple paleosols indicates periods of stable land
surface. Paleosols are separated by thick lacustrine deposits indicative of increased surface water
and moister overall conditions. Fluctuations in the sediment record of the Dhamar Highlands
reflect a regional record of climatic conditions for Southwest Arabia. Database: GeoRef. ISSN:
Davies, Caroline P. 2003. Paleohydrology and Paleoclimates from Lacustrine
Environments of the Dhamar Highlands, Yemen; XVI INQUA Congress; Shaping the Earth; a
Quaternary Perspective. Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research.
[International Union for Quaternary Research], International. Volume 16, Pages 183. 252 pages:
ill., map; 28 cm. Descriptors: absolute age; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; basins; C-14; carbon;
Cenozoic; dates; depositional environment; Dhamar Highlands; fluctuations; Holocene;
intermontane basins; isotopes; lacustrine environment; lower Holocene; monsoons; neotectonics;
paleoclimatology; paleohydrology; paleolimnology; Quaternary; radioactive isotopes;
reconstruction; sedimentation; sedimentation rates; tectonics; Yemen. Abstract: The Dhamar
highlands of Yemen is a tectonically active region characterized by high intermontane valleys
surrounded by the highest mountains (3000 masl) on the Arabian Peninsula. These highlands are
bounded by the Rub al-Khali desert to the north, and the Indian Ocean to the south and east,
which subjects them to the influence of the Indian Ocean monsoon. Lacustrine deposits from
these highlands record significant changes in Quaternary paleohydrology. This poster presents
sedimentary, geochemical, and chronological data analyses of the lacustrine sediments and their
implications for paleohydrology and paleoclimate change in southwestern Arabia. The
intermontane basins record very long histories of paleohydrologic change. Currently the region is
semi-arid without major reservoirs of surface water. However, thick lacustrine sequences suggest
periods of significantly moister past environments. Additionally, a peat deposit with a
radiocarbon age of 9,820 +60 yrs B.P. also documents moister conditions during the early
Holocene. The occurrence of multiple paleosols indicate periods of land surface stability, while
carbonate-rich horizons are evidence of increasing aridity and again signal significant changes in
the paleohydrology. The relationships of paleohydrolgic change associated with active tectonics
and paleoclimate changes such as influences of the Indian Ocean monsoon are examined through
sedimentary and geochemical analysis. Fluctuations in sedimentation and chemical regimes
extend into the Pleistocene and provide signatures in the sediment profile that identify episodes
of lacustrine deposition, soil development, and periods of greater aridity. Fluctuations in the
lacustrine record of the Dhamar highlands reflect both local changes in paleohydrology and a
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regional record of paleoclimatic conditions in southwest Arabia. Database: GeoRef. ISBN:
0945920512; 9780945920519. OCLC: 53828077.
Davies, Caroline Pickens. 2006. Holocene Paleoclimates of Southern Arabia from
Lacustrine Deposits of the Dhamar Highlands, Yemen. Quatern. Res. 11. Volume 66, Issue 3,
Pages 454-464. Descriptors: Paleohydrology; Paleoclimate; Lacustrine; Peat; Paleosol;
Holocene; Dhamar highlands; Yemen. Abstract: This paper presents new evidence from the
Dhamar highlands, Yemen, of paleohydrologic response to fluctuations in Holocene climate.
Stratigraphic, geochemical, and chronological analyses of highland peat and lacustrine deposits
contribute to knowledge of the timing of early Holocene moisture changes on the Arabian
Peninsula, providing a backdrop to understanding early cultural development in the Arabian
highlands. The location of the Dhamar highlands, characterized by intermontane valleys
surrounded by the highest mountains on the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent to the Indian Ocean
is ideal for examining the influence of the Indian Ocean Monsoon (IOM) on the moisture history
of this region. Fluctuations in the lacustrine and paleosol records of the Dhamar highlands reflect
both local changes in paleohydrology and regional influences on the Holocene paleoclimatic
conditions in southwest Arabia. In addition, a peat deposit with a radiocarbon age of 10,253
10,560 cal yr BP documents some of the earliest Holocene high moisture conditions on the
Arabian Peninsula. ISSN: 0033-5894.
Davison, Ian, Al-Kadasi, Mohamed, Al-Khirbash, Salah, et al. 1994. Geological
Evolution of the Southeastern Red Sea Rift Margin, Republic of Yemen. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am.
Geological Society of America. Nov. 1994. Volume 106, Issue 11, Pages 1474-1493.
Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Coastal zone; Elevation; Floods; Geologic Fractures;
Heating; Lithosphere; Magma; Palaeo studies; Plumes; Rifting; Stress; Subsidence; Tectonics;
Thermal Expansion; Timing; Volcanic rocks; Volcanism; Article Geographic Terms: Red Sea;
Yemen. Abstract: The tectonic evolution of the southeastern margin of the Red Sea Rift in
western Yemen has been investigated using a multi-disciplinary field study of an east-west
transect between Al Hudaydah and Sanaa. Slow subsidence of up to 1 km occurred over the area
during a 100 m.y. period before rifting. There was a major episode of flood volcanism between
ca. 30 and 20 Ma, and important extensional faulting began after the eruption of the volcanic
rocks and ceased before middle to late Miocene sediments and volcanic rocks were deposited
unconformably on top of rotated fault blocks on the coastal Tihama Plain. Surface uplift has
produced the Yemen highlands, whose highest peak reaches an elevation of 3660 m. This is
attributed to plume heating and eruption of >3000 m of volcanic rocks. Apatite fission-track ages
indicate early to middle Miocene exhumational cooling ages, postdating the major volcanic
phase and contemporaneous with rifting. Volcanism was accompanied by emplacement of
subvertical dike swarms, which generally strike north-northwest to northwest, broadly parallel to
the Red Sea coastline. Major faults indicate northeast-southwest-directed extension. Large
granitic sheets and plutons (up to 25 km wide) intruded the volcanic rocks. Approximately 30 km
of extension has taken place across a 75-km-wide zone ( beta =1.7) in 6-8 m.y. The relative
timing of volcanism followed by extension and uplift does not fit conventional models of passive
or active rifting. We suggest that the proto-Red Sea Rift was caused by regional plate stresses
that exploited lithospheric weakening caused by the Afar plume. Appreciable doming only
occurred after the main episode of volcanism, which suggests that magmas extruded before
maximum thermal expansion of the lithosphere took place. Database: Water Resources
Abstracts. ISSN: 0016-7606.
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De Geest, P. Verheyden, S. Cheng, H. Edwards, L. and Keppens, E. Indian Ocean
Monsoon Variability Recorded in Holocene High-Resolution Speleothem Records from Soqotra
Island (Yemen). Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Aquifer recharge; Caves; Convergence
zones; Correlations; Groundwater recharge; Karst; Meteor research; Meteorological data;
Monsoon rainfall; Monsoons; Rainfall variability; Seasonal variations; Article Geographic
Terms: Arabian Peninsula; Indian Ocean; Yemen. Abstract: Situated in the Indian Ocean
between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, Soqotra island captures meteoric rainfall
twice a year, due to the migrating inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ), offering continental
proxies -in the form of speleothems- to register Indian Ocean Monsoon (IOM) variability. Due to
the recent availability of meteorological data (rainfall and temperature) of 11 manual stations
recorded over the last 5 years, we calculated that approximately 85% of the rainfall is related to
the NE Monsoon period, while only 15% is related to the SW Monsoon period with an important
irregular geographical distribution over the island. As seasonal fluctuations of rainwater oxygen
isotopic composition are related to the amount of rainfall, differences in the oxygen isotopic
compositions of meteoric waters versus groundwater are used to estimate amount and timing of
karst aquifer recharge. At the NE limestone plateau karstic recharge only takes place during the
NE Monsoon rainy period when a rainfall threshold of 80 to 90 mm is exceeded, explaining the
more negative cave drip waters and groundwater in general. Two caves in this area were chosen
as research location and the isotopic composition of nowadays forming speleothem calcite was
monitored by sampling drip waters and collecting freshly deposited calcite on glass slabs. A
sampled speleothem from Hoq Cave (SSTM1) and one from Casecas Cave (S-STM5) have
formed over the past 6 ka BP and the past 1 ka BP (TIMS U/Th dating) respectively. Both
speleothems display alternations of dark compact and white porous layers, which are interpreted
as seasonal variations because they coincide with carbon and oxygen isotopic variations as
observed by measurements at a 50 mu m resolution. At the two sampling locations, distant of 6
km, both speleothems present similar isotopic changes over the last 1 ka, controlled by the NE
Monsoon rainfall variability. Correlations with other proxies in the same region will contribute to
a better understanding of the IOM system. Notes: Geophysical Research Abstracts. [np]. NU:
08393. ISSN: 1029-7006. Database: Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts. OCLC:
De Geest, Pierre. 2007. High-Resolution Speleothem Records from Soqotra Island
(Yemen), as Recorders of Indian Ocean Monsoon Variability. Acta Carsologica =Karsoslovni
Zbornik. Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Volume 36, Issue 1,
Pages 211. Descriptors: absolute age; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; calcite; carbon;
carbonate rocks; carbonates; Casecas Cave; caves; Cenozoic; dates; ground water; Holocene;
Hoq Cave; hydrology; Indian Ocean; inter-tropical convergence zone; isotopes; karst; limestone;
monitoring; monsoons; oxygen; plateaus; Quaternary; rainfall; recharge; research; seasonal
variations; sedimentary rocks; solution features; Soqotra Island; speleothems; temperature;
Yemen. Database: GeoRef in Process. ISSN: 0583-6050.
Delany, M. J . 1989. The Zoogeography of the Mammal Fauna of Southern Arabia.
Mamm. Rev. Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 133-152. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 7. Abstract: The
southern Arabian fauna occupies a montane coastal strip of Saudi Arabia parallel to the Red Sea
from Taif southwards, the Yemens and Oman. Brief descriptions of the physical, climatic and
vegetational features of the region are provided. Most mammal species in the area are assigned to
one of the following zoogeographical categories: Palaearctic, Saharo-Sindian, Afrotropical plus
Palaearctic, Aftropical and Oriental. Most species are Afrotropical with a substantial number
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Saharo-Sindian. There is appreciable endemism within the region. World sea levels have
fluctuated, probably between -105 and -175 m below present levels. Such falls would have
facilitated narrow water barriers or land connections between Africa and Arabia. Database:
SCOPUS. ISSN: 0305-1838.
Delhuille, B. and Gentelle, P. 2000. Ancient Irrigation (SAYL) and South Arabian
Anthrosols in the Wadi Dura Valley (Yemen). Publications of the Ministry of Water Resources,
Sultanate of Oman, (1995), pp. 122-128.
Dent, D. and Murtland, R. 1990. Land Evaluation for Afforestation in a Semi-Arid
Environment: The Montane Plains of the Central Highlands of North Yemen. Catena. Volume
17, Issue 6, Pages 509-523. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 5. Abstract: In semi-arid
environments, much land use depends on water harvesting from the upper members of soil
catenas to support crops on the lower members. In the Central Highlands of North Yemen, an
initial evaluation of land for forestry on the basis of a general-purpose resource inventory
highlighted drought and frost as the main constraints, and identified over 150 potential forest
species. Subsequent species elimination and proving trials revealed that, in the absence of data,
the frost hazard had been underestimated; and under a water-harvesting regime the very stony,
coarser-textured midslope soils are more suited to more species than the fine loamy soils of the
footslopes because of their better infiltration and rooting characteristics. Conventional soil
survey and land evaluation does not cope easily with small, scattered land units; especially where
site performance is dependent upon the behaviour and management of upslope members of the
catena. For field use, a site type key has been devised with a supplementary table to match
suitable tree species with site type. This expert system makes use of cultural, vegetation, soil and
landform features, some of which are unique to North Yemen. However, the principles involved
should have general application. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0341-8162.
Department of Defense, Washington, DC. 2002. 2002 Year in Review. 31 Dec.
Page(s): 17. Report Number: XD-DOD Monitor Series: DOD. Abstract: This annual report from
the Department of Defense (DoD) provides an update on the DoDs accomplishments during
2002. Section 1, Global War Against Terrorism, describes the multinational coalition that was
assembled to support Operation Enduring Freedom; humanitarian and civil affairs aid that was
provided to the Afghan population; long-term stability in Afghanistan; financial, law
enforcement, and other operations relating to terrorism in the Philippines, Republic of Georgia,
and Yemen; and Homeland Security. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports
Collection. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. OCLC
Accession Number: ADA475302. URL:
Department of State, Washington, DC, Office of External Research and Quandt, William
B. 1981. Saudi Perceptions of the International Environment, 22 Sep. 1981. Page(s): 4 Report
Number: FAR-211-GP Monitor Series: 211-GP. Abstract: Saudi Arabia enters the 1980s with
unprecedented wealth and international prestige. This does not, however, produce a sense of real
power or security on the part of Saudi rulers. The reasons are several: In terms of population and
military might, Saudi Arabia remains a small power by Middle East standards. Regional
instability threatens Saudi Arabia directly and indirectly. The US-Saudi relationship, long relied
upon by Saudi leaders to enhance the KIngdoms security, is being called into question. The
Soviet Union is developing positions of strength around Saudi Arabia--Afghanistan, South
Yemen, Ethiopia, as well as Libya and Syria. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical
Reports Collection. OCLC Accession Number: ADA106927.
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Deuser, W. G., Ross, E. H. and Waterman, L. S. 1976. Glacial and Pluvial Periods:
Their Relationship Revealed by Pleistocene Sediments of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
Science. March 19. Volume 191, Issue 4232, Pages 1168-1170. Abstract: Oxygen isotope
analyses of planktonic foraminifera from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden indicate that during
periods of maximum continental and polar glaciation in the late Pleistocene, the Red Sea was
subject to strong evaporation. Between glacial maximums the salinity of the Red Sea was equal
to or below that of the open ocean. This suggests that high-latitude glacial periods corresponded
in time to interpluvial stages in the present-day desert belt of northern Africa, whereas high-
latitude interglacial periods coincided with pluvial stages.
Dewar, Michael. 1984. Brush Fire Wars: Minor Campaigns of the British Army since
1945. London: Robert Hale. Page(s): 208. Notes: 208 p., [16] p. of plates: ill., maps; 23 cm. With
a foreword by Sir Frank Kitson. ISBN: 0312106742. OCLC Accession Number: 10913533.
DHV Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau; Yemen; Ministry of Municipalities and Housing;
Netherlands; Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken and Directorate General for International
Cooperation. 1983. Rada Urban Development Project: Final Project. Amersfoort, the
Netherlands: DHV Consulting Engineers. Descriptors: City planning -- Yemen (Republic) --
Rida`; Urban policy -- Yemen (Republic) -- Rida`; Government publication; National
government publication. Abstract: v. 1. The Rada urban area development plan: executive
summary of the project.--v. 2. Social and economic aspects.--v. 3. Physical planning/masterplan.-
-v. 4. Water supply.--v. 5. Waste water disposal.--v. 6. Solid wastes management.--v. 7. Area
drainage.--v. 8. Roads.--v. 9a. Electricity supply.--v. 10. Slaughtering facilities.--v. 11.
Institutional and legal framework. Notes: 11 v.: ill., maps; ans (some folded in pockets); 30 cm.
Note(s): Prepared for Yemen Arab Republic, Ministry of Municipalities and Housing and
Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General for International
Cooperation (DGIS). Includes Arabic summaries. OCLC: 18029617.
Diansky, NA, Zalesny, VB, Moshonkin, SN and Rusakov, AS. 2006. High Resolution
Simulation of the Indian Ocean Monsoon Current Variability. Okeanologiya. Volume 46, Issue
5, Pages 650-671. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Annual variations; Atmospheric forcing;
Bottom topography; Brackishwater environment; Climatology; Current charts; Current
meandering; Current rings; Current velocity; Estuaries; Mathematical models; Monsoons;
Numerical analysis; Ocean-atmosphere system; Water balance; Water currents; Article
Taxonomic Terms: Socotra; Article Geographic Terms: Asia, Ganga R. Arabian Sea, Somali
Current; Bangladesh, Bengal Bay; India, Lakshadweep; Indian Ocean; Indian Ocean, Great
Whirl; Yemen, Socotra; Marine. Abstract: Some results of the Indian Ocean monsoon circulation
simulated with a sigma -coordinate ocean model developed at the Institute of Numerical
Mathematics RAS are presented. The model has a horizontal resolution of (1/8) degree *(1/12)
degree and 21 unevenly sigma -layers. Realistic bottom topography and land geometry are used.
The numerical experiment was carried out for 15 years started from Levitus climatology for
J anuary and using monthly mean climatic atmospheric forcing from NCEP reanalysis. The
annual cycle of surface and subsurface currents, temperature and salinity fields are analyzed for
the 15-th model year. The model reproduces well the Summer Monsoon and the Winter
Monsoon Currents, their annual cycles and space structures. The modeled Somali Current has a
good agreement with the observations with model velocities exceeding 2 m/s and the transport
about 70 Sv in Summer Monsoon time. The model results show that a turn of Somali Current
from summer to winter direction is accompanied by generation of anticyclonic eddies that drift
westward by beta -effect and dissipate in Somali shore and Gulf of Aden. The monsoon
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variability of equatorial surface current and equatorial subsurface undercurrent is analyzed. It is
shown that these currents are mainly generated by zonal wind stress, which is dominated by a
semi-annual harmonic. The equatorial surface current and compensating Equatorial subsurface
counter-current are also dominated by semi-annual harmonics. The subsurface counter-current
has a time lag by approximately one month. It is found that the gradient currents caused by river
run-off make an important contribution to the circulation in the Bay of Bengal. This effect
manifests itself especially in summer when the Ganges River brings fresh turbid waters. Main
features of quasi-stationary gyres like Great Whirl, Socotra high, Lakshadweep high and low are
well reproduced. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 0030-1574.
Dias, Alexandra M. 2007. Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa, Edited by Robert I.
Rotberg * US Foreign Policy and the Horn of Africa, by Peter Woodward. Afr. Aff. (Lond).
J uly 1. Volume 106, Issue 424, Pages 539-541. ISSN: 0001-9909. OCLC: 61361539.
Directorate of Overseas Surveys. Yemen Arab Republic, Montane Plains: Soils and Land
Suitability. Surbiton: Land Resources Development Centre, Overseas Development
Administration, 1981. Rec 52/YEM/BDA/1-5. With: Yemen Arab Republic montane plains and
Wadi Rima project. (Project record 62). 5 maps. prepared by the Directorate of Overseas
Surveys. OCLC: 316517547.
Dockrill, Saki R. 2008. British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 1955-67: Last
Outpost of a Middle East Empire. English Historical Review. J une 1. Volume CXXIII, Issue
502, Pages 808-809. ISSN: 0013-8266.
Dold, E. P., Moser, R. and Kiehne, E. An Economy Airport for Sanaa. Airport Forum.
Bauverlag GmbH: Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 49. Descriptors: Airports; Construction; Costs;
Finance; Structural design; Airport design; Construction costs. Abstract: Since September 1973,
Sanaa the chief City of the Arab Republic of Yemen, has boasted an international airport worthy
of the name. After some years of construction work, a complete airport had taken shape where
only a more or less paved airstrip had existed before. Total cost was only DM 16.5 million. The
project was financed in part by the Federal Republic of Germany. Database: TRIS. Availability:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ISSN: 0002-2802.
Dolfing, B. 2001. Water and History. Water Policy. Volume 3, Issue Suppl., Pages
S201-S204. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Arid environments; Case Studies; Conferences;
Drainage; Environmental Protection; Floods; Historical account; History; Hydraulic Structures;
Irrigation; Irrigation water; River basins; Storms; Water Demand; Water Management; Water
Policy; Water Supply Development; Water supply; drainage water; scarcity; sustainability;
Article Geographic Terms: Bolivia; Greece; Italy, Roma; J apan; Peru; Yemen. Abstract:
Problems like water scarcity and droughts as well as inundations, floods and storm surges are as
old as mankind. Water management, therefore, has existed for thousands of years. In the absence
of advanced technology, the efforts undertaken by people in the past to supply themselves with
sufficient water to meet the various demands of society were based on thorough observation of
nature. At the same time, people managed to build, maintain and manage hydraulic structures in
harmony with their natural environment as well as in close co-ordination with state-hood
building. The sustainability of traditional systems in general is substantially better than that of
todays systems. The need to improve the performance of many modern systems can benefit
from historical experiences. Speakers showed surprising evidences of humankind overcoming
the constraints of nature in constructing systems for irrigation, drainage and water supply from
Antiquity until the end of the nineteenth century and ranging from J apan, through J emen, Greece
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and Rome to Peru and Bolivia. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts.
ISSN: 1366-7017.
Donaldson, William J . 2000. Sharecropping in the Yemen a study of Islamic theory,
custom, and pragmatism. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. Abstract: This text discusses sharecropping
in the Yemen against the background of Islamic law and customary law. Sharecropping is
interesting in Islam since its basis is ostensibly inconsistent with the Islamic prohibition against
transactions involving gharar (risk or uncertainty). OCLC: 228119260. URL:
Dop, J . 2000. Domestic Rural Water Supply in Al Bayda Province Yemen Arab
Republic. In: Kosinsky, Victor de; Somer, Marc de. Water resources for rural areas and their
communities: proceedings of the Vth World Congress on Water Resources. Ghent, Crystal Drop
Publications, 1985. p.629-39. World Congress on Water Resources, 5, Brussels, 9-15 J une 1985.
Organized by the IWRA, International Water Resources Association =AIRE, Association
internationale des ressources en eau =AIREH, Asociacin Internacional de Recursos Hidricos;
under the high patronage of His Majesty Baudouin, King of the Belgians; with the participation
of the United Nations and UNESCO.ISBN: 9071974014; 9789071974014. OCLC: 13029993.
Dorrell, David (ed ). 1965. Air Forces Middle East: The RAF at Work from Kuwait to
Africa. Air Pictorial. May 1965. Volume Vol. 27, Issue No. 5, Pages 144-148. ISSN: 0002-
Dorsey, J ames. 2010. Corruption Fuels Crisis in Water-Poor Yemen. Eureka Street.
Eureka Street Magazine Pty Ltd: 02/12. Volume 20, Issue 2, Pages 34-35. Descriptors: Water
shortages; Fuel; Smuggling; Resource management; Climatic changes; Yemen (Republic).
Abstract: The article reports on the cause of water crisis in Yemen as it struggles to defeat Al
Qaida. It mentions that the water supply crisis results from the climate change, poor or resource
management, and wasteful irrigation as well as corruption and uncontrolled digging of wells. It
notes that the country resists donors demand to abolish diesel subsidies that would cut into
profits from diesel smuggling as well as to need for economic and political reform. ISSN: 1833-
DouAbul, A. A. -Z and Al-Shiwafi, N. A. 1998. Dissolved/dispersed Hydrocarbons in
the Arabian Region. Mar. Pollut. Bull. Volume 36, Issue 10, Pages 844-850. Notes: Cited By
(since 1996): 4. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0025-326X.
DouAbul, AA-Z, Heba, HMA and Fareed, KH. 1997. Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Fish from the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Hydrobiologia. Kluwer
Academic Publishers: 5 Sep. Volume 352, Issue 1-3, Pages 251-262. Descriptors: Article Subject
Terms: Aromatic hydrocarbons; Bioaccumulation; Carcinogens; Chromatography; Coastal
Waters; Coastal zone; Fish; Fish kill; Hydrocarbons; Marine fish; Marine organisms; Marine
pollution; Mass Spectrometry; Muscle; Oil; Oil pollution; Pollution effects; Pollution
monitoring; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; Public
Health; Water Pollution Effects; Article Taxonomic Terms: Pisces; Article Geographic Terms:
Red Sea; Yemen; PAH; Red Sea; Yemen. Abstract: A detailed analytical study using combined
normal phase high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC) and gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in
fish from the Red Sea was undertaken. This investigation involves a preliminary assessment of
the sixteen parent compounds issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The
study revealed measurable levels of capital sigma E PAHs (the sum of three to five or six ring
parent compounds) (49.2 ng g super(-1) dry weight) and total PAHs (all PAH detected) (422.1
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ng g super(-1) dry weight) in edible muscle of fishes collected from the Red Sea. These
concentrations are within the range of values reported for other comparable regions of the world.
Mean concentrations for individual parent PAH in fish muscles were; naphthalene 19.5, biphenyl
4.6, acenaphthylene 1.0, acenaphthene 1.2, fluorene 5.5, phenanthrene 14.0, anthracene 0.8,
fluoranthene 1.5, pyrene 1.8, benz(a)anthracene 0.4, chrysene 1.9, benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.5,
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.5, benzo(e)pyrene 0.9, benzo(a)pyrene 0.5, perylene 0.2, and
indenol(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.1 ng g super(-1) dry weight respectively. The Red Sea fish extracts
exhibit the low molecular weight aromatics as well as the discernible alkyl-substituted species of
naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene and dibenzothiophene. Thus, it was suggested that the most
probable source of PAHs is oil contamination originating from spillages and/or heavy ship
traffic. It is concluded that the presence of PAHs in the fish muscles is not responsible for the
reported fish kill phenomenon. However, the high concentrations of carcinogenic chrysene
encountered in these fishes should be considered seriously as it is hazardous to human health.
Based on fish consumption by Yemenis population it was calculated that the daily intake of total
carcinogens were 0.15 mu g/person/day. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries
Abstracts. ISSN: 0018-8158.
Dowgiallo, J . 1988. Thermal Waters in Granitic Terrains, Case Histories from Poland
and North Yemen. Karst Hydrogeology and Karst Environment Protection.Volume 2.
Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Guilin,
China October 10-15. (1988). p 1253-. Volume 1988. IAHS Publication No. 176, Pages 9 ref.
Descriptors: Geohydrology; Geothermal water; Granites; Poland; Case studies; Yemen;
Uranium; Thorium; Hot springs. Abstract: Thermal waters occur in the Upper Carboniferous
Karkonosze granite (Western Sudetes) of Poland, as well as in its Precambrian and Lower
Paleozoic cover. Their temperature, up to 68 C, is not only due to the depth of circulation, but
also to radiogenic heat production resulting in the decay of uranium and thorium present in the
granites in considerable amounts. Horizontal fissure systems found in boreholes up to a depth of
750 m, yield considerable quantities of thermal water. Hot springs occurring near the Upper
Tertiary granitic bodies of Manakha-Lihab, Milhan-Hufash and Bura-Raymah Western
Escarpment of North Yemen, probably owe their temperature, to radiogenic heat produced in the
granites. Drilling may reveal horizontal relaxation fissures yielding thermal water of economic
importance. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISBN: 0947571663; 9780947571665. OCLC:
Dowling, Wg Cdr J ohn. 1992. RAF Helicopters: The First Twenty Years. London: Air
Historical Branch/HMSO. Page(s): 489. Abstract: At head of title: Ministry of Defence, Air
Historical Branch (RAF). Dowlings detailed and comprehensive study highlights the
contribution of the RAF support helicopters to the Radfan campaign, especially the Westland
Belvedere which could carry larger loads than any other type. Notes: xv, 488 p., [70] p. of plates:
ill., maps; 26 cm. ISBN: 0117727253. OCLC Accession Number: 27268972.
Downes, Chris. 2004. Targeted Killings in an Age of Terror: The Legality of the
Yemen Strike. J Conflict Security Law. J une 1. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 277-294. Abstract: In
November 2002, a US Unmanned Aerial Vehicle launched a missile at a car in Yemen suspected
to be carrying terrorists. The lethal strike arguably represented a targeted killing, a policy that
had previously been widely renounced by the international community including the US.
However, the incident remained largely unchallenged by other states. This article analyses the
legality of the Yemen strike, taking into account alternative legal rationales that could be
presented in defence of US action. It characterises and assesses the incident in turn, as a Yemen
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request for forceful intervention, an engagement in an ongoing armed conflict, an anti-terrorist
operation mandated by Security Council Resolution 1373 and an act of anticipatory self-defence.
It finds that the Yemen strike in particular, and targeted killings in general, can only tenuously
be reconciled with the existing international legal framework. In this context, the article
questions the uncritical international response to the Yemen incident. It speculates that the tacit
acceptance of US action reflects two emerging norms governing the use of force, namely a
toleration of military actions that do not threaten the existence of the state and the gradual
legitimisation of state action perpetrated against unidentified individuals. ISSN: 1467-7962.
Dresch, Paul. 1993. Tribes, Government and History in Yemen. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Abstract: Paul Dresch here combines ethnography with history to describe the system of
sedentary tribes in South Arabia--a strategically sensitive part of the world--over the past
thousand years. He examines the values and traditions the tribal people bring to the
contemporary world of nation-states, and discusses the relation of the major tribes to pre-modern
Islamic learning, the Zaydi Imamate, ideas of contemporary statehood, and the area as a whole.
Dresch's unique and provocative insights are of increasing value given the increased Western
involvement with Yemen since 1989, the union of the two Yemens in 1990, and the country's
first free election in 1993. ISBN: 0-19-827790-3.
Dresch, Paul and Haykel, Bernard. Stereotypes and Political Styles: Islamists and
Tribesfolk in Yemen. International J ournal of Middle East Studies. 27:405-431 November 1995.
Examines the political party of Islah, its historical progress, public identity, and its general
adviser. ISSN: 1471-6380.
Droubi, A. 1998. For a Sustainable use of Groundwater in Agriculture in the Arab
Region; Agricultural Threats to Groundwater Quality; Workshop Proceedings. France:
Agricultural Threats to Groundwater Quality, Saragossa. Spain Conference: Oct. 27-30, 1996.
Descriptors: Africa; agriculture; aquifer vulnerability; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; arid
environment; Asia; brackish water; drawdown; East Africa; Egypt; fertilizers; ground water;
international cooperation; J ordan; leaching; legislation; Mauritania; Middle East; Morocco;
North Africa; policy; pollution; preventive measures; salinization; salt-water intrusion; Saudi
Arabia; soils; Somali Republic; Sudan; sustainability; Syria; terrestrial environment; Tunisia;
water quality; water resources; water scarcity; water supply; water use; West Africa; Yemen.
Abstract: Arab countries are facing critical problems of environmental degradation. Population
increase and economic growth have spurred higher demands for the limited water resources.
Groundwater is often the best and sometimes the only source of water supply. The region faces a
future of increasingly acute water scarcity. Intensification of agriculture, often by means of
irrigation, has produced groundwater quality problems, particularly with respect to nitrate
pollution, pesticides, fertilizers, salinisation, logging and over exploitation of aquifers. Water
quality degradation is quickly joining water scarcity as a major issue in the region. A sustainable
use of groundwater in agriculture requires preventive measures to deal with groundwater quality
degradation. It also requires informing the public of environmental risk, increased awareness of
environmental problems. An integral management policy taking into account cost-benefit issues
is also required based on the estimation of the real cost of the water allocated, fees to be paid in
the case of pollution, and monitoring. Strengthening the capacity of the environmental
institutions is also one of the priorities. Notes: References: 23; illus. incl. 3 tables. ISBN:
8484979563. Database: GeoRef. OCLC Accession Number: 43374308.
Dumm, Andrew. 2010. Understanding the Houthi Conflict in Northern Yemen: A Social
Movement Approach. United States -- District of Columbia: The American University. Abstract:
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Since 2004, the Yemeni government has been fighting a bloody civil war with local Zaydi Shia
forces known as the Houthis in the countrys north. Conventional explanations rooted in the
recent history of the civil war fail to adequately account for the rise of the rebels and their
fundamental grievances, however. A social movement approach, which can contextualize the
Houthi rebellion within a historical evolution of Zaydi movements, is used here to explain the
transition of the Houthis from non-violent social movement to armed insurrectionary group. The
Yemeni regimes anti-Zaydi policies and nationalist narrative, along with a competing Wahhabi
religious movement, led to a series of inter- and intra-movement disputes that fostered the rise of
increasingly oppositional Zaydi factions like the Houthi. The interplay between the Houthi
leaderships complex framing of Zaydi grievances and escalating regime-challenger interactions
over a public protest movement explains the Houthis recourse to violence in 2004. The
American University; M.A. Typescript; v, 132 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. American University, School
of International Service. Thesis advisor: Kristin Smith Diwan. OCLC: 744633681.
Dumont, HJ and Al-Safadi, MM. 1993. Further Additions to the Dragonfly Fauna of the
Republic of Yemen (Odonata). Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: aquatic insects; check lists;
distribution records; dominant species; geographical distribution; new records; Article
Taxonomic Terms: Odonata; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen; Macrodiplax cora; Orthetrum
abbotti; aquatic insects. Abstract: 24 spp. were collected during a cool and rainy period in Feb.,
1993. Winter spp. were dominant, with Aeshna yemenensis Waterston a prominent example,
while summer spp. had not (or were only beginning) to emerge. In addition to Anax parthenope
Sel. and Tramea limbata (Desj.), the oriental, brackish-water Macrodiplax cora (Br.) and the
afrotropical Orthetrum abbotti Calv. are new to Yemen. ISSN: 1010-5220. Database: ASFA:
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. OCLC Accession Number: 3588199.
uri, Z. 2007. New Occurence of Vercoia Socotrana uri, 1992 (Crustacea,
Decapoda, Crangonidae) in the Gulf of Aden, Western Indian Ocean. Senckenb. Maritima.
Volume 37, Issue 1, Pages 1-4. Descriptors: Crangonidae; Decapoda; Gulf of Aden; Indian
Ocean; Socotra; Vercoia socotrana. Abstract: Five juvenile specimens of the rare crangonid
shrimp Vercoia socotrana uri 1992 were collected in the western Gulf of Aden, West Indian
Ocean during FS Meteor cruise (MINDIK) in 1987. The specimens agree well morphologically
with the original description, based on a single ovigerous female from the Socotra Island. Some
minor differences are due to the small size of the present specimens. Some additional data on the
morphology of the species are provided. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0080-889X.
2007. Dyer, Caroline. Working Children and Educational Inclusion in Yemen.
International J ournal of Educational Development. 9. Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 512-524.
Descriptors: Yemen; Working children; IPEC; Educational inclusion. Abstract: The Republic of
Yemen has a very high number of working children, employed in a variety of occupations,
ranging from street vending to guards on farms, and domestic labour. Including these children in
formal education is a major challenge facing the Republic, which has one of the lowest rates of
female participation in primary education in the world, and a very underdeveloped non-formal
sector. In a context where poverty levels are very high, particularly in rural areas, families
remain under significant financial pressure to rely on childrens work to supplement, or indeed
provide, their income and survival. This broader context challenges school-based efforts to
include working children, particularly where initiatives aiming to improve the quality of the
formal system are only just beginning to make an impact. This paper discusses key challenges of
providing education to working children in Yemen, focusing on the work of the International
Labour Organisations International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) and
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some of the issues that it faces in using schooling as a strategy to prevent child labour. ISSN:
E. D. W. 1887. Barren Rocks of Aden. Notes and Queries. December 24. Volume s7-
IV, Issue 104, Pages 509-c. Royal Asiatic Society. OCLC: 220728715.
Eales, K. J . 1986. Power Supplies to Potable Water Wellfield in South Yemen. London,
Engl: IEE. 272, page(s): 180-184. First International Conference on Industrial Power
Engineering. Descriptors: Well Pumps; Electric Power Distribution; Electric Power Systems -
Pumps. Abstract: The population of Greater Aden is likely to continue to increase well into the
next century and although the rate of increase in domestic per capita consumption appears to be
falling, a new supply will be required by approximately 1990. A reliable long term yield of some
10 Mm**3/year can be obtained from a wellfield development in the upper part of the Tuban
Delta which should satisfy the demand until approximately 1995. This paper deals with the
design of the electrical system required to supply power to 20 borehole pumps spread over an
area 5 km long by 0. 5 km wide with borehole depths of approximately 120 m. ISBN:
Earth Satellite Corporation. 1983. Southwest Region of the Peoples Democratic
Republic of Yemen, Landsat Mosaic-General Map. Chevy Chase, MD: The Corporation.
Descriptors: Yemen, South -- Remote-sensing maps. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 85 x 112
cm. Map Info: Scale ca. 1:500,000. Note(s): Includes index map and 2 location maps.
Responsibility: this mosaic of edge-enhanced Landsat imagery was produced by Earth Satellite
Corp., 1983, for the World Banks WADI TUBAN Project-Hydrologic/Geologic Evaluation-
IDA credit-768 YDR. LCCN: 2001-620740. OCLC Accession Number: 47238097.
Economist Intelligence Unit: Country Profile: Yemen; References. (Bibliography) (Brief
Article) (Geographic Overview). 2008. 07/02. Page(s): NA. Descriptors: Yemen. Abstract:
National statistical sources. ISSN: 1367-6156. URL:
Edwards, Capt F. W. 1964. Report on FRA Operations in Radfan April/May 1964.
British Army. Page(s): 32. Abstract: An interesting contemporary account of Federal Regular
Army (FRA) participation in Operations Nutcracker and Rustum in 1964 is given by Edwards
(Report on FRA Operations) in a paper that has survived from the Army Staff College archives.
Although restricted to two specific campaigns the report gives a unique British view of the
capabilities of the FRA in the Radfan as a whole. J SCSC Library.
Edwards, Frank. 2004. The Gaysh: A History of the Aden Protectorate Levies 1927-61
and the Federal Regular Army of South Arabia 1961-67. Solihull: Helion. Page(s): 204. Abstract:
Information on the friendly local forces in Aden is quite scarce with the history by Edwards (The
Gaysh which reprises parts of his earlier official report) being the most useful as it covers the
creation and operation of the Federal Regular Army, albeit in one slim chapter as most of the
book is devoted to more distant history. Notes: ix, 180 pages: ill., maps; 21 cm. ISBN:
1874622965. OCLC Accession Number: 57002594.
Eger, Helmut. 1987. Runoff Agriculture: A Case Study about the Yemeni Highlands.
J emen-Studien. Wiesbaden: L. Reichert, 1987: Volume Bd. 7, Descriptors: Soil conservation --
Terracing -- Yemen; Terracing -- Yemen; Contour farming; Irrigation water -- Yemen. Notes:
xvi, 238 pages: ill., maps; 28 cm. Bibliography: p. 161-169. Abstract: Summary in English and
German. ISBN: 3882264268. OCLC Accession Number: 700783702.
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Eger, Helmut. 1987. Runoff Agriculture: A Case Study about the Yemeni Highlands.
Wiesbaden: L. Reichert. Page(s): 238. Descriptors: Terracing -- Yemen (Republic); Contour
farming; Irrigation water -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: xvi; ill., maps; 28 cm. Note(s): Summary
in English and German. Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-169). Responsibility: Helmut
Eger. ISBN: 3882264268; 9783882264265. OCLC Accession Number: 18462187.
Eger, Helmut and Universitt Tbingen. 1986. Runoff Agriculture: A Case Study about
the Yemeni Highlands. Tbingen: Descriptors: Agriculture -- Yemen (Republic); Arid regions
agriculture -- Yemen (Republic); Water in agriculture -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply,
Agricultural -- Yemen (Republic); Thesis/dissertation. Notes: xix, 258, [80] p., [4] folded leaves
of plates: ill., maps. Dissertation: Thesis (Doctoral)--Universitt Tbingen, 1986. Note(s):
Dissertation title, abstract and curriculum vitae in German. Includes bibliographical references
(p. 233-258). OCLC Accession Number: 427825209.
El Anbaawy, Mohamed I. H. and Fara, Mohamed. 1993. Geology of Damt Travertine Deposits
and Thermomineral Springs, Yemen Republic. Acta Geologica Universitatis Comemianae
(Bratislava). Univerzita Komenskeho, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Volume 49, Pages 97-109.
Descriptors: Amran Group; Arabian Peninsula; areal geology; Asia; carbonate rocks; Damt
Yemen; ground water; hot springs; limestone; sedimentary rocks; springs; Tawilah Sandstone;
thermal waters; travertine; Yemen. References: 10; illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch map.
Abstract: The hydrothermal system in the Damt area, Republic of Yemen, is mainly controlled
by Quaternary tectonic and volcanic activities as well as the presence of the Tawilah Sandstone
and limestone of Amran Group as aquifers, and circulation of meteoric and in part juvenile
waters. These controlling factors have definite implications regarding the development of
geysers and thermomineral springs which consequently deposited different genetic types of
travertines. The older type is the crater vesicular banded travertine formed episodically from
the geysers at ancient time. The younger type is the hanged algal laminated travertine formed
by incrustation and evaporation of the mineralized springs waters through fissures around the
sides of the volcanic cones up to the present time. Each of these types is recognized in the field
and characterized by its own fabric and composition. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1335-2830.
El-Said, A. H. M. 1994. "Keratinophilic Fungi in Soils of Yemen Arabic Republic".
Journal of Basic Microbiology. 34, no. 5: 311. ISSN: 0233-111X. OCLC: 106962396.
El Sharabi, Essam. 2004. Water Resources Management in the Taiz City, Yemen; a
Comprehensive Overview; Italia 2004; 32nd International Geological Congress; Abstracts.
International Geological Congress, Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes.
[International Geological Congress], [location varies], International; Abstracts =Congres
Geologique International, Resumes. Aug. Volume 32, Pages 459. Descriptors: Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; drainage basins; hydrology; Taiz Yemen; water management; water resources;
watersheds; Yemen. Notes: SP: IGC, International Geological Congress. Database: GeoRef.
OCLC: 56945241.
El Sharabi, Essam. 2004. The Negative Impacts upon the Environmental Aspects in Taiz
City and Surroundings, Yemen; Italia 2004; 32nd International Geological Congress; Abstracts.
International Geological Congress, Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes.
[International Geological Congress], [location varies], International; Abstracts =Congres
Geologique International, Resumes. Aug. Volume 32, Part 1, Pages 591. Descriptors: Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; degradation; environmental effects; erosion; floods; geologic hazards; land use;
pollution; sewage; soil erosion; soils; sustainable development; Taiz Yemen; urban environment;
Geology of Yemen
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urbanization; waste disposal; water pollution; Yemen. Notes: IGC, International Geological
Congress. Database: GeoRef. OCLC: 56945241.
El Sherbini, A. A. 1980. The Need for Rural Development in the Southern Sub-Region
of the Arabian Peninsula. Dirasast Natural Sciences. Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 65-74. Abstract:
What should be the main emphasis in development programmes to improve the lot of the rural
poor in Oman and the 2 Yemens? Should the stress be on increased productivity, or on
improving the health of the rural poor - or their education? Or should the emphasis be rural
infrastructure - water supply, electricity, etc.? To date, Democratic (South) Yemen has
encouraged agrarian reform coupled with decentralization of decision-making, while (North)
Yemen has maintained a predominantly private enterprise system. Oman, in contrast, now has an
oil-influenced market economy. Gives indicators on characteristics of the rural poor in the 3
countries - despite the difficulties in assembling data. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0253-424X.
El-Anbaawy, M. I. H., Al-Aawah, M. A. H., Al-Thour, K. A. and Tucker, M. E. 1992.
Miocene Evaporites of the Red Sea Rift, Yemen Republic: Sedimentology of the Salif Halite.
Sediment. Geol. Volume 81, Issue 1-2, Pages 61-71. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 3. Abstract:
Miocene evaporites are spectacularly exposed along the Red Sea coastal plain of Yemen,
especially in the region of Salif. Over one thousand metres of bedded halite containing regular
millimetre-thick laminae of anhydrite were precipitated below wave base (which need not have
been very deep) in a relatively quiet and protected basin, virtually cut-off from the open sea of
the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. A metre-thick unit of laminated and rippled anhydrite
within the halite is the result of a major decrease in salinity within the basin. Gypsum overlying
the halite is bedded and laminated, but does contain vague vertical structures suggestive of an
original selenitic mineralogy. This sulphate was probably precipitated as bottom-growth gypsum
and decanted crystals. More open circulation in the basin was established in the Early Pliocene
when carbonate muds and siliciclastics were deposited. These Miocene evaporites were
precipitated during the continental rifting and opening of the Red Sea-Gulf of Aden when half-
graben structures were formed and fed by occasional influxes of marine water. Subsequent
sedimentation and tectonic deformation led to major halokinesis, the development of diapirs and
exposure of the halite along the coastal plain. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0037-0738.
El-Anbaawy, Mohamed I. H. and Fara, Mohamed. 1993. The Travertine Deposits and
Thermomineral Springs of Damt Area, Yemen Republic. Annals of the Geological Survey of
Egypt. Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority, Cairo, Egypt. Volume 19, Pages 125-
141. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; carbonate rocks; Cenozoic; chemical
composition; cones; Damt Yemen; evaporation; genesis; geothermal systems; geysers; ground
water; hydrology; hydrothermal conditions; juvenile water; laminations; meteoric water;
petrography; planar bedding structures; Quaternary; sedimentary rocks; sedimentary structures;
sedimentation; springs; travertine; volcanism; Yemen. Notes: AGSECC; References: 13; illus.
incl. 2 plates, 1 table, geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0365-2777.
Elderhorst, W. I. M. van der Gun, J A M; Kruseman, G. P. and Anonymous. 1991.
Spatial Allocation of Pumping to Reduce the Negative Impacts of Groundwater Overexploitation
in Wadi Surduel, the Republic of Yemen; XXIII Congreso Internacional Sobreexplotacion De
Acuiferos; Actas; Ponencias, Comunicaciones y Resumenes De Posters. XXIII International
Congress on Aquifer Overexploitation; Proceedings; General Papers, Extended Abstracts and
Posters. Spain: Asociacion Internacional de Hidrogeologos, Grupo Espanol, Spain. XXIII
Congreso Internacional Sobreexplotacion De Acuiferos. Canary Islands, Spain Conference:
1991. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; clastic rocks; drawdown; exploitation;
Geology of Yemen
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ground water; Indian Ocean; interfaces; mitigation; models; pumping; Red Sea; salt-water
intrusion; sedimentary rocks; spatial distribution; Wadi Surduel; Yemen. References: 3; geol.
sketch maps. ISBN: 8440491328. Database: GeoRef. OCLC: 23921391.
El-Gamili, Mahmoud M. and Fara, Mohamed. 1996. Hydrogeology of Wadi Hammam
Ali Hot Springs, Anis, Yemen Republic; 30th International Geological Congress; Abstracts.
International Geological Congress, Abstracts--Congres Geologique Internationale, Resumes.
[International Geological Congress], [location varies], International; Abstracts--Congres
Geologique Internationale, Resumes. Volume 30, Pages 556. Descriptors: Anis Yemen; aquifers;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; energy sources; faults; fractures; geothermal energy; geothermal fields;
ground water; hot springs; recharge; springs; thermal waters; volcanism; Wadi Hamman Ali Hot
Springs; Yemen. Notes: IGC, International Geological Congress. Database: GeoRef. OCLC:
El-Hazmi, MAF and Warsy, AS. 2000. Xmn I Polymorphic Site in Yemeni Sickle Cell
Disease Patients. J . Trop. Pediatr. February 1. Volume 46, Issue 1, Pages 25-29. Abstract: To
investigate the molecular basis of severe clinical presentation in sickle cell disease (SCD)
patients in Yemen, this study was conducted on 30 Yemeni SCD patients living in Riyadh and
attending King Khalid University Hospital. Seven individuals without SCD were used as
controls. Haematological parameters, red cell indices, HB A2 and Hb F levels were estimated
and haemoglobin variant were identified on electrophoresis profiling. DNA was extracted from
the buffy coat separated from fresh blood samples and was treated with the restriction
endonculease: Xmn I. The fragments generated were separated on electrophoresis, transferred to
nitrocellulose and hybridized to a 32P-labelled probe of {gamma}-globin gene. After extensive
washing, two bands, 8.1 kb and 7.0 kb in size, were obtained. The frequency of occurrence of the
presence of Xmn I polymorphic site (7.0 kb fragment) and its absence (8.1 kb fragment) were
documented. The results in Yemeni SCD patients were compared with the results obtained
previously in Saudi Arabs. Of the 30 SCD patients from Yemen 29 had only the 8.1 kb fragment
and one had only the 7.0 kb fragment. This gave the frequency of 0.966 for the absence (-) and
0.033 (+) for the presence of Xmn I polymorphic site. This is the same result as that reported
earlier for SCD patient from southwestern Saudi Arabia [(-)=0.966; (+)=0.033] but is
significantly different from that reported in the eastern province [(-)=0.068; (+) 0.932)] of Saudi
Arabia. This paper presents the nature of molecular linkage in SCD patients from Yemen. ISSN:
El-Hazmi, MAF and Warsy, AS. 1999. Brief Report. Alpha Thalassaemia in Yemeni
Children with Sickle Cell Disease. J ournal of Tropical Pediatrics. December 1. Volume 45,
Issue 6, Pages 370-374. Abstract: Alpha thalassaemia frequently occurs in several of the Middle
Eastern populations. This study was conducted on 26 sickle cell disease (SCD) patients from
Yemen and 19 normal children (Hb AA) living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Blood samples were
extracted by venepuncture, and haematological and biochemical parameters were estimated.
ISSN: 1465-3664.
Elie, Serge D. 2007. The Waning of a Pastoralist Community: An Ethnographic
Exploration of Soqotra as a Transitional Social Formation. England: University of Sussex
(United Kingdom). Abstract: Soqotra is the main island of a four-island Archipelago, and is
undergoing an accelerated change process driven by a dual incorporation process: First, the
Yemeni governments modernization of its infrastructure and consolidation of its political
incorporation into the national community. Second, a United Nations led internationalization of
its economy through the implementation of an environmental protection and ecotourism
Geology of Yemen
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development programme. Consequently, its approximately 50,000 inhabitants, who constituted a
predominantly pastoralist community with a unique language and a mixed ethnic composition,
are now being enlisted in a state-sponsored and internationally assisted community development
process, which has spawn an internal social transformation and communal transition. The
cardinal problematic of this dissertation is to elucidate the current dynamics of Soqotras
politically mediated and development induced communal transition within a historical
continuum. It employs a processual ethnography approach that straddles the contemporary and
historical dimensions to identify the critical processes of transition, the vectors of change, and
their effects. These effects are traced through four domains of social interaction between
Soqotrans and external actors, namely politics, economy, culture and environment. The thesis
that informs and structures this dissertation is that political incorporation has historically
constituted the primary determinant of Soqotras communal order, and is now the main impetus
of its transition. Accordingly, the dissertation situates the islands transition through an overview
of the four phases of its recent history of political encompassment, as forms of sovereignty
arrogated by outsiders (i.e., sultanate fiefdom, socialist administration, unity government, and
post-unity regime), which introduced four divergent types of administrative regimes, as forms of
governmentality (i.e., tributary patrimonialism, democratic centralism, tribal libertarianism, and
an internationally-mediated local governance), and highlights their reconfigurative impacts on
local institutions and practices. Subsequently, it discusses separately the vectors of change (i.e.,
communal mutation, national acculturation, and transcultural annexation) generated, especially
but not exclusively, by the last phase of political encompassment, and explores their adjustment
effects on the islands communal life. Finally, it considers the cultural and developmental
dilemmas generated by this on-going process of change. University of Sussex (United
Kingdom); Ph.D. Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. OCLC: 500366783.
El-Nakhal, H.A. 2005. Review of stratigraphy of the outcropping Cretaceous system in
the Republic of Yemen. J ournal of King Saud University. Science. Volume 17, No 2.
El-Nakhal, Hamed A. 1987. Comparison Between The Groundwater Quality In An
Intermountainous And A Coastal Plain In Yemen Arab Republic. Wallingford, Engl: Int Assoc
of Hydrological Sciences. IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological
Sciences) 169, page(s): 73-80. Irrigation and Water Allocation. Symposium Held during the 19th
General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Vancouver, BC, Can.
Abstract: Groundwater quality of the Sanas and Hudaydah areas, which represent an
intermountainous and a coastal plain, respectively, is compared. The quality of the groundwater
of both areas has been evaluated for irrigation and domestic use by applying the Wilcox (1955)
and the Doneen (1961) methods as well as the standards accepted by the World Health
Organization (1971). The results of the evaluation show that the quality of Sanas water is much
better than that of Hudaydah. The poor quality of Hudaydah groundwater is attributed to its
contamination with sea water and to the low rate of the Hudaydah annual rainfall. Database:
SCOPUS. ISBN: 01447815; 9780947571313. ISSN: 0144-7815. OCLC: 16913671.
El-Nakhal, H. A. 1997. Review of the Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic Erathem in the
Republic of Yemen. Arab Gulf Sci. Res. Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 583-598. Notes: Cited By
(since 1996): 2. Abstract: In Yemen, the Paleozoic Erathem includes the Wajid Formation which
consists of continental sandstone (Carboniferous-Early Permian) and the Kooli Formation which
consists of glacial siltstone and silt-shale (Permian). The Kooli is the lower formation of the
Kohlan Group (Permian-Early J urassic) and it is subdivided into the Sharas Siltstone Member
and the overlying Khalaqah Shale Member. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1015-4442.
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El-Nakhal, Hamed A. 1992. Quality of the Groundwater of the Amran Basin, Republic
of Yemen; 29th International Geological Congress; Abstracts. International Geological
Congress, Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. [International Geological
Congress], [location varies], International; Abstracts =Congres Geologique International,
Resumes. Volume 29, Pages 898. Descriptors: Amran Basin; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; ground
water; water quality; Yemen. Notes: IGC, International Geological Congress. Database: GeoRef.
OCLC: 26750046.
El-Nakhal, Hamed A. 1987. Comparison between the Groundwater Quality in an
Intermountainous and a Coastal Plain in Yemen Arab Republic; Irrigation and Water
Allocation. IAHS-AISH Publication. International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
[Louvain], International. Volume 169, Pages 73-80. Descriptors: Affar Formation; Amran
Formation; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; coastal plains; Ghiras Formation; ground water;
Hudaydah region; hydrogeology; Sanaa region; surveys; water quality; Yemen. References: 4;
illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch maps. Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 0947571310.
El-Nakhal, Hamed A. 1987. Comparison of Groundwater Quality in an
Intermountainous Plain and a Coastal Plain in the Yemen Arab Republic; International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), XIX General Assembly; Abstracts--Union Geodesique Et
Geophysique Internationale (UGGI), XIX Assemblee Generale; Resumes. International Union
of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
(IUGG), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Volume 19, Pages 1000. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula;
Asia; coastal plains; ground water; Hudaydah; hydrogeology; Sanaa; water quality; Yemen.
Database: GeoRef. OCLC: 17103326; 29416399.
El-Zaemey, A. 2000. Water Conservation in Yemen: A Case Study. Database: COS
Conference Papers Index.
El-Zaemey, A. 2000. Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries - Yemen as a
Case Study. Database: COS Conference Papers Index.
Esenkov, OE and Olson, DB. 2002. A Numerical Study of the Somali Coastal
Undercurrents. Deep-Sea Res. (II Top. Stud. Oceanogr. ). Volume 49, Issue 7-8, Pages 1253-
1277. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Coastal currents; Modelling; Nearshore dynamics;
Ocean circulation; Undercurrents; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen, Socotra; Marine. Abstract:
Subsurface circulation in the western Arabian Sea is studied with an open boundary version of
the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). The model solution demonstrates a
strong annual cycle and significant alongshore variability of subsurface circulation. Based on the
dynamics and water properties, three regions are identified along the coast. A cross-equatorial
current, which exists throughout the year, carries low-salinity water northwards. Comparison of
the model results with observations in the equatorial region demonstrates that the model
reproduces the annual cycle and transport of the currents remarkably well. Although it
underestimates the speed of the undercurrent core by about a factor of two, increasing the
horizontal resolution from 0.35 degree to 0.225 degree improves agreement with the
measurements. A spring southward undercurrent between 5 degree N and the equator owes its
existence to the wind forcing in the Arabian Sea. Water with higher salinity values, found in the
coastal region north of 5 degree N, is advected by a southward undercurrent that is present
between October and March. The existence of the undercurrent is caused by flows from the east
and northeast. The latter originates in the Persian Gulf and provides about 75% of water for the
coastal undercurrent. The annual Rossby wave generated in the interior of the domain contributes
to the formation of the current in the fall. The third region is an area near 4 degree N, where the
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southward undercurrent separates, as velocity and salinity fields suggest. Subsurface circulation
north of 5 degree N is disconnected from flows near the equator during most of the year. The
model circulation is not sensitive to the details of coastal bottom topography. In contrast, the
presence of the Socotra Island, which is absent in the model, leads to a more realistic solution in
that the southward undercurrent north of 5 degree N is present throughout the spring. Interannual
variability of the model subsurface fields increases significantly when observed, rather than
climatological, wind forcing is used. The most dramatic changes occur in the coastal and
equatorial regions. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 0967-
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Fabey, Michael. 2000. Attack Waiting To Happen. Traffic World. Commonwealth
Business Media: Volume 264, Issue 4, Pages 40. Descriptors: Ports; Security; Yemen. Abstract:
Subtitle: Lax Port Security, Regional Tension Presage Bombing OF USS Cole. ISSN: 0041-
073X. Availability: Availabile from Northwestern University Transportation Library through
interlibrary loan or document delivery. URL:;
Fabik, Miroslav. 1981. Geologicka Expedice v J emenske Lidove Demokraticke
Republice. Geologic Expedition in Southern Yemen. Geologicky Pruzkum. Zamestnavatelsky
Svaz Dulniho a Naftovho Prumyslu, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Volume 23, Issue 12, Pages 350-
352. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; areal geology; Asia; cartography; economic geology;
exploration; geochemistry; geophysical surveys; ground water; guidebook; hydrogeology; maps;
mining review; nonmetal deposits; reserves; Southern Yemen; surveys. Notes: GEYPAN.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-772X.
Falhorn, M. 1986. Geographische Charakteristik Des Wadi Hadramaut. Geographic
Characteristics of Wadi Hadramaut. Wissenschaftliche Beitraege - Martin-Luther-Universitaet
Halle-Wittenberg. Martin Luther Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Federal Republic of
Germany Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 19, Pages 77-107. Descriptors: agriculture;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; basins; dams; environmental geology; geography; ground water;
hydrogeology; hydrology; intermontane basins; irrigation; land use; soils; Southern Yemen;
springs; surface water; surveys; vegetation; Wadi Hadramaut; water supply; Yemen. Notes:
References: 6; sects., geol. sketch maps. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0440-1298.
Fara, Mohamed. 1993. Sewage Water Disposal and Aquifer Pollution in Arid Lands; a
Case Study; Sanaa Waste Water Discharge; Memoires of the XXIVth Congress of the
International Association of Hydrogeologists; Hydrogeology of Hard Rocks. Memoires -
Association Internationale Des Hydrogeologues =Memoires - International Association of
Hydrogeologists. Association Internationale des Hydrogeologues; Committee of U.S.A.
Members of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Montpellier, International.
Volume 24, Pages 813-823. Descriptors: Al-Rawdah Yemen; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; arid
environment; Asia; discharge; ground water; pollutants; pollution; Sanaa Yemen; sewage;
terrestrial environment; waste water; Yemen. Notes: CD: IAHMAP; References: 7; illus. incl. 2
tables. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0579-6733.
Fara, Mohamed. 1993. Sewage Water Disposal and Aquifer Pollution in Arid Lands
(Case Study; Sanaa Waste Water Discharging). Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt.
Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority, Cairo, Egypt. Volume 19, Pages 425-434.
Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; discharge; geochemistry;
ground water; human waste; hydrochemistry; monitoring; pollutants; pollution; remediation;
Sanaa Yemen; sewage; terrestrial environment; waste disposal; water quality; water treatment;
water wells; wells; Yemen. Notes: AGSECC; References: 2; illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch map.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0365-2777.
Fara, Mohamed, Chandrasekharam, Dornadula and Minissale, Angelo. 1999.
Hydrogeochemistry of Damt Thermal Springs, Yemen Republic. Geothermics. Elsevier Ltd:
Volume 28, Issue 2, Pages 241-252. Descriptors: Natural water geochemistry; Analytical
geochemistry; Composition; Deposits; Dissolution; Geothermal springs; Limestone; Sandstone;
Temperature measurement. Abstract: The Damt thermal springs (40-45C), flowing through
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travertine deposits, belong to the Na-HCO3 type of water, and have higher pCO2 (from -1.18 to -
0.58 =PCO2 from 0.07 to 0.26 atm) relative to cold Ca-SO4-(Cl) groundwaters. The cold waters
have pCO2 ranging from -1.86 to -2.50 (=PCO2 from 0.014 to 0.0035 atm). The chemical
composition of the cold springs is controlled by evaporite deposits present in the Tawilah
sandstone and Amran limestone formations, while simple crustal dissolution, coupled with CO2-
rich fluid-rock interaction control the chemical signature of the hot spring waters. The
temperature of the feeding system, based on the K2/Mg geothermometer, varies between 80 and
120C. Damt thermal springs appear to be related to a 10,000 year-old volcanic activity that led to
the appearance of several craters in the area. ISSN: 0375-6505. URL:
Farquharson, FAK, J . R. Meigh, and J . V. Sutcliffe. 1992. "Regional Flood Frequency
Analysis in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas." J ournal of Hydrology (Amsterdam) 138.3 (1992): 487-
501. Abstract: The relationship between maximal annual flood (MAF) and catchment
characteristics in arid and semi-arid regions, where flood measurement was difficult, was studied
by analysing 3637 station-years of data from 162 basins with annual rainfall less than 600 mm in
12 countries. Regional and interregional flood frequency curves constructed by combining
dimensionless flood frequency curves for individual stations within each region (using the
probability weighted moments method) showed strong similarity, with extreme slope and
skewness indicating similar storm characteristics. MAF regressions on catchment area and mean
annual rainfall showed that MAF might be estimated from regression equations for Iran, Saudi
Arabia and Yemen, Queensland (Australia), South Africa and Botswana, although data from
some countries was currently insufficient to give reliable results. Overall grouped regression
provided a good general predictor of MAP in most areas studied even where local flood data
were unavailable. ISSN: 0022-1694.
Farquharson, F. A. K., Plinston, D. T. and Sutcliffe, J . V. 1996. Rainfall and Runoff in
Yemen. Hydrological Sciences J ournal- J ournal- des Sciences Hydrologiques. IAHS Press:
Wallingford, United Kingdom. Volume 41, Issue 5, Pages 797-811. Descriptors: Rain; Arid
regions; Computer aided analysis; Mathematical models; Runoff; Statistical methods. Abstract:
This paper makes use of a water balance study of a mountainous area with a wide range of
average annual rainfall in an arid and semiarid region to illustrate the development of both a
statistical model of daily rainfall and a rainfall-runoff model. The models are appropriate for
these conditions and may be relevant to similar areas. Comparisons of mean rainfall and runoff at
the arid end of the scale suggest that runoff coefficients do not conform to common assumptions.
ISSN: 0262-6667.
Faruqui, Naser I. Biswas, Asit K. and Bino, Murad J . 2001. Water Management in Islam.
IDRC. Page(s): 149 pages. Descriptors: Water resources development; Water-supply; Water-
supply Africa, North; Water-supply Middle East. Notes: Islam and the environment; ownership
and transfer of water and land in Islam ISBN: 0889369240. URL:
Favrel, P. 1961. Aden - Ground control for aerial mapping of lahej area - Report to the
government. FAO 1961 - EPTA Report no 1310 - 17 p. Keywords: Cartography; Aerial
Surveying; Photography; Photogrammetry; Management; Land Levelling; Height; Training;
Democratic Yemen. Epta Project. Report Number: LA-EPTA 1310. FAO Library Accession
Number: 051310.
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Fediuk, Ferry and Sebesta, J iri. 2006. Proces Vymyvani Pri Vzniku Sutovych Forem
J emenskeho Ostrova Sokotry. Selective Sorting Processes Forming Slope-Debris Patterns in
Socotra Island, Yemen. Zpravy o Geologickych Vyzkumech v Roce. Cesky Geologicky Ustav,
Prague, Czech Republic. Volume 2005, Pages 148-149. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
bedrock; Cenozoic; climate; debris; erosion; gabbros; geomorphology; Haggerher Mountains;
igneous rocks; landforms; patterns; plutonic rocks; processes; Quaternary; rainfall; relief; slopes;
Socotra Island; soils; vegetation; Yemen. References: 4. Abstract: Spectacular forms of blocky
debris on the slopes built by gabbroic rocks have been found in western part of Haggeher Mts.
(Socotra Island). They occur as dark irregular patches 100 to 500 m (super 2) in areal extent,
entirely free of vegetation in contrast to the green surroundings covered with plants. At first
sight, these forms resemble polygonal soils known from sub-nival areas. Here however, in
tropical environment (12 degrees from the equator), their origin requires a quite different
explanation. The gabbro in the substrate of the debris is dissected by two systems of subvertical
and mutually perpendicular joints. In the places of especially intensive jointing and at the
junction of the two systems, the rain-water flushes fine particles of the debris into open joints
and only coarse stony material unsuitable for vegetation remains on the surface. The designation
selective winnowing can be used for this process. Low coastal plains of the island have a
typical arid character with average rainfall 120 mm/y only, but this value raises ten times in the
mountains making the winnowing of debris effective. Database: GeoRef in Process. ISSN: 0514-
8057. URL:
Fennema, F. and Briede, J . W. 1990. The Effect of Clipping and Water Stress on the
Production of Selected Grass Species in the Yemen Arab Republic. J . Arid Environ. Volume
19, Issue 1, Pages 119-124. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 2. Abstract: Andropogon distachyos,
Tetrapogon villosus, Themeda triandra and Agropyron desertorum were clipped to 1.5 cm at 3 or
6 wk intervals and soil moisture was kept near field capacity. T. villosus tolerated defoliation in
combination with water stress better than the other native grass species. T. triandra seemed to be
the least tolerant to clipping, whereas A. distachyos was intermediate. -from Authors. Database:
SCOPUS. ISSN: 0140-1963.
Ferguson, M. E., Al-Hadrami, G., Al-Rowaily, S. L. R., Al Hajoj, A. and Peacock, J . M.
1999. Desert Forages of the Arabian Peninsula; a Solution for Enhancing Conservation and
Combating Desertification; the Third Conference on Desertification and Environmental Studies;
Beyond the Year 2000; Proceedings. Proceedings - Conference on Desertification and
Environmental Studies. United Nations Environment Programme and King Saud University,
Prince Sultan Center for Environmental, Water and Desert Research, International. Volume 3,
Pages 209-217. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; biota; data bases; data processing;
degradation; desertification; deserts; drought; ecology; eolian features; global change; global
warming; grasses; ground water; habitat; irrigation; land use; nutrients; Oman; Plantae;
rangelands; recharge; salinization; United Arab Emirates; vegetation; water quality; Yemen.
References: 11; illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch maps. Abstract: The native plant biodiversity of the
Arabian Peninsula, which comprises over 3500 species, is being rapidly depleted. The primary
cause is overgrazing, particularly by the large population of small ruminants (24 million and
growing steadily). increasing amounts of supplementary feed in the form of alfalfa and Rhodes
grass is being produced to accommodate the shortfall from the rangeland. These species,
introduced to the region, consume huge volumes of water, mainly applied through irrigation
from groundwater. Groundwater reserves have fallen dramatically, thus salinity levels have risen.
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The combined effects have meant that the potential productivity of the land has fallen,
desertification is accelerated and, in some cases, the land has had to be abandoned. Some of the
National Agricultural Research Systems of the Arabian Peninsula, working with the International
Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), have taken steps to address the
resulting degradation. This paper describes step-by-step an holistic approach that was begun in
1997 to address the problems. It started with the collection of indigenous knowledge and
interviews with local Bedouin farmers in the United Arab Emirates; continued through a series of
training programs for human resource development, germplasm collection missions in the UAE,
the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Yemen; the development of herbaria, databases, and
one large genebank in the Republic of Yemen as well as a working collection in the UAE. Seed
has been multiplied and evaluations for water-use efficiency and nutritive value are underway.
Initial data shows that not only do the desert forages use less water than the introduced forages,
but also their nutritive value is as good. In addition to determining a sustainable forage
production system, research is underway to define appropriate restoration and rehabilitation
methodologies, and small enclosures have been selected, in some countries, viz., Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE, for this purpose. Some of the collaborative research at the
Range & Development Research Center at Al-J ouf in Saudi Arabia is briefly described. This
research will not only benefit the Arabian Peninsula countries, but also all countries that are
likely to face the increasing impacts of global warming, salinity, drought and desertification in
the 21st century. Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 9960373800; 9789960373805. OCLC: 191914549.
First Country Programme for the Republic of Yemen. 1992. New York: UN. Page(s): 18.
Descriptors: Indicative Planning Figures; Country Programmes; Development Strategies;
Development Assistance; Statistical Services; Resources Mobilization; Management
Development; Administrative Reform; Manpower Development; Health Services; Education;
Employment; Sustainable Development; Natural Resources Development; Water Resources
Development; Mineral Resources Development; Yemen; Project Finance; Aid Coordination;
Programme Management; UNDP -- Programme management; Government publication;
International government publication; Internet resource. Notes: tables. Development projects.
Issued under agenda item 6, agenda document DP/1992/L.14. Issued under agenda item 6a,
agenda document DP/1992/L.14. General Info: Distribution: General. Other Titles: 1st country
programme for the Republic of Yemen. OCLC Accession Number: 123432900; 84293218.
Fischer, J ., Schott, F. and Stramma, L. 1996. Currents and Transports of the Great
Whirl-Socotra Gyre System during the Summer Monsoon, August 1993. J . Geophys. Res. (C
Oceans). Volume 101, Issue C2, Pages 3573-3587. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: current
observations; current velocity; dynamical oceanography; monsoons; ocean circulation; ocean
currents; oceanic eddies; Article Geographic Terms: Indian Ocean, Great Whirl; Indian Ocean,
Socotra Gyre; Somali Dem. Rep. Yemen, Socotra; Marine. Abstract: From August 11 to 22,
1993, a conductivity-temperature-depth/acoustic Doppler current profiler survey was carried out
in the Somali-Socotra region to investigate currents and transports associated with the Great
Whirl and Socotra Gyre circulation during the height of the summer monsoon. The monsoon
circulation was confined to the upper 300 m depth, with intense surface currents up to 2.2 m s
super(-1) in the Great Whirl and up to 1.4 m s super(-1) in the Socotra Gyre. Deeper-reaching
flow was found in the northwestern part of the Somali Basin and in the passage between the shelf
of Somalia and Abd al Kuri. The Great Whirl transport was 58 Sv, of which nearly 25% were
due to ageostrophic flow components. The northern part of the Great Whirl thereby appeared as a
closed circulation cell in which the offshore transport was balanced by a southward transport of
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the same magnitude. Upwelled water was advected from the cold wedge of the upwelling regime
at the Somali coast along the edge of the gyre. The water in the center of the gyre had the
characteristics of Indian Equatorial Water (IEW). The Socotra Gyre carried 23 Sv of modified
Arabian Sea Water (ASW). Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN:
Flanders, Lowell and Institute for Development Anthropology (Binghamton, N.Y.). 1987.
Mission Report. Descriptors: Natural resources -- Yemen; Water supply -- Yemen, South; Rural
development projects -- Yemen; Applied anthropology -- Yemen; Manuscript. Abstract: Yemeni
joint project for natural resources;: Kuwait, 27 J une - 1 J uly --; Rural water supply Bedouin
communities; Denmark, 1 J uly - 4 J uly. Notes: 21 pages; 28 cm. Note(s): Title from cover. 7
J uly 1987. TCD - 3269. Responsibility: Lowell Flanders. OCLC Accession Number:
Fleitmann, D., Burns, S. J ., Mangini, A., et al. 2007. Holocene ITCZ and Indian
Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Stalagmites from Oman and Yemen (Socotra). Quat. Sci. Rev.
Volume 26, Issue 1-2, Pages 170-188. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 44. Abstract: High-
resolution oxygen isotope (18O) profiles of Holocene stalagmites from four caves in Northern
and Southern Oman and Yemen (Socotra) provide detailed information on fluctuations in
precipitation along a latitudinal transect from 12N to 23N. 18O values reflect the amount of
precipitation which is primarily controlled by the mean latitudinal position of the ITCZ and
dynamics of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM). During the early Holocene rapidly decreasing
18O values indicate a rapid northward displacement in the mean latitudinal position of the
summer ITCZ and the associated ISM rainfall belt, with decadal- to centennial-scale changes in
monsoon precipitation correlating well with high-latitude temperature variations recorded in
Greenland ice cores. During the middle to late Holocene the summer ITCZ continuously
migrated southward and monsoon precipitation decreased gradually in response to decreasing
solar insolation, a trend, which is also recorded in other monsoon records from the Indian and
East Asian monsoon domains. Importantly, there is no evidence for an abrupt middle Holocene
weakening in monsoon precipitation. Although abrupt monsoon events are apparent in all
monsoon records, they are short-lived and clearly superimposed on the long-term trend of
decreasing monsoon precipitation. For the late Holocene there is an anti-correlation between
ISM precipitation in Oman and inter-monsoon (spring/autumn) precipitation on Socotra,
revealing a possible long-term change in the duration of the summer monsoon season since at
least 4.5 ka BP. Together with the progressive shortening of the ISM season, gradual southward
retreat of the mean summer ITCZ and weakening of the ISM, the total amount of precipitation
decreased in those areas located at the northern fringe of the Indian and Asian monsoon domains,
but increased in areas closer to the equator. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0277-3791.
Florida State Univ, Tallahassee, Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction Group and Simmons, Ray
C; Luther, Mark E; OBrien, J ames J ; Legler, David M. 1987. Verification of a Numerical
Ocean Model of the Arabian Sea. August 1987. Page(s): 82 Contract Number: N00014-82-C-
0404. Abstract: A case study evaluating the predictive capability of an upper layer circulation
model of the northwest Indian Ocean is presented. The ocean model is a nonlinear, reduced
gravity model incorporating realistic boundary geometry and is forced by actual wind
observations. Model results for the fall of 1985 are compared to, and evaluated against, U S
Navy bathythermograph and NOAA satellite data collected during Aug-Nov 1985. An
assessment of the models ability to predict correctly the circulation structure is made. Wind
observations were converted to wind stress for model forcing by a procedure developed by
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Leglar and Navon (1987). While the model is only moderately successful in reproducing the
structure of the large, rather homogeneous pool of water located off the Arabian Peninsula in
September, it behaves remarkably well in the dynamically active region around Socotra. Major
oceanographic fronts and eddies frequently observed in the region during the transition period
between the southwest and the northwest monsoon appear in the 1985 model results and compare
well, both temporally and spacially, with the observational data. Thus, given accurate wind
information, the model appears highly effective in dynamically active regions, and demonstrates
potential as a useful prognostic tool for evaluation of the Arabian Sea when real time winds
become available.Keywords: Air sea interactions. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical
Reports Collection. Notes: Technical rept., DTIC Accession Number: ADA185777.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 1979. Survey and evaluation of available data
on shared water resources in the Gulf States and the Arabian Peninsula. Volume I. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); Marty Matlock (Topic Editor). 2008. "Water
profile of Yemen." In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J . Cleveland (Washington, D.C.:
Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [First
published in the Encyclopedia of Earth December 13, 2006; Last revised May 8, 2008; Retrieved
April 1, 2010]. URL:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1997. Yemen. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Page(s): 271-278. Descriptors: Water resources
development; Water-supply; Water-supply, Rural. Abstract: The AQUASTAT programme has
been initiated with the view of presenting a comprehensive picture of water resources and
irrigation in developing countries. This report presents the results of a survey of the Near East
Region taken in 1995 and 1996. The survey relied mostly on country-based statistics and
information contained in sector studies and master plans. A general summary presents a regional
analysis of water resources and irrigation in the Near East Region, and 29 profiles describe the
situation in each country in more detail. ISBN: 9251039690. URL:
Foppen, J . W. A., Naaman, M. and Schijven, J . F. 2005. Managing Water Under Stress
in Sanaa, Yemen. Arabian J ournal for Science & Engineering, Section C: Theme Issues.
Arabian J ournal for Science & Engineering: 12. Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 69-83. Descriptors:
Water quality management; Groundwater; Sewerage; Aquifers; Water -- Analysis; Sanitation;
Yemen (Republic); ground water pollution; groundwater modeling; pollution control; sustainable
water use; Urban groundwater; waste water management. Abstract: Lack of water management
in the Sanaa Basin in Yemen has led to mining of groundwater and massive groundwater quality
deterioration. In the last four years, management of waste water has changed dramatically and
entire city neighborhoods have been connected to a conventional sewer system. In this paper, the
effects of this measure on long-term groundwater quality development of the aquifers underlying
Sanaa and, more specifically, on water quality of the public supply peri-urban wellfields are
analyzed. The results, obtained with a transient groundwater model, indicated that by 2020 the
construction of the sewerage will have considerably reduced the area polluted by groundwater,
but the process is slow. Furthermore, construction of the sewerage will hardly affect the
groundwater quality of the wellfields, since flow is not directed towards most of the production
wells. The Yemeni authorities should realize that less expensive sanitation alternatives are
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available, but they need user participation, which, in turn, would raise public awareness that
water supplies and sanitation are not to be seen as solely a government responsibility. ISSN:
Foppen, J WA. 2002. Impact of High-Strength Wastewater Infiltration on Groundwater
Quality and Drinking Water Supply: The Case of Sanaa, Yemen. J . Hydrol. (Amst.). 10 J une
2002. Volume 263, Issue 1-4, Pages 198-216. Descriptors: Acidification; Anions; Calcium;
Cation Exchange; Cations; Cesspool; Cesspools; Chlorides; Drinking water; Environmental
Effects; Ground water; Groundwater Pollution; Infiltration; Ion exchange; Model Studies;
Nitrates; Path of Pollutants; Pollution (Environmental); Pollution (Groundwater); Prediction;
Survey; Surveys; Waste water; Wastewater; Wastewater Disposal; Water Quality; Water quality
(Natural waters); Water supplies; Water supply; Water wells; pH; Article Geographic Terms:
Yemen; Yemen, Sanaa; Freshwater. Notes: TR: CS0507491. Abstract: In Sanaa, the capital of
the Yemen Arab Republic, a major well inventory was compiled in 1995 during which samples
were analysed for major cations and anions. Five years later the opportunity was taken to repeat
the exercise on a sub-set of the original wells. The results showed that groundwater in the urban
area was characterised by high concentrations of almost all major cations and anions due to the
continuous infiltration of wastewater into the aquifers via cesspits. The dominant watertype
appeared to be CaCl sub(2). The Cl super(-)-concentration ranged from 3 to 10 mmol/1 and NO
sub(3) super(-)-concentration ranged from 1 to 3 mmol/1 while NH sub(4) super(+) was absent
in all samples. It is concluded that cation exchange has taken place. Ca super(2+) in groundwater
has been enriched, while Na super(+), K super(+) and NH sub(4) super(+) have been depleted.
Groundwater affected by wastewater had pH values of 0.5-1 unit lower than groundwater not
affected by wastewater, indicating that acidification has taken place. Over the period between the
two surveys, concentrations of almost all major anions and cations increased, while pH
decreased, both owing to the continuous infiltration of wastewater. An exploratory one-
dimensional transport model of a 200 m column of the aquifer underlying Sanaa showed that,
over a 15-year period of continuous wastewater infiltration, a quarter of the NH sub(4) super(+)
present in raw sewage would oxidise to NO sub(3) super(-) thereby producing acidity and some
60% would be adsorbed. The model indicates that after 50 years of wastewater infiltration,
exchange of NH sub(4) super(+) has become limited due to the limited cation exchange capacity
(CEC) of the soil. Therefore more NH sub(4) super(+) will be oxidised to NO sub(3) super(-)
and [NO sub(3) super(-)] in groundwater will rise. At the same time, groundwater in the zone of
NH sub(4) super(+) oxidation will become very acid due to a lack of buffering minerals. The
modelling studies, together with the results from the surveys, tend to indicate that up to 12% of
the current population of the city could be dependent on contaminated groundwater for their
drinking water supply. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 0022-1694.
Foppen, J WA; Naaman, M. and Schijven, J F. 2005. Managing Urban Water Under
Stress: The Case of Sanaa, Yemen. Water Resources Management III. Page(s): 101-110.
Descriptors: Groundwater; Groundwater Pollution; Sanitation; Water Resources Management;
Construction; Groundwater Basins; Water Management; Geohydrology; Stress; water quality;
Aquifers; Basins; Water supplies; Wastewater; public awareness; responsibility; Mining; Sewers;
Urban areas; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen. Abstract: Lack of water management in the
Sanaa Basin in Yemen has led to mining of groundwater and massive groundwater quality
deterioration. In the last four years, management of wastewater has changed dramatically and
entire city neighborhoods have been connected to a conventional sewer system. In this paper, the
effects of this measure on long-term groundwater quality development of the aquifers underlying
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Sanaa and, more specifically, on water quality of the public supply peri-urban wellfields are
analyzed. The results, obtained with a transient groundwater model, indicated that by 2020 the
construction of the sewerage will have considerably reduced the area polluted by groundwater,
but the process is slow. Furthermore, construction of the sewerage will hardly affect the
groundwater quality of the wellfields, since flow is not directed towards most of the production
wells. The Yemeni authorities should realize that less expensive sanitation alternatives are
available, but they need user participation, which, in turn, would raise public awareness that
water supplies and sanitation are not to be seen as solely a government responsibility. ISBN:
1845640071. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. OCLC Accession Number: 7327802.
Foster, Stephen. 2003. Yemen: rationalizing groundwater resource utilization in the
Sanaa Basin. Sustainable Groundwater Management- Lessons from practice. Case Profile
Collection Number 3. World Bank. OCLC: 62071935. URL:
Francaviglia, V. M. and Cessari, L. 1995. Due Citta Fragili; Samarcanda (Uzbekistan) e
Shibam (J emen). Two Fragile Towns; Samarkand, Uzbekistan and Shibam, Yemen; La Citta
Fragile in Italia. The Fragile City in Italy. Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia. Universita di
Bari, Istituto di Geologia Applicata, Facolta di Ingegneria, Bari, Italy. Volume 30, Pages 509-
525. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; archaeological sites; Asia; buildings; case studies;
Commonwealth of Independent States; damage; foundations; geologic hazards; ground water;
land subsidence; land use; planning; reclamation; Samarkand Uzbekistan; Shibam Yemen; site
exploration; urban environment; Uzbekistan; water table; Yemen. References: 12; illus. incl.
sketch maps. Abstract: It is a question of two opposite extremes, of two different kinds of
fragility. The first, that of Samarkand, a steppe town, can be considered as the final stage of the
evolution of an architectural and town-planning heritage in which the course of time, the
numerous social, political, economical and cultural changes have led to a situation of such decay
that the Municipality has been compelled to launch a Plan for the Revitalisation of Samarkand.
This town, its historical centre at least, is no longer in equilibrium with the social, economical
and cultural context in which exists, and more recently not even with the environmental one. The
second, that of Shibam, a desert town, on the contrary represents a typical case of a town which
has remained perfectly in equilibrium with the social, economical, cultural and environmental
context which has created it, this latter having changed only slightly. Notwithstanding this, its
fragility does not originate from the circumstance of being made up of sun-dried mud bricks, but
is implicit in the seducing prospects of an economical growth fuelled by oil revenues and so
rapid that the architectural heritage in its whole cannot react through adequate modifications. In
the case for Uzbekistan, the historical centre of Samarkand, with its famous monuments by
Tamerlane covered with polychrome faiences, has become de jure et de facto an open-air
museum, a totally passive entity whose contribution to the creation of national wealth is
negligible, which runs the risk of being destroyed totally due to the water-bearing layer raising
and restoration works carried out by using inadequate materials. This threatening water level
raising has been caused by unconstrained town-planning techniques. As a matter of fact, as
restoration works of timurid and post-timurid monuments, tending to give then back their
original splendour, are going on since some decades, a water-level raising of 8 metres in the last
18 years has helped in a differential subsidence of all monuments, both ancient and modern. As a
consequence, structural damages, as well as collapses as in the recent case of the Chor-Minar of
Buchara, have occurred. The problems affecting Samarkand and its monuments are of technical
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origin only, not political, and thus of easy--though expensive--solution. On the contrary, in the
near future Shibam will face different problems, of less easier solution but in which we should
avail ourselves of any previous experience learned from similar cases in Europe and in Sana
itself, the Yemen capital city. Due to the lack of any local good stone, the only building materials
since ever used in Shibam, as well in the whole Wadi Hadhramaut, have been sun-dried mud-
bricks for structures, wood for architraves and plaster for adorning facades. All this architectural
heritage, which not only includes habitations but also religious and military buildings, due to its
specific nature deserves a greater amount of skilled manpower, easy to get thanks to its low
costs. The foreseeable economical growth, and its impact on local culture, will unavoidable lead
to a progressive neglecting of traditional buildings in favour of less expensive and more durable
models, made up of reinforced concrete and concrete-bricks. Shibam, together with all the
marvels of Wadi Hadhramaut, is condemned to a slow and physical disappearance unless any
adequate safeguard plan is proposed and carried out. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0435-3870.
Francaviglia, Vincenzo M. 2000. Dating the Ancient Dam of MaRib (Yemen). J ournal
of Archaeological Science. 7. Volume 27, Issue 7, Pages 645-653. Descriptors: Yemen,
Sabaeans, Marib Dam, 14c Dating, Sediments, Irrigation, Arid Lands, Desert Farming. ISSN:
Fratantoni, D. M., Bower, A. S., J ohns, W. E. and Peters, H. 2006. Somali Current
Rings in the Eastern Gulf of Aden. J . Geophys. Res. C Oceans. Volume 111, Issue 9, Notes:
Cited By (since 1996): 2. Abstract: New satellite-based observations reveal that westward
translating anticyclonic: rings are generated as a portion of the Somali Current accelerates
northward through the Socotra Passage near the mouth of the Gulf of Aden. Rings thus formed
exhibit azimuthal geostrophic velocities exceeding 50 cm/s, are comparable in overall diameter
to the width of the Gulf of Aden (250 km), and translate westward into the gulf at 5-8 cm/s. Ring
generation is most notable in satellite ocean color imagery in November immediately following
the transition between southwest (boreal summer) and northeast (winter) monsoon regimes. The
observed rings contain anomalous fluid within their core which reflects their origin in the
equator-crossing Somali Current system. Estimates of Socotra Passage flow variability derived
from satellite altimetry provide evidence for a similar ring generation process in May following
the winter-to-summer monsoon transition. Cyclonic recirculation eddies are observed to spin up
on the eastern flank of newly formed rings with the resulting vortex pair translating westward
together. Recent shipboard and Lagrangian observations indicate that vortices of both sign have
substantial vertical extent and may dominate the lateral circulation at all depths in the eastern
Gulf of Aden. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0148-0227.
Freytag, Berndt und Artaria. 2002. J emen, Autokarte 1:1 500 000: Ortsverzeichnis, Mit
planen Von Sanaa Und Aden. Wien: Freytag-Berndt u. Artaria. Freytag-Berndt Autokarte;
Variation: Freytag, Berndt und Artaria. Freytag-Berndt Autokarte. Descriptors: Roads -- Yemen
(Republic) -- Maps; Yemen (Republic) -- Maps, Tourist. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 63 x 92
cm., folded in cover 24 x 13 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:1,500,000. 1 cm. =15 km. Note(s): Road
maps with tourist features. Relief shown by shading and spot heights. Includes notes, inset city
maps of Sanaa and Aden. Other Titles: Alternate cover title: Yemen, road map 1:1 500 000;
index, with city maps of Sanaa & Aden; Title in upper margin: J emen; Parallel title in upper
margin: Yemen; Freytag & Berndt J emen; Responsibility: Freytag & Berndt; Kartographie,
Druck u. Verlag--Freytag-Berndt u. Artaria. ISBN: 3850843068; 9783850843065; LCCN: 2008-
625229. OCLC Accession Number: 39815895.
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Gabaly, M. M. 1977. Problems and Effects of Irrigation in the Near East Region; Arid
Land Irrigation in Developing Countries; Environmental Problems and Effects. United Kingdom:
Pergamon Press, Oxford. International Symposium on Arid Land Irrigation in Developing
Countries, Alexandria. Egypt Conference: Feb. 16-21, 1976. Descriptors: Afghanistan; Africa;
agriculture; Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; Bahrain; Cyprus; developing countries;
East Africa; Egypt; environmental geology; field crops; ground water; Indian Peninsula; Iran;
Iraq; irrigation; J ordan; Kuwait; land use; Lebanon; levels; Libya; Middle East; North Africa;
Oman; Pakistan; Qatar; salinity; Saudi Arabia; seepage; soils; Somali Republic; Sudan; Syria;
terrestrial environment; United Arab Emirates; water quality; Yemen; yields. References: 8;
tables. Database: GeoRef. OCLC Accession Number: 2957694.
Galhena, Ravindra. Braced for Challenge. Containerisation International. T&F Informa
UK, Limited: Pages 53-. Descriptors: Freight forwarders; Shipping. Abstract: Ravindra Galhena
reports on the opportunities and challenges facing ship agency and logistics company Barwil
Unitor as it seeks to raise its profile in Yemen. Database: TRIS. ISSN/ISBN: 0010-7379.
Availability: Available from Northwestern University Transportation Library through
interlibrary loan or document delivery. TRIS Accession Number: 01097728. URL:
Ganchikov, VG and Munavvarov, ZI. 1991. The Marib Dam (History and the Present
Time). Hydrotechnical Construction HYCOAR. Vol. 25, No. 4. October. Volume p 242-248,
Pages 1991. (Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 4, pp. 5055, April, 1991.)
Descriptors: Archaeology; History; Irrigation programs; Marib Dam; Water resources
development; Yemen; Developing countries; International agreements; Tourism; United Nations.
Abstract: Historically, Yemen has been recognized for the magnificence of its ancient water
engineering. From the Red Sea coast to the limits of the Rub al Khali desert are numerous ruins
of small and large dams made of earth and stone. The summit of hydraulic construction in
ancient times is the Marib dam, the ruins of which give evidence of the broad engineering
knowledge and construction abilities of the Yemenis of about the 6th century B.C. Downstream
from the Marib dam two irrigation systems were built to supply water to about 10,000 ha of land.
The dam, with various additions and reconstructions, lasted for 1300 yr before falling into
disrepair following a war. Recently a dam was built upstream of the ruins of the Marib dam.
However, the wadi bed at the new dam site consists of alluvial sand and gravel material 30-50 m
thick. Seepage emanates from this dam that does not threaten its structure. As a way of capturing
the seepage, consideration is being given to rebuilding the ancient Marib dam , both as
functioning structure, but as a historic monument to be visited by tourists interested in other
monuments of ancient civilizations of the Marib plains. The complexity and volume of work
involved in this project make it necessary that several organizations work together under the
aegis of UNESCO, using financial contributions from international organizations. Database:
Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 1930-630X.
Garbrecht, J urgen D. and Garbrecht, Guenther K. H. 2004. Siltation Behind Dams in
Antiquity. ASCE. ASCE Conference Proceedings. Water Resources and Environmental History;
Proceedings of EWRI Annual Meeting 2004. Volume: 140, 40738, page(s): 6. Conference: J une
27, 2004. Descriptors: Dams; History; Silts; Middle East; Iran; Yemen. Abstract: The siltation
behind dams in antiquity and measures to extend the operational life of reservoirs is illustrated
for the Marib and Kebar dams in Yemen and Iran, respectively. For both dams siltation played a
major role. The Marib dam impounded floodwaters to enable irrigation of downstream oases.
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Over several centuries, silts entrained in the irrigation water accumulated on the irrigated fields
up to 15 m high, and the dam was raised to compensate for the loss of slope and conveyance due
to the sedimentation. The Kebar dam was an arch dam designed as a small storage reservoir. In
addition to small operational openings for irrigation water withdrawals, large openings on the
upstream side of the dam were probably used during construction to pass the water of the river,
but may also have been used for periodical flushing of accumulated sediments. Both examples
show that the engineers of the time were keenly aware of reservoir siltation problems and were
able to successfully extend the operational lifetime of the reservoirs by structural enhancements
and probable sediment flushing. URL:
Garzanti, E., Vezzoli, G., And, S. and Castiglioni, G. 2001. Petrology of Rifted-Margin
Sand (Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Yemen). J . Geol. Volume 109, Issue 3, Pages 277-297. Notes:
Cited By (since 1996): 14. Abstract: The Red Sea-Gulf of Aden rift system, displaying a
complete record of magmatic activity and characterized by arid climate and negligible anthropic
modifications, provides an ideal natural laboratory for studies aimed at defining actualistic
references for both volcanic and nonvolcanic rifted-margin provenances. Rifted-margin sands are
derived in various proportions from volcanic to plutonic rocks emplaced before, during, or after
the climax of tectonic extension (volcanic rifted-margin provenance) and from prerift
sedimentary successions and underlying crystalline basements progressively unroofed during
uplift of rift blocks (rift-shoulder provenance). Volcaniclastic rifted-margin sands are
feldspatholithic, as are those shed by Pacific-type magmatic arcs, but are characterized by
bimodal (basalt/rhyolite) lithics, abundant granophyte grains, and low plagioclase/total feldspar
(P/F) ratios due to supply from synrift hypersolvus alkali granites, representing the upper levels
of rift-generated juvenile crust. Augite dominates among dense minerals; detritus from postrift
alkali-basalt fields includes olivine and, locally, enstatite and spinel. Sedimentary detritus from
undissected rift shoulders consists of recycled quartz and carbonate sedimentary lithics; dense
mineral assemblages include largely rounded to subrounded, recycled durable grains, zircon, and
rutile being concentrated locally due to their higher density. Arkosic sands from basement rocks
exposed on dissected rift shoulders display remarkably consistent compositions, with excess
quartz with respect to ideal arkose; hornblende-rich assemblages from amphibolite-facies
gneiss terranes contrast with epidote-dominated assemblages from greenschist-facies arc
terranes. Diagnostic signatures and compositional trends recorded by modern Yemen sands may
help in interpreting provenance of ancient rift-related sandstone suites. Database: SCOPUS.
ISSN: 0022-1376.
Gavin, R. J . 1975. Aden Under British Rule 1839-1967. . London: C Hurst. Page(s): 472.
Abstract: A comprehensive and well researched history of Aden is provided by Gavin who
covers the whole period of British involvement from 1839 to the military evacuation in 1967.
Notes: x, 472 pages: ill. 23 cm. ISBN: 0064923371. OCLC Accession Number: 1990965.
Gear, Donald and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1962.
Report to the Government of Aden on Recommendations Concerning the Investigation and
Solution of the Problems of Developing the Underground Water Supplies of the Aden Arab
Protectorates. Descriptors: Groundwater -- Arab countries; Water resources development -- Arab
countries; Aden (Protectorate); Government publication; International; government publication.
Notes: 27 p. 28 cm. Note(s): Proj. ADEN/TE/LA. Other Titles: Recommendations concerning
the investigation and solution of the problems of developing the underground water supplies of
the Aden Arab Protectorates; Responsibility: by Donald Gear. OCLC Accession Number:
Geology of Yemen
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Gear, Donald; United Nations Development Programme and Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. 1970. Report to the Government of Southern Yemen on the
Underground Water Resources of the Region to the North of the Wadi Hadhramaut and the J ebel
Mahrat and their Development. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Page(s): 43. Descriptors: Groundwater -- Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic); Water-supply
-- Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic); Livestock -- Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic);
Government publication; International government publication. Notes: vi; 28 cm. Note(s):
MR/A0675/4.70/E/1/250--P. 4 of cover. Includes bibliographical references (p. 43). Other
Titles: Underground water resources of the region to the north of the Wadi Hadhramaut and the
J ebel Mahrat and their development; Responsibility: based on the work of Donald Gear. OCLC
Accession Number: 40930758.
Gear, Donald. 1970. Southern Yemen: the underground water resources of the Aden
Arab Protectorate and their development: report to the government. Technical Report no 8. 63
pages. 13 tab., 3 maps. Water Resources; Resource Management; Groundwater; Topography;
Drainage; Precipitation; Flooding; Hydrogeology; Geomorphology; Wells; Geology;
Cartography; Water Supply; Water Levels; Engineering; Pipes; Energy; Supply; Water Drilling;
Information Needs; Water Quality; Hydrodynamics; Pumping; Democratic Yemen. Report No:
AGL-TECH. REP. NO 8. FAO: Acc.No: 112259.
Gear, Donald. 1962. Aden - Recommendations concerning the investigation and solution
of the problems of developing the underground water supplies of the Aden Arab protectorates -
Report to the government. FAO 196i - EPTA Report no 1481 - 29 p., 1 tab. Keywords: Training;
Workers; Scientists; Water Supply; Groundwater; Water Resources; Resource Management;
Water Management; Democratic Yemen. EPTA PROJ ECT. Report Number: LA-EPTA 1481.
FAO Library Accession Number: 051481.
Gear, Donald. 1961. The underground water resources of the Aden Arab protectorates
and their development. Aden, 1961 - Epta Project 1481, Underground Water Resources Report
No 8 - 60 P., 16 Tab., 4 Maps - For Final Report See /51481. Keywords: Water Resources;
Resource Management; Groundwater; Surveys; Precipitation; Hydrology; Hydrogeology; Water
Supply;Wells; Water Drilling; Measurement; Economic Situation; Engineering; Pipes; Energy;
Supply; Data Collection; Pumping; Pumps; Democratic Yemen. UNDP TA PROJ ECT. Report
Number: LA-EPTA 1481. FAO Library Accession Number: 066349.
Gear, Donald. 1961. The underground water resources of the Wadi Beihan. Aden, 1961
- Epta Report 1481, Underground Water Resources Report No 7 - 24 P., 2 Tab., 3 Maps, 26 Ref.,
4 App. With 6 Tab. - For Final Report See /51481. Keywords: Water Resources; Groundwater;
Surveys; Democratic Yemen; Hydrology; Hydrogeology; Water Supply; Wells; Pumps; Water
Drilling; Pipes. UNDP TA PROJ ECT. Report Number: LA-EPTA 1481. FAO Library
Accession Number: 066348.
Gear, Donald. 1961. The underground water resources of the delta part of the Wadi
Tiban catchment area. Aden, 1961 - Epta Project 1481, Underground Water Resources Report
No 6 - 82 P., 12 Tab., 10 Graphs, 6 Maps, 3 Plans, 54 Ref., 5 App. With 16 Tab. - For Final
Report See /51481. Keywords: Watersheds; Deltas; Water Resources; Groundwater; Surveys;
Hydrology; Hydrogeology; Depth; Water Levels; Permeability; Temperature; Water Supply;
Wells; Water Drilling; Measurement; Democratic Yemen; Tiban River. UNDP TA PROJ ECT.
Report Number: LA-EPTA 1481. FAO Library Accession Number: 066347.
Gear, Donald. 1961. The underground water resources of part of the Abyan delta
catchment area. Aden, 1961 - Epta Project 1481, Underground Water Resources Report No 5 -
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 126
63 P., 11 Tab., 5 Maps, 2 Plans, 31 Ref., 5 App. With 10 Tab. - For Final Report See /51481.
Keywords: Watersheds; Water Resources; Groundwater;
Surveys; Hydrology; Hydrogeology; Depth; Water Levels; Fluid Mechanics; Water Supply;
Permeability; Temperature; Groundwater Recharge; Groundwater Table; Water Drilling; Wells;
Measurement; Democratic Yemen; Abyan Delta. UNDP TA PROJ ECT. Report Number: LA-
EPTA 1481. FAO Library Accession Number: 066346.
Gear, Donald. 1961. The underground water resources of the Mukeiras agricultural area.
