Eptar Reinforcement 1 - 2 - User Guide
Eptar Reinforcement 1 - 2 - User Guide
Eptar Reinforcement 1 - 2 - User Guide
March 2013
ArchiCAD is Graphisoft registered trademark, GDL is Graphisoft trademark.
Chapter 1.................................................................................................................................................... 4
First steps............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Installation of the solution............................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Activation of the solution............................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Loading of the solution................................................................................................................ 6
Chapter 2.................................................................................................................................................... 7
Usage of the eptar Reinforcement 1.0 solution.......................................................................................7
2.1 Basic usage of the program........................................................................................................ 7
2.2 Layout options for reinforcement plan......................................................................................... 7
2.3 Placing of the elements and their settings.................................................................................10
2.4 Object placement with ArchiCAD Accessory ............................................................................20
2.5 Create Complex structures........................................................................................................ 22
2.6 Edit Objects .............................................................................................................................. 33
2.7 Delete Elements ....................................................................................................................... 41
2.8 Use ArchiCAD Label element ................................................................................................... 41
2.9 Create Section drawings .......................................................................................................... 42
3.1. Cutting list placement and ID check.........................................................................................49
3.2. Use Interactive Schedule ........................................................................................................ 52
3.3. Create custom Cutting list........................................................................................................ 54
4.1. Technical support..................................................................................................................... 55
Chapter 1.
First steps
1.1 Installation of the solution
The eptar Reinforcement 1.0 can only be used with ArchiCAD 14 version, or higher.
To install the program, start the installation file and follow the given instructions.
However, if you can not find these accessories in your ArchiCAD program, please download them from the
website of Graphisoft with the help of the Help / ArchiCAD downloads menu. In the opening browser, choose
the Accessories Add-On solution. Download the file and install it to the ArchiCAD program.
The placement of elements and all the other actions shall be dealt with in the next chapters.
Chapter 2.
Usage of the eptar Reinforcement 1.0 solution
2.1 Basic usage of the program
In reinforcement plans, some levels appear differently than in the
architectural plans. To get the necessary design for the reinforcement plan
you need to change sheet options. Reinforcement plans can be created at
the same time as architectural plans, so it is unworthy to change the
settings of the architect. So for the reinforcement plan, please create new
view options. (2.2. point).
After changing the view, some types of irons and meshes can be placed as
objects on the layout and in the 3D model (2.3. point). In the case of some
elements (rebar, web) ArchiCAD Accessories applications can help in the
placement (2.4. point). Complex elements (beams, columns) can be
created from individual elements, and can be placed on the layout as a
group, or by the detailed drawings of the complex elements, can be placed
on other sheets too (2.5. point).
While placing the elements, you can give them separate identifications, but
this is not necessary, because in the end of the planning process, while the
detection of irons, the program checks the number of irons, and renumbers
the faultly or differently numbered irons and optimizes the numbering (2.6
point). You can optimize the irons by the help of the interactive lists, during
the planning (2.6 point).
To create the sectional drawings, you can place the necessary irons view
drawing in the sectional plan sheets or in the model space, to display it.
(2.7 point).
Open Document / Layers / Layer Settings menu. Among the layers, create (top right button) new layers for
the reinforcement plan. We recommend the creation of these layers:
Reinforcement Lower reinforcement
Reinforcement Upper reinforcement
Reinforcement Beams, wreaths
Reinforcement Columns
Reinforcement complex element container
On the left side, create Layer Combination Settings, with these layer visibilities:
Reinforcement 3D group
Reinforcement Complex element definition
Reinforcement Lower reinforcement
Reinforcement Upper reinforcement
Reinforcement Segment
These layer views will help you, to be able to change between views fast and effectively, and to be able to use
the right layer-options at the creation of different sheets.
Open Document / Set Model View / Model View options
window. In the appearing dialogue, choose 04 Ceiling
Plans View type. ArchiCAD, in this kind of display format,
shows only the contour of the walls and openings, however
we can set an individual display format too.
Under the Override Fill Display tab, switch on Override Zone Fills, and Hide Zone Stamps" switches.
As it can be seen on the upper side of the dialogue, under the Set Model View, Custom has been chosen
because of the changes made. Click the Store As button and give the 05 Reinforcement Plans name to the
changes. Click OK and close the window.
