Dirac Equation-Sea of Negative Energy (Free Energy) - Hotson (David Sereda) - Pt1-2
Dirac Equation-Sea of Negative Energy (Free Energy) - Hotson (David Sereda) - Pt1-2
Dirac Equation-Sea of Negative Energy (Free Energy) - Hotson (David Sereda) - Pt1-2
Dirac’s Equation has profound implications both for sci- waves,” the equation therefore predicts that the entire
ence and for the search for new energy. If we continue to physical universe can be made from these four kinds of
use the wrong model (and the Standard Model is pro- electron. This study validates this prediction: all matter
foundly wrong) we will continue to get confusing results and all forces are shown to be necessary combinations
that are difficult to replicate. and applications of just these four kinds of electron, ful-
The enclosure shows the nature of the energetic, non- filling Dirac’s unitary expectation.
stationary aether that Einstein missed, that Dirac’s equa- In addition, direct applications of Dirac’s equation pro-
tion demonstrates, and that Heisenberg and others vide simple, logical, and natural models of the electromag-
destroyed when they dismantled this equation. It further
suggests that special conditions, catalysis, and energy
About the Author
available to a plasma may cause the synthesis, rather than
The Hotson “family business” is English literature. Mr. Hotson’s
the release, of free neutrons, causing transmutations and
father and uncle had Harvard Ph.D.s in the subject, and his late
the release of energy via beta decay. uncle was a famous Shakespeare scholar. Mr. Hotson, however,
The treatment of Dirac’s equation is a lesson in the way always intended a career in physics. Unfortunately, he could not
modern science works (or rather doesn’t). This treatment has resist asking awkward questions. His professors taught that con-
more recently been paralleled by the treatment of Reich, servation of mass-energy is the never-violated, rock-solid founda-
Pons and Fleischmann, Halton Arp, and others. But I think tion of all physics. In “pair production” a photon of at least 1.022
if one had to point to a single place where science went pro- MeV “creates” an electron-positron pair, each with 0.511 MeV of
foundly and permanently off the track, it would be 1934 and rest energy, with any excess being the momentum of the “creat-
the emasculation of Dirac’s equation. This crisis at the heart ed” pair. So supposedly the conservation books balance.
But the “created” electron and positron both have spin (angu-
of science caused a chronic “hardening of the paradigm” and
lar momentum) energy of h/4π. By any assumption as to the size
science thereby lost the ability to self-correct.
of electron or positron, this is far more energy than that supplied
by the photon at “creation.”
Abstract “Isn’t angular momentum energy?” he asked a professor.
Dirac’s wave equation is a relativistic generalization of the “Of course it is. This half-integer spin angular momentum is
Schrödinger wave equation. In 1934 this brilliantly success- the energy needed by the electron to set up a stable standing wave
ful equation was shorn of half of its solutions by a question- around the proton. Thus it is responsible for the Pauli exclusion
able bit of mathematical slight-of-hand. Because it was principle, hence for the extension and stability of all matter. You
“politically correct,” this bit of juggling became the accept- could say it is the sole cause of the periodic table of elements.”
ed interpretation. However, recent developments have “Then where does all this energy come from? How can the ‘cre-
shown the very basis of this mathematical trick to be invalid, ated’ electron have something like sixteen times more energy than
the photon that supposedly ‘created’ it? Isn’t this a huge violation of
in that it would involve massive violations of conservation.
your never-violated rock-solid foundation of all physics?”
A reevaluation is therefore warranted. “We regard spin angular momentum as an ‘inherent property’
The Schrödinger wave equation has been said to “contain of electron and positron, not as a violation of conservation.”
most of physics and all of chemistry.” Since Dirac’s equation “But if it’s real energy, where does it come from? Does the
is a relativistic generalization of this already generally appli- Energy Fairy step in and proclaim a miracle every time ‘creation’
cable wave equation, in formulating it Dirac expected that is invoked, billions of times a second? How does this fit your
its solutions would describe “everything that waves.” Since never-violated conservation?”
all matter and energy evolve as waves, Dirac thought his “‘Inherent property’ means we don’t talk about it, and you
equation would be a unitary “theory of everything.” won’t either if you want to pass this course.”
However, the discovery of several new particles and peer crit- Well, this answer sounded to him like the Stephen Leacock
aphorism: “‘Shut up,’ he explained.” Later Mr. Hotson was taken
icism resulting in the truncation of the equation frustrated
aside and told that his “attitude” was disrupting the class, and
this expectation, and it is generally known at present as
that further, with his “attitude,” there was no chance in hell of his
“Dirac’s equation of the electron.” completing a graduate program in physics, so “save your money.”
Dirac’s complete equation, however, describes a quan- He ended up at the Sorbonne studying French literature, and later
tum spinor field, which has as solutions four different became a professional land surveyor.
kinds of electron: electrons and positrons of positive However, he has retained a lifelong interest in the “awkward
energy, and electrons and positrons of negative energy. questions” of physics, and with Dirac’s Equation has found
Such supposedly “fundamental” entities as quarks and some answers.
gluons have no comparable wave equations; yet they
wave. Therefore they cannot be truly fundamental. Since * P.O. Box 789, Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819
in principle the Dirac field comprises “everything that Email: [email protected]
τ • ∆E ≥\.