Aden, 1961 - Epta Project 1481, Underground Water Resources Report No 4 - 21 P., 1 Map, 10
Ref., 2 App. - For Final Report See /51481. Keywords: Farmland; Water Resources;
Groundwater; Surveys; Hydrogeology; Hydrology; Water Supply; Wells; Pumping; Resource
Management; Democratic Yemen. UNDP TA PROJ ECT. Report Number: LA-EPTA 1481.
FAO Library Accession Number: 066345.
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 127
Gear, Donald. 1961. The underground water resources of parts of the Wadi Ahwar
catchment area. Aden, 1961 - Epta Project 1481, Underground Water Resources Report No 3 -
54 P., 2 Tab., 3 Maps, 17 Ref., 7 App. With 3 Tab. - For Final Report See /51481. Keywords:
Watersheds; Water Resources; Groundwater; Surveys; Hydrology; Hydrogeology; Topography;
Depth; Water Levels; Permeability; Temperature; Water Supply; Wells; Pumping; Deltas; Plains;
Democratic Yemen; Ahwar River. UNDP TA PROJ ECT. Report Number: LA-EPTA 1481. FAO
Library Accession Number: 066344.
(J oint Operations Graphic-Ground, Ahwar Region, Ordnance Survey, UK. 1966. See: )
Gear, Donald. 1961. The underground water resources of parts of the wadi Meifa ah
catchment area. Aden, 1961 - Epta Project 1481, Underground Water Resources Report No 2 -
45 P., 1 Map, 35 Ref., 6 App. With 4 Tab. - For Final Report See /51481. Keywords:
Watersheds; Water Resources; Groundwater; Surveys; Hydrology; Hydrogeology; Depth; Water
Levels; Permeability; Temperature; Water Supply; Resource Management; Democratic Yemen;
Meifa Ah River. UNDP TA PROJ ECT. Report Number: LA-EPTA 1481. FAO Library
Accession Number: 066343.
Gear, Donald. 1961. The underground water resources of the Wadi Hadhramaut. Aden,
1961 - Epta Project 1481, Underground Water Resources Report No 1 - 72 P., 4 Tab., 5 Maps, 12
Plans, 46 Ref., 16 App. With 11 Tab. - For Final Report See /51481. Keywords: Groundwater;
Water Resources; Hydrology; Hydrogeology; Depth; Water Levels; Water Supply; Saline Water;
Freshwater; Wells; Pumping; Measurement; Research; Water Quality; Water Conservation;
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 128
Democratic Yemen; Hadhramaut River. EPTA PROJ ECT. Report Number: LA-EPTA 1481.
FAO Library Accession Number: 066342.
Geographic Map of the Yemen Arab Republic (San-a). 1978. Reston, VA: USGS.
IMAP. IMAP Yemen, page(s): 1 sheet. Notes: 1 map: color;116 x 86 cm. folded to 27 x 22 cm.
in envelope 30 x 24 cm. At head of title: Yemen Arab Republic =al-J umhu?ri?yah al-
?Arabi?yah al-Yamani?yah. "Prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey from NASA Land Satellite
imagery." Includes index map and text. "G78484." IMAP 1143-A. Miscellaneous investigations
series (Geological Survey (U.S.)), map I-1143-A. OCLC: 35103574.
Geological Consulting Company (GEOCON) Ltd; Mezhdunarodnaia akademiia nauk;
Yemen and Wizarat al-Naft wa-al-Tharawat al-ma`diniyah. . 1995. Republic of Yemen:
Potential Exploitational Groundwater Resources Map. St. Petersburg: Geological Consulting
Company (GEOCON) Ltd. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Maps;
Groundwater -- Yemen (Republic) -- Maps; Geology -- Yemen (Republic) -- Maps; Yemen
(Republic) -- Maps. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. on 8 sheets 84 x 71 cm or smaller. Map Info:
Scale 1:500,000. Note(s): At head of title: Geological Consulting Company (GEOCON) Ltd.,
International Academy of Sciences on Nature and Society, Russia; Ministry of Oil and Mineral
Resources, Geological Survey and Mineral Exploitations Board Authority, Yemen. Includes
inset map of Socotra. Responsibility: editors Ali J abr Alawi, Nickolay Mezhelovsky...
cartographer Aliftina P. Philippova. OCLC Accession Number: 253203068.
Geological Survey (U.S.). 1980. Landsat 1 Mosaic Showing the Four Catchment Areas,
Major Drainage Basins, and Drainage Network of the Yemen Arab Republic (San`a. Reston:
The Survey. Descriptors: Remote sensing -- Yemen (Republic) -- Specimens; Watersheds --
Yemen (Republic) -- Maps; Yemen (Republic) -- Remote-sensing maps. Notes: Description: 1
remote sensing image: col. 117 xz 87 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:500,000. Note(s): Water-supply
paper 1757-P, plate 1. OCLC: 21788163.
George, A. Date not given. "Yemeni Water Plans Await Merger Boost." World Water
and Environmental Engineer: 30-. Abstract: Despite the economic benefits of the merger
between north and south Yemen in May 1990, the unified state was still vulnerable to the
fluctuation of foreign aid for water projects. Problems faced by the countrys National Water and
Sewerage Authority in the implementation of water supply and sewerage schemes are discussed.
During economic restrictions, priority was being given to interim projects in major cities such as
Sanaa and Taiz and provincial towns of Ibb and Dhamar. Finance for these projects is
considered. ISSN: 0963-584X.
George, R. W. 1963. Aden - Crawfish resources of eastern Aden protectorate - Report to
the government. FAO 1963 - EPTA Report no 1696 - 26 p., 5 tab., 1 Graph, 4 phot., 1 map, 9
References. Keywords: Crawfish; Fishery Resources; Fishery Biology; Crustacea; Mollusca;
Panulirus; Fishery Management; Geographical Distribution; Indo Pacific Ocean; Fisheries;
Regulations; Yields; Democratic Yemen. EPTA PROJ ECT. Report Number: FI-EPTA 1696.
FAO Library Accession Number: 051696.
Gerbier, N.E., Roffey, J .; Roy, J .H.L. 1963. Report on aerial surveys in the Arabian
Peninsula - J un-J ul 1963 - Operational research. Rapport Sur les leves aeriens effectues dans la
Peninsule arabique - J uin-juillet 1963 - Recherche operationnelle. FAO 1963 - UNDP/SF Desert
Locust Project - Progress Report no Unsf/Dl/Op/3 - 23 p., 2 tab., 1 app. with 3 graphs, 12 maps.
Languages:English, French. Keywords: Aerial Surveying; Insect Control; Acrididae; Operations
Research; Locusta; Animal Population; Methods; Meteorology; United Arab Emirates;
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 129
Democratic Yemen; Saudi Arabia. UNDP SF PROJ ECT. Report Number: PL-UNSF/DL/OP/3.
FAO Library Accession Number: 057704.
Gerhager, Barbara and Sahooly, Anwer. 2009. Reforming the Urban Water Supply and
Sanitation (UWSS) Sector in Yemen. Int. J . Water Resour. Dev. Routledge: 03. Volume 25,
Issue 1, Pages 29-46. Descriptors: Water use; Tariff; Water-supply; Expenditures, Public; Public-
private sector cooperation; Decentralization in management; Stakeholders; Yemen (Republic) --
Economic conditions; Yemen (Republic). Article. Abstract: In the early 1990s, Yemen suffered
from low service coverage and national tariffs that were too low to cover public expenditure, as
well as an inadequate level of service provided by the centralized National Water and Sanitation
Authority. In 1996, a reform study recommended that the UWSS sector should embrace a policy
of decentralization, corporatization, commercialization, the separation of service delivery and
regulatory functions, as well as public-private partnerships. The government approved this
reform agenda as a Council of Ministers Decree in 1997. Awareness campaigns and consensus-
building among stakeholders and political leaders and local demand supported the reform
process. Currently, 95% of the total urban population related to utility towns is attended by
independent utilities. ISSN: 0790-0627.
Gerhager, B.; Sahooly, A.; Salan, S. 2009. Yemen Urban Water Supply and Sanitation
Sector Reform. Yemen Ministry of Water and Environment and Deutshce Gesellschaft fur
Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). URL:
Germany, Bundesanstalt fuer Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hanover, Federal
Republic of Germany. 1991. Water Master Plan Al Mahwit Province; Water Distribution;
Geology; Spring Location. Federal Republic of Germany Bundesanstalt fuer Geowissenschaften
und Rohstoffe, Hanover, Federal Republic of Germany. Descriptors: Al Mahwit Yemen;
aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; discharge; geologic maps; ground water; hydrogeologic maps;
hydrographic maps; lithostratigraphy; maps; springs; stratigraphic columns; surface water; water
harnessing; water resources; water supply; Yemen. Scale: 1:100,000. Type: hydrogeologic map;
geologic map; hydrographic map. Database: GeoRef. GeoRef Accession Number: 2002-007368.
Geukens, F. 1966. Geology of the Arabian Peninsula - Yemen. Professional Paper.
Volume 560-B, Pages B1-B23. Abstract: A review of the geology of Yemen as shown on USGS
Miscellaneous Geological Investigations Map I-270-A, Geological Map of the Arabian
Peninsula, 1963. Translated form the French by S. D. Bowers. Availability: USGS Library.
Geukens, Fernand. 1960. Contributions la Gology du Yemen. Inst. Gol. France de
lUniv. Louvain, Mm. Volume 21, pages 116-180, plates 7-8. Louvain: Institut gologique de
l'Universit, librairie universitaire. Memoires De L'institut Geologique de l'Universit de
Louvain. OCLC: 492573503.
Ghanem, Yahya, Al-Rabeei, Nabil Ahmed and Dallak, Abdulsalam. 2009. Gastro-
Oesophageal Reflux Disease among Patients Attending an Endoscopic Clinic in Yemen. Arab
J ournal of Gastroenterology. 9. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 109-111. Descriptors: Gastro-
oesophageal reflux; Risk factors; Yemen. Abstract: Background and study aims Gastro-
oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) can have a major impact on quality of life and be associated
with substantial morbidity. The aim of this study was to determine pattern and some of the risk
factors of GORD among Yemenite patients.Patients and methods Patients attending a medicine
outpatient clinic and who underwent upper GI endoscopy for different indications were recruited.
A total of 852 patients with and 1648 patients without endoscopic diagnosis of GORD were
categorized as study and control groups, respectively.Results GORD was most common in the
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 130
age group of 2040 years (OR =2.76, 95% CI). It tended to occur more frequently in males
patients than females (OR =1.19, 95% CI). Tobacco smokers and Khat chewers were more
likely to have GORD than non-tobacco smokers (OR =2.78, 95% CI and OR =3.00, 95% CI,
respectively). GORD complications were as following: 66 (8%) had stenosis, 10 (2%) had
Barretts oesophagus and 768 (90%) had no complications. Conclusion: The most common risk
factors for GORD were related to age, sex, tobacco smoking and Khat chewing habits. Stenosis
and Barretts oesophagus were commonest complications of GORD. ISSN: 1687-1979.
Giumlia-Mair, Alessandra, Keall, Edward J ., Shugar, Aaron N. and Stock, Susan. 2002.
Investigation of a Copper-Based Hoard from the Megalithic Site of Al-Midamman, Yemen: An
Interdisciplinary Approach. J ournal of Archaeological Science. 2. Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages
195-209. Descriptors: Yemen, SEM, XRD, ICP, Bronze Age, Alloying, Analysis, Arsenic, Tin.
ISSN: 0305-4403.
Giumlia-Mair, Alessandra, Keall, Edward, Stock, Susan and Shugar, Aaron. 2000.
Copper-Based Implements of a Newly Identified Culture in Yemen. J ournal of Cultural
Heritage. 1. Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 37-43. Descriptors: Yemen; copper; copper-based alloys;
arsenical copper; bronze; ICP analysis; SEM-EDX analysis; Bronze Age; Iron Age. ISSN: 1296-
Gladstone, W., Tawfiq, N., Nasr, D., et al. 1999. Sustainable use of Renewable
Resources and Conservation in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: Issues, Needs and Strategic
Actions. Ocean Coast. Manage. Volume 42, Issue 8, Pages 671-697. Notes: Cited By (since
1996): 6. Abstract: The coastal and marine environments and resources of the Red Sea and Gulf
of Aden are globally significant and generally in a healthy state. Current regional issues include
localized destruction of coral reefs, seagrass and mangroves; declines in some fisheries;
exploitation of some endangered species; pollution from the development and transport of
petroleum; and disposal of industrial and municipal wastes. The underlying causes of these
issues are the natural vulnerability of the Red Sea due to its semi-enclosed nature; economic
reliance on the petroleum industry; significant navigation risks; a rapidly increasing coastal
population and associated developments; lack of fisheries information, surveillance and
management; poor coastal zone planning; and limited technical expertise. Strategic actions
addressing these issues will need to be implemented regionally and focus on coastal zone
management that integrates environmental planning, environmental assessment and review;
training and institutional development; public awareness and participation; information gathering
especially fisheries statistics; reducing navigation risks; and the development of resource
management and conservation strategies. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0964-5691.
Goerlich, F. 1956. Mikropalaeontologische Und Stratigraphische Untersuchungen Im
Koenigreich Yemen. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 30, Issue 3-4,
Pages 213-214. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; micropaleontology; Pliocene-Quaternary;
Pliocene-Quaternary microfaunas-stratigraphy; Yemen. Abstract: Summarizes results of
micropaleontologic and stratigraphic research in Yemen. The oldest part of a sequence capping a
salt dome in the region began with beds containing a brackish-water fauna, probably of upper
Pliocene age. Foraminifers in fossiliferous marine beds in the upper part of the profile are Recent
in age. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0031-0220.
Goyet, C., Coatanoan, C., Eischeid, G., et al. 1999. Spatial Variation of Total CO Sub(2)
and Total Alkalinity in the Northern Indian Ocean: A Novel Approach for the Quantification of
Anthropogenic CO Sub(2) in Seawater. J . Mar. Res. J an. Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages 135-163.
Geology of Yemen
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Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Alkalinity; Carbon dioxide; Anthropogenic factors; Mixing
processes; Water masses; Chemical oceanography; Oceanic circulation; Ocean basins; World
Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE); Article Geographic Terms: Arabian Sea; Indian Ocean,
Bengal Bay; Indian Ocean, Aden Gulf; Arabian Sea; Indian Ocean, Bengal Bay; Indian Ocean,
Aden Gulf; Bangladesh, Bengal Bay; Indian Ocean; Yemen; World Ocean. Notes: TR:
CS9924620. Abstract: As part of a cooperative effort of the J oint Global Ocean Flux Study
(J GOFS) and of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) program, we have measured
total CO sub(2) (TCO sub(2)) and total alkalinity (TA) along three sections in the northern
Indian Ocean. One section through the Gulf of Aden to the Arabian Sea is parallel to the coast of
Yemen. One section is across the Arabian Sea along the nominal 9N latitude and the other
section is across the Bay of Bengal along the nominal 10N latitude. The measurements were
performed on board R/V Knorr in September-October 1995. The primary purpose of this work is
to understand the penetration of anthropogenic CO sub(2) along these ocean sections. Here, we
present a novel approach to the calculation of anthropogenic CO sub(2) in the ocean based upon
the fundamentals of water-sources mixing. Consequently, we first describe the observations and
mixing of water-sources before we describe the quantification of anthropogenic CO sub(2)
concentrations in these waters. The data show large spatial variations in surface seawater of both
total CO sub(2) (up to 50 mu mol kg super(-1)) and total alkalinity (up to 40 mu mol kg super(-
1)). The variations are mainly associated with physical processes characterized by water masses
of different temperature and salinity. For example, at depths we observed low TCO sub(2)
concentration at longitude 54E plus or minus 2E associated with the low-salinity water mass
flowing northward. The contrasts between the sections across the Arabian Sea and the Bay of
Bengal emphasize the large property differences between the two ocean basins. Multiparametric
analyses on the data clearly show the relative contributions of different water-sources in each of
the ocean sections. The mixing coefficients calculated from the multiparametric analyses are
further used to quantify anthropogenic CO sub(2) concentrations in each water-source. The
results indicate that the surface water-sources contain 47.8, 42.1 and 50.4 mu mol kg super(-1) in
the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, respectively. In the surface waters
there is slightly more anthropogenic CO sub(2) across the Bay of Bengal than across the Arabian
Sea. In contrast, anthropogenic CO sub(2) has penetrated significantly deeper in the Gulf of
Aden than in the Arabian Sea and in the Bay of Bengal. Database: Meteorological &
Geoastrophysical Abstracts. ISBN: 0022-2402.
Gragg, G. B. 2006. Asia, Ancient Southwest: Scripts, South Semitic. Oxford: Elsevier.
Page(s): 512-518. Descriptors: Ancient North Arabian; Ancient South Arabian; Abecedary;
Alphabet; Boustrophedon; Cursive script; Ethiopic Semitic; Geez; Graffiti; Saba; Sheba;
Syllabary; Tigrinya; Ugaritic; Yemen. Abstract: The West Semitic writing traditions seem to
have split early into a North Semitic and a South Semitic variant, with characteristic sign shapes
and traditional sign order. The apparent focus of the spread of this system to Ancient North
Arabian in one direction and Ancient Ethiopic (Geez) in another was the constellation of
Ancient South Arabian city-states in what is now Yemen. In Ethiopia the system underwent a
unique transformation into a syllabary in which vowels are noted by more or less systematic
modification of sign shapes. ISBN: 978-0-08-044854-1.
Great Britain. Directorate of Military Survey. . 1962. Aden. London: D. Survey, War
Office and Air Ministry: Printed by No. 1 SPC, RE. Ed. 1-GSGS.World 1:500,000; sheet 687 C;
GSGS; 4830; Variation: GSGS (Series); 4830.Descriptors: Yemen (Peoples Democratic
Republic) -- Maps, Topographic; Government publication; National government publication.
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 132
Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 45 x 66 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:500,000. Note(s): Standard map
series designation: Series 1404. Relief indicated by contours, altitude tints and spot heights.
Heights in metres. Shows boundaries, highways and roads, railways, airports, rivers and water
features and other details. Map overprinted with 10,000 metre universal transverse Mercator
grid. Includes glossary and index to adjoining sheets. Portion of map extended beyond neatline.
Sheet 687 C, series 1404. British Crown copyright reserved. Other Titles: Series 1404.
Responsibility: published by D. Survey, War Office and Air Ministry. OCLC Accession
Number: 32435186.
Great Britain. Directorate of Military Survey. . 1962. Bayhan Al Qasab. London: D.
Survey, War Office and Air Ministry: Printed by No. 1 SPC, RE. Ed. 1-GSGS.World 1:500,000;
sheet 687 B; GSGS; 4830; Variation: GSGS (Series); 4830.Descriptors: Yemen (Peoples
Democratic Republic) -- Maps, Topographic; Yemen (Republic) -- Maps, Topographic;
Government publication; National government publication. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 45 x
65 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:500,000. Note(s): Standard map series designation: Series 1404. Relief
indicated by contours, altitude tints and spot heights. Heights in metres. Shows boundaries,
highways and roads, railways, airports, rivers and water features and other details. Map
overprinted with 10,000 metre universal transverse Mercator grid. Includes glossary and index to
adjoining sheets. Sheet 687324 B, series 1404. British Crown copyright reserved. Other
Titles: Series 1404. Responsibility: published by D. Survey, War Office and Air Ministry. OCLC
Accession Number: 32435797.
Great Britain. Directorate of Military Survey. . 1962. Al Mukalla. London: D. Survey,
War Office and Air Ministry: Printed by No. 1 SPC, RE. Ed. 1-GSGS.World 1:500,000; sheet
686 A; GSGS; 4830; Variation: GSGS (Series); 4830.Descriptors: Yemen (Peoples Democratic
Republic) -- Maps, Topographic; Government publication; National government publication.
Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 45 x 65 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:500,000. Note(s): Standard map
series designation: Series 1404. Relief indicated by contours, altitude tints and spot heights.
Heights in metres. Shows boundaries, highways and roads, railways, airports, rivers and water
features and other details. Map overprinted with 10,000 metre universal transverse Mercator
grid. Includes glossary and index to adjoining sheets. Sheet 686 A, series 1404. British Crown
copyright reserved. Other Titles: Series 1404. Responsibility: published by D. Survey, War
Office and Air Ministry. OCLC: 32435511.
Great Britain. Directorate of Military Survey; United States and Army Map Service. .
1964. Assab. Washington, D.C.: Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers. Ed. 1-GSGS.World
1:500,000; sheet 687 d. GSGS; 4830; Variation: GSGS (Series); 4830.Descriptors: Djibouti --
Maps, Topographic; Ethiopia -- Maps, Topographic; Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic) --
Maps, Topographic; Yemen (Republic) -- Maps, Topographic; Government publication;
National government publication. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 45 x 66 cm. Map Info: Scale
1:500,000. Note(s): Standard map series designation: Series 1404. Relief indicated by contours,
altitude tints and spot heights. Heights in feet. Shows boundaries, highways and roads,
railways, airports, rivers and water features and other details. Portion of map extends beyond
neatline. Map overprinted with 10,000 metre universal transverse Mercator grid: Ethiopa and
Djibouti portions overprinted with East Africa grid. Includes glossary and index to adjoining
sheets. Originally published: [London]: D Survey, War Office and Air Ministry, 1959. Sheet
687 D, series 1404. British Crown copyright reserved. Other Titles: Series 1404.
Responsibility: published by D. Survey, War Office and Air Ministry; printed by [U.S.] Army
Map Service, Corps of Engineers. OCLC Accession Number: 32404701.
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 133
Great Britain. Directorate of Military Survey; United States and Army Map Service.
1960. Al Ghaydah. Washington, D.C.: Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers. Ed. 1-
GSGS.World 1:500,000; sheet 669 C; GSGS; 4830; Variation: GSGS (Series); 4830.Descriptors:
Oman -- Maps, Topographic; Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic) -- Maps, Topographic;
Government publication; National government publication. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 45 x
64 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:500,000. Note(s): Standard map series designation: Series 1404. Relief
indicated by contours, altitude tints and spot heights. Heights in metres. Shows boundaries,
highways and roads, railways, airports, rivers and water features and other details. Map
overprinted with 10,000 metre universal transverse Mercator grid. Includes glossary and index to
adjoining sheets. Originally published: [London]: D Survey, War Office and Air Ministry, 1958.
Sheet 669 C, series 1404. British Crown copyright reserved. Other Titles: Series 1404.
Responsibility: published by D. Survey, War Office and Air Ministry; printed by [U.S.] Army
Map Service, Corps of Engineers. OCLC Accession Number: 32370611.
Great Britain. Directorate of Overseas Surveys; Great Britain and Land Resources
Division. . 1977. Yemen Arab Republic. Wadi Rima. Surbiton, Surrey, England: Great Britain,
Ministry of Overseas Development, Land Resources Division. Descriptors: Irrigation -- Yemen
(Republic) -- Rima` Wadi Watershed -- Maps; Groundwater -- Yemen (Republic) -- Rima` Wadi
Watershed -- Maps; Agricultural resources -- Yemen (Republic) -- Rima` Wadi Watershed --
Maps; Land use, Rural -- Yemen (Republic) -- Rima` Wadi Watershed -- Maps; Rima` Wadi
(Yemen) -- Maps; Government publication; National government publication. Notes:
Description: maps: photocopies; 44 x 48 cm. or smaller. Map Info: Scales differ. Note(s): Relief
shown by contours. This map accompanies Project report 16, Irrigation and agricultural
development in Wadi Rima; Project report 17, An investment and development plan for Wadi
Rima./ Accompanied by maps. 2 sheets; 32 cm. Text map 5. Salinity and depth to groundwater,
May 1976. Scale 1:100,000 -- Text map 6. Current land use. Scale 1:100,000. In lower left
margins: DOS 3258C, DOS 3258D, DOS 3258J , DOS 3258K. Responsibility: prepared and
printed by the Directorate of Overseas Surveys, for the Government of the Yemen Arab
Republic. Abstract: Map 3. Outline of a possible irrigation development. Scale 1:25,000 -- Map
4. Proposed feeder roads and village water supplies. Scale 1:50,000. LCCN: 93-682565. OCLC
Accession Number: 27379567.
Great Britain. Hydrographic Dept; United States and Defense Mapping Agency. . 1996.
Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden to the Maldives and the Seychelles. CG33, National Ocean
Service, distributor, Edition: 4th ed., J une 1: Bethesda, Md.: Defense Mapping Agency;
Riverdale, MD: NOAA Distribution Branch, N. International chart series; INT 703; Variation:
International chart series; INT 703.Descriptors: Arabian Sea -- Navigation; Aden, Gulf of --
Navigation; Indian Ocean -- Navigation; Seychelles -- Maps; Maldives -- Maps; Government
publication; National; government publication. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 63 x 98 cm. Map
Info: Scale 1:3,500,000; Depths shown by isolines and soundings. Relief shown by spot heights.
Crown copyright 1991. Depths in meters.; Other Titles: Gulf of Aden to the Maldives and
the Seychelles; Responsibility: produced under the superintendence of the Hydrographer of the
Navy, United Kingdom, 1975, with later corrections; modified reproduction of INT 703,
originally published Nov. 1991, by the British Admiralty. OCLC: 35905681.
Great Britain. Land Resources Division. 1978. Yemen Arab Republic: Montane Plains
and Wadi Rima Project: A Land and Water Resources Survey: Agricultural Development on the
Montane Plains. Surbiton: Ministry of Overseas Development. Descriptors: Agricultural
development projects -- Yemen (Republic); Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project;
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 134
Government publication. Notes: 2 v.: ill., maps (some in pocket), tables; 30 cm. Note(s): YAR-
01-31/REP-18/78. Other Titles: Agricultural development on the Montane Plains. OCLC
Accession Number: 52227152.
Great Britain. Land Resources Division. 1977. Yemen Arab Republic: Montane Plains
and Wadi Rima Project: A Land and Water Resources Survey. Irrigation and Agricultural
Development in Wadi Rima. Surbiton: Ministry of Overseas Development. Descriptors:
Agricultural development projects -- Yemen (Republic); Irrigation projects -- Yemen (Republic);
Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project; Government publication (gpb). Notes: 2 v.: ill., maps
(some folded, some in pocket), tables; 30 cm. Note(s): YAR-01-29/REP-16/77.; Other Titles:
Irrigation and agricultural development in Wadi Rima. OCLC Accession Number: 52321856.
Great Britain and Land Resources Division. 1976. Yemen Arab Republic Montane Plains
and Wadi Rima (MPWR) Project: A Land and Water Resources Survey: Initial Development
Prospects. Surbiton: Ministry of Overseas Development. Descriptors: Agricultural development
projects -- Yemen (Republic); Government publication (gpb). Abstract: Vol. 1: The Montane
Plains--v.2: Wadi Rima. Notes: v. Other Titles: Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project. OCLC:
Greenwood, J . E. G. W. and Bleackley, D. 1967. Geology of the Arabian Peninsula;
Aden Protectorate. U.S.Geological Survey Professional Paper. U. S. Geological Survey, Reston,
VA, United States: United States. Volume P 560-C, Issue 28, Pages 96. Descriptors: Aden
Yemen; Arabian Peninsula; areal geology; Asia; Cenozoic; economic geology; fault trends;
ground water; igneous rocks; Mesozoic; mineral resources; Precambrian; resources; tectonics;
volcanic rocks; Yemen. (See also this Bibliography, p. 635, Arabian peninsula.); illus. (incl.
maps). Abstract: Precambrian basement, J urassic-Tertiary, late Tertiary-Quaternary volcanics,
structure, fault trends, mineral resources, water supply. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1044-9612.
Grinage, Chris. 2007. Soldiers Help to Build Schools in Yemen. February 14, 2007. By Marine Corps Lt.
Col. Chris Grinage, Combined J oint Task Force - Horn of Africa. Abstract: SOCOTRA, Yemen (American Forces
Press Service, Feb. 14, 2007) - Taking a heading
directly off the tip of the Horn of Africa and southeast
of Yemen will find travelers on a wind-swept 80-mile
long by 20-mile wide island in the Indian Ocean that is
both remote and beautiful. It is on this island that U.S.
Army representatives from the Combined J oint Task
Force - Horn of Africa found themselves recently
lending support and technical advice to island residents
to build better infrastructure. For the people of Socotra,
the traditional building material for structures is stones
available from the outskirts of towns. No mines or
quarries exist as the Socotrans are protective of the
environment. Houses and schools are built with glass in
the windows, but some windows are without glass;
instead they rely on heavy shutters to keep out the
elements while allowing the sea breeze in to cool of the
buildings. While these materials can stand the test of
time and elements -namely monsoons that can bring
strong winds and high seas - Army engineers seized the
opportunity to spend three days in J anuary with village
elders and contractors in Usama Bin Zaid and Omar Al
Kittab to improve their buildings. "We normally review
the quality control in the building of traditional
concrete blocks; however, the Socotrans were using
Geology of Yemen
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stone," said Capt. Andrew Bouchard. "So we taught them to ensure the quality of the cement used to solidify the
stones was free of organics that could weaken over time, as well as assisting in the quality control associated with
straight and level walls." The Army team was also able to demonstrate to their counterparts how the materials in the
cement can weaken metals over a short period of time when improperly mixed. The projects advised on by the Army
team on this trip were two schools for the villages, with much of their attention focused on discussing effective
solutions to make the schools more efficient. While helping to build the two schools, the team had to seek solutions
to other engineering challenges, like adequate power sources. "Originally, we thought that we could run an electric
power line from a substation further away, but that did not work well," said Bouchard. "The town has minimal
power. Houses and the schools are without power. We are going to change the contract to include the introduction of
solar power." The quality control expertise and future addition of electricity are small examples of how the task
force is helping this community, much in the same manner as other communities in this region. While the technical
aspects of the jobs were important, equally important was sharing an exchange of culture. An example of the
cultural exchange occurred when Bouchard was invited to lunch by one of the town's leaders. "We talked about the
island and his community, and how the leaders of the town are entrusted with the decisions that affect the village,"
said Bouchard. "The sheik told us how happy he was to have [the task force] involved with his community and he
commented that he liked the fashion by which one school at a time is built so as not to impact the children learning."
Bouchard added the meal was prepared by the sheik's wife and consisted of fish, rice, and goat, which he found out
were Socotran diet mainstays. Bouchard also discovered during his discussion over lunch that a very large majority
of the community's favorite football team is Arsenal of England. "They listen as often as possible given the radio
reception," said Bouchard. The mission of the task force is to prevent conflict, promote regional stability and protect
coalition interests to prevail against extremism. The task force began operations at Camp Lemonier, Djibouti May
13, 2003. It works with partner nations on humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, consequence management, civic
action programs to include medical and veterinary care, school and medical clinic construction and water
development projects. URL:
Grolier, M. J . Tibbitts, G. C., J r and Ibrahim, M. M. 1980. A Qualitative Appraisal of
the Hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from Landsat Images. United States: U. S.
Geological Survey, Reston, VA, United States. Open-File Report - U.S.Geological Survey. 1
sheet, 1980. Volume: OF 80-0565, page(s): 111. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; economic
geology; geophysical surveys; hydrology; imagery; irrigation; Landsat; management; remote
sensing; rivers and streams; surveys; USGS; water resources; water supply; Yemen. Notes: SP:
USGS, Publications of the U. S. Geological Survey. ISSN: 0196-1497. Database: GeoRef. U. S.
Geol. Surv., Open-File Serv. Sect., West. Distrib. Branch, Denver, CO, United StatesOCLC
Accession Number: 1982-001127.
Grolier, M. J . and Overstreet, W. C. 1978. Geologic Map of the Yemen Arab Republic
(Sana). USGS. IMAP. Notes: 1 map: col.116 x 86 cm. fold. to 27 x 22 cm. in envelope 30 x
24 cm. USGD Library: M(200) I no.1143-A.
Grolier, Maurice J . Domenico, J . A. Donato, Mary; Tibbitts, G. C., J r. Overstreet, W. C.
and Ibrahim, Mohammad Mukred. 1977. Data from Geologic Investigations in the Yemen Arab
Republic during 1976. Open-File Report. Volume: 77-733, page(s): 103 pages. Abstract: The
results of semiquantitative spectrographic analyses for 31 elements in 126 specimens of rocks
from the Yemen Arab Republic, collected mainly during February 1976 from the Precambrian
area in the southeastern part of the country, provide background data for use in geochemical
evaluation of areas potentially favorable for mineral deposits. Gold and thorium were
undetected; the lower limits of determination are 10 parts per million (ppm) and 20 ppm,
respectively. For the other elements, the abundances follow geochemical norms for crustal
distribution: (1) Fe, Nb, and Zr in Holocene weathering products; (2) Ca and Sr in Pliocene
limestone; (3) Mo in Pliocene(?) or Miocene(?) dikes; (4) Be, La, and Sn in Miocene(?) alkalic
granite; (5) As, Be, and La in Tertiary and/or Cretaceous felsic tuff; (6) V in Tertiary and/or
Cretaceous carbonaceous sedimentary rocks interbedded with volcanic rocks; (7) Be, La, Sn, and
Zr in Tertiary and/or Cretaceous undivided volcanics; (8) Sn and W in Precambrian felsite and
Geology of Yemen
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pegmatite; (9) Co, Cr, Ni, and Ti in Precambrian mafic rocks; (10) Mg and Sr in Precambrian
marble and calcsilicate rocks; (11) Y in Precambrilan schist; (12) B and Sc dispersed in rocks of
many ages; and (13) Ag, Ba, Bi, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Sb, Sn, and Zn in a hydrothermal replacement
deposit in Precambrian sediment. None of the rocks contained as much as 205 ppm equivalent
uranium. The highest values for Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd were obtained on a sample of
hydrothermally altered siltstone not personally collected by the writers. It was said to have come
from the Marib area in the eastern part of the Yemen Arab Republic. The source must be
studied, because this single sample is high-grade base-metal ore. Among the samples collected
by the writers, the economically most significant are altered tuffs, ignimbrites, and felsites
exposed between J ibal Hufash and Manakhah on the road from Hudaydah to Sana. They are
strongly anomalous for As and weakly anomalous, variously, for Hg, Mo, and Pb, which
elements may constitute an epigenetic dispersion pattern from hidden sulfide deposits. Inasmuch
as chalcopyrite and native copper have been reported in the vicinity of J abal Haraz in the
Manakhah area, the rocks of the Yemen Volcanics in this region should be explored for base-
metal sulfide deposits. The first results of paleontologic examinations of fossils collected during
1975 and 1976 are presented, as are a list of Landsat images covering the Yemen Arab Republic,
and a selected bibliography of reports on geology and the allied sciences relating to the Yemen
Arab Republic. Notes: 103 p.:ill., maps (2 fold. in pocket); 27 cm. URL:
Grolier, Maurice J . Ibrahim, M. Overstreet, W. C. Tibbitts, G. C. and Davidson, D. F.
1978. Preparation of a Geologic Photo Map and Hydrologic Study of the Yemen Arab
Republic. Open-File Report. Volume: 78-770, Notes: ii, 15 pages: maps; 28 cm. (20 p. - PGS).
Grolier, Maurice J . and Overstreet, William C. 1976. Preliminary Geologic Map of the
Southeastern Region, Yemen Arab Republic, Landsat-1 Image no. 1206-06504. Open-File
Report. Volume 76-745, Notes: 4 leaves: 2 fold. maps (in pocket);27 cm. (4 p., 3 sheets, scale
1:500,000 - PGS). URL:
Grolier, Maurice J . and Overstreet, William C. 1976. Preliminary Geologic Map of the
Northeastern Region, Yemen Arab Republic, Landsat-1 Image no. 1152-06501. Open-File
Report. USGS: Volume 76-744, Notes: 4 leaves: 3 folded maps (in pocket); 27 cm. (scale
1:500,000 - PGS). URL:
Grolier, Maurice J ., Tibbitts, G. Chase, J r. and Ibrahim, Mohammed Mukred. 1984. A
Qualitative Appraisal of the Hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from Landsat Images.
Water Supply Paper. USGS: Notes: v, P70 p.:ill., maps (1 col.); 24 cm. 1 plate in pocket.
Availability: USGS Library.
Grolier, Maurice J . and Brinkmann, Robert. 1997. Environmental Research in Support of
Archaeological Investigation in the Yemen Arab Republic, 1982-1987. United States: American
Foundation for the Study of Man, Washington, DC, United States. Volume: 5, Descriptors:
Arabian Peninsula; archaeology; Asia; Cenozoic; climate effects; ecosystems; human ecology;
irrigation; Pleistocene; Quaternary; soils; water use; Yemen. Notes: Individual chapters within
scope are cited separately; References: 720; illus. incl. 66 tables. ISBN: 0614017521. Database:
GeoRef. OCLC Accession Number: 34553507.
Grolier, Maurice J . Overstreet, William C. Grolier, Maurice J . and Brinkmann, Robert.
1997. Recommendations for further Environmental Studies. United States: American
Foundation for the Study of Man, Washington, DC, United States. Volume: 5, Descriptors:
absolute age; agriculture; Arabian Peninsula; archaeological sites; archaeology; artifacts; Asia;
Geology of Yemen
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C-14; carbon; Cenozoic; dates; ecology; ecosystems; granulometry; Holocene; human activity;
human ecology; irrigation; isotopes; land use; Mollisols; pedogenesis; Quaternary; radioactive
isotopes; soils; Wadi al-J ubah; water use; Yemen. ISBN: 0614017521. Database: GeoRef. OCLC
Accession Number: 34553507.
Grolier, Maurice J . Grolier, Maurice J . and Brinkmann, Robert. 1997. A Geomorphic
Inquiry into Seil Processes and Seil Irrigation Farming in the Al-J adidah Basin of Wadi Al-
J ubah, Yemen Arab Republic. United States: American Foundation for the Study of Man,
Washington, DC, United States. Volume: 5, Descriptors: agriculture; Al-J adidah Basin; Arabian
Peninsula; archaeology; arid environment; Asia; denudation; drainage basins; erosion; fluvial
features; hydrology; irrigation; land use; landform description; landform evolution; rates; runoff;
sedimentation; soil erosion; soils; terrestrial environment; Wadi al-J ubah; wadis; water use;
waterways; Yemen. Notes: illus. incl. sketch map. ISBN: 0614017521. Database: GeoRef.
OCLC Accession Number: 34553507.
Grolier, Maurice J . Grolier, Maurice J . and Brinkmann, Robert. 1997. Plate Tectonic
and Climate Modification and Disruption of Drainage in Southwestern Arabia and the Al-
J adidah Basin, Wadi Al-J ubah, Yemen Arab Republic. United States: American Foundation for
the Study of Man, Washington, DC, United States. Volume: 5, Descriptors: agriculture; Al-
J adidah Basin; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Cenozoic; climate effects; drainage; drainage basins;
fluvial features; Holocene; irrigation; landform evolution; neotectonics; paleogeography;
paleosols; Quaternary; tectonics; variations; Wadi al-J ubah; wadis; water use; Yemen. Wadi al-
J ubah Archaeological Project (Series), v. 5. ISBN: 0614017521. Database: GeoRef. OCLC
Accession Number: 34553507.
Grolier, Maurice J . Ibrahim, M. M. Goddard Space Flight Center and Geological Survey
(U.S.). 1978. Preparation of a Geologic Photo Map and Hydrologic Study of the Yemen Arab
Republic. Reston, Va.: U.S. Geological Survey. Page(s): 15. Descriptors: Yemen (Republic) --
Maps; Government publication; National government publication. Notes: ii; maps; 28 cm.
Note(s): Report prepared for Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. Type III final
report, September 1977. Includes bibliographical references (p. 15). Responsibility: M.J . Grolier
... [et al.]. OCLC: 7035464.
Grolier, Maurice J . Ibrahim, Mohammed Mukr and Tibbitts, G. Chase. 1984. A
Qualitative Appraisal of the Hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from Landsat Images.
Washington, D.C: U.S. Geological Survey. Page(s): 70. Descriptors: Yemen; Arab; Republic;
Hydrologie; Teledetection; Landsat; Satellite; Doc; Government publication; National
government publication. Notes: v; 1 carte en pochette; 28 cm. Genre/Form: Publications
officielles. Note(s): Bibliographie: p.56-58. Responsibility: by Maurice J . Grolier, G.C. Tibbitts,
J r., and Mohammed Mukred Ibrahim. OCLC Accession Number: 301168604.
Grolier, Maurice J . Tibbitts, G. Chase and Ibrahim, Mohammad Mukr. 1981. A
Qualitative Appraisal of the Hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from Landsat Images.
Reston, Va: U.S. Geological Survey. Page(s): 103. Descriptors: Remote sensing -- Yemen
(Republic); Government publication; National government publication; Microfiche (mfc). Notes:
viii; maps; 26 cm. Note(s): One map on folded leaf in pocket. Includes bibliographical references
(p. 81-84). Reproduction: Microfiche. [Denver, Colo.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1981?]. 3
microfiches. Other Titles: Yemen Arab Republic. Responsibility: by Maurice J . Grolier, G.C.
Tibbitts, J r., and Mohammad Mukred Ibrahim; prepared in cooperation with the Yemen Arab
Republic under the auspices of the U.S. Agency for International Development. OCLC
Accession Number: 9608915.
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Grolier, Maurice J . Tibbitts, G. Chase; Ibrahim, Mohammed Mukr and Geological
Survey (U.S.). 1984. A Qualitative Appraisal of the Hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic
from Landsat Images. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. Page(s): 70. Descriptors: Hydrology -- Yemen,
North -- Remote sensing; Landsat satellites. Notes: v; maps (some col.); 23 cm. Note(s):
Landsat 1 mosaic showing the four catchment areas, major drainage basins, and drainage
network of the Yemen Arab Republic (San`a): col. map on folded leaf in pocket. Bibliography:
p. 56-58. Responsibility: by Maurice J . Grolier, G.C. Tibbitts, J r., and Mohammed Mukred
Ibrahim. LCCN: 83-600245. OCLC Accession Number: 9786251.
Grolier, MJ ; Tibbitts, G. and Ibrahim, M. 1981. Qualitative Appraisal of the Hydrology
of the Yemen Arab Republic from LANDSAT Images. Performer: Department of the Interior,
Washington, DC. Sponsor: Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. 1981.
115p. Report: AIDPN-AAM-557. Abstract: LANDSAT images were analyzed in J une 1976 to
make a qualitative appraisal of surface-and groundwater resources in the Yemen Arab Republic
(YAR) for use in water management planning in that country. Results of that appraisal are herein
presented. Initial sections describe the YARs environmental characteristics and previous
hydrologic investigations, the LANDSAT imagery system, and the analytical methods used in
the survey, the latter comprising a bibliographic search, image interpretation of geological,
hydrological, and vegetative data, and reconnaissance field checking. Database: NTIS Database
(National Technical Information Service). NTIS: PB85150837.
1984. Grolier, MJ , Tibbitts, GC and Ibrahim, MM. Qualitative Appraisal of the
Hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from Landsat Images. Available from Books and
Open-File Reports Section. USGS Box 25425, Denver. Volume CO 80225. USGS Water-Supply
Paper 1757-P, Pages 3 append. Descriptors: Remote sensing; Data interpretation; Landsat;
Yemen; Hydrologic budget; Hydrologic systems; Satellite technology; Hydrological regime;
Groundwater budget; Surface water; Streamflow; Land use; Agriculture. Abstract: Landsat 1 and
Landsat 2 images were analyzed in J une 1976 to describe the flow regimens of streams and the
regional distribution of vegetation in the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR). The findings provide a
factual basis for planning a surface water data collection program and for preparing maps of
plant distribution and agricultural land use. Nine Landsat scenes cover the entire YAR. A false-
color, composite mosaic of nine corresponding images was prepared. Catchment areas and the
major drainage basins were delineated on this mosaic. A hydrological and ecological analysis of
this array of imagery shows many kinds of streamflow regimens and, along the reaches of some
streams at least, yearly and seasonal fluctuations or changes in streamflow. Similar fluctuations
in soil moisture and possibly in groundwater supply were inferred from variations in the site of
vegetated areas and the apparent (spectral) vigor of plant growth. In order of increasing water
availability, the four catchment areas of the YAR are: Rub al Khali (Ar Rab al Khali), Wadi J awf
(Arabian Sea), Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden. Most streams are ephemeral. No lakes were detected
during the period under investigation, but sebkhas (salt flats or low, salt-encrusted plains) are
common along the Red Sea coast. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. OCLC: 9786251.
Grolier, MJ , Tibbitts, GC, J r and Ibrahim, MM. 1981. A Qualitative Appraisal of the
Hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from Landsat Images. Available from the OFSS USGS
Box 25425, Fed. Ctr., Denver, CO 80225, Price: $18.75 in paper copy; $3.50 in microfiche.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-565, Pages 3 Append. Descriptors: Arid lands; Remote
sensing; Foreign research; Drainage systems; Yemen Arab Republic; Land use; Irrigation
effects; Vegetation; Ephemeral streams; Intermittant streams; Surface-groundwater relations;
Groundwater potential; Water quality; Hydrologic cycle; Evaluation; Water resources
Geology of Yemen
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development; Planning; Landsat; Arabian Peninsula; Red Sea; Tihama; Satellite technology.
Landsat-1 Mosaic of the Yemen Arab Republic (San'a), 1:500 000, showing hydrologic
information, the major drainage basins and the drainage network within them : In : USGS open
file report 80-565. A qualitative appraisal of the hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from
Landsat images. Plate I. Abstract: Six series of Landsat-1 and Landsat-2 images taken between
1972 and 1976 were analyzed to describe the flow regimens of streams and the regional
distribution of vegetation in the Yemen Arab Republic. The findings provide a factual basis for
planning a surface-water data collection program, and for preparing maps of plant distribution
and agricultural land use. They lay the foundation for modernized water development, for
effecting a program of country-wide water management. The work was undertaken as part of the
program of the U.S. Agency for International Development with the cooperation of the Yemen
Mineral and Petroleum Authority, Ministry of Economy. A false-color composite mosaic of the
nine images which cover the country was prepared using Landsat 1 images taken at relatively
low sun-angle in winter 1972-73. Catchment areas and the major drainage basins of the country
were delineated on this mosaic. In order of increasing water availability, the four catchment areas
of the YAR are: Ar Rub al Khali, Wadi J awf (Arabian Sea), Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden. Most
streams are ephemeral. No lakes were detected during the period under investigation, but
sebkhas--salt flats or low salt-encrusted plains--are common along the Red Sea coast. In spite of
resolution and scale constraints, streamflow was interpreted as perennial or intermittent,
wherever it could be detected on several Landsat images covering the same scene at seasonal or
yearly intervals. Much of the land under cultivation is restricted to valley floors, and to valley
slopes and irrigated terraces adjacent to stream channels. Little or no vegetation could be
detected over large regions of the Yemen Arab Republic. Database: Water Resources Abstracts.
OCLC: 705214983.
Gulbrandsen, Anders. 2010. Yemen. In: Bridging the Gulf: Qatari Business Diplomacy
and Conflict Mediation. Pages 40-50. United States -- District of Columbia: Arab Studies.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Abstract: Business is fundamentally political in the Gulf.
This thesis identifies the centers of power in contemporary Qatar, and highlights the overlap of
commerce and politics. Qatari business diplomacy - defined as Dohas use of foreign policy to
protect its investments and utilization of financial capacity to drive its diplomacy - is explored
through three case studies, where Qatar has acted as a conflict mediator: Yemen, Lebanon, and
Sudan. This exploration is done against the backdrop of Qatars international relations and a
changing regional balance of power. The thesis is largely based on primary sources, including
interviews with representatives from both sides in all three case studies of Qatari conflict
mediation. Arab Studies. OCLC: 648988116. URL:
Gunaid, A. A., Hassan, N. A. and Murray-Lyon, I. 2003. Prevalence and Risk Factors
for Helicobacter Pylori Infection among Yemeni Dyspeptic Patients. Saudi Med. J . Volume 24,
Issue 5, Pages 512-517. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 6. Abstract: Objective: Helicobacter pylori
(H. pylori) is one of the worlds most common human bacterial infections. Acquisition of H.
pylori infection may be associated with chronic gastritis, peptic ulceration and gastric cancer.
This study was aimed at investigating the prevalence of H. pylori infection among dyspeptic
patients, any correlation with dyspeptic symptoms and endoscopic findings and, any
socioeconomic and environmental risk factors. Methods: The study was conducted between
September 1997 and October 1998 in one Endoscopy Unit, Sanaa city, Yemen. A total of 275
consecutive patients with chronic dyspepsia were enrolled in the study. Endoscopic examination
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was conducted, gastric biopsies were obtained from the antrum and corpus, and H. pylori
infection was diagnosed at the time of endoscopy using the rapid urease test. Results: The
prevalence of H. pylori infection in our patients was 82.2% (95% confidence interval (CI) 78 to
87%). Independent variables associated with infection were age >40 years (odds ration
(OR)=2.2; 95% CI: 1.0-4.64; P=0.043); the presence of 5 children under 14 years per
household (OR=6.62; 95% CI: 2.245 to 19.5; P=0.001); and duodenal ulcer disease (OR=3.7;
95% CI: 1.38 to 10.0; P=0.009). Conclusion: The prevalence of H. pylori infection in dyspeptic
patients in Yemen seems to be high. Advancing age, 5 or more children per household and
duodenal ulcer disease were found to be significantly associated with H. pylori infection.
Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0379-5284.
Gunaid, A. A., Sumairi, A. A., Shidrawi, R. G., et al. 1995. Oesophageal and Gastric
Carcinoma in the Republic of Yemen. Br. J . Cancer. Volume 71, Issue 2, Pages 409-410.
Descriptors: Epidemiology neoplasms; Gastric neoplasms; Oesophageal neoplasms; Qat
chewing; Yemen. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 32. Abstract: We conducted a preliminary
survey on 3064 patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at the Al-Thawra
Hospital in Sanaa, Republic of Yemen, between J anuary and December 1991. The age/sex
distribution, demographic features and social habits with respect to cigarette and water-pipe
smoking and Qat chewing were compared for patients with oesophageal and gastric cancers (n =
183). A preponderance of women with carcinoma of the mid-oesophagus was noted, previously
only recorded in areas of high prevalence. Unlike Western populations, smoking and alcohol
consumption were not significant risk factors. A high frequency of Qat chewing and water-pipe
smoking was found for both men and women and for a group with tumours of the gastro-
oesophageal junction or cardia (2 = 2.646, P > 0.05). Numbers were insufficient to identify
independent effects of each factor individually. Dietary habits alone were insufficient to account
for the excess of affected females. A case-control study is now underway to investigate further
the role of dietary factors, social habits, demographic features and Helicobacter pylori infection
on the development of upper gastrointestinal cancer in the Yemen. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN:
Geology of Yemen
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Haak, Hilbrand and Hogerzeil, Hans V. 1995. Essential Drugs for Ration Kits in
Developing Countries. Health Policy and Planning. March 1. Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 40-49.
Abstract: Since the early 1980s drug ration kits have been used to improve the supply of essential
drugs to rural health facilities in developing countries. This paper evaluates some of the
experiences with kit systems in Angola, Bhutan, Democratic Yemen, Guinea-Conakry, Kenya,
Mozambique, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia in relation to the selection of drugs for the
kits and their quantities and cost. Data were collected through a review of published papers,
annual reports and programme evaluations, by questionnaires among field staff and interviews
with key experts. In comparing the 10 programmes, 21 drugs can be identified that are used in at
least two-thirds of all kits. This list may be useful for evaluation and planning purposes. Six
drugs (ORS, chloroquine and 4 antibiotics) usually account for over 60% of the cost of the kit.
Careful monitoring of the price and quantities of these 6 drugs can therefore be very cost-
effective. In the absence of reliable data on morbidity and drug needs in the initial phases of a kit
system, the median drug quantities in kits from these 10 countries may serve as a starting point.
Accumulating surpluses are sometimes perceived as a serious disadvantage of kit systems, ORS,
benzyl-benzoate solution and iron tablets are the three drugs that have most frequently
accumulated. These drugs are relatively cheap and usually have a long shelf-life; in most
programmes they have been successfully redistributed to other health facilities while the kit
content was being adapted. The overall financial loss due to accumulation of surpluses is
therefore limited. Most programmes have reached a stable kit content within two years. ISSN:
1460-2237. OCLC: 43257616.
Hagens, Paul. 1990. Land Evaluation in the Republic of Yemen. Food & Agriculture
Org. Page(s): 165-174. ISBN: 9251031312. Database: Google Books. URL:
&as_pt=BOOKS&ei=ApNDS436J aG4NNb_0O8H&cd=15#v=onepage&q=yemen&f=false.
Hall, M., Al-Khulaidi, A. W., Miller, A. G., Scholte, P. and Al-Qadasi, A. H. 2008.
Arabias Last Forests Under Threat: Plant Biodiversity and Conservation in the Valley Forest of
J abal Bura (Yemen). Edinburgh J . Bot. Volume 65, Issue 1, Pages 113-135. Descriptors:
Arabia; Conservation; Evergreen forest; Rare species; Valley forest; Yemen. Notes: Cited By
(since 1996): 1. Abstract: The isolated massif J abal Bura (Yemen) is home to the largest area of
valley forest in southwest Arabias western escarpment mountains. This study surveys the
composition of this very rare forest and records the diversity of vascular plant species. It notes
the valley forest as the home of several regionally rare species and records new locations for
these taxa. A brief analysis of the canopy layer is provided, enabling comparisons with similar
vegetation in northeast Africa. The paper discusses the importance of this regionally rare
vegetation as well as threats to its conservation. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0960-4286.
Hall, M., Scholte, P., Al-Khulaidi, A. W., et al. 2009. Arabias Last Forests Under
Threat II: Remaining Fragments of Unique Valley Forest in Southwest Arabia. Edinburgh J .
Bot. Volume 66, Issue 2, Pages 263-281. Descriptors: Arabia; Conservation; Rare species;
Valley forest; Yemen. Abstract: Over the last three decades, vegetation surveys in southwest
Arabia have documented the existence of a small number of valley forest patches. A well-known
area is in Wadi Rijaf, J abal Bura, a protected area which has recently been surveyed by the
current authors. The other valley forest sites in southwest Arabia have not been surveyed for over
15 years. This paper presents a descriptive study of five of these important valley forest
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localities. To provide an assessment of conservation value, field studies recorded the extent,
quality and composition of the vegetation and the presence of regionally rare species. The
significance of these remaining patches of Arabian forest, and the immediate threats to their
survival, are also discussed. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0960-4286.
Hmlinen, Pertti. 1991. Yemen: A Travel Survival Kit. Berkeley, CA: Lonely Planet.
edition. Descriptors: Yemen- travel and description. ISBN: 0-86442-114-1.
Hamdi, Mohamed. 1997. Sanaa, Yemen. United Kingdom: E & FN Spon, London.
Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; controls; ground water; legislation; monitoring;
policy; pollution; Sanaa Yemen; technology; waste water; water management; water quality;
water resources; Yemen. This is a chapter in a handbook for policy makers and environmental
managers in water authorities and engineering companies engaged in water quality programmes,
especially in developing countries. It is also suitable for use as a textbook or as training material.
References: 8; sketch maps. ISBN: 0419229108. Database: GeoRef. OCLC: 57379782.
Hamed, M. M. 1995. Implications of comprehensive peace on the Middle Easts
transportation sector. Transportation Research Record. Transportation Research Board: Pages
71-74. Descriptors: Budgeting; Defense; Development; Farm roads; Government funding;
Improvements; International relations; International roads; Military organizations; Pipelines;
Ports; Public transit; Railroads; Secondary roads; Transportation planning; Egypt; Iran; Israel;
J ordan; Kuwait; Middle East; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Syria; United Arab Emirates; Yemen;
Agricultural roads; Defense budgets; Military spending; Public transportation; Reduction
(Decrease); Transportation development. Notes: Figures (1); References (6); Tables (6).
Abstract: The spread of peace in the Middle East is expected to bring major reductions in
military spending, freeing up funds that could be used in the transportation sector which is, at
present, underdeveloped. A case study of 10 Middle Eastern countries (Egypt, Iran, Israel,
J ordan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen) shows that if
these countries were to cut their defense budgets, as a percentage of the gross national product, to
the world average, total annual savings would amount to more than $24 billion (U.S.), $2 billion
of which could be spent in the transportation sector. As a result, countries such as Israel, Syria,
and United Arab Emirates could expect to increase transportation spending by more than 80%.
Areas in the transportation sector that would benefit from increased government spending
include pipelines, international roads and railways, public transportation, village and agricultural
roads, and port and container facilities. This paper appears in Transportation Research Record
No. 1498, Transportation Finance, Training, Strategic Management, and Economic Analysis.
Database: TRIS. ISSN: 0361-1981.
Hammond, Andrew. 2008. What the Arabs Think of America. Westport: Praeger, 2008.
246pp. Praeger Security International. Abstract: "These days, Americans and America provoke
strong opinions from Arabs of all sorts, from politicians and journalists to the ordinary men and
women of the 'Arab Street'. Their voices aren't always heard in the West, but for over a decade
British journalist Andrew Hammond, based in the Middle East, has been listening to what they
have to say, and in this book they are heard loud and clear." "Many of the issues are political.
What do the Arabs think of American support for Israel or the close US relationship with Saudi
Arabia? How have they reacted to the American occupation of Iraq? Moving beyond politics,
what is the Arab view of American film, television or the latest hip-hop or rap music heard
everywhere from the Lebanon to Algeria? And what, for that matter, do Arabs think of
Americans themselves, their life-style, attitudes and character?" "Incorporating interviews with
individuals of all sorts from all over the Arab world, What the Arabs Think of America gives
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voice to the unheard partner in a relationship in crisis." ISBN: 1846450004; 9781846450006.
OCLC: 76925011.
Handley, C. and Dottridge, J . 1997. Causes and Consequences of Extreme Water
Shortage in TaIz, Yemen; Groundwater in the Urban Environment; Volume 1, Problems,
Processes and Management. Proceedings of the ...IAH Congress on Groundwater..
A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Volume 27, Pages 325-330. Descriptors: agriculture;
alluvium aquifers; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; boreholes; degradation;
environmental effects; ground water; hydrology; irrigation; land use; rainfall; Taiz Yemen;
terrestrial environment; water quality; water supply; water use; Yemen. References: 5; illus. incl.
1 table, geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 9054109238.
Handley, Chris D. 2001. Water Stress: Some Symptoms and Causes a Case Study of
Taiz, Yemen. Aldershot; Burlington, USA: Ashgate. Page(s): 1 online resource (xiv, 250 p.).
Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) --; Ta`izz; Water resources development --;
Environmental aspects -- Yemen (Republic) -- Ta`izz; Water conservation -- Yemen (Republic);
-- Ta`izz. Abstract: Machine generated contents note: 1 Introduction -- 2 Autopsy of an Aquifer -
- 3 A Socio-Economic Map of Water Allocation and Use -- 4 Discussion: Anatomy of a Water
Crisis -- 5 Conclusions. Notes: System Info: Master and use copy. Digital master created
according to Benchmark for Faithful Digital Reproductions of Monographs and Serials, Version
1. Digital Library Federation, December 2002. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p.
227-245) and index. Print version: Handley, Chris D. Water stress: some symptoms and causes.
Aldershot; Burlington, USA: Ashgate; Responsibility: Chris D. Handley. ISBN: 0754615243.
OCLC: 606588434; 247864006. Table of contents:
Handley, Chris D. 1999. Autopsy of an Aquifer; a Case Study of Al Hayma, Yemen;
Impacts of Urban Growth on Surface Water and Groundwater Quality; Proceedings of an
International Symposium Held during IUGG 99. IAHS-AISH Publication. International
Association of Hydrological Sciences, International. Volume 259, Pages 133-141. Descriptors:
Al Hayma Valley; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; case studies; fluvial features; ground water;
hydrology; models; rainfall; runoff; wadis; water balance; Yemen. References: 14; illus. incl. 6
tables. Abstract: Despite the absence of an unique solution, a combination of the following
methods permits an assessment of who stole the water? from the main aquifer on which a city
of 400 000 people depends: (a) the Penman-Monteith method for deriving crop and soil
evaporation, (b) the US Soil Conservation Service curve number method for calculating runoff,
and (c) groundwater flow modelling to match historical water level trends. Database: GeoRef.
ISSN: 0144-7815.
Harding, T. G. and Smith, K. H. 2000. Masila Block, Yemen, Produced Water Disposal;
Challenges and Solutions; Proceedings of the Sixteenth World Petroleum Congress; Exploration,
New Petroleum Provinces, Drilling and Production Technology, Enhanced Recovery, Deepwater
Fields. Proceedings - World Petroleum Congress =Actes Et Documents - Congres Mondial Du
Petrole. [publisher varies], [location varies], International. Volume 16, Pages 342-344.
Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; cores; Cretaceous; experimental studies; laboratory
studies; Lower Cretaceous; Masila Block; Mesozoic; permeability; petroleum engineering;
porosity; production; Qishn Formation; reservoir properties; reservoir rocks; steam injection;
well-logging; Yemen. Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 0852932944.
Harding, T. G., Varner, J ., Flexhaug, L. A. and Bennion, D. B. 2005. Design and
Performance of a Water Disposal Well Stimulation Treatment in a High Porosity and
Geology of Yemen
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Permeability Sand. J Can Pet Technol. Petroleum Society: Volume 44, Issue 12, Pages 59-64.
Descriptors: Oil wells; Injection (oil wells); Mechanical permeability; Porosity; Sand; Structural
analysis. Abstract: Injectivity problems associated with produced water disposal have been
ongoing in the Masila project in Yemen. Disposal wells experience an immediate low injectivity
upon commencement of injection as compared to the productivity measured during pumping
clean-up of the wells. It has been hypothesized that this behaviour, referred to as the check-valve
effect, is caused mainly by mobile formation fines in the near-well vicinity. Injectivity often
declines further because of plugging by impurities in the disposal water. Laboratory and field
work have been done to test several methods of improving water disposal well performance,
including the application of horizontal wells and proppant fracture stimulation of vertical wells.
Another technique tried in the field was a stimulation treatment involving HCl/HF acid followed
by a thin-film polymer. The intent of the treatment was to destroy potentially mobile formation
fines in the near wellbore area and then to stabilize those that remained in an attempt to reduce
the check-valve effect. The acid and polymer treatment was developed through laboratory core
testing and was employed on a newly drilled water disposal well. The procedures and results of
the laboratory work are described along with the design and implementation of the stimulation
treatment. The injection performance of the well is examined relative to other disposal wells in
the field. Initial results of the stimulation treatment were disappointing but the well has improved
over time to become a moderately good injector. However, the results of the test have not
provided enough encouragement to date to warrant further work in the field. ISSN: 0021-9487.
Harding, Tom G., Smith, Ken H. and Norris, Brett. 2004. Horizontal Water Disposal
Well Performance in a High Porosity and Permeability Reservoir. J Can Pet Technol. Petroleum
Society: Volume 43, Issue 11, Pages 21-31. Descriptors: Horizontal wells; Anisotropy;
Fracturing (oil wells); Injection (oil wells); Installation; Particle size analysis; Porosity;
Precipitation (chemical); Sandstone; Sediments; Shale; Water quality. Abstract: Nexen
Petroleum International Ltd. (Nexen) has a 52% interest and is operator of the Masila Block in
the Republic of Yemen. Oil and water are produced mainly from the under pressured Qishn
Formation, a non-marine to marine clastic sequence of Lower Cretaceous Age, which is roughly
61 m (200 ft) thick and lies at a depth of 191 m (5,500 ft) from surface. Currently, oil production
is 36,567 m3/d (230,000 BOPD) at a water cut of about 80%. The 160,000 m3/d (1.0
MMBWPD) of water produced are currently reinjected under matrix injection pressures into 24
vertical and four horizontal wells. These are completed in the best quality sands (the S2/S3
members of the Upper Qishn Formation) that have average porosity and permeability of 20% and
3.65E-12 m2 (3,700 md), respectively. Despite the exceptional disposal reservoir quality,
injection problems continue to exist that have caused Nexen to study and evaluate numerous
methods of improving injectivity. After extensive laboratory core and field testing, hypotheses
have been developed to explain the behaviour of the water disposal wells including the so-called
check valve effect. Horizontal wells and proppant fractured wells were employed to test the
hypotheses and to improve injectivity. This paper reviews the laboratory results and discusses the
placement of horizontal injectors along with the drilling and completion details of the wells. The
performance of the horizontal disposal wells under matrix injection is compared to conventional
vertical disposal wells and proppant fractured vertical wells. Produced water is expected to reach
238,500 m3/d (1.5 MMBWPD) and improvements in disposal well performance will reduce the
number of wells that will need to be drilled to handle this volume, thereby improving overall
project value. ISSN: 0021-9487.
Hardison, Chaitra M., et al. 2009. Cross-Cultural Skills for Deployed Air Force Personnel: Defining Cross-
Cultural Performance. Santa Monica: RAND, 2009. 184 pages. Abstract: Air Force leadership recognizes that the
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cross-cultural performance of Air Force members now plays a greater role in mission success than ever before. The
Air Force therefore asked RAND to assist in developing a comprehensive program for preparing members of the Air
Force in cross-cultural skills. RAND researchers responded by first creating a taxonomy covering all behaviors
relevant to cross-cultural performance after a review of the literature and discussions with Air Force personnel.
From this taxonomy, the researchers developed a framework of 14 categories of cross-cultural behaviors: 9
categories of enabling behaviors and 5 categories of goal-oriented behaviors. Enabling behaviors help facilitate a
variety of day-to-day activities and are likely to be needed in a variety of jobs. These categories are foreign language
skills; verbal and nonverbal communication skills; social etiquette skills; stress management in unfamiliar cultural
settings; behavior change to fit the cultural context; gathering and interpreting observed information; applying
regional knowledge; self-initiated learning; and respecting cultural differences. Goal-oriented behaviors are
associated with specific mission-related activities and are likely to be needed only by individuals working in certain
Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs). These categories are establishing authority; influencing others; negotiating with
others; establishing credibility, trust, and respect; and resolving conflict. The importance of the 14 behavior
categories for deployed performance was evaluated by surveying approximately 21,000 previously deployed airmen.
Respondents also were asked to indicate how much training they had received. Recommendations for the design of a
comprehensive program of cross-cultural training and education were made based on extensive analyses of the
results, which included determining whether training needs differed by AFSC, grade (enlisted/officer), and
deployment location. DTIC: ADA499701. URL: 100.2/ADA499701.
Hardisty, P. E., Watson, J . and Ross, S. D. 1996. A Geomatics Platform for Groundwater Resources
Assessment and Management in the Hadramout-Masila Region of Yemen. Application of Geographic Information
Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management. Proc. HydroGIS96 Conference, Vienna, 1996. IAHS;
Publication 235: Vienna, Austria. Issue 235, Pages 527-533. Descriptors: Water resources; Aquifers; Database
systems; Geophysics; Groundwater; Mapping; Mathematical models; Petroleum geology; Project management;
Remote sensing; Testing; Water analysis; Well drilling. Abstract: An integrated geomatics platform was designed
for the multi-year groundwater resources assessment project at the Hadramout-Masila district of Yemen Arab
Republic. A comprehensive data base incorporating all anticipated data requirements was constructed, with
accompanying field data input forms. The GIS platform will be used to generate MODFLOW input fields for quasi-
3D groundwater flow modeling of the region. Geomatics, combining remote sensing, GPS and GIS technologies
provided a powerful platform for storing, standardizing, analyzing and presenting a wide variety of hydrogeological
data covering a large and remote area. ISSN: 0144-7815.
Hardy, Ernest E., and A. van Wambeke. Executive Summary for the Land Classification
and Soil Survey of the Yemen Arab Republic. S.l: s.n, 1983. Notes: Prepared for the Near East
Bureau, U.S. Agency for International Development. "Contract No. AID/NE-C-1665." "May
1983." ii, 8 p. ; 28 cm. OCLC: 700352518. URL:
Hargrave, A.L. 1961. Aden - Ground control for aerial mapping for the lahej irrigation
project /including dam site area/ - Report to the government. FAO 1961 - EPTA Report no 1453
- 13 p. Keywords: Dams; Irrigation; Aerial Surveying; Cartography; Topography; Data
Collection; Data Processing; Equipment; Democratic Yemen. EPTA PROJ ECT. Report Number:
LA-EPTA 1453. FAO Library Accession Number: 051453.
Harper, Stephen. 2002. South Arabia and Aden, 1964-1967: Tribesmen and Terrorists. In
Thompson, Maj Gen J ulian. The Imperial War Museum Book of Modern Warfare. London:
Sidgwick & J ackson. Page(s): 376. Abstract: The Imperial War Museum book of modern
warfare: British and Commonwealth forces at war 1945-2000. Harpers chapter in Major General
Thompsons The Imperial War Museum Book on Modern Warfare and the very short piece in
Arnold are also worth looking at. Notes: xxiii, 376 pages: ill., maps; 24 cm. ISBN: 0283063645.
Harris, Paul M. and Kowalik, William S. 1995. Facies Dimensions within Carbonate
Reservoirs; Guidelines from Satellite Images of Modern Analogs; AAPG International
Conference and Exhibition; Abstracts. AAPG Bull. American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, Tulsa, OK. Aug. Volume 79, Issue 8, Pages 1221. Descriptors: Abu Dhabi; Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; Atlantic Ocean; Australasia; Australia; Bahamas; Belize; Caicos Platform;
Geology of Yemen
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carbonate platforms; carbonate rocks; Caribbean region; Central America; Chinchorro Bank;
Coral Sea; depositional environment; distribution; Florida; Great Barrier Reef; Gulf of Mexico;
imagery; lagoonal environment; lithofacies; marine environment; models; modern analogs;
North Atlantic; offshore; Pacific Ocean; patterns; permeability; petroleum; planar bedding
structures; porosity; remote sensing; reservoir rocks; sand bodies; satellite methods; sedimentary
rocks; sedimentary structures; shallow-water environment; Shark Bay; shelf environment;
siliciclastics; South Pacific; southern Florida; Southwest Pacific; stratigraphic traps; tidal flats;
traps; United Arab Emirates; United States; variations; West Indies; West Pacific; Western
Australia; Yemen; Yucatan Peninsula. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0149-1423.
Harrower, M. J . 2009. Is the Hydraulic Hypothesis Dead Yet? Irrigation and Social
Change in Ancient Yemen. World Archaeol. Volume 41, Issue 1, Pages 58-72. Descriptors:
Ancient states; Geographic information systems; Irrigation; Southwest Arabia; Yemen. Abstract:
Irrigation played an important role throughout ancient Southwest Arabian histories. Irrigation
structures provide some of the earliest evidence of crop agriculture and large-scale flash
floodwater irrigation systems sustained ancient states; the region thus offers important potential
for reconsidering links between irrigation and social change. This paper examines millennia-long
connections between social relations and the increasing technological and organizational
complexity of irrigation in ancient Yemen. While the hydraulic hypothesis in its original
deterministic formulation does not adequately account for the complexity and diversity of
regional histories, large centrally managed irrigation systems played an indisputably significant
role in Southwest Arabian state formation. Irrigation not only generated the food to sustain
burgeoning populations but, just as importantly, afforded ancient kings the ideological prestige
of commanding transformation of hyper-arid areas into lush, bountiful oases. Database:
SCOPUS. ISSN: 0043-8243.
Harrower, Michael J . 2008. Hydrology, Ideology, and the Origins of Irrigation in
Ancient Southwest Arabia. Current Anthropology; J une 2008, Vol. 49 Issue 3, 497-510, 14p, 2
Black and White Photographs, 3 Charts, 1 Graph, 2 Maps. Subject Terms: Irrigation; Hydrology;
Ideology; Social Factors; Geomatics; Landforms; Drainage; Tombs. Abstract: As an
archaeologically less-known region, Southwest Arabia offers new insights that can contribute to
interregional understanding of agricultures beginnings. The relative importance of
environmental and social factors is an issue that has proven particularly contentious for both
general and regionally focused explanations of transitions to agriculture. Geomatics analyses of
landforms and runoff and ethnoarchaeological consideration of cairn tombs and water rights
along the Wadi Sana drainage of Hadramawt Governate, Yemen, highlight the joint importance
of two proximate dimensions of environmental conditions and social relations-hydrology and
ideologies of territoriality. In contrast with a focus on one or the other, perspectives that draw on
the strengths of both scientific quantification and humanistic interpretation provide for more
accurate understanding of the circumstances that shaped the lives and livelihoods of early
farmers. ISSN: 00113204. DOI: 10.1086/587890.
Harrower, Michael J . 2010. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Hydrological
Modeling in Archaeology: An example from the Origins of Irrigation in Southwest Arabia
(Yemen). J ournal of Archaeological Science. 07. Volume 37, Issue 7, Pages 1447-1452.
Descriptors: Geographic information systems; Hydrology; Mathematical models; Archaeology;
Remote sensing; Water -- Management; Arabian Peninsula; Yemen (Republic). Abstract: From
small bands of foragers, pastoralists, and village agriculturists, to states and civilizations water
accessibility and management played a crucial role in sustenance and social life throughout the
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ancient world. Recent advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related remote
sensing technologies offer powerful means of analyzing water flow that are well-suited to clarify
design and operational requirements of different irrigation and water management systems.
Ancient Southwest Arabian irrigation technologies developed over thousands of years
culminating in some the ancient worlds most advanced flashflood water systems. This paper
describes satellite imagery Digital Elevation Model (DEM) extraction and GIS hydrological
modeling procedures conducted for the Wadi Sana watershed of Hadramawt Governate, Yemen.
Results help illustrate one of the local contexts in which small-scale irrigation originated in
Southwest Arabia and additionally serve as an example for those interested in applying similar
methods in other regions. ISSN: 0305-4403.
Harrower, Michael J ames. 2006. Environmental Versus Social Parameters, Landscape,
and the Origins of Irrigation in Southwest Arabia (Yemen). Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State
University. Page(s): 267. Descriptors: Irrigation engineering, Prehistoric -- Yemen (Republic);
Geographic information systems; Geomatics; Ethnoarchaeology. Abstract: Abstract: Using the
Wadi Sana watershed of Hadramawt Governate, Yemen as a case study, this dissertation
examines how environmental and social factors structured the origins of irrigation in prehistoric
Southwest Arabia. It applies three methods, archaeological survey, geomatics, and
ethnoarchaeology set within a framework of scientific and humanistic landscape archaeology.
Results of archaeological survey and radiocarbon dating confirm that irrigation originated in
Southwest Arabia during the mid 6th millennium calibrated BP and identify shrj surface runoff
irrigation as one of the earliest irrigation techniques in the region. Conflicts between
explanations emphasizing environmental versus those stressing social factors have long
structured investigations of prehistory and models of transitions to agriculture. To evaluate the
relative, interconnected influence of environmental versus social factors this study applies: 1)
geomatics to evaluate the hypothesis that locations of ancient irrigation structures in Wadi Sana
are closely associated with hydrological variables reflecting close behavioral ties to
environmental conditions, and 2) ethnoarchaeology to interpret sociocultural, political, and
ideological parameters of ancient irrigation. A sample of 174 irrigation structures is statistically
compared with satellite imagery-derived data including landform and hydrological Geographic
Information System (GIS) map data layers. A cross-cultural overview of irrigation, synopses of
typological and social aspects contemporary irrigation in Yemen, and a preliminary
ethnoarchaeological study of water-use and irrigation in present-day Wadi Sana help illustrate
how organizational/logistical challenges and perceptions of landscapes and water-rights shaped
irrigations origins. Collective results illustrate why a combination of processual and
postprocessual perspectives including both quantitative hypothesis testing and qualitative
interpretation best illustrate the relative importance of environmental and social factors. Research
findings demonstrate that ancient forager-herders in Wadi Sana chose irrigation structure
locations based on intimate knowledge of low-energy monsoon runoff along rocky hillslopes,
and that new understandings of landscapes as hydraulically malleable domains of anthropogenic
control, exclusive rights to water, and new forms of territoriality were crucial to irrigations
origins. Notes: Dissertation: Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. System Info:
Available online via OhioLINKs ETD Center; System requirements: World Wide Web browser
and PDF viewer. Includes bibliographical references (p. 200-263). Responsibility: by Michael J .
Harrower. OCLC Accession Number: 70135954.
Hasan, `Abd Allah `Abd al-J abbar. 2004. Himayat Al-Tharwah Al-Maiyah. Aden: Dar
J ami`at `Adan lil-Tiba`ah wa-al-Nashr. Descriptors: Water quality management -- Yemen
Geology of Yemen
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(Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic); Water resources development -- Yemen
(Republic); Internet resource. Abstract: Water resources; protection; Yemen. Notes: 98 p. 24 cm.
Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 74-83). Responsibility: al-muallif, `Abd Allah
`Abd al-J abbar Hasan. LCCN: 2007-331896. OCLC: 124540334. URL:
Hasan, `Abd Allah `Abd al-J abbar. 2002. Azmat Al-Miyah Fi Al-Yaman Wa-Tathiruha
`al Al-Tanmiyah: Al-Badail Wa-Al-Hulul. San`a: Markaz `Abbadi lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr.
Page(s): 152. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic); Water resources development --
Yemen; (Republic). Abstract: Water-supply; influences; development; Yemen. Notes: ill. 22 cm.
Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-126). Responsibility: `Abd Allah `Abd al-
J abbar Hasan. LCCN: 2003-468474. OCLC: 53981823.
Hasan, AAJ . 2000. Irrigation Water Resources in Republic of Yemen. Notes: TY: GEN.
Database: COS Conference Papers Index. URL:
Hassan dam construction approved. 2010. Yemen Today. October 25, 2010. Abstract:
The Hassan dam project, projected to cost USD 98 million, has recently been approved by the
Supreme Tender Committee. The dam will bring about a dramatic change in the Abyan
agricultural sector and will also improve the food situation in Yemen in general, the
Deputy Minister for Irrigation sector at the Ministry of Agriculture said. He said that the project
is considered to be one of the strategic projects that will increase cereals, fruits, vegetables, and
animal fodder production to cover the local markets needs and increase exports. He pointed out
that the dam is being financed by government of Abu Dhabi and the government of Yemen. The
Hassan dam aims to increase water resources, control floods, regulate irrigation through control
gates, protect agricultural products, and control the negative effects of the streams flow. It also
aims to rehabilitate the dams downstream channels to bring water to local farms, increase
irrigation efficiency, and increase groundwater recharge. The dam will also assist in the
development of the monitoring process of water distribution in the canals as well as promote
social cooperation for water distribution in the region. The dam will irrigate 10,000 acres and
13,000 families will benefit from the agricultural lands that are affected. The assembly area is
31,200 square kilometers and the average annual water flow is about 39 million cubic meters,
whereas the dams reservoir is 4.2 square kilometers. The highest water level of the dam will be
135.5 meters. The Hassan dam manager, Yousif Ahmed Frie, pointed out that the dam consists
of two major components; the first is the controlling of rain water with a storing capacity of 20
million cubic meters and the second one includes irrigation and control channels, distribution
facilities, irrigation outlets, and an agricultural irrigation route, adding that the dam will restore
the lands that were washed away during the 1982 floods, increase agricultural productivity, and
feed the underground reservoirs of the wells that supply the Aden, Abian, and Lahj
Governorates in addition to increasing agricultural production and providing jobs to a large
number of the workforce in the governorate in various fields during the dams construction
period. He noted that Wadi Hassan is one of the steepest valleys in the region and most of the
monsoon rains the wadi receives are washed into the sea. The reservoir will act as a storage unit
for this rainwater and control flooding. Abyan valley delta is an agricultural area that is formed
by the Wadi Hassan and Wadi Bana precipitations during the monsoon floods. It is one of the
most fertile areas in Yemen, starting from mountainous ranges up to the valleys mouth in the
Gulf of Aden. The delta is 35 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide. The building of the dam is
considered to be important because it will prevent the washing away of fertile soil by flash floods
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which destroy agricultural projects in the low laying areas. URL:
Hassan, Hussein. 2003. Review: Sharecropping in the Yemen: A Study in Islamic
Theory, Custom and Pragmatism. William J . Donaldson: Sharecropping in the Yemen: A Study
in Islamic Theory, Custom and Pragmatism. J ournal of Islamic Studies. J anuary 1. Volume 14,
Issue 1, Pages 76-79. ISSN 0955-2340. doi: 10.1093/jis/14.1.76.
Hassan, L. A. J . A. L. and Shwafi, N. A. A. 1997. Asymmetry Analysis in Two Marine
Teleost Fishes Collected from the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Pak. J . Zool. Volume 29, Issue 1,
Pages 23-25. Descriptors: Asymmetry; Red Sea; Teleost fishes; Yemen. Notes: Cited By (since
1996): 1. Abstract: Asymmetry analysis have been carried out for some bilateral characters of
two marine teleost fishes, Saurida undosquamis and Sillago sihama collected from the Red Sea
coast of the Republic of Yemen. The results show that in the S. undosquamis the level of
asymmetry of pectoral fin ray and eye lens weight increase with the increase of the length of the
fish. This is also true for the postorbital length in S. sihama. The cause and origin of the
asymmetry in this species have been discussed from the point of view of different toxicants and
their presence and distribution in the area. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0030-9923.
Hassan, LAJ , Fareed, KH and Azab, AM. 1997. Some Vertebral Anomalies in Fishes
Collected from the Republic of Yemen. Pak. J . Zool. Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 302-304.
Descriptors: Mutations; Vertebrae; Article Taxonomic Terms: Barbus apoensis; Chelon
macrolepis; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen; Yemen; abnormalities; animal morphology;
Marine; Brackish; Freshwater. Abstract: Vertebral anomalies in Chelon macrolepis (Pisces:
Mugilidae) collected from Houdaida Province at the Red Sea coast of Yemen and Barbus
apoensis collected from the freshwater falling water pools at the Province of Ibb, south of
Sanaa, have been described. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN:
Hassan, MAH, Majed, AA-E, Hamid, TA-S and Abdel Moneim, MA. 2001.
Distribution of Trace Elements in Tissues of Five Fish Species Collected from the Red Sea
Coast of Yemen. Bull. Natl. Inst. Oceanogr. Fish. (Egypt). 311-322. Volume 27, Pages 311-
322. Descriptors: Heavy metals; Marine fish; Pollution effects; Tissues; Trace elements; Waste
water; Article Taxonomic Terms: Epinephelus; Lethrinus lentjan; Saurida undosquamis;
Scomberoides commersonianus; Scomberomorus commerson; Article Geographic Terms: Red
Sea; Yemen; Groupers; Narrow-barred spanish mackerel; Marine. Abstract: The distribution of
trace elements in different tissues of 5 fish species collected from the Red Sea Coast of Yemen
(Scomberoides commersonianus, Saurida undosquamis, Epinephelus, Lethrinus lentjan,
Scomberomorus commerson) were investigated. The study was conducted to determine the
levels of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.
High concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb were observed in Scomberoides
commersonianus with mean values of 2.50, 1.30, 2.00, 6.00, 0.60, 2.00 and 1.30 mu g/g dry
weight respectively, while the high values of V and Zn were measured in Saurida undosquamis
with mean values 1.80 and 20.00 mu g/g dry wt, respectively. Generally the concentrations of
trace elements reported in the different fish tissues are within the acceptable worldwide ranges
and lower than those reported in the world literature. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and
Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 1110-0354.
Hattab, F. N. and Angmar-Mnsson, B. 2000. Fluoride Content in Khat (Catha Edulis)
Chewing Leaves. Arch. Oral Biol. Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 253-255. Descriptors: Fluoride;
Khat leaves. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 3. Abstract: Khat (qat) leaves are chewed for their
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psychostimulative effects; there is an unconfirmed suggestion that they contain a high
concentration of fluoride (F). Khat samples from Yemen were suspended in deionized water,
spun, and the supernatants exposed to a chelator that decomplexes F, which was assayed with an
Felectrode coupled to an ion analyser. F released into whole saliva after chewing khat for 15 min
and from khat suspended in stimulated whole saliva for 1.5 h in vitro was measured also. Total F
in dried khat leaves and their ash was assayed by the acid-hexamethyldisiloxane microdiffusion
method. All methods demonstrated negligible amounts of F in or from khat leaves (< 0.02 g
F/ml leached into water or saliva: 0.06 g F/ml in saliva after chewing; 0.93 g total F/g in dried
leaf; 2.07 g total F/g in ash). Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0003-9969.
Hawkins, Lorraine. 2007. Womens Lives and Social Change in Old Sana, the Republic
of Yemen. United States -- New York: Anthropology. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
Abstract: Fieldwork conducted in the late 1990s involved getting to know women of all ages and
their life stories in a neighborhood of Old Sana, the Republic of Yemen. Most women were
married young and are housewives. The neighborhood social life promotes traditionalism and a
gendered division of labor that prescribes roles for women as wives and mothers. An account of
Yemeni history and womens history shows the traditions have framed the discourse and the
gender ideologies within which Yemeni people negotiate the terms of modernity. Nationalist
discourses on women and development bear more relevance for women of the upper classes.
Lower middle class families have had to struggle for household survival and to maintain social
status during the national economic crisis of the 1990s. Families were continuing to marry their
daughters young, placing their trust in what they conceive as the traditions involved with early
marriage. The argument presented is that these choices should be analyzed as class-based
cultural responses in the day-to-day struggle with the consequences of modernity in Yemen. Not
everyone in the neighborhood has followed the traditional gender ideology. Women sellers
who have prospered through a womens informal economy along with other upwardly mobile
families did express more favorable attitudes towards girls education. A few young women did
attend university. The stories of these young women along with the life stories of women sellers
are included in order to understand the factors that influence social change in womens lives.
Regarding the issue of education versus early marriage, recommendations are made taking into
consideration parents decision-making and their concerns regarding security in the future for
their daughters. Notes: Anthropology; Ph.D. ISBN: 9780549046240; 0549046240. OCLC
Number: 226375433.
Hazen and Sawyer. . 1977. Yemen Arab Republic, National Water and Sewerage
Authority: Taiz Water Supply and Sewerage Project, Water System Improvements. New York:
Hazen and Sawyer. Descriptors: Ta`izz (Yemen) -- Aerial Photographs; Ta`izz (Yemen) -- Maps.
Notes: Description: 1 map; 83 x 112 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:5,000. Other Titles: Taiz water
supply and sewerage project, water system improvements. OCLC Accession Number:
Hazen and Sawyer and Yemen Arab Republic National Water and Sewerage Authority. .
1977. Taiz Water Supply and Sewerage Project. New York: Hazen and Sawyer. Descriptors:
Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Ta`izz -- Maps; Sewerage -- Yemen (Republic) -- Ta`izz --
Maps; Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Ta`izz Region -- Maps; Sewerage -- Yemen
(Republic) -- Ta`izz Region -- Maps. Notes: Description: 5 maps; 84 x 113 cm. or smaller.
Scales vary. Note(s): At head of title: Yemen Arab Republic, National Water and Sewerage
Authority. Sheets 1 and 2 are photocopies. Sheets 3, 4, and 5 are photomaps. Relief shown by
contours and spot heights on some sheets. Responsibility: Hazen and Sawyer, engineers.
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Abstract: Plate I. Plan of recommended project and alternatives, 1:50,000.--Plate II. Al Haima
water resources, 1:20,000.--Plate III. Water system improvements, 1:5,000.--Plate IV. Sewerage
system improvements, 1:5,000.--Plate V. Storm drainage improvements, 1:5,000. LCCN: 78-
695575. OCLC Accession Number: 5485994.
Health Data Publications no. 16. Yemen. 1962. Performer: Walter Reed Army Medical
Center Washington D C. Sep 1962. 21 pages. Abstract: Contents: Minerals, industry,
transportation and communications; Food and nutrition, water supply; Animals of medical
importance; Diseases of Yemen; Health services and medical facilities. OCLC: 227365399.
Hearn, AB. 1969. Growth and Performance of Cotton in a Desert Environment: I.
Morphological Development of the Crop; Ii. Dry Matter Production; Iii. Crop Performance.
J ournal of Agricultural Science, Camb, 1969, Vol 73, no 1, I.P 65-74, Ii.P 75-86, Iii.P 87-97.19
Fig, 13 Tab. 65 REF. Descriptors: Cotton; Plant Growth; Plant Morphology; Environmental
Effects; Fiber Crops; Arid Lands; Deserts; Planting Management; Crop Production; Crop
Response; Plant Physiology; Flood Irrigation; Alluvium; Sierozem; Soil-Water-Plant
Relationships; Varieties; Spatial Distribution; Irrigation Water; Equations; Economic Efficiency;
Effects; Photosynthesis; Leaves; Carbon Dioxide; Light; Soil Water; Evapotranspiration; Seeds;
Dry Matter Production; Plant Requirements; Yemen; Dry Weight; Unit Leaf-Area Index; Beers
Law. Abstract: Agriculture in southern Yeman is based on annual spate floods, deep alluvial
soils, and deep-rooted crops such as cotton. General principles of cotton growth were studied
under a variety of experiments in 1963 and 1964. The results of variety, sowing date, irrigation
water and plant spacing tests indicate that morphological change and dry weight increase are
linked to predict crop performance. An exponential equation is developed for dry weight and unit
leaf-area index, based on beers law as opposed to linear regression. Varieties and agronomic
practices are discussed in economic terms. An empirical relationship between water, dry matter
production and cotton seed yield is evaluated physically and biologically based on work by
penman and dewit, and practically based on commercial yields and watering rates. Experimental
procedure for i includes number of mainstem notes, variety, water, branches, fruiting points, and
treatment effects. Potential photosynthesis, leaf distribution, co sub 2 exchange resistance, light,
vegetative and reproductive growth are evaluated for ii. Soil water, evapotranspiration, seed
cotton, plant weight and structure, water, mainstem, fruiting points, and boll and fibre character
are investigated in III. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 0021-8596.
Heathcote, Brig G. S. 1966. Operations in the Radfan. Royal United Services Institute
for Defence Studies J ournal. February 1966. Volume Vol. 111, Issue No. 641, Pages 30-40.
ISSN: 0307-1847.
Heba, HM, Saeed, MA and Al-Saad, HT. 2001. Assessment of N-Alkanes in Sediments
from Northwest Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Mar. Mesop. Spec. Issue.
Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 345-356. Descriptors: Coastal zone; Saturated hydrocarbons;
Sediment analysis; Sediment chemistry; Transport processes; Article Geographic Terms: Red
Sea; Yemen; Marine. Abstract: Sediment samples taken from different locations from the
Northwest Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea Coast of Yemen were analyzed to determine origins
and sources of n-alkanes. In sediments from the Northwest Arabian Gulf, odd and even carbon
numbers were found. These came from different sources such as phytoplankton, zooplankton,
bacteria and fungi; higher molecular weight compound was found as another sources. In the
sediment of the Red Sea coast of Yemen the distribution exhibited odd carbon number
predominance in C sub(15)-C sub(21) and C sub(25)-C sub(31) range which is characteristic of
autochthonous and allochthonous natural input, where slight even carbon number predominance
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in the C sub(20)-C sub(30) range invoked reduction or bacterial processes. Moreover
concentration of n-alkanes in both sediment from North-West Arabian Gulf and Red Sea were
also within the range of the other parts of the world. The present study show that concentration
of n-alkanes in sediment of Northwest region of the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea coast of Yemen
are governed by four transport processes: 1) Aeoline transport of fossil fuel and combustion
products followed by deposition on the surface water and subsequent sedimentation; 2) Transport
of combined n-alkanes source (e.g. storm water runoff, municipal sewage effluents, oil spillage
from ports and industrial inputs); 3) Direct introduction of waste material via ship leisure boats
and fishing boats; and, 4) Resuspension of materials reaching coastal aquatic sediment via
aeoline transport and deposition in setting areas. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and
Fisheries Abstracts.
Heba, Hassaan M .A. Mohamed Al-Kahali and Majed Al-Edresi. 2007. Heavy Metal
Contamination in the White Muscles of Some Commercial Fish Species From Al-Hodeidah -Red
Sea coast of Yemen. Abstract: The distribution of seven trace metals namely Zn, Mn, Cd, Cu,
Co, Ni, and Pb in some commercial fish species was determined. Samples of the white muscles
from Latjanus sp.(snapers), Mullet (Mugil sp.), Indian Mackeral (Rostregllier kanagurata),
catfish (Arius thalasinus), and Longtail tuna (Thunus tonggol) collected along the coast of Al-
Hodiedah Red Sea coast of Yemen, were analyzed by using Flame Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results showed high concentrations of all the studied elements,
and the concentration were varied from one species to another. Nevertheless, elevated
concentrations of trace metals were observed in Lutjanus sp., and tuna. Our findings also showed
high concentrations of Pb in all fishes, in general. Also, high concentrations of Cd were exhibited
in Lutjanus and catfish, with 0.65 g/g and 0.6 g/g respectively. The manganese (Mn), Copper
(Cu), Cobalt (Co), and Nickel (Ni) mean concentrations ranged between 1.93 and 6.69 g/g. The
mean concentrations of Zn in this study were lower when compared with those reported in other
parts of the world. In conclusion, although values of trace metals observed in our study are
within the acceptable worldwide range, however they are lower
than those reported elsewhere. The present study considers the recommendation of carrying out
continuous monitoring program for the Red Sea coast of Yemen, and that the levels of heavy
metals must remain within the prescribed worldwide ratio In conclusion, this investigation
showed that the concentration of trace metals in the white muscles of some commercial fish
species collected from Al-Hodiedah were higher when compared to else where along the Red
Sea Coast. This might be due to the activities in the study area, fat content, age, and different
species have different affinities for certain metal up take. In addition the sewage discharges in
the area and recently the dredging along the beach. The study recommended a continuous
monitoring program for the Red Sea Coast of Yemen, and the levels of heavy metals must
remain within the prescribed worldwide limit. URL:
Hellegers, P J G J ; Perry, C J ; Al-Aulaqi, Nasser. 2011. Incentives to reduce
groundwater consumption in Yemen. Irrigation and Drainage. Volume 60 (1). Feb 2011.
Abstract: In this paper options for changing the incentive structure to reduce unsustainable
groundwater consumption in Yemen are evaluated. Special attention is paid to incentives that
decrease the profitability of irrigation water use and subsidies on improved irrigation technology.
Although the literature and economic theory suggest that the range of possible incentives is wide
(water pricing, metering, water rights, water markets, taxes, subsidies, information, participatory
management, etc.), the results of this study show that the range of potentially effective incentives
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in the Yemeni political context is more limited due to difficulties of implementing and enforcing
change. The Yemeni case is unique, as there is a close linkage between water and qat production.
Reducing water consumption will substantially reduce the benefits from qat production and
consequently farm income, which is a politically sensitive way of bringing about a balance
between supply and demand of water. ISSN: 1531-0361.
Helmore, P. I. and Howard Humphreys & Sons. 1982. Yemen Arab Republic,
Preservation of the Old City of Sanaa: Water Supply, Sewerage and Stormwater Drainage:
Report. Descriptors: Water-supply engineering -- Yemen (Republic) -- San`a; Water supply --
Yemen (Republic) -- San`a; Cities and towns -- Conservation and restoration -- Yemen
(Republic) -- San`a. Notes: iii, 76, 12 leaves: ill. 30 cm. Genre/Form: Photographs, Original.
Note(s): Howard Humphreys & Partners, consulting engineers--Cover. November 1982.
Includes 12 leaves of color photographs and 8 folded leaves of architectural drawings. Other
Titles: Preservation of the old city of Sanaa. Responsibility: P.I. Helmore. OCLC: 85172558.
Hendrikse, Mirjam. 2000. And from Water we Created Every Living Thing: A Study
about Actors and Factors Influencing the Behaviour of Dhamari Farmers with Regard to Water
Distribution in Yemen. Nijmegen: CIDN. Page(s): 5. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen
(Republic); Water resources management -- Yemen (Republic); Water use -- Yemen (Republic);
Waterhuishouding; Boeren; Thesis/dissertation. Notes: x, 124; maps; 24 cm. Dissertation: Thesis
(Ph. D.)--University of Nijmegen, 2000. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 111-
118). Responsibility: Mirjam Hendrikse. ISBN: 9072639952; 9789072639950. OCLC:
Hendy, C. R. C. and Land Resources Development Centre (Great Britain). 1981.
Livestock Production. Surbiton: Land Resources Development Centre. Page(s): 200. Descriptors:
Agricultural development projects -- Yemen (Republic); Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project;
Government publication. Notes: xvi; ill. 30 cm. Note(s): YAR-01-41/REC-29/80.;
Responsibility: C.R.C. Hendy. OCLC: 68763901; 68706137.
Henrici, Amy C. and Baez, Maria. 2001. First Occurrence of Xenopus (Anura, Pipidae)
on the Arabian Peninsula; a New Species from the Upper Oligocene of Yemen. J . Paleontol.
Paleontological Society, Lawrence, KS, United States: United States. J ul. Volume 75, Issue 4,
Pages 870-882. Descriptors: Amphibia; Anura; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; biogeography;
biometry; Cenozoic; Chordata; climate change; first occurrence; fossilization; fresh-water
environment; Lissamphibia; morphology; new taxa; Oligocene; paleoclimatology; Paleogene;
Pipidae; skeletons; taxonomy; Tertiary; Tetrapoda; upper Oligocene; Vertebrata; Xenopus
arabiensis; Yemen. Notes: References: 48; illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map. Abstract: A
freshwater interbed of the Yemen Volcanic Group in central western Yemen yielded impressions
of numerous, articulated, mostly complete frog skeletons. Recent dating of the volcanics and the
stratigraphic position of the fossil bearing bed in the sequence support a Late Oligocene age for
the frogs. These frogs are described as a new species of Xenopus, a genus that is today mostly
confined to subsaharan Africa, and they provide evidence of the former, wider distribution of this
genus on the Afro-Arabian Plate. The new species, X. arabiensis, differs from other Xenopus in
its long maxilla and maxillary tooth row. It resembles X. muelleri in its dentate, azygous vomer
and prominent, cone-shaped, distally-pointed prehallux, but differs from X. muelleri in having an
atlantal intercotylar notch and longer distal prehallux bone. Climatic changes during the Neogene
probably led to the extinction of Xenopus on the Arabian Peninsula; however, the timing of this
event is not certain. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0022-3360. URL:
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Henry L. Stimson Center; National Intelligence Council (U.S.); United States and Dept.
of State. 2010. Fresh Water Futures Imagining Responses to Demand Growth, Climate Change,
and the Politics of Water Resource Management by 2040. Washington, DC: Stimson Center.