The appearance of the elements in the 3D window can be detailed or simple. Detailed view gives a chance to
see possible overlaps and collisions, but can slow the progress/visualization a lot. In simple view, we replace
elements with 3D lines, so the visualization ismuch faster and editing is easier.
To place the rebar, choosethe rf_rebar object
from the dialogue.
The 2D representation mode and the placement method can be defined with editable hotspots of horizontally
placed rebars. Based on the hotspots' position, the 2D representation can look differently:
On the floor plan you can see the rebar object and the side view of it.
On every line section there are two editable hotspots (arc and new corner point). To edit these points you can
insert new corner into the polyline or define arc between two corner points.
If you want to delete a corner from the polyline, just move it over the next corner point, the solution will remove
the line sections of 0 cm length, so the two corner points will be merged.
The polygon style rebar can be placed as a single rebar or multiplied for a length.
When you create a new corner point on the Polygon path, one of the two new line sections will contain no
editable hotspots. If you want to edit this line section (add new corner point), please move one of the polylines
existing corner points, and in second step move back to original position. Our solution will recalculate the middle
points of the polyline and place the necessary editable hotspots on the path.
The stirrup object is a basic accessory for
more complex elements. With the help of
stirrups we are able to define columns (pillars),
beams and crowning objects.
Select the rf_stirrup object in the object
settings dialog.
In Position menu you can choose vertical
(for columns), horizontal (for beams) and
custom position for the stirrups. In the case of
custom position you can rotate the stirrups
around its X and Y axis. When you rotate
around the Y,the axis of the stirrup group will
turn, so the individual stirrups get a slanted
position in space.
If you want to make a slanted stirrup group with vertical stirrups , we advise, that you place an individual stirrup
and use the built in Multipy order of ArchiCAD.
In the case of custom position stirrups you have got many view options to
choose from. Besides the usual vertically projected views you can choose
the slanted view of the stirrup and you can also decide if you would like to
see the top, middle or bottom section of the stirrups or the detailed 2D view
on the floor plan view.
Concrete object is an auxiliary object to
define complex elements. The object
helps to place rebars and stirrups to the
correct position regarding the defined
concrete cover.
Object is placeable vertically and
horizontally. You can define the shape
of the object on the General Settings
tab page.
The section shape can be:
- Brick
- Circle (Cylinder)
- Extruded polygon.
Normally the columns and beams have
a constant section along the full length,
so one concrete object enough to define
the external shape of the complex element. If you need more complex shapes, you can use more concrete
elements to define the final shape.
If you set up the Iron Distance parameter in the Objects settings dialog, there will be hotspots and hotlines
to define the exact placement points for rebars and stirrups. If you turn on the Show Iron Distance switch you
will be able to see the placement lines.
The object is easy to modify with editable hotspots on the floor plan, section- or in 3D-view.
This objects is not available in the cutting list and do not count in the Rebar optimalization method.
If you define an ArchiCAD slab with holes on the surface the solution can support it, so the rebars and mesh
elements do not cross the holes. Please, be circumspect when you define small holes for ArchiCAD slabs (for
tubes, mechanical stuffs), because the software do not hesitate to finish a rebar if it cross the hole and place a
new one after the hole. It can cause problems, if you are not careful enough.
The rebars and meshes - which has been placed with ArchiCAD Accessory will be grouped, you can not mix
the styles of the rebar or meshes within the same placed group.
The solution does calculate mesh overlapping when making cutting lists. However, meshes placed with this
method do not calculate the optimal placement direction and do not display overlapping. We are on it to create a
new update which helps for you to support this functionality.
In our system, one column has to contain at
minimum 1 stirrup and 2 rebars. Fewer objects are
not enough to define column structure.
Place one or more rf_concrete objects on the floor
plan somewhere in the horizontal range of the
sections Vas- complex X and Y.
Define the concrete external surface of the column
with these objects.
Select all the rf_concrete objects and set up the
concrete cover (Iron Distance) parameter value.
Select the rf_stirrup objects from the library. Open
the Object Settings dialog and choose the
Vertical placement option on the General tab
page. Choose shape for stirrup and set up the
parameters. Click OK button and place the stirrup
object inside of the rf_concrete. Connect the
stirrup corners to the hotlines and hotspots, which
define the safety concrete covers.