The other conjugate (complementary) properties derive Treiman then goes on to quantize the field, and solve for
from this. the eigenvalues. The results, as he states, are “quite remark-
Of course, the units of Planck’s constant are the products
Of course, the BEC wasn’t well described in 1934, so it “half a boson.” In terms of energy, “half a boson” is hν/2.
is no mystery why Dirac didn’t see that this is what his This is exactly the zero-point energy called for by the equa-
equation calls for. Only in the light of more recent find- tions. The electron and positron in the BEC have no positive
ings is it evident that Dirac’s “sea” must be a BEC. For, of energy, only charge. But together they make a neutral spin-
course, it fills the crucial needs of Dirac’s sea—it is “full,” zero boson whose energy is hν. In this case ν = 1/τ, around
so that no positive energy particle can “fall in” unless it 1.6 x 10 23 Hz. This would give the epo an energy (E = hν) of
first loses all its positive energy, and then only if a balanc- around 660 MeV, and give each “mode” of the vacuum elec-
ing antiparticle similarly divests itself. Further, it has no tromagnetic field an energy of half that, 330 MeV. Thus the
“mass,” hence no inertia or gravitational interaction, so it “Zero-Point Energy” (ZPE) and the jitter-motion
is virtually undetectable. [Haisch and Rueda (1997) insist (Zitterbewegung) caused by it both emerge as direct conse-
that negative “mass” is impossible, since “mass” is a result quences of Dirac’s equation. As we will see later, “half an
of the action of the ZPF on polarizable entities. Since this epo” is also “half a photon.”
would not include negative-energy epos in a BEC, they are
quite correct. They don’t have “mass.” Negative energy is The Electromagnetic Field
quite a different thing.] And as we will see, it is the source We have seen above that Dirac, Oppenheimer, and Heisenberg
of the unlimited polarized electron-positron pairs that the all proved that every ion must immediately be surrounded by
Dirac equation requires, and experiment shows, to be sur- unlimited numbers of the opposite charged ends of epos.
rounding every “bare” charge. Experiment has since confirmed this to better than ten signif-
icant figures. However, if these are “real” epos “created” by the
Physics Through the Looking-glass charge, this makes the mass of the ion “slightly infinite.”
Let’s step back a moment and look at what the full Dirac There is a further problem with the conventional view.
equation and the simplest quantum field, the ZQF, seem to Unlimited numbers of epos means that in every direction
call for. As Gribbin (1998a) remarks, “In the quantum world from an electron, for instance, there would be the positron
a field must give rise to particles.” Unlimited numbers of end of an epo. This would completely neutralize the charge
them, the quanta of the field. This is the famous “second of the electron, so that it could not be felt or measured out-
quantization.” According to QFT, there is nothing in the uni- side of this surrounding sphere of positrons. Recognizing
verse but quantized fields. We here invoke the simplest possi- this, conventional theory supposes that the “bare” charge of
ble quantum field which “must” supply the unlimited num- the electron must be some unknown higher value, probably
bers of epos called for by the full Dirac equation. The ques- infinite, which the sphere of positrons reduces to the
tion might then be “Why would this ZQF supply negative “dressed” charge that we measure (Pais, 1994). But this sup-
energy epos? One would think that the first ‘category’ to be position ignores one little matter: if the “bare” charge of the
filled would have positive energy.” Here we might recall that electron were infinite, so would be the charges of the
we call positive energy “positive” only because of Ben positron ends of the epos. Whatever “bare” charge one
Franklin’s mistaken choice. It would be much more logical chooses to assign to the electron, it would be completely
to call the electron, the very unit of electricity, positive in neutralized by this sphere of epos. Moreover, if the “bare”
sign, in which case what we call “negative energy” would be charge of the electron were infinite, the “bare” charge of the
positive energy, and would be the first “category.” proton would also have to be infinite.
That there is a negative-energy “sea” balancing the positive We have shown above that electron and positron must set
energy of our reality restores the symmetry between negative up a stable relationship at a distance of τc, 1.87 x 10-15 m.
and positive energy called for by the energy equation and However, this is the measured diameter of the proton, and in
Dirac’s equation. Moreover, there are indications that negative a nucleus the nucleons are packed closer together than this.
energy is primary. This has profound implications. Therefore, there is no way that the two protons in an alpha
For one thing, we can now follow the process miscalled particle, for instance, could be shielded from each other, so
“creation,” and see where the energies come from. If the if the proton had an infinite charge the alpha particle would
negative energy BEC is a completely filled sea of epos, under instantly explode. What is true of the alpha particle is a for-
every mode of the vacuum electromagnetic field would be tiori true of nuclei with even more protons packed closely
either an electron or a positron, one end of an epo—hence together. From this one must conclude that the proton can
16 ISSUE 43, 2002 • Infinite Energy
only have a charge of exactly +e. However, a proton ion, as they are. So this pattern is a direct solution to the equation.)
shown by experiment, must instantly be surrounded by a Note that this result is only possible if the total number of
sphere of unlimited numbers of the electron ends of epos. positive and negative charges in the universe, whether in the
Since its charge must be exactly +e, this charge would be “positive energy” realm or the “negative energy” realm or
completely neutralized, which we know is not the case. So both, is exactly equal. And this means that the numbers in
something is terribly wrong with the “conventional” view. each can only change in pairs—epos.