Page(s): 1 online resource (25 p.). Descriptors: Water-supply -- Political aspects --; Congresses;
Water-supply -- Economic aspects --; International rivers -- Congresses; Water-supply --
International; cooperation -- Congresses; Water rights -- International; Conflict management --
International; Water-supply -- Afghanistan; Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic); Mekong River;
Ganges River (India and Bangladesh); Kali River (India and Nepal); Indus River. Abstract: On
29 J anuary 2010, The Stimson Center, under the sponsorship of the National Intelligence
Council and the US State Department, organized a workshop in Washington, DC, focused on the
future of global fresh water resources and the politics of water resource management. Specific
in-country cases included Yemen and Afghanistan, and transboundary cases included the river
basins of the Mekong, Ganges, Mahakali, and Indus rivers. Building on this base, the workshop
then considered criteria for identifying basins where future tensions or instabilities could emerge
and assessed the roles that technological innovations, market mechanisms, river basin
institutions, and other policy approaches play in the cooperative management of shared water
resources. Scope note -- Executive summary -- Discussion: Background -- Within boundary
cases: Yemen and Afghanistan -- Transboundary cases: the Mekong, Ganges, Mahakali, and
Indus -- Identifying basins at risk and potential solutions -- Annex: Institutions. Notes: Note(s):
Title from cover screen (viewed on J une 7, 2010). May 2010. Includes bibliographical
references. Responsibility: prepared by the Stimson Center. OCLC Accession Number:
Heritage Foundation Washington, DC, and Carafano J ames J ., Weitz Richard
Andersen,Martin E. 2009. Maritime Security: Fighting Piracy in the Gulf of Aden and Beyond
(Heritage Special Report, Number 59, J une 24, 2009). 24 J un. Page(s): 29 Report Number: SR-
59 XD-XD Monitor Series: XD. Abstract: The Heritage Foundations Maritime Security
Working Group -- composed of representatives from academia, the private sector, research
institutions, and government -- produces cutting-edge policy recommendations for making the
seas safer for the United States, its friends and allies, and global commerce. The fourth
occasional report by the group addressing the most pressing issues confronting maritime security
examines the issue of piracy in the Gulf of Aden and the appropriate U.S. response. This report
describes the threat of piracy to global commerce and the safety and security of ships transiting
the Gulf of Aden; Addresses domestic and international legal aspects of responding to piracy and
other criminal acts at sea; Proposes the appropriate mix of private-sector and U.S. military
responses to piracy, including long-term investments in constabulary maritime assets;
Recommends solutions for improving the capacity of regional powers to protect freedom of the
seas; and Outlines a strategy for dealing with the root of the problem, which is lack of
governance in Somalia. Though the reports proposals are focused on the Gulf of Aden, they
have implications for combating piracy worldwide. Since 2003, piracy has been reported off the
coasts of Bangladesh, Nigeria, Brazil, and Peru. Raising levels of piracy off the coast of East
Africa, however, could be a precursor to a new global trend. The recent successes of the Somali
pirates may empower and inspire other groups. The frequency and level of violence from piracy
acts could increase. Within the last month, there were two attacks in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and a
coastal tanker was hijacked off the coast of Colombia. While the appropriate response for each
threat must be tempered by local conditions, the solutions and instruments for responsible action
in the Gulf of Aden will hold lessons for meeting the challenge of piracy in other parts of the
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world. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text
(pdf); Occasional rept. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is
unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA506760. URL:
Hersi, Osman Salad, Leckie, Dale A. and Al Khalifa, Shaikh bin Salman (chairperson).
2008. Depositional Setting of Cretaceous Reservoirs, Southern Yemen and Northern Somalia;
Geo 2008 Conference Abstracts. GeoArabia (Manama). Gulf Petrolink in Bahrain, Manama,
Bahrain. Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 170, 172. Descriptors: Africa; Al Mado Basin; Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; basin analysis; basins; braided streams; carbonate rocks; Cretaceous; deltaic
environment; deposition; depositional environment; East Africa; faults; fluvial environment;
geometry; Gondwana; grabens; Harshiyat Formation; lithostratigraphy; Mahra Group; marine
environment; Mesozoic; paleoenvironment; paleogeography; permeability; petroleum; petroleum
exploration; Qishn Formation; recovery; reserves; reservoir properties; reservoir rocks; Sayun-Al
Masila Basin; sedimentary basins; sedimentary rocks; sedimentation; shallow-water
environment; Somali Republic; streams; systems; Tawila Group; Tethys; thermal maturity; Tisje
Formation; Yemen; Yesomma Formation. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1025-6059.
High and Dry. 2002. Economist. Economist Newspaper Limited: 03/30. Volume 362,
Issue 8266, Pages 41-41. Descriptors: Water use; Khat; Water-supply; Yemen (Republic) --
Social conditions; Yemen (Republic). Abstract: Discusses the way that Yemenis use a third of
their water supply to cultivate the shrub called qat. Popularity of the plant among adult men in
Yemen; Decline of well water in Yemen; Argument that qat has economic benefits; Description
of fighting that erupts over the water problem. ISSN: 0013-0613.
High water levels in Marib and Batis Dams. 2010. Yemen Today. J uly 14,
2010. Abstract: The water level in the Marib Dam has risen to 45 million cubic meters
as a result of the heavy rainfall in various areas of Yemen in the past two days. Under-
Secretary of Marib province, Ali Muhammad al-Fatimid, was briefed Tuesday on the
amount of water flowing into the dam and the maintenance of drainage channels and
sub systems. The Deputy Director of the Marib Dam Project, Engineer Ahmed al-Arifi,
said the water level in the dam on Tuesday rose to 45 million cubic meters, while the
water level last April rose to 100 million cubic meters. The gate of the main channel for
groundwater was opened in the valley of Ubaida for three months, where the quantity of
water flowing amounted to 80 million cubic meters. The Batis Dam, in Abyan province,
has water levels that rose to four meters as a result of heavy rains. Under-Secretary of
Abyan province, Ahmed Ghaleb al-Rahawi, visited the the Abyan Delta and was briefed
on the functions of the irrigation and the distribution of flood flows in the Batis, Haija,
Sakin and Ais channels, Due dam, and Abu Shanab and al-Noshaira bridge. Al-Rahawi
ordered the control of any violations for irrigation system, as well as the distribution of
flood water to agricultural areas that were not watered in the previous season. URL:
Hinchcliffe, Peter at al. 2006. Without Glory in Arabia: The British Retreat from Aden.
London: I B Tauris, Page(s): 327. Abstract: A more recent book by three Civil Servants with
personal knowledge of Aden is that by Hinchcliffe, Ducker and Holt. The first two authors were
based in Aden during the final years and frequently came into contact with the military
operations in the theatre. Notes: xxiii, 327 pages: ill., maps; 22 cm. ISBN: 9781429462563.
OCLC Accession Number: 122913877.
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Hobson, Chris. 2009. J SCSC Library Bibliography: Campaign & Battle Series: Aden
and the Radfan Campaigns, 1963 1967. J oint Services Command and Staff College: J anuary
2009. Abstract: British military involvement in Southern Arabia dates back to 1839 when it was
occupied by troops of the East India Company in order to secure harbour facilities on a coastline
where few harbours existed, then or now. Until 1937 Aden was ruled as part of British India but
it later became a British Crown Colony and then, with the inclusion of its mountainous
hinterland, a British Protectorate. After more than a hundred years spent in the political
doldrums, several influences came together during the 1960s to make Aden the focus of attention
and which resulted in two related but very different counter-insurgency campaigns, one urban
and one in remote mountainous terrain. The arid, rocky and sparsely populated region north of
Aden, known as the Radfan, has not seen any real change for hundreds of years. It was ruled, if
that word can be used in this context, by local tribesmen whose main source of income came
from robbing travellers who passed through the area. It was a rugged, unforgiving and lawless
region that had no natural resources but was strategically important in that a major trade route
from the north had to pass through it and the area could be used as a base of operations from
which to threaten Aden itself. However, to the north of the Radfan was the newly-established
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY), a state encouraged and funded by President
Nasser of Egypt, one of Britains most ardent Arab enemies. The PDRY was also supported by
the Soviet Union as part of its Cold War strategy. For the PDRY to export its brand of revolution
to Aden and oust the British, its forces had to travel along the Dhala Road through the
Khuraybah Pass and the Radfan mountains. The two main challenges posed to British forces in
the Radfan was the difficulty in operating in such a remote and inhospitable area and the fact that
the enemy were expert mountain fighters who had the advantage of knowing the local geography
without reliance of maps or aerial photography. The two Radfan expeditions in 1964 and 1965
were adjudged to have achieved their tactical aim but it cannot be said that they had any long-
lasting effect on the developments then taking place in Southern Arabia.
Partly in response to the threat from neighbouring North Yemen, negotiations for a unified state
of Southern Arabia commenced in the early 1960s but these were protracted and difficult and
resulted in much in-fighting between rival factions as well as a growing number of terrorist
incidents against British forces and interests in Aden. The creation of the Federation of South
Arabia in 1963 was not welcomed by most of the local population and only served to harden
resolve against the British Government. When it became known in 1966 that Britain was going
to withdraw from Aden completely the following year the pace of terrorist activity increased
greatly. The densely populated Crater district of Aden became the focus of terrorist and counter-
insurgency operations during the final years of the British occupation. As political negotiations
continued the British armed forces planned the final withdrawal from Aden, which took place in
November 1967.
Hobson, Chris. 1986. Beverleys in Aden: Operations by no. 84 Squadron, RAF, 1958-
67. Air Pictorial. November 1986. Volume Vol. 48, No. 11, Pages 441-447. ISSN: 0002-2462.
Hodgkin, J onathan and Water and Sanitation for Health Project (U.S.). 1991. A Progress
Report on Establishing Regional Training, O & M, and Repair Workshops in the Republic of
Yemen. Arlington, Va: Water and Sanitation for Health Project. Page(s): 58. Descriptors:
Sanitation -- Yemen; Water Supply -- Yemen. Notes: x; 28 cm. Note(s): Prepared for the
USAID Mission to the Republic of Yemen under WASH Task No. 261. October 1991.
Contract No. 5973-7-00-8081-00, Project No. 836-1249. Responsibility: by J onathan Hodgkin.
OCLC Accession Number: 54665736.
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Hodgkin, J onathan and Water and Sanitation for Health Project (U.S.). 1989. Operation
and Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies in the Yemen Arab Republic. Arlington, Va: Water
and Sanitation for Health Project. Page(s): 103. Descriptors: Sanitation -- Yemen; Water Supply
-- Yemen. Notes: viii; ill. 28 cm. Note(s): Prepared for the USAID Mission to the Yemen Arab
Republic under WASH Task No. 015. March 1989. Contract No. 5942-C-00-4085-00,
Project No. 936-5942. Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-34). Responsibility: by
J onathan Hodgkin. OCLC Accession Number: 54352793.
Hogan, E. Asmon, I. Brooks, R. Cassam, M. and Furtick, W. 1982. Agricultural Sector
Assessment, Yeman Arab Republic. Performer: Agency for International Development,
Washington, DC. Ministry of Agriculture (Yemen (Sana)). Yemen. Wizarat al-Ziraah wa-al-
Tharwah al-Samakiyah. Dec 1982. 344 pages. Report: AIDPN-AAL-964. Abstract: Yemen is by
far the most fertile country on the Arabian Peninsula, yet agriculture remains an arduous
undertaking. This report assesses the Yemeni agricultural sector and examines constraints to and
opportunities for agricultural development in Yemen. The report discusses the social milieu, the
economy, agricultural institutions, agricultural education and training, horticulture, dry land
agriculture and irrigated field crops, livestock and poultry, irrigation, fisheries, forestry, farm
systems, and agricultural marketing. Database: NTIS Database (National Technical Information
Service). NTIS: PB85-135150. OCLC: 47202472.
Holden, Alan and Kerr, Helen M. 1997. A Subsurface Lithostratigraphic Division of the
Hauterivian to Aptian, Furt (Informal) and Qishn Formations, Yemen. Mar. Pet. Geol. 9.
Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 631-642. Descriptors: Yemen; stratigraphy; Furt; Qishn. Abstract:
The Mesozoic basins of Yemen have a multiphase history of rift development. Sediments of the
Furt Formation were deposited as a result of a second, discrete phase of rift activity during the
Hauterivian to Barremian and unconformably overlie older deposits (A. C. Ellis, H. M. Kerr, C.
P. Cornwell and D. O. Williams, 1996, Petroleum Geoscience2, 2942). The name is taken from
the suggested type well, AI Furt-1, where the unit reached its maximum drilled thickness to date,
in the J eza-Howarime Basin. The lithology in the type well predominantly comprises calcareous
mudstones with subordinate carbonates. In western Yemen and more marginal settings, the Furt
Formation is dominated by arenaceous facies. Biostratigraphic analysis suggests that the upper
and lower limits of the Furt Formation are bounded by stratigraphic breaks. Regional seismic
lines suggest and biostratigraphy confirms the extension of the Furt Formation into basin
margin areas and other rift basins, supporting the case for regarding the Furt section as a
formation in its own right. The Qishn Formation has been divided on a tripartite basis. The oldest
units are the Clastic and Lower Carbonate Members which are lateral facies and age
equivalents. The Clastic Member is found in the west of Yemen while the Lower Carbonate
Member is best developed in the east. The transition between the two is seen in the J eza-
Howarime Basin. The middle unit, the Shale Member, is a regionally extensive mudstone
facies thought to relate to a maximum flooding event. The youngest unit, the Carbonate
Member, comprises a limestone sequence. The Qishn Formation is unconformably overlain
bythe clastics of the Harshiyat Formation and in the extreme east of the Yemen by the carbonates
of the Fartaq Formation. The Qishn Formation represents a transition from a rift to a post rift-
phase. ISSN: 0264-8172.
Honjo, Susumu and Weller, RA. 1997. Monsoon Winds and Carbon Cycles in the
Arabian Sea: One of the most Significant Natural Phenomena that Influences the Everyday Life
of More than 60 Percent of the Worlds Population. Oceanus. Volume 40, Issue 2, Descriptors:
Carbon cycle; Carbon cycle in ocean; Coastal waters; Downwelling; Ekman transport; J et
Geology of Yemen
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stream-monsoon relationships; Monsoon winds; Monsoons; Ocean-atmosphere system; Sea
breezes; Storms; Surface pressure; Upwelling; Article Geographic Terms: Asia, Arabian
Penisula; Arabian Sea; India; Indian Ocean; Oman; Pakistan; Somalia; Yemen. Abstract: The
monsoon, a giant sea breeze between the Asian massif and the Indian Ocean, is one of the most
significant natural phenomena that influences the everyday life of more than 60 percent of the
worlds population. In summer, heating of the land produces a region of intense low surface
pressure over northwestern India, Pakistan, and northern Arabia. A broad region of
southwesterly winds develops, quite different from the northeast trades found in the other oceans
at the same latitudes. The elevated east African coastline intensifies the wind near the surface
and directs it parallel to the coasts of Somalia, Yemen, and Oman. This strong flow, the Findlater
J et, is remarkable for its steadiness of direction and its strength, which can exceed 36 knots in
J uly. The offshore Ekman transport that results gives rise to intense upwelling along the coast,
where cold, nutrient-rich water is brought up to the surface, and to convergence and downwelling
in the central and eastern part of the Arabian Sea. Database: Meteorological & Geoastrophysical
Abstracts. ISSN: 0029-8182.
Hovden, Eirik; J ami`at Bir Zayt; Norske universitetsred; Universitetet i Bergen and
Senter for utviklingsstudier. 2007. Rainwater Harvesting Cisterns and Local Water Management:
A Qualitative geographical/socio-Anthropological Case Study and Ethnographic Description
from the Districts of Hajja, Mabyan and Shiris, Governorate of Hajja, Yemen. Bergen: BRIC.
Page(s): 177. Descriptors: Water resources development -- Yemen; (Republic); Water-supply --
Yemen (Republic); Cisterns -- Yemen (Republic); Thesis/dissertation. Notes: xiii; ill., maps; 25
cm. Dissertation: Authors thesis--University of Bergen, [2007]. Note(s): On cover: Birzeit
University, NUFU, and Bergen University. Includes bibliographic references (p. 173-177).
Responsibility: Eirik Hoveden. ISBN: 8274530411; 9788274530416. LCCN: 2010-453022.
OCLC Accession Number: 658120192.
Howard, Prof. Michael. 1965. Federation of South Arabia. Royal United Services
Institute for Defence Studies J ournal. February 1965. Volume Vol. 110, Issue No. 637, Pages
112-120. ISSN: 0307-1847.
Huber, BA and Van Harten, A. 2001. Ninetis Subtilissima (Araneae: Pholcidae):
Redescription and SEM ultrastructure. Am. Mus. Novit. American Museum of Natural History:
J un. Volume 336, Issue 1, Pages 1-8. Descriptors: Morphology; Ninetis subtilissima; Pholcidae;
Spiders; Yemen; Araneae. Abstract: Ninetis subtilissima Simon, 1890 is redescribed and some
data on SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) ultrastructure are presented based on specimens
collected near the type locality in Yemen. Database: BioOne Abstracts and Indexes. ISSN: 0003-
0082. URL:
Huchon, Philippe and Khanbari, Khaled. 2003. Rotation of the Syn-Rift Stress Field of
the Northern Gulf of Aden Margin, Yemen. Tectonophysics. 4/10. Volume 364, Issue 3-4,
Pages 147-166. Descriptors: Continental extension; Rift propagation; Strain localization; Yemen;
Gulf of Aden. Abstract: Remote sensing and field studies of several extensional basins along the
northern margin of the Gulf of Aden in Yemen show that OligoceneMiocene syn-rift extension
trends N20E on average, in agreement with the EW to N120E strike of main rift-related
normal faults, but oblique to the main trend of the Gulf (N70E). These faults show a systematic
reactivation under a 160E extensional stress that we interpret also as syn-rift. The occurrence of
these two successive phases of extension over more than 1000 km along the continental margin
suggests a common origin linked to the rifting process. After discussing other possible
mechanisms such as a change in plate motion, far-field effects of ArabiaEurasia collision, and
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stress rotations in transfer zones, we present a working hypothesis that relates the 160E
extension to the westward propagation since about 20 Ma of the N70E-trending, obliquely
spreading, Gulf of Aden oceanic rift. The late 160E extension, perpendicular to the direction of
rift propagation, could result from crack-induced extension associated with the strain localization
that characterises the rift-to-drift transition. ISSN: 0040-1951.
Hudes, Karen. 1999. Groundwater Management in Yemen: Legal and Regulatory
Issues. World Bank. Volume: Number 456, Chapter 9, page(s): 133-136. World Bank Technical
Paper No. 456. Abstract: Water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource for most of the
worlds citizens. The current trends indicate that the overall situation is likely to deteriorate
further, at least for the next decade, unless the water profession eschews business as usual
practices, which can only allow incremental changes to occur. Groundwater is the least
understood and least appreciated, yet the most important, natural resource available to mankind.
Groundwater represents about 97% of the existing fresh water resources, excluding the resources
locked in polar ice. More than one and a half billion people in the urban parts of the world today
depend on groundwater. Groundwater supply is more reliable than the seasonal, and sometimes
erratic, surface water and provides the main line of defense against drought. Moreover, the
quality of groundwater is, by and large, superior to surface water and cheaper to develop.
However, when available, data on groundwater is very scanty. As a result, the World Bank is
now paying increasing attention to this valuable resource, through both operations and sector
work. This publication represents the proceeding of the seminar Groundwater: Legal and Policy
Perspectives that was organized by the Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank. It explains
some basic technical aspects of groundwater, surveys the regulatory framework for it, and
discusses the World Bank experience and international law regarding this precious resource. It is
a timely publication and should also assist in a better understanding and appreciation of this
valuable source. It will be of interest to Bank staff, borrowing country officials, international
agencies and research organizations working on groundwater. ISSN: 08213-4613X. Database:
Google Books. URL: oro0jVIC&pg=PA133&dq=yemen&lr=&as_drrb_is=b&
s_pt=BOOKS&ei=ApNDS436J aG4NNb_0O8H&cd=3#v=onepage&q=yemen&f=false.
1969. Hudson, Maj L. E. Aden. Marine Corps Gazette. October 1969. Volume 53, Issue
No. 10, Pages 33-38. ISSN: 0025-3170.
Human Rights Watch (Organization). 2009. Hostile Shores Abuse and Refoulement of
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Yemen. New York, NY: Human Rights Watch. December 20,
2009, page(s): 1 online resource (52 p.). Descriptors: Political refugees -- Yemen (Republic);
Political refugees -- Abuse of -- Yemen (Republic); Political refugees -- Somalia; Political
refugees -- Ethiopia; Asylum, Right of -- Yemen (Republic); Refoulement -- Yemen (Republic).
Abstract: Since 2008 more than 100,000 mainly Somali and Ethiopian asylum seekers and
migrants have arrived on Yemens shores by boat. Many suffer horribly along the way. The
smugglers who carry them cram their passengers into overcrowded boats and savagely beat those
who try to move. Smugglers have murdered passengers and have often forced them to disembark
in deep water and swim to shore, leading to many deaths from drowning. More than 1,000
people have died making the crossing in the past two years. After arriving in Yemen the
exhausted travelers face one of two very different receptions, depending not on why they have
come but on where they come from. Those from Somalia are welcomed as refugees without
exception. But the majority of those from Ethiopia are treated like criminals to be hunted down
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and deported, even if they came to Yemen in search of asylum. The government compels them to
run a gauntlet of obstacles before they can apply for asylum. But even those Ethiopians who
manage to get recognition as refugees from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) still face discriminatory government policies that make their lives even harder and
fuel racially motivated violence and harassment. Hostile Shores: Abuse and Refoulement of
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Yemen documents the abuse and discrimination that many
asylum seekers suffer at every stage of their attempt to find refuge from persecution. Human
Rights Watch calls upon the government of Yemen to end its discriminatory treatment of non-
Somali asylum seekers. It also lays out necessary steps for UNHCR to develop a more effective
strategy for pressing the Yemeni government to meet its international obligations.--P. [4] of
cover. Notes: Title from PDF title page (Human Rights Watch, viewed Dec. 22, 2009).
December 2009--Table of contents page. ISBN: 1564325814; 9781564325815. OCLC
Accession Number: 492291554. URL:
The Human Settlements Situation in the Yemen Arab Republic: Country Profile. 1984.
Baghdad: UN. Page(s): 114. Descriptors: Economic Statistics; Demographic Statistics; Statistical
Data; Human Settlements; Housing; Households; Housing Statistics; Land; Water Supply;
Sanitation; Electric Power; Transport; Communications; Health Services; Education; Building
Materials; Construction Industry; Housing Finance; Economic Indicators; Environmental
Indicators; Human Settlements Management; Yemen; Government publication; International
government publication; Internet resource. Notes: xi; charts, graphs, maps, tables. Note(s): Misc.
General Info: Distribution: General. OCLC Accession Number: 123397240.
Hunting Surveys, Ltd. (London, England). 1979. Peoples Democratic Republic of
Yemen. S.l: s.n. Ed of 1979. Descriptors: Yemen (Republic) -- Maps. Notes: Description: 1 map
on 4 sheets: col. 78 x 107 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:500 000; Note(s): Map of Yemen (Peoples
Democratic Republic) showing international boundaries, transportation, water and vegetation
features and populated places. Relief shown by contours and shading. Inset: Socotra.
International spheroid. Responsibility: map compilation and cartography by Hunting Surveys
Limited. OCLC: 220820188.
Husain, Tahir and Chaudhary, J unaid Rafi. 2008. Human Health Risk Assessment due to
Global Warming a A Case Study of the Gulf Countries. Int. J . Environ. Res. Public Health.
Molecular Diversity Preservation International: Matthaeusstr 11. Dec. Volume 5, Issue 4, Pages
204-212. Descriptors: Air pollution forecasting; Climate and vegetation; Climatic change
forecasting; Climatic change influences on water resources; Climatic changes; Climatic regions;
Coastal zone; Deserts; Disease transmission; Ecosystem disturbance; Ecosystems; Emissions;
Environmental impact; Environmental research; Global warming; Greenhouse effect;
Greenhouse gases; Heat wave effects on health; Humidity; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change; Mortality; Mortality causes; Numerical simulations; Precipitation; Public health;
Rainfall; Sea level; Stress; Temperature; Vegetation; Water resources; anthropogenic factors;
terrestrial ecosystems; Article Geographic Terms: Bahrain; Oman; Qatar; United Arab Emirates;
Yemen. Notes: TR: CS0941517. Abstract: Accelerated global warming is predicted by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC) due to increasing anthropogenic
greenhouse gas emissions. The climate changes are anticipated to have a long-term impact on
human health, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, water resources and vegetation. Due to rising
sea levels, low lying coastal regions will be flooded, farmlands will be threatened and scarcity of
fresh water resources will be aggravated. This will in turn cause increased human suffering in
different parts of the world. Spread of disease vectors will contribute towards high mortality,
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along with the heat related deaths. Arid and hot climatic regions will face devastating effects
risking survival of the fragile plant species, wild animals, and other desert ecosystems. The paper
presents future changes in temperature, precipitation and humidity and their direct and indirect
potential impacts on human health in the coastal regions of the Gulf countries including Yemen,
Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain. The analysis is based on the long-term
changes in the values of temperature, precipitation and humidity as predicted by the global
climatic simulation models under different scenarios of GHG emission levels. Monthly data on
temperature, precipitation, and humidity were retrieved from IPCC databases for longitude
41.25ADGE to 61.875ADGE and latitude 9.278ADGN to 27.833ADGN. Using an average of
1970 to 2000 values as baseline, the changes in the humidity, temperature and precipitation were
predicted for the period 2020 to 2050 and 2070 to 2099. Based on epidemiological studies on
various diseases associated with the change in temperature, humidity and precipitation in arid
and hot regions, empirical models were developed to assess human health risk in the Gulf region
to predict elevated levels of diseases and mortality rates under different emission scenarios as
developed by the IPCC. The preliminary assessment indicates increased mortality rates due to
cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses, thermal stress, and increased frequency of infectious
vector borne diseases in the region between 2070 and 2099. Database: Meteorological &
Geoastrophysical Abstracts. ISSN: 1661-7827.
Huurdeman, A. J . M. Breunese, J . N. Al-Asbahi, A. Lutgert, J . E. and Floris, F. J . T.
1989. Assessment of Halite-Cemented Reservoir Zones with a Combined geological/engineering
Approach: A Case Study. San Antonio, TX: Publ by Soc of Petroleum Engineers of AIME.
Volume: OMEGA, page(s): 335-343. Proceedings: SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition 1989, October 8, 1989 - October 11. Conference: 1989. Descriptors: Oil Fields; Oil
Well Logging; Oil Well Production; Oil Wells--Permeability; Petroleum Reservoir Engineering;
Salts--Fused. Abstract: This case study of the Azal oil field in the Yemen Arab Republic
describes the combination of geological and engineering techniques used to identify the presence
and distribution of halite-cemented layers in a sandstone reservoir. Fluid flow to the wells in the
Azal field, which is dominated by gas and water coning, can be strongly influenced by these
halite-cemented layers. Detailed core analysis revealed halite zones in the oil column. The
amount of halite was calculated by comparing the porosity after the core had been cleaned with
chloroform with that after it had been cleaned with methanol. Multiple simulation runs, in which
the spatial distribution, the dimensions and the vertical permeability were varied, resulted in a
stochastic model that best matched the production history. OCLC: 27191581.
Huurdeman, A. J . M., Breunese, J . N., Al-Asbahl, A., Lutgert, J . E. and Floris, F. J . T.
1991. Assessment of Halite-Cemented Reservoir Zones. J PT, J ournal of Petroleum
Technology. Volume 43, Issue 5, Pages 518-523. Descriptors: Oil Well Cementing; Oil Fields -
Yemen; Oil Well Logging; Oil Wells - Computer Simulation; Petroleum Reservoir Engineering.
Abstract: This paper describes the techniques used to identify the presence and distribution of
halite-cemented layers in a sandstone reservoir. The distribution of these layers in the wells was
found by matching the core data with two independent halite identifiers from the well logs.
Numerical well models were used to assess the dimensions and spatial distribution of the halite-
cemented layers. Multiple simulation runs in which the spatial distribution, the dimensions, and
the vertical permeability were varied resulted in a stochastic model that best matched the
production history. Gas and water coning are retarded by the halite-cemented layers if the
perforations are properly located. ISSN: 0149-2136. URL:
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Hyankova, K. and Zenisova, Z. 1988. Quality of Ground Waters in the Peoples
Democratic Republic of Yemen on the Example of Wadi Markhah and Wadi Khawrah. Acta
Geologica et Geographica Universitatis Comenianae: Geologica. [publisher unknown],
Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Volume 44, Pages 177-185. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
ground water; hydrogeology; infiltration; interpretation; Southern Yemen; surveys; Wadi
Khawrah; Wadi Markhah; water quality; Yemen. Notes: AGGCAC; References: 3; 2 plates, 1
table, sketch maps. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0567-7491.
Geology of Yemen
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ILACO. 1981. Rada integrated rural development project: Geology of the Nahiyah Rada.
ILACO, Arnhem. 50 pages; 30 cm. +5 bijl. In Dutch. OCLC: 67329887.
Inoue, Kento, Abe, Yukuo, Murakami, Masahide and Mori, Tadayasu. 2006. Feasibility
Study of Desalination Technology Utilizing the Temperature Difference between Seawater and
Inland Atmosphere. Desalination. Volume 197, Issue 1-3, Pages 137-153. Descriptors:
Desalination; Distillation; Heat pipes; Mathematical models; Pipelines; Temperature
measurement; Water supply. Abstract: A new desalination technology named Desalination
Pipeline is proposed. The Desalination Pipeline system enables simultaneously desalination and
efficient transport of distilled water by applying the working principle of a heat pipe without its
liquid recirculation function. The energy source for the operation of the Desalination Pipeline
system is the temperature difference between seawater and inland atmosphere. A formulation for
the model calculation of the Desalination Pipeline system is established and verified by a
laboratory experiment. And then, an estimation of the production and the transportation rates of
distilled water are performed on the basis of the existing environmental and climate data of two
target regions, Sanaa, the capital of Republic of Yemen, and El-Quren in Hashemite Kingdom
of J ordan. The estimation result indicates that the Desalination Pipeline system can supply
distilled water through one year for some inland area about 100 km apart from the coastal area at
a distilled water production rate of 3.2-35.0 L/min (about 10,000 m3/y) for a pipe with a
diameter of 2 m, 19-205 L/min (about 60,000 m3/y) for a pipe with a diameter of 4 m. The latter
nearly matches the flow rate through a small qanat 60-1500 L/min. 2006. ISSN: 0011-9164.
Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN). 2010. Yemen: Capital city faces
2017 water crunch. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Humanitarian News and Analysis. Abstract: Yemens capital, Sanaa, may run out of
economically viable water supplies by 2017 as available groundwater is unable to keep pace with
the needs of a fast-growing population, experts warn. The water we are drilling around the
capital is now down to the water which fell on earth 8,000 years ago, said Saleh al-Dubby,
director of the World Bank-funded Sanaa Basin Water Management Project. Sanaa Basin
groundwater levels have fallen sharply in recent decades, especially since the 1960s which saw
the start of borehole drilling, a practice which was greatly expanded in the 1970s. Groundwater
levels in the Sanaa Basin dropped from less than 30 metres below the surface in the early 1970s
to more than 150 metres below the surface in 1995, according to al-Dubby. Experts estimate that
groundwater levels are decreasing by up to 4-6 metres a year. Sanaa has 120 legal wells of which
80 are productive; 30 are deep wells. With an annual output from the Sanaa Basin of around 200
million cubic metres of water and an input of only 50 million cubic metres, a crisis is looming.
To hit water, drills must bore 100-400 metres into the volcanic aquifer, and in places 300-500
metres into the sandstone aquifer, according to the Water Basin Project. In a few instances, oil
rig drills have bored down to 1,000 metres to find water. Overall, the average drilling depth in
Sanaa is estimated at 200-300 metres. All this has happened in only 30 years, said al-Dubby.
This exploitation of fossil water is causing great concern among experts. This is a disaster.
We are tapping into the last natural strategic resources, said Ashraf al-Eryani of the German
Technical Cooperation. He said Yemen was the first place on earth to be doing this. URL:
Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN). 2009. Yemen: Major new water
source discovered in parched Hadhramaut. (J une 25, 2009) United Nations Office for the
Geology of Yemen
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Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Humanitarian News and Analysis. Abstract: A water
company in Hadhramaut Governorate, southern Yemen, has discovered an important new source
of water near the provincial capital, Mukalla, after four months of exploration. "Using modern
machinery, we have discovered a huge underground drinking water resource in Al-Ghaliah on
the outskirts of Mukalla," Awadh Al-Ganzal, head of the Local Corporation for Water Supply
and Sanitation (LCWSS), told IRIN. "Our preliminary assessments regarding the newly
discovered field have shown that it will provide Mukalla with potable water for the next 50
years Water quality is great." "The field in Al-Ghaliah consists of nine wells, each able to
produce 30 litres a second. It will definitely supply the city with drinking water for decades to
come, said Mahfood Obaid Bagwaigo, manager of the Mukalla Water Supply and Sanitation
company. Engineers struck water in sandstone at a depth of 225-320 metres. They couldn't go
beyond that because of the immense pressure of water in the reservoir," he added. URL:
International Development Association. 1978. Development Credit Agreement (Water
Supply Engineering and Technical Assistance Project) between Peoples Democratic Republic of
Yemen and International Development Association. Uniform Title: Treaties, etc. Yemen
(Peoples Democratic Republic). J uly 14, 1978. Washington, D.C: International Development
Association. Descriptors: Loans, Foreign -- Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic); Debts,
External -- Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic); Economic assistance -- Yemen (Peoples
Democratic Republic); Technical assistance -- Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic); Water-
supply engineering -- Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic) -- Finance; International
Development Association -- Finance; Government publication; International government
publication. Notes: 10 p. 27 cm. Note(s): Conformed copy--Cover. Cover title. Other Titles:
Water supply engineering and technical assistance project. OCLC: 45863898.
International Development Association. 1977. Project Agreement (Sanaa Second Water
Supply and Sewerage Project) between International Development Association and National
Water and Sewerage Authority. Washington, D.C: International Development Association.
Descriptors: Loans, Foreign -- Yemen, North; Water-supply -- Yemen, North -- San`a -- Finance;
Sewerage -- Yemen, North -- San`a -- Finance; International Development Association --
Finance; Yemen Arab Republic National Water and Sewerage Authority -- Finance; Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: 24 pages; 28 cm. Note(s): Title from
cover. Credit number 670 YAR. Dated J anuary 14, 1977. Conformed copy. OCLC:
International Development Association. 1977. Development Credit Agreement (Sanaa
Second Water Supply and Sewerage Project) between Yemen Arab Republic and International
Development Association. Uniform Title: Treaties, etc. Yemen, 1977 J an. 14. Washington, D.C:
International Development Association. Descriptors: Loans, Foreign -- Yemen (Republic);
Economic assistance -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Finance;
Sewerage -- Yemen (Republic) -- Finance; International Development Association -- Finance;
Government publication; International government publication. Notes: 23 p. 28 cm. Note(s):
Conformed copy--Cover. Cover title. OCLC: 53009913.
International Development Association. 1975. Project Agreement (Hodeida Water Supply
and Sewerage Project) between International Development Association and National Water and
Sewerage Authority. Washington, D.C: International Development Association. Descriptors:
Loans, Foreign -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Hudaydah --
Finance; Sewerage -- Yemen (Republic) -- Hudaydah -- Finance; International Development
Geology of Yemen
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Association -- Finance; Yemen Arab Republic National Water and Sewerage Authority --
Finance; Government publication; International government publication. Notes: 13 pages; 27 cm.
Note(s): Credit number 559 YAR. Dated J une 20, 1975. Conformed copy. OCLC:
International Development Association. 1975. Development Credit Agreement (Hodeida
Water Supply and Sewerage Project) between Yemen Arab Republic and International
Development Association. Uniform Title: Treaties, etc. Yemen, 1975 J une 20. Washington, D.C:
International Development Association. Descriptors: Loans, Foreign -- Yemen (Republic);
Economic assistance -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Finance -- Yemen (Republic);
Sewerage -- Finance -- Yemen (Republic); International Development Association -- Finance;
Government publication; International government publication. Notes: 15 pages; 27 cm. Note(s):
Conformed copy. Other Titles: Hodeida water supply and sewerage project. OCLC Accession
Number: 53072166.
International Development Association. 1974. Project Agreement (Sanaa Water Supply
Project) between International Development Association and National Water and Sewerage
Authority. Washington, D.C: International Development Association. Descriptors: Loans,
Foreign -- Yemen, North; Water-supply -- Yemen, North -- Finance; International Development
Association -- Finance; Yemen Arab Republic National Water and Sewerage Authority --
Finance; Government publication; International government publication. Notes: 14 pages; 27 cm.
Note(s): Credit number 464 YAR. Dated March 4, 1974. Conformed copy. Other Titles:
Sanaa Water supply Project. OCLC: 70699521.
International Development Association. 1974. Development Credit Agreement (Sanaa
Water Supply Project) between Yemen Arab Republic and International Development
Association. Uniform Title: Treaties, etc. Yemen, Mar. 4, 1974. Washington, D.C: International
Development Association. Descriptors: Loans, Foreign -- Yemen (Republic); Economic
assistance -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- San`a -- Finance;
Agricultural credit; International Development Association -- Finance; Government publication;
International government publication. Notes: 15 pages; 28 cm. Note(s): Conformed copy.
OCLC: 52966854.
Issa A. M. Al_Kahtani; Suhaib Y.K. Al-Darzi. 2007. Old and Modern Construction
Materials in Yemen: The Effect in Building Construction In Sanaa. J ournal of Social Sciences.
Volume 3(3), pages 138-142. Keywords: Building material; concrete block; Yemen architecture.
Abstract: Sanaa city in Yemen is one of the oldest cities in the worlds, which has different forms
of building built with different types of materials. In the present work, the old and new forms of
buildingconstruction and the building materials used in Sanaa, the sources available for the new
material, the effects of new material usage on building forms are all presented with the
advantages and disadvantagesof each material. The old shapes of buildings in Yemen and the
classical and modern forms ofconstruction using different types of materials are considered in
the study. Survey is used to investigate the building forms and material types in Sanaa. Several
conclusions are submitted showing that, the new building material, such as concrete block, is
preferred in building comparing with old material, such as stone, which makes it the best choice
for the low income people but sometimes the limited resources make old material the only
available choice. Several steps needed to develop and encourage the use of new building
materials are recommended. ISSN: 1549-3652.
Italconsult, World Health Organization and the United Nations Development Programme.
1994. Hodeida Water Supply: Master Plan. Rome: Italconsult. Descriptors: Water-supply --
Geology of Yemen
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Yemen (Republic) -- Sana`a; Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Hudayadah; San`a (Yemen) -
- Maps; Hudaydah (Yemen) -- Maps; Atlas (atl). Notes: Description: 3 v.: ill., maps; 42 x 62 cm.
Other Titles: At head of title: Sanaa and Hodeida water supply project. Responsibility: prepared
for the World Health Organisation as executing agency for the United Nations Development
Programme by Italconsult. Abstract: v. 1 Master plan, report -- v. 2 Master plan, annexes -- v. 3
Master plan, drawings. OCLC Accession Number: 32184537.
Italconsult; Yemen; World Health Organization and United Nations Development
Programme. 1973. Hodeida Water Supply: Preliminary Engineering and Feasibility Studies:
Interim Report. Rome: Italconsult. Page(s): 25. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -
- Sana`a; Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Hudayadah; San`a (Yemen); Hudaydah (Yemen);
Sana (Yemen); Al Hudaydah (Yemen). Notes: folded plan; 29 cm. Note(s): At head of title:
Sanaa and Hodeida water supply project. UNDP: YEM 507. WHO: Yemen 3202.
Responsibility: prepared for the World Health Organization as executing agency for the United
Nations Development Programme by Italconsult. OCLC Accession Number: 42998146.
Italconsult and World Health Organization. Water supply for Sana'a and Hodeida. Rome:
Italconsult, 1973. Prepared for the World Health Organization as executing agency for the
United Nations Development Programme by Italconsult. (reference contained within Shaaban
and AlEryant, 1982). Description: iv, 138 pages: ill, maps; 30cm. OCLC: 704165720.
Geology of Yemen
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J ancloes, M. 1998. The Poorest First: WHOs Activities to Help the People in Greatest
Need. World Health Forum. Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 182-187. Notes: Cited By (since 1996):
1. Abstract: Through its Division of Intensified Cooperation with Countries and Peoples in
Greatest Need, WHO is giving special attention to the relationship between poverty and ill-
health. The work of the Division is outlined in the present article. Poverty is the main reason why
babies are not vaccinated, clean water and sanitation are not provided, curative drugs and other
treatments are not available, and mothers die in childbirth. It is the main cause of low life
expectancy, handicap, disability, and starvation, and a major factor in mental illness, stress,
suicide, family disintegration, and substance abuse. Poverty is spreading, just as the gap between
rich and poor is growing in both developed and developing countries. In 1989, the World Health
Assembly asked the World Health Organization (WHO) to pay attention to the special needs of
the most poor countries, a request which led to the development and launching of the Intensified
Cooperation with Countries and Peoples in Greatest Need initiative. The goals of the initiative
are to enable poor countries to develop public policies and implement strategies for improving
the health status of their populations, to promote innovative intersectoral action, and to make the
best possible use of international cooperation in health matters. The main task has been to
develop and implement community-based strategies for primary care in approximately 30
countries. In-country actions are described for Angola, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso,
China, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Moldova, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Yemen. Lessons learned
are presented and future requirements considered. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0251-2432.
J ohnston, Charles Hepburn. 1964. The View from Steamer Point: Being an Account of
Three Years in Aden. London: Collins. Notes: 224 p. illus., map (on lining papers) ports. 22 cm.
OCLC Accession Number: 5716675.
J oint Publications Research Service Arlington VA. 1990. J PRS Report, Near East &
South Asia. 28 Sep. Page(s): 86 Report Number: J PRS-NEA-90-054 XJ -XD Monitor Series:
XD. Abstract: This report contains information concerning the military, international relations,
civil affairs, and international politics pertaining to the following Near East and South Asian
countries: (1) J ordan, (2) Egypt, (3) Iraq, (4) Israel, (5) Lebanon, (6) Republic of Yemen, (7)
Kuwait, (8) Morocco, (9) Iran, (10) Saudi Arabia, (11) Sudan, and (12) Tunisia Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. OCLC Accession Number:
ADA344045. URL:
J oint Publications Research Service, Arlington, VA. 1986. Near East/South Asia Report,
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen Labor Unions: Report of Central Committee to 5th
General Congress. 24 Dec. Page(s): 73 Report Number: J PRS-NEA-86-153 XX-FBIS Monitor
Series: FBIS. Size: 5 MB. DTIC Accession Number: ADA369575. URL:
J oint Publications Research Service, Arlington, VA. 1986. Near East/South Asia
Report. 02 Apr. Page(s): 80 Report Number: J PRS-NEA-86-042 XJ -XD Monitor Series: XD.
Abstract: This Near East/South Asia report concerns the following countries: (1) Egypt, (2)
Morocco, (3) Tunisia, (4) Israel, (5) Lebanon, (6) Bangladesh, (7) United Arab Emirates, (8)
Yemen, (9) Afghanistan, and (10) Iran. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports
Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a351239.pdf;
Size: 4 MB. OCLC Accession Number: ADA351239. URL:
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J oint Publications Research Service, Arlington, VA. 1986. Near East/South Asia
Report. 05 Feb. Page(s): 128 Report Number: J PRS-NEA-86-015 XJ -XD Monitor Series: XD.
Abstract: This Near East/South Asia report contains articles on Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Israel,
Lebanon, Syria, PDR Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. The articles in this report deals
with International Affairs, Regional Affairs, Armenian Affairs, Palestinian Affairs, Politics and
Economics. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text
(pdf) Availability: 7 MB. DTIC Accession Number: ADA337323. URL:
J oint Publications Research Service Arlington, VA. 1985. Near East/South Asia
Report. 25 J un. Page(s): 256 Report Number: J PRS-NEA-85-084 XJ -XD Monitor Series: XD.
Abstract: Partial Contents: International Affairs, Gulf Cooperation, Industrial Development,
Cultural Cooperation, Blood Revenge, Drought, Water Resources, Military Intelligence, Peoples
Democratic Republic of Yemen, Car Crash Kills, Dam Statistics, Reconstruction and
Development. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Full Text (pdf)
Availability: 14 MB. DTIC Accession Number: ADA350291. URL:
J oint Publications Research Service Arlington VA. 1982. Near East/North Africa
Report, no. 2617. 09 Sep. Page(s): 201 Report Number: J PRS-81728 XJ -XD Monitor Series:
XD. Abstract: Partial Contents: Yemen Arab Republic - Interview With Chairman of Federal
Reserve Bank. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. File: 9 MB.
DTIC Accession Number: ADA353281. URL:
J oint Publications Research Service Arlington VA. 1978. Translations on Near East and
North Africa, Number 1829. Focus on Political Violence in the Yemens. 11 Aug. Page(s): 105
Report Number: J PRS-71671 XJ -XD Monitor Series: XD. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability:
File: 5 MB. DTIC: ADA375643. URL:
J ones, E. E., Kim-Farley, R. J . and Algunaid, M. 1985. Diphtheria: A Possible
Foodborne Outbreak in Hodeida, Yemen Arab Republic. BULL. WHO. Volume 63, Issue 2,
Pages 287-293. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 9. Abstract: Between 29 August 1981 and 16
J anuary 1982, an epidemic of diptheria produced 149 cases in Hodeida, Yemen Arab Republic.
The overall attack rate was 11.8 per 10 000; the most frequent victims were males under 5 years
of age, with an attack rate of 55.7 per 10 000. Severity of the illness varied inversely with age
and the number of previous doses of DPT. A case-control study showed that vaccination with
DPT was protective (P =0.03) with an efficacy of 87.3% (95% confidence interval, 32.2-99.5%)
among those who had received 3 or more doses. Risk factors for the development of disease
were previous contact with a case (P =0.002), previous contact with a person having skin disease
(P =0.04), obtaining drinking-water from a wheeled carrier (P =0.008), and consumption of
factory-made yoghurt (P =0.003). The secondary attack among household contacts under 15
years of age was at least 1.3%. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0042-9686.
J ong, RL. 1989. Water Resources of GCC: International Aspects. J ournal of Water
Resources Planning and Management (ASCE) J WRMD5 Vol.115. No. 4, p 503-510. J uly 1989.
Pages 9 ref. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; International agreements; Water resources; Water
resources development; Gulf Cooperation Council; Interbasin transfers; Aquifers; Kuwait; Saudi
Arabia; United Arab Emirates; Oman; Bahrain; Yemen; Iraq; Qatar; Shared resources. Abstract:
Rapid economic development in the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has
led to major hydrologic stresses being laid on the aquifers underlying most of the Arabian
Peninsula. These aquifers presently constitute the major local resource and, to a significant
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degree, they are shared across international boundaries. Several cases exist in which water issues
have an international dimension. Countries involved in these cases are Kuwait and Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Emirates and Oman, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia and Oman, Kuwait
and Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and Yemen and Saudi Arabia. In addition, some water issues
relate to all the Persian Gulf states. The Basic Law of the GCC provides necessary and
sufficient rules for the creation of an international framework to manage these shared
groundwater resources. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 0733-9496.
J onsson, Caroline, Loring, J ohn, Persson, Per and Sjoberg, Staffan. 2007. Modeling
Glyphosate and Metal-Glyphosate Speciation at Solution-Mineral Interfaces; Abstracts of the
17th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. Aug. Volume 71,
Issue 15S, Pages A449. Descriptors: Aden Yemen; adsorption; aqueous solutions; Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; cadmium; chemical fractionation; chemical reactions; complexing; EXAFS
data; experimental studies; FTIR spectra; geochemistry; glyphosate; goethite; herbicides;
hydrochemistry; infrared spectra; manganite; metals; mineral-water interface; models; organic
phosphorus; organo-metallics; oxides; pesticides; phosphorus; pollutants; pollution; spectra;
stoichiometry; X-ray photoelectron spectra; Yemen. Notes: GCACAK; Accessed on J an. 2,
2008. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7037.
J ungfer, E. 2000. Water Resources Management for Village Water Supplies in Al-
Mahwit Province, Yemen Arab Republic. Database: COS Conference Papers Index. URL:
J ungfer, Eckhardt V. 1987. Zur Frage Der Grundwasserneubildung in Trockenraeumen:
Fallstudien Aus Der Arabischen Republik J emen Und Dem Koenigreich Marokko. Translated
title: On the issue of groundwater recharge in arid evacuate: Case Studies From The Yemen
Arab Republic and the Kingdom of Morocco. Federal Republic of Germany. Palm und Enke in
Komm., Erlangen, Federal Republic of Germany. Erlanger Geographische Arbeiten.Sonderband.
Volume: 18, Language: German. Descriptors: absolute age; Africa; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula;
arid environment; Asia; basin range structure; case studies; climate effects; geomorphology;
ground water; hydrodynamics; hydrogeology; influence; isotope geochemistry; Morocco; North
Africa; petrography; recharge; terrestrial environment; theses; water; Yemen. References: 10
pages; ill., graph. darst. 5 beil. in rueckentasche. ISBN: 3920405668. Database: GeoRef in
Process. OCLC: 30363918.
J rgen D. Garbrecht and Guenther K. H. Garbrecht. 2004. Siltation Behind Dams in
Antiquity. ASCE. Water Resources and Environmental History. Page(s): 35-43. Descriptors:
Dams; History; Silts; Middle East. Abstract: The siltation behind dams in antiquity and measures
to extend the operational life of reservoirs is illustrated for the Marib and Kebar dams in Yemen
and Iran, respectively. For both dams siltation played a major role. The Marib dam impounded
floodwaters to enable irrigation of downstream oases. Over several centuries, silts entrained in
the irrigation water accumulated on the irrigated fields up to 15 m high, and the dam was raised
to compensate for the loss of slope and conveyance due to the sedimentation. The Kebar dam
was an arch dam designed as a small storage reservoir. In addition to small operational openings
for irrigation water withdrawals, large openings on the upstream side of the dam were probably
used during construction to pass the water of the river, but may also have been used for
periodical flushing of accumulated sediments. Both examples show that the engineers of the time
were keenly aware of reservoir siltation problems and were able to successfully extend the
operational lifetime of the reservoirs by structural enhancements and probable sediment flushing.
Notes: Water resources and environmental history
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(proceedings of conference J une 27-J uly 1, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah; sponsored by
Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of ASCE, EWRI National History &
Heritage Committee, Utah Section of ASCE, and West Consultants, Inc.). ISBN: 0-7844-0738-
X. Database: ASCE.
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Karim, Fareed M. A. Road Traffic Accidents in Yemen. International J ournal of Injury
Control and Safety Promotion. Taylor & Francis: Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 165-166.
Descriptors: Awareness; Economic impacts; Highway safety; Traffic accidents. Notes:
References; Tables (2). Abstract: Highway accidents are responsible for an estimated 1.2 million
deaths and as many as 50 million injuries across the world annually. Some factors contributing to
highway accidents in Yemen are increasing urbanization and changes in social habits and
standards of living. The author describes highway accident scenarios in Yemen, including trends
and economic costs. The author concludes that for change in the Yemeni road safety scenario to
occur, serious steps must be taken to create awareness about highway accidents and the impacts
on society. Database: TRIS. ISSN: 1745-7300.
Karrer, Cristina; J ournalistin; Padrutt, Reto, et al. 1997. J emen - Der Letzte Tropfen Wasser. Zurich: NZZ.
Descriptors: J emen (Suedwestasien). Republik J emen Wasserknappheit; Wassermangel (Wasserversorgung)
Videoaufzeichnung (Dokumententyp) Yemen (South West Asia). Republic of Yemen (Asie Du Sud-Ouest).
Republique du Yemen; Manque Deau (Approvisionnement En Eau) Water Shortage (Water Supply);
Videorecording. Notes: 1 Videokassette (ca. 36 Min.); Responsibility: Cristina Karrer, Reto Padrutt. OCLC:
Kazgiprovodkhoz, Selkozpromexport. 1983. Scheme of the water and land resources
development in the Hadhramaut valley. Volumes I-IX. Kazgiprovodkhoz, Selkhozpromexport,
USSR. Moscow-Aden.
Kearns, J ean Ruley. 1981. Social Soundness Analysis for the CID Title XII Integrated
Crops and Water Management Project: Yemen Arab Republic. Descriptors: Agricultural
assistance -- Yemen (Republic); Water -- Yemen (Republic) -- Distribution; Consortium of
International Development. Integrated Crops and Water Management Project, Yemem Arab
Republic. Notes: 33 leaves; 28 cm. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (leaf 33).
Responsibility: submitted by J ean Ruley Kearns. OCLC Accession Number: 10575752.
Kebsi, Alkhateeb and Chandrasekharam, D. 2000. Saltwater Contamination in the
Coastal Aquifer, Tihama Plain, Wadi Surdud, Yemen Republic; Groundwater 2000; Proceedings
of the International Conference on Groundwater Research. Netherlands: A. A. Balkema,
Rotterdam, Netherlands. International Conference on Groundwater Research, Copenhagen.
Denmark Conference: J une 6-8, 2000. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Baid
Formation; Cenozoic; coastal environment; coastal plains; finite difference analysis;
geochemistry; ground water; hydrochemistry; models; monitoring; pollution; Quaternary; salt-
water intrusion; three-dimensional models; Tihama Plain; Wadi Surdud; water quality; water
supply; Yemen. References: 3. ISBN: 9058091333. Database: GeoRef. OCLC: 44911949.
Kemp, Anthony. 1994. The SAS: Savage Wars of Peace, 1947 to the Present. London:
J ohn Murray. Page(s): 222. Notes: Great Britain. -- Army. -- Special Air Service Regiment --
History. 256 pages: ill. 22 cm. ISBN: 0141390816. OCLC Accession Number: 222928731.
Kemp, J M. 1998. Zoogeography of the Coral Reef Fishes of the Socotra Archipelago.
J . Biogeogr. Sep. Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 919-933. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms:
Biogeography; Community composition; Community structure; Coral reefs; Ecological
distribution; Endemic species; Habitat selection; Reef fish; Species diversity; Sympatric
populations; Article Taxonomic Terms: Pisces; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen, Socotra;
Socotra; Marine. Abstract: Fish communities and habitats were studied at the Socotra
archipelago (Gulf of Aden, approximately 12 degree N 54 degree E). Extensive and unexpected
hermatypic coral communities were recorded, at the centre of a 2200 km gap in knowledge of
species and habitat distributions which coincides with a change from a western Indian Ocean
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coral reef fauna to an Arabian one. The fish assemblage associated with the Socotra archipelago
corals is predominantly south Arabian. An east African influence, minimal on the mainland
coasts of Arabia, is more evident here, and results in previously unrecorded sympatry between
Arabian endemic species and their Indian Ocean sister taxa. A study of distributions of
Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes) in the north-western Indian Ocean reveals a number of distinct
patterns, with a trend for species replacement along a track from the northern Red Sea to the
Indian Ocean. A major feature of the reef fish zoogeography of the region is found to be a
distinct south Arabian area, characterized by a `pseudo-high latitude effect which results from
seasonal cold water upwelling along the Arabian sea coasts of Yemen and Oman and the Indian
Ocean coast of Somalia. This south Arabian feature is consistent across a wide range of fish
families. It is most pronounced in Oman and Yemen, and although it is the dominant influence at
Socotra it is slightly `diluted here by the east African influence. The south Arabian area wholly
or partly accounts for most of the major marine zoogeographic features around Arabia, and is the
principal feature fragmenting Arabian coastal fish assemblages, and separating them from those
of the wider Indo-west Pacific. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts.
ISSN: 0305-0270.
Kent, Adam J . R., Baker, J oel A. and Wiedenbeck, Michael. 2002. Contamination and
Melt Aggregation Processes in Continental Flood Basalts: Constraints from Melt Inclusions in
Oligocene Basalts from Yemen. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 9/30. Volume 202, Issue 3-4, Pages
577-594. Descriptors: Yemen; flood basalts; melts; inclusions; magma contamination. Abstract:
Melt inclusions from Oligocene continental flood basalts (CFB) erupted in Yemen provide
unique insight into the timing and nature of the processes that lead to crustal contamination and
melt aggregation in CFB magmas. Large variations in trace element indices that are sensitive to
the degree and composition of assimilated crustal material (e.g. K2O=0.201.94 wt%, Ba=13
543 ppm, K/Nb=1281603, Ba/Th=9303) are evident in many inclusions, even where these
derive from the same host lava, and reflect the complexity of the processes that lead to
contamination within individual CFB melting and melt-transport systems. The compositions of
melt inclusions relate to differences in the degree of contamination, but in addition require that
there is substantial heterogeneity in the composition of the contaminant material itself. Many
inclusions also appear to contain more primitive melts than typical Yemen CFB lava
compositions, and as such would be highly sensitive to addition of crustal materials. Overall melt
inclusions provide a markedly better record of the diversity of melt compositions present within
given CFB magma systems than the bulk compositions of erupted lavas. Highly contaminated
melts (with K/Nb and Ba/Nb up to 957 and 22, respectively) trapped within fosterite-rich
olivines (Fo8590) require very high rates of assimilation relative to crystal fractionation, with
Ma/Mc values (the mass ratio of assimilated to crystallized material)1. Such rapid assimilation
may reflect decoupling of heat and mass transfer at the margins of larger magma chambers,
within feeder dyke complexes, or at other sites where primitive magma is juxtaposed against
wall-rocks that are already heated to temperatures near, or above, their solidus. In addition,
relatively little assimilation appears to have occurred after crystallization of the phases that host
melt inclusions, consistent with a thermal link between assimilation and phenocryst formation.
Melt inclusions also show trace element variations related to mantle source compositions and
mantle melting processes. Two inclusions with unusually Sr-rich and rare earth element-poor
compositions are similar to those recognized from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and may be related to
melting of recycled gabbroic material within the upwelling Afar plume. In addition, many melt
inclusions with crustally contaminated compositions also show large variations in trace element
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ratios that are essentially insensitive to crustal contamination (e.g. Zr/Y=210) but are
fractionated during progressive partial melting within an upwelling mantle column. The presence
of both mantle and crustal-derived trace element signatures in the same inclusions demonstrates
that melt transport systems in Yemen CFB were capable of transporting compositionally distinct
melt batches, without complete mixing, through the asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle until
final mixing and aggregation (and contamination) within crustal magma reservoirs. Thus,
regardless of contamination, the ultimate compositions of many CFB lavas may be determined
by magma mixing within the crust, rather than representing primitive compositions derived
directly from the mantle. ISSN: 0012-821X.
Khalid A. and Germany, IHP/OHP National Committee, Federal Republic of Germany.
1994. Groundwater Recharge Possibilities in Arid Regions; Case Study of Yemen; Proceedings;
International Symposium on Water Resources Planning in a Changing World. Federal Republic
of Germany Bundesanstalt fuer Gewaesserkunde, Koblenz, Federal Republic of Germany.
International Symposium on Water Resources Planning in a Changing World, Karlsruhe. Federal
Republic of Germany Conference: J une 28-30, 1994. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; arid
environment; Asia; case studies; ground water; Kohlan Formation; land subsidence; recharge;
runoff; Tawilah Group; terrestrial environment; Yemen. Notes: References: 2; sketch maps.
Database: GeoRef. OCLC Accession Number: 1995-050940.
Kharbsh, al Abd al-Wsi. 1996. Jiyljyat Al-Yaman / talf al Abd Al-
Wsi Al-Kharbsh, Muammad Ibrhm Al-Anbaw. an: Markaz Abbd lil-Dirst wa-
al-Nashr, 1996. Descriptors: Geology; Yemen; Geology -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: 206 pages:
ill. 24 cm. al-abah 1. Includes bibliographical references. URL:
Khater, A. R. Coleto, Carmen; Huerga, Argimiro and Martinez Cortina, Luis. 2003.
Intensive Groundwater use in the Middle East and North Africa; Intensive use of Groundwater;
Challenges and Opportunities. Netherlands: A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Netherlands.
Workshop on Intensively Exploited Aquifers, WINEX, Madrid. Spain Conference: Dec. 13-15,
2001. Descriptors: Africa; aquifer vulnerability; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Bahrain;
Dammam Aquifer; decision-making; demand; fresh water; ground water; international
cooperation; Iraq; Kuwait; legislation; Middle East; North Africa; Oman; pollution; Qatar; Saudi
Arabia; Umm er Radhuma Aquifer; water management; water quality; water resources; water
supply; water use; Yemen. Notes: References: 26; illus. incl. 6 tables. ISBN: 9058093905.
OCLC: 51178996.
Khatri, Mishri Lal, Di Muccio, Trentina and Gramiccia, Marina. 2009. Cutaneous
Leishmaniasis in North-Western Yemen: A Clinicoepidemiologic Study and Leishmania Species
Identification by Polymerase Chain reactionrestriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
Analysis. J . Am. Acad. Dermatol. 10. Volume 61, Issue 4, Pages e15-e21. Descriptors:
Cutaneous leishmaniasis; L donovani; L infantum; L tropica; Leishmania PCR-RFLP; North-
Western Yemen. Abstract: Background Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is widespread in Yemen,
but not fully documented.Objective. ISSN: 0190-9622.
Khayrat, A. H., Al-J arallah, M. I., Fazal-ur-Rehman, X. and Abu-J arad, F. 2003. Indoor
Radon Survey in Dwellings of some Regions in Yemen. Radiat. Measur. 6. Volume 36, Issue 1-
6, Pages 449-451. Descriptors: Yemen; Indoor radon survey; Nuclear track detectors; Passive
radon monitors. Abstract: Indoor radon survey in a total of 241 dwellings, distributed in some
regions of Yemen was performed, using CR-39 based radon monitors. The objective of this
radon survey is to get representative indoor radon data of three regions, namely Dhamar, Taiz
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and Hodeidah, situated at different altitudes above sea level. The radon concentrations varied
from 3 to 270 Bqm3 with an average of 42 Bqm3. It was found that the average radon
concentration in the surveyed areas increases with altitudes. The highest average radon
concentration of 59 Bqm3 was found in Dhamar city while the lowest average concentration of
8 Bqm3 was found in Hodeidah city. ISSN: 1350-4487.
Kim, Abraham. 2008. Healing Divided Nations: Achieving Peaceful Reunification.
United States -- New York: Columbia University. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Abstract:
Reunification cases represent two sovereign states that share a common national identity with a
mutual desire to integrate their countries into a single polity. Despite this sentiment for union,
some states have failed to integrate, while others have successfully achieved it. The challenge in
this analysis is to understand why this variance exists and what causes states to reunify
peacefully. Peaceful reunification requires cooperation. Although states within reunification
dyads often express the desire for political integration, structural, ideological, and international
obstacles make this cooperation difficult to accomplish. To comprehend what factors will
overcome these impediments, this analysis draws insights from the strategic bargaining, civil war
termination and nationalism literature and proposes four necessary conditions required for
peaceful reunification. These conditions include: (1) the presence of political-economic
engagement between the two states; (2) the existence of a severe political crisis in one state that
spills over into the reunification partner state; (3) a willingness by the stronger state to offer a
power-sharing arrangement as a crisis management solution for the embattled state; and (4) the
support of a credible international power to enforce reunification commitments and defend
against potential outside spoilers. To evaluate these factors, this dissertation uses controlled
comparison and process tracing to analyze the reunification efforts of four dyads across time
East- West Germany, North-South Yemen, North-South Korea, and China-Taiwan. This
dissertation ultimately aims to challenge three popular explanations for what causes peaceful
reunification--ethno-nationalist approach; functionalist/neofunctionalist perspective; and
collapsist argument--and offer a dynamic and balanced approach to understand why and how this
critical but poorly grasped political event occurs. Notes: Columbia University; Ph.D. Database:
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT). OCLC: 444033776.
Kim, Min J . 2009. Becoming One: A Comparative Study of National Unification in
Vietnam, Yemen and Germany. United States- District of Columbia: Government. ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses. George Washington University. Abstract: The purpose of this research
is to understand the dynamic processes of modern national unification cases in Vietnam (1976),
Yemen (1990) and Germany (1990) in a qualitative manner within the framework of Amitai
Etizonis political integration theory. There has been little use of this theory in cases of inter-
state unification despite its apparent applicability. This study assesses different factors (military
force, utilitarian and identitive factors) that influence unification in order to understand which
were most supportive of unification and which resulted in a consolidation unification in the early
to intermediate stages. In order to answer the above questions, the thesis uses the level of
integration as a dependent variable and the various methods of unification as independent
variables. The dependent variables are measured as follows: whether unified states were able to
protect its territory from potential violence and secessions and to what extent alienation emerged
amongst its members. Based on an examination of the case studies, I found the most effective
unification mechanism (utilitarian factors and military force) did not, however, necessarily lead
to the most successful consolidated unified state. This implies that a successful and consolidated
national unification process requires certain levels of identitive factors be shared between the
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two states. I argue that the most effective and successful factors for unification is a combination
of identitive and utilitarian aspects: utilitarian factors are crucial for bringing a relatively quick,
peaceful and comprehensive unification process while identitive factors are vital in order to help
bind people together during tumultuous unification process. Database: ProQuest Dissertations &
Theses (PQDT). OCLC: 457045895.URL:
King, Gillian. 1964. Imperial Outpost Aden: Its Place in British Strategic Policy.
London: Oxford University Press. Page(s): 95. Abstract: Concentrating on British strategic
policy in relation to Aden is Kings slim work, its drawback being that it was written four years
before the final act of withdrawal and so is an incomplete survey. Notes: Chatham House Essays
series. vi, 93 pages; maps; 19 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 16739861.
King, J ack W., J r., Terence R. Forbes, Abdul Elah Abu Ghanem. 1985. Benchmark
Soils of the Yemen Arab Republic. World Benchmark Soils Report No. 1. October 1985. Soil
Management Support Services (SMSS) Soil Conservation Service U.S. Department of
Agriculture. On cover: New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell
University, Dept. of Agronomy, [and] Soil Management Support Services (SMSS), Soil
Conservation Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [and] Ministry of Agriculture, Yemen Arab
Republic. Accompanied by a Yemen general soil map in pocket. v, 86 pages: ill.; 28 cm.
Abstract: Until present, only limited information was available on the soils of the Yemen Arab
Republic. The few soil surveys that had been conducted previously were not sufficient or
adequately correlated in a national or international system to serve development needs. They
varied in degree of detail, and required complementary studies to respond to an increasing
demand for soil resource information. This reduced their usefulness and restricted the transfer of
technical knowledge from other areas in the world with similar ecological conditions. The
original project involved the mapping of soils of the Yemen Arab Republic. The resulting soil
survey is an important part of the data base for planning the development of agriculture and
urban infra-structures in North Yemen. The survey will assist in locating areas of high potential
where more detailed soil information would facilitate the introduction of new technology for
agricultural production. The objective of the soil survey was to produce a generalized 1:500,000
scale soil map based on field observations, which were also extrapolated by interpretations of
satellite and air-photo imagery. The map shows associations of subgroups as recognized by Soil
Taxonomy (USDA, 1975). The project mapped those areas of Yemen west of longitude 45
degrees, 30 minutes. The survey area does not include islands in the Red Sea. For eighteen
months, one soil surveyor with support equipment and personnel was stationed as a staff member
of the Agronomy Department at Cornell in Yemen with operations based in Taizz. Field work
included soil profile examination and mapping. Soil analyses were required to place the soils into
Soil Taxonomy classification. Representative soil profiles were sampled, tested, and described
throughout Yemen as part of this effort. The surveyor was assisted by Yemeni personnel, both
professional and nonprofessional. Soil samples were analyzed by the FAO-assisted Agricultural
Research Service at Aussefeire; some special, texture, and mineralogical analyses were
performed at Ithaca. Three soil profiles were analyzed by the National Soil Survey Laboratory
(USDA-SCS) at Lincoln, Nebraska. This report begins with a synopsis of soil-forming factors
and the genesis and classification of the soils of North Yemen (Chapter 1). This is followed by a
brief description of the field survey and laboratory methods (Chapter 2) and the soilmap legend
(Chapter 3). Part of the legend information includes estimated total areas (km
) of each map unit,
subgroup, and soil order. A complete soil map (1:500,000) is found in a pocket on the back
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cover. Chapter 4 provides information for soil interpretations and management considerations.
Finally detailed descriptions of the most important benchmark soils are given in the Appendix. It
is hoped that all this information will provide the reader with a clear picture of Yemeni soils,
their environment and their use. ISBN 0-932865-02-X. OCLC: 16736601.
King, W. A., Mills, B. R., Gardiner, S. and Abdillah, A. A. 2003. The Masila Fields,
Republic of Yemen; Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade, 1990-1999. AAPG Memoir.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States: United States.
Volume 78, Pages 275-295. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; giant fields; history;
lithofacies; Masila Yemen; natural gas; oil and gas fields; petroleum; production; remote
sensing; satellite methods; structural traps; traps; Yemen. References: 31; illus. incl. sects., geol.
sketch maps. Abstract: Masila Block 14, located in the Hadramawt Region in the east-central
Republic of Yemen, is operated by Canadian Nexen Petroleum Yemen (a subsidiary of Nexen)
on behalf of its partners, Occidental Peninsula and Consolidated Contractors International. Oil
was first discovered in late 1990, with commerciality declared in late 1991. Oil production began
in J uly 1993. There are now 16 known fields containing 56 pools. At year-end 2000, total proven
ultimate recoverable oil reserves are 891 million bbl. Proven, probable, and possible reserve
estimates are approaching 1.2 billion bbl of recoverable oil. The Masila fields are associated with
the Upper J urassic to Lower Cretaceous Sayun-Masila rift graben basin. Almost 90% of the oil
reserves discovered are in the Lower Cretaceous upper Qishn sandstones, Qishn Formation,
Tawilah Group. Oil also is found in seven other reservoirs consisting of Lower Cretaceous and
Middle to Upper J urassic clastics and carbonates as well as fractured granitic basement. This
chapter focuses on the main oil-producing reservoirs, which are the informally named upper
Qishn sandstones of the formal Qishn Clastics Member, Qishn Formation, Tawilah Group. The
upper Qishn sandstones represent a transgressive sequence from braided river deposits into tide-
influenced shorelines, overlain by subtidal and shelf deposits. The upper Qishn sandstone
reservoirs have high porosity (15-28%) and high permeability (<or =10 d). They are relatively
homogeneous and continuous in the lower half of the formation and are more heterogeneous and
discontinuous in the middle to upper sections. The uppermost marine sandstones are more
homogeneous because they are texturally more mature. The major field accumulations are tilted,
normal-fault block structures located over basement paleohighs and dependent on cross-fault
juxta-position against overlying Qishn Carbonates Member top seal. The carbonated-dominated
pre-Qishn section, including the source rock, is not present on the paleohighs and is thickest in
the basement lows. The main source rock is the J urassic (Kimmeridgian) Madbi Shale, a Type II
marine source that is mature in kitchens adjacent to the structural highs. Secondary oil
migration occurred upward along fault planes to the overlying traps. At year-end 2000, 2087 km
(1304 mi) of two-dimensional seismic and four three-dimensional (3-D) seismic programs
totaling 422 km2 (165 mi (super 2)) have been acquired in the confines of the current Masila
Block 14 boundary. Seismic acquisition in the Masila Block has been challenging because of the
remote location, rugged topography, and rocky desert terrain. The land surface is incised by deep
wadis, or canyons. Processing and interpretation problems are significant because of a low-
velocity surface layer, scattered seismic energy, poor signal-to-noise ratio from numerous
canyon walls, and fault-shadow velocity anomalies overlying many of the tilted fault-block
culminations. The biggest production challenge is water handling. Much water is produced along
with the oil because of a combination of medium-gravity (15 degrees -33 degrees API)
moderate-viscosity oil, high reservoir permeability, and a strong regional aquifer. The upper
Qishn oil is undersaturated in gas (average gas-oil ratio is 3-7 scf/bbl), requiring electric
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submersible pumps to provide sufficient artificial lift for the large volumes of produced fluid. At
the end of December 2000, the annualized daily production rate collectively for all fields was
230,000 BOPD, with 725,000 BWPD and 6.8 mmcf solution gas/day. Cumulative oil production
is more than 500 million bbl. Initial average well oil-production rates vary by producing zone but
range from 1500 to 20,000 BOPD, with a few wells producing from more than one reservoir
zone by minor zone commingling. In the early production years, oil and water produced in the
fields were transported via pipeline to the central processing facility (CPF), where most fluid
separation occurred. More recently, the majority of the separation of oil and water is being
perform ed at individual fields using field-based hydrocyclones before transporting the clean
oil to the CPF for final processing. Produced water is reinjected into the reservoirs. The clean oil
is transported to the southern coast via a 140-km (85-mi)-long, 61-cm (24-in.) pipeline over a
106-km (66-mi) distance. Export oil is then loaded onto tankers via a single buoy mooring
systems located 3.2 km (2 mi) offshore east of the coastal village of Al Mukulla. Database:
GeoRef. ISBN: 0891813594.
King, W. A., Mills, B. R., Gardiner, Scott and Abdellah, A. A. 2001. The Masila Fields,
Republic of Yemen; American Association of Petroleum Geologists 2001 Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting Expanded Abstracts - American Association of Petroleum Geologists. American
Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
(AAPG), Tulsa, OK, United States: United States. J un. Volume 2001, Pages 105. Descriptors:
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; block structures; carbonate rocks; clastic rocks; coastal environment;
east-central Yemen; faults; marine environment; Masila oil fields; normal faults; oil and gas
fields; permeability; petroleum; petroleum accumulation; porosity; production; Qishn Formation;
reservoir rocks; sea-level changes; sedimentary rocks; shelf environment; source rocks; subtidal
environment; systems; tilt; transgression; Yemen. Abstract: Masila Block 14 is operated by
Canadian Occidental Petroleum Yemen on behalf of its partners Occidental Peninsula, Inc. and
Consolidated Contractors International, Ltd., and is located in the Hadhramaut region, in east-
central Republic of Yemen. Oil was first discovered on the Block in late 1990 with
Commerciality declared in late 1991. Oil production at Masila began in J uly 1993. There are
now 14 known fields containing 56 pools within the Masila Block. Total proved ultimate
recoverable oil reserves are approaching 900 million STB. Proven, probable and possible reserve
estimates are in excess of one billion barrels of recoverable oil. The Masila fields are in the
J urassic- to Lower Cretaceous-aged, Saar Graben. Almost 90% of the Masila reserves are
reservoired in the Lower Cretaceous Upper Qishn Clastics Member of the Qishn Formation. Oil
is also found in at least seven other reservoirs consisting of Lower Cretaceous and Middle to
Upper J urassic age clastics and carbonates as well as fractured granitic basement. This talk
focuses on the main producing horizon; the Upper Qishn Clastics Member. The Upper Qishn
represents an upward transgressive sequence from braided river deposits into tidally influenced
shorelines, overlain by subtidal and shelf deposits. The Qishn reservoir sandstones have both
high porosity (18-21%), and high permeability (<10 Darcies). They are relatively homogenous
and continuous in the lower section and are more heterogeneous in the middle-upper section. The
uppermost marine sandstones are more mature and very homogeneous. The major field
accumulations are tilted, normal, fault block structures located over basement paleohighs, and
are dependent upon juxtaposition against overlying Qishn carbonates. The carbonate-dominated
pre-Qishn section, including the source rock, is not present on the paleo-highs, and is thickest in
the basement lows. The main identified source rock is the Madbi Shale, a Type II marine source
which is mature in kitchens adjacent to the structural highs. Secondary oil migration occurred
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upward along fault planes to the overlying traps. Seismic acquisition in the Masila block has
been difficult and expensive because of the remote location, rugged topography and rocky desert
terrain. The land surface is incised by deep, wadis or canyons. To date, four 3D seismic
programs totalling 162 mi (super 2) (414 km (super 2) ), and 1,415 miles (2,264 km) of 2D data
have been acquired. Processing and interpretation problems are significant due to a low velocity
surface layer, scattered seismic energy, poor signal to noise ratio from numerous canyon walls,
and to fault shadow velocity anomalies overlying many of the the tilted fault block
culminations. The biggest production challenge in these fields is water handling. Much water is
produced along with the oil, due to a combination of medium gravity (15-33 degrees API)
moderate viscosity oil, high reservoir permeability and a strong regional acquifer. The Upper
Qishn oil is undersaturated in gas (average GOR is 3 to 7 SCF/bbl) requiring electric submersible
pumps to provide sufficient artificial lift for the large volumes of produced fluid. At end of
December 1999, the daily production rate collectively for all fields was 210,000 STB/D, with
680,000 BWPD and 6.5 MMCF/D solution gas. Cumulative oil production is over 400 million
STB. Initial average well oil production rates vary by producing zone, but fall in a range of 1500
to 15,000 STB/D, with many wells producing from more than one reservoir zone with minor
commingling. Oil and water are produced in the fields, transported via pipeline to the Central
Processing Facility (CPF), where most fluid separation occurs. Increasingly, separation of oil and
water is being performed at individual fields using hydrocyclones before entering the CPF.
Produced water is re-injected into the reservoirs. The clean oil is moved to the southern coast via
an 85 mile long (140 km) 24 pipeline. Export oil is then loaded onto offshore tankers, via a
Single Buoy Mooring system (SBM) located 1.25 miles (2 km) offshore, near Mukulla.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0094-0038.
Klimov, IA. 1968. Medical Geography of Yemen. Performer: J oint Publications Research
Service, Washington, D.C.2 May 1968. 24 pages. Database: NTIS Database (National Technical
Information Service). NTIS Order Number: J PRS-45242. URL:
Klinge, Hans. 1982. Untersuchungen Zum Grundwasserhaushalt Der Tihama (Saudi
Arabien). Giessen: Lenz-Verlag. Page(s): 164. Descriptors: Groundwater -- Tihama (Saudi
Arabia and Yemen); Water balance (Hydrology) -- Tihama (Saudi Arabia and Yemen). Notes:
iii; ill. 21 cm. Note(s): Abstract in English and German. Originally presented as the authors
thesis (doctoral--J ustus-Liebig-Universitt Giessen)/ Bibliography: p. 134-140. Responsibility:
Hans Klinge. ISSN: 0340-0654; LCCN: 83-245055. OCLC Accession Number: 11159461.
Klintschar, Michael, Ricci, Ugo, Al Hammadi, Nabil, Reichenpfader, Barbara, Ebner,
Alexander and Giovannucci Uzielli, Maria Luisa. 1998. Genetic Variation at the STR Loci
D12S391 and CSF1PO in Four Populations from Austria, Italy, Egypt and Yemen. Forensic
Sci. Int. 10/12. Volume 97, Issue 1, Pages 37-45. Descriptors: D12S391; CSF1PO; Austria; Italy;
Egypt; Yemen; Population study. Abstract: The short tandem repeat systems (STRs) D12S391
and CSF1P0 were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on blood samples from 100
to 158 unrelated Austrians, Italians, Yemenians and Egyptians. The samples were analyzed by
both native and denaturing electrophoresis and two primer pairs were tested for the CSF1PO
locus. Except for the CSF1PO data on the Egyptians, no deviations from the HardyWeinberg
equilibrium were detected. For D12S391, no significant differences were found between the two
Arab populations and between the two European populations, but the differences between both
Arab populations and the Italians were significant. For CSF1PO, differences were only observed
between the Yemenians and all three other populations. No evidence of linkage disequilibrium
Geology of Yemen
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between the two STRs was found. The observation of a D12S391 allele consisting of only 14
repeats was confirmed by sequencing. ISSN: 0379-0738.
Kobayashi, Yoshiharu. 2011. Yemen, Republic of - Groundwater and Soil Conservation
Project: P074413 - Implementation Status Results Report. World Bank. 4 pages. Project
objectives: 1. Improve water use efficiency and increase farmers return to water through ad
option of water saving technologies. 2. Increase surface and groundwater availability through
rehabilitation of small to medium spate irrigation schemes, terrace rehabilitation, bank protection
works and other water and soil
conservation activities. 3. Establish a groundwater management framework and institution to
manage local water resources sustainably through capacity building of government water
institutions and community groups. Report Number: ISR4292. URL: Y0.
Koenig, Robert, and Richard Stone. 2001. Collateral damage: the war in Afghanistan
and rising tensions in the Middle East have temporarily put on hold efforts by scientists from
Islamic nations to strengthen ties among themselves and with the West. (News Focus). Science
294.5543 (2001): 766+. Military and Intelligence Database. Web. 1 Sep. 2011. Abstract: Farouk
El-Baz led the team that chose where the Apollo landers set down on the moon. So mapping
groundwater on the Arabian Peninsula figured to be a cinch for the Egyptian-born director of
Boston Universitys Center for Remote Sensing. But that was before the 11 September terrorist
attacks on the United States. The planned trip to Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for
fieldwork has been put off indefinitely, he says, because people just didnt feel right about
traveling there now. The suspension of such collaborative projects, of course, cannot be
compared on any scale to the tragedy of the attacks and the current war in Afghanistan. But they
pose a significant interruption to what in the last few years has been a loosening of the
ideological shackles on Islamic science. Increasing ties with Western colleagues over the past
decade have allowed researchers in many Islamic countries to convince their leaders of the value
of science. In the Islamic world, the tragedy has been a lack of comprehension of how important
scientific research is to development, says Abdulkarim Al-Eryani, a Yale University-trained
microbiologist who now serves as political adviser to Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh. One
vehicle currently being pursued for stimulating science in the region is a nascent agency, based
in the UAE, that would be modeled on the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). Some
opinion-makers are also arguing for a Marshall Plan to restore the Islamic world in the same way
the huge U.S.-led investment helped rebuild Europe after World War II. The gap is far too wide
between the haves and the have-nots, and science would be a wonderful vehicle to help bridge
that gap, says Egyptian-born chemist Ahmed Zewail, director of the Laboratory for Molecular
Sciences at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and the first Arab (and second
Muslim after Abdus Salam of Pakistan) to win a Nobel Prize in science. But progress on such
ideas has been halted by the tensions stemming from the war in Afghanistan and the continuing
Palestinian intifada. And there is risk of a permanent setback. Damage to long-term relations
and scientific collaboration can be limited only if the Afghan war is short and targeted against
the criminals, says chemist Atta-Ur-Rahman, Pakistans minister for science and technology.
Kohler, S. 1995. The Discussion on Sustainable Development Illustrated by Studies of
the Wadi Marcha, Republic of Yemen. Erde. Volume 126, Issue 2, Pages 127-137. Notes: Cited
By (since 1996): 1. Abstract: This article argues that in Wadi Marcha, Yemen, ecological social,
physical and economic conditions will soon decline if a sustainable water supply is not
established. At present the traditional society relies on modern pumps. These pump much water,
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and they allow export crops to be grown, but the water will only last for a few decades. Hence a
more efficient technology is required, but this will require only low production, and there are few
alternatives to agriculture. -D.J .Davis. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0013-9998.
Kohler, Stefan. 1999. Institutionen in Der Bewsserungs -Landwirtschaft Im J emen: Die
Ursachen Der Wasserbernutzung Im J emen Und Die Zukunftsperspektiven Fr Die
Bewsserungs-Landwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Reichert. Page(s): 205. Descriptors: Irrigation
farming -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Management; Landbouw;
Irrigatie (waterhuishouding). Notes: xiii; ill. Note(s): Dissertation; Responsibility: von Stefan
Kohler. Vendor Info: Otto Harrassowitz (HARR); Entry: 19990728; Update: 20090314.
ISSN/ISBN: 3895001007; 9783895001000 LCCN: 99-514401. OCLC Accession Number:
Kohler, Stefan. 1996. The Demands and Limitations of Sustainable Water use in Arid
Regions; a Discussion of Sustainable Development Taking the Wadi Markhah (Republic of
Yemen) as an Example. Applied Geography and Development. Institute for Scientific Co-
Operation, Tubingen, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 47,
Pages 25-36. Descriptors: agriculture; Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; developing
countries; environmental analysis; ephemeral streams; ground water; human ecology; irrigation;
land use; regional planning; reliability; streams; sustainable development; terrestrial
environment; valleys; Wadi Markhah; water management; water resources; water use; Yemen.
Notes: References: 13; illus. incl. 1 table. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0173-7619.
Kohler, Stefan. 1996. The Demand and Limitations of Sustainable Water use in Arid
Regions: A Discussion of Sustainable Development Taking the Wadi Markhah (Republic of
Yemen) as an Example. 47. Descriptors: Sustainable Development; Arid Zones; Water
Resources Development; Yemen. Notes: 25-36; Note(s): Bibliography: p. 35-36. - Includes a
map. Responsibility: by Stefan Kohler. OCLC Accession Number: 84205320.
Kokinski, J . 1986. Uphill Work. World Health. Dec. Pages 13-15. Descriptors: Article
Subject Terms: Steel; Finance; Water supplies; Maintenance; Rural areas; Valleys; Rock;
Groundwater (see also Aquifers); Preventive maintenance; Laying; Mountains; Galvanization;
Water supplies (Potable); Sanitation; Safety; Training; Supplies; Hills; Costs (see also
Economics; Low cost); Electricity; Article Geographic Terms: Arab Countries; Yemen; Pipes
(see also conduits, drains, pipelines,sewers); United nations. Notes: Publication focus: Case
Study. Abstract: A project initiated by the United Nations Development Programme to improve
the rural water supplies of the Yemen Arab Republic, where sanitary conditions were extremely
poor, was hindered by the comparatively high cost of supplying the mountain top village
settlements with groundwater from the valleys. Galvanized steel pipes had to be laid over rocky
ground, electricity supplies were scarce and access to sites was often difficult. Funding for
technical training in water supply operation and maintenance was insufficient, and in spite of
strong governmental support current plans could at best provide less than 40 per cent of the rural
population with safe drinking water. Database: Aqualine.
Korchuganova, N. I., Mezhelovskiy, I. N. and Mezhelovskiy, N. V. 2001. Opyt
Kompleksirovaniya Neotektonicheskikh i Geofizicheskikh Issledovaniy Pri Poiskakh
Podzemnykh Vod Na Yugo-Zapade Araviyskoy Plity. Comprehensive Neotectonic and
Geophysical Studies during Ground Water Exploration in Southeastern Arabian Plate.
Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr. Nedra, Moscow, Russian Federation (RUS): Russian Federation. J un.
Volume 2001, Issue 6, Pages 63-65. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Arabian Plate; Asia;
electrical sounding; geophysical methods; geophysical profiles; geophysical surveys; ground
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 181
water; neotectonics; NMR spectra; plate tectonics; spectra; surveys; tectonics; Yemen. Database:
GeoRef. ISSN: 0034-026X.
Kossmat, Franz. 1907. Geologie der Inseln Sokotra, Semba und Abd el Kuri. Vienna:
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-
Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Band 71, Halbband 1, S. 1-62. OCLC: 638095123.
Kraft, Walter, Garling, Fritz and Matecki, J uergen. 1971. Die Hydrogeologischen
Verhaeltnisse in Der Mittleren Tihama; Ein Beitrag Zur Geologie Der J emenitischen Arabischen
Republik. Hydrogeological Conditions in Central Tihama; a Contribution to the Geology of
Yemen. Zeitschrift Fuer Angewandte Geologie. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, Federal Republic of
Germany Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 17, Issue 6, Pages 239-249. Descriptors:
aquifer properties; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; composition; geology; ground water; hydrogeology;
movement; resources; Tihama; Yemen. Notes: illus. (incl. sketch maps. Database: GeoRef.
ISSN: 0044-2259.
Kroschel, J ., Fritsch, E. and Huber, J . 1996. Biological Control of the Potato Tuber
Moth (Phthorimaea Operculella Zeller) in the Republic of Yemen using Granulosis Virus:
Biochemical Characterization, Pathogenicity and Stability of the Virus. Biocontrol Sci.
Technol. Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 207-216. Descriptors: biochemical characterization;
biological control; granulosis virus; pathogenicity; Phthorimaea operculella; ultraviolet
persistence. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 7. Abstract: A granulosis virus infecting the potato
tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella, has been identified, isolated and purified from diseased
potato tuber moth larvae collected from potato fields in the highland basin Qa al- Boun of the
Republic of Yemen. The granulosis virus was propagated by feeding potato tuber moth larvae
with potatoes treated with a concentration of one granulosis virus-infected fourth instar larva to 5
l of water (corresponding to an occlusion body (OB) concentration of 2 X 106 OB ml-1).
Restriction enzyme analysis of viral DNA revealed that the isolated virus seemed to correspond
to an isolate from the Lima region of Peru. A median LC50 value of 7.3 X 104 OB ml-1 was
calculated for a purified virus preparation. Different preparations of the granulosis virus were
investigated for their persistence in the field on tubers and leaves. A purified virus preparation
(PoGV) applied to potato tubers and exposed in the open had a half-life of 1.3 days. On leaves,
the activity of granulosis virus spray deposits of an unpurified virus preparation (PoGV 1) and of
a glycerine-formulated preparation (PoGV II) also declined with exposure time. Mortalities of
potato tuber moth larvae of 43% for PoGV I and 49% for PoGV II were recorded when first
instar larvae were fed with potato leaves collected 2 days after treatment. After 8 days, 25.8% of
the larvae had died from PoGV I treatment and 19.4% from PoGV II. Neither preparation
displayed any effect 17 days after application. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0958-3157.
Kroschel, J . Fritsch, E. and Huber, J . 1996. Biological Control of the Potato Tuber Moth
(Phthorimaea Operculella Zeller) in the Republic of Yemen using Granulosis Virus: Biochemical
Characterization, Pathogenicity and Stability of the Virus. Biocontrol Sci. Technol. Volume: 6,
no. 2, page(s): 207-207-216. Abstract: A granulosis virus infecting the potato tuber moth,
Phthorimaea operculella has been identified, isolated and purified from diseased potato tuber
moth larvae collected from potato fields in the highland basin Qa al-Boun of the Republic of
Yemen. The granulosis virus was propagated by feeding potato tuber moth larvae with potatoes
treated with a concentration of one granulosis virus-infected fourth instar larva to 5 l of water
(corresponding to an occlusion body (OB) concentration of 2 x 10 super(6) OB ml super(-1)).
Restriction enzyme analysis of viral DNA revealed that the isolated virus seemed to correspond
to an isolate from the Lima region of Peru. A median LC sub(50) value of 7.3 x 10 super(4) OB
Geology of Yemen
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ml super(-1) was calculated for a purified virus preparation. Different preparations of the
granulosis virus were investigated for their persistence in the field on tubers and leaves. A
purified virus preparation (PoGV) applied to potato tubers and exposed in the open had a half-
life of 1.3 days. On leaves, the activity of granulosis virus spray deposits of an unpurified virus
preparation (PoGV I) and of a glycerine-formulated preparation (PoGV II) also declined with
exposure time. Mortalities of potato tuber moth larvae of 43% for PoGV I and 49% for PoGV II
were recorded when first instar larvae were fed with potato leaves collected 2 days after
treatment. After 8 days, 25.8% of the larvae had died from PoGV I treatment and 19.4% from
PoGV II. Neither preparation displayed any effect 17 days after application. ISSN: 0958-3157.
Database: Technology Research Database. URL:
Kruyff, K. de, and P. T. Scholte. Vegetation map of Yemen Republic. Amersfoort, The
Netherlands: DHV Consultants BV, 1990. In English and Arabic. 1 map on 2 sheets: color;
sheets 122 x 90 cm. "Copyright belongs to the Netherlands Minister for Development
Cooperation". Description based on: Western Part. Includes inset location map. "August 1990".
OCLC: 649847254.
Kuharev, N. 1998. Extraordinary Oxygen Regime as a Phenomenon of the Arabian
Upwelling: Life and Concentrations of Fish in the Hypoxy Zone -- Rule Or Exception?
Grahamstown, South Africa: FISA. African Fishes and Fisheries Diversity and Utilisation.
Poissons Et Peches Africains Diversite Et Utilisation. Page(s): p 299. Descriptors: Article
Subject Terms: Feeding behaviour; Fishery surveys; Hypoxia; Migratory species; Ontogeny;
Oxygen depletion; Trawling; Article Taxonomic Terms: Harpodon squamosus; Lepturacanthus
savala; Physiculus argiropastus; Saurida undosquamis; Scomber japonicus; Synagrops adeni;
Article Geographic Terms: Aden Gulf; Yemen, Socotra; Marine. Abstract: The material was
compiled from YugNIRO scientific research fishing expeditions from 1962 till 1992 in the
northern Aden Gulf and near Socotra Island in the zone of the Arabian and Somalia upwelling.
As a result of the special studies conducted by the author during the trawl surveys, it was stated
that a lot of fish species live, concentrate and feed themselves actively on the continental slope of
southern Arabia in the subsurface water mass at depths from 240-280m down to 300-400 m, in
the hypoxy layer with oxygen content from 0.2 to 0.5ml/l, saturation 8-12%. It is exciting that in
well known experiments on hypoxy many fishes from such catches otherwise die quickly under
those conditions. Fish from catches were divided into two ecological groups: settled fish and
migrating fish. From a series of around-the clock trawlings from a depth range of 10 to 500m, it
was noted that settled fishes (48 species) did not make daily vertical migrations. These fish
inhabit the bottom layer in the hypoxy zone and were found beyond its borders at a depth range
of 150 to 500m and greater. Saurida undosquamis, Lepturacanthus savala, Synagrops adeni,
Physiculus argiropastus, Nettostoma parviceps, Harpodon squamosus, Hoplostetus spp.,
Centroforus granuslosus, Halelurus spp. and Eridachnis radklifi form the largest concentrations.
Migrants (9 species) concentrate near the bottom in the hypoxy zone during the daily vertical
migrations in the period from 5-6 a.m to 4-5 p.m. (280-350m). At night they ascent to a depth of
60-80 m, to a zone with higher oxygen content (3-4ml/l). Psenopsis cyanea, Scomber japonicus,
Benthosema pterotum, Decapterus kurroides and Nemipterus randalli form the most dense
concentrations. Slow-moving schools of Psenopsis cyanena, individuals of Lepturacanthus
savala and Eridachnis radklifi were observed from the inhabited underwater device in the hypoxy
zone at a depth of 270-370m and at a distance of 0.3-3m from the bottom. Rushes of fishes
towards the bottom were fixed. Some common biological features for both groups were: (1)
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Intensive feeding with protein dietary components, directly in the hypoxy zone. All the
inhabitants of this zone are predators at high trophic levels; (2) Development of eggs and early
ontogenesis in the epipelagic zone with high oxygen content; (3) Rushing swimming in the
hypoxy layer that points at consumption of energy from anaerobic metabolism by fishes.
Extended areas with a sharp oxygen shortage inhabited by fishes and invertebrates in the Arabian
Sea, near the South-Eastern coast of Africa, in the northern and eastern Pacific near the coast of
Peru and Venezuela, and in the Black and Azov Seas. It is assumed the fishes are supplied with
energy from biochemical processes that allows them to assimilate oxygen in extremely low
concentrations and to anaerobically use protein, products of nitrogen catabolism and glycogen in
their energetic metabolism at hypoxy. Notes: Summary only. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences
and Fisheries Abstracts. OCLC Accession Number: 4878918.
Khn, Peter, Pietsch, Dana and Gerlach, Iris. 2010. Archaeopedological Analyses
Around a Neolithic Hearth and the Beginning of Sabaean Irrigation in the Oasis of MaRib
(Ramlat as-SabAtayn, Yemen). J ournal of Archaeological Science. 06. Volume 37, Issue 6,
Pages 1305-1310. Descriptors: Neolithic period; Paleoclimatology -- Holocene; Radiocarbon
dating; Hearths, Prehistoric; Land use; Soil micromorphology; Bronze age; Yemen (Republic).
Abstract: Archaeopedological analyses in the oasis of Marib (Yemen) yield new information of
Neolithic land use, Bronze Age soil formation, and Sabaean irrigation. The AMS radiocarbon
age of a Neolithic fireplace buried under Sabaean irrigation sediments in the Southern oasis
indicates Pre-Sabaean human activities in Wadi Dhana about 5600 years ago. The associated
Mid-Holocene palaeosol, developed in fluvial sediments of Wadi Dhana and also in the filling of
the hearth, marks the Bronze Age-land surface before it was covered with irrigation sediments.
Based on AMS radiocarbon data from charcoal in reservoir sediments of the Great Dam and an
estimated time span of pedogenesis of the Mid-Holocene palaeosol in this region, we propose the
beginning of the irrigation in Marib in the period of 25001000calyr BC. [Copyright &y&
Elsevier]; Copyright of J ournal of Archaeological Science is the property of Academic Press Inc.
and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the
copyright holders express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email
articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the
accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the
full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.). ISSN/ISBN: 03054403. URL:
Kweton, A. and Rappenhoener, D. 1989. Soil Erosion and Water Balance in the Haraz
Mountains and Yemen Arab Republic; Resource Conservation and Desertification Control in the
Near East. Federal Republic of Germany Dtsch. Stiftung internation. Entwicklg. Zentralstelle
Ernaehr. Landwirtsch., Feldafing, Federal Republic of Germany. Descriptors: agriculture;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; climate; Entisols; environmental geology; erodibility; erosion;
hydrology; land use; leaching; moisture; runoff; siltation; soil erosion; soil profiles; soils;
Yemen. Notes: sects., charts, 1 table, sketch map. Database: GeoRef in Process. GeoRef
Accession Number: 25036-2.
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Lambert, Louise. 2007. HIV and Development Challenges in Yemen: Which Grows
Fastest? Health Policy and Planning. J anuary 1. Volume 22, Issue 1, Pages 60-62. ISSN: 0268-
Land Resources Development Centre. 1980. Yemen Arab Republic Montane Plains and
Wadi Rima Project: A Land and Water Resources Survey Soils and Land Suitability of the
Montane Plains: Maps. Surbiton Land Resources Development Centre: Descriptors: Soils --
Yemen; Montane Plains; Government publication; Microfilm. Abstract: Contains 10 maps.
Notes: 1 30cm. OCLC Accession Number: 316347246.
Land Resources Development Centre (Great Britain). 1979. Yemen Arab Republic:
Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project: A Land and Water Resources Survey. Socioeconomic
Survey of Wadi Rama: Methods and Data. Surbiton: Ministry of Overseas Development.
Descriptors: Agricultural development projects -- Yemen (Republic); Montane Plains and Wadi
Rima Project; Government publication (gpb). Notes: 2 v.: ill., maps (some in pocket), tables; 30
cm. YAR-01-44/REC-34/79.; Other Titles: Socioeconomic survey of Wadi Rama: methods
and data. OCLC Accession Number: 68706233.
Langbein, Rolf and As-Saruri, Mustafa L. 1992. Dolomitisierung Und Silifizierung in
Tiefwasserkarbonaten Des Tertiaers Der Suedlichen Arabischen Halbinsel. Dolomitization and
Silicification in Deep-Water Carbonates of the Tertiary of the Southern Arabian Peninsula;
Sediment 91; 6. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Sedimentologen. Sediment 91; Sixth Conference of
German-Speaking Sedimentologists. Zentralblatt Fuer Geologie Und Palaeontologie, Teil I:
Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale Und Historische Geologie. E. Schweizerbartsche
Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany;
Angewandte, Regionale und Historische Geologie. Volume 1991, Issue 12, Pages 2859-2872.
Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; burial metamorphism; carbonate rocks; carbonatization;
Cenozoic; compaction; deep-sea sedimentation; diagenesis; dolomitization; early diagenesis;
framework silicates; marine sedimentation; metamorphism; opal; quartz; sedimentary rocks;
sedimentation; silica minerals; silicates; silicification; Tertiary; Yemen. Notes: illus. incl. sect., 3
tables, geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0340-5109.
Langbein, Rolf and As-Saruri, Mustafa Latif. 1998. Die Rus Formation (Unteres
Eozaen) Auf Der Suedlichen Arabischen Halbinsel. Beitraege Zur Geologie Des Suedlichen
J emen. Geology of Southern Yemen. Zeitschrift Fuer Geologische Wissenschaften. Akademie-
Verlag, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 26, Issue 5-
6, Pages 673-682. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; carbonate rocks; Cenozoic; clastic
rocks; cross sections; Eocene; gypsum; limestone; lithofacies; lower Eocene; marl; metamorphic
rocks; Paleogene; sebkha environment; sedimentary rocks; shallow-water environment; slates;
sulfates; synsedimentary processes; terrestrial environment; Tertiary; Yemen. Notes: ZGWSA7;
References: 12; sects., sketch map. Database: GeoRef in Process. ISSN: 0303-4534.