If you choose polygon style stirrup, please define the
correct shape with the editable hotspots on the floor
plan view, connect the polygon corners to the
hotspots and hotlines of the rf_concrete object.
Click on the opened Section window, the stirrups will
be visible immediately in the bottom of column.
When you place the column into the floor plan, the solution generates an independent detail window. The name
of the detail window is the same as the name of the column. In the further working process you can find here the
components of the columns, even more, you can create a detail drawing from this column structure in this
independent detail window. Use this detail window to change the properties, components or to create a new
column structure based on this basic structure (more information about the column changes see 2.6. point).
We suggest you to copy the cutting list into the detail window. Open the Vas complex X section window
and copy the front view from the window to the detail window, over the section view. If you need the side view
as well, open the Vas complex Y section and copy the side view near to the front view.
To create a full detail drawing from the column reinforcement structure use the ArchiCAD default labels
(rf_label) or switch on the checkbox in the Object Settings dialog on the 2D representation tab page. The
information content and the shape of the label are also possible to set up in the Object Settings dialog.
One of the possible detail drawings of columns:
In our system one beam contains at minimum 1 stirrup and 4 rebars. Fewer objects are not enough to define
beam structure.
Place one or more rf_concrete object on the floor plan somewhere in the horizontal range of the sections
Vas- complex X and Y. Define the concrete external surface of the beam with these objects.
Select all the rf_concrete objects and set up the concrete cover (Iron Distance) parameter value.
Select the rf_stirrup objects from the library.
Open the Object Settings dialog and
choose the Horizontal placement option on
the General tab page. Choose shape for
stirrup and set up the parameters. Click OK
button and place the stirrup object inside of
the rf_concrete. Connect the stirrup corners
to the hotlines and hotspots, which define the
safety concrete covers.
If you choose polygon style stirrup, please
define the correct shape with the editable
hotspots on the section view, connect the
polygon corners to the hotspots and hotlines
of the rf_concrete object.
Click on the floor plan window.
When you are ready with the beam objects rebar structure, select
all the rebar, stirrup, concrete elements in the beam and make
sure, the Use for Listing parameter is checked in.
Select all the rebars, stirrups and concrete elements in your
construction on the floor plan (section view is not supported for this
command) and choose Reinforcement / Beam / Create Beam
In the opening dialog fill out the name (ID) of the new beam (if you
choose a name, which already existing, application will ask you to
choose a different name). After the definition you can place this
beam with this name to the model. The rebar calculation table will
contains also this name for the components (rebars, stirrups) of
this column.
In the dialog, you can see a check box with a name With List. If you switch on this check box (default), you
can place an individual rebar table about this construction on the floor plan (useful for detail drawings).
Click OK button.
In our system one crowning contains stirrup systems and rebars. Crowning object is able to stretch on the floor
plan instead of the beam element which is a fix sized object.
The crowning system needs to contain at minimum one stirrup and two rebars.
Place one or more rf_concrete object on the floor plan somewhere in the horizontal range of the sections
Vas- complex X and Y. Define the concrete external surface of the crowning with these objects.
The crowning system should be built in a vertical position, so you can define the section view of the
crowning on the floor plan (looks like a column).
Select all the rf_concrete objects and set up the concrete cover (Iron Distance) parameter value.
Select the rf_stirrup objects from the library. Open the Object
Settings dialog and choose the Vertical placement option on
the General tab page. Choose shape for stirrup and set up the
parameters. Click OK button and place the stirrup object inside
of the rf_concrete. Connect the stirrup corners to the hotlines
and hotspots, which define the safety concrete covers.
If you choose polygon style stirrup, please define the correct
shape with the editable hotspots on the floor plan view, connect
the polygon corners to the hotspots and hotlines of the
rf_concrete object.
In the crowning definition you can place more stirrup groups in
the field, but the software will only distinguish the shape of the
stirrup groups, the placement position and the distance
between the stirrups will be the same, independently from your
design in the 3D model. Use more stirrups only to define more
complex stirrup (crowning) sections.
When you are ready with the beam objects rebar structure,
select all the rebar, stirrup, concrete elements in the crowning
and make sure, the Use for Listing parameter is checked
Select all the rebars, stirrups and concrete elements in your
construction on the floor plan (section view is not supported
for this command) and choose Reinforcement / Crowning /
Create Crowning command.