Langston, Elizabeth. 2005. The Islamist Movement and Tribal Networks: Islamist Party
Mobilization Amongst the Tribes of J ordan and Yemen. United States -- Kentucky: University of
Kentucky. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Abstract: This study examines the nature of the
relationship between Islamist social movement parties and tribes. Specifically, it is argued that,
in countries with strong tribal heritages and free elections, Islamist movement parties will seek to
integrate tribal networks and attend to tribal considerations in their campaign strategies in order
to mobilize the most voters. To better understand the dynamics between these two centers of
power---who are generally perceived as competitors in elections---I examine the choices Islamist
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political parties make in selecting candidates for parliament, districts in which to compete, and
their rates of success versus other candidates. To address these issues, two cases are selected for
intensive study: J ordan and Yemen. Based on extensive field work in both countries, two types
of data are gathered. As an exploratory method to gauge the significance of tribal institutions and
networks to the Islamists, I use participant observation of tribal gatherings and Islamist
movement organization meetings and events; in-depth interviews with grassroots activists, party
elites, and members of parliament; and an overview of local newspaper coverage of campaign
issues. Next, as an explanatory method, I analyze the lists of candidates for parliament in
national elections in the two countries between the years 1989 and 2003. The study suggests that
Islamist parties do indeed attend to tribal considerations in campaign decisions, but that
intervening variables, such as the design of electoral institutions and local decisions regarding
the primacy of tribal or party loyalty, also impact Islamist strategy and success. A final
observation from the study concerns the continued repression of Islamist parties and the retreat
from efforts at sincere liberal reform in J ordan and Yemen. That leads to the conclusion that
Islamist parties can be expected to continue to work through tribal institutions, in these cases and
elsewhere, so long as other forms of civil society organization are repressed. University of
Kentucky; Ph.D. Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.
Laredo, D., Dawson, J W and Hashem, M. 1986. Small Rural Water Systems Project in
the Yemen Arab Republic; A Midterm Evaluation. Water and Sanitation for Health Project
Field Report no.197 September 1986.120 pages. 6 fig, 3 tab. 7 append. AID Contract 5942-C-00-
. Pages Project 936-5942. Descriptors: Developing countries; Institutional constraints; Yemen;
Rural areas; Water supply development; Evaluation; Public policy; Rural sociology; Water
supply; Management planning. Abstract: A midterm evaluation for USAID/Yemen of Phase II of
the Small Rural Water Systems Project was conducted from September 8 to 30, 1986. This
second phase was intended to provide institutional development services to strengthen the
managerial, technical, and financial capabilities of the Rural Water Supply Department (RWSD)
of the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) so that the department could effectively respond to the
need for improved village water systems. Findings includes: (1) The projects field
accomplishments may be classified as an unqualified success. The contractor, New Trans
Century Foundation (NTF), has overcome the combined constraints of logistics and terrain to
produce 172 water supply systems that are well engineered and constructed according to high-
quality standards; (2) In reaching this level of field expertise, NTF has organized itself into a
highly efficient turnkey construction unit, and its staff have mastered the intricacies and political
sensitivities of many elements of Yemen s rural society; and (3) The primary objective of Phase
II, however, as stated in the Grant Agreement , was to provide institutional development (ID)
services to RWSD. In this realm, the project is far from successful, as NTF has made little
headway on its ID objectives vis a vis RWSD. This observation is not meant to imply RWSD
was a willing partner in the process. RWSD operates as a pure development agency envisioning
its mission almost exclusively as an agency to provide rural water supply infrastructure. This
fact, together with a set of unclear institutional objectives in the Memorandum of Understanding
between AID and RWSD, exacerbated the situation. Further, the fact that RWSD did not, as
expected at the time of NTFs proposal, become an autonomous agency certainly did not
improve the projects institutional development environment. Database: Water Resources
Abstracts. OCLC: 54352569.
Laredo, David; Dawson, J ames W. Hashem, Mouna and Water and Sanitation for Health
Project (U.S.). 1986. Small Rural Water Systems Project in the Yemen Arab Republic: A
Geology of Yemen
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Midterm Evaluation. Arlington, Va: Water and Sanitation for Health Project. Page(s): 120.
Descriptors: Water Supply -- Yemen. Notes: ix; maps; 28 cm. Prepared for the USAID Mission
to Yemen under WASH Activity No. 256. September 1986. Contract No. 5942-C-00-4085-
00, Project No. 936-5942. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-78). Responsibility: by
David Laredo, J ames W. Dawson, Mouna Hashem. OCLC Accession Number: 54352569.
Laredo, David; Haratani, J oseph; McMullan, William G. and Water and Sanitation for
Health Project (U.S.). 1986. Yemen Sanaa Basin Water Resources Assessment. Arlington, Va:
Water and Sanitation for Health Project. Page(s): 157. Descriptors: Water Supply -- Yemen.
Notes: xiii; ill., maps; 28 cm. Note(s): Prepared for the USAID Mission to the Arab Republic of
Yemen under WASH Activity No. 175./ J une 1986. Contract No. 5942-C-00-4085-00,
Project No. 936-5942./ Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-157). Responsibility: by
David Laredo, J oe M. Haratani and William G. McMullan. OCLC Accession Number:
Lauermann, J ohn. 2010. Economic Space, Practice, and Identity: Business and Labor in
the Qat Industry of Sanaa, Yemen. United States -- South Carolina: Geography. ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses. Abstract: A legal, leafy stimulant traditionally consumed in Yemen,
qat is a major element of Yemeni society (with over seventy percent of adult Yemenis reporting
qat consumption in one recent survey) and economy (employing at least fourteen percent of the
labor force). While a small body of literature explores qat consumption, and the qat industry in a
macroeconomic sense, very little is written about the cultural economy surrounding qat
production (qat farming, distribution, and retail) or the geographic dynamics of this same
production. This thesis explores business and labor practices in the qat industry of the Sanaa
metropolitan area, specifically focusing on the spaces of qat production. Drawing on semi-
structured interviews with actors from across the qat supply chain (farmers, vendors, laborers,
government and nongovernmental officials, etc.), I explore the practices of these actors, the
relationships that they rely upon and construct, and the spaces which facilitate and are produced
by these everyday business and labor practices and relationships. I ultimately argue that actors
working in the industry use these various economic practices and relationships (produced and
producing economic spaces of the industry) to site themselves within broader economic and
cultural discursive frameworks, thereby fashioning hybrid cultural economic discourses and
identities. This project contributes to existing literature on both the qat industry and on
contemporary economy and culture in Yemen, while developing analytical frameworks (based
on practice and relationality) for exploring questions of economic space, practice, discourse, and
identity in Global South contexts. Geography; M.A. Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.
Leckie, D. A. and Rumpel, T. 2003. Tide-Influenced Sedimentation in a Rift Basin -
Cretaceous Qishn Formation, Masila Block, Yemen: A Billion Barrel Oil Field. Am. Assoc.
Pet. Geol. Bull. Volume 87, Issue 6, Pages 987-1013. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 3. Abstract:
The Lower Cretaceous Qishn Clastics Member in Masila Block 14, Hadhramaut region,
Republic of Yemen, has estimated reserves of 1.1 billion bbl recoverable oil and has produced
600 million bbl of oil. Sedimentation took place in an elongate paleogulf of the Sayun-al Masila
basin, with open-marine carbonates to the east. The Qishn Clastics Member unconformably
overlies mixed carbonates and clastics of the Saaf Member. Lower Qishn onlap resulted in
deposition of brackish and tidal (likely macrotidal) estuarine to open-bay or gulf deposits. The
middle portion of the lower Qishn Clastics Member shows evidence of arid nonmarine
sedimentation, including debris-flow deposits, red beds, and shale-clast conglomerates, in turn,
overlain by interfingering coastal and nonmarine deposits. The lower Qishn Clastics Member is
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truncated by a sequence boundary overlain by an extensive sandstone deposited in a low-
accommodation braid plain close to the shoreline. A flooding surface is present at the top of the
sandstone, over which progradational, tide-influenced deltaic strata were deposited. Delta
progradation culminated in shallow-water clastic dolomitic deposits on the coastal plain. With
subsequent transgression, a rising water table caused a nonmarine flooding surface with lakes
and lacustrine deltas, overlain by tidal-flat deposits. Ongoing transgression resulted in wave
ravinement overlain by shallow-shelf clastics and then deposition of slightly deeper shelf
carbonates. The uppermost unit comprises bioturbated, clastic-shelf deposits related to a drop in
relative sea level. Throughout much of the Qishn Clastics interval, accommodation was
moderate, except for low accommodation associated with regional sheet sandstone at the base of
the upper Qishn Clastics Member. Virtually all marine and brackish deposits show evidence of
tidal sedimentation. Climate was arid and seasonally wet. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0149-1423.
Leckie, Dale A., Rumpel, Tom and Chidsey, Thomas C., J r (chairperson). 2003. Tide-
Dominated Sedimentation in an Arid Rift Basin; Cretaceous Qishn Clastics, Masila Block,
Republic of Yemen; 2003 AAPG Annual Convention with SEPM. Annual Meeting Expanded
Abstracts - American Association of Petroleum Geologists. American Association of Petroleum
Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (AAPG), Tulsa, OK,
United States: United States. Volume 12, Pages 101. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Arabian
Sea; arid environment; Asia; bars; carbonate rocks; clastic rocks; Cretaceous; deltaic
environment; estuarine environment; Euphrates River; fluvial features; ground water; Indian
Ocean; lithofacies; marine environment; Masila Block; Mesozoic; Middle East; modern analogs;
nomenclature; Persian Gulf; petroleum; petroleum exploration; point bars; progradation; Qishn
Formation; reserves; reservoir rocks; sandstone; sea-level changes; sedimentary rocks;
sedimentation; shallow-water environment; shelf environment; terrestrial environment; tidal
flats; Tigris River; transgression; water table; Yemen. Abstract: Cretaceous Qishn Clastics
Member, Yemen, were deposited in a rift basin connected to the Paleo-Indian Ocean--an ideal
set-up for tidal amplification and domination. Recoverable hydrocarbon reserves are 1.1 bbl.
Facies associations are consistent with an estuarine system B sand shoals, tidally-influenced
point bars, mud flats, etc. Lower Qishn onlap resulted in deposition of tidal estuarine to bay
facies. A sequence boundary truncates the Lower Qishn at the base of the S3, a low-
accommodation braidplain deposited close to the shoreline. A flooding surface at the top of the
S3 heralds S2 progradational, tide-dominated deltaic deposits. Delta progradation culminated in
clastic dolomitic deposits on the coastal plain. With subsequent transgression, S1C deposits show
rising water table and a nonmarine flooding surface, overlain by tidal-flat/inlet deposits. Ongoing
transgression resulted in wave-ravinement overlain by shallow shelf clastics and deeper shelf
carbonates of the S1B. The overlying S1A comprises bioturbated, clastic shelf deposits related to
a drop in sea level. Accommodation was relatively high, except for low accommodation
associated with regional sheet sandstone of the S3. Qishn Clastic sediments meet the criteria of a
macrotidal, tide-dominated estuary, yet a more appropriate analog is the Tigress-Euphrates River
and delta flowing into the Arabian Gulf. Is the latter a tidally-influenced delta flowing into a
gulf--or a large bayhead delta? Application of existing terminologies--estuaries, syn-rift clastics,
deltaic, strait, Gulf, bay--is confusing to the practicing explorationist, particularly when
attempting to convey a mental image of the environmental setting of the reservoir. Database:
GeoRef. ISSN: 0094-0038.
Ledger, David. 1983. Shifting Sands: The British in South Arabia. London: Peninsular
Publishing. Page(s): 232. Abstract: Ledgers book gives another first-hand political view as the
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author was on the staff of the High Commission up until the final evacuation having first
experienced operations in Aden as an Intelligence Officer in the British Army. This latter fact
probably accounts for the inclusion of information on the military aspects. Notes: 232 pages: ill.
22 cm. ISBN: 0907151086. OCLC Accession Number: 13157083.
Lee, ACM Sir David. 1978. Flight from the Middle East: Being a History of the Royal
Air Force in the Arabian Peninsula and Adjacent Territories 1945-1972. London: Air Historical
Branch. Page(s): 339. Abstract: The closest we have to an official history of the RAFs
contribution to the Aden conflict is Lees study of the RAF in the Middle East theatre post-1945.
As the senior RAF commander in theatre in 1961 and later AOC of all RAF forces in the Arabian
Peninsula, the author has a unique insight into the issues surrounding air operations in Aden
during the 1960s and devotes much of his book to the Radfan campaigns and support for the
Army in general. Notes: xvi, 341 p., [50] p. of plates: ill. (some col.); 23 cm. OCLC Accession
Number: 34577793.
Lezine, AM, Tiercelin, J eanJ , Robert, C., et al. 2007. Centennial to Millennial-Scale
Variability of the Indian Monsoon during the Early Holocene from a Sediment, Pollen and
Isotope Record from the Desert of Yemen. Palaeogeogr. , Palaeoclimatol. , Palaeoecol. 22 J an.
Volume 243, Issue 3-4, Pages 235-249. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Monsoons;
Paleoclimates; Summer monsoon; Ocean-atmosphere system; Holocene; Lacustrine
sedimentation; Deserts; Palaeo studies; Freshwater lakes; Palaeoclimate; Pollen; Article
Geographic Terms: AN, North Atlantic; Yemen; Yemen. Notes: OD: Object Subject Terms: Age
(yr); Carbon isotope measurements; Climbing-ripple laminations; Events of ice-rafted debris;
Fresh-water gastropod shell; Globigerina bulloides; Indian monsoon indicators; Lacustrine
sequence depth (cm); Lake-level fluctuations; Latitude (); Lithostratigraphy plots; Longitude
(); Oxygen-isotope measurements; Radiocarbon age determinations; Radiocarbon
measurements; Sedimentary facies assemblages; Sedimentological parameters; Semiquantitative
plots; TR: CS0737153. Radiocarbon age determinations for the al-Hawa lacustrine sequence ...
OD: Object Subject Terms; Lacustrine sequence depth (cm); Radiocarbon age determinations.
Abstract: Lacustrine deposits of al-Hawa (15 super(o)52N, 46 super(o)53E, 710 m above sea
level) document the climatic and environmental history of the inland desert of Yemen during the
early to mid-Holocene. A freshwater lake expanded in one of the most arid areas of the world in
response to increased Indian monsoon fluxes from 12,000 to 7500 cal B.P. Three dry intervals
punctuated the lacustrine phase recording episodes of weaker summer monsoon activity over
Arabia. Dry intervals were coeval with cold periods recorded in the North Atlantic, confirming
the links between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic systems during the Holocene. We
demonstrate that the regional vegetation remained of semi-arid character throughout the
lacustrine period. Database: ProQuest Deep Indexing: Aquatic Sciences. ISSN: 0031-0182.
Lzine, Anne-Marie, Salige, J ean-Franois, Robert, Christian, Wertz, Frdric and
Inizan, Marie-Louise. 1998. Holocene Lakes from Ramlat as-SabAtayn (Yemen) Illustrate the
Impact of Monsoon Activity in Southern Arabia. Quatern. Res. 11. Volume 50, Issue 3, Pages
290-299. Descriptors: Holocene; paleolakes; Yemen; Southern Arabia; sedimentology; clay
mineralogy; isotope stratigraphy; palynology. Abstract: Paleoecology and paleohydrology of the
Ramlat as-Sabatayn (Southern Arabia) are reconstructed from a comparative study including
sedimentology, mineralogy, stable isotope ratios of carbonates, and palynology of lacustrine
sediments recovered from the al-Hawa depression. The section dates from 8700 to 7200 yr B.P.
and records an early phase of flooding followed by distinct lacustrine development from 7800 to
7200 yr B.P., coeval with maximum activity of the Indian monsoon. Comparison of the pollen
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record with modern pollen deposition suggests that regional vegetation was then already of
desert type and was related to strong seasonal trade winds. ISSN: 0033-5894.
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Congressional Research Service and Blanchard,
Christopher M. 2009. Islam: Sunnis and Shiites. 28 J an. Page(s): 10 Report Number: CRS-7-
5700 CRS-RS21745 XJ -CRS/DC Monitor Series: CRS/DC. Abstract: The majority of the
worlds Muslim population follows the Sunni branch of Islam, and approximately 10-15% of all
Muslims follow the Shiite (Shiite, Shia, Shia) branch. Shiite populations constitute a majority
in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, and Azerbaijan. There are also significant Shiite populations in
Afghanistan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen. Sunnis and Shiites
share most basic religious tenets. However, their differences sometimes have been the basis for
religious intolerance, political infighting, and sectarian violence. This report includes a historical
background of the Sunni-Shiite split and discusses the differences in religious beliefs and
practices between and within each Islamic sect as well as their similarities. The report also
relates Sunni and Shiite religious beliefs to discussions of terrorism and sectarian violence that
may be of interest during the 111th Congress. Also see CRS Report RS21695, The Islamic
Traditions of Wahhabism and Salafiyya, by Christopher M. Blanchard. Abstract Classification:
Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text
(pdf); File: /U2/a494842.pdf; Size: 136 KB; Congressional rept. Distribution Statement:
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA494842.
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Congressional Research Service and Blanchard,
Christopher M. 2006. Islam: Sunnis and Shiites. 11 Dec. Page(s): 7 Report Number: CRS-
RS21745 XJ -CRS/DC Monitor Series: CRS/DC. Abstract: The majority of the worlds Muslim
population follows the Sunni branch of Islam, and approximately 10-15% of all Muslims follow
the Shiite (Shiite, Shia, Shia) branch. Shiite populations constitute a majority in Iran, Iraq,
Bahrain, and Azerbaijan. There are also significant Shiite populations in Afghanistan, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen. Sunnis and Shiites share most basic
religious tenets. However, their differences sometimes have been the basis for religious
intolerance, political infighting, and sectarian violence. This report includes a historical
background of the Sunni-Shiite split and discusses the differences in religious beliefs and
practices between and within each Islamic sect as well as their similarities. The report also
relates Sunni and Shiite religious beliefs to discussions of terrorism and Iraq that may be of
interest during the first session of the 110th Congress. This report will be updated as necessary.
Related papers include CRS Report RS21432 and CRS Report RS21695. Abstract Classification:
Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text
(pdf); File: /U2/a460673.pdf; Size: 202 KB; Congressional rept. Distribution Statement:
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA460673.
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Congressional Research Service and Blanchard,
Christopher M. 2005. Islam: Sunnis and Shiites. 10 Feb. Page(s): 7 Report Number: CRS-
RS21745 XJ -CRS/DC Monitor Series: CRS/DC. Abstract: The majority of the worlds Muslim
population follows the Sunni branch of Islam, and approximately 10-15% of all Muslims follow
the Shiite (Shi ite, Shi a, Shia) branch. Shiite populations constitute a majority in Iran, Iraq,
Bahrain, and Azerbaijan. There are also significant Shiite populations in Afghanistan, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen. Sunnis and Shiites share most basic
religious tenets. However, their differences sometimes have been the basis for religious
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 190
intolerance, political infighting, and violent confrontations. This report includes a historical
background of the Sunni-Shiite split and the differences in religious beliefs and practices
between and within each Islamic sect as well as their similarities. The report also relates Sunni
and Shiite religious beliefs to current discussions of Islamic terrorist groups, Iraq, and other
issues of interest to the 109th Congress. This report will not be updated. Related CRS products
include CRS Report RS21432 and CRS Report RS21695. Abstract Classification: Unclassified
Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File:
/U2/a476265.pdf; Size: 187 KB; Congressional rept. Distribution Statement: Approved for
public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA476265. URL:
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Congressional Research Service and King, Rawle
O. 2008. Ocean Piracy and its Impact on Insurance. 03 Dec. Page(s): 11 Report Number: CRS-
R40081 XJ -CRS/DC Monitor Series: CRS/DC. Abstract: Many Members of Congress are
concerned about the sharp rise in pirate attacks in the strategic waterways in the Gulf of Aden off
the East coast of Africa. The hijacking of a Saudi Arabia-owned oil tanker, Sirius Star, off the
coast of Kenya on November 17, 2008, by pirates was another in a series of seizures that have
focused worldwide attention on economic and humanitarian threats posed by pirates to the global
seafaring community and the smooth flow of international trade. Given the sharp increase in the
number of pirate attacks, the cost of transporting cargo in international waters could rise
dramatically because of the sharp increase in ocean marine insurance rates for ships transiting the
Gulf of Aden. Commercial insurers, for example, could require a special war risk insurance
premium costing an additional ten of thousands of dollars a day. In addition to proposals for
military deterrence and diplomatic engagements, policymakers may elect to consider adjustments
to the federal statute (Title XII of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, as amended) that authorizes
the federal government to underwrite marine war risk insurance in circumstances such as piracy.
Title XII, administered by the U.S. Department of Transportations Maritime Administration,
authorizes the federal government to act as an insurer or reinsurer of last resort to facilitate
waterborne commerce should private ocean marine insurance markets not be able to ensure that
financial losses due to war risks (and piracy) will be largely covered. Policymakers may also
elect to maintain the status quo on this statutory authority. The property and casualty insurance
industry policyholder surplus is calculated to be approximately $505 billion (as of J une 2008).
Vessel hull and war risk premiums in the U.S. market paid to insurers totaled approximately
$350 million in 2007, and the total value of cargo insurance premiums paid in that year was
approximately $833 million, according to industry data. Abstract Classification: Unclassified
Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File:
/U2/a510020.pdf; Size: 162 KB; Congressional rept. Distribution Statement: Approved for
public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA510020. URL:
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Congressional Research Service and Lee
Rensselaer, Perl Raphael. 2002. Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy. 30 May.
Page(s): 21 Report Number: CRS-IB95112 XJ -CRS/DC Monitor Series: CRS/DC. Abstract:
International terrorism has long been recognized as a foreign and domestic security threat. The
tragic events of September 11th have dramatically re-energized the nations focus and resolve on
terrorism. This issue brief examines international terrorist actions and threats and the U.S. policy
response. Available policy options range from diplomacy, international cooperation, and
constructive engagement to economic sanctions, covert action, physical security enhancement,
Geology of Yemen
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and military force. Questions relate to whether U.S. policy and organizational mechanisms are
adequate to deal with state-sponsored terrorism and that undertaken by independent groups.
Terrorist activities supported by sophisticated planning and logistics as well as possible access to
CBRN weaponry raise a host of new issues. Some analysts long-held belief that a
comprehensive review of U.S. counterterrorism policy, organizational structure, and intelligence
capabilities is needed has now become a mainstream view. U.S. policy toward international
terrorism contains a significant military component as reflected in current U.S. operations in
Afghanistan and the Philippines and in planned deployments of U.S. forces to Yemen and the
former Soviet republic of Georgia. President Bush has expressed a willingness to provide
military aid to governments everywhere in the fight against terrorism. A modern trend in
terrorism is toward loosely organized, self-financed, international networks of terrorists. Another
trend is toward terrorism that is religiously or ideologically motivated. Radical Islamic
fundamentalist groups, or groups using religion as a pretext, pose terrorist threats of varying
kinds to U.S. interests and to friendly regimes. A third trend is the apparent growth of cross-
national links among different terrorist organizations, which may involve combinations of
military training, funding, technology transfer, or political advice. Abstract Classification:
Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Congressional rept. Distribution Statement:
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA481135.
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Congressional Research Service and Ploch Lauren
Blanchard Christopher M ORourke Ronald Mason R Chuck King, Rawle O. 2009. Piracy Off
the Horn of Africa. 28 Sep. Page(s): 40 Report Number: CRS-7-7500 CRS-R40528 XJ -
CRS/DC Monitor Series: CRS/DC. Abstract: Pirate attacks in the waters off the Horn of Africa,
including those on U.S.-flagged vessels, have brought new U.S. and international attention to the
long-standing problem of piracy in the region. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB)
recorded 111 attacks in the waters off the Horn of Africa in 2008, almost double the number in
2007. As of September 14, 2009, the U.S. State Department reported 156 attacks had occurred in
those waters since J anuary 2009, with 33 successful hijackings. Attacks remain concentrated in
the Gulf of Aden between Yemen and the northern coast of Somalia and along Somalias eastern
coastline. However, in J uly 2009, the United Nations Secretary General warned that as a result of
the military presence in the region, pirates have employed more daring operational tactics,
operating further seawards, towards the Seychelles, and using more sophisticated weaponry.
Pirate attacks continue to threaten commercial shipping and relief shipments bound for East
Africa and the Horn, amid a regional humanitarian crisis that experts are calling the worst since
1984. The increase in pirate attacks off the Horn of Africa is directly linked to continuing
insecurity and the absence of the rule of law in war-torn Somalia. The absence of a functioning
government in Somalia remains the single greatest challenge to regional security and provides
freedom of action for those engaged in piracy along the Somali coast. Some observers also have
alleged that the absence of coastal security authorities in Somalia has allowed illegal
international fishing and maritime dumping to occur in Somali waters, which in turn has
undermined the economic prospects of some Somalis and may be providing economic or
political motivation to some groups engaged in piracy. The apparent motive of many active
Somali pirate groups is profit, and piracy has proven to be a lucrative activity for many thus far.
Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf)
Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a506650.pdf; Size: 681 KB; Congressional rept.
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Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA506650. URL:
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Congressional Research Service and Prados
Alfred B Sharp, J eremy M. 2007. Yemen: Current Conditions and U.S. Relations. 04 J an.
Page(s): 7 Report Number: CRS-RS21808 XJ -CRS/DC Monitor Series: CRS/DC. Abstract:
Yemen, the only republic on the Arabian Peninsula, is the poorest country in that area. A
presidential election deemed relatively fair was held in 2006 with President Ali Abdullah Salih
winning reelection with 77% of the popular vote. Nevertheless, democratic institutions remain
fragile. U.S.-Yemeni relations have generally been good, though marred occasionally by policy
differences over Iraq and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Yemen has played a cooperative role in U.S.
counter-terrorism efforts in the Red Sea and Arabian Peninsula, though overall U.S. economic
and military assistance to Yemen remains modest. This report summarizes Yemens domestic
situation, foreign relations, and ties with the United States. It will be updated as significant
developments occur. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes:
Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a464733.pdf; Size: 77 KB;
Congressional rept. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is
unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA464733. URL:
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Congressional Research Service and Sharp,
J eremy M. 2009. Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations. 07 J ul. Page(s): 21 Report Number:
CRS-RL34170 XJ -CRS/DC Monitor Series: CRS/DC. Abstract: With limited natural resources,
a crippling illiteracy rate, and high population growth, Yemen faces an array of daunting
development challenges that some observers believe make it at risk for becoming a failed state in
the next few decades. Between 2007 and 2008, it ranked 153 out of 177 countries on the United
Nations Development Programmes Human Development Index, a score comparable to the
poorest sub-Saharan African countries. Over 43% of the population lives below the poverty line,
and per capita GDP is estimated to be between $650 and $800. Yemen is largely dependent on
external aid from Persian Gulf countries, Western donors, and international financial institutions,
though its per capita share of assistance is below the global average. As the countrys population
rapidly rises, resources dwindle, and terrorist groups take root in the outlying provinces, the
Obama Administration and the 111th Congress are left to grapple with the consequences of
Yemeni instability. Traditionally, U.S.-Yemeni relations have been tepid, as the lack of strong
military-to-military ties, commercial relations, and cross cultural exchange has hindered the
development of strong bilateral ties. During the early years of the Bush Administration, relations
improved under the rubric of the war on terror, though Yemen?ssssssss lax policy toward wanted
terrorists has stalled large scale U.S. support. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical
Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File:
/U2/a503177.pdf; Size: 394 KB; Congressional rept. Distribution Statement: Approved for
public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA503177. URL:
Lichtenhlter, Gerhard. 2003. Political Ecology and the Role of Water: Environment,
Society and Economy in Northern Yemen. London: Ashgate. Page(s): 250. Descriptors:
cologisme -- Ymen; Approvisionnement en eau -- Ymen; Ymen -- Conditions sociales.
Notes: ill. 23 cm. Bibliography, pages 227-243. Index. ISBN: 0754609081; 9780754609087.
OCLC Accession Number: 470493035.
Geology of Yemen
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Lichtenthler, G. Turton, Anthony; University of London; School of Oriental and African
Studies and Water Issues Study Group. 1999. Water Demand Management, Natural Resource
Reconstruction and Traditional Value Systems a Case Study from Yemen. London: School of
African and Oriental Studies, University of London. Descriptors: Water resources management;
Water-supply -- Political aspects -- Yemen (Republic); Water resources development -- Yemen
(Republic); Yemen (Republic) -- Social conditions. Notes: System Info: Mode of access: World
Wide Web. Note(s): CIAO DATE: 7/99. SOAS Water Issues Study Group. Includes
bibliographical references. Description based on content as of: Feb. 5, 2002; title from title
screen. Also available in print version. OCLC Accession Number: 48934187.
Lichtenthaler, Gerhard. 2010. Water Conflict and Cooperation in Yemen. Middle East
Research and Information Project. MER Report Number 254. See the site, accessed on
September 13, 2011:
Lichtenthler, Gerhard; Kings College, London; University of London and School of
Oriental and African Studies. 2003. Political Ecology and the Role of Water: Environment,
Society and Economy in Northern Yemen. Aldershot: Ashgate, Projected Date: 200302.
Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen -- Sadah Basin; Political ecology -- Yemen -- Sadah
Basin; Sadah Basin (Yemen) -- Social conditions. Notes: 312 pages: ill., maps; rt. 22cm.
Includes index. Bibliography. Responsibility: Gerhard Lichtenthler. ISSN: 0754609081;
9780754609087. OCLC Accession Number: 316486108; 50520529.
Lichtenthler, G. Turton, Anthony; University of London; School of Oriental and African
Studies and Water Issues Study Group. 1999. Water Demand Management, Natural Resource
Reconstruction and Traditional Value Systems a Case Study from Yemen. London: School of
African and Oriental Studies, University of London. Descriptors: Water resources management;
Water-supply -- Political aspects --; Yemen (Republic); Water resources development -- Yemen;
(Republic); Yemen (Republic) -- Social conditions. Notes: System Info: Mode of access: World
Wide Web. CIAO DATE: 7/99. SOAS Water Issues Study Group. Includes bibliographical
references. Description based on content as of: Feb. 5, 2002; title from title screen. Also
available in print version. OCLC Accession Number: 48934187.
Lichtenthler, Gerhard. 2000. Environment, Society and Economy in the Sadah Basin of
Northern Yemen: The Role of Water. London: Descriptors: Water supply -- Yemen (Republic) --
; Sadah; Sadah (Yemen) -- Social conditions; Sadah (Yemen) -- Economic conditions; Sadah
(Yemen) -- Rural conditions; Thesis/dissertation. Notes: 322 leaves: ill., maps. Dissertation:
Thesis (Ph. D.)--SOAS, University of London, 2000. OCLC Accession Number: 451870858.
Liebhaber, Samuel J . 2007. Bedouins without Arabic: Language, Poetry and the Mahra of
Southeast Yemen. United States -- California: University of California, Berkeley. ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses. Abstract: The Mahri language of Southeast Yemen is one of the few
remaining indigenous languages of the Arabian Peninsula. The geographic isolation of the Mahri
language has ensured its survival to the present time; this isolation has also caused it to be
overlooked in Arab-Islamic formulations of language and history. The Mahri language remains
unwritten, despite the fact that it has roughly 100,000 speakers and is by most measures a vital
language. However, as paved roads, cell phones and national governance have made their way to
al-Mahra, Mahri speakers must now contend with political and linguistic configurations that
challenge the traditional linguistic and social landscape of al-Mahra. Looking to reach an
accommodation with national models of Yemeni heritage, the Mahra have simultaneously
embraced and eschewed their own, particularizing oral culture. This dissertation undertakes two
primary tasks. The first is to offer a survey of Mahri oral culture with reference to traditional
Geology of Yemen
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modes of poetic composition and sung performance. Like other tribal poetic traditions in Arabia,
Mahri poetry is a complete suite of expression and the primary mode of communicating social
order. Formal structure, musical accompaniment and even poetic vocabulary locate composer
and performance in the rich world of intertribal and interpersonal networks. The second objective
of this dissertation is to describe Mahri poetics in the post-revolutionary (1967) and post-
unification (1990) eras. The leading phenomenon of this last period has been the coalescence of
the New School: a group of poets and performers who have defined the Mahri stance vis vis
national ideas of culture and heritage. One important contribution of the New School has been
the invention of a writing system for the Mahri language. The shift from oral performance to
written text has entailed a restructuring of poetic grammar, syntax and lexicon. This is amply
demonstrated in the Mahri-language Diw an of H[dotbelow]ag g Dak on, presented in its entirety
in this dissertation. Between these two approaches, I hope to provide a holistic accounting of
Mahri poetry and song from historical, linguistic and ethno-poetic perspectives. At the same
time, the gathered corpus of 45+poems will lay the groundwork for future analysis of the Mahri
language and the oral culture of Southern Arabia. University of California, Berkeley: Ph.D.
Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.
Lisitsyn, Aleksandr Petrovich; Bogdanov, IU A. and Geologo-Mineralogicheskikh Nauk.
1987. Geologiia Rifta Tadzhura: Nabliudeniia Iz Podvodnykh Apparatov. Moskva: Nauka.
Page(s): 236. Descriptors: Rifts (Geology) -- Djibouti -- Tadjoura, Gulf of; Geology -- Djibouti -
- Tadjoura, Gulf; of; Submarine geology -- Aden, Gulf of --; Tadjoura Trough. Notes: ill. 22 cm.
Note(s): At head of title: Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut okeanologii im. P.P. Shirshova. One
folded leaf inserted. Includes bibliographical references (p. 226-[231]). Responsibility:
otvetstvennye redaktory A.P. Lisitsyn, IU.A. Bogdanov; [A.P. Lisitsyn ... et al. LCCN: 87-
172705. OCLC Accession Number: 17628492.
Little, Tom. 1968. South Arabia: Arena of Conflict. London: Pall Mall Press. Page(s):
196. Abstract: Another offering from an Arab specialist is provided by Littles. He was a
newspaper correspondent who spent most of his career reporting on Arab events in the Middle
East and his position perhaps gave him a more objective viewpoint of the British rule in Aden,
although he was not privy to the internal politics in the same way as many of the previously cited
authors. Notes: xi, 196 p. maps. 22 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 441083.
Livingston, Morna; Elker, Cuneyt; Bhattarai Upadhyay, Vibha; International Association
for the Study of Traditional Environments; University of California, Berkeley and Center for
Environmental Design Research. 2008. Planning and Sustainability in Traditional Environments.
Berkeley, Calif: International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments.
Descriptors: City planning -- Congresses; Vernacular architecture -- Congresses; Water-supply --
Yemen -- Congresses; Architecture and society -- Yemen -- Congresses; Transportation --
Turkey -- Ankara -- Planning -- Congresses; Urban policy -- Nepal -- Kathmandu Valley --
Congresses; Conference publication (cnp). Abstract: Cisterns in sanctuaries: sharing water in a
tribal culture of violence / Morna Livingston -- Traffic policies for sustainable traditional
environments: the case of Ankara Citadel / Cuneyt Elker -- Contemporary urban management
system in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: a radical departure from the past / Vibha Bhattarai
Upadhyay. Notes: 51 pages: ill. ans; 28 cm. Note(s): Cover title. Papers presented at the IASTE
conference in Oxford, England in December 2008. Center for Environmental Design Research
... University of California at Berkeley--P. [1] of cover. Includes bibliographical references.
Responsibility: Morna Livingston, Cuneyt Elker, Vibha Bhattarai Upadhyay. OCLC Accession
Number: 320406283.
Geology of Yemen
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Louisiana State Univ Baton Rouge Coastal Studies Inst and Inoue, Masamichi. 1998.
Observation and Modeling -- an Integrated Study of Transport through the Strait of Bab Al
Mandam, Task B: Modeling. 15 Aug. Page(s): 4 Report Number: XB-ONR Contract Number:
N00014-96-1-1227 Monitor Series: ONR. Abstract: A new bottom bathymetric data set with a
resolution of 500 m was created based on the digitization of the nautical charts. A new
curvilinear coordinate model grid was generated based on the digitized bathymetric data. The
Princeton Ocean Model was configured to use the model grid with two open boundaries located
along the northern boundary located in the Red Sea and the southern boundary located in the
Gulf of Aden. Relaxation experiments were carried out, whereby the model stratification was
initially set to some realistic stratification, and the model was then allowed to develop its own
dynamics while applying the radiation open boundary conditions and relaxing the temperature
and salinity values along the two open boundaries toward the initial boundary conditions.
Summer and winter stratification profiles from Levitus climatology as well as the CTD data
collected under Task A were used. The model develops a distinct two layer flow in the winter
stratification, while a three layer flow would result in the summer stratification as observed
previously. One prominent feature identified in the model is the time dependent nature of the
flow with energetic oscillations with periods of 12-15 days especially in summer, similar to what
has been noted during the field experiments under Task A. Abstract Classification: Unclassified
Technical Reports Collection. Annual rept. 31 Aug 97-30 Aug 98. OCLC Accession Number:
ADA352307. URL:
Louisiana State Univ Baton Rouge Coastal Studies Inst and Inoue, Masamichi. 1997.
Observation and Modeling -- an Integrated Study of Transport through the Strait of Bab Al
Mandab Task B: Modeling. 15 Aug. Page(s): 3 Report Number: XB-ONR Contract Number:
N00014-96-1-1227 Monitor Series: ONR. Abstract: The Princeton Ocean Model (POM), that
already includes most of the model features described in the proposal, has been chosen for this
modeling task. The latest version of the POM code has been installed and optimized to run on the
13M9672-R53 mainframe at LSU. Significant efforts have been devoted to developing and
modifying various software to be used for the analysis of model output. After examining all the
available bathymetric data sets of the region, it was decided to digitize the nautical charts
published by the Defense Mapping Agency in order to resolve important hydrodynamic features
at the Strait of Bab al Mandab. This task has been initiated, and it is expected to be completed in
the next two months. Presently, we are testing the POM code configured for a preliminary test
domain based on the ETOP03 data. This test domain extends from 11.5 to 14 deg N and from 42
to 44.5 deg E, and has at least 2 km horizontal resolution and 11 levels in the vertical. The initial
test includes testing sensitivity of various open boundary conditions which could be used along
the northern and the southern open boundaries located in the Red Sea and in the Gulf of Aden,
respectively. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Annual rept. 31
Aug 96-30 Aug 97, DTIC Accession Number: ADA328931. URL:
1982. Lunt, Maj Gen J . D. Why the Radfan? British Army Review. August 1982. Issue
No. 71, Pages 39-41. ISSN: 0952-4134.
Lyness, Lucien S., Parker, Thomas M., Dabrowski, Tadeusz L., Hardisty, Paul E. and
Claridge, Frederic B. 1998. Exploration and Evaluation of Groundwater Resources in
Hadramout, Yemen; Proceedings of the J oint Meeting of the XXVIII Congress of the
International Association of Hydrogeologists and the Annual Meeting of the American Institute
of Hydrologists on Gambling with Groundwater; Physical, Chemical, and Biological Aspects of
Geology of Yemen
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Aquifer-Stream Relations. Proceedings of the J oint Meeting of the...Congress of the
International Association of Hydrologists and the Annual Meeting of the American Institute of
Hydrologists. American Institute of Hydrology, St.Paul, MN, International. Oct. Volume 28,
Pages 425-432. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; exploitation;
exploration; ground water; Hadramout Yemen; hydrodynamics; hydrology; mapping; protection;
recharge; terrestrial environment; three-dimensional models; topography; water management;
water quality; water resources; water supply; Yemen. Database: GeoRef.
Mahdi, Kamil A. Ed; Wrth, Anna; Ed; Lackner, Helen and Ed. 2007. Yemen into the
Twenty-First Century Continuity and Change. Reading, UK: Ithaca Press. Descriptors: J ustice --
Administration -- Ymen -- 1990-. Dveloppement conomique -- Aspect de lenvironnement --
Ymen -- 1990-.. Ymen -- Politique conomique -- 1990-... Ymen -- Conditions sociales --
1990-... Abstract: Part 1: Structural adjustment and the political economy of Yemen -- Part 2:
The legal system -- Part 3: Environment, water and agriculrural land tenure -- Part 4: Social and
regional issues. Notes: 1 vol. (XXVIII- 464 p.): cartes. 24 cm. Note(s): Bibliogr. p. 431-454.
Index. Other Titles: Yemen into the 21st century; Part 1: Structural adjustment and the political
economy of Yemen. Part 2: The legal system. Part 3: Environment, water and agriculrural land
tenure. Part 4: Social and regional issues. Responsibility: edited by Kamil A. Mahdi, Anna
Wrth and Helen Lackne. ISBN: 0863722903; 9780863722905. OCLC Accession Number:
Mahyoub H. Al Buhairi. 2010. Analysis of Monthly, Seasonal and Annual Air
Temperature Variability and Trends in Taiz City - Republic of Yemen. J ournal of
Environmental Protection . Volume 1 (4), pages 401-409. Keywords: Air Temperature; Climate
Change; Republic of Yemen; Taiz City; MannKendall Test; Trends. Abstract: Climate change
is one of the most important issues of todays World. Climate scientists have concluded that the
earths surface air temperature warmed by 0.6 to 0.2 during the 20th century, accompanied by
changes in the hydrologic cycle. Of all the climate elements, temperature plays a major role in
detecting climate change brought about by urbanization and industrialization. This study focuses
on the variability and trends of the mean annual, seasonal and monthly surface air temperature in
Taiz city, Republic of Yemen, during the period 1979-2006. The results of the analysis of the
whole period reveal a statistically significant increasing trend in practically all the months and
seasons. A tendency has also been observed towards warmer years, with significantly warmer
summer and spring periods and slightly warmer autumn and winter, an increase of 1.79 and
1.18 has been observed in the mean summer and mean winter temperature, respectively.
Positive trends of about 1.5 in the annual mean temperature were found for the whole period.
The air temperature time series are analyzed, so that the variability and trends can be described.
ISSN: 2152-2197.
Maktari, Abdulla M. A. 1971. Water Rights and Irrigation Practices in Lahj: A Study of
the Application of Customary and Shari`ah Law in South-West Arabia. Cambridge: University
Press. Descriptors: Irrigation; Yemen; Yemen (Republic); Lahij (Province); Islamic law; Water
rights; Water-rights. Notes: VII, 202 S: Ill., Kt; 26 cm. Note(s): Bibliography: p. [191]-197.
Responsibility: [by] A. M. A. Maktari. ISBN: 0521079306; 9780521079303. OCLC Accession
Number: 299840655; 247415.
Malhotra, S.P. 1969. Southern Yemen: Irrigation and agricultural development planning:
report to the government. 28 pages. 9 tab. Democratic Yemen; Agricultural Development;
Irrigation; Planning; Economic Situation; Costs; Profit; Trade; Trade Policies; National
Geology of Yemen
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Planning. UNDP TA PROJ ECT. Report No: ESE-UNDP/TA 2707. FAO Accession Number:
Malkin, Brendan. 2002. Holman Forces Yemen Government to Back Down Over
Pollution Claim. Lawyer. Centaur Communications: 11/11. Volume 16, Issue 45, Pages 11.
Descriptors: Shipping; Terrorism; Yemen (Republic); Holman Fenwick Willan LLP; Compagnie
Maritime Belge SA. Abstract: Reports that a campaign of political, diplomatic and legal pressure
instigated by shipping-law firm Holman Fenwick & Willan has resulted in the Yemen
government backing down over its claim against the owners of the Belgium ship attacked off
Yemen by terrorists in October 2002. Dispute over Yemens decision to seek compensation for
pollution caused by the attack; Holmans action in behalf of the ship owner, Belgiums CMB
Group. ISSN: 0953-7902.
Marcolongo, Bruno and Bonacossi, Daniele Morandi. 1997. LAbandon Du Systme
dIrrigation Qatabanite Dans La Valle Du Wadi Bayhan (Ymen): Analyse Go-
Archologique. Translated titile: The abandonment of the irrigation system Qatabanite in the
Valley of Wadi Bayhan (Yemen): Geo-Archaeological Analysis. Comptes Rendus De
lAcadmie Des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science. 7. Volume 325, Issue 1,
Pages 79-86. Descriptors: Tldtection; Gomorphologie; Notectonique; Archologie; Ymen;
Systmes dirrigation antiques; Remote sensing; Geomorphology; Neotectonics; Archaeology;
Yemen; Ancient irrigation systems. Abstract: Rsum. ISSN: 1251-8050.
Matloob, M. H. 2003. Determination of Cadmium, Lead, Copper and Zinc in Yemeni
Khat by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. East. Mediterr. Health J . Volume 9, Issue 1-2, Pages
28-36. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 3. Abstract: Trace element concentrations in khat were
investigated as they can disturb trace element levels in the body. Cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb),
copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) levels in khat and 6 leafy vegetables commonly consumed in the
Republic of Yemen were determined by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry after wet
digestion of the organic matter. Khat had significantly higher concentrations of Cu and Zn than
did the leafy vegetables, but similar amounts of Cd and Pb. The average daily intake of khat
consumers of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn from khat only was estimated to be 2.0-10.2 g/day, 23.6-118.0
g/day, 530-2654 g /day and 662-3311 g/day respectively. Although high, these values were
within Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization tolerance limits. Database:
SCOPUS. ISSN: 1020-3397.
Matt, Silvia and J ohns, William E. 2007. Transport and Entrainment in the Red Sea
Outflow Plume. J . Phys. Oceanogr. American Meteorological Society: 04/01; 2011/04. Volume
37, Issue 4, Pages 819-836. Abstract: The Red Sea outflow exhibits strong seasonal variability in
outflow transport due to effects of monsoon winds and seasonal fluctuations in buoyancy forcing. As it
descends the continental slope in the western Gulf of Aden, it entrains significantly less-dense near-
surface water, which itself varies on seasonal time scales. High-resolution hydrographic and direct
velocity data collected during the 2001 Red Sea Outflow Experiment (REDSOX) are used herein to
characterize and quantify the pathways of the Red Sea Outflow Water (RSOW) and the associated
entrainment of Gulf of Aden Water. The outflow transport exhibits a maximum in winter of about 0.29 Sv
(Sv 10
) at the exit of the Bab-el-Mandeb and approximately doubles to 0.56 Sv as it descends
into the Gulf of Aden and entrains ambient water. In summer, the outflow is much weaker, reaching about
0.06 Sv at the strait and about 0.18 Sv downstream. The outflow plume divides into three distinct
branches in winter, consisting of descending branches along two bathymetrically confined channels (the
Northern and Southern channels, respectively), and an adjusted intrusion layer at shallower depths in
the water column. Estimates of transport of pure Red Sea Outflow Water through salt flux conservation
show the general partitioning of the outflow between the individual plumes, where the Northern Channel
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(NC) accounts for 52% of Red Sea Outflow Water, the Southern Channel (SC) carries 31%, and the
intrusion layer (IL) the remaining 17%. The results also indicate that the transport of Red Sea Outflow
Water is subject to considerable synoptic temporal variability that is unresolved by the present study.
ISSN: 0022-3670. URL: PO2993.1.
Mattash, M. A., Wood, S. A., Vaselli, O., Minnisale, A., Selmo, E. and Shawki, M. N.
2004. Rare-Earth Elements in Geothermal Waters from Yemen; Italia 2004; 32nd International
Geological Congress; Abstracts. International Geological Congress, Abstracts =Congres
Geologique International, Resumes. [International Geological Congress], [location varies],
International; Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. Aug. Volume 32, Part 2,
Pages 1188. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Cenozoic; chemical composition; chemical
ratios; concentration; experimental studies; geochemistry; hydrochemistry; igneous rocks;
La/Yb; lanthanum; metals; rare earths; Tertiary; thermal waters; volcanic rocks; water-rock
interaction; Yemen; ytterbium. Notes: SP: IGC, International Geological Congress. Database:
Mattash, Mohamed Ali. 2008. Fundamental Criteria for Exploring the Geothermal
Resources of Yemen; 33rd International Geological Congress; Abstracts. International
Geological Congress, Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. [International
Geological Congress], [location varies], International. Volume 33, Pages @Abstract 1287119.
Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Arabian Sea; Asia; Cenozoic; exploration; geothermal energy;
ground water; Gulf of Aden; heat flow; hot springs; Indian Ocean; Neogene; Quaternary; Red
Sea; Red Sea region; seismicity; springs; Tertiary; thermal conductivity; thermal regime; thermal
waters; volcanic fields; volcanism; Yemen. Notes: IGC, International Geological Congress.
Abstract: A recent comprehensive investigation of Yemen indicates considerable geothermal
potential for the country, especially in Western Yemen, based on six criteria. These include: 1)
volcanic activity, 2) regional structural patterns, 3) hydrothermal activity, 4) active thermal
features, 5) seismic activity and 6) high conductive heat flow. Eight major Miocene to Recent
volcanic fields are known. Three are found in the western province of Yemen, four occur along
the coastal plain of the Gulf of Aden and the Islands Group in the southern Red Sea has the
active volcano of J abal At-Tair Island. All the structural patterns displayed in the rift-related
volcanic area, are associated with major tectonic components of the Red Sea and less commonly
with the Gulf of Aden. NW-trending faults, frequently cutting across Cenozoic volcanic units are
more or less parallel to the main Red Sea trend. Aeromagnetic surveys mapped large magnetic
anomaly domains trending NW, W-NW, and E-W related to hydrothermal circulation cells
associated with shallow intrusions capable of generating epithermal mineralization and
geothermal systems. In excess of 100 thermal springs have recently been reported. Discharge
temperatures of thermal springs range from 38 degrees C to boiling. In addition, fumaroles,
condensates and hot well waters are recognized. The majority of thermal zones in the western
province strike NW-SE parallel to the main Red Sea trend, whereas the thermal features along
the southern coastal plain trend NE-SW parallel to the main Gulf of Aden trend. Several historic
earthquakes have been reported in western Yemen, in particular between the sixth and nineteenth
centuries. Most recently, earthquakes reported in the last three decades are concentrated in the
Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, Afar and the western continental province of Yemen. The present
conductive heat flow in the Red Sea varies from 94 to 154 mW/m (super 2) and the geothermal
gradient ranges from 49 to 77 degrees C/km, as indicated by temperature data obtained from
several oil and gas wells drilled from the sixties to the present. In addition, the physical
convective phenomenon beneath SW Yemen, detected by space imagery, is one of the most
significant in terms of heat flow in the whole Afro-Arabian rift system. Such heat flow values
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have more or less affected the thermal equilibrium between the upper mantle and the crust. This
has resulted in the formation of the relatively large and widely distributed epithermal alteration
haloes, particularly throughout the Yemen Cenozoic volcanic areas and also, the occurrence of
geothermal fields. It can be inferred that Yemen, the western part in particular is not a stable
continental zone. It is characterized by some indications of elevated crustal magmas and thermal
convective phenomena related to deep crustal fracture systems, as well as by several late
Miocene-Recent volcanic fields and seismic activity. Together these factors have encouraged the
search for geothermal resources. Database: GeoRef.
Mattash, Mohamed Ali. 2008. Geology and Geochemistry of the Sedimentary-Hosted
Lead-Zinc-Vanadium-Barite Prospects in Yemen; 33rd International Geological Congress;
Abstracts. International Geological Congress, Abstracts =Congres Geologique International,
Resumes. [International Geological Congress], [location varies], International; Abstracts =
Congres Geologique International, Resumes. Volume 33, Abstract #1287218. Descriptors: Al-
Masila Basin; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; barite deposits; geochemistry; geophysical surveys; host
rocks; hydrothermal alteration; lead ores; lead-zinc deposits; metal ores; metasomatism; mineral
deposits, genesis; ore minerals; sedimentary rocks; structural controls; surveys; vanadium ores;
Wadi al Masilah; Yemen; zinc ores. Notes: SP: IGC, International Geological Congress.
Abstract: The prospect area is located in the southeastern part of the so called Wadi Al-Masilah
Basin. It is hydrothermally altered and totals 256 km (super 2) , in which lead-zinc-vanadium
and barite mineralization occurs through an area of 16 km (super 2) . Prior to development of this
prospect Mattash and his geologic team had reported discovery of vanadium, and commenced
prospect development. They reported a fracture filling barite, galena, smithsonite, cerrusite,
descloizite, and celestine mineralization, therefore, extensive field survey, guided by geological,
geochemical and geophysical exploration was carried out and sponsored by Naine Minerals
Company for the purpose of identifying ultimate economic resource. This terrain has undergone
a complex geologic and structural history which was affected, in general, by the synrift and the
postrift phases of the opening of the Gulf of Aden. Geology is composed of J urassic limestone,
Cretaceous undifferentiated materials including shale, marly limestone, dolomitic limestone,
sandstone and clastic material. This is overlain by the Tertiary carbonate of Um Er-Rhaduma
Formation. Within the prospect several small areas are covered by Quaternary basaltic lavas that
erupted from the NW area, and extend along the southeastern part of the wadi. Structurally the
area is controlled by W-NW faults and fractures. Geophysical survey indicates vertical and near-
vertical faults that are filled with mineralization, in addition a number of cavities, which are
formed as a consequence of the action of water are also filled with mineralization. Alteration is
represented by limonitization and silicification which is common feature in the dolomitic
limestone. Mineralization consists of barite, galena, smithsonite, cerrusite, descloizite, calcite,
pyrolusite and celestine, as well as slightly anomalous Ag, Cd, Ga, Ge, and Mo. Geochemically,
vanadium at the surface and within shallow depth indicates oxyphile affinity, where vanadium
concentration shows similar mechanism to the formation of iron laterite infiltration. One of
these varieties is the oxidation zone of the polymetallic lead-zinc-vanadium-manganese
occurrences, where errusite, smithsonite, descloizite, and pyrolusite, are concentrated as
independent heavy metal minerals, and vanadium is found as V+5. Vanadium concentrations
occur, either in association with lead-zinc as vanadate or in the fissures of silicified limestone
and dolomite, and also as patches on the surface of mechanically formed limestone. Barite is
formed as a result of hydrothermal process, and/or as the result of weathering zone, where Ba
mainly reached the solution in the form of BaCl (sub 2) , but when reacts with SO (sub 4) -root,
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it forms barite immediately. Whatever the ultimate resource of the metallic and non-metallic raw
materials, the ore minerals were formed and concentrated by the affect of hydrothermal process
that caused by the Quaternary volcanic eruption extruded throughout the main trend of Wadi Al-
Masila. Database: GeoRef.
Mattash, Mohamed Ali. 2008. Rare Earth Elements in Geothermal Waters from Yemen;
33rd International Geological Congress; Abstracts. International Geological Congress,
Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. [International Geological Congress],
[location varies], International; Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. Volume
33, Pages @Abstract 1287254. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; geochemistry; ground
water; heat flow; hot springs; hydrochemistry; igneous rocks; metals; rare earths; springs;
thermal waters; volcanic rocks; water-rock interaction; Yemen. Notes: IGC, International
Geological Congress. Abstract: Thermal springs and gas vents are widely distributed, but the
majority is found in areas associated with igneous centers of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic
fields of the western Yemen province. Structurally these volcanic complexes are connected to N-
NW faults that are parallel to the main Red Sea trend, and partially associated with relatively
shallow Tertiary felsic intrusions. The western volcanic province is characterized by unusually
high heat flow. Estimates of heat flow in this region range from 94-154 mWm (super -2) . In
support of this claim, data are obtained from several oil and gas wells drilled since the sixties up
to now. In addition, the physical convective anomaly beneath the southwestern Yemen that is
detected by space imagery still is one of the most important in the whole region of the Afro-
Arabian rift system. Results of geochemical analysis indicate that the Yemeni thermal waters
have high variability in composition since they are Na (K)-Cl, Na-HCO (sub 3) , and Ca (Mg)-
SO (sub 4) types. Most filtered and unfiltered samples have a relatively steep chondrite-
normalized REE negative slope patterns. However, in contrast to the relatively steep distribution
of the HREE, two water samples, which emerge from post Tertiary granite and from Cretaceous
sandstone display the flattest HREE. The REE concentrations in the thermal waters from Yemen
range from approximately 10 (super -3) to 10 (super -6) times chondrite. However, filtered water
samples contain relatively less REE concentrations than the unfiltered samples, suggesting that
much of the REE in the unfiltered samples is present as particulate matter. In some samples the
difference between filtered and unfiltered samples is not significant. A marked observation is
that the thermal waters from the metamorphic basement and volcanic areas, which have the
highest pH and lowest total dissolved solids content, also have the highest REE content, in both
the filtered and unfiltered aliquots. However, thermal waters from sedimentary cover area have
the lowest pH and relatively the highest total dissolved solids content, have the lowest REE
content. A notable finding is that both the volcanic rocks and the thermal waters emerging from
them, all display similar LREE-to-HREE pattern with La/Yb average ratios between 10 and 18,
suggesting that the REE patterns of the thermal waters follow the REE patterns of the reservoir
rocks. However, waters from sedimentary cover area have La/Yb average ratio exceeding 20.
Thermal waters emerging from the basaltic rocks indicate that the REE content increases from
the southern part towards the northern part of the Tertiary volcanic province. A positive Eu
anomaly was only displayed by thermal waters from areas overlain by sedimentary rocks. Such
positive Eu anomalies may indicate higher reservoir temperatures, clearly confirm the presence
of two types of reservoir, or ascribed to the high Ca content within the gypsum evaporitic
deposit. Database: GeoRef.
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Matthews, Donald J . and Ellis, B. A. 1928. The Ratio of Magnesium to Chlorine in the
Waters of the Eastern Mediterranean and Gulf of Aden. ICES J . Mar. Sci. September 1. Volume
3, Issue 2, Pages 191-193. ISSN: 1095-9289.
Mcjunkin, Frederick E. 1969. Community Water Supply in Developing Countries: A
Quarter-Century of United States Assistance. 86 pages. Department of State Agency for
International Development. Washington, DC. United States Public Health Service. Descriptors:
Water Supply; Foreign Countries; Federal Government; Sanitation; Training; Foreign Research;
Geographical Regions; Public Health; Economic Impact; Reviews; Regions; Social Impact;
Foreign Aid; Brazil; East Pakistan; Thailand; Yemen. Abstract: the history and status of United
States technical and capital assistance (a billion dollars since 1942) for water supply in
developing countries are reviewed by region and country, including its context as part of foreign
aid generally and its growth from early days (1942) in latin america to a global program and an
important element of multilateral programs. The essential role of water supply in developing
countries (why foreign aid for water supply) is reviewed with particular attention to health (500
million water-related illnesses annually), economic development, nutrition, population control,
and political and social development. Current deficiencies and needs are outlined by region. Six
projects from the hundreds undertaken are highlighted as examples of educational assistance
(regional school of sanitary engineering for central america), development and strengthening of a
national water supply program (brazil), institution-building (department of public health
engineering in east pakistan), technological development (new handpump for wells), capital
assistance (john f. Kennedy memorial water system in yemen), and rural water supply (thailand).
Lessons and observations based on a quarter-century of experience include: (1) community water
supplies in developing countries are still generally inadequate despite recent progress; (2)
community water supplies are essential investments for community development and sustained
economic growth, they encourage progressive forces, emphasize human progress, and stimulate
self-help concepts; (3) a self-liquidating water supply system is a feasible goal for urban
communities of even the poorest countries; (4) well-conceived, well-engineered water supply
projects can attract international financing; (5) preventive health programs that ignore water
supply are invariably failures; (6) deficiencies in personnel and in institutions are currntly the
critical factors in development of community water supplies, not technology and probably not
capital--a realistic program for improvement will require attention to institution building and
personnel training; (7) the major accomplishment of the community water supply program is not
hardware but the progress to date in establishment or strengthening of water supply institutions;
however technical assistance must be continued until these have ripened to full maturity. Notes:
"[Prepared] for the Office of War on Hunger, United States Agency for International
Development, under terms of a contractual agreement with the Office of International Health,
United States Public Health Service." Imprint on cover: Washington: Dept. of State, Agency for
International Development. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. OCLC: 21769941.
Medina, J r, Miguel A. 2010. Global Water Crisis and Climate Change. J . Hydrol. Eng.
ASCE: March 2010. Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 167-170. URL:
Mehari, A. Mehari, A. van Steenbergen, F. and Schultz, B. 2007. Water Rights and
Rules, and Management in Spate Irrigation Systems in Eritrea, Yemen and Pakistan. Descriptors:
Eritrea; Yemen; Pakistan; Water rights; Irrigation management; Spate irrigation; Bunds; Flood
water. Abstract: Spate irrigation is a system of harvesting and managing flood water. In spate
irrigation, flood water is emitted from wadis (ephemeral streams) and diverted to fields using
Geology of Yemen
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earthen or concrete structures. By nature, flood water is unpredictable in occurrence, timing and
volume, which puts special challenges to the farmers who use, co-share and co-manage the
resource. Primarily based on the research conducted in spate irrigation systems in Eritrea, Yemen
and Pakistan, this chapter discusses the interlinkage between local flood water management and
water rights and rules, and the enforcement mechanisms in place. It assesses how formal
national/provincial land and water laws affect local flood water management and argues that
what matters most are the local rules for cooperation and sharing the resource and, hence, that
formal water and land rights for spate irrigation should recognize local water rights and
management. Notes: Genre/Form: Book/Monograph chapter; General Info: Source of Data:
Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series 5. OCLC Accession
Number: 671230236. URL: .
Mehari, Abraham; van Steenbergen, F. and Schultz, B. Water Rights and Rules, and
Management in Spate Irrigation Systems. International workshop on African Water Laws:
Plural Legislative Frameworks for Rural WaterManagement in Africa, 26-28 J anuary 2005,
J ohannesburg, South AfricaDescriptors: Eritrea; Yemen; Pakistan; Water rights; Spate irrigation;
Flood water. Abstract: Spate irrigation is a floodwater harvesting and management system.
Floodwater is unpredictable in occurrence and amount. It is emitted through wadis (ephemeral
streams) and diverted to fields using earthen or concrete structures. Primarily based on the
research conducted in some spate irrigation systems in Eritrea, Yemen and Pakistan, this paper
discusses the impact on floodwater management of several water rights and rules, and the
enforcement approaches used by various local organizations. It analyses if and how the water
rights and rules have been tailored in response to changes in events in time, such as increase in
irrigated area and structural modernizations; and how these affected the floodwater management.
It assesses why national/provincial water laws became necessary for floodwater management
following the modernization. The paper concludes by outlining what water rights and rules can
achieve when applied in situations they were prepared for, and how negative their consequences
can be otherwise. Notes: Genre/Form: Book / Monograph chapter. OCLC Accession Number:
671230366. URL:
Mekonnen, Ademe and Rossow, William B. 2011. The Interaction between Deep
Convection and Easterly Waves over Tropical North Africa: A Weather State Perspective. J .
Climate. American Meteorological Society: 03/22; 2011/04. Abstract: The interaction between
deep convection and easterly waves over tropical North Africa is studied using a weather state (WS)
dataset from the International Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) and reanalysis products from the
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast, as well as radiative fluxes from ISCCP and a
precipitation dataset from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project. Composite analysis based on 21
yr of data shows that stronger latent and radiative heating of the atmosphere are associated with stronger,
more organized, convective activity than with weaker, less organized, convective activity, implying that
any transition from less to more organized and stronger convection increases atmospheric heating.
Regression composites based on a meridional wind predictor reveal coherent westward propagation of
WS and large-scale wind anomalies from the Arabian Sea into East Africa and through West Africa. The
analysis shows that enhanced, but unorganized, convective activity, which develops over the Arabian Sea
and western Indian Ocean, switches to organized convective activity prior to the appearance of the
African easterly wave (AEW) signature. The results also suggest that low-level moisture flux
convergence and the upper-tropospheric wind divergence facilitate this change. Thus, the upper-level
easterly waves, propagating into East Africa from the Indian Ocean, enhance one form of convection,
which interacts with the Ethiopian highlands to trigger another, more organized, form of convection that,
in turn, initiates the low-level AEWs. ISSN: 0894-8755. URL: CLI3900.1.
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Merabet, Z. 1984. "How the Yemen is Trying to Meet the Aims of the Water Decade."
Waterlines 2.4 (1984): 7-12. Abstract: Ater reviewing the topography and water resources of the
Yemen Arab Republic, measures being taken to improve the availability of safe water supplies,
particularly for rural areas are described. There are no year-round sources of surface water, and
the safest source of drinking water is groundwater obtained from shallow dug wells or boreholes.
The problems of financing such projects are discussed. ISSN: 0262-8104.
Mettananda, Doluweera Changa Areendra. 2005. Permeability Reduction in Qishn
Sandstone Formation due to Produced Water Re-Injection. Canada: University of Calgary
(Canada). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Abstract: Produced water re-injection (PWRI) is
seen as an effective technique to manage the large amount of water produced during oil recovery
operations. Permeability reduction caused by the particles being retained within porous
formations is a major problem that reduces the effectiveness of this process. This thesis presents
an investigation carried out to investigate the mechanisms of clogging, and to estimate
mathematical model parameters in relation to the water injection operations in Qishn sandstone
formation, Masila block, Yemen. During the experimental investigation, a laboratory-
synthesized particle suspension was injected into Qishn sandstone specimens at different flow
rates and concentrations. Results indicated the existence of three retention mechanisms, namely,
deposition, bridging and external cake formation. Permeability damage was distributed over the
entire specimen. A phenomenological mathematical model was used to simulate the
experimental results, and back calculate the model parameters. The model reasonably predicted
the observations, but the variations of each parameter with flow velocity and injection
concentration suggested the need to account for different retention mechanisms using different
constitutive relationships. University of Calgary (Canada); M.Sc. Database: ProQuest
Dissertations & Theses.
Metwali, R. 2002. Groundwater Quality in Taiz City and Surrounding Area, Yemen
Republic. Arab Gulf Sci. Res. Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 50-54. Descriptors: Groundwater;
Pollution; Taiz; Total coliform (TC) and Faecal coliform (FC); Yemen. Abstract: Fifty one water
samples were collected from production wells used for human consumption from Taiz city and
its surroundings, Yemen Republic. The water quality was investigated with respect to
bacteriological and physico-chemical parameters. The achieved results revealed that most water
samples, especially from private wells, contain a high number of total coliforms (TC) which
exceed the permissible limit recommended by the World Health Organisation, WHO (1996).
Also, faecal coliforms (FC) were recorded in the majority of polluted samples. A quantitative
estimation was done for each of temperature (18-26C), pH (6.12-8.79), total hardness (58-2200
mg/L), electrical conductivity (218-4600M.Mohs), total dissolved solids (117-3700mg/L), nitrate
(10-187mg/L) and type of aquifer (rocky and alluvium). It is worthy to notice that from the total
of fifty-one wells, there was pollution in (65%) of them. Recommendations were suggested for
the treatment of the water of such polluted wells and rigid government control in a trial to
prevent human and animal illness. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1015-4442.
Metwali, R. M. 2003. Water Quality of some Wells in Taiz City (Yemen Republic) and
its Surroundings. Folia Microbiol. Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 90-94. Notes: Cited By (since
1996): 2. Abstract: Bacteriological and physicochemical parameters were determined in water
samples collected from fifty-one producing wells used for human consumption in Taiz City
(Yemen Republic) and its surroundings. Most water samples, especially from private wells,
contained a high concentration of total coliforms which greatly exceeded the permissible limits
recommended by the World Health Organization in 1996. Fecal coliforms were found in the
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majority of polluted sampled waters (65% of the total of wells examined). Database: SCOPUS.
ISSN: 0015-5632.
Mezhelovsky, Nickolay V (Mezhelovskiy, Nickolay V.), Korchuganova, Nelly I. and
Mezhelovsky, Ilya N (Mezhelovskiy,Ilya N.). 2000. The Geophysical and Neotectonic
Application to Groundwater Research in the South Arabian Plate; Brazil 2000; 31st International
Geological Congress; Abstracts Volume. International Geological Congress, Abstracts =
Congres Geologique International, Resumes. [International Geological Congress], [location
varies], International; Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. Aug. Volume 31,
Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Arabian Plate; Arabian Sea; Asia; block structures;
Cenozoic; clastic rocks; Cretaceous; electromagnetic methods; exploration; faults; geophysical
methods; grabens; ground water; Gulf of Aden; igneous rocks; Indian Ocean; mapping;
Mesozoic; neotectonics; NMR spectra; plate tectonics; Red Sea; Red Sea Rift; rifting; sandstone;
sea-floor spreading; sedimentary rocks; spectra; systems; Taiz Yemen; Tawilah Group; tectonics;
Tertiary; transient methods; volcanic rocks; Yemen. Database: GeoRef.
Miclea, Pavel. 1973. Republica Arab Yemen. Ministerul Minelor, Petroleului si
Geologei. Bucharesti, Romania. A monograph on the geology and geography of Yemen. In
Romanian. OCLC: 02948483.
Middendorp, U. G. 1969. Observations on Native Medicine in North Yemen. Acta
Tropica. Volume 26, Issue 1, Pages 1-14. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 1. Database: SCOPUS.
ISSN: 0001-706X.
Milanovic, Branko. 2008. Qat Expenditures in Yemen and Djibouti: An Empirical
Analysis. J . Afr. Econ. November 1. Volume 17, Issue 5, Pages 661-687. Abstract: Using
household surveys from Yemen and Djibouti, the paper analyses determinants of qat
consumptions in two countries. The results confirm huge importance of qat in daily life: with
between one-half (in Djibouti) and 70% (in Yemen) of all households reporting at least one user.
But in Yemen, qat consumption is remarkably flat across income groups, age, and between rural
and urban areas. Qat is a normal good and there is no indication that its use substitutes for food.
In Djibouti, however, qat consumption increases with income, and appears to act as a substitute
for food consumption. In both countries however there is a strong gender bias in the use: men are
much more likely to use qat than women. ISSN: 1464-3723.
Military Academy West Point NY Combating Terrorism Center and Brachman J arret,
Warius Abdullah. 2008. CTC Sentinel. Volume 1, Issue 6, may 2008. Abu Yahya Al-Libis
Human Shields in Modern J ihad. May. Page(s): 26 Report Number: XA-MA/CTC Monitor
Series: MA/CTC. Abstract: In the course of defending al-Qaida against charges of unjustly
killing innocent Muslims during his April 2, 2008 open interview, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri
reintroduced Hukm al-Tatarrus (the law on using human shields) into the debate. A relatively
unfamiliar term to non-Muslims and Muslims alike, al-Tatarrus refers to Gods sanctioning of
Muslim armies that are forced to kill other Muslims who are being used as human shields by an
enemy during a time of war. Al-Tatarrus is a religiously legitimate, albeit obscure, Islamic
concept that al-Qaida ideologues have been increasingly using in order to exculpate themselves
from charges of apostasy. The method in which al-Qaida is promoting al-Tatarrus, however,
seeks to facilitate the sacrifice of Muslim lives in contravention of 14 centuries of religious
teachings. For instance, both al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and the al-Qaida Organization
in Yemen hid behind the protections offered by al-Tatarrus in their justification of terrorist
attacks that resulted in significant Muslim casualties, al-Qa-idas use of al-Tatarrus was also at
the heart of Sayyid Imam Sharifs recent attacks against al-Zawahiri and al-Qaida. Abstract
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Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability:
View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a493788.pdf; Size: 606 KB; J ournal; Distribution Statement:
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA493788.
Military Academy, West Point, NY, Combating Terrorism Center and Cook, David.
2006. Paradigmatic J ihadi Movements. J an. Page(s): 33 Report Number: XA-MA/CTC
Monitor Series: MA/CTC. Abstract: In J anuary 2005, veteran jihadi thinker, propagandist, and
historian Abu Musab al-Suri released his 1,600 page study of the jihadi movement, Dawat al-
muqawama al- Islamiyya al-alamiyya (The Call for Global Islamic Resistance). Suri hoped this
book would stimulate the creation of a comprehensive jihadi curriculum for future generations of
jihadi fighters, thinkers, and activists who could learn from the mistakes and successes of jihads
past. In The Call, Suri identifies twenty-five paradigmatic jihadi movements, or particularly
edifying historical cases, where jihadis have both succeeded and failed to rally supporters, defeat
their opposition, or establish territorial control. However, many of these jihadi movements are
very obscure, and, consequently rarely studied within the Western counterterrorism community.
In order to better appreciate the jihadi movements strategic objectives and mindset, the
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point invited David Cook, an expert on Islamic history and
jihad, to provide deeper background on four of Suris identified paradigmatic jihads: 1. The
experience of the Harakat al-Shabiba in Morocco (1969) 2. The experience of the Harakat al-
Dawla al-Islamiyya in Algeria (1982-1987) 3. The experience of the Afghani Arabs in Lebanon
under Abu Aisha al Lubnani 4. The experience of the Islamic Army of Aden Abyan in Yemen
during the 1990s. Despite the factual errors Cook identifies throughout Suris work, the latters
stature in the jihadi movement means that future jihadis will take his analysis seriously and
model their strategies accordingly. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports
Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a458498.pdf;
Size: 279 KB; Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
DTIC Accession Number: ADA458498. URL:
Military Academy West Point, NY, Combating Terrorism Center and J ohnsen Gregory,
D. Boucek Christopher. 2008. CTC Sentinel. Volume 1, Issue 12, November 2008. the
Dilemma of the Yemeni Detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Nov. Page(s): 29 Report Number: XA-
MA/CTC Monitor Series: MA/CTC. Abstract: More than one-third of the remaining 255
detainees at the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay are Yemenis, representing the single
largest national contingent. Since the detention facility opened in early 2002, Yemenis have
consistently comprised a sizeable percentage of the population. Other countries, most notably
Saudi Arabia, have successfully repatriated many of their nationals, but Yemen has been unable
to convince the United States to release detainees into its custody. There is even widespread
speculation in both the United States and Yemen that the Yemeni government does not actually
want the detainees back and is content to let them remain in U.S. custody. The Yemeni
government, however, maintains in private its stated, public goal to return the detainees to
Yemen, charge those it has evidence against and release the rest. For the United States, this has
been insufficient, and it has repeatedly sought assurances from the Yemeni government that it
well set standardized restrictions before any individuals are released. Part of this hesitation stems
from security concerns about what would happen to the detainees once they are returned to
Yemen. This article seeks to examine the dilemma posed by the detention of Yemeni nationals at
Guantanamo Bay. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
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Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA493761. URL:
Millington, Andrew C. and Crosetti, Michael. 1992. Rapid Appraisal of Biomass
Resources: A Case Study of Northern Yemen. Biomass Bioenergy. Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages
93-104. Descriptors: Yemen; woody biomass; inventory; rapid resource appraisal. Abstract: A
reconnaissance survey of woody biomass stocks in the northern Governorates of the Republic of
Yemen was undertaken in 1988. Sample sites for field measurements were selected in a stratified
sample framework based on land-use zones. The data collected on trees and shrubs in the sample
plots were used to estimate woody biomass stocks (both as total above-ground volume and wet
weight) using equations developed for N. E. Africa. Wood productivity was estimated using a
rainfall-productivity equation. These estimates were aggregated to provide a national estimate of
woody biomass. Dead wood stocks were also estimated. A map of woody biomass supply areas
and the main fuelwood supply routes was constructed from primary and secondary data. This
map was used to place the results of the inventory in a spatial context, and to provide a
qualitative means of validating the spatial variability in the woody biomass stock estimates.
ISSN: 0961-9534.
Milton, Richard. 2001. Hung Out to Dry. Ecologist. Dec2001. Volume 31, Issue 10,
Pages 63. Descriptors: International economic assistance; Agriculture; Irrigation; Yemen
(Republic). Abstract: Discusses the failure of international economic aid provided by the World
Bank to agricultural development in Yemen. Comparison between the traditional Yemeni
method of agriculture and the modern pumped irrigation methods; Investment in the construction
of the Amera dam outside Taiz City; Philosophy of Western aid agencies. ISSN: 0261-3131.
Minissale, A. Mattash, M. Vaselli, O., et al. 2006. Thermal Springs, Fumaroles and Gas
Vents of Continental Yemen: Their Relation with Active Tectonics, Regional Hydrology and
Countrys Geothermal Potential. 8th International Conference on the Geology of the Arab World
(GAW 8). Database: COS Conference Papers Index.
Minissale, Angelo, Mattash, Mohamed A., Vaselli, Orlando, et al. 2007. Thermal
Springs, Fumaroles and Gas Vents of Continental Yemen: Their Relation with Active Tectonics,
Regional Hydrology and the Countrys Geothermal Potential. Applied Geochemistry. Apr.
Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 799-820. Descriptors: Bathing; Carbon Dioxide; Chemical
composition; Fluctuations; Gulfs; Hydrology; Magma; Palaeo studies; Phylogeny; Recharge;
Sampling; Spring; Springs; Tectonics; Thermal Springs; Water Supply; Yemen. Notes: TR:
CS0818170. Abstract: Most thermal springs of continental Yemen (about 65 emergences at 48
sampling sites) and a couple of fumaroles and boiling water pools have been sampled and
analyzed for chemical and isotopic composition in the liquid phase and the associated free-gas
phase. Whatever the emergence, all the water discharges have an isotopic signature of meteoric
origin. Springs seeping out from high altitudes in the central volcanic plateau show a prevalent
Na-HCO3-composition, clearly affected by an anomalous flux of deep CO2 deriving from active
hydrothermal systems located in the J urassic Amran Group limestone sequence and/or the
Cretaceous Tawilah Group, likely underlying the 2000-3000m thick volcanic suite. At lower
elevations, CO2 also affects the composition of some springs emerging at the borders of the
central volcanic plateau. Although mixing to a limited extent with organic CO2 infiltrating
together with the meteoric recharge waters cannot be ruled out, all the CO2-rich gas samples
have a delta 13C-CO2 signature that falls in the range of mantle CO2 (-3<delta 13C<-7 V-
PDB). The relatively high 3He/4He (1<R/Ra<3.2) ratios measured in all the CO2-rich springs
and also some mixed N2-CO2 gas vents in the far east Hadramaut region support the presence of
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mantle magmas and related hydrothermal systems residing at the crust level in several areas of
Yemen. This well agrees with the presence of Quaternary basaltic magmatic activity along the
Gulf of Aden, as well as inside the central Yemen volcanic plateau. Presently, the thermal
springs of Yemen are prevalently used for spas and/or bathing. Nevertheless, liquid- and gas-
geothermometry and geological considerations suggest that there are at least three areas (Al Lisi,
Al Makhaya and Damt) inside the Yemen volcanic plateau (around Dhamar) that may be
promising prospects for the future development of geothermal energy in Yemen. Alternatively,
they could be used as a source of energy for small-to-medium scale agriculture and/or industrial
purposes. Moreover, most of the thermal water discharges have the chemical characteristics of
potable waters and, in an arid country like Yemen, they have to be considered as long-term water
supply resources if the country should face water shortages. Database: Water Resources
Abstracts. ISSN: 0883-2927. URL:
Minissale, Angelo, Vaselli, Orlando, Mattash, Mohamed Ali, et al. 2004. Geochemical
Composition and Geothermometric Characters of the Thermal Fields of Yemen; Italia 2004;
32nd International Geological Congress; Abstracts. International Geological Congress,
Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. [International Geological Congress],
[location varies], International; Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. Aug.
Volume 32, Part 2, Pages 1235. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; bedrock; characterization;
chemical composition; chemically precipitated rocks; classification; evaporites; geochemistry;
geologic thermometry; geothermal energy; geothermal fields; geothermal reservoirs; ground
water; hot springs; hydrochemistry; isotope ratios; isotopes; O-18/O-16; oxygen; phase
equilibria; reservoir rocks; sea water; sedimentary rocks; springs; stable isotopes; temperature;
thermal waters; water-rock interaction; Yemen. Notes: IGC, International Geological Congress.
Database: GeoRef. OCLC: 56945241.
Mock, Claire, Arnaud, Nicolas O., Cantagrel, J ean-Marie and Yirgu, Gezahegn. 1999.
40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of the Ethiopian and Yemeni Basements: Reheating Related to
the Afar Plume? Tectonophysics. 12/30. Volume 314, Issue 4, Pages 351-372. Descriptors:
40Ar/39Ar thermochronology; Crustal thermal anomaly; Crystalline basement; Ethiopia; Mantle
plume; Yemen. ISSN: 0040-1951.
Moench, M. 2002. Water and the Potential for Social Instability: Livelihoods, Migration
and the Building of Society. Nat. Resour. Forum. Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 195-204.
Descriptors: Adaptation; Entitlements; Groundwater; Migration; Poverty; Security;
Sustainability; Transition. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 4. Abstract: In much of the Third
World, access to secure for irrigation, particularly groundwater, reduces vulnerability, stabilizes
livelihoods, alleviates poverty and entitles populations to education and other forms of capital
accumulation. Water resource development can, as a result, be used as a key tool for addressing
the social roots of instability. The reverse is also true- problems such as groundwater overdraft
contribute to poverty and are often at the root of forced migration and the creation of
underemployed and unstable displaced populations. Water is fundamental to regional as well as
local security. The benefits of water resource development and the risks associated with
unsustainable use patterns are particularly critical in arid regions. Patterns of water use that are
unsustainable can play a positive role in the transition of populations from nomadic or migratory
to stable communities, where people have access to education and asset accumulation. The exit
is, however, as important as the entry. In many regions, the majority of the population now need
to make the transition from agriculture to non-agricultural livelihoods. Many people, particularly
the wealthy, may already be doing this. Understanding and enabling transition represents one of
Geology of Yemen
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the most important policy challenges for coming decades. Using examples from India, Yemen,
Saudi Arabia and other countries, this article documents some of the connections between water
and security and clarifies the importance of effective solutions to water problems and to social
transition in arid regions. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0165-0203.
Moench, M. Coleto, Carmen; Huerga, Argimiro and Martinez Cortina, Luis. 2003.
Groundwater and Poverty; Exploring the Connections; Intensive use of Groundwater; Challenges
and Opportunities. Netherlands: A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Netherlands. Workshop on
Intensively Exploited Aquifers, WINEX, Madrid. Spain Conference: Dec. 13-15, 2001.
Descriptors: agriculture; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; degradation; economics; ground
water; irrigation; land use; models; natural resources; pollution; sustainable development;
Tihama Aquifer; water management; water quality; water resources; water supply; water use;
Yemen. References: 50; illus. incl. 5 tables. ISBN: 9058093905. Database: GeoRef.
Moench, Marcus. 2002. Water and the Potential for Social Instability: Livelihoods,
Migration and the Building of Society. Natural Resources Forum. Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages
195-204. Descriptors: Social aspects; Arid regions; Curricula; Developing countries;
Groundwater; Irrigation; Sustainable development. Abstract: In much of the Third World, access
to secure for irrigation, particularly groundwater, reduces vulnerability, stabilizes livelihoods,
alleviates poverty and entitles populations to education and other forms of capital
accumulation. Water resource development can, as a result, be used as a key tool for addressing
the social roots of instability. The reverse is also true- problems such as groundwater overdraft
contribute to poverty and are often at the root of forced migration and the creation of
underemployed and unstable displaced populations. Water is fundamental to regional as well as
local security. The benefits of water resource development and the risks associated with
unsustainable use patterns are particularly critical in arid regions. Patterns of water use that are
unsustainable can play a positive role in the transition of populations from nomadic or migratory
to stable communities, where people have access to education and asset accumulation. The exit
is, however, as important as the entry. In many regions, the majority of the population now need
to make the transition from agriculture to non-agricultural livelihoods. Many people, particularly
the wealthy, may already be doing this. Understanding and enabling transition represents one of
the most important policy challenges for coming decades. Using examples from India, Yemen,
Saudi Arabia and other countries, this article documents some of the connections between water
and security and clarifies the importance of effective solutions to water problems and to social
transition in arid regions. ISSN: 0165-0203. URL:
Mohamed I. Al-Hamdi and Guy J . Alaerts. Structure and Cost of the Water Supply
Market in Sanaa City, Yemen. Building Partnerships. Descriptors: Aquifers; Costs;
Groundwater supply; Marketing; Municipal water; Water supply. Abstract: With an annual
population growth rate of over 8%, Yemens capital Sanaa, is facing an increasing pressure in
all municipal service sectors. This pressure is greatest in municipal water supply since the city
depends exclusively on a non-renewable groundwater aquifer that is being mostly utilized
(mined) also for irrigation. The growing water deficit in the Sanaa Basin area is currently being
satisfied from the fossil groundwater storage. The study examined, for water supply alternatives,
the current cost to consumers and their capacity and willingness to pay for domestic water
(value to the users). More specifically, this paper describes and analyzes the structure and cost
of the domestic water supply market in Sanaa: (1) the coverage by the public and private water
supply systems, their water quality, and the ensuing choices for consumers, (2) the cost and value
of different types of domestic water supply, (3) the implications of present and future domestic
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water demand, and (4) alternatives for future water supply including social economic constraints
to water transfer and reallocation. Notes: Building partnerships (2000 J oint Conference on Water
Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning & Management held in Minneapolis,
Minnesota, J uly 30-August 2, 2000. sponsored by EWRI of ASCE.) Reston, VA: ASCE, 2000,
NA pp. ISBN: 0-7844-0517-4. Database: ASCE.
Mohammed, Nagib. 2008. Drinking Water Quality Supplied by Local Corporation in
Yemen. 2008 International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research Groundwater
Symposium. Database: COS Conference Papers Index.
Mojarad, R. S. and Settari, A. 2008. Velocity-Based Formation Damage
Characterization Method for Produced Water Re-Injection: Application on Masila Block Core
Flood Tests. Petroleum Science & Technology. Taylor & Francis Ltd: 05. Volume 26, Issue 7,
Pages 937-954. Descriptors: Oil field brines; Formation damage (Petroleum engineering); Oil
field flooding; Oil well drilling; Petroleum in submerged lands; Oil fields; Oil sands --
Permeability; Yemen (Republic); damage characterization; formation damage; injectivity
decline; Masila block; permeability reduction. Abstract: With increasing environmental
regulations, more and more produced water is being re-injected; however, water injection
programs may have low efficiency due to formation damage around the injected wellbore.
Traditionally, formation damage was treated as a deep bed filtration (DBF) type of process
characterized by laboratory-based damage parameters. These parameters inquire expensive
concentration measurement, and lab-scaled results are not usually applicable for field cases.
Recent studies on formation damage are more attracted to history-based approaches using an
empirical damage equation to capture the uniqueness of each case study. In our previous work,
such empirical (velocity based) model was studied and shown to be more practical than (and
equivalent to) the DBF model. A robust characterization method was developed to calculate the
damage parameters explicitly, and it was successfully tested against offshore field data. In this
work, the method has been applied for analysis of a series of core flood tests on cores from the
Masila Block field in Yemen and compared with measured damage parameters. Good agreement
with lab-measured values validates the characterization method. The accuracy of the method is
comparable to the DBF approach, while it is simpler and more suitable for implementing in
reservoir simulators. ISSN: 1091-6466.
Momin, Abdul-Malik. 2008. Proposed of a Solar Water Heater and its Application in
Yemen. 7th International Conference: Role of Engineering Towards a Better Environment
(RETBE 2008). Global Environmental Changes: Challenges and Opportunities. Alexander,
Egypt. Database: COS Conference Papers Index.
Mondillo, N; Boni, M; Balassone, G; Grist, B. 2011. In search of the lost zinc: A lesson
from the J abali (Yemen) nonsulfide zinc deposit. J ournal of Geochemical Exploration. Volume
108 (3), pages 209-219. Abstract: The J abali nonsulfide zinc deposit, located northeast of Sana'a
(Yemen) contains a geological resource of 12.6 million tonnes of ore grading 8.9% zinc, 1.2%
lead and 68 g/t silver, with a projected recovery of ca. 80% zinc. The primary sulfide deposit
shows features of both Mississippi Valley and Carbonate Replacement types, and is believed to
have been formed by circulating hydrothermal fluids, either associated with Mesozoic rifting, or
generated from Tertiary igneous activity, developed in the area during the Red Sea crustal
extension. An extension of this phenomenon should have also triggered the late uplift, which
favored the oxidation of sulfides. Ore deposition has been accompanied by several
dolomitization phases, some of which have been considered strictly hydrothermal. A complete
quantitative (Rietveld) mineralogical and geochemical study of mineralized full-length core
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samples, carried out with the aim of possibly increasing zinc recovery, shows a discrepancy
between the zinc grades recorded in the chemical assays, and those calculated from the sum of
the ore minerals occurring in the same samples. The difference between the assayed and
calculated zinc amounts in various parts of the deposit is due to the presence of Zn-rich dolomite
phases (up to 20% Zn in the lattice), as well as of Mg-smithsonite (up to 12% Mg), both phases
replacive of the earlier dolomites in the weathering environment. The Zn-enriched dolomite
phases could be the "missing link" between pure dolomite and smithsonite. Zinc occurring in
dolomite cannot be processed economically with today's methods. Analysis of the total zinc
amount contained in Zn-dolomite, when compared with the zinc occurring in the processable ore
minerals shows that there is a significant proportion of unrecoverable zinc. This explains why at
J abali the projected metallurgical recovery of around 80% is unlikely to be improved upon, due
to the trapped zinc within the "supergene" dolomite phases. The extensive development of the
Zn-dolomite bodies, which occur throughout the whole mining area, may be highly significant
for the evaluation of nonsulfide zinc ores at J abali and for the exploration philosophy of the
region. The possible occurrence of Zn-dolomite has to be kept in mind when exploring for
supergene Zn-nonsulfides in other mining districts where the ore is also dolomite-hosted, which
may feature a significant non-recoverable phase. ISSN: 0375-6742.
Moric, Peter. 1997. Questioning the Need for Spillways. Wilmington Publishing Ltd ,
Wilmington House, Church Hill, Wilmington, Dartford, Kent, UK. International Water Power &
Dam Construction. Volume: 49, no. 1, page(s): 24-24-26. Abstract: The design of the two dam
projects, the Murum Dam Project in Malaysia and the Marib Dam in Yemen, is discussed
focusing on the necessity for spillways and how to determine their overall design. Challengers
encountered, factors considered during the design process are discussed and the implications of
rare flood conditions are described. Database: Technology Research Database. ISSN: 0306-
Morris, B. L. 1979. Yemen Arab Republic Montane Plains and Wadi Rima` Project: A
Land and Water Resources Survey: Hydrogeology of Wadi Rima`. Surbiton, England: Overseas
Development Administration, Land Resources Development Centre. Page(s): 111. Descriptors:
Hydrogeology -- Yemen (Republic) -- Rima` Wadi Region; Agricultural development projects --
Yemen (Republic) -- Rima` Wadi Region; Irrigation -- Yemen (Republic) -- Rima` Wadi
Region; Water consumption -- Yemen (Republic) -- Rima` Wadi Region; Tihama (Saudi Arabia
and Yemen); Government publication. Notes: xi; 54 leaves of plates (some folded): ill., maps
(some col.); 30 cm. Note(s): One map on 1 folded leaf in pocket. Project record 41. YAR-01-
47/REC-41/79. In confidence, not for publication. Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-
81). Report: YAR-01-47/REC-41/79; Other Titles: Montane Plains and Wadi Rima` Project;
Land and water resources survey; Hydrogeology of Wadi Rima`; Responsibility: B.L. Morris.
OCLC Accession Number: 53995692.
Morris, B. L. Yemen Arab Republic; Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain).
Hydrogeology Unit and Great Britain. Land Resources Division. 1979. Yemen Arab Republic
Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project: A Land and Water Resources Survey. Hydrogeology of
Wadi Rima. Surbiton: Ministry of Overseas Development. Page(s): 77. Descriptors: Yemen
Arab Republic; Water resources development -- Yemen; Hydrogeology. Notes: ix; refs,
appendices: ill, maps; 30cm. Responsibility: B.L. Morris. OCLC Accession Number:
Morrison, J ., Birse, A., Samuel, M. A., Richardson, S. M., Harbury, N. and Bott, W. F.
1997. The Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy of the Socotran Platform, the Republic of
Geology of Yemen
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Yemen. Mar. Pet. Geol. 9. Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 685-699. Descriptors: Cretaceous;
carbonates; sequence stratigraphy; palaeogeographie; Socotran Platform; Yemen. Abstract:
Outcrop studies combined with subsurface seismic and well data enable a detailed sequence
stratigraphic analysis of the Socotran Platform during the Cretaceous. Palaeogeographic
reconstructions for the Barremian-Aptian (Qishn Formation), Albian-Cenomanian (Fartaq
Formation) and Maastrichtian (Sharwayn Formation) are presented. The palaeogeographic maps
have been constrained by data from outcrop studies on Socotra and the adjacent islands of
Samhah and Abd Al Kuri, as well as the Samhah-1A well which lies 60 km to the southwest of
Samhah Island. Two major sequences can be recognised in the Qishn Formation, and can be
further subdivided into systems tracts. An Upper Qishn highstand systems tract has been
identified on a north-south seismic line with coastline-parallel facies belts. An interpretation of
the reservoir facies and porosity development of the highstand systems tract is attempted using
the good quality seismic data in the Socotran Platform. Three major sequences can be recognised
in the Fartaq Formation and one in the Sharwayn Formation which are illustrated on a second
east-west seismic line. ISSN: 0264-8172.
Morton, J . and Land Resources Development Centre (Great Britain). 1979. Yemen Arab
Republic: Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project: A Land and Water Resources Survey.
Agricultural Marketing in the Yemen Arab Republic with Special Reference to the Montane
Plains and Wadi Rima. Surbiton: Ministry of Overseas Development. Page(s): 88. Descriptors:
Agricultural development projects -- Yemen (Republic); Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project;
Government publication (gpb). Notes: ill., maps, tables; 30 cm. YAR-01-45/REC-35/79. Other
Titles: Agricultural marketing in the Yemen Arab Republic with special reference to the
Montane Plains and Wadi Rima; Responsibility: J . Morton. OCLC Accession Number:
Moseley, F. 1971. Problems of Water Supply, Development and use in Audhali,
Dathina, and Eastern Fadhli, Southern Yemen. Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources. Great
Britain, Institute of Geological Sciences, London. Volume 10, Issue 4, Pages 309-327.
Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Audhali; Dathina; economic geology; Fadhli; ground
water; resources; water resources; Yemen. Notes: illus. (incl. geol. map); Map Scale: 1:125,000.
Type: geologic map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0030-7467.
Moseley, F. Overseas Geological Surveys and (Great Britain). 1971. Problems of Water
Supply, Development and use in Audhali, Dathina, and Eastern Fadhli, Southern Yemen.
London: HMSO. Descriptors: Water supply & management; Groundwater; Yemen Peoples
Republic. Notes: pages 309-327. Responsibility: F. Moseley. ISBN: X780026321. OCLC
Accession Number: 704150078.
Moseley, Frank. 2000. From Dowsing to Hydrogeology in the Royal Engineers 1939-
70. United Kingdom: Geological Society Publishing House, Bath. Descriptors: Africa; Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; boreholes; Egypt; geologists; ground water; history; hydrogeology; Libya;
military geology; North Africa; Oman; water supply; World War II; Yemen. References: 34;
illus. incl. sect., geol. sketch maps. ISBN: 1862390657. Database: GeoRef.
Moshrif, Mohamed A. 1984. Sequential Development of Hanifa Formation (Upper
J urassic) Paleoenvironments and Paleogeography, Central Saudi Arabia. J . Pet. Geol. Volume
7, Issue 4, Pages 451-460. Descriptors: Petroleum Geology; Geology - Stratigraphy. Abstract:
The Hanifa Carbonate lithofacies (Upper J urassic) started to develop during Early Kimmeridgian
time, when an extensive area in central Arabia was covered by relatively deep marine waters.
These rock units were formed along a shoreline, resulting in successive lagoonal and tidal-flat
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belts, the deposition of pelleted and laminated calcilutites and gypsum, and a restricted fauna.
The open shelf lay east of the lagoon zone, accounting for the development of oolites, coral reef
and calcarenites, and a diversified fauna on the deeper shelf. At its maximum extent, the Hanifa
Sea reached west nearly as far as the city of Riyadh in central Saudia Arabia, and extended NE
and east, covering Kuwait, Iraq, Oman and Iran. South of Riyadh, the Hanifa lithofacies may be
traced towards the SE over the Rub-al-Khali area, and SW over Yemen and the Aden
Protectorates. North and NW of Riyadh, these same Upper J urassic shallow-marine rock units
developed over J ordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and northern Sinai, and most probably
extended over northern Africa. ISSN: 0141-6421.
Mostafa, A. R., Al-Alimi, A. K. A. and Barakat, A. O. 2009. Metals in Surface
Sediments and Marine Bivalves of the Hadhramout Coastal Area, Gulf of Aden, Yemen. Mar.
Pollut. Bull. Volume 58, Issue 2, Pages 308-311. Descriptors: Gulf of Aden; Marine bivalves;
Metals; Sediments; Yemen. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0025-326X.
Mostafa, Alaa R., Wade, Terry L., Sweet, Stephen T., Al-Alimi, Abdel Kawi A. and
Barakat, Assem O. 2009. Distribution and Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
(PAHs) in Sediments of Hadhramout Coastal Area, Gulf of Aden, Yemen. J . Mar. Syst. 8.
Volume 78, Issue 1, Pages 1-8. Descriptors: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); Marine
sediments; Gulf of Aden, Yemen. ISSN: 0924-7963.
Mostafa, AR, Al-Alimi, AKA and Barakat, AO. 2009. Metals in Surface Sediments and
Marine Bivalves of the Hadhramout Coastal Area, Gulf of Aden, Yemen. Mar. Pollut. Bull.
Feb. Volume 58, Issue 2, Pages 308-311. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Sediments;
Mollusks; Metals; Water Pollution; Gulfs; Marine Environment; Marine molluscs; Coastal zone;
Marine pollution; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen; Yemen, Hadhramout; Marine. Notes: OD:
Object Subject Terms: Copper concentration; Heavy metal concentration; Iron concentration;
Iron content; Marine bivalves; Nickel concentration; Nickel content; Rocky oyster soft tissue;
Shell length; Surface sediments; Surfaces sediments; TR: CS0918291. Heavy metal
concentration; Iron concentration; Nickel concentration; Rocky oyster soft tissue. Database:
ProQuest Deep Indexing: Aquatic Sciences. ISSN: 0025-326X.
Mostafa, AR, Wade, TL, Sweet, ST, Al-Alimi, AKA and Barakat, AO. 2007.
Assessment of Persistent Organochlorine Residues in Sediments of Hadramout Coastal Area,
Gulf of Aden, Yemen. Mar. Pollut. Bull. J ul. Volume 54, Issue 7, Pages 1053-1058.
Descriptors: Assessments; Chlorine compounds; Coastal zone; Gulfs; Marine Environment;
Marine pollution; Organic Compounds; Organochlorine compounds; Pollutant persistence;
Residues; Sediments; Water Pollution; Yemen; Marine. Notes: TR: CS0838611. Database:
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 0025-326X.
Mothana, R. A., Lindequist, U., Gruenert, R. and Bednarski, P. J . 2009. Studies of the in
Vitro Anticancer, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Potentials of Selected Yemeni Medicinal Plants
from the Island Soqotra. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. Volume 9, Notes: Cited By (since
1996): 1. Abstract: Background: Recent years have witnessed that there is a revival of interest in
drug discovery from medicinal plants for the maintenance of health in all parts of the world. The
aim of this work was to investigate 26 plants belonging to 17 families collected from a unique
place in Yemen (Soqotra Island) for their in vitro anticancer, antimicrobial and antioxidant
activities. Methods: The 26 plants were extracted with methanol and hot water to yield 52
extracts. Evaluation for in vitro anticancer activity was done against three human cancer cell
lines (A-427, 5637 and MCF-7) by using an established microtiter plate assay based on cellular
staining with crystal violet. Antimicrobial activity was tested against three Gram-positive
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bacteria, two Gram-negative bacteria, one yeast species and three multiresistant Staphylococcus
strains by using an agar diffusion method and the determination of MIC against three Gram-
positive bacteria with the broth micro-dilution assay. Antioxidant activity was investigated by
measuring the scavenging activity of the DPPH radical. Moreover, a phytochemical screening of
the methanolic extracts was done. Results: Notable cancer cell growth inhibition was observed
for extracts from Ballochia atro-virgata, Eureiandra balfourii and Hypoestes pubescens, with
IC50 values ranging between 0.8 and 8.2 g/ml. The methanol extracts of Acanthospermum
hispidum, Boswellia dioscorides, Boswellia socotrana, Commiphora ornifolia and Euphorbia
socotrana also showed noticeable antiproliferative potency with IC50 values 15 mm and MIC
values 250 g/ml. In addition, the methanolic extracts of Acacia pennivenia, Boswellia
dioscorides, Boswellia socotrana and Commiphora ornifolia showed good antioxidant potential
at low concentrations (more than 80% at 50 g/ml). Conclusion: Our results show once again
that medicinal plants can be promising sources of natural products with potential anticancer,
antimicrobial and antioxidative activity. The results will guide the selection of some plant
species for further pharmacological and phytochemical investigations. Database: SCOPUS.
ISSN: 1472-6882.
Mothana, R. A. A. and Lindequist, U. 2005. Antimicrobial Activity of some Medicinal
Plants of the Island Soqotra. J . Ethnopharmacol. Volume 96, Issue 1-2, Pages 177-181.
Descriptors: Antimicrobial/antibacterial activity; Medicinal plants; Soqotra; Yemen. Notes:
Cited By (since 1996): 30. Abstract: Twenty-five selected plants belonging to 19 families were
collected from different localities of the island Soqotra, dried and extracted with the solvents
chloroform, methanol and hot water to yield 80 extracts. The extracts were tested for their
antimicrobial activity against several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and against one
yeast species using agar diffusion method. Antibacterial activity was demonstrated especially
against Gram-positive bacteria including multiresistant Staphylococcus strains. The greatest
activity was exhibited by the methanolic extracts of Boswellia elongata, Boswellia ameero,
Buxus hildebrandtii, Commiphora parvifolia, J atropha unicostata, Kalanchoe farinacea, Pulicaria
stephanocarpa, Punica protopunica, Withania adunensis and Withania riebeckii. Only the
methanolic extract of Buxus hildebrandtii displayed significant antifungal activity. Database:
SCOPUS. ISSN: 0378-8741.
Mothana, Ramzi A. A., Abdo, Salah A. A., Hasson, Sidgi, Althawab, Faisal M. N.,
Alaghbari, Sama A. Z. and Lindequist, Ulrike. 2010. Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic
Activities and Phytochemical Screening of some Yemeni Medicinal Plants. Evidence-Based
Complementary & Alternative Medicine (eCAM). 09. Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 323-330.
Descriptors: Medicinal plants; Anti-infective agents; Phytochemicals; Antioxidants;
Staphylococcus; Gram-negative bacteria; Yemen (Republic); antibacterial; cytotoxicity; radical
scavenging; Yemen. Abstract: The traditional medicine still plays an important role in the
primary health care in Yemen. The current study represents the investigation of 16 selected
plants, which were collected from different localities of Yemen. The plants were dried and
extracted with two different solvents (methanol and hot water) to yield 34 crude extracts. The
obtained extracts were tested for their antimicrobial activity against three Gram-positive bacteria,
two Gram-negative bacteria, one yeast species and three multiresistant Staphylococcus strains
using agar diffusion method, for their antioxidant activity using scavenging activity of DPPH
radical method and for their cytotoxic activity using the neutral red uptake assay. In addition, a
phytochemical screening of the methanolic extracts was done. Antibacterial activity was shown
only against Gram-positive bacteria, among them multiresistant bacteria. The highest
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antimicrobial activity was exhibited by the methanolic extracts of Acalypha fruticosa, Centaurea
pseudosinaica, Dodonaea viscosa, J atropha variegata, Lippia citriodora, Plectranthus hadiensis,
Tragia pungens and Verbascum bottae. Six methanolic extracts especially those of A. fruticosa,
Actiniopteris semiflabellata, D. viscosa, P. hadiensis, T. pungens and V. bottae showed high free
radical scavenging activity. Moreover, remarkable cytotoxic activity against FL-cells was found
for the methanolic extracts of A. fruticosa, Iris albicans, L. citriodora and T. pungens. The
phytochemical screening demonstrated the presence of different types of compounds like
flavonoids, terpenoids and others, which could be responsible for the obtained activities. ISSN:
Mothana, Ramzi A. A., Kriegisch, Sabine, Harms, Manuela, Wende, Kristian and
Lindequist, Ulrike. 2011. Assessment of Selected Yemeni Medicinal Plants for their in Vitro
Antimicrobial, Anticancer, and Antioxidant Activities. Pharm. Biol. 02. Volume 49, Issue 2,
Pages 200-210. Descriptors: Medicinal plants; Anti-infective agents; Antineoplastic agents;
Antioxidants; Cancer cells; Antibacterial agents; Traditional medicine; Yemen (Republic);
Antibacterial; cytotoxic; folk medicine; radical scavenging; Yemen. Abstract: Context: The role
of natural products as a source for remedies has been recognized since the beginning of mankind.
Nevertheless, a minority of folkloricly used medicinal plants have been evaluated for their
pharmacological activities. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate 33 selected
Yemeni plants for their in vitro anticancer, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities. Materials
and methods: The plants were extracted with methanol and hot water. The obtained 66 extracts
were tested for their in vitro cytotoxic activity using the neutral red uptake assay against two
cancer cell lines (5637 and MCF-7). The antimicrobial activity was determined using the agar
diffusion method and MIC-determination. The DPPH radical method was used for the
determination of antioxidant activity. Results: Interesting cytotoxic activity was observed for
Hypoestes forskalei (Vahl) R. Br. (Acanthaceae), Lycium shawii Roem. & Schult. (Solanaceae),
Pergularia tomentosa L. (Asclepiadaceae), Psiadia punctulata (DC.) Vatke (Compositae) ,
Pulicaria petiolaris J aub. & Spach (Compositae) and Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Labiatae) (IC50
values < 50 g/mL). Antimicrobial activity with MIC values 125 g/mL was exhibited
against Gram-positive bacteria by Chrozophora oblongifolia (Del.) A.J uss. ex Spreng.
(Euphorbiaceae), Myrtus communis L. (Myrtaceae) , Phragmanthera regularis (Steud. ex
Sprague) M.G. Gilbert (Loranthaceae) and R. officinalis. Antioxidant activity was observed for
C. oblongifolia, M. communis, and P. regularis. Conclusion: The results justified the use of some
investigated plants in the Yemeni ethnomedicine. These findings demonstrated that some of the
investigated plants could be a source of new cytotoxic and antibiotic compounds; however,
further work is needed. ISSN: 1388-0209.
Mothana, Ramzi A. A. and Lindequist, Ulrike. 2005. Antimicrobial Activity of some
Medicinal Plants of the Island Soqotra. J . Ethnopharmacol. 1/4. Volume 96, Issue 1-2, Pages
177-181. Descriptors: Antimicrobial/antibacterial activity; Medicinal plants; Soqotra; Yemen.
Abstract: Twenty-five selected plants belonging to 19 families were collected from different
localities of the island Soqotra, dried and extracted with the solvents chloroform, methanol and
hot water to yield 80 extracts. The extracts were tested for their antimicrobial activity against
several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and against one yeast species using agar
diffusion method. Antibacterial activity was demonstrated especially against Gram-positive
bacteria including multiresistant Staphylococcus strains. The greatest activity was exhibited by
the methanolic extracts of Boswellia elongata, Boswellia ameero, Buxus hildebrandtii,
Commiphora parvifolia, J atropha unicostata, Kalanchoe farinacea, Pulicaria stephanocarpa,
Geology of Yemen
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Punica protopunica, Withania adunensis and Withania riebeckii. Only the methanolic extract of
Buxus hildebrandtii displayed significant antifungal activity. ISSN: 0378-8741.
Mounir Arbach. 2011. La situation politique du J awf au I
millnaire avant J .-C.
Chroniques ymnites [En ligne], 11. 2003, mis en ligne le 10 septembre 2007, Consult le 11
octobre 2011. Abstract: La rgion du J awf, situe une centaine de kilomtres au nord-est de
Sanaa, possde un nombre important de sites archologiques sudarabiques. Les plus importants
sont, du sud-est au nord-ouest: Barqish, lantique Yathill, dont lenceinte est louvrage dfensif
le mieux conserv parmi les sites prislamiques; Man, lantique Qarnaw, capitale du royaume
de Man; Kharibat Hamdn, lantique Haram; Kamna, lantique Kaminah; al-Sawd, lantique
Nashshn; et al-Bayd, lantique Nashq. La dcouverte de la plupart de ces sites, attribuable
J oseph Halvy, remonte au dernier quart du XIX
sicle. Elle a t complte par les expditions
du milieu du XX
sicle diriges par M. Tawfiq, A. Fakhry et M. Geukens, respectivement en
1944, 1947 et 1954. Dans les annes 1980, ces sites ont fait lobjet de fouilles ponctuelles et de
prospections archologiques et pigraphiques, notamment dans le cadre de la Mission
archologique franaise en Rpublique arabe du Ymen (MAFRAY). J usqu ce jour, peu de
fouilles archologiques systmatiques ont t ralises sur les sites du J awf. Seuls deux temples
ont t dgags. Le premier, un temple extra-muros sur le site dal-Sawd, fut dgag en 1988
par la Mission archologique franaise. Le second, le temple de Nakrah Barqish, fut mis au
jour par une mission italienne en 1990. Il a fait lobjet dune importante opration de restauration
dans le cadre de la Mission archologique italienne en Rpublique du Ymen durant lautomne
2003. Outre les temples extra- et intra-muros, ces sites taient, pour la plupart, munis denceintes
et abritaient sans doute des btiments publics (palais, temples) et privs (habitations et autres),
dont les vestiges affleurent encore. URL :
Mucha, I. Fara, M. and Anonymous. 1991. Overexploitation of Groundwater Resources
in Wadi Hadramaut; XXIII Congreso Internacional Sobreexplotacion De Acuiferos; Actas;
Ponencias, Comunicaciones y Resumenes De Posters. XXIII International Congress on Aquifer
Overexploitation; Proceedings; General Papers, Extended Abstracts and Posters. Spain:
Asociacion Internacional de Hidrogeologos, Grupo Espanol, Spain. XXIII Congreso
Internacional Sobreexplotacion De Acuiferos. Canary Islands, Spain Conference: 1991.
Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; clastic rocks; cross sections; drawdown;
exploitation; fluvial features; ground water; pump tests; recharge; sandstone; sedimentary rocks;
Wadi Hadramaut; wadis; water resources; Yemen. References: 6; 3 tables. ISBN: 8440491328.
Database: GeoRef.
Mucha, I. Paulikova, E. and Anonymous. 1991. Groundwater Exploitation in Hard Rock
Wadi; XXIII Congreso Internacional Sobreexplotacion de Acuiferos; Actas; Ponencias,
Comunicaciones y Resumenes De Posters. XXIII International Congress on Aquifer
Overexploitation; Proceedings; General Papers, Extended Abstracts and Posters. Spain:
Asociacion Internacional de Hidrogeologos, Grupo Espanol, Spain. XXIII Congreso
Internacional Sobreexplotacion De Acuiferos. Canary Islands, Spain Conference: 1991.
Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; bedrock; cross sections; exploitation; fluvial
features; ground water; potentiometric surface; recharge; Wadi Markhah; wadis; Yemen.
References: 4; 1 table, sketch maps. ISBN: 8440491328. Database: GeoRef.
Mucha, I. and Paulikova, E. 1991. Ground Water Exploitation in Hard Rock Wadi.
Acta Geologica et Geographica Universitatis Comenianae: Geologica. [publisher unknown],
Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Volume 47, Pages 57-62. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula;
arid environment; Asia; deserts; eolian features; exploitation; fluvial features; geochemistry;
Geology of Yemen
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ground water; hydrochemistry; hydrodynamics; hydrology; rivers and streams; terrestrial
environment; transmissivity; wadis; water resources; water wells; wells; Yemen. References: 3;
illus. Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 8008015780.
Muhayriz, `Abd Allah Ahmad. 1987. Saharij `Adan. `Adan, J umhuriyat al-Yaman al-
Dimuqratiyah al-Sha`biyah: `Dar al-Hamadani, Place: Yemen; Aden. Page(s): 101. Descriptors:
Dams -- Yemen (Republic) -- Aden; Water -- Storage -- Yemen (Republic) -- Aden; Water-
supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Aden. Notes: ill., maps; 24 cm. Note(s): Includes bibliographical
references (p. 95-100). Responsibility: `Abd Allah Ahmad Muhayriz. OCLC Accession Number:
Mukhamed, Nabil Abdulrakhman. 1992. Perspektivy IspolZovaniya Podzemnykh Vod
Vadi Khadramaut (Yyemenskaya Respublika). Translated title: The Prospects for Utilization of
Ground Water from the Hadramaut Depression, Yemen Republic. Uzbekiston Geologiya
Zhurnali =Uzbekskiy Geologicheskiy Zhurnal. Izdatelstvo Fan Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent,
Uzbekistan. Apr. Volume 1992, Issue 4, Pages 83-86. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula;
arid environment; Asia; clastic rocks; conglomerate; exploration; ground water; Hadramaut
Depression; sedimentary rocks; terrestrial environment; utilization; water quality; water
resources; Yemen. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0042-1693.
Mukhammad, Nabil Abdulrakhman (Muhammad, Nabil Abdulrahman). 1991. Usloviya
Formirovaniya Podzemnykh Vod Doliny Khadramaut (Yyemenskaya Respublika). Translated
title: Ground-Water Genesis in the Hadhramaut Valley, Yemen. Uzbekiston Geologiya Zhurnali
=Uzbekskiy Geologicheskiy Zhurnal. Izdatelstvo Fan Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent,
Uzbekistan. Volume 1991, Issue 3, Pages 67-72. Descriptors: alluvium aquifers; aquifers;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; chemical composition; fluvial features; geochemistry; ground water;
Hadhramaut Valley; hydrochemistry; multiple aquifers; plateaus; recharge; wadis; Yemen.
References: 3; sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0042-1693.
Mullick, MA. 1983. North Yemen grasps the Decade nettle. World Water. Volume 6
(2). (1983). Pages: 23,25 and 27. Abstract: The problems faced by North Yemen in its attempt to
meet the targets of the U.N. International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade are
discussed, including the difficulties of bringing water from the valleys to the traditionally remote
hill-top communities, the shortage of money, a falling water table, the complete lack of proper
sewage treatment facilities, and the shortage of trained manpower. Current projects, which are
being helped along by trained U.N. volunteers, are outlined.
Mullick, M. A. Hussein. 1987. Socio-Economic Aspects of Rural Water Supply and
Sanitation: A Case Study of the Yemen Arab Republic. Sussex, England: Book Guild. Page(s):
252. Descriptors: Water-supply, Rural -- Social aspects -- Yemen, North; Water-supply, Rural --
Economic aspects -- Yemen, North; Sanitation, Rural -- Social aspects -- Yemen, North;
Sanitation, Rural -- Economic aspects -- Yemen, North. Notes: ill., map; 24 cm. Note(s):
Bibliography: p. [242]-246. Responsibility: M.A. Mullick. ISBN: 0863322301; 9780863322303.
LCCN: 90-162506. OCLC Accession Number: 18206497.
Mullick, M. A. 1988. "Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Yemen." Water &
Wastewater International 3.5 (1988): 21,23,25. Abstract: The socio-economic problems of water
supply and sanitation in Yemen are discussed. A modified form of the Investment Priority Index
Formula devised by the Pan American Health Organization was used to describe development in
areas dependent on drilled or dug wells. The basic needs approach to economic growth and
development giving priority to basic education, primary health care and clean water and
sanitation is described. Aqualine.
Geology of Yemen
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Mundy, M. 1989. Irrigation and Society in a Yemeni Valley: On the Life and Death of a
Bountiful Source. Peuples Mediterraneens, Mediterranean Peoples. Volume 46, Pages 97-128.
Abstract: Begins by describing the ecology, the lie of the land and the social management of a
precious resource, a small perennial stream. The description draws on observations made in the
1970s. The gradual creation of the tradition of irrigation has occurred at the meeting of local
community and national leadership; it extends over centuries when the technology not of
production but of political domination was changing and concludes in the 1970s when the
technology of irrigation itself was suddenly transformed. Finally, discusses the character of the
local communal organization and the manner of articulation between the locality and the politics
and economy of the nation. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0399-1253.
Murdock, H. 2009. Yemens capital running out of water. (November 15, 2009)
Washinton Times. Washington, D.C. Abstract: Water shortages can be felt in every corner of
Yemens capital. Gardens are dry, and water trucks crisscross the city to deliver to households
that can afford it. Those who cannot send women and children to line up at mosque spigots. With
well levels dropping as much as 65 feet a year, many Yemenis and outside specialists predict that
Sana will become the first capital city to run out of groundwater. The shortages pose a special
challenge in an impoverished nation that is already fighting two insurgencies and al Qaeda. The
problem is not in the future, said Saleh Aziz, a Yemeni farmer who heads the Hamdan Water
Association. We are suffering now. Ten years ago, there was 20 percent more rainfall in Sana
9.84 inches per year compared to 7.87 inches now, according to a water resource specialist at
Sana University, Abdullah Al-Numan. Other parts of Yemen receive less than a third of the
water they received a decade ago, dropping from 11.81 inches a year on average to 3.93 inches,
he said. When rain does come, the timing is unpredictable and the concentration so heavy that
the waters value is lost, he said. In some areas, the entire yearly rainfall can now happen in a
matter of days. Last year 58 people were killed and 20,000 people fled their homes in October
floods. The drought extends into East Africa and is the worst in the region since 2000, according
to the Economist magazine. Yemen is among about 50 countries, mostly in the Middle East and
Africa, that are facing water shortages owing largely to population increase and climate change.
One in six people on the planet do not have enough clean water to drink. By 2025, the United
Nations predicts, about two-thirds of the worlds population will live in areas where water is
scarce. URL:
The Muslim World. 1995. GeoJ ournal. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden,
Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany. Sep. Volume 37, Issue 1, Pages
195. Descriptors: Africa; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Bahrain; East Africa; ecology; interpretation;
J ordan; Middle East; Saudi Arabia; Sudan; urbanization; water resources; Yemen. Notes:
Individual papers within scope are cited separately; illus. incl. tables, geol. sketch maps.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0343-2521.
Muthanna, G. and Amin, MSM. 2005. Irrigation Planning using Geographic Information
System: A Case Study of Sanas Basin, Yemen. Manage. Environ. Qual. Volume 16, Issue 4,
Pages 347-361. Descriptors: Agriculture; Alfalfa; Arid environments; Available Water; Basin
Irrigation; Basins; Case Studies; Crop Yield; Crops; Deserts; Environmental Quality;
Evapotranspiration; Geographic information systems; Geographical Information Systems;
Irrigation; Irrigation Effects; Irrigation Engineering; Irrigation Scheduling; Irrigation Water;
Leaching; Maps; Onions; Planning; Profiles; Remote sensing; Salinity; Soil Profile; Soil Types;
Storage; Sustainable development; Tolerance; Training; Water Demand; Water Requirements;
Geology of Yemen
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Water Use; Water resources; agriculture; data storage; salinity tolerance; soil; tree crops; values;
water balance; Article Taxonomic Terms: Allium cepa; Lycopersicon esculentum; Vitaceae;
Article Geographic Terms: Yemen. Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present a
procedure to estimate the total irrigation water requirement for a command area of 2,500 hectares
in an arid environment under various crops and soil types using GIS for data storage, analysis
and visualization of results. Design/methodology/approach - Bani Al-Harith agricultural area in
Sanaa basin, Yemen was chosen for the study. ArcView GIS was used to plan for suitable crops
and estimate the irrigation water requirements based on the farmers preference and soil types.
Using the available soil maps, the soil characteristics such as salinity, texture and suitable crop
types were overlaid to produce the crop blocks map. The water balance equation was used to
produce the crop water requirement map considering the crop coefficient for different crop
stages. The total water demand for each irrigation block was calculated by summing the three
components, namely percolation loss through the soil, maximum evapotranspiration of the crop
and leaching requirement (LR) to maintain an acceptable salinity level. Findings - The case study
is an example of using GIS as an effective tool in irrigation planning. GIS facilities to acquire,
store, analyze and display spatial data were used to produce the soil class map, soil profile map,
crop map and water requirement map. The profile EC sub(e) values for the chosen crops is
within the crop salinity tolerance for 100 percent yield except for blocks 4 and 5 where grape and
coffee respectively are suggested to be grown. The profile EC sub(e) values are 18.37 dS/m in
block 4 and 3.27 to 7.88 dS/m in block 5. The tolerance threshold of 100 percent yield for grape
is 1.5 dS/m and for coffee is 3 to 6 dS/m. The salinity of the irrigation water was 2.08 dS/m.
From the crop blocks map, the salinity tolerance level for 100 percent yield of onion for block 1
is 1.2 dS/m, tomato for block 2 is 2.5 dS/m, alfalfa for block 3 is 2 dS/m, grape for block 4 is 1.5/
dS/m, and the salinity tolerance level for 100 percent yield of coffee for block 5 is 5 dS/m.
Leaching requirements were obtained by taking EC sub(w) value of 2.08 and EC sub(e) of 1.2,
2.5, 2, 1.5 and 5 for onion, tomato, alfalfa, grape and coffee respectively. The peak total water
requirement occurred in May and was found to be 5,595 m super(3)/ha, or 560 mm. The design
irrigation water requirement for every block is shown in a map for easy visualization and
manipulation to produce the best combination of soils, crops and water use. Research
limitations/implications - This method of determining the total irrigation water requirement is
dependent on the selected irrigation system and crops whether shallow-rooted, deep-rooted or
tree crops. The use of water in agriculture should be judicious, precise and sustainable.
Application of GIS can be a useful tool in irrigation management since it provides rapid access to
underlying information of crop suitability. The designer can try out various combinations of
crops, to suit the soils and available water. Practical implications - This methodology is useful
for training irrigation engineers and water resource planners on the use of GIS technique to plan
irrigation projects in arid areas. Originality/value - This technique has never been applied to the
study area. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 1477-7835.
Myntti, Cynthia. 1988. Hegemony and Healing in Rural North Yemen. Soc. Sci. Med.
Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 515-520. Descriptors: Yemen; Islamic world; Arabic medicine;
medical pluralism. Abstract: This article examines medical pluralism by considering how people
in a village in North Yemen respond to unusual and to ordinary ailments. The resort to care is
explained against a backdrop of increasing economic differentiation and religious orthodoxy in
the community. ISSN: 0277-9536.
Geology of Yemen
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Nabil, Abdulrakhman Mukhammad (Nabil,Abdulrahman Muhammad). 1990.
Osobennosti Raspredeleniya Podzemnykh Vod Doliny Khadramaut (Narodno-
Demokraticheskaya Respublika Yemen). Translated title: Ground-Water Distribution in the
Hadhramaut Valley, Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen. Uzbekiston Geologiya Zhurnali =
Uzbekskiy Geologicheskiy Zhurnal. Izdatelstvo Fan Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Oct. Volume 1990, Issue 5, Pages 53-57. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; artesian
waters; Asia; Cenozoic; clastic rocks; confined aquifers; Cretaceous; ground water; Hadhramaut;
hydrogeology; irrigation; Mesozoic; reservoir rocks; sandstone; sedimentary rocks; Southern
Yemen; surveys; Upper Cretaceous; Yemen. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0042-1693.
Nabil, AA-S. 2008. N-Alkane Distribution in Surficial Sediments from the Aden City
Coast, Yemen. Nat. Environ. Pollut. Technol. Sep. Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 429-433.
Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Carbon; Coastal zone; Coasts; Crude oil; Distribution
Patterns; Ecological distribution; Fossils; Geochemistry; Hydrocarbons; Introduced species;
Microorganisms; N-Alkanes; Oil; Oil Pollution; Petroleum; Pollution; Recent sediments;
Saturated hydrocarbons; Sediment Contamination; Sediment Distribution; Sediment pollution;
Sediments; Urban areas; petroleum hydrocarbons; Article Geographic Terms: Kuwait; Yemen.
Notes: TR: CS0873523. Abstract: The paper presents the N-alkanes distribution in recent
sediments of Aden city coast. The results are the first of their kind for the region and should
serve as baseline for future studies. The concentration of N-alkanes in sediment samples ranged
from 3 to 1805 ng/g dry weight, expressed as Kuwait crude oil equivalent it is evident that all the
sites are contaminated to some extent with N-alkanes. N-alkanes generally constitute the major
fraction of saturated hydrocarbons, and their distribution patterns are characterized by carbon-
number ranges and predominance, depending on the nature of the source material and its
microbial or geochemical alteration. In this respect it has been recognized that distributions
exhibiting odd carbon-number predominance in the C sub(15)-C sub(21) and C sub(25)-C
sub(31) ranges are characteristic of autochthonous and allochthonous natural inputs respectively,
whereas slight even carbon-number predominance or smooth distribution in the C sub(20)-C
sub(30) range have been invoked for reduction or bacterial diagentic processes. Finally, fossil
(petroleum) N-alkanes are characterized by a low carbon preference distribution generally
concurrent with an unresolved complex mixture of branched and cyclic saturated hydrocarbons.
Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 0972-6268.
Nadwat Al-Idarah Al-Mutakamilah Lil-Mawarid Al-Maiyah Fi Al-Yaman, San`a 9-11
Disimbir 1996. 1996. San`a: al-J umhuriyah al-Yamaniyah, Riasat Majlis al-Wuzara, al-Hayah al-
`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah: al-Bank al-Duwali, Ma`had al-Tanmiyah al-Iqtisadiyah.
Page(s): 22. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Congresses; Water resources
development -- Yemen (Republic) -- Congresses; Conference publication. Notes: 105; ill., maps;
31 cm. Other Titles: Seminar on Integrated Water Resources Management in Yemen, Sanaa 9-
11 Dec. 1996. OCLC Accession Number: 123758589.
Nadwat Al-Idarah Al-Mutakamilah Lil-Mawarid Al-Maiyah Fi Al-Yaman, San`a 9-11
Disimbir 1996: Mulkhas Al-Wathaiq Wa-Al-Tawsiyat. 1996. San`a: al-J umhuriyah al-
Yamaniyah, Riasat Majlis al-Wuzara, al-Hayah al-`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah: al-Bank al-
Duwali, Ma`had al-Tanmiyah al-Iqtisadiyah. Page(s): 12. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen
(Republic) -- Congresses; Water resources development -- Yemen (Republic) -- Congresses;
Conference publication. Notes: 52; 21 cm. Other Titles: Seminar on Integrated Water Resources
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 220
Management in Yemen (abstracts), Sanaa 9-11 Dec. 1996. OCLC Accession Number:
Nagi, M. A. M. 2005. Evaluation of a Programme for Control of Schistosoma
Haematobium Infection in Yemen. East. Mediterr. Health J . Volume 11, Issue 5-6, Pages 977-
987. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 2. Abstract: An intervention study was conducted in Khamir,
north of Sanaa, for control of urinary schistosomiasis using chemotherapy and health education.
The validity and cost-effectiveness of reagent strips as a rapid diagnostic tool to screen for
Schistosoma haematobium infection was also assessed along with visible haematuria. Prevalence
of S. haematobium infection 14 months post-intervention fell from 58.9% to 5.8% and frequency
of heavy infection from 40.0% to 18.9%. Health education sessions resulted in significant
decrease in the frequency of contact with water sources and greater adherence to preventive
measures. Mass chemotherapy plus health education is a feasible and effective method for
reducing S. haematobium infection in Yemen. Reagent strips and visible haematuria could be
cost-effective in remote areas with limited access to health services. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN:
Naji, J . A. 2000. Shortcomings in Road Accident Data in Developing Countries,
Identification And Correction: A Case Study. IATSS Research. International Association of
Traffic and Safety Sciences: J apan. Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 66-74. Descriptors: Accidents;
Data banks; Developing countries; Fatalities; Injuries; Yemen. Notes: References (11). Abstract:
This paper reports on some aspects of the findings of a recent piece of research into road traffic
accidents in Yemen. The aim of the research was to provide a better understanding of road
accident problems in Yeman by investigating its real dimensions. This includes the identification
of the shortcomings in road accident data and to develop a method that can be adopted to adjust
(correct) the official data. Two field surveys were employed to check the shortcomings in the
official records. The main findings obtained are presented as follows: The actual size of the road
accident problem in Yemen is much greater than it appears in the official fixtures. In 1993, the
registered accidents accounted for only about 13.3% of estimated accidents and injuries
accounted for only about 30% of estimated injuries. The registered fatalities account for only
about 48% of the actual number of fatalities using the 30 days definition. The 30 days definition
for road accident fatalities is not adopted in Yemen and the relevant agencies are not
implementing this definition properly. Methods of adjusting road accident data were adopted in
this study. It is believed that this method can adjust the road accident data with an acceptable
degree of satisfaction. It is hoped that the findings of this research will help both researchers in
their future work and decision makers in the field of road safety to encourage suitable safety
programmes to be adopted which are consistent with the actual size of the problem. Knowledge
of the true picture of the road accident problem will be useful for the purpose of negotiating
adequate funding for road safety activities. Estimating the actual percentage of unreported data in
road accidents and casualties is very useful for any further research in road accidents and safety
in Yemen. It will also help in dealing with official data and results from previous studies.
Database: TRIS. ISSN: 0386-1112. Availability:
Naji, J amil A. and Asi, Ibrahim M. 2008. Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete
Mixes Containing Granular Volcanic Ash. J ournal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Volume
20, Issue 12, Pages 754-761. Descriptors: Admixtures; Asphalt concrete; Asphalt pavements;
Creep; Fatigue (Mechanics); Hot mix paving mixtures; Performance measurement; Suburbs;
Tensile strength; Urban areas; Volcanic aggregates; Volcanic ash; Waste management. Notes:
Figures (10); Illustrations (1); References (24); Tables (6). Abstract: Granular volcanic ash
Geology of Yemen
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material is spread over considerable areas of Yemen including urban and suburban areas. Due to
the inferior properties of this material in its natural state, it cannot be used in base and subbase
layers. It is common practice, when faced with such material, to replace it with superior
properties filling material. Excavated volcanic ash is disposed off by transporting it to landfill
sites. Such practice is becoming increasingly costly and continuously necessitates allocation of
scarce and valuable new landfill sites. The problem in some urban areas is becoming an
environmental issue due to the massive buildup of disposed volcanic ash material. The main
objectives of this study are twofold: one to investigate the merits of utilizing waste volcanic ash
as a cheap alternative to aggregate for road construction and consequently this contributes
toward an efficient waste management of this undesirable material and reduces its environmental
impact. The effects of using granular volcanic ash material, as a partial replacement of
conventional aggregate on the properties of hot-mix asphalt (HMA), were studied. Four different
aggregate replacement proportions were used specifically at 0, 10, 20, and 30% of total weight of
dry aggregate. The 0% volcanic ash content mix was used as the reference mix. Experimental
results indicated that the mechanical properties of all mixes containing volcanic ash aggregate,
up to 20%, were within the specification limits of the Marshall mix design method. In addition, it
was found that the use of volcanic ash aggregate improved the HMA creep resistance properties.
HMA with a 10% volcanic ash aggregate replacement gave optimum results in terms of stripping
resistance, creep resistance, fatigue, and resilient modulus. Database: TRIS. ISSN: 0899-1561.
Nakhal, HA. 1987. Comparison between the Groundwater Quality in an
Intermountainous and a Coastal Plain in Yemen Arab Republic. Irrigation and Water
Allocation. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Press. Institute of Hydrology,
Wallingford. IAHS Publication no. 169, Pages 4 ref. Descriptors: Groundwater quality; Yemen
Arab Republic; Coastal plains; Water chemistry; Geochemistry; Water quality; Mountains;
Irrigation water; Domestic use; Saline water intrusion; Comparison studies. Abstract:
Groundwater qualities of the Sanaa and Hudaydah areas, which represent an intermountainous
and a coastal plain, respectively, are compared. The quality of the groundwater of both areas was
evaluated for irrigation and domestic use by applying the Wilcox (1955) and the Doneen (1961)
methods as well as the standards accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO) (1971). The
results of the evaluation based on total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, pH, anions, and
cations show that the quality of Sanaa water is much better than that of Hudaydah. All samples
collected from the Sanaa area are suitable for domestic use, whereas all of the Hudaydah
samples proved unsuitable according to WHO standards. The poor quality of Hudaydah
groundwater is attributed to its contamination with seawater and to the low rate of the Hudaydah
annual rainfall. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISBN: 0947571310.
Narayanan, M. R. United Nations Development Programme and Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. 1970. Report to the Government of the Yemen Arab
Republic on Minor Irrigation. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Page(s): 37. Descriptors: Irrigation -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic);
Government publication; International government publication. Notes: iii; ill., map; 28 cm; Other
Titles: Minor irrigation; Responsibility: based on the work of M. R. Narayanan. OCLC
Accession Number: 85230535.
Nasr, Mamdouh. 1999. Assessing Desertification and Water Harvesting in the Middle
East and North Africa; Policy Implications. ZEF - Discussion Papers on Development Policy.
Zentrum fuer Entwicklungsforschung, Bonn, Germany. Volume 10, Pages 59. Descriptors:
Geology of Yemen
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Africa; Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; desertification; Egypt; J ordan; Libya; Middle
East; mitigation; monitoring; Morocco; North Africa; public policy; remote sensing; satellite
methods; subtropical environment; Syria; terrestrial environment; Tunisia; water management;
water use; Yemen. Notes: illus. incl. 9 tables. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1436-9931.
Nasr, SM, Okbah, MA and Kasem, SM. 2006. Environmental Assessment of Heavy
Metal Pollution in Bottom Sediments of Aden Port, Yemen. Int. J . Oceans Oceanogr. Volume 1,
Issue 1, Pages 99-109. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Absorption; Absorption spectroscopy;
Assessments; Desalination plants; Domestic Wastewater; Environmental assessment; Heavy
Metals; Industrial wastes; International standardization; Marine pollution; Oceanography;
Oceans; Oil Pollution; Oil refineries; Oil spills; Pipes; Power plants; Refineries; Sediment
Contamination; Sediment Distribution; Sediment pollution; Spectrophotometers; Textile
industry; Wastewater; Zinc; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen; Marine. Notes: TR: CS0732064.
Abstract: The aim of the present study is investigate the distribution of heavy metals (Mn, Zn,
Cu, Pb, Co, Cr and Ni) and to evaluate the contamination levels of the Aden Port sediments. In
this study, the concentrations of heavy metals were measured, using Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (AAS) for 21 sediment samples collected at different stations in Aden Port
during 2004. The range and average concentrations measured in mu g g super(-1) were 138.23 -
658.87 (335.5) for Mn, 21.85 - 263.49 (128.59) for Zn, 8.06 - 111.00 (19.89) for Cu, 14.8 -
138.06 (77.28) for Pb, 13.8 - 33.64 (23.97) for Co, 17.00 - 233.93 (82.19) for Cr and 16.17 -
48.07 (34.54) for Ni. To evaluate the levels of sediment contaminations, the background values
of the different elements were defined, depending on the international standards. In case of Pb,
Cr, Zn and Co at most of sites, their concentrations in the sediments exceeded the background
levels. However, the average values for Cu, Ni and Mn were less than the background values. It
is noted that the contamination factors in the investigated sediments were 0.31-3.39 for Zn, 0.4-
5.55 for Cu, 0.74-6.9 for Pb, 1.06-2.59 for Co, 0.57-7.80 for Cr, 0.43-1.27 for Ni and Cr >Zn >
Co >Ni >Cu >Mn The relatively high levels of Pb, Cr, Zn and Co in the sediments of the Aden
Port are due to the discharges of untreated wastewater of desalination plant, electrical power
station, refinery plant, textile industry, oil spills from the oil pipes, as well as domestic
wastewater. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 0973-2667.
National Climatic Center Asheville N C. 1974. U.S. Naval Weather Service Command
Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations - East African and Selected Island Coastal
Marine Areas. Volume 3. Area 13 - Gulf of Aden, SW, Area 14 - Gulf of Aden, SE, Area 15 -
Somali Coast, NE, Area 16 - Somali Coast East, Area 17 - Somali Coast, SE, Area 18 - Somali
Coast South. J un. Page(s): 483. Abstract: The data contained in these tables were obtained from
tape data Family 11 (TDF-11), Marine Surface observations. TDF-11 was primarily funded by
the Naval Weather Service Command and selected by NWSED Asheville as the most
comprehensive collection of marine surface observations from which to develop a series of
coastal marine summaries. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
DTIC Accession Number: AD0780314.
National Climatic Center Asheville N C. 1974. U.S. Naval Weather Service Command
Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations - East African and Selected Island Coastal
Marine Areas. Volume 3. Area 13 - Gulf of Aden, SW, Area 14 - Gulf of Aden, SE, Area 15 -
Somali Coast, NE, Area 16 - Somali Coast East, Area 17 - Somali Coast, SE, Area 18 - Somali
Coast South. Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center: Descriptors: Meteorology;
Marine meteorology; Coastal regions; Africa; Meteorological phenomena; Air water
interactions; Climate; Atmospheric precipitation; Fog; Cloud cover; Visibility; Ocean waves;
Geology of Yemen
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Atmospheric temperature; Tables(data); Aden Gulf; Somali Republic. Abstract: The data
contained in these tables were obtained from tape data Family 11 (TDF-11), Marine Surface
observations. TDF-11 was primarily funded by the Naval Weather Service Command and
selected by NWSED Asheville as the most comprehensive collection of marine surface
observations from which to develop a series of coastal marine summaries. Notes: 483 p. Note(s):
See also Volume 1, AD-780 313; General Info: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE. OCLC
Accession Number: 227588910.
National Climatic Center, Asheville, N C. 1974. U.S. Naval Weather Service Command
Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations - East African and Selected Island Coastal
Marine Areas. Volume 1. Area 1 - Kuria Muria Islands, Area 2 - West Arabian Sea, Area 3 -
Qamr Bay, Area 4 - Socotra Island, Area 5 - Gulf of Aden, NE, Area 6 - Gulf of Aden, NW. Ft.
Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center: Descriptors: Meteorology; Marine meteorology;
Coastal regions; Africa; Indian ocean islands; Meteorological phenomena; Air water interactions;
Climate; Atmospheric precipitation; Fog; Cloud cover; Visibility; Ocean waves; Atmospheric
temperature; Tables(data); Kuria Muria Islands; Arabian Sea; Qamr Bay; Socotra Island; Aden
Gulf. Abstract: The data contained in these tables were obtained from tape data Family 11 (TDF-
11), Marine Surface observations. TDF-11 was primarily funded by the Naval Weather Service
Command and selected by NWSED Asheville as the most comprehensive collection of marine
surface observations from which to develop a series of coastal marine summaries. Notes: 482 p.
Note(s): See also Volume 3, AD-780 314. General Info: Approved For Public Release. DTIC
Accession Number: AD-780 313 and AD0780662.
National Defense Univ Washington Dc Center For Counter-proliferation Research and
Esposito, J ohn L. 2000. Political Islam and the West. J an. Page(s): 8 Report Number: XD-J CS
Monitor Series: J CS. Abstract: At the dawn of the 21st century political Islam, or more
commonly Islamic fundamentalism, remains a major presence in governments and oppositional
politics from North Africa to Southeast Asia. New Islamic republics have emerged in
Afghanistan, Iran, and Sudan. Islamists have been elected to parliaments, served in cabinets, and
been presidents, prime ministers, and deputy prime ministers in nations as diverse as Algeria,
Egypt, Indonesia, J ordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Yemen. At the same time,
opposition movements and radical extremist groups have sought to destabilize regimes in
Muslim countries and the West. Americans have witnessed attacks on their embassies from
Kenya to Pakistan. Terrorism abroad has been accompanied by strikes on domestic targets such
as the World Trade Center in New York. In recent years, Saudi millionaire Osama bin Laden has
become emblematic of efforts to spread international violence. The phenomenon known as
political Islam is rooted in a contemporary religious resurgence in private and public life. On one
hand, many Muslims have become more observant with regard to the practice of their faith
(prayer, fasting, dress, and family). On the other, Islam has reemerged as an alternative to the
perceived failure of secular ideologies such as nationalism, capitalism, and socialism. Islamic
symbols, rhetoric, actors, and organizations have become sources of legitimacy and mobilization,
informing political and social activism. The governments of Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Libya,
Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan have made appeals to Islam to enhance
their legitimacy and to mobilize popular support for programs and policies. Islamic movements
span the religious and political spectrum from moderate to extremist. This article reviews the
events that acted as catalysts for political Islam, the evolution of political Islam, Islam as a threat
or clash of civilizations, democracy and Islam, and the Western response. 7 Abstract
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Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. J ournal article. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA426734. URL:
National Geographic Society (tats-Unis) and Cartographic Division. 1972. Peoples of
the Middle East Moyen-Orient. Washington, D.C: National Geographic Society. Descriptors:
Afghanistan; Arabie-Saoudite; Carte; Egypte; Empire; Est; Golfe-Persique; Histoire; Irak; Iran;
Koweit; Libie; Mer-Rouge; Moyen-Orien; Musulman; Orien; Population; Quatar; Relief; Route;
Turquie; Ville; Yemen. Notes: Description: 14 cartes sur 1 feuille recto-verso: coul. 55 X 87 cm.
Genre/Form: Documents cartographiques. Map Info: Echelle 1:7096000. Note(s): Comprend des
ill., du texte et 2 cartons. Other Titles: Cultural map of the Middle East; Where water sets the
place; Responsibility: compiled and drawn in the Cartographic Division of the National
Geographic Society for The National Geographic Magazine. OCLC Accession Number:
National Institute of Oceanography of Great Britain; Royal Geographical Society (Great
Britain) and Experimental Cartography Unit. 1968. The Bathymetry of the Gulf of Aden.
London, England: Royal Geographical Society. Descriptors: Cartes bathymetriques; Aden, Gulf
of -- Bathymetric maps; Aden, Gulf of -- Maps; Arabie saoudite. Notes: Description: 1 map: col.
85 x 75 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:2,000,000. Note(s): Depths shown by contours. This is the first
map that the Experimental Cartography Unit of the Royal College of Art has produced by
automatic cartography. Includes location diagram. Responsibility: bathymetric contours and
soundings compiled by the National Institute of Oceanography; automatic cartography by the
Royal College of Art, London. OCLC Accession Number: 21460267.
National War College, Washington, DC and Dahlstrom, Eric L. 2003. From
Reconnaissance to Surveillance: Intelligence Transformation in the New Millennium. J an.
Page(s): 13. Report Number: XD-NDU/NWC Monitor Series: NDU/NWC. Abstract: Bruce
Berkowitz The vehicle moved steadily along a dusty road 175 kilometers east of the capital city
of Sanaa. The American pilot received permission to engage and, peering at his video screen,
centered the crosshairs of his Hellfire missile directly over the target. A few moments later, the
sedan carrying six al-Qaeda terrorists dissolved into a mass of fire and debris. What makes this
mission unique compared to the thousands of others flown during Operation ENDURING
FREEDOM is that this pilot is not a military officer. In fact, the CIA pilot is not even aboard his
aircraft, a 1,500-pound Predator drone. He is flying this mission from a command trailer located
hundreds of miles from the battlefield. This one event represents a major turning point in
Americas military evolution. It highlights the changing nature of the threat to the United States
and showcases the emerging capabilities required to successfully defend our country in the new
millennium. Transnational terrorist groups, willing to conduct suicide missions and eager to
obtain weapons of mass destruction, pose a difficult problem for militaries geared to combat
conventional foes. Because groups such as al-Qaeda operate in the midst of civilian populations
and strike non-military targets, it is nearly impossible to defend the homeland without drastically
changing our way of life. As such, the new National Security Strategy proposes that the United
States not wait to be attacked, but should preempt terrorist groups before they can strike. The
American military will need specific and timely intelligence if it is going to take the fight to the
terrorists. The intelligence community, in turn, must significantly change the way it processes
information and move from a collection paradigm dominated by reconnaissance to one geared
toward persistent surveillance on demand. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical
Reports Collection. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is
Geology of Yemen
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unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA441598. URL:
National Water Resource Authority (NWRA) of Yemen. 2007. Drops- NWRAs
Quarterly Magazine. Issue No. 1 March 2007. Accessed Online: May 2010
Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility, Monterey, Calif and Brody, L, R.
1977. Meteorological Phenomena of the Arabian Sea, Mar. Page(s): 184 Report Number:
NEPRF-AR-77-01. Abstract: This document, the product of extensive literature research,
provides a single and comprehensive reference text for the operational forecaster in the Arabian
Sea and Gulfs of Aden and Oman. It contains extensive climatological information, descriptions
of significant meteorological phenomena and relevant forecasting aids, discussions of
meteorological conditions affecting various regional ports, and a representative assortment of
typical weather sequences depicted by both satellite imagery and conventional data. General
information on the large-scale Asian monsoon and its relationship to the Arabian Sea region is
presented. Also discussed are the significant meteorological phenomena associated with time and
space variations in the Arabian Sea monsoon; forecasting aids and typical weather sequences are
provided. Seasonal progressions of weather events are discussed; variations from normal
conditions are described in first-hand reports from observers in the field. (Author) Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. DTIC Accession Number:
Naval Intelligence Division. 1946?. Western Arabia and the Red Sea. Geographical
Handbook Series. [Oxford?]: Naval Intelligence Division, [1946] (Oxford: Printed under the
authority of H.M.S.O. at the University Press): Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Red Sea Coast
(Saudi Arabia); Saudi Arabia; Aden (Protectorate); Yemen; Arabian Peninsula -- Description and
travel; Red Sea Coast (Saudi Arabia) -- Description and travel; Saudi Arabia -- Description and
travel; Aden (Protectorate) -- Description and travel; Yemen -- Description and travel; Added
Author Scott, Hugh, 1885-; Marshall, Mary; Mason, Kenneth, b. 1887; Great Britain. Naval
Intelligence Division. Notes: xix, 659 p., [88] p. of plates (some folded): ill., maps (some col.);
23 cm. Prepared by the Oxford sub-centre of the Naval Intelligence Division under the direction
of ... K. Mason--P. iv.J une 1946.Folded map in pocket.This volume has been written mainly
by Dr. Hugh Scott ... and by Professor Kenneth Mason and Miss Mary Marshall--P. [619].
Includes bibliographical references (p. 620-627) and index. Abstract: Produced during the
Second World War for the use of commanding officers, this work is a complete guide to Western
Arabia. Sections on geology, geography, the coasts, climate, vegetation, history, administration,
people, public health, agriculture, economy, ports and towns offer readers a unique military
perspective on this important region. The text is supplemented by hundreds of maps,
photographs and figures. ISBN: 071031034X; 9780710310347. OCLC: 27033079.
Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity, Stennis Space Center, MS, and
Fenner, Don F and Cronin J r, William J . 1978. Bearing Stake Exercise: Sound Speed and Other
Environmental Variability. Sep. Page(s): 72 Report Number: NORDA-18 XB-NOSC Monitor
Series: NOSC. Abstract: The BEARING STAKE exercise was conducted at five sites in the
northwest Indian Ocean during J anuary through April 1977 (northeast monsoon). Oceanographic
data from the exercise consisted mainly of expendable bathythermograph (XBT) observations
that were converted to sound speed using the equation of Wilson (1960) and a salinity field
derived from exercise deep ocean station data. At all exercise sites except site 4 (Somali Basin),
acoustic propagation was bottom-limited in respect to the high frequency (about 18-m) and low
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frequency (about 91-m) sources. Although site 4 was bottom-limited in respect to the high
frequency source, at least 200 m of depth excess occurred for the low frequency source. At site 4
and throughout the western Somali Basin, interleaving of intrusive water masses (including Red
Sea and Antarctic Intermediate Waters) caused complex and highly variable sound speed profiles
to depths of at least 1800 m. At site 1B (Gulf of Oman) sound speed profiles were up to 5 m/sec
lower than those observed one month earlier (site 1A), probably due to increased northeast
monsoon upwelling after the site 1A occupation. Maximum temporal and spatial sound speed
variability throughout the exercise area occurred between about 100 and 150 m, just below the
depth of the low frequency source. At all sites, wind speeds and sea/swell heights were low to
moderate and should not have markedly influenced ambient noise levels above 200 Hz. Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Final rept. J an-Apr 1977; Distribution
Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number:
ADC017390. URL:
Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity, Stennis Space Center, MS, and Oriol
Ramon A and Arnone, Robert A. 1990. Seasonal Optical Properties Derived from Coastal Zone
Color Scanner Satellite Data Along the Somali Coast and the Gulf of Aden. Apr. Page(s): 39
Report Number: NORDA-244 XN-NORDA Monitor Series: NORDA. Abstract: Optical water
properties of the worlds oceans can be obtained from data collected with Coastal Zone Color
Scanner (CZCS) aboard Nimbus-7. Our understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of
surface optical properties is greatly improved from synoptic images from visible channel
satellites. Current satellite data processing techniques can eliminate the atmospheric
contamination that contributes 90% of the visible channel signal. The remaining signal, which
constitutes the ocean color, is directly related to the diffuse attenuation coefficient (K) at 490
nanometers for the upper surface waters. Calculation and geographic registration of K can be
performed on each sqm image-pixel of the CZCS data, and results show that the accuracy is
within 92% of ship measurements. Regional costal optical atlases are required for planning
bathymetric surveys using the Airborne Bathymetric System, CZCS data provide a method of
deriving temporal and spatial variability of costal optical properties in regions where limited ship
measurements are available. This report presents a demonstration of the capability of a regional
optics data base generated using CZCS data. A series of CZCS images of the eastern Somali cost
and the Gulf of Aden has been processed for the diffuse attenuation coefficient and have been
used to define a regional optical database. This data base exists in digital image form and clearly
defines optical variability in response to continental winds, monsoon wind, and coastal
upwelling. Keywords: Ocean color, Ocean optics, Satellites, Multispectral, Image processing.
Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Final rept. DTIC
Accession Number: ADA226301. URL:
Naval Oceanographic Office Nstl Station MS and Beatty III William H Bruce J ohn G
Guthrie, Robert C. 1981. Circulation and Oceanographic Properties in the Somali Basin as
Observed during the 1979 Southwest Monsoon. J un. Page(s): 88 Report Number: NOO-TR-258
XB-NOO Monitor Series: NOO. Abstract: Shipboard expendable bathythermograph (XBT),
salinity-temperature- depth (STD), and sea surface temperature and salinity observations were
taken from USNS WILKES (T-AGS 33) from 16 August until 5 September 1979 in the area of
the Somali Current off the coast of Northeast Africa. Analysis of the data indicated the presence
of two large anti-cyclonic gyres. The larger of the two gyres, called the Great Whirl or Prime
Eddy, was centered at about 7 N and 55 E with a diameter of approximately 350 nautical miles.
The smaller gyre, known as the Socotra Eddy, was centered at approximately 12 N and 57 E with
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an approximate diameter of 200 nautical miles. The two eddies were separated by a trough of
cold water advected from the region of upwelling off the Somali coast between 9 N and 11 N.
Studies of TIROS-N satellite infrared photographs and XBT cross-sections taken from tankers
transiting the area during J uly and early August 1979 indicated the presence of a southern eddy
separated from the Great Whirl by a trough of cold, upwelled water between 3 N and 5 N.
During the early part of the WILKES survey, the southern eddy and the Great Whirl coalesced.
Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf)
Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a276238.pdf; Size: 3 MB; Technical rept.
Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA276238. URL:
Naval Oceanographic Office, Nstl Station MS, and Tressler, Willis L. 1963.
Oceanographic Stations Taken in the Indian Ocean by Uscgc Eastwind (WAGB-279) in 1961.
J ul. Page(s): 84 Report Number: NOO-TR141 Monitor Series: TR141. Abstract: During late
March and April 1961, the USCGC EASTWIND (WAGB-279) occupied 30 oceanographic
stations in the Indian Ocean. Three sections were made, one running from off Cape Leeuwin,
Australia west as far as 78 E. longitude, a second continuing north from this point to 40 N.
latitude, and the third which continued west to just south of Socotra Island. Measurements were
made of temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen; and from these data density, sound
velocity, and percentage of saturation of dissolved oxygen were derived. Transparency was
determined by Secchi disc, and the Deep Scattering Layer was observed. Continuous recording
of bottom depths by echo sounder was carried out through a region where few soundings had
hitherto been reported. Northward reaching tongues of Antarctic Intermediate water are shown
on the southern profile and on the southnorth profile along the 78 E. meridian. In mid-Indian
Ocean, these masses push up toward the surface causing a divergence which is apparent in the
salinity and dissolved oxygen profiles. Also delineated are high salinity waters with very low
oxygen content which come from the Arabian and Red Seas. The Deep Scattering Layer
disappears in mid-Indian Ocean and reappears again to the north, following a similar pattern to
that already observed in the Pacific Ocean. (Author) Abstract Classification: Unclassified
Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Technical rept. DTIC Accession Number: AD0433272.
Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, DC and FennerDon, F. BuccaPaul J . 1972.
The Sound Velocity Structure of the North Indian Ocean. Dec. Page(s): 104 Report Number:
N00-TR-231 NORDA-TN-65 Monitor Series: TN-65. Abstract: All available sound velocity data
in the North Indian Ocean (north of 10 degrees S latitude) were analyzed in terms of annual areal
extent and depth of perturbations above deep axial depth, annual average depth and velocity of
the deep sound channel and critical depth for the northeast and southwest monsoons. The vertical
extent of these and other sound velocity features is shown on six north-south and six east-west
cross-sections that extend to a maximum depth of 5000 meters. These analyses indicate that
highly saline Red Sea Intermediate Water (RSIW) is the major factor controlling sound velocity
structures in the North Indian Ocean. Mixing of RSIW with low salinity water masses causes
either sporadic perturbations or an essentially isovelocity layer above deep axial depth. In
relatively high concentrations, RSIW causes an anomalously deep (greater than 1700 meters) and
narrow sound channel with velocities greater than 1493 meters/second (Gulf of Aden, Arabian
Sea, and Arabian Basin. (Author) Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports
Collection. Notes: Technical rept., DTIC Accession Number: AD0759352. URL:
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Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, DC and Lisitsyn, A. F. 1966. The Processes
of Recent Sediment Formation in The Southern and Central Parts Of The Indian Ocean. J an.
Page(s): 26 Report Number: Tran-225 TT-66-61845 Monitor Series: 66-61845. Abstract: The
paper discusses the composition of sediments and rate of sedimentation in (1) the arid and (2) the
tropical humid zones. Also the distribution of bottom sediments along meridional cross sections
transecting the Indian Ocean are given. The meridional distribution of sediments is based on
three cross sections: (1) from the Shaekleton Ice Shelf to the Ganges, (2) from Antarctic
Continent (Station 188) to the Bay of Aden, and (3) from the Antarctic Continent to the southern
tip of Africa. The data are based on investigation conducted during the 4 cruises of the Antarctic
expeditions organized by the Academy of Sciences of USSR from 1955 to 1959. Six diagrams
and two tables present numerical and grafical data on the distribution of sediments and the relief
of ocean floor. The influx and role of major Asian rivers in the formation of sediments in various
parts on the Ocean is pointed out, giving also climatological data which affect the sedimentation
process. (Author) Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. DTIC
Accession Number: AD0636139.
Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, DC and MuromtsevA, M. 1964. Notes on the
Hydrology of the Red Sea (K Gidrologii Krasnogo Morya), J an. Page(s): 8 Report Number:
NOO-Tran-226. Abstract: The hydrological conditions with regard to the heat and water budget
of the Red Sea are analysed on the basis of data gathered during the Voyeykov expedition in
the Red Sea, Bab el Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden. The employment of 18 deepwater
stations in the trench of the sea, the strait, and the gulf lead to findings about temperature,
salinity, and oxygen variations with depth. On the basis of these data the existing surface,
intermediate and deep layers were established, and the horizontal and vertical water movements
were traced. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. DTIC Accession
Number: AD0689694.
Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, D C and Seryiv, V. 1973. On the Water
Exchange between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (O Vodoobmene Mezhdu Krasnym Morem
i Adenskim Zalivom), J an. Page(s): 11 Report Number: NOO-Tran-546. Abstract: The paper is
based on data collected during a 3-year period by Vladimir Vorobyev (1961-1964) along a cross
section at the northeastern limit of Bab el Mandeb (Strait). Indirect methods permitted definition
of sharp seasonal intensity variations of deep water flowing from the Red Sea into the Gulf of
Aden, as well as the causes of these variations. Thermohaline and hydrochemical properties of
Red Sea water change during the year in proportion to the degree of transformation of the water
in Bab el Mandeb (Strait). (Modified author abstract) Abstract Classification: Unclassified
Technical Reports Collection. DTIC Accession Number: AD0761566.
Naval Oceanography Command Detachment, Asheville, NC. 1982. Climatic Study of
the Red Sea South and Gulf of Aden. Sep. Page(s): 157. Abstract: This climate study consists of
monthly charts and tables of (1) clouds, (2) visibility-tables, (3) ceiling-visibility (mid-range), (4)
wind-visibility-cloudiness, (5) Scalar mean wind speed, (6) wind speed or =11 and or =34
knots, (7) wind speed 11-21 and 22-33 knots, (8) air and sea temperature, (9) surface wind roses,
(10) wave height-isopleths, (11) wave height-tables and (12) surface currents (seasonal).
Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Reference rept. DTIC
Accession Number: ADA121003.
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA and Al-Hajjri, Ibrahim. 2007. The New
Middle East Security Threat: The Case of Yemen and the GCC. J un. Page(s): 87 Report
Number: XB-NPS Monitor Series: NPS. Abstract: Since Yemen has a history of border disputes
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with Saudi Arabia, this addresses the question of Yemens role in the security of the Arabian
Peninsula. Yemen suffers from a weak economy and a number of security issues of its own.
Through the borders shared with its GCC neighbors, Yemen has become plagued by a nexus of
terrorism, arms smuggling, and drug trafficking. Yet Yemen is unable to effectively combat
these threats because of weak border control and poor cooperation with its regional neighbors,
which points to the issues of border control and transnational cooperation within the GCC as an
important area of research. The scope of the research will encompass and scrutinize the role of
borders and how terrorism flourishes through the Peninsula. That way, we can observe what has
been done to solve this security threat, and what could be done. The thesis will examine potential
solutions to the problems created by border security and a lack of cooperation, and will argue
that a viable solution can be found by Yemen joining the GCC in a united force. This would help
insulate the Arabian Peninsula from the internal threats facing it. Abstract Classification:
Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Masters thesis; Distribution Statement: Approved
for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA469931. URL:
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA and BarnsWilliam, Flemming. 1980. Conflict
and Commitment: The Case of the Yemens. March. Page(s): 171. Abstract: This thesis
examines the relationship between the USSR and the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen
from a systemic aspect; the intent, to gauge the potential for the South Yemeni to undertake
specific tactical operations in a Soviet-surrogate manner. This work analyzes the Soviet-Yemeni
military export relationship. In making this assessment, the internal political dynamics with the
effects of a colonial legacy and a repressive imamate-turned-republic in South and North Yemen
respectively have been explored; the results of these predicated the Soviet involvement. This
effort includes an assessment of Sino-Soviet competition there. Additionally, the United States
counter-commitment and arms transfers to the YAR (with the deployment of a naval carrier task
force to the Arabian Sea in light of the March 1979 PDRY-YAR border war specifically) are
analyzed. (Author) Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes:
Masters thesis, DTIC Accession Number: ADA084904.
Naval Research Center, Constanta (Romania), and Radu Ovidiu; Slamnoiu Georgica;
Zarnescu Liviu and Cosereanu Liviu. 2006. Harbor Protection Against Terrorist Threats:
Difficulties and Possible Solutions. 01 Sep. Page(s): 25 Report Number: X5-X5 Monitor Series:
X5. Abstract: Ships play an important part on the scene of current conflicts. This is why they
must be protected both in their home port and in other operating harbors. Also, because they are
a symbol, an extension of a states territory, they are a potential target for terrorists, fact that was
demonstrated in 2000 by the action against USS Cole in Yemen, or in 1995 against the Sri Lanka
Navy. An integrated harbor protection system must be prepared early on so that it permanently
supplies information that will lead to reducing adverse actions effects, and increasing the global
performance of the reaction force. A complex of detection technologies is needed so that the
information is redundant and it ensures a false alarm rate as low as possible, and target tracking
to be done accurately and automatically. From this point of view, designing such a system
implies conducting studies about threat and sensor characteristics, data fusion, complex systems
architecture, etc. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution
Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. NATO. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA485049. URL:
Naval Research Lab, Stennis Space Center, MS, Oceanography Division and J arosz, E
Blain, C A Murray, S.P., Inoue, M. 2005. Barotropic Tides in the Bab El Mandab Strait --
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Numerical Simulations. J an. Page(s): 24 Report Number: NRL/J A/7320-04-0010 XB-ONR
Contract Number: N00014-02-WX-20834 N00014-94-C-1037 Monitor Series: ONR. Abstract:
A two-dimensional barotropic finite element model with the grid resolution varying between 0.2
and 2km and forced by eight principle constituents (Q1 O1, P1, K1, N2, M2, S2, and K2) was
used to compute tidal elevations and currents in the Bab el Mandab Strait. Good agreement is
achieved with the available observations for both diurnal and semidiurnal tidal currents and
diurnal elevations; however, the model performs less satisfactorily for the semidiurnal elevations
mainly due to the errors between the observed and computed phases in the region where there are
amphidromic points for the M2, S2, and N2 constituents in the Strait. The results indicate that
the largest amplitudes of the tidal elevations and the strongest currents are present in the southern
part of the Strait. Residual circulation induced by the barotropic tides is rather weak in the major
part of the Strait, and its contribution to the Red Sea water transport is small. The model results
also show that barotropic energy fluxes are not very large and their direction depends on the
constituent. All diurnal and one semidiurnal (N2) constituent have one major source of energy,
which is the flux from the Gulf of Aden, while there are two sources of energy for the M2, S2,
and K2 components: one from the Gulf and another from the Red Sea. Very small energy fluxes
from the Strait to the adjacent basins indicate that almost all tidal energy is dissipated within the
Strait. The distribution of the rate of energy dissipation due to bottom friction implies that the
major area of dissipation is located between Perim Narrows and the Assab-Mocha line. Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Distribution Statement: Approved for
public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA449278. URL:
Naval Underwater Systems Center Newport R I and Browning, David G J ones, Everett,
N. Thorp, William H. 1973. Low-Frequency Sound Attenuation in the Gulf of Aden. 05 Mar.
Page(s): 22 Report Number: NUSC-TR-4501. Abstract: With the support of the French Navy, a
low-frequency sound propagation experiment was conducted to obtain attenuation coefficients in
the Gulf of Aden for the frequency range of 200 to 10,000 Hz. The experiment was conducted
along a 500-kyd track, which was characterized by a broad sound channel with an axis depth of
250 m. The results are compared with previous measurements in the Red Sea and Atlantic
Ocean. The attenuation coefficients agree with previous open ocean sound channel experiments
and thus support the conclusion that attenaution for the frequency range of 200 to 10,000 Hz is
independent of the experimental site. (Author) Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical
Reports Collection. Notes: Technical rept. DTIC Accession Number: AD0757664.
Naval Underwater Systems Center, Newport R I and J ones, Everett, N. Thorp, William
H. 1971. Operation Ghubbet: Outline of Experimental Phase. 19 Nov. Page(s): 11 Report
Number: NUSC-TM-TA13-242-71. Abstract: Operation Ghubbet was conducted between 7 and
25 September 1971 jointly with Naval Underwater Systems Center, New London and the French
Navy based at Djibouti, T.F.A.I. The principal objectives of the project were to investigate the
acoustic properties and the associated water characteristics in the area of the sill separating the
Red Sea from the Gulf of Aden. Because of the unusual oceanographic properties in the Strait of
Bab-El-Mandeb and in the vicinity of the Hanish Islands, part of the project (Phase I) was
devoted to determining, in detail, parameters that would influence sound propagation. Phase II
used two ships to measure sound propagation in four different experimental situations. Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports. Notes: Technical memo. DTIC Accession
Number: AD0780842.
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Naval War College, Newport, RI, J oint Military Operations Department and Nakamura,
Michelle. 2009. Piracy Off the Horn of Africa: What is the most Effective Method of
Repression. 04 May. Page(s): 28 Report Number: XB-NWC/J MO Monitor Series: NWC/J MO.
Abstract: The U.S. National Security Council Partnership and Action Plan for Countering Piracy
off the Horn of Africa states that its objective is to, repress piracy off the Horn of Africa in the
interest of the global economy, freedom of navigation, Somalia, and the regional states. This
paper describes the extent of the problem and how it emerged, as well as the military structure,
civilian initiatives, policies and guidance directed at this problem. The paper then analyzes the
effectiveness of the current initiatives and draws conclusions for how the effort should be
resourced, supported, organized, and directed. Finally, it provides recommendations for how to
enact the proposed plan. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
Notes: Final rept. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
DTIC Accession Number: ADA503032. URL:
Naval War College, Newport, RI, J oint Military Operations Dept and Peppel, Christopher
D. 2009. Building the Right Framework for Effective Multinational Anti-Piracy Operations in
the Gulf of Aden. 04 May. Page(s): 21 Report Number: XB-NWC/J MO Monitor Series:
NWC/J MO. Abstract: As worldwide awareness of the maritime piracy dilemma increases,
pressure mounts on the international maritime organizations to engineer a quick and effective
solution. Numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions have been published pressing
for international response, yet not many have offered specific guidance regarding what this
response should look like. This paper looks generally at high-level UN guidance and shows at
the theater-strategic and operational levels what the response(s) have been to date. It further
analyzes what pieces of these responses have a place in the ideal, long-term solution and where
these pieces would fit into an overall, integrated international solution. Finally, the paper draws
conclusions on the maritime facet of the fight against piracy and proposes interface points for
U.S. combatant commanders and their subordinates. Abstract Classification: Unclassified
Technical Reports Collection. Final rept. Distribution Statement: Approved for public release;
distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA503068. URL:
Nazemosadat, MJ and Ghaedamini, H. 2010. On the Relationships between the Madden-
J ulian Oscillation and Precipitation Variability in Southern Iran and the Arabian Peninsula:
Atmospheric Circulation Analysis. American Meteorological Society. J . Clim. Volume: 23, no.
4, page(s): 887-887-904. Abstract: The influence of the Madden-J ulian oscillation (MJ O) on
daily, monthly, and seasonal precipitation was investigated for southern Iran and the Arabian
Peninsula using November-April data for the period of 1979-2005. The positive MJ O phase is
considered to be the periods for which the enhanced convection center was placed over the south
Indonesian-north Australian region. On the other hand, the convection center shifts over the
western Indian Ocean tropics and most of the study area as the negative MJ O phase prevails.
Seasonal precipitation and the frequency of wet events were significantly increased during the
negative phase. The ratios of the precipitation amount during the negative phase to the
corresponding values during the positive phase were about 1.75-2.75 and 2.75-4.00 for the
southwestern and southeastern parts of Iran, respectively. This ratio reached to about 3.00 for
Riyadh, 4.20 and 5.50 for Masqat and Doha, 2.10 for Kuwait, and 1.20 for Bahrain. The results
of the seasonal and monthly analysis were generally found to be consistent, although because of
the smaller sample size the outcomes of the monthly investigations were less statistically
significant. While the negative MJ O phase does not have a consistent effect on March
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precipitation over some parts of southern Iran, it has consistently enhanced precipitation over the
eastern and southern coasts of the peninsula in Oman, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia. During the
negative MJ O phase, while enhanced low-level southerly winds transfer a substantial amount of
moisture to the study area, upward motion increases in the middle layers of the atmosphere.
Synchronized with the prevalence of these rain-bearing southerly winds, the existence of a strong
horizontal wind speed gradient at the exit region of the North Africa-Arabian jet enhances
precipitation. The jet exit, which was mostly located over Egypt in November, moved westward
into the study area in Iran and Saudi Arabia during the rainy period of J anuary-March. The
direction of near-surface wind anomalies changed from mostly southeasterly in November to
southwesterly in March and April, influencing precipitation pattern during various months of the
rainy season. In contrast to the negative phase, an enhanced low-level dry northerly wind and
suppressed horizontal wind speed gradient at the jet exits are the main characteristics of
atmospheric circulation over the study area during the positive MJ O phase. Furthermore, an
increased downward air motion at the middle levels of the atmosphere and a significant shortage
in precipitation are the other climatic components of the southwest Asian region during such a
period. ISSN: 0894-8755. Database: Technology Research Database. URL: CLI2141.1.
Negenman, T. 1997. Evolution of water resources management in Yemen. In In Schrevel,
A. (Ed.), 1997. Groundwater management: Sharing responsibility for an open access resource -
Proceedings of the First Wageningen Water Workshop, 13-15 October. Wageningen,
Netherlands: ILRI, pp. 65-80. OCLC: 66863233.
Netherlands; Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken and Inspectie
Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Beleidsevaluatie. 2008. Support to Rural Water Supply and
Sanitation in Dhamar and Hodeidah Governorates. The Hague, Netherlands: Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. Page(s): 182. Descriptors: Water-supply, Rural -- Yemen (Republic) -- Dhamar
(Province); Water-supply, Rural -- Yemen (Republic) -- Hudaydah (Province); Sanitation, Rural
-- Yemen (Republic) -- Dhamar (Province); Sanitation, Rural -- Yemen (Republic) -- Hudaydah
(Province); Government publication; National government publication. Notes: ill. 24 cm.
October 2008. Includes bibliographical references (pages 179-182). Responsibility: Policy and
Operations Evaluation Dept. OCLC Accession Number: 356712217.
Nettleton, W. D. and Chadwick, O. A. 1996. Late Quaternary, Redeposited Loess-Soil
Developmental Sequences, South Yemen. Geoderma. Volume 70, Issue 1, Pages 21-36. Notes:
Cited By (since 1996): 12. Abstract: Episodic desert loess and paleosol sequences in South
Yemen provide a late Pleistocene to Holocene record of climatic change and soil development.
At Sana, one paleosol based on its thickness and development formed during mid or early
Holocene time in approximately four thousand years. The 2Akb horizon sample of this paleosol
has a 14C age of 7750300 years. At Ibb the 2ABtb horizon of another paleosol has a 14C age of
>33,100 years. Deposition (silt +very fine sand +clay) for the Sana site calculates to average
110 g m-2 yr-1 and includes 3.3 g or less of CaCO3 m-2 yr-1 . This rate of desert loess and
carbonate deposition is probably 2 to 5 times greater than that in the Lahontan Basin of the
United States during the last 13 kyr, and about 2 to 5 times higher than that in the southwestern
United States today. It is about the same as the 12 cm kyr-1 (170g m-2 yr-1) estimated for central
North Iran and the 10 cm kyr-1 (0.1 mm yr-1) estimated for the Netivot section of the Negev of
Israel but some 7 to 9 times less than the rate estimated for Wisconsinan loess in Iowa. Thickness
of desert loess examined and the calculated rate of deposition indicate that the crater has been
receiving desert loess for at least 15 kyr, and that the crater is pre Holocene. Pedogenic
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development of the Camborthids and Haplargids in the ground soils and that of the argillic
horizons in the Sana paleosols suggest that these soils formed in a somewhat more humid phase
than the present warm-tropical, semi-arid environment. The occurrence of mollic epipedons in
the Sana paleosols, but not in the ground soils is evidence of a more humid past climate (mid or
early Holocene). The Ibb paleosol, which formed at least partly during a more humid part of the
late Pleistocene, is even more strongly developed than the mid or early Holocene Sana paleosols.
Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0016-7061.
Neumann-Redlin, Christian. 1995. Hydrogeological Investigations in the Al Mahwit
Province of Yemen. A Contribution to Rural Regional Development. Natural Resources and
Development. Institut fuer Wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit: Bundesanstalt fuer
Bodenforschung, Tubingen, Germany. Volume 42, Pages 79-91. Descriptors: age; alluvial
plains; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; basin range structure; BGR Hanover; carbonate rocks; case
studies; clastic rocks; consumption; crystalline rocks; ephemeral streams; faults; fluvial features;
formula; fractures; geochemistry; ground water; ground-water provinces; hydrochemistry;
hydrogeology; hydrologic cycle; hydrology; igneous rocks; limestone; lithostratigraphy;
recharge; sandstone; sedimentary rocks; springs; streams; volcanic rocks; water balance; water
management; water quality; water resources; water storage; water use; Yemen. References: 4;
illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef in Process. ISSN: 0340-2797.
Neumann-Redlin, Christian. 1992. Hydrogeologische Untersuchungen in Der Provinz
Al Mahwit/J emen; Ein Beitrag Zur Laendlichen Regionalentwicklung. Hydrogeological
Investigations in the Al Mahwit Province, Yemen; a Contribution to Rural Development.
Zeitschrift Fuer Angewandte Geologie. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 38, Issue 1, Pages 4-10. Descriptors: absolute age; age;
agriculture; Al Mahwit Yemen; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; basin management; C-14/C-
12; carbon; chemical composition; dates; drainage basins; drinking water; fractures;
geochemistry; ground water; hydrochemistry; hydrogen; international cooperation; irrigation;
isotopes; joints; radioactive isotopes; recharge; springs; stable isotopes; style; surface water;
tritium; water balance; water quality; water supply; Yemen. References: 4; illus. incl. 1 table,
geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef in Process. ISSN: 0044-2259.
New TransCentury Foundation. 1984. An Unsolicited Proposal for the Extension of
TransCenturys Cooperative Agreement #AID/NE-CA-1647 for the Execution of Yemen Rural
Water Project #279-0044. Washington, D.C: New TransCentury Foundation. Page(s): 179.
Descriptors: Water-supply, Rural -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: v; 28 cm. Cover title. Includes
bibliographical references (p. 176-179). OCLC Accession Number: 13344245.
New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Yemen General Soil Map.
[Ithaca, N.Y.]: The Department, 1983. 1 map: col.; 110 x 84 cm. Notes: Produced by the
Department of Agronomy of the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at
Cornell University, in cooperation with the Yemen Arab Republic Ministry of Agriculture and
the United States Agency for International Development. "Completed 1983." Relief shown by
contours. In upper margin: Yemen Arab Republic. "Base map information adapted from the
British topographic series." "This map is for general planning. It shows only the major soils and
does not contain sufficient detail for operational planning." Includes outline map of northern
Yemen showing administrative boundaries (governates) 1983. OCLC: 32860183.
Nikiforov, L. G. and Korotayev, V. N. 1982. Geomorfologiya PoberezhYa O. Sokotra.
Translated title: Coastal Geomorphology of Socotra Island; Morskiye Berega. Seacoasts.
Voprosy Geografii. Izdatelstvo Mysl, Moscow, USSR. Volume 119, Pages 160-173.
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Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; beachrock; carbonate rocks; erosion; geomorphology;
Gubbat Shub; landform evolution; sedimentary rocks; shore features; Socotra; Southern Yemen;
Tamarida Bay; water erosion; Yemen. Notes: VGMOA3; illus. incl. sects. Database: GeoRef.
ISSN: 0372-5758.
Noman, A. 2007. Status of Water Resources Development and Management in Yemen.
IAHS-AISH Publ.317, page(s): 186-190. Reducing the Vulnerability of Societies to Water
Related Risks at the Basin Scale - 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources
Management. Bochum Conference: 26 September 2006 through 28 September 2006.
Descriptors: IWRM; NWSSIP; Yemen. Abstract: Yemen is facing one of the most complex
development problems and its most serious challenge, namely the problem of water resources
scarcity and over-exploited aquifers. As a result, the water shortage is worsening one year after
another, aggravated by the continued imbalance between annual recharge and the growing water
demand. This has led to the alarming depletion of groundwater in a number of basins, wiping out
agricultural production and investments in some of these areas. Integrated water resources
management (IWRM) is generally seen as a solution to water management problems. In Europe,
the European Water Framework Directive is a means to implement IWRM in order to improve
the water quality of surface waters. In the water-scarce Republic of Yemen, IWRM is seen as a
method to improve water use and thus to better balance water supply and demand. IWRM
should, however, not be seen as a magic solution that creates more water. This paper focuses on
the status of water resources and management in Yemen and implementation of IWRM
approaches through a National Water Sector Strategy and Investment Plan (NWSSIP), which
aims at streamlining the strategies and investments in all water related issues in the Republic of
Yemen. Notes: Conference code: 73933. ISBN: 9781901502299. Database: SCOPUS.
Noman, AA and Al-J ailani, J . 2007. Investigation of the Potential of Fogwater
Harvesting in the Western Mountainous Parts of Yemen. Arab Gulf J . Sci. Res. March-J une
2007. Volume 25, Issue 1-2, Pages 50-58. Descriptors: Drinking Water; Elevation; Fog; Gulfs;
Irrigation; Potable Water; Relative Humidity; Standards; Wadi; Article Geographic Terms: Red
Sea; Yemen. Abstract: The Republic of Yemen is located in an arid to semi-arid region. Rainfall
rates range from none at certain parts of the country to about 400 mm/yr in its mountainous parts.
Rainfall has been harvested and collected in cisterns existed in the mountainous region for
generations. In the dry season (October - February), and after the stored water is consumed,
people, mainly women and children, have to travel long distances down wadis to fetch water
from the nearest water source, which is often not suitable for human consumption. This is the
case in the western mountainous region, namely Hajja Governorate, which heavily depends on
rainwater for drinking, animal watering, domestic uses and irrigation. However, during the dry
season this region experiences foggy conditions. This has prompted conducting a fog collection
field study in this region to investigate the potential of providing an alternative source for water
supply during the dry season. The study consisted of installing 26 standard fog collectors (SFC)
of one m super(2) of polypropylene mesh at 19 sites in Hajja, and measuring the daily fogwater
amounts collected during the period from 1 J anuary to 31 March, 2003. The results indicated that
fog collectors located closest to the red sea with an elevation ranged between 2,000-2,200 meters
above sea level and winds from the west direction have produced the highest water output,
reaching a maximum of about 4.5 liters per square meter of mesh per day over the three winter
months period. The conclusion drawn is that though this technique is cheap, simple and
promising, more investigations are still needed on the various parameters contributing to fog
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collection, such as, relative humidity, temperature, and SFCs technologies. Database: Water
Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 1015-4442.
Noman, Abdulla. 2007. Status of Water Resources Development and Management in
Yemen. Bochum, Germany: IAHS Press. 317, page(s): 186-190. Reducing the Vulnerability of
Societies to Water Related Risks at the Basin Scale - 3rd International Symposium on Integrated
Water Resources Management, September 26, 2006 - September 28. Conference: 2006.
Descriptors: Investments; Aquifers; Competition; Economics; Groundwater; Groundwater
resources; Hydrogeology; Information management; Management; Problem solving; Water
management; Water quality; Water supply. Abstract: Yemen is facing one of the most complex
development problems and its most serious challenge, namely the problem of water resources
scarcity and over-exploited aquifers. As a result, the water shortage is worsening one year after
another, aggravated by the continued imbalance between annual recharge and the growing water
demand. This has led to the alarming depletion of groundwater in a number of basins, wiping out
agricultural production and investments in some of these areas. Integrated water resources
management (IWRM) is generally seen as a solution to water management problems. In Europe,
the European Water Framework Directive is a means to implement IWRM in order to improve
the water quality of surface waters. In the water-scarce Republic of Yemen, IWRM is seen as a
method to improve water use and thus to better balance water supply and demand. IWRM
should, however, not be seen as a magic solution that creates more water. This paper focuses on
the status of water resources and management in Yemen and implementation of IWRM
approaches through a National Water Sector Strategy and Investment Plan (NWSSIP), which
aims at streamlining the strategies and investments in all water related issues in the Republic of
Yemen. ISSN: 0144-7815.
Noman, Abdulla Abdulkader. 2001. Erosionsmodell Fuer Semi-Aride Einzugsgebiete
Am Beispiel J emenitischer Wadis. Translated title: Erosion model for semi-arid catchments: the
example of Yemeni wadis. Federal Republic of Germany Leichtweiss Institut fuer Wasserbau
der Technischen Universitaet Braunschweig, Brunswick, Federal Republic of Germany; Techn.
Univ., Braunschweig. Mitteilungen - Leichtweiss Institut Fuer Wasserbau Der Technischen
Universitaet Braunschweig. Volume: 151, Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; atmospheric
precipitation; case studies; dissertation; ephemeral streams; erosion; influence; models; relief;
semi-arid environment; simulation; slopes; soil protection; soils; strategy; streams; terrestrial
environment; theoretical studies; theses; tilt; vegetation; water erosion; Yemen. ISSN: 0343-
1223. Database: GeoRef in Process.
Norman Allyn, Michael Quick, Ed Condon, J an Lisztwan, and Eric Morris. 2004.
Breakwater for Service Harbour, Gulf of Aden. Descriptors: Breakwaters; Harbors; Middle East.
Abstract: The Ash Shihr harbour, on the Gulf of Aden was built by Canadian Nexen Petroleum
Yemen (CNPY) in 1992/1993 to provide service support to a Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) used
for oil tanker loading. The orientation of the harbour was originally designed to minimize wave
agitation at the berth. As a result, the entrance to the harbour was placed on the eastern side to
provide shelter from monsoon generated waves traveling from the southwest. Immediately after
construction, sediment began accreting in the harbour entrance which necessitated maintenance
dredging and sand bypassing to allow continued operations in the harbour. Delft Hydraulics
performed a study of sedimentation in the harbour in 1998. The results of this study indicated
that the harbour is built on a coastline with substantial longshore sediment transport, with a net
rate estimated at 260,000 m3 per year westward. The study also examined solutions to the
problem including dredging, relocating the harbour entrance, and constructing a breakwater to
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the east of the harbour to trap sediment. The sand trap breakwater option was found to result in
the lowest maintenance dredging requirements and the lowest total cost. CPNY authorized the
detailed design of the sand trap breakwater in 1999. Construction of the breakwater was
completed by Yemen based contractors in J une 2000. Notes: Ports 2004: Port development in the
changing world (proceeding of the conference, may 23-26, 2004, houston, texas; sponsored by
ports and harbors technical committee of the coasts, oceans, ports, and rivers institute (COPRI)
of ASCE, U.S. section of the permanent international association of navigation congresses
(PIANC); co-sponsored by port of houston authority, dredging contractors of america,
international association of ports and harbors, canadian society of civil engineers, and japan
society of civil engineers) by Stephen A. Curtis, (editor). ISBN: 0-7844-0727-4. Database:
Nouh, M. 2006. Wadi Flow in the Arabian Gulf States. Hydrol. Process. J ohn Wiley
and Sons Ltd: Volume 20, Issue 11, Pages 2393-2413. Descriptors: Surface waters; Arid regions;
Catchments; Computer simulation; Floods; Forecasting; Probability distributions; Random
processes. Abstract: Real data on wadi flood flows from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait,
UAE, Bahrain and Qatar were used to develop methodologies for the prediction of annual
maximum flows and average monthly flows in the Arabian Gulf states. For the prediction of
annual maximum floods, three methods have been investigated. In the first method, regional
curves were developed and used together with the mean annual flood flow, estimated from the
characteristics of the drainage basin, to estimate flood flows at a location in the basin. The
second method fits data to various probability distribution functions, with a developed
methodology introduced to account for floods generated by more than one system of climate, and
the best fitted function was used for flood estimates. In the third method, only floods over a
threshold, which depends on characteristics of the drainage basin, were considered and modelled.
For the prediction of average monthly flows, stochastic simulation approaches of flood
frequency analysis were used. Each of the prediction methods was verified by being applied in
40 different drainage basins. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were made on the
best method to be applied (at present) by design engineers in the Arabian Gulf states. ISSN:
0885-6087. URL:
Nouisser, Ameen. 2005. Property and Water Rights in an Islamic Context: An Economic
and Institutional Analysis with Application to Water Rights and Pricing in Yemen. United States
-- Washington: Washington State University. Descriptors: Right of property -- Yemen, North --
Religious aspects; Water rights -- Yemen, North -- Religious aspects; Water-supply -- Yemen,
North -- Management -- Religious aspects. Abstract: Yemen is a water scarce country. Like
many other developing countries, it is constrained by a lack of natural resources and finds it
difficult to secure sufficient water for human consumption and for agricultural irrigation. This
raises the question of how to design actions and policies to meet the existing and future water
needs of the people of Yemen. An understanding of water institutions is a necessary prerequisite
to successful design and implementation of any such actions. This dissertation studies how
traditional water rights priorities and allocation mechanisms work in Yemen and it investigates
whether these rules conform to Islamic principles. Water rights in traditional agricultural rural
regions of Yemen are based on customary institutions including traditional laws or Urrf.
Religion, the Islamic law, Sharriaa, is an extremely influential institution shaping traditional
communities and their way of life. In Yemen, and similar countries, changes in both formal and
informal laws covering the allocation of water will continue to be tested against the general
principles of Sharriaa. This investigation is based on a comparative case study of the
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experiences surrounding the construction of new dams and reservoirs on seasonal streams in
rural areas of Yemen. The construction of these new dams and reservoirs provides a natural
experimental setting to analyze water institutions. One hypothesis is that these traditional
unwritten laws, having evolved under different water use circumstances, might no longer be
applicable to either the new reservoirs or the increased national scarcity of water. An example of
the later concerns whether water can be traded among uses and owners and/or moved to urban
locations. To collect the empirical information, an intensive field survey were designed and
implemented. Around 31 dam/reservoir managers were comprehensively interviewed. The
dissertation reviews the literature regarding traditional and Islamic water laws. It presents
findings from the survey describing many features of the new dam and reservoir projects. Two
chapters focus more specifically on the water rights issues and water prices. Survey results reveal
peoples perceptions of water rights dimensions including, priority rules, protection, enforcement
and conflict resolution processes. Through a detailed analysis, the study was able to explain the
powerful role of traditional institutions in water rights allocation and priorities. The results and
analysis help understand changes in informal, traditional institutions, and raise the potential for
developing new, formal institutions, rules and laws. Analysis suggests some ways in which
traditional institutions can be modified to achieve local community, social, and government
objectives. Among key factors are water pricing, water allocation rules and the role of the
government and local participation, including the cooperation of local Sheikhs. We find that a
new physical action (i.e., the new dams and reservoirs) may permit the alteration of traditional
water rights rules and laws as long as the changes conform to accepted change mechanisms. A
menu of recommendations and policies are described to help decision-makers address the water
scarcity problem. In discussing policy implications we emphasize access to water by the
marginalized section of the rural communities, the poor people, landless and women.
Washington State University; Ph.D. Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. OCLC
Accession Number: 65661817.
Novaky, B. -M, Ahmed, A. -Y -A and Ahmed, A. -S. 1998. Annual Mean Runoff and its
Areal Distribution in the Republic of Yemen. Vizugyi Kozl. Volume 80, Issue 2, Pages 335-
351. Descriptors: Precipitation assessment; Rainfall-runoff modeling; Spatial distribution;
Yemen. Abstract: Options of mapping annual mean (specific) runoff are shown for the severely
data lacking situation of Yemen. The climate of Yemen is dry tropical/subtropical and
moderately warm sub-humid in the mountain ranges of West-Yemen. On the basis of
classification using the ratio of precipitation to potential evaporation P/E(pot) the following areas
were specified: hyper-arid (P/E(pot)0.03); arid (0.03 E(pot)0.25) and semiarid (0.25 E(pot).50)
(Figure 1.). There are 19 monitoring stations in the country the data of whose can be used for
estimating the annual mean runoff (Table I.). Reliability of these estimates is, however, low, due
to the shortness of the records and the statistical homogeneity cannot be analyzed. Decreasing
trend can be observed (Figure 2.) in the time series of annual runoff of the Wadi Zabid. This can
be explained by the decreasing precipitation and increasing irrigation. Annual mean discharge
varies with the size if the catchment area (Figure 3.). 13 regions can be distinguished on the basis
of the relationship and considering the areal differences of the climate. The annual mean
discharge is well related to the size (order) of the stream section as calculated by the Shreve
method (Figure 4.). The relationship was determined on the basis of the data of wadies Surdud
and Zabid and on that of the Hungarian river Zala, considered as analogous one. The relationship
is suitable for estimating the hydrological profile of annual runoff as well (Figure 5.). The
precipitation vs. runoff relationship is linear for precipitation lower than 500 mm. In this domain
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the runoff coefficient is constant and its value is 5%. The linear relationship in this domain is
supported by the Schreiber-Budiko (2) formula. The aridity coefficient a/P(a) of this formula
shows random variation and is not dependent on precipitation (Figure 6.). The average value of
the aridity index is 2.90 and the Schreiber-Budiko formula can be rewritten as shown in Eq.5.
The linear character of this equation is obvious. For the higher domain of precipitation data the
precipitation vs. runoff relationship is generally non-linear, as suggested by the data of the
relevant literature. The Schreiber-Budiko formula was used for describing this relationship. This
relationship was used for calculating runoff and evaporation, defined as the difference between
precipitation and runoff, for three values of the potential evaporation r/L(2,000, 2,500 and 3,000
mm). Figure 7 shows the distribution of precipitation among evaporation and runoff (the
structure of the water budget) for three selected values of the potential evaporation. The water
budget structure characteristic to Hungarian watersheds is also shown for two temperature values
(-6 and +10C). In Yemen the annual mean temperature is 20-25C in the areas with potential
evaporation of 2,000-3,000 mm. The non-linear Schreiber-Budiko formula substantial
underestimates the value of runoff in the precipitation range 0.00-500 mm, independently of the
selected r/L value. The precipitation-runoff relationship was finally accepted, after certain
speculative considerations, as shown in Figure 8. In the precipitation range lower than 550 mm
the linear relationship, as derived on the basis of measurement data, was accepted, while the
Schreiber-Budiko formula was used above 1000 mm precipitation, fixing the potential
evaporation value as 2,500 mm. In the precipitation domain of 550-1,000 mm the transitional
part of the curve between the linear and non-linear ranges was estimated by interpolation. The
precipitation-runoff relationship of Figure 8 was used for the construction of the map of annual
specific runoff (Figure 9.), making use of the map of mean annual precipitation. This runoff map
is most likely the first of its kind in Yemen. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0042-7616.
Nozaily, FA and Alaerts, G. 2002. Performance of Duckweed-Covered Sewage Lagoons in
Sanaa, Yemen, Depending on Sewage Strength. Aqua - J ournal of Water Supply: Research and
Technology. May. Volume 51, Issue 3, Pages 173-182. Descriptors: Algae; Aquatic macrophytes
(Lemnaceae); Biochemical oxygen demand; Chemical oxygen demand; Denitrification;
Duckweed; Effluents; Environmental conditions; Experimental Data; Growth; Growth Rates;
Growth rate; Harvesting; Lagooning; Lagoons; Limiting Factors; Load Distribution; Nitrogen
Removal; Nutrients; Performance Evaluation; Phytoplankton culture; Plant Growth; Plant
culture; Plants (see also Aquatic macrophytes); Ponds; Sewage; Sewage ponds; Temperature;
Temperature effects; Waste Load; Waste water; Wastes; Wastewater; Wastewater Lagoons;
Wastewater Treatment; Wastewater aquaculture; Water supplies; pH; pH effects; Article
Taxonomic Terms: Algae; Lemna gibba; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen; Yemen, Sanaa.
Notes: TR: CS0214155. Abstract: The performance of a duckweed (Lemna gibba) sewage
lagoon (DSL) was investigated in non-continuous batch system reactors using high strength
sewage under natural environmental conditions in Sanaa. Wastewater effluent from the
anaerobic ponds of the Sanaa waste stabilization ponds (WSPs) was used with dilution factors
(DF) of 0, 2, 3 and 4. The initial COD concentration range applied was 254-600 mg COD l
super(-1) (150-250 mg BOD l super(-1)) and NH super(+) sub(4) of 25-100 mg N l super(-1),
while the duckweed stock density used was 500 g wet weight m super(-2). The duration of the
experiments was 10 days with a harvesting frequency of 5 days. NH super(+) sub(4) in this very
concentrated Sanaa sewage was possibly the most important limiting factor for growth of L.
gibba. High pH near the end of the reaction time and lower temperatures at night-time probably
also contributed to slower growth. Relative growth rate (RGR) decreased from 0.17 plus or
Geology of Yemen
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minus 0.04 d super(-1) at an NH super(+) sub(4) concentration of 23-40 mg N l super(-1) to
around 0.00 d super(-1) at a concentration of 100 mg N l super(-1). Fresh wastewater helped to
grow duckweed, especially at NH super(+) sub(4) <50 mg N l super(-1), while after 5 days, algae
proliferation and probably the exhaustion of other essential nutrients started to inhibit duckweed
growth. COD removal correlated strongly with the applied initial surface loading. At a higher
initial COD loading (lambda sub(s)) of 869 kg COD ha super(-1), the removal loading ( lambda
sub(r)) was 710 kg COD ha super(-1) 10 day super(-1), while at a lower initial COD loading of
344 kg ha super(-1), the removal loading was 210 kg COD ha super(-1) 10 day super(-1).
Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 0003-7214.
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Oates, P. M. Great Britain and Land Resources Division. 1979. Yemen Arab Republic
Montane Plains and Wadi Rima (MPWR) Project: A Land and Water Resources Survey:
Socioeconomic Survey of Wadi Rima: Methods and Data. Surbiton: Ministry of Overseas
Development. Descriptors: Agricultural development projects -- Yemen (Republic); Government
publication. Abstract: Vol. 2 appendices. Other Titles: Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project.
Responsibility: P.M. Oates. OCLC Accession Number: 40239047.
2006. Obura, David. Impacts of the 26 December 2004 Tsunami in Eastern Africa.
Ocean Coast. Manage. Volume 49, Issue 11, Pages 873-888. Descriptors: Coastal oceanography;
Coastal zone management; Earthquakes; Fishing vessels; Ocean floor; Surges; Tsunamis;
Universal time; Warning systems; Wave amplitude; Article Geographic Terms: J apan, Honshu,
Chiba Prefect., Tateyama, Banda, Indonesia, Indonesia, Aceh, Thailand; Africa; India; Indian
Ocean; Indian Ocean, Maldives; Indian Ocean, Mauritius; Indian Ocean, Seychelles; Somalia;
Sri Lanka; Tanzania; Yemen, Socotra; Kenya; Marine. Notes: TR: CS0705283. Abstract: The
tsunami of 26 December 2004 was the largest ever recorded in the Indian Ocean, triggered by the
3rd largest earthquake in 100 years measuring 9.2 moment magnitude. The epicenter of the
earthquake was off Banda Aceh on the Indian Ocean coast of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia,
centered at 3.316 perpendicular , 95.854 eta. A sudden upward movement of the seafloor that
averaged 6 m occurred along almost 1300 km of the north-east Indian Ocean plate at 0059
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and lasted 8 min. Because of the lack of preparedness and
absence of warning systems in the Indian Ocean the tsunami spread silently across the ocean
over a span of 8 h causing massive destruction including the deaths of over 250,000 people, with
maximum damages occurring in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and the Maldives.
Moderate to low damages were recorded in the Seychelles, Socotra (Yemen) and Somalia,
though in the latter a highly vulnerable town was impacted resulting in over 300 deaths. Most of
eastern Africa was spared massive damages from the waves due to (a) distance from the
epicenter (>6000 km), (b) the dissipation of energy of the tsunami by shallow banks in the
middle of the Indian Ocean (the Seychelles banks, Saya de Malha and Cargados Carajos Shoals)
and (c) at least for Kenya and Tanzania, the first and largest waves hit at low tide. In Kenya and
Tanzania these factors resulted in the waves being experienced as tidal surges of 1-1.5 m
amplitude lasting 5-10 min. Damages recorded for eastern Africa include 11 deaths in Tanzania
and 1 in Kenya, of people walking and swimming over shallow intertidal flats being trapped by
the advancing and receding tidal surges, damage to boats anchored in shallow water and
inundation in Mauritius and Rodrigues. Official information, warning and response networks
were nonexistent, and even when an official response was generated in Kenya the public
demonstrated no faith or willingness to act on warnings from officials such as the police.
Importantly, information on the tsunami and the generation of an official response was
dependent on two technologies, satellite television and mobile telephony, and these should be
built into future warning systems as key mechanisms and backups to official information and
warning networks. Database: Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts. ISSN: 0964-5691.
Oches, Eric A. and McCorriston, J oy. 1999. Middle Holocene Sedimentation, Fires, and
Landscape Modification in Wadi Shumylya, Southern Yemen; Geological Society of America,
1999 Annual Meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. Geological
Society of America. Volume 31, Issue 7, Pages 253. Descriptors: absolute age; agriculture;
Arabian Peninsula; Arabian Sea; archaeology; artifacts; ash; Asia; C-14; carbon; Cenozoic;
charcoal; climate change; dams; dates; fires; fluvial features; geomorphology; Holocene; Indian
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Ocean; isotopes; landscapes; middle Holocene; moisture; monsoons; outcrops; paleoclimatology;
processes; Quaternary; radioactive isotopes; sedimentation; sediments; species diversity;
technology; vegetation; Wadi Shumylya; wadis; Yemen. Abstract: The geomorphic response to
changing mid-Holocene (ca. 7,000-4,000 years B.P.) climate appears to have had a dramatic
influence on emerging agricultural technologies and human societies in the southern Arabian
peninsula. As the Arabian Sea monsoon system progressively weakened during that period, less
moisture penetrated into the Arabian interior, resulting in desertification of the landscape and a
decline in vegetation abundance and diversity in southern Yemen. That occurred at a time when
previously hospitable, though marginal, climatic conditions allowed for the development of
irrigation technologies which supported the cultural shift from foraging to agrarian societies.
Geoarchaeological research investigating the timing and magnitude of the climatic shift and its
impact on surficial processes in the region has yielded abundant evidence for agricultural activity
and natural and human-induced landscape modification near the mouth of Wadi Shumylya, a
small drainage into one of the southern tributaries to the extensive Wadi Hadramout of southern
Yemen. Within the four meter thickness of sediments filling the formerly broad wadi channel, as
many as four burned layers have been identified and correlated across discontinuous outcrops
through visual description and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Burned horizons
comprised of ash, charcoal, and baked sediment are traceable to numerous discrete hearths
scattered laterally across more than 100 meters of sediment exposure created by downcutting of
the active wadi channel. Charcoal samples collected from the hearths and burned layers have
been radiocarbon dated from about 6,100-5,700 yr B.P. (uncalibrated). On the surface
stratigraphically above the burned layers, a rock structure tentatively identified as a water control
check dam is interpreted to have been constructed in order to trap silt and create a surface for
cultivation. Lithic artifacts collected from that surface suggest an age of as much as 5,000 years
old. Overall, dated materials suggest that aggradation of sediment within the wadi channel,
possibly associated with agricultural activity during a period of enhanced moisture, occurred
prior to the time of the monsoon decline, and downcutting has been the dominant process since
about 5,000 years ago. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7592.