In the opening dialog fill out the name (ID) of the new
crowning (if you choose a name, which already existing,
application will ask you to choose a different name). After the
definition you can place this crowning with this name to the
model. The rebar calculation table will contains also this name
for the components (rebars, stirrups) of this crowning.
In the dialog, you can see a check box with a name With
Cutting List. If you switch on this check box (default), you
can place an individual rebar table about this construction
on the floor plan (useful for detail drawings).
Click OK button.
You can check the components of the crowning objects in the Objects Settings dialog under the General
Settings tab page, but these components are not available to change in this view, you can edit the
components only with the help of the command Reinforcement / Crowning / Edit Crowning.
Select the Detail Window with the name of the crowning to edit (e.g.
K-1). Copy the section view components from the detail window to the
Floor plan.
Change the necessary parameters, delete components or add new
ones into the construction.
If you do not want to change only a few types of elements on the model, select the objects to change and select
the edited crowning components as well. Click on the Reinforcement / Crowning / Edit Crowning command.
The solution will refresh the selected crowning objects with the selected components (basic elements). In this
case you created a new crowning structure, but there are some untouched crowning on the model, which are
not affected, so you can not overwrite the original crowning number, you have to define a new name.
You can check the components of the column objects in the Objects
Settings dialog under the General Settings tab page, but these
components are not available to change in this view, you can edit the
components only with the help of the command Reinforcement /
Crowning / Edit Crowning.
Select the Detail Window with the name of the column to edit (e.g. O-1).
Copy the section view components from the detail window to the Floor plan.
If you want to change all the columns in the model, select only the column components on the floor plan.
Click on the Reinforcement / Column / Edit Column command. Solution opens a dialog, which shows the
available column composites on the model. You have to select the number of the column structure, which you
want to refresh. Click OK, the solution will update all the column objects (structures) on the floor plan, which
has the same number what you selected. Solution also updates the detail windows as well.
The application does not refresh Side views in the Detail drawing
window, so we suggest deleting these views and tables and placing
them again.
When you update the columns, the cutting lists, which contains these
types of columns will be not updated automatically. We suggest you
to update the cutting lists after these types of changes.
Select the Detail Window with the name of the column to edit (e.g. G-1). Copy the section view components
from the detail window to the Floor plan.
Change the necessary parameters, delete components or add new ones into the construction.
If you want to change all the beams in the model, select only the beam components on the floor plan. Click on
the Reinforcement / Beam / Edit Beam command. Solution opens a dialog, which shows the available beam
composites on the model. You have to select the number of the beam structure, which you want to refresh. Click
OK, the solution will update all the beam objects (structures) on the floor plan, which has the same number
what you selected. Solution also updates the detail windows as well.
The application does not refresh Side views in the Detail drawing window, so we suggest deleting these views
and tables and placing them again.
When you update the columns, the cutting lists, which contains these types of columns will be not updated
automatically. We suggest you to update the cutting lists after these types of changes.
To place labels for the section drawing use ArchiCAD label objects. Select the Label (
) object from
the toolbar. Open Label Settings dialog and select the rf_label type for objects. Click on OK button.
On the working area select the Label
connection to objects placement method.
Click on a hotspot or hotline of the object on the
floor plan to place and connect the label to the
object. The label will be placed in the floor plan
connected to the object you selected. If you want to move the label or change the text position of it, select the
label object and move its hotspots to the right position.
This Label wills connected to the rebar objects until you delete it, label will update at all parameter changes and
label will move with the object together.
You can do the same label placement for all objects in the section, but you can place independent labels as
Benefits, disadvantages:
The benefit is to see all the changes in the section rebars, what you make on the model.
On the other hand, if you move or copy the objects on the model side, the section views will move or multiplied
with the objects together, which can cause a confused section drawing.
If you use this section generation method, we suggest you to generate the section drawing at the last phase of
the planning process, when you are not plan to change the structures in the model.
Select and copy the contour lines from the Section Window.
Create an Independent Section Drawing, rename it to V-1. Place the copied section contour into the V-1
section window.
Set up the M-1 Section as a Trace view in Section V-1. Open the M-1 section view and set up the Layer
Sets to show the slabs in the model in Wireframe mode. If you do well, the rebar objects will be visible in the
M-1 section.