Oches, Eric A., McCorriston, J oy, Harrower, Michael and DeVogel, Stephen. 2001.
Middle Holocene Human-Environment Interactions in Southern Arabia; Geological Society of
America, 2001 Annual Meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America.
Geological Society of America. Volume 33, Issue 6, Pages 295. Descriptors: agriculture; Arabian
Peninsula; archaeology; arid environment; Asia; Cenozoic; channels; fluvial features; Holocene;
human activity; land management; middle Holocene; monsoons; paleoclimatology;
paleoecology; paleoenvironment; paleohydrology; Quaternary; terrestrial environment;
vegetation; Wadi Idim; Wadi Sana; wadis; water management; Yemen. Abstract: Changing
middle-Holocene climatic patterns in southern Arabia forced people in the early stages of
developing agricultural subsistence economies to adapt cultivation technologies and water
management practices to an increasingly arid landscape. RASA (Roots of Agriculture in
Southern Arabia) Project fieldwork has provided significant data toward understanding the
human-environmental interactions in the remote highlands of southern Yemen during the early
Holocene moist phase (ca. 10,000-6,000 years ago), characterized by larger population and land
management under wetter climate and denser vegetation than today. This period of enhanced
activity was followed by settlement abandonment in the increasingly arid mid-late Holocene. A
chronology of paleoenvironments and human activities has been constructed in Wadi Sana and
Wadi Idim in the highlands of southern Yemen. Surface scatters of 9000-year-old lithic artifacts
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signal the arrival of people into the Wadi Sana region. A younger lithic assemblage associated
with cattle bones and caprine dung was recovered from numerous hearths dated between 7400-
5800 14C yr BP. During that time people occupied four large rock shelters adjacent to Wadi
Sana. Subsequent people left remains of pit houses, which were abandoned by 5600 14C yr BP,
and water management structures built during the middle Holocene phase of enhanced
monsoonal precipitation. Preliminary dating of fossil spring deposits in Wadi Idim, ca. 50 km
west of Wadi Sana, suggests that there was a gradual southward drying of springs and associated
marsh-lacustrine environment beginning as early as 7700 14C yr B.P. However, remnants of that
system remain today in the oasis village of Saa, which may have served as a refugium when
much of the region became too arid to support agriculture. Overall, dated materials suggest that
aggradation of sediment within the Wadi Sana channel, possibly associated with agricultural
activity during a time of enhanced moisture, occurred prior to the middle Holocene monsoon
decline, and fluvial incision and sediment erosion have dominated since about 4600 14C yr BP.
With additional field sampling and paleohydrologic reconstruction, we hope to document the
timing and nature of the transition from the previous monsoonal climate to the present hyper-arid
environment. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7592.
Office of the Chief of Engineers (Army) Washington D C. 1958. Department of the
Army Middle East Airfield Study (MEAFS). Volume I. J ul. Page(s): 69. Abstract: This special
study summarizes information on airfields of the Middle East. Countries covered are Turkey,
Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, J ordan, Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen, Cyprus and the
various skeikdoms of the Arabian Peninsula. A total of 378 airfields with runway lengths 2,000
feet and over have been included. Abstract Classification: Unclassified. Notes: Distribution
Statement: Availability: Document partially illegible. DTIC Accession Number: AD0389669.
Orihashi, Yuji, Al-J ailani, Ashraf and Nagao, Keisuke. 1998. Dispersion of the Afar
Plume: Implications from the Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Late Miocene to Recent
Volcanics, Southwestern Arabian Peninsula. Gondwana Research. 1. Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages
221-234. Descriptors: Afar mantle plume; K-Ar age; volcanic shift; Yemen; southwestern
Arabian Peninsula. Abstract: Forty-three new K-Ar dates from the Yemen inland volcanic fields
(Amran-Sanaa, Dhamar-Rada, and Marib-Sirwah field) in the southwestern Arabian Peninsula
reveal a progression that can be divided into four stages: Stage 1: 6.4-5.2 Ma, Stage 2: 3.6-2.9
Ma, Stage 3: 2.2-1.7 Ma and Stage 4: <1.3 Ma. It is clear from the data that the volcanic activity
shifted northeastward, overlapping partly during Quaternary time. A similar shift has been
recognized along the Aden Volcanic Line from Perim Island to the Aden volcanic field (10-5
Ma) [Mallick et al., 1990]. This study shows that the northeastward or eastward shift for the late
Miocene to recent volcanic activity on southwestern Arabian Peninsula is about 3-5 cm/year
(average: 4.1 cm/year). The rate of shift may reflect the rate of dispersion of an Afar plume head
which impinged at 15 Ma on the base of the Arabian plate. We refine and further develop the
Afar plume dispersion model proposed by Schilling et al. [1992]; we consider that two Afar
plumes impinged on Afar province at 38 Ma and 15 Ma and that they are continuing to disperse
under the Arabian lithosphere. The refined dispersion model we propose is consistent with the
known geochemical and mantle tomographical features in the Afar-Arabian province and with
the spatiotemporal distribution of late Miocene to recent volcanics in the southwestern Arabian
Peninsula. ISSN: 1342-937X.
Oriol, Ramon A. Arnone, Robert A. and Naval Ocean Research and Development
Activity, Stennis Space Center, MS. 1990. Seasonal Optical Properties Derived from Coastal
Zone Color Scanner Satellite Data Along the Somali Coast and the Gulf of Aden. Ft. Belvoir:
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Defense Technical Information Center. Page(s): 39. Descriptors: Physical and dynamic
oceanography; Scientific satellites; Bathymetry; Colors; Measurement; Optical properties;
Optics; Ships; Coastal regions; Air pollution; Water; Airborne; Wind; Accuracy; Variations;
Seasonal variations; Surface properties; Surveys; Coefficients; Planning; Signals; Images;
Surface waters; Visibility; Attenuation; Somalia; Diffusion; Oceans; Channels; Upwelling;
Monsoons; Scanners; Digital systems; Aden gulf; Data bases; Image processing; PE63704N;
WUDN258031; CZCS (Coastal Zone Color Scanners); NIMBUS-7 Satellite. Abstract: Optical
water properties of the worlds oceans can be obtained from data collected with Coastal Zone
Color Scanner (CZCS) aboard Nimbus-7. Our understanding of the spatial and temporal
variability of surface optical properties is greatly improved from synoptic images from visible
channel satellites. Current satellite data processing techniques can eliminate the atmospheric
contamination that contributes 90% of the visible channel signal. The remaining signal, which
constitutes the ocean color, is directly related to the diffuse attenuation coefficient (K) at 490
nanometers for the upper surface waters. Calculation and geographic registration of K can be
performed on each sqm image-pixel of the CZCS data, and results show that the accuracy is
within 92% of ship measurements. Regional costal optical atlases are required for planning
bathymetric surveys using the Airborne Bathymetric System, CZCS data provide a method of
deriving temporal and spatial variability of costal optical properties in regions where limited ship
measurements are available. This report presents a demonstration of the capability of a regional
optics data base generated using CZCS data. A series of CZCS images of the eastern Somali cost
and the Gulf of Aden has been processed for the diffuse attenuation coefficient and have been
used to define a regional optical database. This data base exists digital image form and clearly
defines optical variability in response to continental winds, monsoon wind, and coastal
upwelling. Keywords: Ocean color, Ocean optics, Satellites, Multispectral, Image processing.
Notes: Note(s): Final rept. Report: NORDA-244; General Info: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC
RELEASE. OCLC Accession Number: 227760999.
Othman, S.A. 2007. Adapting to water scarcity for Yemens vulnerable communities: the
case study of Aden City; Sanaa City; Sadah Basin. The Netherlands Climate Assistance
Programme (NCAP) and the Water and Environment Center- Sanaa Universtity. URL:
Outbreak of Rift Valley Fever--Yemen, August-October 2000. 2000. MMWR:
Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC): 12.
Volume 49, Issue 47, Pages 1065. Descriptors: Epidemics; Rift Valley fever; Yemen (Republic).
Abstract: Reports on the outbreak of disease compatible with Rift Valley fever in El Zuhrah
district of Hodeidah governorate in Yemen from August to October 2000. Response of the
countrys Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and Ministry of Health to the outbreak; Results
of investigations done on the disease in humans and animals. ISSN: 0149-2195.
Overstreet, W. C. Kiilsgaard, T. H. Grolier M. J ., et al. 1985. Contributions to the
Geochemistry, Economic Geology, and Geochronology of the Yemen Arab Republic. Reston,
VA: USGS. Open-File Report. Volume: 85-755, Notes: vi, 115 p.:ill., maps; 28 cm. USGS
Publications Warehouse. URL:
Overstreet, William C. Donato, M. M. Grolier, M. J . Domenico, J . A. Crenshaw, G. L.
and Tibbitts, G. C. 1979. Petrographic and Trace-Element Data on Rocks from the Yemen Arab
Republic. USGS Open-File Report 80-132. Volume: 80-132, Notes: iv, 68 p. map; 28 cm.
USGS Library: (200) R29o no.80-132.
Geology of Yemen
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Overstreet, William C. Detra, David E. Botinelly, Theodore, et al. 1988. Mineral
Resources of the Al-J ubah Quadrangle, Yemen Arab Republic. United States: Am. Found.
Study Man, Washington, DC, United States. Volume: 4, Wadi al-J ubah archaeological project, v.
4.Descriptors: agriculture; Al-J ubah Quadrangle; Arabian Peninsula; archaeology; artifacts;
Asia; chemically precipitated rocks; construction materials; economic geology; evaporites;
glasses; igneous rocks; metal ores; metamorphic rocks; metasomatic rocks; mineral resources;
obsidian; quarries; refractory materials; salt; sedimentary rocks; soapstone; steatite; trace
elements; volcanic rocks; water resources; Yemen. Notes: Non-USGS publications with USGS
authors; illus. incl. 10 tables, sketch map. OCLC: 19254382.
Overstreet, William C. Grolier, Maurice J . Grolier, Maurice J . and Brinkmann, Robert.
1997. Summary of Environmental Background for the Human Occupation of the Al-J adidah
Basin in Wadi Al-J ubah, Yemen Arab Republic. United States: American Foundation for the
Study of Man, Washington, DC, United States. Volume: 5, Descriptors: absolute age;
agriculture; Arabian Peninsula; archaeological sites; archaeology; artifacts; Asia; C-14; carbon;
Cenozoic; dates; ecology; ecosystems; granulometry; Holocene; human activity; human ecology;
irrigation; isotopes; land use; Mollisols; pedogenesis; Quaternary; radioactive isotopes; soils;
Wadi al-J ubah; water use; Yemen. Notes: illus. incl. 11 tables, geol. sketch map. ISBN:
0614017521. Database: GeoRef.
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Pacey, A. and Cullis, A. 1986. Farming with Run-Off: A Weapon against Drought?
Waterlines. Volume: 4, no. 4, page(s): 2-4. Abstract: Methods of collecting rainwater before it
evaporated for use in agriculture are described with a discussion of potential in areas in Africa
and the Middle East. There had been limited experience of this practice except in the African
Sahel, Negev desert in Israel, and India. An average annual rainfall of 300 mm (at best 500-600
mm), the right balance of rainfall and evaporation during the growth season as more water was
necessary in the summer, and several storms at regular intervals during the 100 day growing
season were prerequisites. In Sudan, high bunds had been built along the contours of the plains to
the east of the Nile river to store water to inundate the soil before quick maturing millet was
planted. Floodwater from mountain flows was successfully harvested in Yemen then diverted by
dams or barrages and canals to large land areas, where crops were planted 10-15 days later. Data
and information on rainfall and runoff volumes were vital and contour bunds and spillways
should be designed on the basis of conventional engineering experience. ISSN: 0262-8104.
Database: Technology Research Database.
Paget, Lt Col J . T. 1966. Emergency in Aden. British Army Review. April 1966. Issue
No 22., Pages 14-21. ISSN: 0952-4134.
Papakos, Tatiana H. and Root, Kristi. 2010. Hydraulic Modeling of Flash Floods in
Sanaa. ASCE. ASCE Conf. Proc.Volume: 371, 41114, page(s): 161. Conference: May 16, 2010.
Descriptors: Hydraulic models; Flash floods; Middle East. Abstract: Flash floods, the most
common type of flooding in Yemen, have killed many people in Sana'a (the capital of Yemen) in
the past decade. A natural disaster risk evaluation, funded by the World Bank, Global Facility for
Disaster Reduction and Reconstruction was conducted in Sana'a to identify the main sources of
losses from natural disasters such as floods and landslides and to develop an analysis of flood
risk exposure and financial response capacity for the city. Climate change and the rapid urban
development of Sana'a has led to an increase in flood hazards for two main reasons, changes in
land use, and the increased presence of people and buildings in flood prone areas. The major
stormwater channel in Sana'a, which runs through the middle of the city and next to the old
historic city, also serves as a major transportation route. When a flash flood occurs, the
stormwater channel is suddenly flooded causing vehicles to be trapped and sometimes swept
away, putting lives at risk. No mechanism is currently in place to prevent vehicles or people from
using the channel during extreme flood events. Comprehensive hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling of the Sana'a Basin was conducted to support a flood hazard analysis that quantifies the
extent and depth of flooding throughout the flood prone areas for a range of flood frequency
events. The hydraulic analysis was performed to create water surface profiles and develop
floodplains for extreme events within the city of Sana'a. HEC-RAS was used to model the
hydraulic response of the stream network to frequency flows. The HEC-GeoRAS tool was used
to expedite parameter input and mapping processes. Significant challenges were addressed
during the modeling process due to the lack of accurate digital elevation data, few historical
flood data, and major changes in the land use from rapid urbanization. The floodplains were
mapped along the major stormwater channel identifying the flood hazard areas in Sana'a during
extreme events. This information will be used to calculate infrastructure and economic losses,
identify mitigation projects and develop a flood warning system for flash floods in Sana'a. URL:
Paris, F. J . H. and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1963.
Report to the Government of Aden on Recommendations Concerning the Organization of a Well
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 246
Drilling Program to Develop the Underground Water Resources of the Federation of South
Arabia and the Eastern Aden Protectorate. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations. Page(s): 46. Report Number: LA-EPTA 1768. Descriptors: Groundwater --
Aden (Protectorate); Groundwater -- Federation of South Arabia; Water resources development -
- Federation of South; Arabia; Water resources development -- Aden (Protectorate); Government
publication; International; government publication. Notes: ill. 28 cm. Other Titles:
Recommendations concerning the organization of a well drilling program to develop the
underground water resources of the Federation of South Arabia and the Eastern Aden
Protectorate; Responsibility: by F.J .H. Paris. OCLC Accession Number: 32799803. FAO Library
Accession Number: 051768.
Parlow, Thilo and Langbein, Rolf. 1998. Mikrofazies und Geochemie Eines
Oberkretazisch-Alttertiaeren Kalksteinprofiles Im Wadi Mashib (J emen). Beitraege Zur
Geologie Des Suedlichen J emen. Geology of Southern Yemen. Zeitschrift Fuer Geologische
Wissenschaften. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of
Germany. Volume 26, Issue 5-6, Pages 637-647. Descriptors: alkaline earth metals; anaerobic
environment; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; carbonate rocks; Cenozoic; chemical analysis;
Cretaceous; cross sections; dolostone; Eocene; iron; lagoonal environment; limestone; lower
Eocene; Maestrichtian; magnesium; manganese; marine sedimentation; Mesozoic; metals;
micrite; microfacies; Paleocene; Paleogene; sedimentary rocks; sedimentation; Senonian;
shallow-water environment; strontium; Tertiary; Upper Cretaceous; wackestone; Yemen;
Ypresian. References: 14; sect. Database: GeoRef in Process. ISSN: 0303-4534.
Paustian, D., and N. Heinen. 1982. "The Production of Drinking Water by Reverse
Osmosis Desalination. Applications in the Yemen and Saudi Arabia." LEau, lIndustrie, les
Nuisances.70 (1982): 71-3. Abstract: A desalination system, based on reverse osmosis, for
drinking water production, is described. The system comprises a multi-media filtration unit, a
chlorination/dechlorination unit, a safety filter, a heat exchanger, a UV disinfection unit , a
modular reverse osmosis unit and a pH adjustment unit . A by-pass is provided for mixing
filtered water with the permeate from the reverse osmosis unit if necessary. The system is
marketed as a packaged unit complete with a compressor and has been used successfully in the
Middle East. ISSN: 0755-5016.
Peace Corps Water/Sanitation Case Studies and Analyses. 1984. Performer: Peace Corps,
Washington, DC. Information Collection and Exchange. Creative Associates, Inc., Washington,
DC. 1984. 365 pages. Report: PC/ICE/CS-4. Abstract: The report provides an in-depth overview
and analysis of Peace Corps water and sanitation projects from 1970 to 1984. It gives case
studies of projects in Thailand, Yemen, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, and Togo. Identifies factors that
contributed to success or failure of projects. The report concludes with analysis and
programming guidelines for successful projects in a variety of environments and cultures. NTIS
Database (National Technical Information Service). OCLC: 425533124. URL:
Peli, Audrey. 2006. Les mines de la pninsule Arabique daprs les auteurs arabes
sicles). Chroniques ymnites [En ligne], 13. 2006, mis en ligne le 08 octobre
2007, Consult le 11 octobre 2011. Abstract: A la priode islamique, les principales ressources
minires taient situes en Iran oriental, en Afghanistan, en Espagne et au Maghreb. Cependant,
la lecture des textes gographiques arabes et les recherches archologiques prouvent que la
pninsule Arabique nen tait pas dpourvue. Ainsi, le Hijz, riche en gisements aurifres, a-t-il
vraisemblablement contribu la frappe de dnrs. En outre, le Ymen apparat comme le plus
Geology of Yemen
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diversement pourvu alors quen Oman tait majoritairement exploit du cuivre. Par ailleurs,
plusieurs tapes sur les principales routes sillonnant la pninsule ont t tablies aux abords de
sites miniers. (In the Islamic period, the main mineral resources were located in eastern Iran,
Afghanistan, Spain and North Africa. However, the reading of Arabic geographical texts and
archaeological evidence that the Arabian Peninsula was not free. Thus, the Hijaz, rich in gold
deposits, he has likely contributed to the striking of dinars. In addition, Yemen appears to be the
most diversely equipped while in Oman was mainly used for copper. In addition, several steps on
the main roads crisscrossing the peninsula have been established in the vicinity of mining sites.)
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen. 1985. Popul. Policy Compend. Pages 1-8.
Abstract: The population of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen grew from 992,000 in
1950 to 1.7 million in 1975, and the total fertility rate has remained relatively constant at 7 since
1950. The Government has not adopted a population policy per se, but has included sectoral
policies that have implications for the size, growth, composition, and distribution of the
population. The Government maintains that population issues should be viewed comprehensively
within the framework of economic and social development. Measures to achieve economic
growth, combined with the expansion of health, education, cultural, and social services, as well
as the eradication of illiteracy and the emancipation of women, are expected to have a major
impact on the societys demographic structure. The Governments main concern with regard to
population growth is a reduction in morbidity and mortality. The rate of growth is projected to
increase from 2.7% in 1980-85 to 2.9 in the year 2000, at which point it should begin to decline.
The crude death rate is presently 18.8/1000 and is expected to drop to 13.1/1000 by 2000. Infant
mortality stood at 138/1000 in 1980-85. Morbidity and mortality are unacceptably high among
infants, children, nomads, and rural residents. Priorities for the health sector include the
development and expansion of health services, intensive preventive health care for mothers and
children, development of a safe drinking water system, nutrition and health education campaigns,
and training of health personnel. Measures that are expected to decrease fertility include family
planning education, an expansion of facilities to rural areas, and improvements in the status of
women. Family planning services are freely available from maternal and child health centers,
mainly in urban areas. A mass literacy campaign seeks to increase the female literacy rate to
90%, and womens participation in wage labor is being encouraged. A further goal of population
policy is to modify spatial distribution through rural development and agriculture
collectivization. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0259-6369.
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen; UNDP and FAO. 1990. Flood Control of Wadi
Bana and Wadi Hassan: Democratic Yemen: Project Findings and Recommendations. Rome:
UNDP: FAO. Page(s): 45. Descriptors: Project Activities; Flood Control; Water Resources;
Groundwater; Hydrological Research; Water Management; Floodplain Management; Hydraulic
Engineering; Irrigation; Technical Training; Democratic Yemen; Data Collection; Costs;
Statistical Data; Project Management; UNDP -- Programme management; Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: vii; chart, graphs, maps, tables.
Note(s): Prepared for the Government of Democratic Yemen by FAO, acting as executing
agency for UNDP. AG:DP/PDY/84/001. Terminal report. Material type: Development projects.
Material type: Govt. documents/publications. Material type: Specialized agencies (incl. GATT
and IAEA) material. OCLC Accession Number: 80780239.
Persike, Michael and Albert, Andreas. 1988. Use of Loam for the Construction of
Dwelling Houses in the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen; Anwendung Der
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Lehmbauweise Im Wohnungsbau Der VDR J emen. Bauzeitung Berlin. Volume 42, Issue 12,
Pages 559-561. Descriptors: Building Materials; Clay--Applications; Construction Industry--
Developing Countries; Houses--Construction; Housing--Construction; Masonry Materials--
Developing Countries. Abstract: The principal characteristics of the traditional loam construction
methods used in Yemen are described and some aspects are considered for further development.
Small amounts of chaff and chopped straw, as well as water, are added to the loam, this mass is
mixed, molded into bricks and dried in the sun. Foundations are built from natural stones and
bound with cement mortar, the remaining masonry is built from air-dried loam bricks. ISSN:
Peters, Hartmut and J ohns, William E. 2006. Bottom Layer Turbulence in the Red Sea
Outflow Plume. J . Phys. Oceanogr. American Meteorological Society: 09/01; 2011/04. Volume
36, Issue 9, Pages 1763-1785. Abstract: Turbulence in the Red Sea outflow plume in the western
Gulf of Aden was observed with an upward-looking, five-beam, 600-kHz acoustic Doppler
current profiler (ADCP). The Bottom Lander ADCP was deployed on the seafloor in two
narrow, topographically confined outflow channels south of Bab el Mandeb for periods of 1840
h at three locations at 376-, 496-, and 772-m depths. Two deployments were taken during the
winter season of maximum outflow from the Red Sea and two in the summer season of minimum
outflow. These short-term observations exhibit red velocity spectra with high-frequency
fluctuations of typically a few centimeters per second RMS velocity during strong plume flow as
well as strong subtidal variations. In one winter season event, the plume flow was reduced by a
factor of 4 over an 18-h time span. In variance-preserving form, velocity spectra show a
separation at frequencies of 0.33 cycles per hour between low-frequency and high-frequency
signals. The latter show significant coherence between horizontal and vertical velocity
components; hence they carried turbulent stress. Based on a comparison with velocity spectra
from atmospheric mixed-layer observations, the authors argue that large variance at frequencies
of the order of 1 cph was possibly associated with bottom-generated, upward-propagating
internal waves. One coherent feature that matched such waves was observed directly. Higher
frequencies correspond to turbulent motions of energy-carrying scales. The turbulent Reynolds
stress at heights above the bottom between 4 and 3040 m was computed for most of the ADCP
observations. Near the bottom, the streamwise turbulent stress and the streamwise velocity
followed a quadratic drag law with drag coefficients ranging from 0.002 to 0.008. There was also
significant spanwise stress, hinting at the three-dimensional nature of the boundary layer flow.
The timeheight variations of the stress and its spectrum proved to be complex, one of its most
striking features being angles of up to 40 between the direction of the stress and that of the
low-frequency flow. The turbulent shear production and eddy viscosity were also examined. On
the technical side, the paper discusses the role of the fifth, center-beam velocity measurements in
correcting for instrument tilt along with the effect of beam spreading in the 30 J anus
configuration of the regular four ADCP beams. Instrumental noise and detection limits for the
stress are also established. ISSN: 0022-3670. URL: PO2939.1.
Peyre, MT and Caulet, J P. 2000. Paleoproductivity Changes in the Upwelling System of
Socotra (Somali Basin, NW Indian Ocean) during the Last 72,000years: Evidence from
Biological Signatures. Mar. Micropaleontol. Elsevier: 10 Oct. Volume 40, Issue 3, Pages 321-
344. Descriptors: Biogeochemical cycle; Energy flow; Gyres; Palaeo studies; Primary
production; Upwelling; Article Taxonomic Terms: Globigerina bulloides; Globigerina
falconensis; Globigerinita glutinata; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen, Socotra; Marine. Notes:
TR: CS0105642. Abstract: High resolution analyses of foraminiferal and radiolarian assemblages
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were performed on core MD 85682 (10 degree 535N-52 degree 23E, 3092 m depth, 7.23 m
length), located close to the Socotra Island, beneath the 10 degree N gyre of the upwelling area
of the Somali Basin (NW Indian Ocean), in order to reconstruct the paleoproductivity changes
during the last 72 kyr. Correspondence and cluster analyses of combined planktonic
foraminiferal and radiolarian quantitative data show that the distribution pattern of the
microfauna is partly controlled by temperature and hydrographic structures and their
interrelations on water mass fertility. The continuous occurrence of high abundances of
foraminiferal species well known in fertile areas such as Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerina
bulloides and Globigerina falconensis, as well as radiolarian species characteristic of upwelling
systems, testifies to a sustained activity of the upwelling during the last 72 kyr. Downcore
evolution of these biological proxies suggests an increase in paleoproductivity during isotope
stages 1 and 3, which reflects a stronger upwelling activity during these periods. These
observations are in agreement with the results previously obtained by geochemical markers such
as biogenic barium, phosphorus, organic matter, and also trace elements related to the organic
matter and indicators of redox conditions (vanadium). Samples from isotope stage 2 record a
more complex biological and geochemical signature, resulting from increased terrigenous input.
Comparison between the biological signatures obtained both under the Socotra (10 degree N)
and Somali (5 degree N) upwelling areas indicates higher productivity throughout the last 72 kyr
record of the Socotra upwelling system. In both areas, a similar evolution of biological proxies
indicative of high fertility is observed during isotope stages 1 and 3. However, minor differences
in the biological and geochemical signatures are related to local conditions prevailing beneath
the two gyres. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 0377-8398.
Pietsch, D., and B. Lucke. 2008. "Soil Substrate Classification and the FAO and World
Reference Base Systems: Examples from Yemen and J ordan". European Journal of Soil Science.
59, no. 4: pages 824-834. ISSN: 1351-0754. OCLC: 438286241.
Pietsch, D. Structure- and Process-Related Indicators for Dry Tropical Soil Development,
Socotra Island (Yemen). Descriptors: Calcification; Climatic changes; Degradation; Global
warming; Greenhouse effect; Islands; Land use; Mapping; Resource management; Soil; Soil
erosion; Soils; Stratigraphy; Tropical environment; Tropical environments; Water motion; Water
wells; overgrazing; soil degradation; thinning; vegetation cover; Article Taxonomic Terms:
Socotra; Article Geographic Terms: Arabian Sea; Yemen, Socotra. Abstract: Dry Tropical
regions are pre-eminently suitable for the study of the polygenesis and degradation of layered
soils, even more so if the land surface is concurrently influenced by a monsoonal climate. High
rates of substrate relocation and an increasing aridity, as well as unsustainable land use practices
like felling and overgrazing, cause the thinning of the vegetation cover and produce an ascendant
water movement. Results are e.g. soil erosion and secondary calcification, leaving behind diverse
patterns of regolith and soils. Both soil development and soil heterogeneity can be recorded
using indicators of processes and structures. One example of a high soil variety concerning the
polygenesis and degradation of layered soils occurs on the Island of Socotra, situated in the
Arabian Sea. Investigation of soils in different relief positions, existing under different land use
practices, showed not only various features of soil formation, but also distinct patterns of soil
heterogeneity. In small areas of a few square kilometers non-calcareous regolith is distributed
beside Haplic Cambisols, Calcic Cambisols and Hypercalcic Calcisols, and calcretes. Even at
single locations different soil stratigraphies occur. The present structural indicators of soil
heterogeneity (as rubefication patterns) are so far exclusively valid for Socotra. Process-related
indicators for soil development (as secondary calcification) are, however, valid for the whole dry
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Tropics, which emphasises the supra-regional significance of the approach to identify the
layered, polyge-netic and degraded soils in the context of global warming. The presentation
introduces the first soil data for Socotra, and is to be regarded as a first step in examining the
recent soil development on this dry tropical island. The present approach considers that the soil
degradation processes are not isolated phenomena, but are to be regarded as inevitable and
important soil forming processes. The characterisation of the soils and their distribution is based
on macro- and micro-morphological results as well as on lab and mapping data, from which
structural and process-related indicators can be deduced. ISSN: 1029-7006. Database: ASFA:
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts.
Pietsch, Dana, Khn, Peter, Scholten, Thomas, Brunner, Ueli, Hitgen, Holger and
Gerlach, Iris. 2010. Holocene Soils and Sediments Around Marib Oasis, Yemen: Further
Sabaean Treasures? Holocene. Sage Publications, Ltd: 08. Volume 20, Issue 5, Pages 785-799.
Descriptors: Soils -- Analysis; Volcanic ash, tuff, etc; Phosphates; Phytoliths; Data analysis;
Pleistocene-Holocene boundary; Yemen (Republic); archaeopedology; Holocene palaeosols;
Sabaean culture; Yemen. Abstract: The ancient cultures of Southern Arabia are increasingly
recognised as playing as major a role in the heritage of mankind as the early cultures of Egypt,
Mesopotamia or the Indus Valley. The beginning of the widely known Sabaean culture dates
back to the end of the second millennium BC. Whereas, undoubtedly, its wealth came mainly
from the trade along the Incense Road, the backbone of its economy was irrigated agriculture.
Since agriculture is based on soil and water resources and, hence, land availability, the buried
soils and sediments of the area surrounding the Marib Oasis have been investigated, both as an
archive of Holocene soil development in Pre-Sabaean times and as natural treasures, as, for
example, ores or alabaster are defined. The natural buried Holocene soils around Marib are rich
in phosphate, organic material and volcanic ashes. In a few places they demonstrate cultivation
before the Great Dam of Marib was built in the first millennium BC. Most important are those
soils that formed during the Neolithic between 8000 and 3000 BC, a time before the permanent
settlement of humans in the Bronze Age, and before the arrival of those of the early Sabaean
period at the Ar-Rub Al-Khali desert margin. Since the area surrounding the oasis shows a huge
variety of landscapes, such as dune belts, volcanic fields with archaeological structures and
different soils, it is worth accentuating the significance of Holocene soils as an important record
or archive of land use. As well as classical soil analysis, AMS-14C-datings, the results of
phytolith analysis and geochemistry, including XRF data, have been taken into consideration.
ISSN: 0959-6836.
Pietsch D., and Kuhn P. 2009. "Soil Developmental Stages of Layered Cambisols and
Calcisols on Socotra Island, Yemen". Soil Science. 174, no. 5: 292-302. ISSN: 0038-075X.
OCLC: 428497714.
Pillsbury, B. Yacoob, M. and Bourne, P. 1988. What Makes Hygiene Education
Successful: Experience from Togo, Sri Lanka, and Yemen and its Relevance for Project Design.
Performer: Water and Sanitation for Health Project, Arlington, VA. Sponsor: Agency for
International Development, Washington, DC. Office of Health. Sep 1988. 65p. Report:
WASH/TR-55, WASH /ACTIVITY-369; AIDPN-ABB-002. Abstract: Supplying clean drinking
water, increased amounts of water, and better methods of excreta disposal does not automatically
reduce disease or improve health. Hygiene education is, therefore, now recognized as an
essential part of water supply and sanitation projects. Hygiene education is an indispensable part
of such projects and ensures improved health and sustainability of the system after donor
assistance is withdrawn. Hygiene education informs community members about how to use
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water in a more health-promoting, disease-preventing way. It includes instruction in all aspects
of water collection, storage, use, and disposal; the use of clean water for feeding infants and
general food preparation; desired bathing practices for all ages; and domestic cleanliness. The
report provides guidance for project designers and implementers as well as for policy- and
decision-makers in water supply and sanitation projects which should lead to both improved
health and sustainable projects. Several such projects have had effective hygiene education
components. These projects have been analyzed and the lessons learned presented in the report.
Database: NTIS Database (National Technical Information Service). OCLC: 31792932.
Pirenne, J acqueline. 1977. La Maitrise De lEau En Arabie Du Sud Antique Six Types
De Monuments Techniques. Paris: Imprimerie nationale: C. Klincksieck. Mmoires de
l'Acadmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. nouvelle srie, 2. Descriptors: Water-supply --
Arabia, Southern -- History; Gnie hydraulique -- Arabie (sud) -- Histoire; Gnie hydraulique --
Ymen -- Histoire; Ymen -- Antiquits; Arabia, Southern -- Antiquities; Hydraulique; Arabie
du sud ancienne. Notes: 1 vol. (237 p.-27 p. de planches): fig. 28 cm. Note(s): En tte du titre:
Institut de France. Notes bibliogr. Index. Responsibility: par J acqueline Pirenne. LCCN: 78-
392836. OCLC Accession Number: 489990105.
Planck, Ulrich. 1987. Issues of Water in Agrarian Reform Legislation of the Near East.
Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives. Issue 1/2, Pages 58-82. Descriptors: Law --
Middle East; Agrarian Reform; Water Rights; Afghanistan; Egypt; Algeria; Iraq; Iran (Islamic
Republic of); Yemen; Morocco; Syrian Arab Republic; Tunisia; Turkey. Abstract: Examines the
importance of water for agriculture in the Near East and the concept of agrarian reform. Reviews
water rights in Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.
Comments on reasons for neglecting water rights and linkages between water rights and land
ownership. Notes: 30 cm. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references. General Info: IN: Land
reform, land settlement and cooperatives. No. 1/2 (1987), p. 58-82. Responsibility: by Ulrich
Planck. OCLC: 1785568.
Pollastro, R.M.; Karshbaum, A.S.; Viger, R/J . 1998. Maps showing geology, oil, and gas
fields and geologic provinces of the Arabian Peninsula. U.S. Dept. of the Interior- Geological
Survey- Open File Report 97-470B. URL:
Popov, G and W. Zeller. 1963. Ecological survey - Mission to the Arabian Peninsula,
J an-Oct 1962. Prospection ecologique - Mission dans la Peninsule arabique, J an-Oct 1962. FAO
1963 - UNDP/SF Desert Locust Project - Progress Report no Unsf/Dl/Es/6 - 94 p., 4 tab., 8
maps, 46 phot., 12 ref. Languages:English, French. Keywords: Insect Control; Acrididae;
Ecology; Physiography; Climate; Vegetation; Animal Breeding; Soil Types; Democratic Yemen;
Yemen; Saudi Arabia; Middle East. UNDP SF PROJ ECT. Report Number: PL-
UNSF/DL/ES/6. FAO Library Accession Number: 057699.
Popov, Y. M. and Zhumanov, S. B. 1992. Alluvial-Desert Soils of the South Yemen as
an Object of Irrigation. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn - Akademiya Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR.
Volume 4, Pages 13-19. Abstract: Conditions of desert-tropical pedogenesis, agrochemical and
water-physical properties of alluvial soils have been described. Meliorative aspects of their
reclamation, irrigation and exploitation have been shown from the example of Ahwar Wadi
delta. -English summary. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0006-3207.
Potts, Daniel T. 2008. Asia, West Arabian Peninsula. New York: Academic Press.
Page(s): 827-834. Descriptors: Arabia archaeology; Bahrain; Kuwait; Oman; Prehistory; South
Arabia; UAE; Yemen. Abstract: This chapter discusses human settlement in the Arabian
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penninsula from the Pleistocene to the 7th century AD. Emphasis is placed on environmental
conditions, the development of material culture traditions, external ties to neighboring regions,
socio-political development and the evolution of cultural complexity. All areas of the Arabian
penninsula are included. ISBN: 978-0-12-373962-9.
Pratlong, F., Bastien, P., Perello, R., Lami, P. and Dedet, J . P. 1995. Human Cutaneous
Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania Donovani Sensu Stricto in Yemen. Trans. R. Soc. Trop.
Med. Hyg. 8. Volume 89, Issue 4, Pages 398-399. Descriptors: leishmaniasis; cutaneous
leishmaniasis; Leishmania donovani; Yemen. ISSN: 0035-9203.
Pratt, D. J . 1977. Yemen Arab Republic Montane Plains and Wadi Rima Project: a Land
and Water Resources Survey; Great Britain and Ministry of Overseas Development (ab 1974).
1977. An Investment and Development Plan for Wadi Rima: Yemen Arab Republic Montane
Plains and Wadi Rima Project: A Land and Water Resource Survey. Surbiton, Surrey: Land
Resources Division. Descriptors: Wasserwirtschaftliche Planung (Hydrologie); J emen
(Suedwestasien). Republik J emen; Grundwasser +Grundwassereigenschaften (Hydrologie);
Hydrologie; Beobachtungen; Daten; Angaben; Aufzeichnungen; Planification Des Ressources
En Eau (Hydrologie); Water Management Planning (Hydrology); Dry Valleys
(Geomorphology); Yemen (South West Asia). Republic of Yemen; Yemen (Asie Du Sud-Ouest).
Republique Du Yemen; Groundwater +Groundwater Properties (Hydrology); Hydrology;
Observations; Data; Records. Notes: VII, 167 S; 30 cm: Ill +4 Faltkarten; Am Kopf der
Titelseite: Ministry of Overseas Development. Responsibility: D. J . Pratt. OCLC Accession
Number: 637506066.
Pringle, Heather. 1998. Archaeology: Yemens Stonehenge Suggests Bronze Age Red
Sea Culture. Science. March 6. Volume 279, Issue 5356, Pages 1452-1453. Abstract: In
research currently in press in the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, a research
team presents preliminary evidence for a previously unstudied Bronze Age culture in coastal
Yemen. The evidence includes the ruins of a circular prehistoric religious site, or henge, a cache
of copper-alloy tools dated to between 2400 and 1900 B.C., and fragments of children's skeletons
from what appear to be ceremonial burials. All this suggests a well-organized people living in an
arid coastal plain once thought to have been almost empty at this time. DOI:
Purser, B. H. and Bosence, Dan W. J . 1998. Sedimentation and Tectonics in Rift Basins:
Red Sea-Gulf of Aden. London; New York: Chapman & Hall. Page(s): 663. Descriptors: Rifts
(Geology) -- Red Sea Region; Rifts (Geology) -- Aden, Gulf of,; Region; Sedimentation and
deposition -- Red Sea; Sedimentation and deposition -- Aden, Golfe; d; Tectonique -- Mer
Rouge; Tectonique -- Aden, Golfe d; Riftsystem; Sedimentation; Tektonik; Aufsatzsammlung;
Rotes Meer (Region); Golf von Aden; Internet resource. Abstract: Sedimentation and Tectonics
in Rift Basins: Red Sea - Gulf of Aden presents new case studies and synthesises the results of
recent research on the sedimentological evolution of the Red Sea - Gulf of Aden rift system. This
rift basin is generally regarded as the best natural geological laboratory in the world in which to
study the processes of rift formation. Uplift of the rift margins in an arid climate results in
extensive three-dimensional exposures of pre- and syn-rift strata and associated structures. These
serve as analogues for the understanding and hydrocarbon exploration of deeper buried rift-
systems on continental margins such as the North Sea and the Atlantic margins. The Red Sea -
Gulf of Aden rift is also exceptional in that its stratigraphy spans all stages from pre-rift
environments, syn-rift continental to marine environments through the rift to drift transition to
post-rift sea-floor spreading. The work is arranged in eight sections: following a review of the
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sedimentology and stratigraphy of rift basins, the magmatism and structural evolution of the Red
Sea - Gulf of Aden rift is reviewed. Subsequently, new case studies are presented of the early
rifting environment, syn-rift sedimentation, tectonics and diagenesis, evaporites and salt
tectonics. Post-rift sediments of the axial trough are then discussed along with studies of reefs,
coastal zone and shelf sediments, and the tectonic geomorphology of the rift margin escarpment.
This work results from extensive new research in the rift basin largely carried out under
collaborative research projects by European and Middle Eastern geologists. It will be an
invaluable reference work for geoscientists in the hydrocarbon, groundwater and mineral
extraction industries, as well as for researchers in university departments of earth sciences,
mining and physical geography. Notes: xiv; ill. (some color), maps; 29 cm. Note(s): Includes
bibliographical references (p. [613]-652) and index. Responsibility: edited by Bruce H. Purser
and Dan W.J . Bosence. ISBN: 0412734907; 9780412734908. LCCN: 97-69705. OCLC
Accession Number: 39261639.
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Qadhi, S. M. Mohamed, A. K. and Bashir, S. Y. 2002. Assessment of Potential
Contamination of Seiyun-Wadi Hadhramaut-Water Wellfield; Proceedings; Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering in Arid Lands. Netherlands: A.A. Balema Publishers, Lisse,
Netherlands. Second International Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering in Arid Lands, Riyadh. Saudi Arabia Conference: Oct. 6-9, 2002. Descriptors:
aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; boreholes; drinking water; ground water; models;
MODFLOW; MODPATH; movement; pollution; preventive measures; risk assessment; Seiyun
Yemen; simulation; Wadi Hadhramaut; water resources; water supply; water wells; Yemen.
References: 6; sect., sketch map. ISBN: 9058095142. GeoRef Accession Number: 2004-018119.
Quadflieg, A. and Langguth, H. R. 1988. Erste Ergebnisse Hydrogeologischer
Untersuchungen in Der Umgebung Von Ibb (Arabische Republik J emen). Early Hydrogeologic
Studies in the Region of Ibb, Yemen. Geologisches J ahrbuch Hessen. Hessisches Landesamt
fuer Bodenforschung, Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany.
Volume 116, Pages 273-292. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; atmospheric
precipitation; basalts; chemical composition; evapotranspiration; geochemistry; ground water;
hydrochemistry; hydrogeology; hydrology; igneous rocks; ignimbrite; petrography; pump tests;
pyroclastics; surveys; temperature; volcanic rocks; water balance; water supply; Yemen.
References: 16; illus. incl. 36 anal., 4 tables, sketch map, charts. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0341-
Quick Takes: Action is Heating Up in Yemen... 2002. Oil & Gas J ournal. Volume 100,
Issue 42, Pages 8. Abstract: A group led by DNO ASA found new pay in Tasour field on Block
32 in the Masila basin in a well extending the main field pay south into an area previously
assumed to be below the oil-water contact. The structurally high Tasour 7 cut full oil columns in
Cretaceous Qishn SlA sandstone and the unspecified new pay just below Qishn. The Tasour
field, which went on production 11/3/2000, peaked at 12,500 bpd in February 2001 and averaged
8187 bpd in 2001. TransGlobe anticipates 7200 bpd in 2002, consistent with predicted natural
declines. Qishn recovery factor utilized in 2001 was 45% compared with 20% assumed in 2000.
Tasour 7 is forecast to increase the fields reserves. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Quigley, J ames M. 1956. Tanks of Tawela. Travel. March. Volume 105, Pages 54-55.
Descriptors: Water supply- Aden (Protectorate); Water tanks; Water supply/Aden. Notes:
Illustrations. ISSN: 0041-1965.
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Rahman, Atiur. 1992. Calcareous Nannofossils in the J urassic and Neogene: Applications
in Biostratigraphy and Paleoceanography. United States -- Utah: The University of Utah. 235
pages. Abstract: Calcareous nannofossils were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy
in Neogene and J urassic samples from three Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites in the Gulf of Aden
(231, 232) and in the western North Atlantic (534), four Ocean Drilling Program Sites (794, 795,
796, 797) in the J apan Sea, and from the European Platform. Nannofossils in the Gulf of Aden
reflect paleoceanographic changes. The surface water was relatively cold during 10.7 to 6.32 Ma,
which is attributed to increased upwelling in the northwestern Indian Ocean, and relatively warm
from 6.32 to 2.59 Ma. The most intense cooling took place during 2.59 to 1.69 Ma. Intense
upwelling during this interval is coincident with global climatic deterioration. The surface water
was cold from 1.59 to 1.00 Ma and from 0.61 to 0.24 Ma, and warm from 1.00 to 0.61 Ma and
after 0.24 Ma. Seven zones and two subzones ranging from Holocene to Miocene were
recognized in the J apan Sea. A diverse assemblage with warm-water taxa in the upper part of
lower Miocene to the lower part of the middle Miocene suggests a relatively warm and stable
surface water condition, attributed to an increased supply of warm water from the subtropical
western Pacific. The oldest zone at Site 797 ranges between 18.4 and 15.7 Ma, which predates
the rotation of southwest J apan, and suggests that at least the Yamato Basin was formed before
this rotation and that the latter cannot be attributed the initial opening of the J apan Sea as some
workers did previously. The study of nannofossils in Callovian to Tithonian strata allowed
calibration of nannofossil events with ammonite stratigraphy, and testing and revision of the
J urassic nannofossil biostratigraphy. Twenty-one nannofossil events including three new events,
seven zones, and eight subzones are recognized. Four new zones and three new subzones are
proposed and described; two zones in the Callovian, two zones and four subzones in the
uppermost Callovian to basal Tithonian. The new events and zones increased the biostratigraphic
resolution and allowed revision of the previous age assignments of the major lithostratigraphic
units at Site 534. Notes: The University of Utah; Ph.D. Database: ProQuest Dissertations &
Theses. OCLC: 26100543.
Rajaa, Y. A., Al-Ashwal, M. Y. and Al-Ghaili, A. A. 2001. The Quality of Partially
Treated Drinking-Water Produced in Sanaa City. East. Mediterr. Health J . Volume 7, Issue 1-
2, Pages 247-254. Abstract: We assessed the quality of partially treated drinking water in 30
private establishments in Sanaa City, Republic of Yemen. We also compared the assessed water
with the quality of 43 private wells and 18 estate wells. Microbiological examinations showed
that 83% of the samples were contaminated; 50% with fecal coliforms and 33% with total
coliforms. Concentration of mineral exceeded nominal values in 7% of the samples for nitrates,
10% for iron salts and in 20% of the samples for fluorides. In 33% of the samples, fluoride
concentrations were lower than normal. Only 16.7% of the samples were found
microbiologically and chemically potable. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1020-3397.
Rajaa, Y. A., Sulaiman, S. M., Mubarak, J . S., et al. 2001. Some Aspects in the Control
of Schistosomosis and Soil-Transmitted Helminthosis in Yemeni Children. Saudi Med. J .
Volume 22, Issue 5, Pages 428-432. Descriptors: Albenedazole; Control; Praziquantel;
Schistosomosis; School children; Soil-transmitted helminthosis. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 4.
Abstract: Objective: Prevalence, intensity and incidence of schistosomosis and soil-transmitted
helminthosis among school children in an ignored area in Yemen were determined. The study
aimed to investigate the impact of single doses of Pratiquantel or Albenedazole or both, relating
to sanitary, socioeconomic and behavioral practices on the prevalence and intensity of infections.
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Methods: Out of a total number of 897 pupils. 453 were randomly selected from AlMahweet
town and 444 from rural surrounding areas. Millipore filtration, modified Kato and precipitation
techniques were applied for urine and stool analysis. Results: Prevalence rates were 27% for
schistosomosis, 61% for ascariosis, 21% for trichuriosis, 2% for fascilosis, 0.3% for entrobiosis,
0.7% for hook worm infection and 0.2% for strongloydiosis. Factors found confounding the
relationship between schistosomosis and residence, under logistic regression analysis, were sex
and frequency of water contact. Probability of infection by Bilharzia for boys who reside in rural
AlMahweet and visit the water source is 0.52, compared to 0.30 for their mates who reside in
AlMahweet town. Odds ratio estimates accounted for via residence was 2.5, via water contact 1.7
and via boys 3.2. With regards to other helminthic infections, availability of latrines remained
the only significant factor under ANOVA. Conclusion: In conclusion, annual campaigns for
treatment as a single control measure can reduce the infection rate of S. mansoni by 62.5%, T.
trichura by 48% and A. lumbricoides by 24%. Whereas for S. hematobium the appropriate time
interval for intervention should be shortened according to the findings of a properly designed
intervention study before used as a single control measure. Since 77% of the children were
infected by other helminthes, therefore mass treatment should be extended to cover all children.
For those boys in rural AlMahweet who visited the water source during the week before the
interview, mass treatment for schistosomosis is recommended since the prediction of infection
rate reached 52%. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0379-5284.
Rampen, SW, Schouten, S., Koning, E., Brummer, GJ A and Sinninghe Damste, J S. 2008.
A 90 Kyr Upwelling Record from the Northwestern Indian Ocean using a Novel Long-Chain
Diol Index. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 30 Nov. Volume 276, Issue 1-2, Pages 207-213. Descriptors:
Article Subject Terms: Fossil Foraminifera; Holocene; Late Glacial Maximum; Marine sediment
cores; Monsoons; Ocean circulation; Ocean floor; Organic carbon in seawater;
Palaeoceanography; Palaeotemperature; Paleoceanography; Primary production; Southwest
monsoon; Temperature trends; Upwelling; Article Taxonomic Terms: Bacillariophyceae;
Socotra; Article Geographic Terms: Arabian Sea; Arabian Sea, Somali Basin; Indian Ocean;
Somalia; Yemen, Socotra; Marine. Notes: TR: CS0913398. Abstract: Presently, upwelling is of
major importance for driving primary productivity in the Arabian Sea but its intensity in the past
is not well constrained. Here we used long-chain 1,14-alkane diols, specific lipids of diatoms of
the genus Proboscia, as new proxies to reconstruct upwelling conditions in the Arabian Sea.
Variations in the seasonal lipid fluxes were determined using sediment traps in the Somalia
upwelling system deployed 80 km off the coast on the Somali continental slope (NIOP 905, 10
super(o)45.444N / 51 super(o)56.655E) at 1265 m water depth, 268 m above the sea floor and
270 km off the coast in the deep Somali Basin south of Socotra (NIOP 915, 10 super(o)43.068N
/ 53 super(o)34.422E), at 3047 m depth, 1000 m above the sea floor. Highest fluxes of C sub(2)
sub(8) and C sub(3) sub(0) 1,14-diols (up to almost 600 approximately equal to g m super(-)
super(2) day super(-) super(1)) were only observed during nutricline shoaling at the onset of the
Southwest monsoon (SWM), prior to massive upwelling. By contrast, fluxes of C sub(3) sub(0)
1,15-diols, derived from as yet undefined biological sources, only increased marginally during
the SWM and also during the Northeast monsoon (NEM), when, instead of upwelling, enhanced
vertical mixing led to a second productivity pulse. Sediment core NIOP 905 taken at the
continental slope site showed strong fluctuations in relative concentrations of long-chain 1,14-
and 1,15-diols with time, which we quantified as the summed concentrations of C sub(2) sub(8)
and C sub(3) sub(0) 1,14-diols divided by the summed concentrations of C sub(2) sub(8) and C
sub(3) sub(0) 1,14-diols and C sub(3) sub(0) 1,15-diols. This diol index follows the same trend
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as other upwelling intensity records from the Arabian Sea that are based on sea surface
temperature reconstructions, organic carbon content, barium/aluminium ratios, and abundance
and stable isotope composition of specific foraminiferal species. The diol index was relatively
high during the Holocene (ca. 0.7) but much lower during the Late Glacial Maximum (ca. 0.2). It
was generally low during the last Glacial but elevated values were found during the first half of
marine isotope stage 3 (between 60 and similar to 45 ka) and at the end of marine isotope stage
5.1 (approximately 80 ka), suggesting intensified glacial upwelling. Our data shows that long
chain diols are suitable proxies to reconstruct past upwelling intensities in the Arabian Sea.
Database: Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts. ISSN: 0012-821X.
Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA and Chalk, Peter. 2009. Maritime Piracy:
Reasons, Dangers and Solutions. Feb. Page(s): 10. Report Number: RAND-CT-317 XD-XD
Monitor Series: XD. Abstract: This testimony aims to inform and put into context the current
debate on piracy by providing an overview of the scope and contributing factors driving armed
maritime violence in the contemporary era and the principal dangers associated with this
particular manifestation of transnational crime. Given the publicity and unprecedented character
of the international response to Somali-based piracy, the testimony also briefly addresses the
appropriateness of the measures that have been instituted to deal with armed maritime violence
off the Horn of Africa and Gulf of Aden. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports
Collection. Notes: Full Text (pdf). Congressional testimony; Distribution Statement: Approved
for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession Number: ADA493656. Handle /
proxy Url:
Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA and Fukuyama, F. 1984. The New Marxist-
Leninist States in the Third World, Sep. Page(s): 45 Report Number: RAND/P-7020. Abstract:
If one were to survey the full range of Soviet clients in the Third World in the mid-1980s and
contrast them with those of a generation earlier, say in the mid-1960s, perhaps the single most
salient difference that emerges is the proliferation of regimes claiming Marxism-Leninism as
their governing ideology. In the earlier period there were only three: North Vietnam, North
Korea, and Cuba. Moscows other major Third World clients at that time were a heterogeneous
collection of left-leaning states like Egypt under Nasser, Syria, India, Indonesia, Mali, Ghana,
and the like. Each one professed a vaguely socialist ideology tailored to the countrys specific
national and cultural traditions, maintained an equally vague non-aligned and anti-imperialist
foreign policy, and disavowed any adherence to orthodox Marxist-Leninist principles. Twenty
years later, by contrast, the three Communist regimes had not only survived (and in case of
Vietnam substantially expanded), but were joined by at least six others: Afghanistan, the
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY), Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, and
Nicaragua. In this report we analyze the similarities of the six new Marxist-Leninist regimes
more closely in terms of four categories--internal structure, foreign policy, military policy, and
internal opposition, and conclude with some observations about their place in the Third World
more broadly. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. DTIC
Accession Number: ADA152546.
Rand Corp Santa Monica, Ca and Mylroie, L. 1983. Politics and the Soviet Presence in
the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen: Internal Vulnerabilities and Regional Challenges.
Dec. Page(s): 85 Report Number: RAND/R-N-2052-AF Contract Number: F49620-82-C-0018.
Abstract: Since its independence in 1967, the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yeman (PDRY)
has posed various challenges to the conservative pro-Western states of the Arabian penninsula,
and thus indirectly to the United States. This Note describes the evolution of the PDRYs internal
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political and economic situation and discusses its relations with other states in the region and
with the Soviet Union. It also discusses potential changes in the PDRYs relationships with the
Soviet Union and with the conservative Arab states and analyzes various U.S. options in relation
to the PDRY. The United States can play a background role: U.S. policies that enhance the
conservative Arab states sense of security will contribute to greater rigor in their dealings with
the PDRY. In addition to strengthening the PDRYs neighbors, the United States might, in the
proper circumstances, consider playing a subsidiary role in the South Arabian detente itself.
Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Interim rept., DTIC
Accession Number: ADA142311.
Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif and J ason, Heda. 1968. The Narrative Structure of
Swindler Tales, Feb. Page(s): 36 Report Number: P-3788. Abstract: The object of the paper is
to design a model for the narrative structure of swindler tales. By swindler-tale is meant an oral
narrative (prose or verse) about a clever personage who cheats a less clever one in order to win
(usually) a small material gain or gratification. The material on which the discussion is based
stems from disparate cultures and thus demonstrates the generality of the proposed narrative
structure: Africa (Basuto), Amerindian (Kutenai), India (Ceylon), Yemen (J ewish), and
Yugoslavia (narrative songs). Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
DTIC Accession Number: AD0666018.
Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif and Wolfe,Thomas W. 1969. The USSR and the Arab
East, Sep. Page(s): 16. Report Number: P-4194. Abstract: The document is concerned with
Soviet policy toward the Arab states in what the Soviet Union customarily defines as the Near
East -- which includes the UAR, Syria, the two Yemens and the Sudan. Abstract Classification:
Unclassified Technical Reports Collection Citation Format: FOIA. DTIC Accession Number:
Rapp, A. 1988. Climatic History in the Middle East during 10,000 Years and Climate-
Adapted Runoff Farming. Svensk Geografisk Arsbok. Volume 64, Pages 9-24. Abstract:
Climatic fluctuations during the Holocene time of 10,000 years are discussed based on
interpretations of sediments in the Dead Sea basin. These interpretations show a Holocene
optimum period of more humid climate until about 4500 BP. During the last 4000 years the
climate has been arid with fluctuations of more humid episodes. A similar history is
reconstructed for southern Sahara based on old lake sediments in northern Sudan and also by
archeological studies of artefacts in present desert. A combination of drier climate after 4500 BP
and growing overexploitation by early cultivators and pastoralists indicates a long history of
desertification. Ancient techniques of water harvesting and runoff farming in Marib oasis,
Yemen, Avdat in Israel and Matmata, Tunisia show very old examples of ecologically well
adapted irrigation technology in desert areas. -English summary. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN:
Rappenhoener, D. 1989. Resource Conservation and Desertification Control in the Near
East. Federal Republic of Germany Dtsch. Stiftung internation. Entwicklg., Zentralstelle
Ernaehr. Landwirtsch., Feldafing. Descriptors: Africa; agriculture; Arabian Peninsula; arid
environment; Asia; case studies; desertification; East Africa; ecosystems; environmental
geology; erosion; geomorphology; J ordan; land use; Mali; methods; Middle East; Morocco;
North Africa; Sahel; Saudi Arabia; semi-arid environment; Senegal; soil erosion; soils; South
Yemen; Sudan; symposia; Syria; terrestrial environment; Tunisia; vegetation; water erosion;
West Africa; Yemen. Notes: References: 7; illus. incl. sects., charts, block diags., 25 tables, geol.
sketch maps. Database: GeoRef in Process. GeoRef Accession Number: 25036-1.
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Rappold, G. D., Ergenzinger, P. and Scholz, F. 2000. Hydrological Analysis of Terraced
Catchments; a Case Study of the Tiazz Region, Yemen; European Geophysical Society, 25th
General Assembly; Abstracts. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geophysical Society,
Katlenburg-Lindau, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 2,
Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; catchment hydrodynamics; hydrodynamics; hydrology;
semi-arid environment; terraces; terrestrial environment; Tiazz Yemen; water balance; water
regimes; water resources; Yemen. Notes: Compact disc. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1029-7006.
Rappold, Gerhard D. 2005. Precipitation Analysis and Agricultural Water Availability
in the Southern Highlands of Yemen; Mountain Hydrology. Hydrol. Process. J ohn Wiley &
Sons, New York, NY. 15 Aug. Volume 19, Issue 12, Pages 2437-2449. Descriptors: agriculture;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; atmospheric precipitation; climate; evapotranspiration; frequency;
hydrology; irrigation; probability; rainfall; statistical analysis; statistical distribution;
temperature; water management; water resources; Yemen. References: 18; illus. incl. 6 tables.
Abstract: Rain-fed agriculture with supplementary irrigation, usually referred to as water
harvesting on terraced fields is the traditional irrigation technique in the Taizz area, located in
the southern uplands of the Yemen Mountain Massif. The non-traditional method of groundwater
irrigation has recently led to overuse and depletion of aquifers. A new orientation towards the
traditional agricultural irrigation techniques is necessary for the purpose of sustainability. This
requires a better scientific understanding of these irrigation systems. In order to understand the
design and management of water harvesting schemes, rainfall analysis and the identification of
prevailing rainfall patterns is required. A statistical rainfall analysis was conducted to detect the
probability of rainfall exceedance during the vegetation period from May until October. Rainfall
supply was then measured against water requirements of the prevailing crop Sorghum bicolore.
To explore the beneficial effect of the local runoff irrigation schemes, also referred to as water
harvesting schemes, water-harvesting factors were introduced. The rainfall is supplemented by a
water-harvesting factor to show the amplifying effect of those water-harvesting
measures.Analysis results show that a lack of rainfall during the end of the first rainy season and
an intermediate dry period under pure rain-fed conditions can be mitigated by the local runoff
irrigation schemes. A fairly reliable and sufficient rainfall characterizes the second rainy season.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0885-6087. URL:
Rathod, KS and Rushton, KR. 1991. Interpretation of Pumping from Two-Zone Layered
Aquifers using a Numerical Model. Ground Water GRWAAP. Vol. 29, No. 4. J uly/August.
Volume p 499-509, Pages 26 ref. Descriptors: Aquifer characteristics; Aquifers; Groundwater
movement; Mathematical models; Model studies; Pumping tests; Boreholes; Case studies;
Computer models; Computer programs; Computers; Finite difference methods; Groundwater
hydraulics; Sandstones; Yemen. Abstract: A numerical model was developed that represents both
the radial and vertical flow components that usually result from pumping from boreholes in
layered aquifers. The model, which is based on finite-difference approximations, runs on a
microprocessor system and can be used for the analysis of pumping test results. A version of the
program in BASIC is available together with a full description of the input data. The model was
applied to an analysis of a pumping test in a weathered-fractured aquifer, and three case studies
were conducted in which the numerical model was used to gain a greater understanding of the
aquifer flow processes. These case studies include a layered aquifer in Yemen, an unconfined
sandstone aquifer, and artificial recharge by injection in an alluvial aquifer. The model assumes
that the flow towards the pumped borehole is radial. In certain situations, the heterogeneous
nature of the aquifer or the occurrence of lateral flows within the aquifer means that the radial
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flow approximation is not applicable. Another limitation of the model is that, when the upper
zone is unconfined, it is not possible to distinguish between the unconfined response at the water
table and the confined response below the water table. Despite these limitations, the model
presents a more realistic representation of the actual field conditions than many of the techniques
currently used for pumping test analysis. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 0017-
Ravishankar, Krish; Thurber, Mark William; Brower, Rick Allan and McClurg, J on.
2008. Waste Management in a Desert Environment, Yemen. Doha, Qatar: Society of Petroleum
Engineers. Page(s): 1-6. SPE Middle East Health, Safety, Security and Environment Conference
and Exhibition 2008 - Strengthening Sustainable Practices and Regulations, October 20, 2008 -
October 22. Conference: 2008. Descriptors: Waste incineration; Arid regions; Contractors;
Environmental impact; Geophysical prospecting; Groundwater; Health; Health risks;
Hydrogeology; Landforms; Management; Mineral resources; Minerals; Offshore oil wells;
Petroleum engineering; Petroleum prospecting; Petroleum transportation; Recycling; Regulatory
compliance; Solar radiation; Strengthening (metal); Sustainable development; Waste disposal.
Abstract: An integrated waste management plan was developed and implemented in a remote
desert petroleum-producing region of Yemen. Challenges included: an absence of in-country
contractors that recycle, handle hazardous, non-hazardous, and mixed waste; sensitive receptors
including nearby communities, groundwater and desert ecosystems; limited options for safe
disposal within the petroleum block; logistical challenges of transporting waste long distances in
sand sea environments, and historical ad hoc disposal practices by previous operators that created
waste liabilities. Occidental of Yemen (Oxy) and Walsh Environmental Scientists and Engineers
(Walsh) consulted in-house stakeholders (geophysical exploration, exploration drilling,
production managers, operations, and HES) and external stakeholders (Ministry of Oil and
Mineral Resources, local tribal leaders and government officials, contractors, and NGOs) and
developed an integrated waste management plan that is functional, cost effective, and addresses
concerns of local and national stakeholders in the logistically challenging sand sea environment.
The Waste Management Plan was developed consistent with Oxys Worldwide Standard of Care
that involves the principle elements consisting of: regulatory compliance; segment/business unit
HES performance objectives; correction or cessation of any activities that pose an unacceptable
risk to health, safety, or to the environment; and a risk evaluation and mitigation program that
achieves consistent results worldwide. The waste management plan presents clear principals for
managing waste streams, which include reuse, recycling, incineration, proper storage, and final
disposal to prevent exposure to sensitive receptors. The important improvements in waste
management are: construction of a centralized waste management facility that collects and
processes waste streams from nearby production areas and remote drilling pads; lining of pits,
and location outside active channels of wadis away from houses and agricultural fields; re-
injection of some liquid wastes, and an active program of remediating pre-existing
environmental impacts from previous operations. ISBN: 9781605607016; 1605607010. OCLC:
449842353; 553779129.
Reale, Antoinette, Burns, Stephen J ., Fleitmann, Dominik, Matter, Albert, Kramers, J an
and Al-Subbary, Abdulkarim A. 2003. A High-Resolution, Speleothem Record of the Indian
Monsoon during the glacial/interglacial Transition from Socotra Island, Yemen; Geological
Society of America, 2003 Annual Meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of
America. Geological Society of America (GSA). Nov. Volume 35, Issue 6, Pages 415.
Descriptors: absolute age; Arabian Peninsula; Arabian Sea; Asia; C-13/C-12; carbon; Cenozoic;
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dates; geochemistry; glacial environment; high-resolution methods; Indian Ocean; interglacial
environment; isotope ratios; isotopes; monsoons; Moomi Cave; O-18/O-16; oxygen;
paleoclimatology; paleoecology; Quaternary; rainfall; Socotra Island; solution features;
speleothems; stable isotopes; stalagmites; Th/U; upper Quaternary; vegetation; Yemen. Abstract:
A high-resolution speleothem record from the Indian Ocean yields oxygen and carbon isotope
ratios that can be used to reconstruct variations in the East African-Indian Monsoon system. A
stalagmite (M1-4) was taken from Moomi Cave on Socotra Island off the coast of Yemen.
Annual rainfall on the island is convective activity associated with the migratory patterns of the
inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ). Ages were determined using (super 234) U/ (super 230)
Th dating techniques, and a preliminary age model indicates speleothem growth from
approximately 10.5 to 35 ky BP. More than 1000 C and O stable isotope measurements allow a
detailed reconstruction of climate for this period. Oxygen isotope values range from
approximately -4 to +2 per mil and carbon isotope values range from about -10 to 0 per mil (both
vs VPDB). The oxygen isotopes in this system express primarily the isotopic composition of
rainfall and to a lesser extent cave temperature, with delta (super 18) O values being inversely
related to the amount of precipitation. The most negative values are found during the Holocene,
with generally lower values indicating a drier climate during the last glacial. The oxygen
isotopes show a millennial-scale pattern of variation that is similar, but not identical to the
Greenland ice cores. D/O events are of lesser magnitude in the stalagmite. The carbon isotopes
display several sharp rapid increases to values of near 0 per mil against a more steady
background of much negative values of -8 to -10. Carbon isotope fluctuations are often thought
to express vegetation changes from C (sub 3) (forest) to C (sub 4) (grassland) plants however, we
interpret the least negative carbon isotope values to represent periods of extreme drought and
near lack of vegetation when dissolved carbon input to the groundwater was primarily from the
atmosphere. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7592.
Republic of Yemen. 2001. Taiz water supply and sanitation project: Rehabilitation of
Water and Sewerage Networks. Environmental Impact Assessment (Al-Qaida): Republic of
Yemen Ministry of Electricity and Urban Water and Sanitation Project with Dorsch Consult and
Gitec Consult.
Republic of Yemen, 2008, Sector wide environmental and social assessment (SWESA)
for the water sector support program. Consulting Engineering Services (India) Repulic of Yemen
Ministry of Water and Environment and Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.
Riaz, Khalid. 2002. Tackling the Issue of Rural-Urban Water Transfers in the Taiz
Region, Yemen. Natural Resources Forum. Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 89-100. Descriptors:
Water resources; Conservation; Groundwater; Managers; Rural areas. Abstract: The Taiz region
of Yemen is facing serious water problems. Total water use has become unsustainable. While
agriculture places a heavy demand on the regions water resources, supplies for the fast growing
city and the industrial sector are severely rationed despite their much higher willingness-to-pay
for water relative to the returns on most agricultural uses. The article considers several
decentralized management options for enhancing sustainability and improving intersectoral
water allocation. These include, taxing groundwater extractions, taxing inputs used in pumping
groundwater, and implementing a tradable water rights regime. The first two options could lead
to resource conservation but are politically difficult to implement and may not necessarily result
in better intersectoral water allocation. The tradable water rights regime has potential for
achieving the twin objectives of resource conservation and improved intersectoral resource
allocation. If farmers de facto water rights were legitimized, this option would be more
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acceptable to them. However, the following additional conditions need to be met for making the
option viable: (a) a set-aside allocation is made for lifeline supplies for the poor; (b) the water
law provides for separation of water rights from land rights; and (c) community organizations are
involved as co-managers of the regions water resources. ISSN: 0165-0203. URL:
Richards, Tony. 2002. Assesment of Yemen Water Law. Final Report. Prepared for:
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. 35 pages. Summary: The
aim of the Law is stated (in Article 3) to be: to regulate, develop and ration the exploitation of water
resources, as well as the protection thereof from depletion and pollution, the improvement of the
efficiency of conveying and distributing their uses and the proper maintenance and operation of the
installations thereof, and the participation of the beneficiaries thereof in their management in the various
stages of their development, investment and conservation thereof. The Law is laid out in nine Chapters,
some with sub-sections : I Nomenclature and Definitions; II Objectives and General Concepts/Principles;
III Water Resource Management and Planning; i Management of Water Resources; ii Water Resources
Planning; IV Water Use; i Priorities of Water Use; ii Controls for Dealing with the Use of Water; V
Water Rights and Permits; i Water Rights; ii Licenses; VI Water Conservation and Protection From
Pollution; i General Technical Standards and Specifications; ii Conservation of Water Resources from
Depletion and the Rational use of Water; VII Protection From Floods and Rainwater Runoff; VIII
Enforcement and Penalties; i Enforcement Procedures; ii Criminal Punishments; IX General Final
Provisions; In general terms the Law reflects the issues that would be expected to be dealt with in water
resources management legislation, with prime responsibility being given to the National Water Resources
Authority (NWRA). However, there are two major issues arising from the formulation of the Law.URL:
Riggs, HC. 1977. A Brief Investigation of the Surface-Water Hydrology of Yemen Arab
Republic. Open-File Report 77-150. 1977. 37 pages, 16 Fig, 3 Tab. 16 ref. Descriptors:
Hydrology; Surface waters; Foreign research; Arid lands; Ephemeral streams; Arabian
Peninsula; Yemen Arab Republic; Hydrologic data; Floods; Streamflow; Precipitation
(Atmospheric); Alluvial channels; Investigations; Surveys; Evaluation; Wadis. Abstract: Yemen,
near the southwest tip of the Arabian Peninsula, is a mountainous country bordered by a desert
on the east and a coastal plain on the west. Rainfall is low and seasonal; consequently, most
streams (wadis) are ephemeral. The natural flow regimens of many of the smaller wadis are
modified by terracing for agriculture. The only streamflow data available in Yemen are short
records on four large wadis. A brief field investigation and application of reconnaissance
techniques are the bases for the largely qualitative description of the hydrology, and for the
proposal to collect streamflow data needed for orderly development of the expanding economy.
Responsibility: by H.C. Riggs; prepared in cooperation with the Yemen Arab Republic under the
auspices of the United States Agency for International Development. Database: Water Resources
Abstracts. ISSN: Series 0196-1497. OCLC Accession Number: 3392898.
Riisager, Peter, Knight, Kim B., Baker, J oel A., et al. 2005. Paleomagnetism and
40Ar / 39Ar Geochronology of Yemeni Oligocene Volcanics: Implications for Timing and
Duration of Afro-Arabian Traps and Geometry of the Oligocene Paleomagnetic Field. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett. 9/15. Volume 237, Issue 3-4, Pages 647-672. Descriptors: Yemen; Afro-
Arabian traps; Oligocene; 40Ar/39Ar geochronology; magnetostratigraphy; paleomagnetic pole;
large igneous province. Abstract: A combined paleomagnetic and 40Ar / 39Ar study was carried
out along eight stratigraphically overlapping sections in the Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood
volcanic province in Yemen (73 sites). The composite section covers the entire volcanic
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stratigraphy in the sampling region and represents five polarity zones that are correlated to the
geomagnetic polarity time scale based on 40Ar / 39Ar ages from this and previous studies. The
resulting magnetostratigraphy is similar to that of the conjugate margin in Ethiopia. The earliest
basaltic volcanism took place in a reverse polarity chron that appears to correspond to C11r,
while the massive rhyolitic ignimbrite eruptions correlated to ash layers in Oligocene Indian
Ocean sediment 2700 km away from the Afro-Arabian traps, appear to have taken place during
magnetochron C11n. The youngest ignimbrite was emplaced during magnetochron C9n. Both
40Ar / 39Ar and paleomagnetic data suggest rapid <1 Ma eruption of the basal basalt units and
punctuated eruption of the upper silicic units over a duration potentially as long as 3 Ma with
interspersed eruptive hiatuses. Eruption of the basal basalts may have preceded the Oi2 cooling
event. The paleomagnetic pole =74.2N, =249.1E (A95 =3.6; N =48) is supported by a
positive reversal test. Paleosecular variation, estimated as the angular standard deviation of the
VGP distribution 14.2 +2.3 / 1.7, is close to expected, suggesting that the paleomagnetic
pole represents a time-averaged field. The pole is in excellent accord with the paleomagnetic
poles obtained from the Ethiopian part of the Afro-Arabian province, after closure of the Red
Sea. By analyzing Afro-Arabian paleomagnetic data in conjunction with contemporaneous
paleomagnetic poles available from different latitudes we argue that the Oligocene
paleomagnetic field was dominated by the axial dipole with insignificant non-dipole field
contributions. ISSN: 0012-821X.
Ritchie, Dr Sebastian. 2008. RAF Counter-Insurgency Operations in Oman and Aden,
1950-1970. Royal Air Force Air Power Review. Spring 2008. Volume 11, Issue No. 1, Pages
Robertson, Alastair H. F. and Bamakhalif, Khalid A. S. 2001. Late Oligocene-Early
Miocene Rifting of the Northeastern Gulf of Aden; Basin Evolution in Dhofar (Southern Oman);
Peri-Tethys Memoir 6; Peri-Tethyan rift/wrench Basins and Passive Margins. Memoires Du
Museum National dHistoire Naturelle. Ed. du Museum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris,
France. Volume 186, Pages 641-670. Descriptors: Africa; African Plate; Arabian Peninsula;
Arabian Plate; Arabian Sea; Asia; basins; Cenozoic; deformation; Dhofar Oman; East Africa;
extension tectonics; faults; Gulf of Aden; IGCP; Indian Ocean; lithofacies; lithostratigraphy;
lower Miocene; Miocene; Mughsayl Formation; Nar Formation; Nakhlait Formation; Neogene;
Oligocene; Oman; Paleogene; Peritethys; plate tectonics; rifting; Somali Republic; southern
Oman; tectonics; Tertiary; uplifts; upper Oligocene; Yemen. Notes: IGCP, International
Geological Correlation Programme; IGCP Project No. 369; References: 64; illus. incl. sect., strat.
cols., geol. sketch maps. Abstract: The Neogene-Recent, rifted, northeastern continental margin
of the Gulf of Aden is excellently exposed onshore in Dhofar where a narrow coastal plain is
backed by a major fault escarpment, rising to 1800 m. In the west, Quaternary alluvium conceals
a major E-W trending rift basin, the Ashawq Graben (90 km long by 20 km wide). This structure
is infilled with Oligo-Miocene, mainly carbonate sediments that record rifting prior to initiation
of sea-floor spreading in the eastern Gulf of Aden. An initial rift pulse in the early Oligocene
(Rupelian; ca. 33 Ma) resulted in accelerated subsidence, with marginal facies in the northwest,
patch reefs on a high in the south and shallow open-marine deposition in the east (Nakhlait
Member). A latest early Oligocene (late Rupelian) rifting pulse (ca. 29 Ma) then created a steep-
sided asymmetrical rift basin, the Ashawq Graben, in which pelagic carbonates and
calciturbidites, ca. 1000 m thick accumulated, in water depths of ca. 400 m (Mughsayl
Formation). Limestone talus was shed from master faults in the north, near the present the J ebel
Qara Escarpment, and debris flows, slumps and detached blocks of shallow-water limestone
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were also fed northwards into the rift basin from a marginal rift high to the south, the Aquabat
Horst. In addition, carbonate was redeposited eastwards within channels into deeper water. In the
southwest, the extension of the Aquabat Horst is marked by a zone of E-W trending coastal fault
blocks stepping down into deep water. Following partial infill, the Ashawq Graben was cut by
NE-SW trending normal faults, correlated with the landward projection of a major oceanic
fracture zone (Alula-Fartak Fracture Zone). This faulting coincided with the onset of sea-floor
spreading in the eastern Gulf of Aden around middle Burdigalian time (ca. 18-19 Ma).
Associated flexural deformation of the continental margin gave rise to a prominent break-up
unconformity and development of a major fault escarpment bordering the coastal plain. The rift
basin itself was uplifted by ca. 400 m, whereas its northern flank was upfaulted by around 1500
m. Tertiary and older units were eroded during the early Miocene, giving rise to shallow marine
clastics, consisting mainly of limestone conglomerates. Erosion continued after marine
regression and red alluvial conglomerates accumulated on the coastal plain during the Pliocene
(Nar formation). Fluvial downcutting continued during the Quaternary in a tectonically
quiescent post-rift setting. Despite the oblique spreading of the Gulf of Aden, the rift
morphology in Dhofar is more akin to orthogonally rifted (Atlantic-type) margins than to strike-
slip dominated rifts, as most structures show evidence of dominantly normal faulting. Database:
GeoRef. ISBN: 2856535283.
Rodriguez, Fritz; World Bank and Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Regional
Office. 1986. Staff Appraisal Report: Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen Greater Aden
Second Water Supply Project. Washington: World Bank. Page(s): 67. Descriptors: Water-supply
-- Yemen (Republic); Loans, Foreign -- Yemen (Republic); Government publication;
International government publication. Notes: ii; [1] folded leaf of plates: ill., col. maps; 28 cm.
Note(s): Cover title. For official use only. October 3, 1986. Report No. 5858a-YDR.
Water Supply and Sewerage Division, Europe, Middle East and North Africa Regional Office.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 67). Other Titles: Yemen Greater Aden second water
supply project. OCLC Accession Number: 52958571.
Root, Kristi and Papakos, Tatiana H. 2010. Hydrologic Analysis of Flash Floods in
Sanaa, Yemen. ASCE. ASCE Conf. Proc.Volume: 394, 41143, page(s): 112. Conference:
August 23, 2010. Descriptors: Hydrologic aspects; Flash floods; Middle East. Abstract: Floods,
especially flash floods, have killed many people in Sana'a in the past years. The urban
development of Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, has led to an increase in flood hazards due to rapid
changes in existing landuse to impervious surfaces and the presence of increased population and
buildings in flood prone areas. A comprehensive hydrologic analysis of the Sana'a Basin was
conducted using GIS for pre- and post-processing of large datasets, HEC-SSP for rainfall
frequency analysis and HEC-HMS for hydrologic modeling. This analysis identified the basin
characteristics, estimated rainfall distributions, depth, and frequencies, and developed flows for
different storm frequency events to be used in hydraulic modeling and floodplain mapping of
Sana'a floods. Significant challenges were addressed during the modeling process including:
limited historical flood data, short historical rainfall records, non-standard hydrologic input data,
poorly understood local hydrology, and major changes in the landuse from rapid urbanization.
Based on the results of the hydrologic analysis and further hydraulic modeling, the floodplains
were effectively mapped along Sana'a major stormwater channel and the Sana'a flood hazard
areas were identified for extreme storm events. This information is being used to support a
natural disaster risk evaluation for Sana'a. ISBN: 978-0-7844-1143-8. URL:
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Root, Kristi and Papakos, Tatiana H. 2010. Flooding Impacts and Modeling Challenges
of Tropical Storms in Eastern Yemen. ASCE. ASCE Conf. Proc.Volume: 371, 41114, page(s):
206. Conference: May 16, 2010. Descriptors: Storms; Middle East; Flash floods. Abstract: Most
of Yemen is located in an arid climate with convective storms that produce flash floods and
cause significant damage. A Tropical Storm landed in the eastern part of Yemen between
October 23 and 25 of 2008 causing severe destruction and leaving thousands without their homes
or livelihoods. A probabilistic risk assessment project, funded by the World Bank, Global
Facility for Disaster Reduction and Reconstruction (GFDDR), was conducted for Hadramout and
Al-Mahra governorates to (1) determine the extent and depth of flood risks in these governorates
and (2) develop recommendations for the recovery and reconstruction of these areas to reduce
devastation from future flood events. As a result of this Tropical Storm, the Government
declared Hadramout and Al-Mahra governorates as disaster areas. Nearly 6,600 homes and huts
in these two governorates sustained total or significant damage, leaving 25,000 people in need of
shelter. Flooding was reported to have claimed 73 lives, left 17 people missing, and injured many
others. The flooding not only damaged homes but also had a devastating effect on agricultural
land. It is believed that nearly 50 percent of the population of the affected areas had their
livelihoods destroyed or substantially damaged. A flood hazard analysis was performed to
recreate the Tropical Storm of 2008 and to determine the extent and depth of flooding for the
100-year flood frequency event. Hydrologic modeling analysis performed with HEC-HMS
software was used to process precipitation data, identify basin characteristics, and simulate the
design flows produced by the Hadramout and Al-Mahra river basins. Hydraulic modeling
performed with HEC-RAS software used the design flows and geometry data to model the
stream conveyance. HEC-GeoHMS and HEC-GeoRAS were used in the pre- and
post-processing efforts to expedite the parameter inputs and mapping process. Many challenges
were addressed during the modeling processes. Specifically, there was limited historical data that
could be used in the flood model developments. In addition, a high resolution digital elevation
model (DEM) was not available for use in the hydrologic and hydraulic model. Finally, only a
limited number of high water levels and flood extents were obtained after Tropical Storm 03B to
be used in the calibration process. These challenges were overcome and floodplain maps were
developed along the major waterways of the Hadramout and Al-Mahra governorates. These
maps are being used to determine the areas prone to flooding and will be used to make
recommendations in the rebuilding of roads, buildings in populated areas, agricultural lands, and
flood control structures. ISBN: 978-0-7844-1114-8.
Rosell, E., Morales, A. and Popov, S. V. 2005. A Preliminary Survey of the Late Stone
Age Faunas from Gihayu (Khor Umayra Lagoon, Republic of Yemen). Archaeofauna. Volume
14, Pages 253-265. Descriptors: 5th-4th millennium B.C; Fauna; Fish; Fishing; Late stone age;
Molluscs; Shellfish gathering; Sub-sistence; Yemen. Abstract: An overview of the fauna]
assemblage retrieved during preliminary excava-tions of the Neolithic site of Gihayu is
presented. The analysis, the first of its kind carried out on a site from Yemen, reveais a series of
similarities and differences with contemporaneous sites in Ornan on the eastern comer of the
Arabian Sea. Within the former, a heavy reliance on marine resources is noted that testifies both
to the collecting of shellfish along an open shore as well as the fishing of large pelagics in the
open sea. The differences relate to the exploitation of molluscs along the shore rather than in
lagoons or mangroves as appears to be the case in Ornan. They may also reflect phenomena not
so straightforwardly related to the availability of certain biotopes. Among these an apparent
dominance of carangids (jacks) over scombrids (tunas) could be taken to indicate a less seasonal
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focused fishery a hypothesis that will require verification once systematically sieved samples
become available. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 1132-6891.
Rsler, H., Khler, J . and Bhme, W. 2008. A New Species of the Diurnal Gekkonid
Genus Pristurus Rppell, 1835 from the Red Sea Island Hanish Al-Kabir, Yemen. Amphib.
Reptilia. Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages 217-227. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 1. Abstract: We
describe a new species of gecko of the genus Pristurus from the Yemenite Red Sea Island Hanish
al-Kabir. It is a small species (snout-vent length less than 30 mm) of the genus, distinguished
from its congeners by a unique combination of morphological characters. Superficially, it is most
similar to P. rupestris, but differs mainly by a longer and narrower snout, by its strongly
compressed tail, presence of a lateral caudal groove, by a tail crest present in both sexes, by a
higher number of scales bordering infralabials and a higher midbody scale count. The new
species is tentatively considered to represent an island endemic. Its possible origin is briefly
discussed. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0173-5373.
Ruiz, A. 1966. Efforts of US Agency for International Development to Supply Water to
People of Yemen. American Water Works Association J ournal. October. Volume 58, Pages
1247-1259. Descriptors: International cooperation; Water supply/Yemen; Water supply; Water
Supply and Irrigation Systems. Notes: Map; Diagram. ISSN: 0003-150X.
Rushton, K. R. 2006. Significance of a Seepage Face on Flows to Wells in Unconfined
Aquifers. Quarterly J ournal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. Geological Society of
London, London, UK. 01 Nov. Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 323-331. Descriptors: Aden Yemen;
aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; case studies; discharge; drawdown; elevation; England;
equations; Europe; finite difference analysis; Great Britain; ground water; hydraulic
conductivity; numerical models; pressuremeters; pump tests; pumping; River Wye; seepage;
simulation; unconfined aquifers; United Kingdom; Wadi Bana; water table; water wells; Western
Europe; Yazor Gravels; Yemen. References: 23; illus. Abstract: When pumping occurs from a
well in an unconfined aquifer, a seepage face develops between the elevation where water table
intercepts the well face and the water level in the well. The existence of a seepage face often
leads to well yields which are less than values determined by conventional analysis. Using
numerical models to represent the two-dimensional flow through an aquifer to a well bore, the
distribution of inflows at the well face are determined; flows per unit depth (incremental flows)
from the seepage face are normally less than those into the water column. Two case studies are
examined; numerical model simulations show that as the pumping rate is increased and the water
level in the well falls, incremental flows from the seepage face into the well bore are unchanged,
although incremental flows into the water column do increase. When pumping ceases from a
well with a significant seepage face, rapid recovery of the well water level occurs, this allows
estimates to be made of water table elevations at a pumping station; the methodology is
illustrated by a field example. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1470-9236. URL:;jsessionid=689tvr88rgi4.victoria?.
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Saad, MA. 1992. Observations of Benthic Fauna of the South Yemeni Coastal Waters.
J . Mar. Biol. Assoc. India. Volume 34, Issue 1-2, Pages 171-178. Descriptors: correlation; mud;
samples; sediments; zoobenthos; Article Taxonomic Terms: Crustacea; Echinodermata;
Mollusca; Nematoda; Nemertea; Polychaeta; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen; Marine. Notes:
TR: DP9400040. Abstract: Analyses of the benthic samples collected from the coastal water
between Ras A1 Ara and Ras Fartak and around Socotra showed that numerically Polychaeta
was the most abundant group (54.6%) in the benthic fauna with 3553 n/m super(3), followed by
Crustacea (36.2%) with predominance of amphipods isopods, decapods, cumaceans and
tanaidaceans. Echinoderms contributed to 7.2%, though absent at several stations. Other benthic
communities recorded were molluscs (0.5%), nematodes and nemertines (1%). About 50% of the
benthic fauna collected were from Ras A1 Ara and Aden, the minimum being from A1 Kalb
(4.4%). While Polychaeta exhibited a direct correlation with the mud content of the sediment, the
relationship of Crustacea was negative. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries
Abstracts. ISSN: 0025-3146.
Sabahi, E., Abdul, RS, Wan, ZWY, Al Nozaily, F. and Alshaebi, F. 2009. A Study of
Surface Water and Groundwater Pollution in Ibb City, Yemen. Electron. J . Geotech. Eng.
Electronic J ournal of Geotechnical Engineering. Volume 14, Issue F, Descriptors: Article
Subject Terms: Boreholes; Cadmium; Chemical oxygen demand; Chlorides; Contamination;
Dissolved oxygen; Groundwater; Groundwater Pollution; Land use; Landfills; Leachates;
Physicochemical Properties; Ponds; Surface Water; Surface-groundwater Relations;
Temperature; Urban areas; Waste disposal sites; Wastewater discharges; Water Pollution;
boreholes; heavy metals; valleys; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen. Abstract: A study was
carried out to determine the land use impact on water pollution at three different sites, Al-Sahool,
Mitm and Al-Sayyadah valleys around Ibb city, Yemen. Besides determining the status of water
pollution, this study also aims to recognize the sources of pollution and the results will be used to
identify the relationship between the impact of land use activities and water pollution.
Groundwater samples were collected in all valleys. While leachate samples were collected only
from Al-Sahool area and surface water samples from Mitm area. Groundwater was sampled from
the existing wells that were drilled in these areas. Surface water and leachate were sampled from
small stream and leachate ponds. The physico-chemical characteristic of leachate, groundwater
and surface water samples such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved
solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured in-situ, while fluoride (F), chloride (Cl),
sulphate (SO4), nitrites (NO2), nitrates (NO3), ammonia-N (NH3-N), heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Ni,
Cr, Cd, Cu), major cations (Na, Mg, Ca, K, Fe) and biological parameters (COD, BOD5) were
analysed in the laboratory. The results show that, the leachate from the landfill is in
methanogenic phase. The BOD5/COD value of 0.1 mg/1 obtained for leachate suggested the
partially stabilization. For the groundwater at Al-Sahool area borehole two is the most
contaminated borehole, in which physico-chemical parameters are higher, followed by borehole
three, borehole four and borehole five. At Mitm area the surface water in general seems to be
affected by the discharge of untreated wastewater based on the comparison with unpolluted
surface water outside the area. The groundwater quality at Mitm area shows that, only three
boreholes are contaminated due to the percolation of untreated wastewater. For Al-Sayyadah
area, the low values of physico-chemical parameters indicate a clean area and this is due to the
absence of sources of contaminations. In general, Al-Sahool area is the most contaminated area
compared to Mitm and Al-Sayyadah areas. The contamination level at Mitm area is higher than
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Al-Sayyadah area due to the discharge of wastewater directly to the Mitm valley. Therefore, a
leachate collection pond should be build to collect and treat the leachate to prevent further
contamination as well as build more sanitary landfill facilities in Al-Sahool area to prevent
further contamination. An additional wastewater treatment plant at Mitm area is highly
recommended to prevent further contamination to surface and groundwater. Database: Water
Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 1089-3032.
Sadek, Ali. 1992. Infracambrian Sediments of the Middle East; 29th International
Geological Congress; Abstracts. International Geological Congress, Abstracts--Congres
Geologique Internationale, Resumes. Abstracts--Congres Geologique Internationale, Resumes.
Volume 29, Pages 260. Descriptors: Africa; Arabian Peninsula; arkose; Asia; biogenic
structures; chemically precipitated rocks; clastic rocks; conglomerate; Egypt; erosion features;
evaporites; graywacke; Infracambrian; intrusions; Iran; J ordan; lava flows; lithostratigraphy;
marine environment; Middle East; Neoproterozoic; North Africa; Oman; peneplains;
Precambrian; Proterozoic; reefs; sandstone; Saudi Arabia; sedimentary rocks; sedimentary
structures; shallow-water environment; sills; stromatolites; submarine environment; thickness;
Turkey; unconformities; upper Precambrian; Yemen. Notes: IGC, International Geological
Congress; Database: GeoRef.
Safadi, MM. 1995. A Pilot Study of Lake MaRib, Yemen. Hydrobiologia. Volume
315, Issue 3, Pages 203-209. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: artificial lakes; community
composition; freshwater organisms; land use; watersheds; Article Taxonomic Terms: Crustacea;
Insecta; Mollusca; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen, Marib L. Crustacea; artificial lakes;
Freshwater. Notes: TR: CS9607256. Abstract: We provide information on the location, capacity,
climate, land tenure and use, vegetation, conservation, economic, and social value of a large
artificial lake in Yemen. We also list the extant freshwater macrofauna of Marib lake, which
comprises leeches, crustaceans, insects, molluscs, fishes, amphibians and birds. Database: Water
Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 0018-8158.
Safadi, MM. 1991. Freshwater Macrofauna of Stagnant Waters in Yemen Arab
Republic. Hydrobiologia. Volume 210, Issue 3, Pages 203-208. Descriptors: Article Subject
Terms: community composition; freshwater environments; geographical distribution;
macrofauna; new records; population structure; stagnant water; Article Geographic Terms:
Yemen; Yemen, Arab Rep. biological surveys; wadis; Freshwater. Abstract: The author
inventories the freshwater macrofauna of 4 different wadis, representing the low and highlands,
in the Yemen Arab Republic. The fauna comprised 6 molluscan, 21 coleopteran, 8 hemipteran, 2
amphibian and one fish species. Of the Coleoptera, 8 spp. are new records to Yemen Arab
Republic. The genus Exitianus is recorded for the first time in Yemen Arab Republic. Diversity
in the uplands and lowlands was similar, but biomass was much higher in the lowlands.
Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 0018-8158.
Sahooly, Anwer. 2003. Public-Private Partnership in the Water Supply and Sanitation
Sector: The Experience of the Republic of Yemen. Int. J . Water Resour. Dev. Carfax Publishing
Company: Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 139-152. Descriptors: Water supply; Privatization; Public
works; Regulatory compliance; Sanitation. Abstract: The objective of this paper is to provide
information on the institutional development of the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector in
Yemen, its achievements, challenges and constraints. In 1997 the government of Yemen
approved its water supply and sanitation reform agenda in the form of a Council of Ministers
decree and since then the implementation of the reform agenda has started with technical and
financial assistance from Germany, the Netherlands, the World Bank and other donors in
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addition to the contribution from the government of Yemen. The main principles of the reform
agenda are these: the separation of the executive from the regulatory functions; decentralization
of service provision and corporatization through the establishment of autonomous WSS
corporations; the establishment of a regulatory agency; capacity building and human resources
development; and public-private partnership (PPP). This paper gives a summary of what has
been achieved in the implementation of the reform agenda in general and concentrates on the
pilot case of the first PPP initiative in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. The paper takes us through
the stages of PPP option study right through to the preparation of the request for proposals,
which was completed in August 2002. ISSN: 0790-0627. URL:
Salem, A. K. A., Kabesh, M. L., Attawiya, M. Y. and Ali, M. M. 1989. Petrology of the
Hajja Granitic Pluton, Yemen Arab Republic. Zeitschrift Fur Geologische Wissenschaften.
Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages 51-57. Abstract: The granitic rocks of Hajja from the Precambrian
basement of Yemen are chemically characterized. Petrochemically, the Hajja granitoids belong
to the alkaline suite representing sialic material of magmatic origin. In general they also posses a
sodic-potassic characters. The investigated granitic rocks crystallized from acidic magma under
high water-vapour pressure 10Kb, (Tuttle & Bowen 1958). These rocks were emplaced at
relatively great depth in the crust. From the trace element contents of the examined granitoids it
is concluded that the investigated rocks may have derived from normal magmatic processes of
differentiation. Hajja granitoids underwent metasomatism producing anomalous granites.
Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0303-4534.
Salim, M.M. 1970. Note on the agricultural development in the Hadramout Valley.
Report on a fact-finding mission to the People's Republic of Southern Yemen on rural
development in the Hadramout and the Northern Desert. 8 p. Keywords: Democratic Yemen;
Deserts; Agricultural Development; Climate; Hydrology; Tenure; Crops; Animal Production.
Report No: ESR. FAO Library Accession Number: 111003.
Sallam, J . A. and Wright, S. G. 1992. Schistosomiasis Mansoni in Yemen: A Review.
Ann. Saudi Med. Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 294-296. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 2. Abstract:
Schistosomiasis is a major public health problem in Yemen. In 1922 Schistosoma mansoni was
first reported to be found in Yemeni patients. In 1951 the first population survey was carried out
in Taiz and revealed the presence of Biomphalaria biossyi arabica where 35% of the snails were
heavily infected with S. mansoni and in Sana no snails were infected. Although S. mansoni and
S. hematobium infections have been found in most parts of the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR) it
seems that the disease is not a public health problem in some parts of the country such as
Hodeidah, Al-Beidah, Mareb, and Al-Gouff. The source of S. mansoni and S. hematobium in
Yemen was attributed to the continual migration of infected persons from Eritrea and other
countries of East Africa to Vemen. The prevalence of infection is higher in rural than in urban
areas. The complications of S. mansoni, notably portal hypertension, esophageal varices, and
hematemesis have become a major clinical problem. The availability of Praziquantel as a safe
and effective treatment makes case finding and treatment an important part of schistosomiasis
control. Control of the disease also requires field studies followed by mollusciciding,
improvement of water supply and sanitation and, perhaps most importantly, health education.
Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0256-4947.
Sallam, T. A., Al-J aufy, A. Y., Al-Shaibany, K. S., Ghauth, A. Bin and Best, J . M. 2006.
Prevalence of Antibodies to Measles and Rubella in Sanaa, Yemen. Vaccine. 9/11. Volume
24, Issue 37-39, Pages 6304-6308. Descriptors: Rubella; Measles; Yemen. Abstract: Prevalence
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of antibodies to measles and rubella was tested in sera collected from 1368 subjects in urban and
rural Sanaa. Overall, 11.7% had no antibodies to measles and 14.6% had no antibodies to
rubella, despite the fact that measles but not rubella vaccine is included in the vaccination
program in Yemen. Of 89 children <5 years of age 49 (55.1%) had no detectable antibodies to
measles, demonstrating that supplementary measles immunization campaigns are required to
prevent virus circulation. Assessment of measles immune status among infants in the first year of
life is required to determine the optimum age for measles vaccination. Rubella vaccination
should be considered with care in Yemen. ISSN: 0264-410X.
Sallam, T. A., Rajaa, Y. A., Al-Zubiery, T. K., et al. 2003. Chlamydia Trachomatis
Infections among Yemeni School Pupils in Relation to Environmental Conditions. Saudi Med.
J . Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 84-87. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 1. Abstract: Objectives: This
study is aimed at establishing the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infections among school
pupils in Sana a, Republic of Yemen, and to explore the association of infection with
environmental and social factors. Methods: A total of 787 school children, 529 boys and 258
girls, were randomly selected for enrollment in this study. Four hundred and twenty-nine were
from 4 schools in Sana a city, and 358 from 3 rural schools around Sanaa, Republic of Yemen.
Questionnaire forms were filled in for each child to investigate environmental and social factors.
Sera were tested for anti Chlamydia trachomatis IgG antibodies using enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay CTM-IgG. Results: An overall rate of infection of 45.9% was
determined. The rate of infection among rural pupils (73.2%) was higher (P<0.0001) than that
among urbanones (23.1%). The rate of infection was found significantly (P<0.001) inversely
correlated with age of the pupils. Environmental factors which were found to influence the
infection rate were; rural residence, unplastered walls, mud floor, lack of stand pipe water, lack
of latrine and presence of animals within dwelling with odds ratio of 9.1, 6.3, 6.1, 5.2, 3.7, 3.5
and 1.7. Also, the male sex and illiteracy of the parents has been found to be risk factors for
infection. Conclusion: Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection was found to be high. The
prevalence correlates inversely with age. Rural residence, environmental conditions and social
factors were risk factors for infections. Yemen could be identified as a trachoma endemic area,
which should be targeted by the control programs. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN/ISBN: 03795284.
Sallam, Talal A., Cuevas, Luis E. and William Tong, C. Y. 2003. Increase in
Susceptibility of Young Adults to Hepatitis B Infection in the Republic of Yemen. Trans. R.
Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 6. Volume 97, Issue 3, Pages 302-304. Descriptors: hepatitis B virus;
seroprevalence; Yemen. Abstract: Susceptibility to hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection among 987
young adult male blood donors in 2 major Yemeni cities was investigated. Hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg) was detected in 10.8% () of donors and 284 (28.8%) had evidence of ongoing
or past HBV infection. Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) only was detected in 34 (3.4%)
donors. Thus, 67.8% () of donors had no detectable HBV-markers indicating susceptibility to
infection. The proportion of HBV-susceptible donors decreased from 70.9% () in donors aged 34
years (P =0.002). The high proportion of susceptible young adults in a community with a high
HBsAg carrier rate could be the result of changing epidemiology of hepatitis B in Yemen.
Consideration should therefore be given to immunizing young adults as an adjunct to the current
expanded infant immunization programme. ISSN: 0035-9203.
Salwen, Sarah. 2007. Faith in Moderation: Islamist Parties in J ordan and Yemen. by
J illian Schwedler. Cambridge University Press, 2006. 252pp. $80.00. J . of Church and State.
March 1. Volume 49, Issue 2, Pages 353-354. ISSN: 0021-969X.
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Sandau, C. Waddell, J . and Berthelet, T. 2008. Novel Approach to High Water Cut
Measurement in a Mature Oil Field. Soc. Pet. Eng. - Abu Dhabi Int. Pet. Exhib. Conf.
ADIPECVolume: 1, page(s): 364-370. 13th Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and
Conference, ADIPEC 2008. Abu Dhabi Conference: 3 November 2008 through 6 November
2008. Abstract: Canadian Nexen Petroleum Yemen (CNPY) produces two million barrels of
fluid per day at 95 percent watercut from the Masila Block (Block 14) in Yemen. Asset
development decisions are based on numerous factors, one of the most important being the
amount of oil produced from a well. With increasing oil price, it is becoming economically
feasible to produce wells at significantly higher watercuts. The analytical variability of
volumetric methods used in Block 14 to measure watercut restricts the accuracy and precision of
these measurements. The authors developed a robust and reproducible water cut determination
method for this mature petroleum asset based on gravimetric measurement of oil and water
phases. The gravimetric measurement approach follows the volumetric method procedures but
uses a balance to weigh the oil or water fractions. To keep consistent with historical reporting of
oil production, the density of each phase is then used to correct the values to a volume basis. The
methodology outperforms the volumetric determination of water cut by being more reproducible
(better precision) and allowing for the accurate measurement of water cuts up to 99.5 percent. In
side by side comparison of the gravimetric and volumetric methods at 99.5 percent water cut, the
gravimetric methodology showed a five fold increase in accuracy. In addition, the gravimetric
method provides six to ten times better precision in the measurement of watercut on
representative field samples compared to the volumetric methodology. The program at Block 14
investigated the use of a reference calibration matrix standard as a data quality system to
establish the detection limits of the methodology and to institute a testing procedure to monitor
laboratory performance.The increased accuracy and precision in watercut measurement gives
reservoir engineers the confidence to make economic decisions on well viability to maximize
overall project NPV. ISBN: 9781605606996. Database: SCOPUS.
Sander, Kirk M., Oches, Eric A., Anderson, Scott, McCorriston, J oy and Harrower,
Michael. 2005. Tufa Records of Holocene Climate Change in Highland Southern Yemen;
Geological Society of America, 2005 Annual Meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological
Society of America. Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO. Oct. Volume 37, Issue
7, Pages 426. Descriptors: absolute age; agriculture; aquatic environment; Arabian Peninsula;
arid environment; Asia; C-14; carbon; Cenozoic; chemically precipitated rocks; climate change;
dates; discharge; Gastropoda; ground water; highlands; Holocene; humid environment;
Invertebrata; isotopes; lacustrine environment; lower Holocene; meteoric water; middle
Holocene; Mollusca; paleoclimatology; paleohydrology; Plantae; point sources; Quaternary;
radioactive isotopes; recharge; reconstruction; riparian environment; sedimentary rocks; springs;
terrestrial environment; tufa; Wadi Hadramawt; Wadi Idim; Wadi Sana; Yemen. Abstract: As a
paleoclimatic recorder tufa can be instrumental in reconstructing the mid-Holocene paleoclimate
and paleohydrology in Wadi Idim and Wadi Sana, which are north flowing tributaries to Wadi
Hadramawt, in the highlands of southern Yemen. Based on preliminary age estimates, tufa
formation began around 10,000 14C yr B.P., when a stronger summer monsoon brought
increased precipitation across the southern Arabian peninsula. Approximately 5,000 14C yr B.P.
formation of major tufa mounds ceased, as the monsoon weakened and shifted southward,
leading to an increasingly arid climate in the region. Radiocarbon age estimates recovered from
sand lenses in the tufa deposits indicate a possible north to south headward migration of the tufa
source through Wadi Idim and Wadi Sana. Ages on tufa deposits from both wadis correspond
Geology of Yemen
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with evidence from other paleoclimate proxies in eastern Africa, the Arabian Sea, western India,
and elsewhere in southern Arabia, that indicate increased moisture availability from about 10,000
to 5,000 years ago. In our study area, increased precipitation contributed to enhanced meteoric
recharge of shallow aquifers discharging as springs, which served as point-sources for tufa
formation. More active spring discharge led to the formation of expansive marsh and wetland
environments, which are indicated by organic-rich lacustrine sediments grading from the tufa
mounds to the wadi center. Fossil aquatic gastropods and plant impressions are abundant in the
tufa sediments, providing additional evidence for the extensive riparian environment adjacent to
the spring sources. Radiocarbon age estimates determined on charcoal recovered from sand
lenses within the tufa deposits are correlated with periods of more extensive human occupation
in the region, as documented by the RASA (Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia) team.
Evidence suggests that early farmers may have been exploiting water resources discharging from
these fossil springs during the mid-Holocene humid phase. Subsequent aridification has led to
abandonment of agricultural subsistence and return to pastoralism in much of the region.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7592.
Sayyaghi, al-Husayn ibn Ahmad. 1966. Qanun San`a: Fi Al-Qarn Al-Thani Ashar Al-
Hijri; Wa Yaliha Qanun Al-Rayy Fi Al-Yaman Wa Hikam `Ali Ibn Zayd. San`a: tubi`a tahta
ishraf `Abd Allah Isma`il Ghamdan. Descriptors: Islamic law -- Yemen -- History; Water -- Law
and legislation -- Yemen. Notes: 57, 16p. Other Titles: Qanun al-rayy fi al-Yaman wa hikam `Ali
ibn Zayd. Responsibility: bi-qalam Husayn ibn Ahmad al-Siyaghi. OCLC Accession Number:
Schaap, H. B., Den Dulk, M. O. and Polderman, A. M. 1992. Schistosomiasis in the
Yemen Arab Republic. Prevalence of Schistosoma Mansoni and S. Haematobium Infection
among Schoolchildren in the Central Highlands and their Relation to Altitude. Trop. Geogr.
Med. Volume 44, Issue 1-2, Pages 19-22. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 10. Database: SCOPUS.
ISSN: 0041-3232.
Scheepers, Lidwien M. 1991. J idda: The Traditional Midwife of Yemen? Soc. Sci.
Med. Volume 33, Issue 8, Pages 959-962. Descriptors: Yemen; traditional birth attendant;
midwife; birth-practices; childbirth. Abstract: Contrary to what is assumed, traditional birth
attendants (TBAs) do not appear to be clearly defined category of women with specialized
knowledge and experience of assistance at deliveries in the local cultural situation at village level
in the Anis region of the central highlands in Yemen. In the actual design of training for TBAs in
Yemen, this results in problematic provision of basic mother and child health care, in particular
safe and clean deliveries to all women at village level. ISSN: 0277-9536.
Scheifele, C., Nassar, A. and Reichart, P. A. 2007. Prevalence of Oral Cancer and
Potentially Malignant Lesions among Shammah Users in Yemen. Oral Oncol. 1. Volume 43,
Issue 1, Pages 42-50. Descriptors: Mouth mucosa; Chemical burn; Oral leukoplakia; Squamous
cell carcinoma; Mouth neoplasms; Potentially malignant lesions; Smokeless tobacco; Shammah;
Qat; Yemen. Abstract: Summary The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of oral
precancerous lesions and squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in Yemeni users of shammah, a
traditional smokeless tobacco habit known in the Arabian Peninsula. The study group comprised
199 male and one female shammah users who were interviewed via a standardised questionnaire
and clinically examined in 48 Yemeni villages and cities. Cases with oral leukoplakia (OL) or
mucosal burns (MB) were compared with users without any lesion. MB were detected in 31%, of
which 46.8% were located on the tongue or floor of the mouth, and OL in 27%, of which 59.2%
were located in the same region. In addition, two cases (1%) of apparent OSCC were identified.
Geology of Yemen
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Statistically significant increased OR (95% CI) of OL were (a) 6.91 (2.6617.95) for an average
duration of the respective shammah application >5 min. (b) 4.90 (1.9912.08) for a daily
frequency of those applications >10; and (c) 4.22 (1.4312.43) for a daily duration >6 h of
chewing qat, also a traditional habit in Yemen. Likewise, decreased OR were (a) 0.39 (0.18
0.85) for rinsing the mouth after the shammah application; (b) 0.36 (0.170.78) for successful
attempts to stop the use in the past; and (c) 0.26 (0.090.72) for existing knowledge about the
carcinogenicity of shammah that was present in only 19% overall. In conclusion, evidence was
shown for a significant association between the prevalence of OL and the daily duration of
shammah application in a dose-dependent manner. An appropriate public health program might
help to reduce this potential OSCC burden in shammah users. ISSN: 1368-8375.
Schils, T., De Clerck, O. and Coppejans, E. 2003. The Red Algal Genus Reticulocaulis
from the Arabian Sea, Including R. Obpyriformis Sp. Nov., with Comments on the Family
Naccariaceae. Phycologia. J an. Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 44-55. Descriptors: Article Subject
Terms: Anatomy; Biogeography; Distribution records; Gametophytes; Geographical distribution;
New records; New species; Phenotypes; Plant morphology; Plant reproductive structures; Sea
water; Seaweeds; Thalli; Article Taxonomic Terms: Naccariaceae; Reticulocaulis mucosissimus;
Reticulocaulis obpyriformis; Hawaii; Arabian Sea; Oman, Masirah I. Yemen, Socotra; Oman;
Taxonomy; Yemen; Marine. Abstract: Reticulocaulis obpyriformis Schils, sp. nov. is described
from the south coast of Socotra Island (Yemen), and a second species, R. mucosissimus, is
recorded from a similar upwelling area in the Arabian Sea (Masirah Island, Oman). These are the
first published records of Naccariaceae for the Indian Ocean and end the monospecific,
Hawaiian-endemic status of Reticulocaulis. Features distinguishing R. obpyriformis from R.
mucosissimus include its more sparsely branched thallus, obpyriform rather than cylindrical
inner cortical cells, the presence of short moniliform laterals of small spherical cells on the
cortical filaments, monoecious rather than dioecious gametophytes, and the direct development
of spermatangia from catenate mother cells. The morphology and anatomy of the gametophytes
of this heteromorphic genus are discussed in relation to those of other naccariacean genera.
Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. ISSN: 0031-8884.
Schmidt, Michael; Al-Nozaily, Fadhl and Al-Ghorbany, Amer. 2008. Standards for and
Evaluation of Small-Scale Dam Projects in Yemen. Federal Republic of Germany Springer,
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany. Volume: 3, Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; arid
environment; Asia; construction; dams; degradation; drinking water; ground water; habitat;
human activity; irrigation; policy; pollution; public health; recharge; reclamation; risk
assessment; standardization; surface water; terrestrial environment; water quality; water use;
Yemen. References: 15; illus. incl. 3 tables. ISBN: 9783540311409; 9783540311416.
Scholten, Alma. 1992. Agricultural Transformation in Yaffi and Markha: A Comparative
Study in Central Yemen. Utrecht: Geografisch Instituut, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Descriptors:
Agriculture -- Yemen (Republic) -- Bayda Region; Agricultural surveys -- Yemen (Republic) --
Bayda Region; Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- Yemen (Republic) -- Bayda Region;
Agricultural development -- Yemen; Farming systems -- Yemen; Agrarische ontwikkeling;
Water. Notes: 1 v. (various pagings): maps; 30 cm. Note(s): Cover title. Februari 1992.
Includes bibliographical references (p. B1-B3). LCCN: 94-202369. OCLC Accession Number:
Schiettecatte, J rmie. 2006. Lvolution de larmature urbaine en Arabie du Sud: la
valle du J awf du VIIIe sicle av. au VIe sicle apr. M@ppemonde. Issue: 84. Pagination not
given. Keywords: Archogographie; J awf; Paloenvironnement; Peuplement; Ymen. Abstract:
Geology of Yemen
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Lapproche archogographique du peuplement de la valle du J awf (Ymen) met ici en
vidence les dynamiques qui affectent le rseau urbain de cette rgion au cours du Ier mill. av. J .-
C. et au dbut de lre chrtienne. Cette approche permet de relativiser les causes jusquici
avances du dclin et de la disparition des villes tout en mettant en avant limpact de probables
modifications environnementales et les consquences dune action anthropique sur le paysage
plus en amont. ISSN: 1769-7298.
Schliephake, Konrad, and Ahmed Almas. Sudlicher J emen: wirtschaftliche Entwicklung
und Wasser als physisch-geographische Grundlage: Protokolle zur Exkursion Aden und
Hadhramaut, Marz 2000, und wissenschaftliche Beitrage =Southern Yemen. Southern Yemen
Economic Development and Water as a Physical Basis: Protocols from an excursion to Aden and
Hadhramaut, March 2000, and scientific contributions. Wurzburg: Geographisches Inst, 2001.
IV, 265 S. Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. Wurzburger Geographische Manuskripte, 54. OCLC:
Schweitzer, Sylvia. 1998. Finanzierung Lokaler Infrastrukturmassnahmen Durch
Kostendeckende Tarife: Theoretische Analyse Und Empirische Untersuchung Am Beispiel Der
Wasserversorgungem J emen. Translated title: Local infrastructure financing through cost-
covering tariffs measures: Theoretical Analysis And Empirical Investigation Using the example
of water supplies Yemen. Bochum: Institut fr Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik
der Ruhr-Universitt Bochum. Page(s): 7. Descriptors: Economic development projects --
Yemen; Local finance -- Yemen; Water supply -- Yemen; Sanitation -- Yemen; Infrastructure
(Economics) -- Yemen. Notes: 140; ill., maps; 30 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.
134-140). ISBN: 3927276510; 9783927276512; LCCN: 98-208269. OCLC Accession Number:
Scott, Hugh. 1942. In the High Yemen. London: J ohn Murray. Page(s): 260. Descriptors:
Scott, Hugh, 1885-; British Museum Expedition to South-west; Arabia, 1937-1938; Yemen
(Republic) -- Description and; travel; Yemen, South -- Description and travel. Notes: xix; , [33]
leaves of plates: ill. 23 cm. Note(s): Account of the authors experiences with the British
Museum (Natural History) Expedition to South-west Arabia, 1937-1938. Includes
bibliographical references (p. 239-242) and index. Responsibility: by Hugh Scott; with over a
hundred photographs by the author and Everard B. Britton. Includes information on tribes and
divisions in the country. OCLC Accession Number: 4122429.
Segele, Zewdu T., Lamb, Peter J . and Leslie, Lance M. 2009. Seasonal-to-Interannual
Variability of Ethiopia/Horn of Africa Monsoon. Part I: Associations of Wavelet-Filtered Large-
Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Global Sea Surface Temperature. J . Climate. American
Meteorological Society: 06/01; 2011/04. Volume 22, Issue 12, Pages 3396-3421. ISSN: 0894-
8755. URL: CLI2859.1.
Segelhorst, Ken. An Introduction to Arab Culture: A Brief Synopsis for U.S. Soldiers.
Infantry 98 (J anuary-February 2009): 39-44.
Serjeant, R. B. 1965. Notices on The Frankish Chancre (Syphilis) in Yemen, Egypt,
And Persia. J Semitic Studies. J anuary 1. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 241-252.
Seryi, V. V. and Naval Oceanographic Office Washington D C. 1973. On the Water
Exchange between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (O Vodoobmene Mezhdu Krasnym Morem
i Adenskim Zalivom). Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center: Descriptors: Physical
and Dynamic Oceanography; (Ocean currents; Red sea); Transport properties; Salinity; Heat
transfer; Interactions; Oceanographic data; Deep water; Shallow water; Surface temperature;
Halogen compounds; Sea water; Ocean bottom topography; Ussr; Aden Gulf; Thermohaline
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 275
Circulation; Translations. Abstract: The paper is based on data collected during a 3-year period
by Vladimir Vorobyev (1961-1964) along a cross section at the northeastern limit of Bab el
Mandeb (Strait). Indirect methods permitted definition of sharp seasonal intensity variations of
deep water flowing from the Red Sea into the Gulf of Aden, as well as the causes of these
variations. Thermohaline and hydrochemical properties of Red Sea water change during the year
in proportion to the degree of transformation of the water in Bab el Mandeb (Strait). (Modified
author abstract). Notes: 11 p. Note(s): Translation of Okeanologicheskie Issledovaniya (USSR)
n19 p195-200 1968, by V. Astvazaturov. Report: NOO-Trans-546; General Info: APPROVED
FOR PUBLIC RELEASE. OCLC Accession Number: 227533130.
Shaaban, M.A.; AlEryant, M.L. 1982. Hydro-geoelectrical study of the Tihama ground
water, Yemen Arab Republic. J ournal of Gulf Arabian Peninsula Studies 2 (1982), pp. 7 - 25.
Shaaban, M. A. 1980. A Geoelectrical Study of the Sanaa Groundwater Basin, Yemen
Arab Republic. Geologie En Mijnbouw.Netherlands J ournal of Geosciences. De Bussy
Ellerman Harms, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Volume 59, Issue 1, Pages 79-86. Descriptors:
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; electrical conductivity; electrical methods; geophysical methods;
geophysical surveys; ground water; hydrogeology; Sanaa Basin; surveys; water resources;
Yemen. References: 7; illus. incl. geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7746.
Shaaban, Mohamed A. 1982. A Geoelectrical Study of the Groundwater Potentialities of
Wadi Zabid, Yemen Arab Republic. Faculty of Science Bulletin - Sanaa University. UBS
Publishers Distributors LTD for the Faculty of University, Yemen Arab Republic, New Delhi,
Yemen: Yemen. Volume 2, Pages 11-21. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
electrical methods; geophysical methods; geophysical surveys; ground water; resistivity;
surveys; Wadi Zabid; Yemen. References: 5; illus. incl. sects., sketch map. Database: GeoRef.
Shaaban, Mohamed A. 1982. Importance of Geophysical Techniques for Groundwater
Investigation in Y.A.R. Faculty of Science Bulletin - Sanaa University. UBS Publishers
Distributors LTD for the Faculty of University, Yemen Arab Republic, New Delhi, Yemen.
Volume 2, Pages 23-38. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; conductivity; economic geology;
electrical methods; geophysical methods; geophysical surveys; ground water; resistivity;
surveys; water resources; Yemen. References: 9; illus. incl. sketch map. Database: GeoRef.
Shaaban, Mohamed Ahmed. 1980. Geoelectrical Study of the Sanaa Groundwater
Basin, Yemen Arab Republic. Geol. Mijnbouw. Volume 59, Issue 1, Pages 79-86. Descriptors:
Aquifers; Geophysics - Electrical; Water Resources - Groundwater. Abstract: The ground water
conditions and possibilities in Sanaa Basin were analyzed for the purpose of locating a suitable
source of water supply, and to delineate the structural set-up of the area. Resistivity vertical
soundings, previously performed in the area, were interpreted to construct geoelectrical sections
of the subsurface along some selected profiles. Also, some parametric resistivity and
conductivity measurements were undertaken at some locations for the different rock types and
waters of wells encountered in the area. Correlation between the geoelectrical results and the
available geological and hydrological data was made. ISSN: 0016-7746.
Shahin, Mamdouh. 2007. Water Resources and Hydrometeorology of the Arab Region.
Water Science and Technology Library. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Volume 59, Pages
586. Descriptors: Africa; Algeria; Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; atmospheric
precipitation; Bahrain; climate; Djibouti; drainage basins; East Africa; Egypt; erosion;
evaporation; evapotranspiration; fluvial features; global change; ground water; history;
hydrology; Iraq; J ordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Mauritania; meteorology; Middle East;
Morocco; North Africa; Oman; Palestine; pollution; Qatar; rainfall; recycling; rivers and
Geology of Yemen
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streams; runoff; Saudi Arabia; Somali Republic; storage coefficient; streamflow; Sudan; surface
water; Syria; terrestrial environment; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; wadis; waste water; water
erosion; water quality; water resources; water use; West Africa; Yemen. Includes CD-ROM;
References: 398; illus. Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 1402045778. URL:,11855,4-40515-69-33112474-0,00.html.
Shaji, C. and Gangopadhyay, A. 2007. Synoptic Modeling in the Eastern Arabian Sea
during the Southwest Monsoon using Upwelling Feature Models. J . Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
American Meteorological Society: 05/01; 2011/04. Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages 877-893. Notes:
doi: 10.1175/J TECH1984.1; M3: doi: 10.1175/J TECH1984.1; 15. ISSN: 0739-0572. URL: TECH1984.1.
Shakun, J . D., Burns, S. J ., Fleitmann, D., Kramers, J ., Matter, A. and Al-Subary, A.
2007. A High-Resolution, Absolute-Dated Deglacial Speleothem Record of Indian Ocean
Climate from Socotra Island, Yemen. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. Volume 259, Issue 3-4, Pages 442-
456. Descriptors: deglaciation; Indian monsoon; intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ); Socotra;
speleothem; uranium-series. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 6. Abstract: Stalagmite M1-5 from
Socotra Island, Yemen in the northwest Indian Ocean provides a robust, high-resolution
paleoclimate record from 27.4-11.1 ka based on 717 stable isotope and 28 230Th
measurements. Variations in M1-5 oxygen isotope ratios (18O) are interpreted to be primarily
driven by an amount effect related to changes in the mean position and/or intensity of convection
of the intertropical convergence zone, the islands only source of precipitation. The M1-5 18O
time series is strongly correlated to the Greenland ice cores, similar to an older Socotra
speleothem deposited from 53-40 ka [S.J . Burns, D. Fleitmann, A. Matter, J . Kramers, A. Al-
Subbary, Indian Ocean climate and an absolute chronology over Dansgaard/Oeschger events 9 to
13, Science 301 (2003) 1365-1367], indicating that a North Atlantic-Indian Ocean cold-
dry/warm-wet teleconnection persisted through the end of the last glacial period. Peak
aridification occurred at 23 ka and a gradual increase in moisture thereafter was interrupted by
an abrupt drying event at 16.4 ka, perhaps related to Heinrich event 1. Indian Ocean rainfall
increased dramatically during the Blling period and then decreased continuously and gradually
through the Allerd and Younger Dryas. The Holocene began abruptly with increased
precipitation at 11.4 ka and was followed by a major but short-lived drying during the Preboreal
Oscillation at 11.2 ka. M1-5 is highly correlated to the Dongge Cave record from 15.5-11 ka,
suggesting much of the Indian Ocean monsoon region responded similarly to the major climate
changes of the last deglaciation. The transitions into the Younger Dryas and to a lesser extent the
Blling are remarkably gradual in M1-5, as they are in all other Asian speleothem records,
occurring over several centuries. These gradual transitions are in striking contrast to high-
resolution records from around the North Atlantic basin where the transitions are extremely
abrupt and generally occur in under a century. This spatially variable pattern of climate change is
consistent with an Atlantic origin for these deglacial climate events. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN:
Shaw, J ulia E., Baker, J oel A., Menzies, Martin A., Thirlwall, Matthew F. and Ibrahim,
Khalil M. 2003. Petrogenesis of the Largest Intraplate Volcanic Field on the Arabian Plate
(J ordan): A Mixed Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Source Activated by Lithospheric Extension. J .
Petrology. September 1. Volume 44, Issue 9, Pages 1657-1679. Abstract: Miocene to Recent
volcanism in northwestern Arabia produced the largest intraplate volcanic field on the Arabian
plate (Harrat Ash Shaam, J ordan). The chemically and isotopically diverse volcanic field
comprises mafic alkali basalts and basanites. The magmas underwent limited fractional
Geology of Yemen
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crystallization of ol {+/-} cpx {+/-} plag and rare samples have assimilated up to 20% of Late
Proterozoic crust en route to the surface. However, there are subtle Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic variations
(87Sr/86Sr =0{middle dot}70305-0{middle dot}70377, 143Nd/144Nd =0{middle dot}51297-
0{middle dot}51285, 206Pb/204Pb =18{middle dot}8-19{middle dot}2), which exhibit marked
correlations with major elements, incompatible trace element ratios and abundances in relatively
primitive basalts (MgO >8{middle dot}5 wt %), and cannot be explained by fractional
crystallization and crustal contamination alone. Instead, the data require polybaric melting of
heterogeneous sources. Semi-quantitative melt modelling suggests that this heterogeneity is the
result of small degree melts (2-5%) from spinel- and garnet-facies mantle, inferred to be shallow
Arabian lithosphere, that mixed with smaller degree melts (<1%) from a predominantly deep
garnet-bearing asthenospheric(?) source with ocean island basalt characteristics. The latter may
be a ubiquitous part of the asthenosphere but is preferentially tapped at small degrees of partial
melting. Volcanism in J ordan appears to be the result of melting lithospheric mantle in response
to lithospheric extension. With time, thinning of the lithosphere allowed progressively deeper
mantle (asthenosphere?) to be activated and melts from this to mix with the shallower
lithospheric mantle melts. Although J ordanian intraplate volcanism is isotopically similar to
examples of Late Cenozoic volcanism throughout the Arabian peninsula (Israel, Saudi Arabia),
subtle chemical and isotopic differences between Yemen and J ordan intraplate volcanism
suggest that the Afar plume has not been channelled northwestwards beneath the Arabian plate
and played no role in producing the northern Saudi Arabian and J ordan intraplate volcanic fields.
Sheikh, M. I. 1984. "The Water Decade. some Challenges and Prospects for the Eastern
Mediterranean Region." Water Quality Bulletin 9.3 (1984): 127-34. Abstract: Access to safe
water in the eastern Mediterranean region from Tunisia to Pakistan is examined. Three-quarters
of the population in nine of the 23 Member States in the region have relatively easy access to
safe water supplies. Six countries lie in the range 50 to 75 per cent, while in eight countries only
50 per cent of the population is provided. These include Afghanistan, Democratic Yemen, Oman,
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen Arab Republic. Over the whole region, the
proportion of rural population having adequate supplies has remained the same since 1970, while
that of the urban population has increased from 77 to 80 per cent. Future trends are outlined.
Shindou, S. and Tagutschi, Y. 1981. Water Resources of the Yemen Arab Republic;
Hydrogeology. Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section
B: Geological Sciences. University of Tsukuba, Institute of Geoscience, Ibaraki, J apan: J apan;
University of Tsukuba, Section B: Geological Sciences. Volume 2, Pages 77-100. Descriptors:
aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; electrical conductivity; geochemistry;
ground water; hydrogen; hydrogeology; isotopes; natural recharge; radioactive isotopes; surveys;
terrestrial environment; tritium; watersheds; Yemen. References: 9; illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch
map, geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0388-6182.
Shindou, S. and Tagutschi, Y. 1981. Environmental Geology of the Yemen Arab
Republic, Tihamah Plain. Chigaku Zasshi =J ournal of Geography. Tokyo Chigaku Kyokai,
Tokyo, J apan. Volume 90, Issue 3, Pages 1-21. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
conservation; economic geology; environmental geology; hydrogeology; hydrology; impact
statements; regional planning; Tihamah Plain; water resources; Yemen. References: 21; illus.
incl. 2 tables, sketch map, geol. sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0022-135X.
Shindou, Shizuo and Tagutschi, Yuhsaku. 1979. Environmental Geology of Yemen
Arab Republic; 1, Natural Environment and Water use. Chigaku Zasshi =J ournal of
Geography. Tokyo Chigaku Kyokai, Tokyo, J apan: J apan. Volume 88, Issue 4, Pages 195-215.
Geology of Yemen
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Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; drainage basins; economic geology;
environmental geology; fluvial features; geomorphology; ground water; hydrology; land use;
rainfall; regional planning; surveys; water resources; water supply; watersheds; Yemen.
References: 28; illus. incl. sketch maps. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0022-135X.
Shiwafi, N., Rushdi, AI* and Ba-Issa, A. 2005. Trace Metals in Surface Seawaters and
Sediments from various Habitats of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Environ. Geol. Aug. Volume
48, Issue 4-5, Pages 590-598. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Absorption; Biogeochemistry;
Cadmium; Chemical Analysis; Chromium; Coasts; Cobalt; Copper; Geology; Habitat; Habitats;
Heavy metals; Iron; Laboratory Equipment; Lead; Manganese; Metals; Nickel; Sea water;
Seawater; Sediments; Trace Metals; Vanadium; Water Analysis; Zinc; Geographic Terms: Red
Sea; Yemen; Red Sea; Yemen; Marine. Notes: TR: CS0701631. Abstract: The purpose of this
study was to determine and assess the concentrations of trace metals in surface seawaters and
sediments from different coastal habitats of the Red Sea coast of Yemen. Surface seawater and
sediment samples were collected, treated and analyzed for cadmium, cobalt, manganese,
chromium, lead, iron, nickel, copper, zinc and vanadium by the atomic absorption spectrometric
analysis. The concentrations were high for cadmium, cobalt and lead and low or consistent with
the natural background concentrations for the rest of the metals. However, the coastal habitats of
the Red Sea coast of Yemen are still considered unpolluted, it is concluded that the cadmium
cobalt and lead levels in surface seawaters are high and could have negative effects on marine
life of the sites. Further studies are needed to characterize the sources fate, biogeochemical
processes and impacts of these trace metals on coastal habitats and marine life of the region.
Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 1432-0495.
Shorley, Christopher. 2007. In Search of Sheba: An Arabian Adventure Andre Malraux
and Edouard Corniglion-Molinier, Yemen, 1934. French Studies. October 1. Volume 61, Issue
4, Pages 545-546.
Shukri, N. M. Basta, E. Z. J ami`at al-Qahirah and Kulliyat al-`Ulum. 1959. Petrography
of the Volcanic Rocks of Aden. Descriptors: Aden -- Geology. Notes: Column 87-107.: ill. 22 x
36 cm. folded to 22 x 19 cm. Note(s): Title from caption. Cario. Fouad I Universite. Faculty of
Science, Bulletin, no. 35, 1959, p. 87-107.1. Photocopy (positive); each column represents 1
page of the original. Bibliography: p. 107. Other Titles: Bulletin (J ami`at al-Qahirah. Kulliyat al-
`Ulum); no. 35. OCLC Accession Number: 18782321.
2009. Sieghart, Lia Carol. Unilateral Clean Development Mechanism an Approach for
a Least Developed Country: The Case of Yemen. Environ. Sci. & Policy. 4. Volume 12, Issue
2, Pages 198-203. Descriptors: Clean Development Mechanism; Unilateral; Least developed
country; Financing; Yemen. Abstract: Decision parameters prevailing in the market lead to a
slim expression of interest of foreign investors for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
projects in a bi- or multilateral design in Yemen. The Designated National Authority Secretariat
in Yemen experiences the preference of Annex I entities of merely buying Certified Emission
Reductions rather than investing in projects. Yemens ability, like many least developed
countries, to carry out unilateral CDM projects is moderate. Domestic project developers
perceive difficulties in procuring underlying finance as key barrier in materializing CDM project
activities in a unilateral design. The country remains trapped in a catch 22 situation.
International assistance through low interest loans and capacity building for domestic financial
institutions tailored to CDM project activities may trigger the market. Aggravation can be
assisted by amending the policies of Annex I countries, in consequence to allocate a substantial
share of their procurement activities to Certified Emission Reductions from least developed
Geology of Yemen
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countries. Acquisition programmes may give preference to projects from host countries not
traditionally represented in the pool of attractive CDM destinations. ISSN: 1462-9011.
Simes, N., Apel, M. and J ones, D. A. 2001. Intertidal Habitats and Decapod Faunal
Assemblages (Crustacea: Decapoda) of Socotra Island, Republic of Yemen. Hydrobiologia.
Volume 449, Pages 81-97. Descriptors: Decapod fauna; Indian Ocean; Intertidal habitats;
Socotra Island; Zoogeography. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 3. Abstract: The Socotra
Archipelago, situated in the north-western part of the Indian Ocean at the entrance of the Gulf of
Aden, has a unique zoogeographical position, as the transition between the Arabian and Red Seas
and East African shores. The Socotran marine environment, however, is as yet poorly studied,
with only sparse and incomplete reference to the field of crustaceans. The current work presents
results from a survey of the intertidal decapod assemblages of Socotra Island conducted in spring
1999. The information from 185 sites sampled around the island is summarized in a map with
short descriptions of representative intertidal habitats, their relative area and distribution. Both
rocky shores and cobble beaches have the largest diversity of decapods. Sandy beaches are
dominated mainly by Ocypode saratan and Coenobita scaevola, whilst rocky shores are
dominated by Grapsus albolineatus, G. tenuicrustatus, Plagusia tuberculata, Pachygrapsus
minutus, Metopograpsus messor and Eriphia smithii. In cobble beaches, Pseudozius caystrus,
Leptodius exaratus, Xanthias sinensis, Clibanarius signatus and Clibanarius virescens are the
most common species. Cardisoma carnifex and Uca inversa are common bordering mud flats and
coastal lagoons. As fishing pressure is low, mud flats surrounding wadis and coastal lagoons host
small undisturbed populations of Scylla serrata and Fenneropenaeus indicus. There is only a
reduced number of mangrove trees and area of mangrove, most of which is already destroyed or
under severe human and environmental pressure. The largest and most representative stand has
an unusual structure: species diversity is strikingly low, it is disconnected from the sea by a sand
bar or dune, and is completely dry. Interesting zoogeographical findings are detailed, and a list of
intertidal decapod fauna, relating each species to its common habitat is presented. This list is
compared with previous studies, and other intertidal decapod assemblages from the Arabian
Gulf, Red Sea and East Africa. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 00188158.
Slater, Maj S. M. 1981. Radfan. British Army Review. December 1981. Issue No. 69,
Pages 16-19.
Smith, G.V.; Al-Mooji, Y.A. 1987. Groundwater Development in the Tihama Coastal
Plain. Proceedings of the subregional expert consultation on wadi development for agriculture in
the natural Yemen, Technical Background Papers: International 11, Aden, PDR Yemen.
Abstract: The Tihama Coastal Plain, with an estimated 5,000 km of cultivated land, has become
a prime target for agricultural development in the Yemen Arab Republic. About 30%
(140,000ha) of this fertile land is located within the alluvial fans formed by the seven major
wadis in the area. OCLC: 20642235.
Smith, L. J . 1987. Sewage Stabilisation Ponds in Arabia and Kenya. Water Science and
Technology. Lisbon, Port. Volume 19, Issue 12, Pages 345-347. Descriptors: Sewage Treatment;
Sanitary Engineering - Developing Countries. Notes: Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright
2009 Elsevier Inc. undefined; undefined; undefined; undefined; undefined. Abstract: Experience
of pond design and operation in Arabia and Kenya is described. In Saudi Arabia major
stabilization pond installations were built for the Three Cities Project at Hofuf, Buraidah and
Qatif. Summaries of results, comment on performance achieved and implications for future
stabilization pond design are noted. Recently commissioned ponds in Aden for both domestic
and industrial sewages are featured and points of interest indicated. The basis of the most recent
Geology of Yemen
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designs now ready for tender for applications in Aden and Seiyun, P. D. R. Yemen are provided.
Conclusions are drawn regarding the future potential of pond treatment for disposal of waste
water for re-use in irrigation. ISSN: 0273-1223.
SOGREAH, 1979. Wadi Hadramaut feasibility study. Interim report. Water resources -
Land use - Land classification. SOGREAH. Grenoble-France.
Sogreah Consulting Engineers, and Hunting Surveys. Feasibility Study of the Wadi Siham
Basin: Report on Electrical Resistivity Sounding Survey. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1979. "Yemen Arab
Republic, Ministry of Agriculture, Tihama Development Authority. OCLC: 66855026.
Sogreah Consulting Engineers, and Hunting Surveys. "Water scarcity and climate change
adaptation for Yemen's vulnerable communities". Local Environment. 16, no. 5: 473-488. Issn:
1354-9839. Oclc: 741307135.
Sohlman, Eva. 2004. Ecology: A Bid to Save the Galpagos of the Indian Ocean.
Science. March 19. Volume 303, Issue 5665, Pages 1753.
Sokolowski, A. Bawazir, A. and Wolowicz, M. 2004. Trace Metals in the Brown Mussel
Perna Perna from the Coastal Waters off Yemen (Gulf of Aden): How Concentrations are
Affected by Weight, Sex, and Seasonal Cycle. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Volume: 46, no.
1, page(s): 67-67-80. Abstract: The effects of seasonal cycle, sex of individuals, and changes of
soft tissues weight on accumulated trace metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn) were
examined in the brown mussel Perna perna collected monthly from a natural rocky habitat in the
coastal waters off Yemen, the Gulf of Aden, for a period of ten months. Basic hydrological
parameters were recorded simultaneously. All metals analyzed displayed seasonal fluctuations
with different temporal patterns and variable amplitudes. Similar seasonal cycles were observed
for Cu, Mn, and Pb with an increase in accumulated concentration during the rainy period (NE
monsoon), and a decrease thereafter. The concentrations of Cu, Mn, and partially Pb appeared to
be related to environmental changes, the concentration of Pb possibly also being related to
changes in body weight. Accumulated concentrations of Cu and Mn thus seem to reflect actual
metal bioavailability in the ecosystem quite efficiently. The tissue levels of Fe and Cd changed
inversely to fluctuations in body weight with additional variation due to monsoon-related
environmental changes. The behaviors of Fe and Cd are therefore driven by seasonally changing
body weight with a considerable contribution of external factors including fluctuations in
hydrological conditions and metal exposure. The Zn concentrations tended to increase gradually
throughout most of the year regardless of its concentration in the environment. Zinc is
considered to be mainly regulated by physiological mechanisms in the mussel, making its
accumulated metal concentration independent to some degree of environmental levels.
Significant differences in trace metal concentrations between sexes (in favour of females) might
have resulted from more intense formation of reproductive tissues and metal accumulation in
sexual products of females during the prespawning and spawning periods. ISSN: 0090-4341.
Database: Technology Research Database. URL:
Speece, Mark. 1982. Draft environmental report on Yemen (Yemen Arab Republic).
Washington, D.C. U.S. National Committee for Man and the Biosphere, Dept. of State. Notes:
February 1982. Funded by A.I.D., Bureau of Science and Technology under SA/TOA 1-77.
National Park Service Contract No. CX-0001-0-0003. Description: i, 208 pages; ill., maps; 29
cm. [prepared by the Arid Lands Information Center Office of Arid Lands Studies, University of
Arizona; Mark Speece, compiler]. OCLC: 14872538.
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Spoor, G. and Berry, RH. 1990. Dryland Farming Tillage and Water-Harvesting
Guidelines for the Yemen Arab Republic. Soil and Tillage Research SOTRD5 Vol.16. No. 1/2,
p 233-244. April. Pages 14 ref. Descriptors: Dry farming; Tillage; Water harvesting; Yemen;
Crop yield; Economic evaluation; Plowing; Semiarid climates; Soil surfaces; Traffic. Abstract:
Moldboard plowing to 400-500 mm constitutes the standard primary cultivation practice on the
medium textured soils used for dryland crops in the semiarid intermontane plains of the Yemen
Arab Republic. The justification for this practice is examined and guidelines for the future
development of tillage and water-harvesting practices are identified based on the physical
characteristics of the different soil horizons. Major benefits, in terms of increased and more
reliable crop production, could accrue through increased water availability from developing
flexible water harvesting systems and through bringing more structurally stable subsurface soil
horizons onto the surface. The development of controlled-traffic systems within the water-
harvesting systems would greatly assist in reducing tillage costs. The identification of a
satisfactory alternative to the moldboard plow for perennial rhizomatous weed control would
help maintain the improved soil surface condition. Database: Water Resources Abstracts.
Sporry, R. J . 1991. Groundwater Exploration on the Mountain Plains of Dhamar and
Rada in the Yemen Arabic Republic; Application of Geophysics to Water Prospecting in Arid
and Semi-Arid Areas; Proceedings of the 1990 International Symposium. Geoexploration. Feb.
Volume 27, Issue 1-2, Pages 135-164. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Dhamar; electrical
methods; electrical sounding; electromagnetic methods; exploration; geophysical methods;
geophysical surveys; ground water; Rada; resistivity; resources; surveys; Yemen. References: 8;
illus. incl. sects., geol. sketch maps. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7142.
Stalagmite shows Climate Changes. 2003. Global Environmental Change Report. 11.
Volume 15, Issue 12, Pages 8-9. Descriptors: Stalactites & stalagmites; Climatic changes;
Universities & colleges; Ice; Yemen (Republic); United States; Greenland; Indian Ocean.
Abstract: This article cites a study on stalagmite from Socrata Island, Yemen, in the Indian
Ocean to determine climate changes by researchers from various universities of the United
States. The study reveals precipitation patterns similar to the patterns observed in a previous
study of ice cores from Greenland. The results from the Socrata Island research were able to
confirm the findings of rapid climate changes estimated from the Greenland ice cores. The
correlation between the Indian Oceans hydrological cycle and temperatures of high latitudes
showed that when there was cooling in the high latitudes, a decrease in precipitation was
observed in the Indian Ocean. ISSN: 1049-9083.
Stangalino, G., Aumento, Fabrizio, Al Masri, Abdellatif, Noaman, Towfik and Lacy,
Robert G. (chairperson). 1982. The Circular Vertical Sounding Method Applied to the
Exploration of the Dhamar-Radaa (Y.A.R.) Geothermal Area; Geothermal Energy; Turn on the
Power! Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council. Geothermal Resources Council, Davis,
CA. Volume 6, Pages 169-172. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Dhamar-Radaa; electrical
logging; exploration; foliation; fractures; geophysical surveys; geothermal fields; resistivity;
schistosity; sounding; surveys; well-logging; Yemen. References: 4; illus. incl. sketch map.
Database: GeoRef. ISBN: 0934412561.
Steenbergen, Frank. 2006. Promoting Local Management in Groundwater. Hydrogeol.
J . Springer-Verlag. Mar. Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 380-391. Descriptors: Article Subject Terms:
Costs; Geohydrology; Groundwater; Groundwater Management; Local Governments;
Monitoring; Planning; Regulations; Training; Article Geographic Terms: India; Pakistan;
Yemen. Abstract: There is a strong case for making greater effort to promote local groundwater
Geology of Yemen
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management-in addition to other measures that regulate groundwater use. Though scattered,
there are several examples-from India, Pakistan, Yemen and Egypt-where groundwater users
effectively self-imposed restrictions on the use of groundwater. There are a number of recurrent
themes in such spontaneously-developed examples of local regulation: the importance of not
excluding potential users; the importance of simple, low transaction cost rules; the power of
correct and accessible hydrogeological information; the possibility of making more use of
demand and supply management strategies; and the important supportive role of local
governments. The case is made, using examples, for actively promoting local groundwater
management as an important element in balancing groundwater uses. Two programmes for
promoting local groundwater management in South India are described-one focussing on
participatory hydrological monitoring, and one focussing on micro-resource planning and
training. In both cases the response was very positive and the conclusion is that promoting local
groundwater regulation is not difficult, costly or sensitive and can reach the necessary scale
quickly. Database: Water Resources Abstracts. ISSN: 1435-0157.
Stern, R. J ., Ali, K. A., Liegeois, J . P., J ohnson, P. R., Kozdroj, W. and Kattan, F. H.
2010. {Degrees}Distribution and Significance of Pre-Neoproterozoic Zircons in J uvenile
Neoproterozoic Igneous Rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. American J ournal of Science.
November 1. Volume 310, Issue 9, Pages 791-811. Abstract: Igneous rocks of the Arabian-
Nubian Shield (ANS) have lithologic associations (ophiolites, calc-alkaline igneous rocks,
immature sediments) and radiogenic isotopic compositions consistent with formation as juvenile
continental crust as a result of accreting intraoceanic arc systems during 880 to 630 Ma, with
crustal differentiation continuing until [~]570 Ma. ANS igneous rocks locally contain zircons
with ages that are much older than this, leading some researchers to infer the presence of pre-
Neoproterozoic crust at depth in spite of Nd isotopic evidence that ANS crust is overwhelmingly
juvenile. The ANS is flanked by pre-Neoproterozoic crust but geochronology and isotopic
compositions readily identify such tracts. We have compiled U-Pb zircon ages for 302 samples
of ANS igneous rocks that have been analyzed for the age of individual zircons (2372 ages) and
find that a significant proportion ([~]5%) of these have ages older than 880 Ma (zircon
xenocrysts). Zircon xenocrysts are more common in volcanic than plutonic rocks and mafic
relative to felsic igneous rocks. Four explanations are considered: 1) contamination during
sample processing; 2) involvement of pre-Neoproterozoic crust; 3) incorporation of detrital
zircons from sediments; and 4) inheritance from a mantle source. Possibilities 1 and 2 are
discounted, and we conclude that the presence of pre-880 Ma zircon xenocrysts in ANS igneous
rocks with mantle-like isotopic compositions indicates either incorporation of sediments or
inheritance from the mantle source region, or both.
Stevens, Lt Col T. M. P. 1965. Operations in the Radfan. Royal United Services
Institute for Defence Studies J ournal. November 1965. Volume 110, Issue No. 640, Pages 335-
349. OCLC: 1876550.
Sturgess, M., Wharton, R. J . and Maycock, I. D. 1995. A Petroleum System in Block 18,
Marib-J awf Basin, Yemen; American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1995 Annual
Convention. Annual Meeting Expanded Abstracts - American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK. Mar. Volume 4, Pages 93. Descriptors: Alif
Formation; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; basement; carbon; carbonate rocks; chemically precipitated
rocks; clastic rocks; claystone; Cretaceous; deep-water environment; deltaic environment;
depositional environment; evaporites; faults; fluvial environment; fractures; genesis; Gondwana;
Geology of Yemen
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J urassic; kerogen; Lam Formation; Lower Cretaceous; Marib-J awf Basin; maturity; Meem
Formation; Mesozoic; migration; natural gas; normal faults; organic carbon; organic compounds;
organic materials; permeability; petroleum; porosity; reservoir rocks; sandstone; sedimentary
rocks; source rocks; structural traps; thickness; traps; Upper J urassic; Yemen. Database: GeoRef.
ISSN: 0094-0038.
Sullivan, Patrick J . Agardy, Franklin J . and Clark, J ames J . J . 2005. The Environmental
Science of Drinking Water. Butterworth-Heinemann. Page(s): 1-384. Descriptors: Environmental
Science (General); Public Health and Health Policy; Food Science; Management, Monitoring,
Policy and Law; Water Science and Technology. Abstract: In todays chemically dependent
society, environmental studies demonstrate that drinking water in developed countries contains
numerous industrial chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and chemicals from water treatment
processes. This poses a real threat. As a result of the ever-expanding list of chemical and
biochemical products industry, current drinking water standards that serve to preserve our
drinking water quality are grossly out of date. Environmental Science of Drinking Water
demonstrates why we need to make a fundamental change in our approach toward protecting our
drinking water. Factual and circumstantial evidence showing the failure of current drinking water
standards to adequately protect human health is presented along with analysis of the extent of
pollution in our water resources and drinking water. The authors also present detail of the
currently available state-of-the-art technologies which, if fully employed, can move us toward a
healthier future.* Addresses the international problems of outdated standards and the
overwhelming onslaught of new contaminants. * Includes new monitoring data on non-regulated
chemicals in water sources and drinking water.* Includes a summary of different bottled waters
as well as consumer water purification technologies. ISBN: 0750678763.
Svetov, B. S. and Ageev, V. V. (Ageyev, V.V.). 1996. Electromagnetic Sounding of
Frequency Dispersive Media; 58th EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition; Extended
Abstracts; Volume 1, Oral and Poster Presentations; Geophysical Division. Conference and
Technical Exhibition - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers. European
Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), International. Volume 58, Descriptors:
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; case studies; electrical conductivity; electromagnetic methods;
electromagnetic waves; frequency; frequency sounding; geophysical methods; geophysical
surveys; layered materials; mathematical models; petroleum; petroleum exploration;
polarization; salt domes; surveys; transient methods; Yemen. Database: GeoRef. ISBN:
Swagman, Charles F. 1989. FIJ Ac: Fright and Illness in Highland Yemen. Soc. Sci.
Med. Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 381-388. Descriptors: Middle East; Yemen; folk illness;
medical anthropology. Abstract: Sudden fright, fijac, has played an important role in the
traditional explanatory models of illness experiences in highland Yemen. Fijac is quite similar to
other examples of the fright illness taxon in that it is a folk-illness category that is attributed to a
wide variety of underlying conditions. It is argued that given the extremely labile
symptomatology, fijac, like other examples of the fright illness taxon, does not constitute a
culture-bound psychiatric syndrome. Based on analysis of case studies and preliminary survey
data, fijac appears to be much more common among folk etiologies offered by Yemeni women
than men. It is suggested that this social profile might be explained by changes in the distribution
of medical knowledge in Yemen. With the rapid rate of social change and the increased exposure
to cosmopolitan medicine resulting from internal development of cosmopolitan health care and
international labor migration, men have supplemented their traditional explanatory models with
Geology of Yemen
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alternatives drawn from cosmopolitan medicine. Succumbing to illness as a result of fright is
contradictory to the male ideal of the courageous tribesman; alternative explanatory models that
do not challenge this ideal self predominate. By contrast, the Yemeni value system defines
women and children as vulnerable and weak; therefore, being subject to the impact of fright is
consistent with youth and the cultural definition of the female self. ISSN: 0277-9536.
Swanjord, Don Edward. A Bibliography of Agriculture and Rural Life in Yemen. 1986.
Abstract: Intended as a key to current work in agriculture in Yemen, this bibliography cites
more than 520 resources produced since 1963 including monographs, journal articles, theses and
dissertations, conference papers, case studies, reports, proposals, surveys, bibliographies, and
United Nations publications. Foreign language materials in German, French, and Russian are
included. Listed alphabetically by authors, the entries provide, when applicable, title, date and
place of publication, publisher, volume number, and pagination. A detailed subject index cross
references materials to author and page of the entry. The 28 index subject categories and number
of entries under each are agriculture--beekeeping (4); agriculture--coffee (9); agriculture--cotton
(5); agriculture--fisheries (1); agriculture--forestry (12); agriculture--grapes (3); agriculture--
horticulture (6); agriculture--Qat (16); agriculture--appropriate technology (3); animal production
(24); bibliographies (1); botany--general (29); botany--historical (13); climatology (8); crops
(25); cultural background (47); economic development (52); agricultural education and extension
(30); entomology and plant protection (35); agricultural history (12); management and
administration studies (8); marketing studies (21); population (6); soils (24); statistics (3); survey
and community studies (49); water resources (46); and women and development (21). OCLC:
Szefer, P., Ali, A. A., Ba-Haroon, A., Rajeh, A. A., Geldon, J . and Nabrzyski, M. 1999.
Distribution and Relationships of Selected Trace Metals in Molluscs and Associated Sediments
from the Gulf of Aden, Yemen. Environmental Pollution. Volume 106, Issue 3, Pages 299-314.
Abstract: Concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, Mn and Fe in the soft tissue of Turbo
coronatus, Acanthopleura haddoni, Ostrea cucullata and Pitar sp., as well as in associated surface
sediments (bulk and bioavailable metal concentrations) from the Gulf of Aden, Yemen, were
determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry method. Large differences between size-
classes of molluscs in metal concentrations were recorded. Significant spatial differences in
metal concentrations in both the soft tissue of the molluscs and associated sediments studied
were mostly identified. Statistically significant correlations (p0.01) between concentrations of
selected metals were observed. A slope of the linear regression is significantly higher than unity
for Fe (9.91) and Cd (3.45) in A. haddoni and for Ni (4.15) in T. coronatus, suggesting that the
bioavailability of these metals is disproportionally increased with a degree of enrichment of the
sediments in Fe, Cd and Ni, respectively. A slope constant approximating to unity (1.14) for Cu
in A. haddoni relative to its concentration in sediment extract implies that bioavailability of this
metal proportionally increased with growing concentrations of its labile forms in the associated
sediment. The degree of contamination of Gulf of Aden waters by the metals studied is discussed
and the potential ability of molluscs, especially A. haddoni and T. coronatus, as biomonitors of
metallic pollutants is postulated. ISSN: 02697491. URL:
Szefer, P., Geldon, J ., Ali, A. A., Bawazir, A. and Sad, M. 1997. Distribution and
Association of Trace Metals in Soft Tissue and Byssus of Mollusc Perna Perna from the Gulf of
Aden, Yemen. Environ. Int. Elsevier Science Ltd: Oxford, United Kingdom. Volume 23, Issue
1, Pages 53-61. Descriptors: Seawater; Marine pollution; Metals; Ocean habitats; Oceanography;
Geology of Yemen
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Tissue. Abstract: Concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe in soft tissue and byssal threads
of Perna perna from the Gulf of Aden, Yemen, were determined by atomic absorption
spectrophotometric (AAS) method. Significant inter-regional differences in the metal
concentrations studied in both soft tissue and byssus were identified. The concentration of Cd
was an order of magnitude greater in soft tissue than in byssal threads. Statistically significant
correlations (p0.01, p0.05) between concentrations of selected metals were observed. The spatial
distribution of Cu in byssal threads was similar to that in soft tissue. The data indicate that
sewage input (at Sira Island) is the most likely anthropogenic source of Cu and Mn. The
concentration of tissue Cd at the Fuqum area was the highest among the other stations. Although
the Fuqum area is off the harbour, water from a fishery refrigerator and some sewage outflow
flux into the sea. It is assumed that the presence of the area near the strait of Bab Al-Mandab,
where the water coming from both the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean mixes, especially during
the seasonal monsoons, is responsible mainly for elevated tissue Cd concentrations in the
molluscs. ISSN: 0160-4120. URL:
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Tahir, T. and Al J ailany, J . 2000. Involvement of the Social Fund for Development (SFD)
in Low Cost Simple Technology Water Supply and Sanitary Systems in Yemen: A Case Study.
Database: COS Conference Papers Index. URL:
Taylor, George E. Chemonics and International Consulting Division. 1981.
Reconnaissance Evaluation of Potential Groundwater Sources for Rural Water Supply
Development in Hajja Governorate, Yemen Arab Republic. Washington, D.C., U.S.A:
Chemonics, Place: United States; District of Columbia; Washington. Descriptors: Groundwater -
- Yemen (Republic); Water resources development -- Yemen (Republic); Rural development --
Yemen (Republic); Yemen (Republic) -- Rural conditions. Notes: 17 leaves; 28 cm. Cover title.
OCLC Accession Number: 47247526.
Taylor, George E. Chemonics and International Consulting Division. 1981.
Reconnaissance Evaluation of Groundwater Development Problems for Rural Water Supply in
Hodeidah Governorate, Yemen Arab Republic. Washington, D.C., U.S.A: Chemonics, Place:
United States; District of Columbia; Washington. Descriptors: Groundwater -- Yemen
(Republic); Water resources development -- Yemen (Republic); Rural development -- Yemen
(Republic); Yemen (Republic) -- Rural conditions. Notes: 15 leaves; 28 cm. Cover title. Includes
bibliographical references. OCLC Accession Number: 47247527.
Taylor, George E. Chemonics and International Consulting Division. 1981. Review and
Evaluation of the Current Hydrogeological Activities of the Public Services Department, the
Confederation of Yemeni Development Cooperatives. Washington, D.C. Chemonics, Place:
United States; District of Columbia; Washington. Descriptors: Groundwater -- Yemen
(Republic); Water resources development -- Yemen (Republic); Hydrogeology -- Yemen
(Republic). Notes: 9 leaves; 28 cm. Cover title. OCLC Accession Number: 47247529.
Tenders opened for first explorative well of geothermal energy. 2010. Yemen
Today. August 28, 2010. Abstract: Envelopes of tenders were opened Tuesday for the
drilling of the first exploratory well for geothermal energy in Yemen, in Allisi area, Dhamar
province. This tender comes within the geothermal energys project to assess geothermal energy
resources and utilization for power generation. The project is in collaboration with the Energy
Research Center in Italy and the Natural Sciences Institute in Germany, with funding from the
Global Environment Unit of the United Nations. Chairman of the Geological Survey and Mineral
Resources Board (GSMRB) Islmail al-J anad explained to Saba that the board has begun the
implementation of the project. He pointed out that the board carried out a survey for places
where geothermal energy sources might be found in Yemen. There was a total of about100
places. The survey collected samples of hot water and gas that were chemically analyzed at the
Italian University of Florence during 2001-2006. The project of thermal energy conducted,
during 2007-2010, geological, geothermal, geophysical and geochemical studies and measured
Radon gas and prepared a hydrological and hydro geological report in the first promising area in
Allisi area in Dhamar, al-J anad said. The results of the drilling will be an opportunity for
Yemen to participate in global projects for the exploration of thermal energy, which is supported
by donors and to access to greater support for drilling other exploratory wells. URL:
Tesco-Viziterv-Vituki; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and
United Nations Development Programme. 1971. Yemem Arab Republic, Land Tenure and Water
Rights: Report. Budapest: Tesco-Viziterv-Vituki. Page(s): 33. Descriptors: Agricultural
Geology of Yemen
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engineering -- Yemen -- Wadi Zabid region; Land tenure -- Yemen -- Wadi Zabid region; Water
rights -- Yemen -- Wadi Zabid region. Notes: xiv; ill., map. Note(s): Report prepared for the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations acting as executing agency for the
United Nations Development Programme. At head of title: Survey of the agricultural potential of
the Wadi Zabid. AGL:SF/YEM 1, Technical Report 9. Includes bibliographical references (p.
33). Other Titles: Survey of the agricultural potential of the Wadi Zabid, Yemen Arab Republic,
land tenure and water rights. Responsibility: by Tesco-Viziterv-Vituki. OCLC Accession
Number: 5242557.
Tesco-Viziterv-Vituki; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and
United Nations Development Programme. 1971. Yemem Arab Republic, Hydrology and
Hydrogeology: Report. Budapest: Tesco-Viziterv-Vituki. Page(s): 149. Descriptors: Agricultural
engineering -- Yemen -- Wadi Zabid region; Hydrology -- Yemen -- Wadi Zabid region;
Hydrogeological surveys. Notes: xvii; ill., maps (folded in pocket); Note(s): Report prepared for
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations acting as executing agency for the
United Nations Development Programme. At head of title: Survey of the agricultural potential of
the Wadi Zabid. AGL:SF/YEM 1, Technical Report 2. Includes bibliographical references (p.
95-96). Other Titles: Survey of the agricultural potential of the Wadi Zabid, Yemen Arab
Republic, hydrology and hydrogeology. OCLC Accession Number: 5242506.
Tesco Viziterv-Yituki (firma), and FAO. Supplementary Assistance for the Survey of the
Agricultural Potential of the Wadi Zabid, Yemen Arab Republic: Technical Report 2:
Appendices: Development of Irrigated Agriculture. Budapest: Tesco Viziterv-Yituki, 1973.
Report prepared for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; by Tesco
Viziterv-Yituki. OCLC: 475804079.
Thabet, A. A. K., Abdulrab, A., Awdhaly, S., Amrani, F. and Al-J aber, N. 2008.
Knowledge and Performance of the Universal Precautions among Yemeni Nurses.
International J ournal of Infectious Diseases. 12. Volume 12, Issue Supplement 1, Pages e353-
e353. Descriptors: Universal precautions; Yemen. ISSN: 1201-9712.
Thoue, Frdric, Vidal, Grard and Gratier, J ean-Pierre. 1997. Finite Deformation and
Displacement Fields on the Southern Yemen Margin using Satellite Images, Topographic Data
and a Restoration Method. Tectonophysics. 11/30. Volume 281, Issue 3-4, Pages 173-193.
Descriptors: rifting; Yemen; satellite imagery; digital elevation model; strained structures
restoration; displacement fields. Abstract: Geological interpretations of processed satellite
images and structural field measurements were used to calculate the amount of extension and the
finite displacement field of two stretched areas located on the northern margin of the Gulf of
Aden, in Yemen. This calculation was done by a comparison between the deformed and the
undeformed states of each studied area. The structural setting established from satellite-image
interpretations and fieldwork yields a detailed geometry of the deformed state. The undeformed
state was reconstructed from reference layers chosen on satellite images from folded and faulted
geological markers. The strike and dip of those layers were computed directly from dip indicator
measurements, identified on three-dimensional (3D) realistic views of the sites (derived from
SPOT stereoscopic views and topographic data) and controlled by field measurements. From the
previous structural data, a numerical model of the deformed state was prepared with respect to
the structural setting. The two stretched areas were then restored to their undeformed state
successively by (1) an unfolding method (use of the UNFOLD program on each folded piece
bounded by faults), and (2) a best-fit method (fitting along the boundary of the unfolded pieces).
The comparison between the deformed and undeformed states leads to quantifying the amount of
Geology of Yemen
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strain and to establishing the total finite displacement field. The results point to differences in the
amount of extension and in the finite displacement field between the two areas studied. Within
the regional context of the Afar triple junction kinematics, this leads to the conclusion that there
was an early extensional tectonic phase recorded on the southern Yemen margin, probably linked
to the earlier opening of the Gulf of Aden. ISSN: 0040-1951.
Tibbitts, G C, J r (investigator); Aubel, J ames (investigator) and Beall, R. M.
(investigator). 1983. Yemen Arab Republic. United States: U. S. Geological Survey, Reston,
VA, United States. U.S.Geological Survey Professional Paper. 1983. Volume: P 1375, page(s):
291. Descriptors: Amran Valley; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; geophysical surveys; ground water;
hydrogeology; hydrology; imagery; Landsat; remote sensing; surveys; USGS; Yemen. Notes:
Publications of the U. S. Geological Survey; ISSN: 1044-9612. Database: GeoRef. URL:
Tibbitts, G. C., J r and Aubel, J ames. 1980. Ground-Water Resources Investigation in
Amran Valley, Yemen Arab Republic. United States: U. S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA,
United States. Open-File Report - U.S.Geological Survey. 1980. Volume: OF 80-0774, page(s):
144. Descriptors: Amran Valley; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; data; economic geology; exploration;
geochemistry; ground water; hydrochemistry; hydrogeologic maps; maps; surveys; USGS; water
resources; well-logging; Yemen. Notes: USGS, Publications of the U. S. Geological Survey;
References: 17; illus. incl. 16 anals., 7 tables, charts, sketch map; MP: Scale: 1:100,000. Type:
hydrogeologic map. ISSN: 0196-1497. Database: GeoRef. OCLC Accession Number: 1981-
Tibbitts, G.C., J r (investigator). 1978. Ground-Water Survey Activities. United States:
U. S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, United States. U.S.Geological Survey Professional Paper.
1978. Volume: P 1100, page(s): 351. Descriptors: Amran Valley; Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
ground water; hydrogeology; international cooperation; Sana Basin; surveys; Yemen. ISSN:
1044-9612. Database: GeoRef. OCLC Accession Number: 1978-047543. URL:
Tibbitts, GCJ r and Aubel, J . 1980. Groundwater Resources Investigation in the Amran
Valley, Yemen Arab Republic. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-774, Pages 17 Ref.
Descriptors: Groundwater availability; Arid lands; Foreign research; Yemen Arab Republic;
Amran Valley; U.S. Agency for International Development; Evaluation; Geologic formations;
Aquifer characteristics; Water table; Transmissivity; Storage capacity; Water level fluctuations;
Pumping; Drawdown; Water yield; Water use; Water quality; Chemical analysis; Water
resources development; Planning. Abstract: A program of hydrologic studies and exploratory
drilling was conducted intermittently between 1974 and 1978 to evaluate the water-bearing
properties of the unconsolidated alluvial sediments and associated rocks in the semi-arid Amran
Valley basin, an 800-square-kilometer area in north-central Yemen Arab Republic. Inventory
data from 395 wells were compiled, observation well and rain-gage networks were established
and 16 standard complete chemical analyses were made for samples from selected wells. The
water resources of the area were overexploited. The chemical quality of the water is generally
good. Four aquifer tests were run to determine transmissivity and storage characteristics. The
pumping tests show that groundwater occurs under semi-confined leaky-aquifer conditions in the
valley fill. Wells drilled in the alluvial fill of the south-central part of the valley have the highest
yields. Wells penetrating the limestone and volcanic rocks generally have little or no yield except
in fracture zones. Basalt flows occur interbedded with the wadi alluvium at several depths.
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Cropping out rocks in the Amran Valley range in age from late J urassic to Holocene. Database:
Water Resources Abstracts. OCLC Accession Number: 8009169.
Timberlake, R. S. 1988. Traffic Modeling Techniques for the Developing World: Case
Studies. Transp. Res. Rec. Issue 1167, Pages 28-34. Descriptors: Transportation; Technological
Forecasting; Urban Planning--Transportation. Abstract: Traffic models have been used for
transportation planning in the Western World for more than 30 years. Recently, attempts have
been made to adapt these techniques, which generally originated in developed countries, to suit
the needs of the developing world. In adapting the original models, it has usually been necessary
to change them, sometimes considerably. The reasons why Western-type traffic models may not
be applicable to the developing world are examined. Case studies of rural and urban
environments in the Yemen Arab Republic, Sudan, Qatar, and Oman are used as examples, and
suggestions are made for changing the Western-type models to better suit developing nations.
ISSN: 0361-1981.
Tipton and Kahnbach. Inc. (1974). Wadi Zabid Groundwater Potential, Tihama
Development Project, TDA, Denver, United States. iv, 44p : fig ; 30cm. oclc: 704165718.
Towards a Billion Barrels; an Overview of the Yemen Masila Block; Part Two, Current
Operations, Reserves and Development Technology; GeoCanada 2000; the Millennium
Geoscience Summit. 2000. Abstract Volume (Geological Association of Canada). Geological
Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON. Volume 25, Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
brackish-water environment; carbonate rocks; clastic rocks; coastal environment; Cretaceous;
depositional environment; development; faults; fluvial environment; geophysical methods;
intertidal environment; J urassic; Lower Cretaceous; Masila Block; Mesozoic; normal faults; oil
and gas fields; paleorelief; passive margins; petroleum; petroleum exploration; production; Qishn
Formation; reactivation; reserves; reservoir rocks; sandstone; sea-level changes; sedimentary
rocks; seismic methods; structural controls; topography; transgression; Yemen. Notes: illus.
Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1716-6098.
Turner, J R and Stockholm University, Sweden CORDIO/SAREC Marine Science
Program. 1999. Status Report Socotra Archipelago. Stockholm (Sweden): CORDIO. Coral Reef
Degradation in the Indian Ocean: Status Reports and Project Presentations 1999. Page(s): 63-64.
Descriptors: Biological damage; Biotopes; Bleaching; Coral reefs; Degradation; Ecosystem
disturbance; Recreation; Reef fisheries; Socioeconomic aspects; Water temperature; Article
Geographic Terms: Yemen, Socotra; Marine. Abstract: Socotra Coral reefs are made up of
Acropora formosa, Acropora clathrata, the environment is pristine, except for two small towns
and fishing villages. Data indicate that Socotra was affected by rise in temperature during the El-
Nino hence affecting the coral reefs ecosystem. Survey carried out indicates that massive corals
surrounding Socotra were dead. Many soft corals, especially Sinularia, were bleached but alive.
Notes: TR: KE0000028. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. OCLC
Accession Number: 4661670.
Tutwiler, Richard N. 1980. Social Aspects of Water Distribution and Consumption in a
Subdistrict of Mahweit Province. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Mahwit
(Province); Manuscript. Notes: 25 leaves; 28 cm. February, 1980. OCLC Accession Number:
Tutwiler, Richard N. 1978. Site Reports, Villages of TinaAm, Qumama, and Dahlil.
Descriptors: Water-supply, Rural -- Yemen; Residential water consumption -- Yemen; Rural
development projects -- Yemen; Manuscript. Abstract: Site report: village of Tinaam -- Site
Geology of Yemen
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report: village of Qumama. Notes: 7, 5 leaves; 28 cm. Title from subject line of memorandum.
Memorandum from Richard Tutwiler to Herb Blank, dated February 18, 1978. Third site report
for village of Dahlil is missing. OCLC Accession Number: 187860549.
Tutwiler, Richard N. 1978. Report on Small Water Projects in Yemen: Aspects of Social
Impact and Recommendations for Future Actions: Submitted Under Contract Number AID-279-
78-414, March 2, 1978. Descriptors: Water-supply, Rural -- Yemen; Residential water
consumption -- Yemen; Rural development projects -- Yemen; Manuscript. Abstract: The nature
of small water projects -- The implementation of small water projects -- Survey of socio-
economic aspects of small water projects -- Conclusions: impact of projects -- Recommendations
for future actions -- Site report: village of Qumama -- Site report: village of Magrish -- Site
report: village of Tinaam -- Site report: village of Dahlil -- Site report: village of Manakha.
Notes: 12, [2], 5, 6, 7, 4, 5 leaves; 28 cm. Note(s): Title from cover. Reproduction: Photocopy.
OCLC Accession Number: 187860786.
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Ukstins Peate, Ingrid, Baker, J oel A., Kent, Adam J . R., et al. 2003. Correlation of
Indian Ocean Tephra to Individual Oligocene Silicic Eruptions from Afro-Arabian Flood
Volcanism. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 6/30. Volume 211, Issue 3-4, Pages 311-327. Descriptors:
Yemen; Ethiopia; Indian Ocean; flood volcanism; silicic volcanism; ignimbrite;
tephrochronology; in situ Pb isotope laser ablation. Abstract: Widespread silicic pyroclastic
eruptions of the Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province (ignimbrites and airfall tuffs)
produced up to 20% of the total flood volcanic stratigraphy (>6104 km3). Volumes of
individual ignimbrites and tuffs exposed on land range from 150 to >2000 km3 and eight major
units (15100 m thick) were erupted in 500 km distant); and (b) to two deep sea ash layers
sampled by ODP Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean 2700 km to the southeast. This correlation is
based on whole rock analyses of silicic units for isotope ratios (Pb, Nd) and rare earth element
compositions, in conjunction with novel in situ Pb isotope laser ablation multicollector
inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy analysis of groundmass and glass shards.
Compositional diversity preserved on the scale of individual ash shards in these deep sea tephra
layers record chemical heterogeneity present in the silicic magma chambers that is not evident in
the welded on-land deposits. Ages of the ash layers can be established by correlation to precisely
dated on-land ignimbrites, and current evidence suggests that while these eruptions may have
exacerbated already changing climatic conditions, they both marginally post-date the Oi2 global
cooling anomaly. ISSN: 0012-821X.
Ukstins, Ingrid A., Renne, Paul R., Wolfenden, Ellen, Baker, J oel, Ayalew, Dereje and
Menzies, Martin. 2002. Matching Conjugate Volcanic Rifted Margins: 40Ar/39Ar Chrono-
Stratigraphy of Pre- and Syn-Rift Bimodal Flood Volcanism in Ethiopia and Yemen. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett. 5/15. Volume 198, Issue 3-4, Pages 289-306. Descriptors: flood basalts;
volcanism; rifting; Ar-40/Ar-39; Ethiopia; Yemen. Abstract: 40Ar/39Ar dating of mineral
separates and whole-rock samples of rhyolitic ignimbrites and basaltic lavas from the pre- and
syn-rift flood volcanic units of northern Ethiopia provides a temporal link between the Ethiopian
and Yemen conjugate rifted volcanic margins. Sixteen new 40Ar/39Ar dates confirm that
basaltic flood volcanism in Ethiopia was contemporaneous with flood volcanism on the
conjugate margin in Yemen. The new data also establish that flood volcanism initiated prior to
30.9 Ma in Ethiopia and may predate initiation of similar magmatic activity in Yemen by 0.2
2.0 Myr. Rhyolitic volcanism in Ethiopia commenced at 30.2 Ma, contemporaneous with the
first rhyolitic ignimbrite unit in Yemen at 30 Ma. Accurate and precise 40Ar/39Ar dates on
initial rhyolitic ignimbrite eruptions suggest that silicic flood volcanism in Afro-Arabia post-
dates the Oligocene Oi2 global cooling event, ruling out a causative link between these explosive
silicic eruptions (with individual volumes 200 km3) and climatic cooling which produced the
first major expansion of the Antarctic ice sheets. Ethiopian volcanism shows a progressive and
systematic younging from north to south along the escarpment and parallel to the rifted margin,
from pre-rift flood volcanics in the north to syn-rift northern Main Ethiopian Rift volcanism in
the south. A dramatic decrease in volcanic activity in Ethiopia between 25 and 20 Ma correlates
with a prominent break-up unconformity in Yemen (2619 Ma), both of which mark the
transition from pre- to syn-rift volcanism (2526 Ma) triggered by the separation of Africa and
Arabia. The architecture of the Ethiopian margin is characterized by accumulation and
preservation of syn-rift volcanism, while the Yemen margin was shaped by denudational
unloading and magmatic starvation as the Arabian plate rifted away from the Afar plume. A
second magmatic hiatus and angular unconformity in the northern Main Ethiopian Rift is evident
Geology of Yemen
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at 10.63.2 Ma, and is also observed throughout the Arabian plate in J ordanian, Saudi Arabian
and Yemeni intraplate volcanic fields and is possibly linked to tectonic re-organization and
initiation of sea floor spreading in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea at 10 and 5 Ma,
respectively. ISSN: 0012-821X.
UN Volunteers. 1986. Development Microcosm: UNV in Yemen. Geneva: United
Nations Volunteers. Page(s): 60. Descriptors: Technical Cooperation; Development Assistance;
Economic Conditions; Agricultural Development; Health Services; Public Works;
Telecommunications; Water Supply; Industrial Development; Meteorology; Air Transport;
Womens Advancement; Technical Training; Yemen; International Voluntary Services; UN
Volunteers; Government publication; International government publication. OCLC Accession
Number: 123441144.
UN. Department of Humanitarian Affairs. 1994. United Nations Consolidated Inter-
Agency Appeal: Emergency Humanitarian Assistance for the most Vulnerable among Conflict-
Affected Populations in the Republic of Yemen, August 1994-February 1995. Geneva: Dept. of
Humanitarian Affairs. Page(s): 33. Descriptors: Humanitarian Assistance; Emergency Relief;
Yemen; Health Services; Water Supply; Sanitation; Food Aid; Agriculture; Education;
Landmines; Mine Clearance; Aid Coordination; Coordination Within UN System; Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: map, tables. Note(s): Document
symbol not printed. UN J ob no.: G9402990 E. Material type: Reports/studies. OCLC Accession
Number: 80464726.
UN. ECWA. 1983. The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade
Activities in the ECWA Region. Baghdad: ECWA. Page(s): 231. Descriptors: Water Supply;
Drinking Water; Sewerage; Water Policy; Egypt; Yemen; Oman; United Arab Emirates; Qatar;
Bahrain; Saudi Arabia; Kuwait; J ordan; Iraq; Syrian Arab Republic; Lebanon; Manpower
Development; Human Resources; Resources Mobilization; Education; International Decades;
Training Programmes; Government publication; International government publication. Notes:
xvi; tables. Title Subject: International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (1981-
1990); Note(s): Material type: Reports/studies. General Info: Distribution: General. OCLC
Accession Number: 123377190.
UN. ESCWA. 2005. ESCWA Water Development Report 1: Vulnerability of the Region
to Socio-Economic Drought. New York: UN. Page(s): 70. Descriptors: Drought Control; Water
Management; Western Asia; Drought; Early Warning Systems; Case Studies; J ordan; Syrian
Arab Republic; Yemen; Government publication; International government publication. Notes:
vii; graphs, maps, tables. Note(s): Annexes (p. 61-65): 1. Questionnaire prepared for country
studies -- 2. Wilhite drought planning methodology: 10 steps for drought planning -- 3. Socio-
economic drought early warning system: sample indicators. Includes bibliographical references
(p. 66-70). UN J ob no.: I050539 E. ISBN: 9211282942; 9789211282948; 1817-1990. OCLC
Accession Number: 170892312. URL:
UN. ESCWA. 1997. Water Legislation in Selected ESCWA Member Countries. New
York: UN. Page(s): 81. Descriptors: Water Resources; Water Management; Water Law; J ordan;
Lebanon; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Syrian Arab Republic; United Arab Emirates; Yemen; Western
Asia; Government publication; International government publication; Internet resource. Notes:
vi; charts, tables. UN J ob no.: I9700203 E. Material type: Reports/studies. General Info:
Distribution: General. OCLC Accession Number: 123379592. URL:
Geology of Yemen
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UN. ESCWA. Economic Development Issues and Policies Division. 2000. Review and
Appraisal of Progress made by the Republic of Yemen in the Implementation of the Programme
of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s. New York: UN. Page(s): 49.
Descriptors: Economic Development; Structural Adjustment; Social Development; Economic
Policy; Yemen; Macroeconomics; Least Developed Countries; Gas Industry; Petroleum Industry;
Power Industry; Water Supply; Agriculture; Financial Services; Tourism; Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: vii; graphs, tables. Title Subject:
Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s. OCLC Accession
Number: 78743584.
UN. ESCWA. Natural Resources, Science and Technology Division. 1986. Development
of Guidelines for the Economic use of Water in the ESCWA Region. Baghdad: UN. Page(s):
137. Descriptors: Water Management; Statistical Data; Environmental Statistics; Water Supply;
Irrigation; Desalination; Western Asia; Bahrain; Democratic Yemen; Egypt; Iraq; J ordan;
Kuwait; Lebanon; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syrian Arab Republic; United Arab Emirates;
Yemen; Recommendations; Government publication; International government publication.
Notes: xi; tables. Includes bibliographical references. OCLC Accession Number: 80532638.
UN. ESCWA and UNEP. 1996. Proceedings of the Expert Group Meeting on the
Implications of Agenda 21 for Integrated Water Management in the ESCWA Region, Amman,
2-5 October 1995. New York: UN. Page(s): 510. Descriptors: Water Resources; Water
Management; Water Quality; Groundwater; Desalination; Western Asia; Bahrain; Iraq; J ordan;
Lebanon; Qatar; Syrian Arab Republic; United Arab Emirates; Yemen; West Bank; Permanent
Sovereignty; Territories Occupied By Israel; Remote Sensing; Hydrology; Regional
Cooperation; Freshwater; Participants; Agenda; Information Systems; International Hydrological
Programme; Expert Group Meeting on the Implications of Agenda 21 for Integrated Water
Management in the ESCWA Region (1995: Amman); Conference publication (cnp);
Government publication; International government publication. Notes: ix; ill., charts, graphs,
maps, tables. Title Subject: Agenda 21 (1992); Note(s): At head of title: Economic and Social
Commission for Western Asia [and] United Nations Environment Programme. UN J ob no.:
I960300 E. OCLC Accession Number: 83565936.
UN. ESCWA; UNEP and Islamic Development Bank. 1996-06-03. Water Resources
Assessment in the ESCWA Region using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: Final Report.
Amman: ESCWA: UNEP: Islamic Development Bank. Page(s): 264. Descriptors: Water
Resources; Groundwater; Shared Water Resources; Surface Waters; Climate; Rivers; Dams;
Aquifers; Water Management; Drainage; Reservoirs; Maps; Western Asia; Egypt; Iraq; J ordan;
Lebanon; Syrian Arab Republic; Saudi Arabia; Oman; Yemen; Remote Sensing; Natural
Resources Surveys; Resources Exploration; Topographic Mapping; Hydrogeology; Hydrology.
Notes: vi; ill., charts, graph, maps, tables. OCLC Accession Number: 81231377.
UN. ESCWA; UNEP and Islamic Development Bank. 1996. Water Resources
Assessment in the ESCWA Region using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: Final Report.
Amman: ESCWA: UNEP: Islamic Development Bank. Page(s): 264. Descriptors: Water
Resources; Groundwater; Shared Water Resources; Surface Waters; Climate; Rivers; Dams;
Aquifers; Water Management; Drainage; Reservoirs; Maps; Western Asia; Egypt; Iraq; J ordan;
Lebanon; Syrian Arab Republic; Saudi Arabia; Oman; Yemen; Remote Sensing; Natural
Resources Surveys; Resources Exploration; Topographic Mapping; Hydrogeology; Hydrology;
Government publication; International government publication; Internet resource. Notes: vi; ill.,
charts, graph, maps, tables. UN J ob no.: I9600217 E. OCLC Accession Number: 123500426.
Geology of Yemen
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UN. United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) Statistics: Yemen. Descriptors:
Statistics; Demography; Yemen; Country profiles. Abstract: The United Nations Childrens Fund
(UNICEF) presents demographic statistics on Yemen. The data includes statistics for basic
indicators, such as population, annual number of births, and gross national product (GNP).
UNICEF also includes data on mortality rates, immunization, water and sanitation, nutrition,
reproductive health, and education. Notes: Named Corp: United Nations. Childrens Fund.
OCLC Accession Number: 48525926.
Underwood, Peter and Margetts, Barrie. 1987. Cultural Change, Growth and Feeding of
Children in an Isolated Rural Region of Yemen. Soc. Sci. Med. Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 1-7.
Descriptors: acculturation; bottle-feeding; malnutrition; marasmus; westernisation; Yemen.
Abstract: This paper reports a study on the growth and feeding patterns of children from an
isolated region of North Yemen. Marasmus was extremely common and was associated with
poor infant feeding practicesparticularly the widespread use of bottled milkand frequent
infections. Despite the appearance of a homogeneous traditional society, there were significant
differences in the growth of children from adjacent areas. Children from a small township
serving as the administrative centre of the region grew more poorly and had a higher mortality
than those from the immediate rural hinterland. While poorer living conditions and more
frequent infections may explain much of the worse growth and higher mortality of the township
children, it is likely less adequate patterns of feeding, particularly greater use of artificial milk,
also contribute significantly to the observed difference in growth. Despite the remote rural
setting of the study, feeding patterns and growth may be influenced by a number of social factors
associated with urbanisation. ISSN/ISBN: 0277-9536.
Underwood, Peter and Margetts, Barrie. 1987. High Levels of Childhood Rickets in
Rural North Yemen. Soc. Sci. Med. Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 37-41. Descriptors: marasmus;
rickets; seclusion; Yemen. Abstract: Despite a warm sunny climate, rickets is extremely common
in children living in an isolated mountainous area of North Yemen. In a small township the
overall prevalence amongst children under five years attending for vaccination was 27%. The
condition was most common at the end of the first year and had disappeared by the fifth year.
Marasmus was commonly associated with rickets. Children from the rural villages outside the
township had significantly lower rates of rickets. Several factors may contribute to the very high
rates of rickets in rural Yemen. However, lack of exposure to sunlight as a consequence of
particular cultural practices is likely to be the most important. The major social and behavioural
factors which restrict the young child access to sunlight are outlined, and possible remedies
discussed. ISSN: 0277-9536.
UNDP. Division of Information. 1988. World Development, v. 1, no. 2, may 1988. New
York: UNDP, Division of Information. Page(s): 31. Descriptors: Desertification; Reforestation;
Latin America; Wood-Using Industry; Sawmills; Timber; Brazil; Urban Water Supply; Water
Quality Management; Indonesia; Medicinal Plants; Traditional Medicine; Madagascar; Textile
Industry; Women Workers; Lao Peoples Democratic Republic; Clothing Industry; China;
Cultural Heritage; Development; Yemen; Draught Animals; Philippines; Cultural Property
Preservation; Antiquities; Turkey; Looms; Genetic Improvement; Government publication;
International government publication. Notes: ill. OCLC Accession Number: 123380817.
UNICEF. Executive Director. 1993-02-25. Country Programme Recommendation:
Yemen. New York: UN. Page(s): 20. Descriptors: Socio-Economic Indicators; Country
Programmes; Children; Women; Health Services; Water Supply; Sanitation; Education; Social
Services; Emergency Relief; Statistical Data; Yemen; Financing; Programme Management;
Geology of Yemen
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Recommendations; UNICEF--Programme Management; UNICEF--Financing. Notes: tables.
Consists of recommendation by the Executive Director of UNICEF. UN development projects.
OCLC Accession Number: 81740208.
UNICEF. Executive Director. 1987-02-26. Country Programme Recommendation:
Yemen. New York: UN. Page(s): 27. Descriptors: Statistical Data; Socio-Economic Indicators;
Child Health; Basic Services; Country Programmes; Maps; Women; Children; Water Supply;
Primary Health Care; Education; Nutrition; Immunization; Sanitation; Yemen; Financing;
Recommendations; Programme Management; Unicef--Programme Management. Notes: map,
tables. Note(s): Includes UN map no. 3314: Yemen (Feb. 1987). - Consists of recommendation
of Executive Director of UNICEF. UN maps included in documents. UN development projects.
OCLC Accession Number: 80653073.
UNICEF. Executive Director. 1987. Recommendation for Notings for Programmes i
the Middle East and North Africa Region without Recommendations for Commitments from
General Resources. New York: UN. Page(s): 12. Descriptors: Country Programmes; Middle
East; North Africa; Immunization; Water Supply; Sanitation; Democratic Yemen; Women In
Development; Egypt; Emergency Relief; Social Welfare; Lebanon; Project Finance; Programme
Management; Recommendations; UNICEF -- Programme management; Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: tables. Note(s): Consists of
recommendation of the Executive Director of UNICEF. OCLC Accession Number: 82327261.
UNICEF. Executive Director. 1987. Country Programme Recommendation: Yemen. New
York: UN. Page(s): 27. Descriptors: Statistical Data; Socio-Economic Indicators; Child Health;
Basic Services; Country Programmes; Maps; Women; Children; Water Supply; Primary Health
Care; Education; Nutrition; Immunization; Sanitation; Yemen; Financing; Recommendations;
Programme Management; UNICEF -- Programme management; Government publication;
International government publication. Notes: map, tables. Note(s): Includes UN map no. 3314:
Yemen (Feb. 1987). Consists of recommendation of Executive Director of UNICEF. Contains:
Maps (in UN documents). Material type: Development projects. OCLC Accession Number:
UNICEF. Executive Director. 1985-01-22. Country Programme Recommendation:
Yemen. New York: UN. Page(s): 4. Descriptors: Statistical Data; Demographic Statistics; Child
Health; Country Programmes; Water Supply; Sanitation; Education; Yemen; UNICEF. Notes:
tables. Consists of a recommendation of the Executive Director of UNICEF. UN development
projects. OCLC Accession Number: 77952575.
UNICEF. Executive Director. 1985. Country Programme Recommendation: Democratic
Yemen. New York: UN. Page(s): 5. Descriptors: Statistical Data; Demographic Statistics;
Country Programmes; Child Health; Education; Women; Rural Water Supply; Sanitation;
Information Exchange; Democratic Yemen; UNICEF; Government publication; International
government publication. Notes: tables. Consists of a recommendation of the Executive Director
of UNICEF. Material type: Development projects. OCLC Accession Number: 82750928.
United Nations, Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, New York,
NY, United States. 1982. Ground Water in the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia.
Natural Resources/Water Series. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
New York-Budapest. Volume 9, Pages 230. Descriptors: Africa; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula;
Asia; atmospheric precipitation; Bahrain; climate; Cyprus; eastern Mediterranean region;
economic geology; Egypt; ground water; Iran; Iraq; Israel; J ordan; Kuwait; Lebanon;
Mediterranean region; Middle East; North Africa; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; surveys; Syria;
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 296
Turkey; United Arab Emirates; water resources; western Asia; Yemen. Notes: illus. incl. tables,
geol. sketch maps. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1010-397X.
United Nations and Economic Commission for Western Asia. 1984. The Human
Settlements Situation in the Yemen Arab Republic: Country Profile. New York: United Nations.
Page(s): 114. Descriptors: Housing -- Yemen (Republic); Human settlements -- Yemen
(Republic); City planning -- Yemen (Republic); Economic Statistics; Demographic Statistics;
Statistical Data; Human Settlements; Housing; Households; Housing Statistics; Land; Water
Supply; Sanitation; Electric Power; Transport; Communications; Health Services; Education;
Building Materials; Construction Industry; Housing Finance; Economic Indicators;
Environmental Indicators; Human Settlements Management; Yemen; Yemen (Republic) --
Economic conditions -- 1945-; Government publication; International government publication.
Notes: xi; ill. 28 cm. 20 J une 1984. E/ECWA/HS/84/1. OCLC Accession Number:
United States Inst of Peace Washington, DC and Yacoubian, Mona. 2007. Special
Report: Engaging Islamists and Promoting Democracy. A Preliminary Assessment. Aug.
Page(s): 17 Report Number: 190 XJ -USIP Monitor Series: USIP. Abstract: While U.S.
engagement of moderate Islamists remains a hotly debated question, U.S. democracy promoters
have been working with legal Islamist parties and their leaders over the past decade. This Special
Report examines the experiences of U.S. democracy promoters at the National Democratic
Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) working with Islamist parties in
three countries: Morocco, J ordan, and Yemen. The assessment is written from the perspective of
democracy promoters; it is based on extensive interviews and discussions with staff members
who reside in-country, Washington-based staff, and United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) democratization experts. The promoters views are necessarily subjective,
providing one viewpoint to understand this complex topic. Abstract Classification: Unclassified
Technical Reports Collection. View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a472137.pdf; Size: 223 KB;
Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA472137.
United States. Agency for International Development. 1981. Yemen: Taiz Water and
Sewerage Construction Project Amendment. Washington, DC: U.S.A.I.D. Descriptors: Water-
supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Taizz; Sewerage -- Yemen (Republic) -- Taizz; Manuscript.
Notes: 1 v. (various pagings); 28 cm. Note(s): Project assistance paper. Project number 279-
0039. Other Titles: Taiz water and sewerage construction project amendment; Responsibility:
Department of State, Agency for International Development. OCLC Accession Number:
United States. Army Map Service; Great Britain; Army and Middle East Drawing and
Reproduction. . 1957. Qizan. Washington, D.C: The Service. Ed. 1--GSGS, AMS 3.GSGS
4646; Variation: GSGS (Series); 4646.Descriptors: Saudi Arabia -- Maps, Topographic; Yemen
(Republic) -- Maps, Topographic; Government publication; National government publication.
Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 45 x 65 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:1,000,000; [polyconic] proj. of
the International map [of the World]; Relief shown by form lines, spot heights, and pictorial
relief. Shows boundaries, highways and roads, railways, airports, rivers and water features, and
other details. Reprinted from first edition MDR 1/12284, 1945. British Crown copyright
reserved. Reproduced with the permission of Her Britannic Majestys Stationery Office.
Includes index to adjoining sheets, boundary diagram, reliability diagram, and glossary. Standard
map series designation: Series 1301. Sheet NE 38. 12-57.; Other Titles: Title in lower
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 297
margin:; Qizan, S.W. Asia; Series 1301; Title in upper margin: World (Asia) 1:1,000,000. OCLC
Accession Number: 55858239.
United States. Army Map Service; Great Britain; Army and Middle East Drawing and
Reproduction. . 1945. Bahr as Safi. Washington, D.C: The Service. Ed. 1--GSGS.World (Asia)
1:1,000,000; NE 39; GSGS; 4646; Variation: International map of the World 1:1,000,000. Asia;
sheet NE 39. GSGS (Series); 4646.Descriptors: Oman -- Maps, Topographic; Saudi Arabia --
Maps, Topographic; Yemen (Republic) -- Maps, Topographic; Government publication;
National government publication. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 45 x 65 cm. Map Info: Scale
1:1,000,000; Heights in metres. Relief shown by gradient tints, spot heights, and pictorial
relief. Shows boundaries, highways and roads, railways, airports, rivers and water features, and
other details. Reprint. Originally published: [London]: Middle East Drawing and Reproduction,
1945. Reprinted from first edition MDR 1/12253, 1945. British Crown copyright reserved.
Reproduced with the permission of Her Britannic Majestys Stationery Office./ Includes index
to adjoining sheets, boundary diagram, reliability diagram, and glossary. Standard map series
designation: Series 1301. Other Titles: Margin title:; Bahr as Safi, Southwest Asia; Series 1301.
OCLC Accession Number: 36049360.
United States. Army Map Service; Great Britain; Army and Middle East Drawing and
Reproduction. 1945. Qizan. Washington, D.C: The Service. Ed. 3--GSGS. Ed. advanced to be
concurrent with Ed. 1--GSGS, AMS 3.World (Asia) 1:1,000,000; NE 38; GSGS; 4646;
Variation: International map of the World 1:1,000,000. Asia; sheet NE 38. GSGS (Series);
4646.Descriptors: Saudi Arabia -- Maps, Topographic; Yemen (Republic) -- Maps, Topographic;
Government publication; National government publication. Notes: Description: 1 map: col. 45 x
65 cm. Map Info: Scale 1:1,000,000; Relief shown by contours, spot heights, and pictorial relief.
Shows boundaries, highways and roads, railways, airports, rivers and water features, and other
details. Reprinted from first edition MDR 1/12284, 1945. British Crown copyright reserved.
Reproduced with the permission of His Britannic Majestys Stationery Office. Includes index to
adjoining sheets, boundary diagram, reliability diagram, and glossary. Standard map series
designation: Series 1301. Other Titles: Margin title: Qizan, S.W. Asia; Series 1301;
Responsibility: printed by Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers. OCLC Accession Number:
USAID/Yemen. 1976. Water Supply Systems Management. Washington, D.C: Agency
for International Development. Descriptors: Municipal water supply -- Yemen; Sewerage --
Yemen; Economic assistance, American -- Yemen; Yemen Arab Republic National Water and
Sewerage Authority; Government publication. Abstract: Project purpose: to develop the
Naitonal Water and Sewerage Authority into an effective authority, capable of managing,
planning, constructing and operating the urban water and sewerage systems of the YAR.. Notes:
15 leaves; 27 cm. Title from project facesheet. Project no. 279-0028. 279-11-521-028--Leaf
[1]. OCLC Accession Number: 187860182.
USAID/Yemen. 1976. Rural Market Centers Water Supply and Sewerage Studies.
Washington, D.C: Agency for International Development. Descriptors: Markets -- Sanitation --
Yemen; Water-supply, Rural -- Yemen; Sewerage -- Yemen; Rural development projects --
Yemen; Economic assistance, American -- Yemen; Government publication; National
government publication. Abstract: Project purpose: provide the YARG the means to construct
15 water and sewerage systems--Project facesheet. Notes: 7, [4] leaves; 27 cm. Title from leaf
[1]. 279-0029.; Other Titles: Rural centers water/sewerage studies. OCLC Accession Number:
Geology of Yemen
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Geology of Yemen
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van der Gun, J . A. M., Elderhorst, W. I. M. and Kruseman, G. P. 1992. Predicting the
Long-Term Impacts of Groundwater Abstraction from an Intensively Exploited Coastal Aquifer;
Selected Papers on Aquifer Overexploitation from the 23rd International Congress of I.A.H.
Hydrogeology. Verlag Heinz Heise, Hanover, Germany. Volume 3, Pages 303-318. Descriptors:
aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Cenozoic; coastal environment; effects; exploitation; ground
water; mathematical models; prediction; Quaternary; salt-water intrusion; Tihama Yemen; Wadi
Surdud Yemen; water management; water resources; Yemen. References: 6; illus. incl. 2 tables,
sketch map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0938-6378.
van der Gun, J ac A. M. 1998. Water Resources Scarcity in Yemen; a Time Bomb Under
Socio-Economic Development?; Water; a Looming Crisis? Technical Documents in Hydrology
=Documents Techniques En Hydrologie. UNESCO, International Hydrological Programme,
Paris, International. Volume 18, Pages 379-384. Descriptors: aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
climate; depletion; development; ground water; human activity; pumping; sustainable
development; water management; water resources; water supply; water use; Yemen. References:
6; 1 table, sketch maps. Abstract: Water scarcity in Yemen has evolved during the last tens of
years from a relatively static environmental factor to a fundamental threat to sustainability, as a
consequence of rapid population growth and immense groundwater over-exploitation. The water
crisis which is present or imminent in most areas of Yemen has severe economic and social
implications. There is evidence that the problems can not be solved successfully by
uncoordinated individual reactions of water users to changing conditions. Instead, coordinated
action and proactive attitudes are required. Attention should go beyond technological
improvements and investments in water infrastructure, and include issues of changing water use
behaviour and of diversification towards a less water-consuming economy. Database: GeoRef.
van der Gun, J ac A. M. and Ahmed, A. A. 1995. The Water Resources of Yemen - a
Summary and Digest of Available Information. Delft, Netherlands: TNO-DGV Institute of
Applied Geoscience. Descriptors: Water resources; Arabian Peninsula; Yemen. Report WRAY-
35. Notes: var. pagination. At head of title: Water Resources Assessment Yemen. Includes
bibliographical references. OCLC Accession Number: 53046461; 704163340. URLs:
AY35.pdf and:
van der Gun, J ac A. M. and Kruseman, Gideon P. 1992. Sustainable Groundwater
Development; the Challenge for the Hydrogeologist in the 1990s; 13. Tagung Der Fachsektion
Hydrogeologie Der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift Der Deutschen
Geologischen Gesellschaft. Verlag Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 143, Issue 2, Pages 190-201. Descriptors: Africa;
aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; conservation; currents; East Africa; Europe; Far East; global;
ground water; Indonesia; J ava; Netherlands; pollution; prediction; protection; statistics; surface
water; Tanzania; water harnessing; water management; water quality; water resources; water
supply; Western Europe; Yemen. References: 9; sect., block diag., 2 tables, geol. sketch maps.
Database: GeoRef in Process. ISSN: 0012-0189.
van Dijk, A., and T. Wijdeveld. 1996. "Water Management and Remote Sensing." Land
& Water International.84 (1996): 12-5. Abstract: The use of computer models and remote
sensing for improving water management and irrigation schemes is described. Benefits of remote
sensing are outlined. The integration of water management models with remote sensing image
processing software and geographical information systems is discussed. Case studies in the
Geology of Yemen
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Yemen and Argentina are described. The role of remote sensing in irrigation management and its
limitations are considered.
Van Enk, D.C. and van der Gun, J .A.M. 1984, Hydrology and hydrogeology of the
Yemen Arab Republic: a summary of available information. Report WRAY-1, Water Resources
Assessment Yemen Arab Republic. TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience, Delft, The
Van Hear, Nicholas. 1994. The Socio-Economic Impact of the Involuntary Mass Return
to Yemen in 1990. J ournal of Refugee Studies. J anuary 1. Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 18-38.
Abstract: As the Gulf crisis unfolded in the second half of 1990, the Republic of Yemen was
obliged to accommodate 800,000 of its nationals forced to leave Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other
states of the region. This paper explores the social and economic impact of this large involuntary
movement to Yemen. Since these people returned to their country of nationality, they were not
refugees but forced repatriates or returnees, although such terms are problematical when applied
to Yemenis long-settled abroad, as the paper shows. After outlining the circumstances of the
mass exodus and the character and distribution of the population that arrived en masse in Yemen,
the paper reflects on their experience and condition more than two years later, and considers the
extent to which the returnees constituted a burden or potential benefit for a poor country already
under considerable political and economic pressure. While the evidence on the latter issue is
mixed, the Yemen case holds lessons for other countries obliged to deal with sudden, large scale,
involuntary repatriations.
van Loon, Louise, Driessen, Peter P. J ., Kolhoff, Arend and Runhaar, Hens A. C. An
Analytical Framework for Capacity Development in EIA- the Case of Yemen. Environ. Impact
Assess. Rev. Volume In Press, Corrected Proof, Descriptors: Capacity development; EA
systems; Performance; Analytical framework; Yemen. Abstract: Most countries worldwide
nowadays apply Environmental Assessment (EA) as an ex ante tool to evaluate environmental
impacts of policies, plans, programmes, and projects. However, the application and performance
of EA differ significantly. Scientific analysis of how EA performs mainly focuses on two levels:
the micro (or project) level and the macro (or system) level. Macro level analysis usually focuses
on institutions for EA and the organisation of stakeholder interaction in EA. This article proposes
a more comprehensive framework for analysing EA systems that combines other approaches
with a capacity approach and an explicit consideration of the context in which EA systems are
developed and performed. In order to illustrate the value of our framework, we apply it to the
Republic of Yemen, where over the last decades many EA capacity development programmes
have been executed; however, EA performance has not substantially improved. The Yemen case
study illustrates that the capacity development approach allows an understanding of the historical
process, the stakeholders, the knowledge component, and the material and technical aspects of
EA, but perhaps more important is a systemic understanding of the outcomes: problems are not
isolated, but influence and even maintain each other. In addition, by taking into account the
context characteristics, our framework allows for the assessment of the feasibility of capacity
development programmes that aim at improving EA system performance. ISSN: 0195-9255.
van Overmeeren, R. A. 2001. Hagedoorns Plus-Minus Method; the Beauty of
Simplicity; in Memory of J . G. Hagedoorn. Geophys. Prospect. EAGE (European Association
of Geoscientists & Engineers), Houten, Netherlands. Nov. Volume 49, Issue 6, Pages 687-696.
Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; case studies; computer programs; data processing;
electrical logging; geophysical methods; geophysical profiles; geophysical surveys; Hagedoorns
method; MATLAB; refraction methods; seismic methods; seismic profiles; surveys;
Geology of Yemen
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Thornburghs method; vertical seismic profiles; Wadi Surdud; well-logging; Yemen. References:
16; illus. incl. 3 tables. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-8025. URL:
Van Overmeeren, R. A. 1989. Aquifer Boundaries Explored by Geoelectrical
Measurements in the Coastal Plain of Yemen: A Case of Equivalence. Geophysics. Volume 54,
Issue 1, Pages 38-48. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 18. Abstract: Until 216 vertical electrical
Schlumberger soundings were made, little was known about the subsurface geology at the Wadi
Surdud area in the coastal plain of the Yemen Arab Republic. These soundings provide
information on the distribution of aquifers, aquitards, and impermeable rocks, and the salinity of
the groundwater. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0016-8033.
van Overmeeren, R. A. 1987. The Plus-Minus Method for Rapid Field Processing by
Portable Computer of Seismic Refraction Data in Multi-Layer Groundwater Studies. First
Break. Blackwell, Oxford, UK. Mar. Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 83-94. Descriptors: Arabian
Peninsula; Asia; data acquisition; data processing; geophysical methods; geophysical surveys;
ground water; northern Yemen; plus-minus method; refraction; seismic methods; surveys;
Yemen. References: 7; illus. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0263-5046.
van Steenbergen, Frank. 2006. Promoting Local Management in Groundwater; Social
and Economic Aspects of Groundwater Governance. Hydrogeol. J . Springer, Berlin -
Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany. Volume 14, Issue 3,
Pages 380-391. Descriptors: Africa; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; case studies; Egypt; hydrologic
cycle; hydrology; North Africa; Southeast Asia; sustainable development; water management;
Yemen. Notes: References: 20. Database: GeoRef in Process. ISSN: 1431-2174. URL:
Vandyk, Anthony. 1994. Alyemda, Oil-Fueled Expansion. Air Transport World.
Penton Media: Volume 31, Issue 5, Pages 108. Descriptors: Airlines; Yemen. Database: TRIS.
ISSN: 0002-2543. Availability:
Varisco, Daniel Martin. 2009. Agriculture in Al-Hamdns Yemen: A Survey from
Early Islamic Geographical Texts. J ournal of the Economic & Social History of the Orient. Brill
Academic Publishers: 06. Volume 52, Issue 3, Pages 382-412. Descriptors: Agriculture; Islam;
Yemenis; Water-supply; Water in agriculture; Yemen (Republic); Cultivated Crops; Geography;
Irrigation; Yemen; AL-Hamdani, Abu Muhammad al-Hassan ibn Ahmad. Abstract: The area of
Yemen has been one of the most productive agricultural regions in the Arab World since the
beginning of Islam. This article surveys the available knowledge from Arabic geographical and
historical texts on the state of agriculture in Yemen during the early Islamic period up through
the 10th century CE. The primary focus is on the work of Ab Muhammad al-Hasan al-
Hamdn, including translation of a section on Yemeni agriculture from his Sifat jazrat al-Arab.
In addition to discussion of rain periods, water resources and agricultural methods, information
on the known cultivated crops is provided. ISSN: 0022-4995. URL:
Varisco, Daniel Martin. 2004. Terminology for Plough Cultivation in Yemeni Arabic.
J ournal of Semitic Studies. March 1. Volume 49, Issue 1, Pages 71-129. Abstract: Yemen,
located on the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, has a rich agricultural tradition with
extensive documentation available in manuscripts and published sources. This article draws on
the major lexicons, specialized linguistic studies, travel accounts and ethnographic field research
in the central highland valley of Ahjur (1978-9) for an annotated glossary of Yemeni Arabic
Geology of Yemen
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terminology for the traditional plough and tillage or cultivation of fields. Terms are arranged by
root and to the extent possible the region of the usage is indicated. Yemen is one of the few Arab
countries where a historical lexical exercise can be fruitful, since aspects of traditional
cultivation continue to the present day and many regional terms appear to have substantial
Varisco, Daniel Martin. 1982. The Adaptive Dynamics of Water Allocation in Al-Ahjur,
Yemen Arab Republic. Descriptors: Water resources development -- Al-Ahjur Valley -- Yemen
(Republic); Water rights -- Yemen (Republic); Water harvesting; Water-supply;
Thesis/dissertation; Manuscript; Microfilm (mfl). Notes: xxxv, 690 leaves. Dissertation: Thesis
(Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1982. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (leaves
634-681). Reproduction: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. University Microfilms, 1986. 1 microfilm
reel; 35 mm. OCLC Accession Number: 13191910.
Varisco, Daniel Martin and Institute for Development Anthropology (Binghamton, N.Y.).
1980. Water Right and Water use in the Yemeni Highlands: The Phenomena of Ghail.
Descriptors: Applied anthropology -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: 10 leaves; 28 cm. Cover title.
Presented at the annual meetings of the Middle East Studies Association, Washington D.C.
1980. Includes bibliographical references. OCLC Accession Number: 66899494.
Vaselli, Orlando, Mattash, Mohamed Ali, Minissale, Angelo, et al. 2004. Isotopic and
Gas Analysis of the Geothermal Systems of Yemen; Italia 2004; 32nd International Geological
Congress; Abstracts. International Geological Congress, Abstracts =Congres Geologique
International, Resumes. [International Geological Congress], [location varies], International;
Abstracts =Congres Geologique International, Resumes. Aug. Volume 32, Part 2, Pages 1235-
1236. Descriptors: aliphatic hydrocarbons; alkanes; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; bedrock; carbon
dioxide; carbonate rocks; chemical composition; chemical ratios; deuterium; Eh; gases;
geothermal systems; ground water; hot springs; hydrocarbons; hydrogen; isotope ratios; isotopes;
methane; O-18/O-16; organic compounds; oxygen; petroleum; petroleum exploration; reservoir
rocks; sea water; sedimentary rocks; springs; stable isotopes; thermal waters; water resources;
Yemen. Database: GeoRef.
Vasseli, Orlando, Mattash, Mohamed A., Minnisale, Angelo, Wood, Scott A. and
Cetiner, Ziya. 2003. Geothermal Resources of Yemen and their Geothermometric
Characteristics; Geological Society of America, 2003 Annual Meeting. Abstracts with Programs
- Geological Society of America. Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO. Nov.
Volume 35, Issue 6, Pages 573. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Arabian Sea; Asia; Cenozoic;
faults; gases; geochemistry; geologic thermometry; geothermal energy; ground water; Gulf of
Aden; hot springs; hydrochemistry; Indian Ocean; Red Sea region; resources; springs;
temperature; thermal waters; western Yemen; Yemen. Abstract: Thermal springs and gas vents
are widely distributed throughout the country, but the majority is found discharging from igneous
centers of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic fields of the western Yemen Province. Structurally
these volcanics are connected to N-NW faults that are parallel to the main Red Sea trend, and
partially associated with relatively shallow Tertiary acidic intrusions. In the Gulf of Aden region
the heat flow varies from 50-100 mW/m (super 2) . The present geothermal gradient in the Red
Sea region ranges from 49 to 77 degrees C/km, and the present heat flow varies from 94 to 154
mW/m (super 2) . Such high and moderate heat flow values have more or less been affected by
the thermal equilibrium between the upper mantle and the crust. This had resulted in the
formation of the relatively large and widely distributed epithermal alteration haloes throughout
the Yemen Cenozoic volcanic areas and also the occurrence of thermal springs. Temperature and
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pH values of the thermal springs range between 37 degrees C and 96DGC, and 6.3 and 8.7,
respectively. However, TDS values range between 1000 ppm and 3500 ppm and in some cases
may exceed 10000 ppm. The condensates collected from fumaroles and steaming ground have
low pH values (<4.5) and TDS (<250 ppm). The Yemeni thermal waters indicate high variability
in composition since they are Na (K)-Cl, Na-HCO (sub 3) , and Ca (Mg)-SO (sub 4) types,
whereas the surficial waters have the typical worldwide Ca (Mg)-HCO (sub 3) composition. The
water samples from the southern Provinces of Yemen have a Na/Cl ratio approximately equal to
1, suggesting variable degrees of mixing with seawater. The remaining samples display a higher,
but relatively constant, Na/Cl ratio (4-6). This can be related to the fact that the thermal water in
the southern and eastern Provinces is often associated with N (sub 2) -gases, while the others
present a CO (sub 2) -rich gas phase. The latter increases the water-rock interaction processes
leading to a higher alteration degree and favoring ion-exchange reaction with Na-rich silicates.
These waters thus evolve to Na-HCO (sub 3) in composition. Equilibrium temperature
evaluation of the thermal reservoirs has been performed by using different liquid phase
geothermometers, such as SiO (sub 2) , K (super 2) /Mg and Na/K. Estimated reservoir
temperatures range between 70 and 140 degrees C. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7592.
Veenstra, S. Al-Nozaily, F. and Alaerts, G. J . 1995. Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria End their
Influence on Waste Stabilisation Pond Performance in the Yemen Republic. Berkeley, CA.
Volume: 31, 12, page(s): 141-149. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Waste
Stabilisation Ponds and the Reuse of Pond Effluents, November 30, 1993 - December 3.
Conference: 1993. Descriptors: Stabilization ponds; Algae; Ammonia; Bacteria; Biochemical
oxygen demand; Biological sewage treatment; Disease control; Effluents; Hydrogen sulfide;
Odor control; Wastewater reclamation; Wastewater treatment. Abstract: In the semi-arid Yemen
Republic wastewater treatment has high priority to control the spreading of communicable
diseases and to make the effluent fit for reuse in agriculture. Experience with existing waste
stabilisation ponds has in many cases been unfavourable because of poor BOD removal and
odour problems. The raw domestic sewage at the Sanaa waste stabilisation ponds is very strong
in terms of BOD, COD, TSS and sulfate, and its ammonia levels are excessively high (150-200
mg N-[NH3 +NH4+]/L). The combination of high temperature, high organic loading rates and
the presence of sulfides, due to conversion of sulfate in the anaerobic ponds, appears to favour
development of anoxygenic photo-heterotrophic purple non-sulfur bacteria Rhodopseudomonas
spp. in facultative ponds. Some species can oxidise sulfides to sulfate using light; they lend the
water its typical reddish-pink colour and cause high turbidity which may disfavour algal growth.
Also, in large tracts of the ponds the high ammonia levels suppress algal growth, as
demonstrated in lab experiments. Consequently, low DO and poor C-metabolisation prevail in
the ponds. Low DO in turn again creates conditions stimulating microbial sulfate reduction. Field
data from other facultative ponds in Yemen suggests that a minimum retention time in the
facultative ponds of 20-25 days is necessary to provide ecological conditions allowing algae to
outcompete purple bacteria. Notes: Compilation and indexing terms, copyright 2009 elsevier inc.
T3: Water science and technology; undefined; undefined; undefined; undefined; undefined;
undefined. ISSN: 0273-1223. URL:
Veenstra, S., Al-Nozaily, F. A. and Alaerts, G. J . 1995. Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria End
their Influence on Waste Stabilisation Pond Performance in the Yemen Republic. Water
Science and Technology. 30 November 1993 through 3 December 1993. Volume 31, Issue 12,
Pages 141-149. Descriptors: Algal toxicity; Ammonia; Hydrogen sulfide; Malodorous
compounds; Purple bacteria; Republic of Yemen; Reuse; Rhodopseudomonas; Sulfate reduction;
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 304
Waste stabilisation ponds. Notes: Conference code: 44061; Cited By (since 1996): 11. Abstract:
In the semi-arid Yemen Republic wastewater treatment has high priority to control the spreading
of communicable diseases and to make the effluent fit for reuse in agriculture. Experience with
existing waste stabilisation ponds has in many cases been unfavourable because of poor BOD
removal and odour problems. The raw domestic sewage at the Sanaa waste stabilisation ponds is
very strong in terms of BOD, COD, TSS and sulfate, and its ammonia levels are excessively high
(150-200 mg N-[NH3 +NH4+]/L). The combination of high temperature, high organic loading
rates and the presence of sulfides, due to conversion of sulfate in the anaerobic ponds, appears to
favour development of anoxygenic photo-heterotrophic purple non-sulfur bacteria
Rhodopseudomonas spp. in facultative ponds. Some species can oxidise sulfides to sulfate using
light; they lend the water its typical reddish-pink colour and cause high turbidity which may
disfavour algal growth. Also, in large tracts of the ponds the high ammonia levels suppress algal
growth, as demonstrated in lab experiments. Consequently, low DO and poor C-metabolisation
prevail in the ponds. Low DO in turn again creates conditions stimulating microbial sulfate
reduction. Field data from other facultative ponds in Yemen suggests that a minimum retention
time in the facultative ponds of 20-25 days is necessary to provide ecological conditions
allowing algae to outcompete purple bacteria. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0273-1223.
Venter, Hendrik J . T. and Verhoeven, Rudolf L. 1999. A New Species of Cryptolepis
(Periplocoideae, Apocynaceae) from Arabia. Bot. J . Linn. Soc. 12. Volume 131, Issue 4, Pages
417-422. Descriptors: pollen; seed-coat; South Yemen; translators. Abstract: A new species of
Cryptolepis from Yemen, Arabian Peninsula, C. yemenensis is described and figured. It is
recognized by the glabrous appearance of the plant, oblong-elliptic to narrowly obovate leaves,
small flowers, small follicles and ridged seed. The new species resembles Cryptolepis gillettii
Hutch. & E.A. Bruce and C. volubilis (Balf. f.) Schwartz to some extent. Their flowers are alike,
except for size and different corona shapes. However, they differ with regard to the shape and
size of the follicles, the texture of the seed coat and the absence or presence of vesture on the
plants. ISSN: 0024-4074.
Verba, M P, Avad Said Al-Kasiri, N A Goncharova, and N P Chizhikova. 1995. "Impact
of Irrigation on Micromorphological Features of Desert Soils of Hadramout Valley (Yemen)".
Eurasian Soil Science. 27, no. 9: 108. ISSN: 1064-2293. OCLC: 87117443.
Vermillion, Douglas Lynn and Al-Shaybani, S. 2004. Small Dams and Social Capital in
Yemen: How Assistance Strategies Affect Local Investment and Institutions. International Water
Management Institute. ISBN: 9290905379. URL:
Vermillion, D. L. and Al-Shaybani, S. 2004. Small Dams and Social Capital in Yemen:
How Assistance Strategies Affect Local Investment and Institutions. IWMI]. no. 76, [np].
Volume: 76, page(s): Research Report. International Water Management Institute [Res. Re.
Descriptors: Article Subject Terms: Capital; Dams; Institutions; International Waters;
Investment; Article Geographic Terms: Yemen. ISBN: 9290905379. Database: Water Resources
Abstracts. OCLC Accession Number: 7295767.
Vermillion, Douglas L. Shaybani, Sa`id and International Water Management Institute.
2004. Small Dams and Social Capital in Yemen: How Assistance Strategies Affect Local
Investment and Institutions. Colombo: IWMI. Descriptors: Dams -- Yemen (Republic); Water
conservation projects -- Yemen; (Republic); Federal aid to water resources; development; Water
resources development -- Finance. Notes: [2] p. 28 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 499984970.
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Villwock, G. Ruske, R. and Germany, Institut fuer Geologische Wissenschaften und
Geiseltalmuseum, Halle. 1996. Geologische Landesaufnahme Und Naturpotentialbewertung Im
Suedlichen J emen; Afrika Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Umweltvorsorge Und Rohstoffnutzung;
Aufgaben Und Moeglichkeiten in Der Wissenschaftlichen Und Technischen Zusannenarbeit;
Afrikagruppe Deutscher Geowissenschaftler, J ahrestagung 1996. Federal Republic of Germany
Inst. fuer. Geolog. Wiss. u. Geiseltalmuseum, Halle (Saale), Federal Republic of Germany.
J ahrestagung, Afrikagruppe Deutscher Geowissenschaftler; Afrika Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen
Umweltvorsorge Und Rohstoffnutung, Halle. Federal Republic of Germany Conference: J une
21-22, 1996. Descriptors: agriculture; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; mapping; parent materials; relief;
soil group; soils; water regimes; Yemen. References: 3. Database: GeoRef in Process.
Villwock, G. 1989. Landschaftliche Raumgliederung Der VDR J emen Als Grundlage
Fuer Die Beurteilung Der Natuerlichen Ressourcen. Spatial Division of Landscapes of the
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen as a Basis for the Assessment of Natural Resources.
Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. VEB Hermann Haack Geographisch-Kartographische
Anstalt Gotha/Leipzig, Gotha-Leipzig, Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of
Germany. Volume 133, Issue 2, Pages 89-97. Descriptors: agriculture; Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
classification; climate; genesis; geomorphologic maps; geomorphology; landform description;
landscapes; maps; relief; soils; vegetation; water supply; Yemen. Notes: CD: PGGMA3;
References: 44; illus. incl. sects., 2 tables, geol. sketch maps; Map Scale: 1:200,000. Type:
geomorphologic map. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0031-6229.
Vincent, Linden. 2004. Science, Technology and Agency in the Development of
Droughtprone Areas: A Cognitive History of Drought and Scarcity. England: Open University
(United Kingdom). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Abstract: Drought and scarcity are two
frameworks in common use to study the relationships between natural phenomena creating lack
of water (drought) and the lack of access to water for human security and economic development
(scarcity). This thesis studies how these frameworks have shaped public action in droughtprone
and scarcity regions over time, in the agencies created for water development, and their cognitive
and technical norms used in analysis of drought and scarcity and design of development
programmes. These public agencies have relied on science and technology both to generate new
understanding of drought mechanisms and social and environmental dynamics shaping scarcity,
and also mobilise water sources to reduce vulnerabilities in droughtprone regions. It explores two
hypotheses: that scientific, technological and political elites build their power--or struggle to
remain prominent actors--through the cognitive and technical norms that they build; and that a
cognitive framework linking drought and scarcity can transform options to assess, allocate and
use water resources in droughtprone areas. The thesis presents case studies from three
droughtprone regions, India, Yemen and Zimbabwe. These regions have different patterns of
drought risk and intensity, which manifest themselves in different dependencies and risks on
different water sources--soil moisture, groundwater and surface water--to support agricultural
production. They are also very different types of state in terms of their commitment to public
action for development. The countries show differing dependencies on techno-scientific
networks, techno-economic networks and district and community level management in shaping
livelihood security in the face of drought, and have had different performances in mitigating
drought impacts and creating equitable institutions to mediate scarce water resources. Future
public action will be better informed by the emergence of critical science with a stronger
commitment to participatory action rather than rational science. Ph.D. C819614. ProQuest
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Dissertations & Theses. URL:
Vincent, Linden. Debating the Water Decade: A View from the Yemen Republic.
1991. Development Policy Review. Vol. 9. J une. Issue 2, Pages [197]-216. Descriptors: Water
and water use -- Yemen; Rural development projects -- Yemen (Republic); Project appraisal --
Yemen. Notes: 22 cm; p. 197-216. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-216).
OCLC: 9691139.
Vincent, Linden. 1990. The Politics of Water Scarcity: Irrigation and Water Supply in the
Mountains of the Yemen Republic. London, England; Colombo, Sri Lanka: Overseas
Development Institute; International Irrigation Management Institute. Descriptors: Irrigation --
Yemen (Republic); Irrigation -- Yemen (Republic) -- Management; Water and water use --
Yemen. Notes: 28 p. 21 cm. Cover title. December 1990./ Includes bibliographical references
(p. 27-28). Responsibility: Linden Vincent. OCLC Accession Number: 24410969.
Vincent, Linden Faith. 2004. Science, Technology and Agency in the Development of
Droughtprone Areas: A Cognitive History of Drought and Scarcity. Descriptors: Droughts --
Economic aspects -- India; Droughts -- Economic aspects -- Yemen; (Republic); Droughts --
Economic aspects --; Zimbabwe; Drought relief -- Developing countries; Water use -- Yemen
(Republic); Water use -- Zimbabwe; Water use -- India; Integrated water development;
Thesis/dissertation. Notes: Dissertation: Thesis (Ph. D.)--Open University. Faculty of
Technology. Centre for Complexity and Change - Development Policy and Practice. OCLC
Accession Number: 496972522.
Vincent, Linden; Overseas Development Institute (London, England) and International
Irrigation Management Institute. 1990. The Politics of Water Scarcity: Irrigation and Water
Supply in the Mountains of the Yemen Republic. London: Overseas Development Institute.
Descriptors: Irrigation water -- Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Economic aspects. Notes: 28
p. 21 cm. Caption title. Odi-IIMI Irrigation Management Network--Cover. December 1990--
Cover. Includes bibliographical references (p. 27-28). OCLC Accession Number: 23948753.
Vlain, Charles. 1878. Description gologique de la presgupe dAden, de lIle
De La Runion, Des Iles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam. Paris: Typographie A. Hennuyer. Page(s):
358. Descriptors: Geology -- Indian Ocean Region. Notes: iv; [27] leaves of plates: ill., (some
folded, col.), maps; 29 cm. Responsibility: par Charls Vlain. OCLC Accession Number:
Vogel, H. 1988. Impoundment-Type Bench Terracing with Underground Conduits in
J ibal Haraz, Yemen Arab Republic. Transactions - Institute of British Geographers. Volume 13,
Issue 1, Pages 29-38. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 3. Abstract: Arable farming in mountainous
South Arabia is exclusively based on land terracing. The unique characteristic of this agricultural
ecosystem is the millions of stone-built bench terraces. Superficially the indigenous
hydrotechnology is not eye-catching, although there are subterranean water conduits which
strikingly illustrate the high engineering skill and vast hydrological experience of the Yemeni
peasant farmers. Database: SCOPUS.
Von Herzen, Richard P. 1963. Geothermal Heat Flow in the Gulfs of California and
Aden. Science. J une 14. Volume 140, Issue 3572, Pages 1207-1208. Abstract: Eighteen
measurements in and near the gulfs of California and Aden indicate the geothermal flux is
several times the world-wide mean of 1.2 x 10-6 cal/cm2 sec in both regions. Both gulfs closely
coincide with the intersection of oceanic rises with continents and have likely been formed under
tensional forces, which suggest an association with mantle convection currents.
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Wadi Aywat al Manahil, Yemen, Saudi Arabia. Defense Mapping Agency. Aerospace
Center, St. Louis, Mo. 1992. Scale 1:250,000. Series 1501 Air; Sheet NE 39-6; Edition 1. J oint
Operations Graphic (Air). Reprinted by NIMA, September 2002. See the website, accessed
October 5, 2011: )
Wagenaar, Arnout and DHaese, Marijke. 2007. Development of Small-Scale Fisheries
in Yemen: An Exploration. Mar. Policy. 5. Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 266-275. Descriptors:
Small-scale fisheries; Development; Yemen. Abstract: Yemen is one of the poorest countries in
the world. The development of its fishery sector is increasingly being mentioned as a source of
livelihood creation. The aims of this paper are to: (a) provide an overview of the institutional
environment in which small-scale fishermen in Yemen operate; (b) investigate the constraints
they face; and (c) discuss the potential role that co-operatives could play in such development.
Small-scale fisheries in Yemen are increasingly important, yet they struggle with access to
infrastructure, markets, and credit. We identify significant differences in the development of the
fisheries sector in the two main fishing regions: the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Overall, local
capacity within co-operatives needs to be improved and private sector development should be
encouraged. ISSN: 0308-597X.
Wagner, Wolfgang and Geyh, Mebus A. 1999. Application of Environmental Isotope
Methods for Groundwater Studies in the ESCWA Region. Geologisches J ahrbuch. Reihe C:
Hydrogeologie, Ingenieurgeologie. Schweizerbart in Komm., Stuttgart, Germany. Volume 67,
Pages 5-129. Descriptors: absolute age; alluvium aquifers; aquifers; Arabian Peninsula; Asia;
Geology of Yemen
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atmospheric precipitation; Bahrain; C-14; carbon; carbonate rocks; clastic rocks; climate;
currents; ground water; ground-water provinces; hydrogen; igneous rocks; influence; isotope
geochemistry; isotope ratios; isotopes; J ordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; limestone; Middle East; O-16;
O-18; O-18/O-16; Oman; oxygen; paleoclimatology; Qatar; radioactive isotopes; recharge;
sampling; sandstone; Saudi Arabia; sedimentary rocks; soft rocks; stable isotopes; Syria; tritium;
United Arab Emirates; volcanic rocks; water quality; Yemen. Database: GeoRef in Process.
ISSN: 0341-6410.
Wakai, Seigo and Tokuda, Keiji. 1994. Groundwater Exploration and Development in
Desert Area; Yemen. Tsuchi-to-Kiso J SSMFE =Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.
J apanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Tokyo, J apan: J apan. Volume
42, Issue 1(432), Pages 33-36. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; desertification; deserts;
development; eolian features; exploration; ground water; preventive measures; water balance;
water resources; Yemen. References: 5; illus. incl. 2 tables, geol. sketch maps. Database:
GeoRef. ISSN: 0041-3798.
Walker, Godfrey J . A., Hogerzeil, Hans V., Sallami, Ali O., Alwan, Aladin A. S.,
Fernando, George and Kassem, Fahdl A. 1990. Evaluation of Rational Drug Prescribing in
Democratic Yemen. Soc. Sci. Med. Volume 31, Issue 7, Pages 823-828. Descriptors: evaluation
methods; essential drugs; drug prescription; Democratic Yemen. Abstract: The government of
Democratic Yemen started an essential drugs programme in 1984. Every month quantities of 30
drugs are delivered in prepacked kits to health units and standard treatment schedules have been
agreed. The quantities of each drug were estimated by applying the standard treatment schedules
to the typical morbidity patterns seen at these facilities. Most health workers attended a training
course on the correct use of the standard treatment schedules. Hospital and health centres have
been included in the programme to a more limited extent. ISSN: 0277-9536.
Wallis, R. S. and Giles, B. J . 2010. Design Aspects of an LNG Loadout J etty in
Yemen. Australian J ournal of Structural Engineering. Engineers Media Pty. Ltd: 09. Volume
10, Issue 2, Pages 111-120. Descriptors: Structural engineering; J etties; Contractors; Facilities;
Trestles; Piling (Civil engineering); Pipelines; Dolphins; Design & construction; Yemen, South.
Abstract: This paper discusses the design problems associated with the site and how they were
overcome in consultation with the construction contractor to best suit their expertise and
equipment. The facility consists of an 800 m long approach trestle giving vehicular access to the
loading platform and carrying the product pipelines, six mooring dolphins, four berthing
dolphins, and a multi-level loading platform with four LNG loading arms. Conventional piled
headstocks were chosen for the approach trestle, but deeper water along the berthing face led to
jacket structures for each of the berthing and mooring dolphins, and the loading platform. The
site geology generally consists of sandy sediments overlying Basaltic rock, with the depth of
overburden varying from around 15 m at the berth to exposed rock onshore. Low tension
capacity of driven piles required a significant number of tension anchors to be drilled into rock.
The 7.8 m design wave at the site was a breaking wave over about one-third of the length of the
trestle, and the headstock level was chosen to clear the wave crest by 1.5 m. The design of the
topworks was being carried out by the main contractor at the same time, which resulted in
uncertain pipe loads during the preliminary design phase. Prefabrication was carried out in
Malaysia and transported to Yemen by barge, along with all equipment and construction
materials. Provisions for sea transport of the fabricated jacket structures and the mechanics of
their handling and installation were important parts of the design process. ISSN: 1328-7982.
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Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington D C. 1962. Health Data Publications no.
16. Yemen. Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center: Descriptors: Medicine and
Medical Research; Public health; Yemen; Transportation; Natural resources; Maps; Animals;
Waste disposal; Medical services; Food; Nutrition; Epidemiology; Water supplies; Health
surveys; Health care facilities. Abstract: Contents: Minerals, industry, transportation and
communications; Food and nutrition, water supply; Animals of medical importance; Diseases of
Yemen; Health services and medical facilities. Notes: 21 p. General Info: APPROVED FOR
PUBLIC RELEASE. OCLC Accession Number: 227365399.
Walter, Robert C., Buffler, Richard T., Berhe, Seife, Vondra, Carl, Yemane, Tesfaye and
Andemariam, Tesfalidet. 1997. Rift Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Southern Red Sea and
Northern Danakil of Eritrea; Geological Society of America, 1997 Annual Meeting. Abstracts
with Programs - Geological Society of America. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO.
Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages 47. Descriptors: absolute age; Afar; Afar Depression; Africa; Alid;
Ar/Ar; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; Badda Beds; Buri Peninsula; Cenozoic; Cretaceous; dates; East
Africa; Egypt; Eritrea; Ethiopia; faults; grabens; Indian Ocean; marine environment; marine
terraces; Mesozoic; nearshore environment; North Africa; plate tectonics; Pleistocene; processes;
Quaternary; Red Sea; reefs; rifting; Saudi Arabia; sebkha environment; sedimentation; shallow-
water environment; shelf environment; shore features; southern Red Sea; structural controls;
systems; tectonics; terrestrial environment; Tertiary; uplifts; upper Pleistocene; volcanism;
volcanoes; Yemen. Abstract: Our objective is to study the origin and evolution of tectonism,
volcanism, and sedimentation in an area where oceanic and continental rift processes merge.
There are four major regions in our study area: (1) The Foro/Zula Basin shows evidence for
significant tectonic uplift during the late Pleistocene. At least four raised fluvial terraces are
exposed, the highest of which is over one hundred meters above sea level; (2) The southwestern
coast of the Buri Peninsula, contains a series of late Pleistocene reef terraces, ranging between 5
and 20 m above sea level. The 5 m terrace is ubiquitous along the Red Sea coast of Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, and Yemen, where it has been dated at about 125 ka; (3) The rhyolite volcano of Alid
resides in a NE-SW trending graben between the Eritrean escarpment and the Red Sea Coast.
New (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar dates from Alid suggest ages from 100 ka to 10 ka. Fossil-
bearing terrestrial sediments in tectonic basins south and west of Alid range from roughly 2.0 Ma
to 100 ka; (4) The late Pleistocene shallow marine Badda Beds are exposed along the Red Sea
Escarpment in the northern Danakil. The sediments show large scale cross-stratified and
convoluted beds that have discordant relationships to similar overlying and underlying strata.
These sediments may record a deeper shelf environment and movement along syn-depositional
faults. The Badda Beds may be equivalent in age to fossil reef limestones that are exposed 7 to
10 km east of Badda in the north-central Danakil Depression. Laterally and vertically the
limestones become gypsiferous, and are eventually entirely replaced by gypsum. The presence of
obsidian artifacts in the limestones suggest a very shallow marine, near shore or subaerial sabkha
environment. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0016-7592.
Walz, J onathan David. 2010. Islamic Foundations for Effective Water Management Four
Case Studies. Austin, Tex: University of Texas. Descriptors: Water management; Islam; Nile;
Tigris-Euphrates; J ordan; Yemen; Shariah; Nile river basin; Tigris-Euphrates river basin.
Abstract: This thesis project addresses Islamic water management by presenting case studies on
regional water issues and analyzing the extent to which Muslim-majority states behave in a way
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consistent with Islamic shariah law. The case studies presented in this thesis address both
international cooperation related to the management of trans-boundary water basins (the Nile and
Tigris-Euphrates River Basins) and domestic water management strategies employed by Muslim-
majority states in the MENA region (J ordan and Yemen). In each case, it is not clear that there is
consistency between the Islamic ideals discussed by academics and the actual techniques
employed by various states. In international attempts at managing the shared waters of the Nile
and Tigris-Euphrates Basins, the fact that many riparian states have Muslim-majority populations
does not appear to make the management of trans-boundary resources any easier or more
successful. The implications for Islamic water management at the domestic level is also unclear -
- with shariah playing a positive role in J ordanian attempts at water conservation but promoting
the over-exploitation of resources in Yemen. Although shariah appears to play a limited role in
the management of trans-boundary water resources, it seems to be better suited for informing
how states internally manage their endowments of freshwater resources. Notes: 1 online resource
(viii, 64 leaves): ill., maps; Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2010.
Note(s): Title from PDF title page (University of Texas Digital Repository, viewed on Feb. 16,
2011). Includes bibliographical references. OCLC Accession Number: 702155667.
Walz, J onathon David. 2008. Yemen, Qat, and the Water Supply: A Strategy for the
Efficient Allocation of Water Resources. Descriptors: Sustainable development -- Yemen;
(Republic); Water-supply, Agricultural -- Yemen; Khat -- Economic aspects -- Yemen; Yemen
(Republic) -- Economic policy; Thesis/dissertation; Manuscript;. Notes: ii, IV, 55 leaves: col. ill.,
maps; 29 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (Honors)--University of South Dakota, 2008. Note(s):
Typescript (offset copy). Bibliography: leaves 52-55. Responsibility: by J onathon David Walz.
OCLC Accession Number: 698456746.
Waraqat Al-J umhuriyah Al-Yamaniyah: Al-Lajnah Al-Iqtisadiyah Wa-Al-IjtimIyah Li-
Gharbi Asiyah: Al-Ijtima Al-Istishari Al-Mukhasas Li-Insha Fariq Amil MaNi Bi-Al-Idarah
Al-Rashidah Lil-Mawarid Al-Mayah, Bairut 12-13 Novambar/Tishrin Al-Thani 2001. 2001.
Beirut: UN. Page(s): 8. Descriptors: Water Resources; Water Policy; Yemen; Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: table. Note(s): Islahat al-siyasah fi-
qita al-miyah fi-al-J umhuriyah al-Yamaniyah: mulakhas. Material type: Reports/studies.
General Info: Distribution: Limited. Other Titles: Islahat al-siyasah fi-qita al-miyah fi-al-
J umhuriyah al-Yamaniyah: mulakhas. OCLC Accession Number: 82968187.
Waraqat Dawlat Al-Yaman: Al-Lajnah Al-Iqtisadiyah Wa-Al-IjtimIyah Li-Gharbi
Asiyah: Al-Ijtima Al-Istishari Al-Mukhasas Li-Insha Fariq Amil MaNi Bi-Al-Idarah Al-
Rashidah Lil-Mawarid Al-Mayah, Bairut 12-13 Novambar/Tishrin Al-Thani 2001. 2001. Beirut:
UN. Page(s): 15. Descriptors: Groundwater; Saline Waters; Water Conservation; Yemen;
Government publication; International government publication. Notes: charts, tables. Note(s):
Includes bibliographical references. Material type: Reports/studies. General Info: Distribution:
Limited. OCLC Accession Number: 83334422.
Ward, C.; Ueda, S.; McPhail, A. 2000 Water Resource Management in Yemen (Draft).
World Bank- Contribution to the CDR Yemen. URL:
Warner, Dennis B. Varisco, Daniel Martin and Water and Sanitation for Health Project
(U.S.). 1988. Feasibility of Handpump Installation and Manufacture in the Yemen Arab
Republic. Arlington, Va: Water and Sanitation for Health Project. Page(s): 81. Descriptors:
Sanitary Engineering -- Yemen; Water Supply -- Yemen. Notes: ix; ill. 28 cm. Note(s):
Prepared for the USAID Mission to the Yemen Arab Republic under WASH Activity No.
Geology of Yemen
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372./ J anuary 1988./ Contract No. 5942-C-00-4085-00, Project No. 936-5942. Includes
bibliographical references. OCLC Accession Number: 54352938.
Water Resources Planning, Management, use and Conservation in the ESCWA Region.
1993. New York: UN. Descriptors: Water Resources; Water Resources Development; Water
Policy; Egypt; J ordan; Yemen; Gulf States; Water Conservation; Water Management; Water
Consumption; Water Supply; Groundwater; Shared Water Resources; Water Law; Regional
Programmes; Regional Cooperation; Western Asia; Persian Gulf Region; Conferences;
Recommendations. Notes: vii, charts, tables. Based on the National papers presented at the
[Regional] Symposium [on Water Use and Conservation, held in Amman from 28 Nov. to 2 Dec.
1993]. UN J ob no.: I9400033 E. Material type: Reports/studies. General Info: Distribution:
General. OCLC Accession Number: 123386610.
Watson, J . C. E. 2006. Yemen: Language Situation. Oxford: Elsevier. Page(s): 729-
730. Descriptors: Ancient South Arabian; Arabic; Hobyot; lexicon; Mehri; Modern South
Arabian; morphology; phonology; Somali; Suquri; Yemen. Abstract: The Republic of Yemen is
situated in the southeast corner of the Arabian Peninsula, bordering Saudi Arabia to the north and
Oman to the east, including the island of Suqura and its neighboring islets Abd al-Kri and
Sama. Most Yemenis speak one of many dialects of Yemeni Arabic. The three Modern South
Arabian languages spoken in Yemen are Mehri, Hobyt, and Suquri. Over the past couple of
decades, immigrants from Somalia have formed Somali-speaking communities. ISSN/ISBN:
Watts, S. 1998. Perceptions and Priorities in Disease Eradication: Dracunculiasis
Eradication in Africa. Soc. Sci. Med. Volume 46, Issue 7, Pages 799-810. Descriptors: Africa;
Disease eradication; Dracunculiasis; History of medicine. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 8.
Abstract: Dracunculiasis, guinea worm disease, is an incapacitating disease affecting people in
poor, remote areas of Africa, in Yemen, and a few remaining areas of the Indian subcontinent
where there is poor access to protected water sources. The neglect of this preventable disease and
its belated recognition are analyzed within the context of changing priorities for health since the
1870s, especially the shift from the paradigm of Imperial Medicine to Primary Health Care. A
global eradication effort took off during the 1980s, and, although the original target date of
December 1995 has passed, the program has achieved a remarkable recent diminution in the
number of recorded cases, over 99% of which are now found in Africa. Eradication policies in
Africa are briefly explored in relation to current concerns such as the incorporation of
dracunculiasis eradication measures in cash-starved primary health care programs. The wider
implications of an eradication campaign which is on the verge of success are also considered.
Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0277-9536.
Weather Bureau Washington D C And Grimes, Annie, E. 1960. An Annotated
Bibliography On The Climate Of The Arabian Peninsula, Dec. Page(s): 42 Report Number:
WB/BC-42. Abstract: The bibliography consists of sources containing meteorological and
climatological data for the Arabian Peninsula. This peninsula includes Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
Qatar, Yemen, Oman, Trucial Oman, Aden Colony and Aden Protectorate. The document lists
124 reports by title and author, and includes descriptive comments concerning the content of
these reports. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. DTIC
Accession Number: AD0664696.
Weir, Shelagh. 2007. A Tribal Order: Politics and Law in the Mountains of Yemen.
Austin: University of Texas. Modern Middle East Series, number 23. Descriptors: Tribes, Tribal
Law, Tribal Government, Jabal Rzih. Abstract: A Tribal Order describes the politico-legal
Geology of Yemen
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system of J abal Razih, a remote massif in northern Yemen inhabited by farmers and traders.
Contrary to the popular image of Middle Eastern tribes as warlike, lawless, and invariably
opposed to states, the tribes of Razih have stable structures of governance and elaborate laws and
procedures for maintaining order and resolving conflicts with a minimum of physical violence.
Razihi leaders also historically cooperated with states, provided the latter respected their
customs, ideals, and interests. Weir considers this system in the context of the rugged
environment and productive agricultural economy of Razih, and of centuries of continuous rule
by Zaydi Muslim regimes and (latterly) the republican governments of Yemen. The book is
based on Weir's extended anthropological fieldwork on J abal Razih, and on her detailed study of
hundreds of handwritten contracts and treaties among and between the tribes and rulers of Razih.
These documents provide a fascinating insight into tribal politics and law, as well as state-tribe
relations, from the early seventeenth to the late twentieth century. A Tribal Order is also
enriched by case histories that vividly illuminate tribal practices. Overall, this unusually wide-
ranging work provides an accessible account of a remarkable Arabian society through time.
ISBN: 978-0-292-71423-6.
Weidner, J . and Benzinger, S. 2001. Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal in Sanaa,
Capital City of Yemen. GWF Wasser Abwasser. Volume 142, Issue 15, Pages 15-18. Abstract:
Water resources in and for Sanaa, Capital City of Yemen, are scarce due to low annual rainfall,
small amounts of natural replenishment, and high evaporation. There is currently no integrated
water resources management plan. Strong efforts towards water recyling and saving actions are
started by investigating reuse of effluent from existing Wastewater Treatment Plant. Solutions
and measures on preliminary design base have been explained. Additional actual studies on
groundwater recharge are mentioned. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; artificial recharge; Asia;
ground water; recharge; recycling; Sanaa Yemen; surface water; waste disposal; waste water;
water supply; Yemen. Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 00163651.
Weiss, Christian. 2008. Basin Platform Transitions in Upper J urassic Carbonates of the
Amran Group, Yemen; GEO 2008 Conference Abstracts. GeoArabia (Manama). Gulf Petrolink
in Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain. Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 257-258. Descriptors: Amran Group;
Arabian Peninsula; Asia; bars; basin analysis; basins; carbonate platforms; carbonate ramps;
carbonate rocks; chemostratigraphy; depositional environment; Foraminifera; geochemistry;
Invertebrata; J urassic; lagoonal environment; lithofacies; lithostratigraphy; Marib Yemen;
Mesozoic; microfossils; paleoenvironment; Protista; reconstruction; reefs; sedimentary basins;
sedimentary rocks; sedimentation; shallow-water environment; transition zones; Upper J urassic;
X-ray diffraction data; Yemen; Yemen Mountains. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 1025-6059. URL:
When Fish and Farmland are Scarce: Yemen and the Horn of Africa. 2010. New York
Times. 12/12. Pages 3. Descriptors: climatic changes; petroleum; water; desertification; Yemen
(Republic); Qaida (Organization). Abstract: The political issue climate change feeds anarchy in
poor societies resources at play Arable land, water, oil, sea lanes. ISSN: 0362-4331. URL:
Whitehouse, Martin J ., Windley, Brian F., Stoeser, Douglas B., Al-Khirbash, Salah, Ba-
Bttat, Mahfood A. O. and Haider, Abdullah. 2001. Precambrian Basement Character of Yemen
and Correlations with Saudi Arabia and Somalia. Precambrian Res. 1/31. Volume 105, Issue 2-
4, Pages 357-369. Descriptors: Pb- and Nd-isotopes; Precambrian; Yemen. Abstract: The
Precambrian basement of Yemen occupies a key location in the Pan-African orogen of
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 314
Gondwana. This paper reviews geological, isotopic and geochronological data and presents new
Pb- and Nd-isotope data which help define distinct gneiss terranes within this basement,
constraining correlations of these terranes with neighbouring regions of Saudi Arabia and
Somalia. Existing whole-rock Pb- and Nd-isotopic data are also summarised. These data should
facilitate a more objective assessment of the contribution of the Yemen Precambrian to Cenozoic
magmatism associated with the opening of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. ISSN: 0301-9268.
Whitman, CE; Parr, J . Papendick, R. and Meyer, R. 1986. Soil, Water and
Crop/Livestock Management Systems for Rainfed Agriculture in the Near East Region.
Proceedings of the Workshop at Amman, J ordan on J anuary 18-23, 1986. Performer: Department
of Agriculture, Washington, DC.Sponsor: Agency for International Development, Washington,
DC. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas.1986.359p. Abstract: The
dryland areas of the Near East Region are a major source of food and fiber for millions of
people. However, current yields are very low compared to yields of the same crops in developed
countries. The principal reasons for this are: (1) new and improved technologies that might
increase crop production are not being readily adopted; (2) improved soil and water conservation
methods are not being implemented; (3) there are severe economic constraints to the acceptance
of new technologies; (4) the long-term and continued erosion of agricultural soils by both wind
and water, and the subsequent loss of soil productivity; (5) limited and often erratic rainfall; (6)
inadequate use of chemical fertilizers in the dryland areas; and (7) the low level of crop residue
that is returned to the land because of its competitive use as feed for small ruminant animals,
mainly sheep. Thus, with the creation of the USDA/USAID Dryland Agriculture Project, also
referred to as Technology for Soil Moisture Management (TSMM), and with strong
encouragement by a number of regional and international organizations, a work shop was
organized to address the overall problem of declining yields and its multifaceted, complex
components. Database: NTIS Database (National Technical Information Service). URL:
Wiermann, S. Fasbender, K. Borrmann, A. Kebschull, D. Naini, A. and Stanzel, K. 1988.
Entwicklung Laendlicher Regionen Nordafrikas Und Des Nahen Und Mittleren Ostens;
Ueberlegungen Zur Entwicklung Arider Und Semi-Arider Gebiete. Land Evolution of the North
African, Near and Middle East Regions; Reflections on the Development of Arid and Semi-Arid
Areas. Federal Republic of Germany Deutsch. Ges. Tech. Zusammenarb. (GTZ), HWWA, Inst.
Wirtschaftsforsch, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany. Descriptors: Africa; agriculture;
Arabian Peninsula; arid environment; Asia; bibliography; classification; climate; developing
countries; Egypt; environment; environmental geology; erosion; ground water; hydrogeology;
international cooperation; irrigation; J ordan; Middle East; Morocco; North Africa; planning;
review; semi-arid environment; soil erosion; soils; surface water; Syria; terrestrial environment;
Tunisia; water storage; Yemen. Notes: References: 372; illus. incl. 23 tables, geol. sketch maps.
Database: GeoRef in Process. GeoRef Accession Number: 7031-1.
Wilkie, David I. 1993. Special ESP Configurations Designed to Test and Produce
Yemen Oil Field. Oil & Gas J ournal. PennWell, Tulsa, OK, United States: United States. 27
Sep. Volume 91, Issue 39, Pages 67-70. Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; electric
submersible pumps; instruments; oil and gas fields; petroleum; petroleum exploration; wells;
Yemen. Notes: CD: OIGJ AV; Based on 2 papers presented at the Soc. Pet. Eng. Electric
submersible pump workshop, Houston, Tex., April 28-30, 1993. Database: GeoRef. ISSN: 0030-
1388. URL:
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 315
Willis, J ohn M. 2007. Unmaking North and South: Spatial Histories of Modern Yemen.
Abstract: This dissertation explores the spatial construction of modern Yemen, based on a
comparison between colonial indirect rule in the south and the rule of the Zaydi Imamate in the
north in the period between 1839 and 1934. Drawing on archival research in Britain and Yemen,
this study attempts to locate the relationship between the geographical imagination and everyday
practices of rule in the constitution of the Aden Protectorate and the late Zaydi Imamate. These
two case studies are linked by the theoretical assumption that space is an effect of particular
constellations of knowledge, power, and practice. I argue that colonial rule in the south was
based on the production of difference in the form of pre-modern tribal society and the
elaboration of a complex of discourses and practices that made this difference real. In contrast,
Imam Yah[dotbelow]ya H[dotbelow]amid al-Din (r. 1904-48) reconstituted the Zaydi Imamate
of North Yemen in the early twentieth century as a hybrid state which combined new
technologies of power with a moral geography based in an earlier Zaydi Islamic tradition. The
dissertation begins with an analysis of the production of the Aden Protectorate as tribal space.
Looking at the fields of colonial ethnography, imperial ritual, cartography, and policing, I locate
colonial rule in Aden in the larger histories of British rule in the independent princely states of
India. I follow with an analysis of the hybrid state of Imam Yah[dotbelow]ya in the same period.
On the basis of elite historiography, official proclamations, court documents, records of taxation,
and poetry I locate the production of the modern Imamate at the intersection of an Ottoman
military legacy and the monarchical legacy of the Zaydi Qasimi dynasty of the late eighteenth
century. The study concludes with an analysis of the undeclared war between the British and
Imam Yah[dotbelow]ya over the space of the Aden Protectorate and the conclusion of the Anglo-
Yemeni treaty of 1934. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: 3283369. URL:
Wilson, G., Price, A. R. G., Huntington, T. and Wilson, S. C. 2003. Environmental
Status of Yemens Gulf of Aden Coast Determined from Rapid Field Assessment and Satellite
Imagery. Aquat. Ecosyst. Health Manage. Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 119. Descriptors: Biotic
communities; Ecology; Bays -- Middle East; Aden, Gulf of -- Environmental conditions; Yemen
(Republic) -- Environmental conditions; Yemen (Republic); Middle East; cluster analysis;
coastal ecosystems; resource-use conflicts. Abstract: Ninety-one sites covering 1400 km of the
Gulf of Aden coast of Yemen were examined by rapid field assessment, yielding ordinal data on
the extent of habitats, abundance of species groups and magnitude of human uses/environmental
impacts. Satellite imagery was used to determine sea surface chlorophyll concentrations.
Mangroves and seagrasses were largely absent, due to the high-energy conditions and unstable
substrata. Coral development was also limited, principally because of cold upwelling sea
temperatures. Macroalgal prevalence and abundance were greater on account of high nutrient
levels. Nesting sites of three turtle species (Green, Hawksbill, and Loggerhead) were all
impacted at low levels. Coastal construction was small-scale and located near larger towns (Al
Mukalla, Foua and Shehir), while water- and land-based pollution and fishing were widespread
but minimal. Fish abundance showed significant positive correlation with chlorophyll
concentration. These and other associations observed probably involve causal links, although
habitat effects and other factors may also be important. Classification of sites by cluster analysis
using biological data and use/impact data separately revealed considerable environmental
heterogeneity. The lack of clear geographical patterns contrasts with results from the Red Sea,
where latitudinal related groupings using comparable biological data are evident. ISSN: 1463-
4988. URL:
Geology of Yemen
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Wilson, G., Price, ARG*, Huntington, T. and Wilson, SC. 2003. Environmental Status
of Yemens Gulf of Aden Coast Determined from Rapid Field Assessment and Satellite
Imagery. Aquat. Ecosyst. Health Manage. Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 119-129. Descriptors:
Article Subject Terms: Aquatic reptiles; Classification systems; Coastal zone management;
Environmental impact; Fishing mortality; Habitat; Man-induced effects; Nesting; Phytoplankton;
Pollution effects; Remote sensing; Satellite sensing; Satellites; Seaweeds; Article Taxonomic
Terms: Caretta caretta; Chelonia mydas; Cheloniidae; Eretmochelys imbricata; Article
Geographic Terms: Indian Ocean, Aden Gulf; Yemen; Yemen; Caretta caretta; Green sea turtle;
Green turtle; Hawksbill; Hawksbill sea turtle; Loggerhead; Loggerhead sea turtle; Marine turtles;
Modern sea turtles; Sea turtles. Notes: Special Issue: Barometers of Aquatic Ecosystem Health &
Integrity. TR: CS0317985. Abstract: Ninety-one sites covering 1400 km of the Gulf of Aden
coast of Yemen were examined by rapid field assessment, yielding ordinal data on the extent of
habitats, abundance of species groups and magnitude of human uses/environmental impacts.
Satellite imagery was used to determine sea surface chlorophyll concentrations. Mangroves and
seagrasses were largely absent, due to the high-energy conditions and unstable substrata. Coral
development was also limited, principally because of cold upwelling sea temperatures.
Macroalgal prevalence and abundance were greater on account of high nutrient levels. Nesting
sites of three turtle species (Green, Hawksbill, and Loggerhead) were all impacted at low levels.
Coastal construction was small-scale and located near larger towns (Al Mukalla, Foua and
Shehir), while water- and land-based pollution and fishing were widespread but minimal. Fish
abundance showed significant positive correlation with chlorophyll concentration. These and
other associations observed probably involve causal links, although habitat effects and other
factors may also be important. Classification of sites by cluster analysis using biological data and
use/impact data separately revealed considerable environmental heterogeneity. The lack of clear
geographical patterns contrasts with results from the Red Sea, where latitudinal related groupings
using comparable biological data are evident. Database: ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries
Abstracts. ISSN: 1463-4988.
Geology of Yemen
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Wilson, R. T. 2003. Biodiversity of Domestic Livestock in the Republic of Yemen.
Trop. Anim. Health Prod. Volume 35, Issue 1, Pages 27-46. Descriptors: Breeds; Camel; Cattle;
Donkey; Genotype; Goat; Poultry; Sheep. Abstract: This paper describes the domestic livestock
of the Republic of Yemen and aspires to
complement earlier sources listing or partially
describing breeds. It attempts to cover all
species and provide indications of production
parameters through a literature review and via
field observations made by the author in 1999.
Information is provided on livestock numbers
and the economic importance of animal
production. Most animals are kept in sedentary
mixed crop-livestock production systems;
transhumant systems have the next greatest
number of stock; with nomadic systems
being of least and declining importance.
Yemens livestock appear to comprise at least 11
breeds of sheep, 5 breeds of goat, 2 breeds of
cattle, 4 breeds of camel, 2 breeds of donkey and
1 breed of horse. There are no data on breeds of
poultry but domestic fowl (where clearly
considerable diversity exists) and pigeons are
kept. There is little formal information on the
history and relationships of most breeds.
Some appear to be of ancient local origin, whereas others show affinities with those of
neighbouring and other countries. None of the identified types is considered endangered, so
conservation would be premature. A more formal and detailed genetic characterization, to add to
the largely morphological and traditional classification, may, however, reveal such a need.
Database: SCOPUS. ISSN: 0049-4747.
Photo Credit: Senior Airman Sarah Stegman, 40th Public Affairs Detachment. Staff Sgt.
Meghan Groth (left), a veterinary technician from Third Army, U.S. Army Central, shows an animal
worker in Yemen a treatment procedure during a veterinary assistance program. URL:
Wissmann, H. von. 1976. "Die Geschichte des Sbaerreichs und der Felzug des elius
Gallus". Haase ed. Munchen, 1976
Wissmann, Hermann von. 1975. Die Geschichte Von Saba'. Wien: Sammlung Eduard
Glaser, 13. Sitzungsberichte (Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-
Historische Klasse), 301. Bd., Abh. 5. Contents: 1. Uber die fruhe Geschichte Arabiens und das
Entstehen des Sabaerreiches; 2. Das Grossreich der Sabaer bis zu seinem Ende im Fruhen 4. J h.
v. Chr. (History of the [Kingdom of] Sheba) OCLC: 2374659. ISBN: 3700101376;
Wissmann, Hermann von. 1957-1958. Southern Arabia [cartographic material]: part of
Aden Protectorate from Shuqra to al-shihr and Baihan to Hadramaut. [London]: The Royal
Geographical Society, 1957-58, 1957. Abstract: Two adjoining maps of Southern Arabia in what
is now Yemen, showing international boundaries, transportation, ruins, shrines, tombs, tribes and
populated places. Relief shown by hachures and contours.; 4 insets: Inset A. Dathinah; B. Wadi
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 318
Hurdan; C. Wadi Hadram aut; D. Mouth of Wadi al-Kasar.; Includes sheet location diagram and
glossary. Sheet 1 "8,000/7/57 S.P.C., R.E."; sheet 2 "8,000/8/58/3818/R". National Library of
Australia index only available in an electronic version via the Internet at: OCLC: 751966611. URL:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Mass; Dept of Geology and Geophysics and
Swift, Stephen A; Ross, David A. 2002. Interpretation of Seafloor Characteristics in the
Western Arabian Sea. J an. Page(s): 8 Report Number: XB-ONR Contract Number: N00014-02-
1-0414 Monitor Series: ONR. Abstract: The objective of this study was to provide a regional
geologic interpretation of seafloor geotechnical composition, shallow subbottom stratigraphy,
and geomorphology of the western Arabian Sea. Too few samples of the seafloor have been
taken in this area to map the region from direct measurement. To provide regional coverage we
used data from bathymetry, GLORIA side-scan, and echo sounding lines to supplement core
samples obtained by academic institutions and NAVOCEANO Much of the western Arabian sea
basin is covered with pelagic-to-hemipelagic sediments to depths of 2-3 m The exceptions are (1)
the shelves and the current-swept shoal area near Socotra Island where carbonate sand and
hardgrounds are more common; (2) canyons and gullies on the continental slope where slumping
exposes over-consolidated deposits and contributes coarse, poorly-sorted debris to the canyon
axes; (3) ridge crest regions; and (4) lobes of massive sands at the mouths of distributary
channels on the Indus Fan. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a412925.pdf; Size: 933 KB;
Final rept. 15 Mar-31 Dec 2002. DTIC Accession Number: ADA412925.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA. Dept of Geology And Geophysics and
Swift Stephen, A. Ross David. 2001. Interpretation of Seafloor Characteristics in the Gulf of
Aden. Dec. Page(s): 9 Report Number: XB-ONR Contract Number: N00014-00-1-0748
Monitor Series: ONR. Abstract: We collected multibeam bathymetry on two physical
oceanographic cruises to the Gulf of Aden and a transit leg through the Gulf. These data have
been edited, corrected for speed of sound and merged into a single data set with information
from NGDC trackline bathymetry and ETOPO2 estimated water depths to fill in gaps. For the
first time, these data define the shape of the seafloor along channels carrying saline overflow
water from the Bab al Mandeb Strait into the Gulf of Aden above the Tadjoura Rift. The along-
axis gradient and shape affect the degree and rate of mixing between overflow water and the
ambient water in the Gulf. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection.
Notes: Full Text (pdf) Availability: View Full Text (pdf); File: /U2/a400624.pdf; Size: 624 KB;
Final rept. 1 J un 2000-31 Dec 2001. DTIC Accession Number: ADA400624.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MA and Furey, Heather H; Bower Amy S;
Fratantoni, David M. 2005. Red Sea Outflow Experiment (REDSOX): DLD2 RAFOS Float
Data Report February 2001 - March 2003. J an. Page(s): 141 Report Number: WHOI-2005-01
XJ -NSF Contract Number: OCE-9818464 Monitor Series: NSF. Abstract: This is the final data
report of all acoustically tracked second-generation Deep Lagrangian Drifter (DLD2) RAFOS
float data collected by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in 2001-2003 during the Red
Sea Outflow Experiment (REDSOX). The float component of REDSOX was comprised of two
deployments on the R/V Knorr and R/V Ewing: the first in February-March 2001, with 26 floats,
and the second in August-September 2001, with 27 floats. The isobaric floats were ballasted for
650 decibars to target the intermediate-depth, high-salinity outflow waters from the Red Sea. The
objectives of the Lagrangian float study were: (1) to identify the spreading pathways of the
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 319
equilibrated Red Sea outflow, and to quantify the velocities and eddy variability typical of this
outflow and of the background oceanic environment in the Gulf of Aden, and (2) to identify and
describe the mesoscale processes which contribute to the seaward transport of Red Sea Overflow
Water properties through the Gulf of Aden and into the western Indian Ocean. In addition to
floats activated and launched during the two cruises, four time-series sites were chosen for dual-
release float moorings. The dual-release floats were released every two months between cruises
and every two months after the second cruise, with the final release in March 2002. A pirate
attack on the R/V Ewing forced some modification of the float deployment plan during the
second cruise. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. View Full
Text (pdf); File: /U2/a432810.pdf; Size: 7 MB; Final technical rept. Feb 2001-Mar 2003;
Distribution Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA432810.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MA and Pratt, Lawrence. 1999. Red Sea
Studies. 05 May. Page(s): 4 Report Number: WHOI-13045600 XB-ONR Contract Number:
N00014-95-1-0456 Monitor Series: ONR. Abstract: This work was focused on the dynamics of
stratified flow in sea straits, primarily the Bab al Mandab (BAM). Possible hydraulic control of
the exchange flow in the BAM was investigated by analyzing data collected by Drs. Steve
Murray and Bill J ohns as part of a recent 2-year field program The analysis centered on the
calculation of long wave speeds for the first and second baroclinic modes of the stratified shear
flows at the sill and narrowest section of the Strait. Doing so required advancements in the
theory of internal long waves in straits with nonuniform cross-channel topography. The
hydraulic character of the flow is vital in the understanding of the stratification in the BAM and
in the neighboring Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Theoretical studies of the effects of rotation on
hydraulically controlled flows in straits were also carried out. The results reveal some
remarkable structural features such as transverse hydraulic jumps, recirculations and splitting of
the flow. Abstract Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. View Full Text
(pdf); File: /U2/a363049.pdf; Size: 229 KB; Final rept. 1 Mar 95-31 Dec 98. DTIC Accession
Number: ADA363049.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Mass and Knott, ST; Bunce, ET; Bowin, CO;
Hersey, J B; Chase, RL. 1965. Narrative of Chain Cruise No. 43, 15 February - 21 August
1964. Feb. Page(s): 187 Report Number: REF-65-9 Contract Number: Nonr-4029(00) NSF-GP-
2370. Abstract: On Chain Cruise 43, 15 February to 21 August 1964, geophysical and geological
observations were made in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean and Red Seas, and the
Western part of the Indian Ocean, along the track Woods Hole - Ceuta (Spanish Africa) - La
Spezia - Port Said Aden - Victoria (Seychelles Islands) - Port Louis (Mauritius) - Victoria
(Seychelles Islands) - Port Said Beirut - La Spezia - Monaco - Plymouth (England) - Woods
Hole. This report contains (1) a narrative of the cruise, (2) a list of stations, (3) statements of the
scientific objectives of the cruise, (4) a summary of the geological and geophysical observations,
(5) end-of-cruise reports on equipment and some phases of the research program, and (6) a
selection of bottom photographs. WHOI Ref. No. 64-51 contains a detailed navigational plot of
the entire cruise, including soundings and the locations of other observations. (Author) Abstract
Classification: Unclassified Technical Reports Collection. Notes: Summary rept. DTIC
Accession Number: AD0616392.
Worden, Richard H. 2006. Dawsonite Cement in the Triassic Lam Formation, Shabwa
Basin, Yemen: A Natural Analogue for a Potential Mineral Product of Subsurface CO2 Storage
for Greenhouse Gas Reduction. Mar. Pet. Geol. 1. Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 61-77.
Geology of Yemen
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Descriptors: Dawsonite; Yemen; Carbon dioxide; Diagenesis; Cement; Shabwa Basin. Abstract:
The origin and permeability effects of carbonate cement, blamed for poor reservoir quality in the
Upper Triassic turbidite sandstones of the Lam Formation in Yemen, have been investigated
using petrography, X-ray diffraction, stable isotopes, fluid inclusions and thermodynamic
modelling. In order of growth in the sandstone, the carbonate cements include ferroan calcite,
dawsonite (NaAlCO3(OH)2), ferroan dolomite and siderite. Ferroan dolomite is the most
abundant cement. There is an inverse correlation between permeability and total carbonate
cement volume supporting the earlier assertion that carbonate cements are the main control on
reservoir quality in these sandstones. Ferroan calcite replaced, and was sourced by, marine
limestone rock fragments that are abundant in the turbidite sandstone. The later cements were
probably also at least partly sourced from the marine limestone rock fragments. Stable isotope
data from ferroan calcite, ferroan dolomite and siderite show that diagenesis occurred in
formation water with oxygen isotopes typical of closed-system diagenesis and that only minor
organic-derived carbon dioxide was involved in diagenesis. Dawsonite, while not common as a
diagenetic mineral in sandstones, has recently been suspected of being a routine consequence of
CO2 storage in the subsurface for greenhouse gas reduction. In the Lam Formation, dawsonite,
found at concentrations of up to 8 vol% of the rock, grew at the expense of detrital feldspar
minerals under conditions of elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Isotopic data show that
dawsonite grew in the presence of carbon dioxide with a 13C value of about 4 to 2. This is
distinctly different from the carbon isotope ratio of the gas phase carbon dioxide now present in
the sandstone (27), which had an organic source rock origin. The dawsonite 13C data
probably represent a mixture between carbonate from detrital marine limestone rock fragments
and carbon dioxide from a moderately negative source, possibly of magmatic or basement
origins. Dawsonite may thus be the result of a mass influx of deep (e.g. magmatic) carbon
dioxide that pushed the Lam Formation into the dawsonite stability field at the expense of albite.
ISSN: 0264-8172.
Worden, Richard H. 2006. Dawsonite Cement in the Triassic Lam Formation, Shabwa
Basin, Yemen; a Natural Analogue for a Potential Mineral Product of Subsurface CO (Sub 2)
Storage for Greenhouse Gas Reduction. Mar. Pet. Geol. J an. Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 61-77.
Descriptors: Arabian Peninsula; Asia; carbon dioxide; carbonates; cement; cementation;
chemical reactions; clastic rocks; dawsonite; diagenesis; dolomite; gas storage; Lam Formation;
Mesozoic; reservoir properties; sandstone; sedimentary rocks; Shabwa Basin; Triassic; turbidite;
underground installations; underground storage; Yemen. References: 68; illus. incl. geol. sketch
map, sect. Abstract: The origin and permeability effects of carbonate cement, blamed for poor
reservoir quality in the Upper Triassic turbidite sandstones of the Lam Formation in Yemen,
have been investigated using petrography, X-ray diffraction, stable isotopes, fluid inclusions and
thermodynamic modelling. In order of growth in the sandstone, the carbonate cements include
ferroan calcite, dawsonite (NaAlCO (sub 3) (OH) (sub 2) ), ferroan dolomite and siderite.
Ferroan dolomite is the most abundant cement. There is an inverse correlation between
permeability and total carbonate cement volume supporting the earlier assertion that carbonate
cements are the main control on reservoir quality in these sandstones. Ferroan calcite replaced,
and was sourced by, marine limestone rock fragments that are abundant in the turbidite
sandstone. The later cements were probably also at least partly sourced from the marine
limestone rock fragments. Stable isotope data from ferroan calcite, ferroan dolomite and siderite
show that diagenesis occurred in formation water with oxygen isotopes typical of closed-system
diagenesis and that only minor organic-derived carbon dioxide was involved in diagenesis.
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 321
Dawsonite, while not common as a diagenetic mineral in sandstones, has recently been suspected
of being a routine consequence of CO (sub 2) storage in the subsurface for greenhouse gas
reduction. In the Lam Formation, dawsonite, found at concentrations of up to 8 vol% of the rock,
grew at the expense of detrital feldspar minerals under conditions of elevated partial pressure of
carbon dioxide. Isotopic data show that dawsonite grew in the presence of carbon dioxide with a
delta (super 13) C value of about -4 to -2 per mil. This is distinctly different from the carbon
isotope ratio of the gas phase carbon dioxide now present in the sandstone (-27 per mil), which
had an organic source rock origin. The dawsonite delta (super 13) C data probably represent a
mixture between carbonate from detrital marine limestone rock fragments and carbon dioxide
from a moderately negative source, possibly of magmatic or basement origins. Dawsonite may
thus be the result of a mass influx of deep (e.g. magmatic) carbon dioxide that pushed the Lam
Formation into the dawsonite stability field at the expense of albite. Database: GeoRef. ISSN:
0264-8172. URL:
World Bank. 2011. Republic of Yemen - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project.
Report number: ICR1844. 76 pages. Abstract: Ratings for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Project for Republic of Yemen were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory; the risk
to development outcome was moderate; the Banks performance was moderately satisfactory;
and the Borrowers performance was also moderately satisfactory. Some lessons learned
included: sustainability of outcomes is dependent on sustainable water resources management.
The sustainability of existing water sources was questioned at the time of appraisal and during
early supervision of the project. Reaching the poor requires adaptation of demand-responsive
approaches. Household connections and metering is often not affordable in poor areas and by the
poorest households. Sanitation components can be complex and require close supervision
attention. Harmonization between projects in a programmatic approach can provide more
comprehensive and sustainable outcomes. Package contracts for sub-projects are relatively fast
and efficient. Monitoring and evaluation should be embedded in community-based projects to
provide communities with feedback. Water user associations need ongoing support. Community-
based, demand-responsive approaches work in Yemen. URL:
World Bank. Middle East and North Africa Region. Rural Development, Water, and
Environment Dept. 1997. Yemen Towards a Water Strategy: An Agenda for Action.
Washington, D.C.: Middle East and North Africa Region, Rural Development, Water, and
Environment Sector. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic); Water resources
development -- Yemen (Republic); Water conservation -- Yemen (Republic); Government
publication; International government publication. Notes: col. map; 28 cm. Cover title.
Document of the World Bank. In accordance with the World Banks policy on disclosure of
information, this document is available to the public. August 13, 1997. OCLC Accession
Number: 38251492.
World Bank. 2011. Yemen - Water Sector Support Project: restructuring. Report
number: 61629. 28 pages. Abstract: The objective of the Water Sector Support Project (WSSP)
for Yemen is to support the recipients implementation of the National Water Sector Strategy and
Investment Program (NWSSIP) to: (i) strengthen institutions for sustainable water resources
management; (ii) improve community-based water resource management; (iii) increase access to
water supply and sanitation services; (iv) increase returns to water use in agriculture; and (v)
stabilize and reduces groundwater abstraction for agricultural use in critical water basins. These
changes include: a) simplification of the current financing modality. WSSP is currently jointly
Geology of Yemen
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co-financed by a number of donors (the Netherlands and Germany); b) accommodate a
differential financing percentage for certain agreed activities for water and sanitation under
component three or part C of the project; c) make changes to the results framework; and d) add
additional procurement methods for the procurement of goods and works, namely community
participation, direct contracting and force account contracts, in order to enable National
Irrigation Program (NIP) and the General Authority for Rural Water Supply Projects (GARWSP)
to better implement small activities in more remote areas. URL:
World Bank and International Development Association. 1986. Report and
Recommendations of the President of the International Development Association to the
Executive Directors on a Proposed Development Credit in an Amount Equivalent to SDR 5.3
Million to the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen for a Greater Aden Second Water Supply
Project. Washington: World Bank. Page(s): 21. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic);
Loans, Foreign -- Yemen (Republic); Government publication; International government
publication. Notes: ii; [2] folded leaves of plates: col. maps; 28 cm. Cover title. For official use
only. October 14, 1986. Report No. P-4399-YDR. Other Titles: Yemen for a Greater Aden
second water supply project. OCLC Accession Number: 52958527.
World Bank; Middle East and North Africa Region and Country Dept. II. 1992. Staff
Appraisal Report: Republic of Yemen Land and Water Conservation Project. Washington: World
Bank. Page(s): 89. Descriptors: Agriculture and state -- Yemen (Republic); Sustainable
agriculture -- Yemen (Republic); Irrigation projects -- Yemen (Republic); Water conservation --
Yemen (Republic); Forests and forestry -- Yemen (Republic); Loans, Foreign -- Yemen
(Republic); Government publication; International government publication. Notes: iv, [1] folded
leaf of plates: ill., col. map; 28 cm. Cover title. May 7, 1992. Report No. 9842-YEM.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 81). Other Titles: Republic of Yemen land and water
conservation project; Responsibility: Middle East and North Africa Region, Country Department
II, Agriculture Operations Division. OCLC Accession Number: 47068220.
World Bank Loan Supports Water-Scarce Yemen. 2003. Pump Industry Analyst. 07.
Volume: 2003, no. 7, page(s): 4. Descriptors: Banks & banking; Water quality management;
Water-supply; Yemen (Republic); World Bank Group. Abstract: The World Bank has approved
a US$24 million credit to help the Government of Yemen to improve water management in the
Sanaa Basin.This is a short news story only. Visit for the latest pump
industry news. Notes: Editorial. ISSN: 1359-6128. OCLC Accession Number: 10365667.
World Bank Publications. 2004. What the New Sector Strategy might Mean for
Yemen. IN: Water resources sector strategy: strategic directions for World Bank engagement.
Page(s): 67-67-74. Abstract: Focusing on how to improve the development and management of
water resources, this title provides principles that link resource management to the specific
water-using sectors. The Strategy emphasizes the difficult and contentious issues upon which
World Bank practice needs to improve and suggests that the main management challenge is not a
vision of integrated water resources management but a pragmatic but principled approach.
ISBN: 0821356976. URL:
World Food Programme and Yemen. 1994-02-17. Interim Evaluation Summary Rport on
Project Yemen 3442: Soil and Water Conservation. Rome: World Food Programme. Page(s): 20.
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 323
Descriptors: Soil Conservation; Water Conservation; Food Aid; Yemen; Project Management;
Project Evaluation; World Food Programme--Programme Management. Notes: tables; Issued
under agenda item 6a, agenda document [WFP/]SCP/12/1. At head of title: 37th session, CFA,
Rome, 19-27 May 1994. UN development projects. Limited distribution. OCLC Accession
Number: 84278107.
World Health Organization; United Nations Development Programme and Italconsult.
1973. Water Supply for Sanaa and Hodeida: Report. Volume 1, Hodeida Area Groundwater
Studies. Rome: Italconsult. Descriptors: Groundwater -- Yemen (Republic) -- Hudaydah; Water-
supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- San`a; Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) -- Hudaydah; San`a
(Yemen) -- Surveys; Hudaydah (Yemen) -- Surveys; Sana (Yemen) -- Surveys; Al Hudaydah
(Yemen) -- Surveys. Notes: 4, iv, 141 leaves: ill. (some folded, col.), folded col. maps; 29 cm.
UNDP: Yem 507./ WHO: Yemen 3202./ S 10/372/2 Yemen (3). Responsibility: prepared
for the World Health Organization as executing agency for the United Nations Development
Programme by Italconsult. OCLC Accession Number: 42905439.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 2006, HydroSHEDS (BAS) - Drainage basins (watershed
boundaries) at 15s resolution: U.S. Geological Survey, Sioux Falls, SD. Accessed Online:
Worth, Robert F. 2009. Thirsty Plant Steals Water in Dry Yemen. New York Times. 11.
Pages 6. Descriptors: Agriculture; Water shortages; Crops; Droughts; Yemen (Republic).
Abstract: More than half of this countrys scarce water is used to feed an addiction. Even as
drought kills off Yemens crops, farmers in villages like this one are turning increasingly to a
thirsty plant called qat, the leaves of which are chewed every day by most Yemeni men (and
some women) for their mild narcotic effect. The farmers have little choice: qat is the only way to
make a profit. ISSN: 0362-4331. URL:
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 324
Yacoob, M. 1991. Women and Water: The Bucket Stops here. Agric Inf Dev Bull.
Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 25-28. Notes: Cited By (since 1996): 2. Abstract: The provision of
potable water alone does not significantly reduce the incidence of diarrhea. Yet if potable water
is part of an integrated system with commitment by national and local officials and includes
improved sanitation and hygiene education, substantial reductions in diarrhea do occur. Hygiene
education should be based in existing community ideology, values, religion, and myth to change
behavior and involve traditional leaders. Another benefit of projects is that women have more
time to spend on other important activities, such as income generation. Since decisions revolving
around water use are the responsibility of women in developing countries, their involvement in
water supply and sanitation projects is crucial. They should take part in disseminating
information and in managing water systems. They should also attend workshops on water and
sanitation. For example, a study in Togo showed that the children of women who had
participated in water projects were more likely to have complete immunization coverage and the
women knew more about oral rehydration than those not involved. Nevertheless the health
benefits of a water and sanitation project do not last if sustainability is not built into the project.
For instance, water and sanitation specialists need to train community members to be responsible
and manage improved water systems. In Yenmen, specialists introduced a water and sanitation
project to the government as a project serving the entire community since anything focusing on
women invites the evil eye. Most health workers, sanitarians, and engineers who had the
experience and knowledge to teach women were men, so the project enlisted the women of the
womens extension service of the Ministry of Agriculture to teach the women. These Arab
women were excellent role models for behavioral change. Database: SCOPUS.
Yemen. 2001. Country Presentation by the Government of Yemen. Geneva: United
Nations. Descriptors: Economic assistance -- Yemen (Republic); Yemen (Republic) -- Economic
conditions; Yemen (Republic) -- Economic policy; Conference publication (cnp); Government
publication; International government publication; Internet resource; eBook. Abstract:
Performance in the 1990s. Sectoral indicators. Structure of the economy -- Agriculture -- Oil --
Refinery -- Natural gas -- Electricity and water -- Financial -- Tourism -- Social indicators.
Population -- Employment -- Vocational training and program -- Education -- Health care --
Social safety net fund -- Domestic opportunities and constraints. Peace and stability -- Economic
infrastructures -- Policy reform -- Conductive environment for private sector development --
Human resource constraints -- Industrial and technology development -- External opportunities
and constraints. Official development assistance (ODA) -- External debt burden -- Export sector
-- Foreign direct investment -- Vulnerability to shocks -- The program of action for the next
decade (2001-2010). Fiscal policy -- Monetary policy -- Foreign trade policy -- Agriculture
policy -- Industrial policy -- Tourism policy -- Social development -- Investment for the next
decade (2001-2010). Notes: 52 pages; 30 cm. At head of title: Third United Nations Conference
on the Least Developed Countries, Brussels, 14-20 May 2001. A/CONF.191/CP/17./ Available
both in print and online. Other Titles: Country presentation for Ymen; Action programme for
the development of the Republic of Yemen 2001-2010. OCLC Accession Number: 47645996.
URL:; Note: Connect to online resource.
Yemen. 2000. Warqah Qutriyah: Al-J umhuriyah Al-Yamaniyah. Beirut: UN. Descriptors:
Water Resources; Yemen; Government publication; International government publication.
Geology of Yemen
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Notes: 17 p. tables. Note(s): UN J ob no.: N990875 A. Material type: Misc. General Info:
Distribution: Limited. OCLC Accession Number: 81013285.
Yemen. 1999. Warqah Qutriyah: J umhuriyat Al-Yaman. Bayrut: UN. Descriptors: Water
Resources; Yemen; Government publication; International government publication. Notes: 27 p.
maps, tables. Note(s): Material type: Misc. General Info: Distribution: Limited. OCLC
Accession Number: 83379678.
Yemen (Republic) and Hayah al-`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah. 1900s. Al-Istratijiyah
Al-Wataniyah Lil-Miyah. San`a: al-J umhuriuah al-Yamaniyah, Riasat Majlis al-Wuzara, al-
Hayah al-`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah. Page(s): 14. Descriptors: Water-supply -- Yemen
(Republic). Notes: 24; Other Titles: National water strategy. OCLC Accession Number:
Yemen (Republic) and Hayah al-`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah. 1900s. Al-Hifaz `al
Al-Ma Masuliyat Al-J ami`: Mustaqbal Al-Yaman Bayna Yadayka. San`a: al-J umhuriyah al-
Yamaniyah, al-Hayah al-`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah. Page(s): 14. Descriptors: Water-
supply -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: col. ill. 21 cm. Other Titles: Mustaqbal al-Yaman bayna
yadayka. OCLC Accession Number: 170699283.
Yemen (Republic) and Hayah al-`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah. 1900s. Al-Hifaz `al
Al-Ma Masuliyat Al-J ami`: Mustaqbal Al-Yaman Bayna Yadayka. San`a: al-J umhuriyah al-
Yamaniyah, al-Hayah al-`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah. Page(s): 14. Descriptors: Water-
supply -- Yemen (Republic). Notes: col. ill. 21 cm. Cover title. Other Titles: Mustaqbal al-
Yaman bayna yadayka. OCLC Accession Number: 170699283.
Yemen (Republic) and Idarat Masaqit al-Miyah. 2000. Al-Wad` Al-Rahin Wa-Al-Afaq
Al-Mustaqbaliyah Li-Idarat Masaqit Al-Miyah. San`a: al-J umhuriyah al-Yamaniyah, Wizarat al-
Zira`ah wa-al-Rayy, al-Idarah al-`Amm lil-Ghabat wa-Mukafahat al-Tasahhur: al-Hayah al-
`Ammah lil-Mawarid al-Maiyah. Page(s): 40. Descriptors: Watershed management -- Yemen
(Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic); Government publication; National government
publication. Notes: 32; 24 cm. Cover title. Other Titles: Watershed management present situation
and future perspectives; Responsibility: Idarat Masaqit al-Miyah. OCLC Accession Number:
Yemen Arab Republic National Water and Sewerage Authority and Leggette, Brashears
&. Graham. 1976. Preliminary Observations and Evaluation at Sanas Well Field, Yemen Arab
Republic, J uly 1976. Westport, CT: The Firm. Descriptors: Groundwater -- Yemen (Republic) --
San`a; Water resources development -- Yemen (Republic) -- San`a. Notes: 9, 2 leaves; 28 cm.
Note(s): Cover title. August 1976. OCLC Accession Number: 11947748.
Yemen Gets U.S. Aid in Constructing Public Water System. 1963. International
Commerce. December 30, 1963. Volume 69, Pages 22. Descriptors: Water supply/Yemen; Water
supply; Water Supply and Irrigation Systems. OCLC: 2401023.
Yemen. High Water Council. 1992. Final Report: [National Water Action Plan]. Sanaa:
Technical Secretariat of the High Water Council. Descriptors: Water resources development --
Yemen (Republic); Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic). Abstract: v. 1. Water resources
management and economic development -- v. 2. National water legislation and institutional
issues -- v. 3. Surface water resources -- v. 4. Groundwater resources -- v. 5. Regional water
requirements for different water-consuming sectors -- v. 6. Water supply, wastewater and
sanitation -- v. 7. Planning support system, computer hardware and software -- v. 8.
Environmental impact assessment for water resources planning sector -- v. 9. Water resources
management options in Sanaa basin -- v. 10. Water resources management in the Tihama. Notes:
Geology of Yemen
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10 v.: ill., maps; 30 cm. Note(s): UNDP/DESD Project YEM/88/001--Cover. Includes
bibliographical references. Responsibility: the Government of the Republic of Yemen, High
Water Council. OCLC Accession Number: 39319146.
Yemen; Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; Switzerland and Direktion fr
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Humanitre Hilfe. 1993. Operation and Maintenance of
Potable Water Schemes Irrigation Activities: Southern Regional Agricultural Development
Project. Yemen Republic; Geneva: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; Swiss
Development Cooperation. Descriptors: Irrigation -- Yemen (Republic) -- Management. Notes:
25 leaves; 30 cm. February 1993. Other Titles: Southern regional agricultural development
project. OCLC Accession Number: 33417844.
Yemeni J oint Project for Natural Resources; Institute for Development Anthropology
(Binghamton, N.Y.) and United Nations Development Programme. 1980s. Report on a
Consultancy Mission for UNDP Project RAB/80/031 to the Yemen Arab Republic and the
Peoples Democratic Republic of the Yemen. Descriptors: Natural resources -- Yemen
(Republic) -- Databases; Natural resources -- Yemen (Republic) -- Management -- Databases;
Natural resources -- Yemen (Republic) -- Management -- Data processing; Applied anthropology
-- Yemen (Republic); Manuscript. Notes: 1 v. (various foliations): ill. 28 cm. Cover title. The
objectives of this part of the [Yemeni J oint Project for Natural Resources] will be to collect,
store, analyze and distribute scientific and technical information related to the project, i.e. on
water, geothermal and mineral resources, mining, hydrocarbon resources, remote sensing,
geophysics, seismics and marine geology--Abstract. Includes bibliographical references. OCLC
Accession Number: 146136427.
Yemen: Possibility to Solve the Yemeni Water Problem. Descriptors: Science and
Technology; Geography and Environment; Business; Commerce; Economy; AMED; Yemen.
OCLC Accession Number: 50917510. URL:
Yemen Taiz Wastewater System Feasibility Study. Final Technical Assistance Report.
2007. Abstract: The Governorate of Taiz, represented by the Taiz Water and Sanitation Local
Corporation (TWSLC), in concert with the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) of the
Republic of Yemen, plans to modernize the wastewater collection and treatment system in the ...
. Notes: B & E Engineers, Southern California. Technical report. NTIS Order Number: PB2008-
Yemen Taiz Wastewater System Feasibility Study. Final Technical Assistance Report.
Volume 1, Main Report. 2007. Performer: B & E Engineers, Southern California. Apr 2007.
173p. Abstract: The Governorate of Taiz, represented by the Taiz Water and Sanitation Local
Corporation (TWSLC), in concert with the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) of the
Republic of Yemen, plans to modernize the wastewater collection and treatment system in the
City of Taiz, the third largest city in the Republic of Yemen, with a current metropolitan area
population of 545,000. The U.S. Trade and Development Agency approved a grant to study the
feasibility of providing a wastewater collection conveyance and treatment system to serve the
needs of the citizens of the west and north suburbs of the City of Taiz to 2025. Database: NTIS
Database. URL:
Yemen TAIZ Water and Sanitation Local Corporation Ministry of Water and
Environment, Republic of Yemen Feasibility Study--Bidding Documents, Volume 2, Part 1.
2007. Performer: B&E Engineers, Arcadia, CA. Apr 2007. 496 pages. Abstract: The Governorate
of Taiz, represented by the Taiz Water and Sanitation Local Corporation (TWSLC), in concert
with the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) of the Republic of Yemen, plans to
Geology of Yemen
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modernize the wastewater collection and treatment system in the City of Taiz, the third largest
city in the Republic of Yemen, with a current metropolitan area population of 545,000. The U.S.
Trade and Development Agency approved a grant to study the feasibility of providing a
wastewater collection conveyance and treatment system to serve the needs of the citizens of the
west and north suburbs of the City of Taiz to 2025. Database: NTIS Database (National
Technical Information Service). URL:
Yemen TAIZ Wastewater System Feasibility Study, Republic of Yemen, Volume 4 -
Copies of Task Reports. 2007. Performer: B&E Engineers, Arcadia, CA.Apr 2007. 616 pages.
Abstract: The Governorate of Taiz, represented by the Taiz Water and Sanitation Local
Corporation (TWSLC), in concert with the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) of the
Republic of Yemen, plans to modernize the wastewater collection and treatment system in the
City of Taiz, the third largest city in the Republic of Yemen, with a current metropolitan area
population of 545,000. The U.S. Trade and Development Agency approved a grant to study the
feasibility of providing a wastewater collection conveyance and treatment system to serve the
needs of the citizens of the west and north suburbs of the City of Taiz to 2025. Database: NTIS
Database (National Technical Information Service). URL:
Yemen Transmission Upgrade and Expansion Feasibility Study. Volume One.
Transmission Reinforcement, Upgrade and Expansion within the Generation Expansion Planning
Horizon. Book 3 of 4: Appendices. 2003. Performer: Kuljian Corp., Philadelphia, PA. Sponsor:
Trade and Development Agency, Rosslyn, VA. J an 2003. 398 pages. Report: TDA-2001-10041-
A-07; YEMEN2001-10041A-V4. Abstract: The report contains the appendices for Volume 1,
Book 1 of the Yemen Transmission Upgrade and Expansion Feasibility study. Database: NTIS
Database (National Technical Information Service).
Yemen Transmission Upgrade and Expansion Feasibility Study. Volume Two:
Conceptual Design of Transmission Line and Substations. - Export Trade Information. 2003.
Kuljian Corp., Philadelphia, PA. J an 2003. Abstract: The Public Electricity Corporation (PEC)
under the Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) of the Republic of Yemen intends to install
one Simple Cycle Gas Turbine Power Station at Marib and upgrade the existing 132 KV
transmission grid by introducing a new 400 KV transmission system including upgrading the
existing 132 KV system. This is being done in order to meet the future load growth and to
achieve better reliability and improved system performance in an economical manner. This
Tender Document addresses the substations and transmission system only, as detailed
hereinunder. This specification covers the general requirements for design, engineering, supply,
manufacture, testing, delivery, storing at the site, installation, testing, commissioning and putting
into efficient and trouble-free commercial operation on a turnkey basis of the equipment and
materials required for installation of 400 KV substations, 400/132 KV and 132 KV substations
along with associated 400 KV and 132 KV transmission lines and auxiliary systems complete
with all materials and accessories. Database: NTIS. NTIS Order Number: PB2004-100625.
Yemen Transmission Upgrade and Expansion Feasibility Study. Volume Three: Tender
Document. Book 2 of 5: Technical Specifications. 2003. Performer: Kuljian Corp., Philadelphia,
PA. Sponsor: Trade and Development Agency, Rosslyn, VA. J an 2003. 202 pages. Report:
TDA-2001-10041-A-08; YEMEN2001-10041A-V8. Abstract: The Public Electricity
Corporation (PEC) under the Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) of the Republic of
Yemen intends to install one Simple Cycle Gas Turbine Power Station at Marib and upgrade the
Geology of Yemen
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existing 132 KV transmission grid by introducing a new 400 KV transmission system including
upgrading the existing 132 KV system. This is being done in order to meet the future load
growth and to achieve better reliability and improved system performance in an economical
manner. This Tender Document addresses the substations and transmission system only, as
detailed hereinunder. This specification covers the general requirements for design, engineering,
supply, manufacture, testing, delivery, storing at the site, installation, testing, commissioning and
putting into efficient and trouble-free commercial operation on a turnkey basis of the equipment
and materials required for installation of 400 KV substations, 400/132 KV and 132 KV
substations along with associated 400 KV and 132 KV transmission lines and auxiliary systems
complete with all materials and accessories. Notes: TY: GEN. Database: NTIS Database
(National Technical Information Service).
Yemen Transmission Upgrade and Expansion Feasibility Study. Volume Three: Tender
Document. Book 3 of 5: Technical Specifications. 2003. Performer: Kuljian Corp., Philadelphia,
PA. Sponsor: Trade and Development Agency, Rosslyn, VA. J an 2003. 808 pages. Report:
TDA-2001-10041-A-09; YEMEN2001-10041A-V9. Abstract: The Public Electricity
Corporation (PEC) under the Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) of the Republic of
Yemen intends to install one Simple Cycle Gas Turbine Power Station at Marib and upgrade the
existing 132 KV transmission grid by introducing a new 400 KV transmission system including
upgrading the existing 132 KV system. This is being done in order to meet the future load
growth and to achieve better reliability and improved system performance in an economic
manner. Database: NTIS Database (National Technical Information Service).
Yemen Transmission Upgrade and Expansion Feasibility Study. Volume One.
Transmission Reinforcement, Upgrade and Expansion within the Generation Expansion Planning
Horizon. Book 1 of 4: Feasibility Study Report. 2003. Kuljian Corp., Philadelphia, PA. Trade
and Development Agency, Rosslyn, VA. J an 2003. 267 pages. Report: TDA-2001-10041-A-02;
YEMEN2001-10041A-V2. Abstract: The United States Trade and Development Agency (TDA)
provided a grant to the Government of the Republic of Yemen, represented by the Ministry of
Electricity and Water (MEW) for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study for a
Transmission Upgrade and Expansion in Yemen. MEW is in the process of implementing a new
IPP project at Maarib to address the countrys growing power demands. One of the primary
requirements for implementing and financing Maarib to the main load center in Sanas by
installing a 400KV transmission line, and reinforcing the grid system in other respects, including
adding new high voltage capacity, to handle this major new generation capacity. The Kuljian
Corporation of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in association with Burns and McDonnel
International of Kansas City, Missouri (collectively known as Kuljian Team) was selected to
conduct the Feasibility Study. This report is a comprehensive presentation of the study work
performed by the Kuljian Team. Database: NTIS Database (National Technical Information
Yemen Transmission Upgrade and Expansion Feasibility Study. Volume One.
Transmission Reinforcement, Upgrade and Expansion within the Generation Expansion Planning
Horizon. Book 4 of 4: Appendices. 2003. Kuljian Corp., Philadelphia, PA. Sponsor: Trade and
Development Agency, Rosslyn, VA. J an 2003. 738 pages. Report: TDA-2001-10041-A-05;
YEMEN2001-10041A-V5. Abstract: The report contains the appendices for Volume 1, Book 1
of the Yemen Transmission Upgrade and Expansion Feasibility study. Database: NTIS Database
(National Technical Information Service).
Geology of Yemen
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Yemen Water Contract Tests Nerve. 1986. World Construction English Ed. Volume
39, Issue 12, Pages 40. Descriptors: Water Pipelines; Regional Planning - Water Supply; Water
Resources - South Yemen. Abstract: With an ancient history but only independent for 20 years,
South Yemen provides a working environment that stretches contractors skills and tolerance to
the full. With rebuilding identified as a priority by the new government, and benefiting from aid
supplied by both eastern block and western nations, the country is tackling its enormous
development problems. Some of the aid is being used to build a 56 km long, 800 mm diameter,
water pipeline from Wadi Bana, in the east, to Bir Nasir, on the outskirts of Aden. Originally
designed by the French, British consultants J ohn Taylor Sons were called in to revise the project,
and the British contractor Bovis was in 1983 awarded the contract to build the pipeline, four
large steel reservoirs, and associated works. ISSN: 0043-8375.
Yemeni Public Prosecutor. 2002. Water Law Number 33. Water Law No. 33 of 2002, an
Arabic copy of which is available on the Yemeni Public Prosecutors website, at, and the second is the Environment
Law No. 26 of 1995, an Arabic copy of which is also available on the same website, at
Young, Penny. 2011. Adens pipe dream. History Today 47.5 (1997): 30+. Military
and Intelligence Database. Web. 1 Sep. 2011. Abstract: A United Nations Development Program
project is restoring the Tawila tanks, an intricate water system probably built by the Himyarites
in the first millenium BC. The system is a series of cisterns, dams and waterways carved out of
volcanic rock. After decades of neglect, the unique series of water tanks of Aden, in Yemen,
which were hollowed out of the volcanic rock at least 2,000 years ago are to be restored and
brought back into use. It is not known who built the Tawila tanks, as they are called. To the
frustration of historians, no date of origin nor any inscriptions have ever been found. The taxi
drivers, who take tourists from Steamer Point to visit the tanks, tell them they were built during
the time of the Queen of Sheba. Although there is no historical evidence for the Queen of Sheba
either, the early inhabitants of Aden would have known about the great dam of Marib which was
built in the eastern deserts of Yemen by the Sabaeans around 700 BC. There are many other
examples of cisterns and reservoirs in Yemen and east Africa across the Red Sea, although none
on such a scale as the Tawila tanks. The lack of records or decorative features has made dating
the tanks a matter of conjecture. One theory has been that they were built during the Persian
occupation of Yemen in the sixth century. But the Persians disrupted life in South Arabia, hardly
creating the conditions for the construction of a major water catchment system. It is thought
more likely that the intricate system was built in the first millennium BC by the highland tribe
known as the Himyarites, whose kingdom rivalled that of the Sabaeans and whose power lasted
until the arrival of the Persians. With their superior technological skills, the Himyarites managed
the precious water sources and controlled the ports in south-west Arabia and the rich trade to and
from Egypt.
Youssef, El Sayed A. A. 1998. Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper J urassic Evaporite-
Carbonate Sequence at the Western Area of Wadi Al-J awf-Marib Basin, Yemen. Carbonates
and Evaporites. Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 168-173. Descriptors: Ammonites; Ammonoidea;
Amran Group; Arabian Peninsula; Asia; biostratigraphy; carbonate rocks; Cephalopoda;
chemically precipitated rocks; depositional environment; evaporites; Invertebrata; J urassic;
limestone; lithofacies; Mqah Sandstone; Madbi Formation; Mesozoic; Mollusca; sedimentary
Saliba, Issam. 2012. Private communication. Issam Saliba is a foreign law specialist with the Law Library of
Geology of Yemen
Army Geospatial Center May 15, 2012 Page 330
rocks; sequence stratigraphy; Shabwa Member; Shuqra Formation; Tetrabranchiata;
unconformities; Upper J urassic; Wadi Al-J awf-Marib Basin; Yemen. References: 16; illus. incl.
sect., strat. col., sketch maps. Abstract: The Upper J urassic evaporite-carbonate sequence
(Sabatayn Formation and its equivalent Madbi Formation or Transition Beds) and its constituent
systems tracts have been recognized at the western side of Wadi Al-J awf-Marib intracratonic rift
basin and its adjacent shelf areas. The Sabatayn Formation was subdivided, from the base to the
top, into the Shabwa Salt Member, the Layadim Shale Member, the Ayad Gypsum Member and
its equivalent Mqah Sandstone Member. The evaporite depositional systems of the lowstand
facies (or systems) tract LST began in Middle Kimmeridgian times after the complete drawdown
of the shelf area and basin isolation. The effect of ephemeral flooding events of the marine water
and/or surface run-off water on the basinal salt pans resulted in the deposition of four or more
parasequences (shallowing upward salinas of the Shabwa Salt Member). When the rift was
reconnected to the open ocean in Late Kimmeridgian times, the basinal LST and the formerly
exposed carbonate sequence of the shelf area were flooded and an onlapping retrogradational
transgressive facies tract (TST) represented by the lagoonal-sabkha Layadim Shale and the Ayad
Gypsum members and their equivalent shoals, shallow subtidal to intertidal Madbi Formation
were established. The continued relative sea-level rise followed by relative sea-level falls due to
orogenic movement during Portlandian times resulted in the deposition of aggradational to
progradational offlapping strata of early and late highstand facies tract (HST representing part of
the Naifa Formation). On the shelf area, the early HST consists of a subtidal ammonitic
limestone which changes westwards into a shallow subtidal-intertidal sandy rippled mudstone
containing fossil fish remains and varicolored cross bedded sandy mudstone containing plant
remains, while the late HST consists of supratidal to sabkha gypsiferous shale and sandstone
with gypsum lenses. However, on the shelf slope, a brecciated ammonitic limestone interbedded
with calcareous mudstone containing pelagic fauna represent the forced regressive wedge-
systems tracts (FRWST). ISSN: 0891-2556.
Youssef, El Sayed A.A. 1991. A note on the geomorphology of the coastal plain between
Al Hudaydah and Al Salif Peninsula, Red Sea, coast, Yemen Arab Republic. The Geographic
J ournal, Vol. 157, No. 1 (March), pp. 71-73.
Zarubezhgeologia, 1992, Hydrogeological map of the southern part of the Republic of
Yemen. Eight coloured map sheets 1:500,000; Explanatory note (260 pp.); and separate
Catalogue of Water Points. Prepared for Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Board of Mineral
Exploration, Aden, Yemen. State Committee on Geology and Mineral Resources
Zarubezhgeologia, Moscow, Russian Federation.