Open the V-1 section window. On the section view you can see
the contour lines of the structures and the 3D section models of the
rebar structures (based on the trace drawing). Move your mouse
over one of the rebar object and click on it, when you push the Alt
button (Alt + Click).
With this process you could copy the parameter settings of that
element. Click on the section window (object placement). The
section drawing of the earlier selected object will be placed into the
section drawing, unfortunately not the right place, but somewhere
around it.
Click on the View / Zoom / Show all command.
Find the object placed in the last step. Move the
object to the right position and rotate it if it is
Set up the label to fit to your requirements.
If you choose mesh objects, maybe the mesh section view will be shorter or longer, as the original object
section view. In this case, you can edit the length of the meshs section view with the hotspots on the edges.
Repeat the process above until you do not placed all the elements into the section view, which is necessary to
To place labels for the section drawing use ArchiCAD label objects or the objects own represented labels. For
more information about the label placement and configuration see 2.8. Points.
Benefits, disadvantages:
In this solution you follow the ArchiCAD working methods and you generate the section view in the section
window, so the section documentation is not in the model space.
On the other hand, the section is not generated from the model directly, if you change anything in the model
space, the section view will be not updated automatically, you have to check the changes in all case.
If you use this section generation method, we suggest you to generate the section drawing at the last phase of
the planning process, when you are not plan to change the structures in the model.
Chapter 3.
3.1. Cutting list placement and ID check
This reinforcement solution helps for the users to create the necessary reinforcement drawings and models,
even it generates cutting lists and checks the ID mistakes as well.
In the 2.5. point (complex structures) we already write about the cutting list definition, which is available to place
into the floor plan. You can place the same cutting list for several construction drawings as well.
After the automatic calculation and ID check you have to define the position of the cutting list on the floor plan. If
you have a cutting list on the floor plan already, the software do not place a new one, just refresh the existing
In the case, if you have more cutting list placed into the actual floor plan view the reinforcement solution will
cancel the operation, do not update any of the placed cutting lists. In this situation, please select the cutting lists
to update and select all the rebars, which you want to involve into the cutting list. Click the Reinforcement /
Cutting List placement command again. If the selection of the all rebar and one cutting list is difficult on the
floor plan, switch off the layers, which contains the unnecessary cutting lists or place them to an independent
detail drawings until you runt the recalculation method again.
In the schedule window you can see all the placed reinforcement objects collected by type, diameter, shape,
length and iron-quality. Unfortunately ArchiCAD do not support to ignore the hidden layers, so you will see all
the rebars on the model, even they are visible on the model or not. If you want to filter the visible or not visible
rebars differently, you have to define the layer filters in the settings dialog (see more in 3.3. point). For the
reason of above, we suggest using this schedule to check the rebars on the model, but do not use it to create
Cutting lists or summary with it, because it can cause mistakes in the calculation.
If you can not recognize an object based on the ID or the parameters in the list, you can use one of the buttons
on the top of the dialog. Choose one rebar in the list and click the activated button on the header the list.
ArchiCAD will show the object on the floor plan or in the 3D window immediately.
In this schedule you have a possibility to change some parameters of the selected object(s). Select one object
in the list and change the diameter or the Iron quality values. These changes will automatically activate for all
placed objects in the model, so you can easily change the IDs or other parameters of the objects.
Under the Object/Lamp category you can find more default parameters which you can add to the list to filter
and represent the objects, but you can add custom Reinforcement object parameters to the list as well. To add
custom reinforcement parameters to the list use the Additional Parameters... button on the bottom. When
you click on this button, ArchiCAD collect all the loaded library parts and show them in a list. Select the [eptar]
Reinforcement library and one of the library parts inside.
From the visible parameter list choose the necessary parameters and push the >> Add >> button to attach to
the list on the right side.
When you click on the OK button, your selected parameters will be available immediately in the Schedule
In Interactive schedule there is a priority of the parameters as well. If you move parameters on the top of the list,
the list will be filtered based on that parameter first.
For more information about the interactive schedule use the Graphisoft documentation.
Chapter 4.
4.1. Technical support
If you have any problem, question, comment or request regarding the application, please contact
the ptr ltd. on the next channels:
Hungary and other countries:
PTR Kft.
Kata Danis
+36 1 / 225 73 55
[email protected]