However, all of these difficulties disappear when regard- Furthermore, however many epos the BEC “sacrifices” to
ed from the new viewpoint of an infinite sea of negative accomplish this neutralization, the number of epos in the BEC
energy epos. An ionic electron must instantly be surround- remains exactly the same. Infinity minus infinity is still infinity.
ed by a sphere of the positron ends of polarized epos, as has According to the Zeroth Quantum Field and the “unex-
been verified by experiment. The positrons must form a purgated” Dirac equation, verified by experiment, this pat-
sphere of diameter τc. But this takes no energy, since in the tern must happen. Moreover, since this complete sphere of
infinite sea there is already a positron and an electron at positrons would neutralize any charge of the “bare” electron,
the exact points necessary to make that sphere of polarized this induction pattern is the only way any charge on the electron
epos, each radial to the ion. The only difference is that could be felt or measured outside this sphere. Charge is carried
these are now positive energy epos, as their vectors point in by proxy by these chains of epos. The strength of the charge
real directions. So far this is the same as the conventional measured anywhere would vary as the inverse square of the
view, except that it does not violate conservation. distance, as the Coulomb gauge requires. (This strength
The story is not over, though, as each positron in the would be measured in “epo chains per unit area,” just as
inner sphere has a potential induced by the ionic electron. Faraday would have us measure “lines of force per unit
area.”) Since this pattern must happen, and since it duplicates
(At that tiny distance, the force between electron and
every aspect of the electromagnetic field, as is easily verified,
positron is enormous.) This would unbalance the epo,
we submit that this is the electromagnetic field, much as
inducing a potential between the positron and its electron,
Faraday or Maxwell would have drawn it, with Faraday’s
which would again force the electron end to polarize anoth-
“lines of force” exactly duplicated by chains of epos.
er epo, and so on indefinitely, forming chains of polarized
The model exactly combines the properties Maxwell
epos. These chains would continue into space until they ter-
expected his mechanical ether to exhibit, embodied in his
minated at a charge of opposite polarity. (See Figures 1 and
equations. This ether must, he argued, be in a condition of
2.) Again, this in a way is the same as the conventional view:
mechanical stress:
the equations call for unlimited numbers of epos. They do
not, however, say where they are, and the conventional view The nature of this stress is, as Faraday pointed out, a
does not carry the process to its logical conclusion, which is tension along the lines of force combined with an
shown in Figures 1 and 2. equal pressure in all directions at right angles to these
The equations call for a negative-energy BEC that fills all lines. . .From the hypothesis that electric action is not
space, but nearly undetectably, since it vibrates in “imagi- a direct action between bodies at a distance, but is
nary” directions. It is full of equal numbers of positive and exerted by means of the medium between the bodies,
negative charges, but they are “charge condensed,” so that we have deduced that this medium must be in a state
each charge only “sees” its paired antiparticle charge, mak- of stress. (Maxwell, 1873)
ing a one-dimensional vibrating object similar to the
“strings” in many of the popular string and superstring the- In this “epo model,” the “tension along the lines of force”
ories. This one dimensional string-epo can vibrate in any is supplied by the attraction between the aligned unlike
“imaginary” direction, but it must average τc in distance charges in the epo chains. The pressure in all directions at
from its antiparticle. right angles to the epo chains is supplied by repulsion
However, a BEC cannot tolerate an unbalanced charge. between the like charges in different chains lined up rough-
Therefore, an unbalanced charge, an ionized electron for ly parallel to each other. This also accounts for the repulsion
instance, must immediately be neutralized. As we have seen between like charges of “real” ions, as seen in Figure 2.
above, the equations call for it to be instantly surrounded by (These features are recognized in plasma physics, where they
the positive ends of an unlimited number of polarized epos. are called “MHD” or “Alfven” waves. No satisfactory expla-
We can now see that this “neutralization of a bare nation has hitherto been given for them. It is, moreover, an
charge” called for by the equations is a requirement of the effect that can not possibly be explained by the photon
BEC, which can’t tolerate an unbalanced charge; however, model.) And as Rosser (1971) showed, the magnetic force
it has unlimited (infinite) numbers of epos that it can can be derived from the Coulomb force for charged particles
throw at it, to neutralize it. in relative motion. A charged particle, negotiating this
Therefore, each “bare” electron is immediately surround- “field,” would follow a curved trajectory exactly in accor-
ed by unlimited numbers of epos. However, once again this dance with Maxwell’s equations.
would not solve the BEC’s problem. Only when every unbal- Note that, in SED, the quantized electromagnetic field is suc-
anced charge is neutralized by chains of epos connecting it to and cessfully modeled as a collection of one-dimensional oscilla-
neutralizing every opposite unbalanced charge is the BEC again tors, each a vector whose direction and force are determined by
stable. So the very stability of the BEC requires chains of epos its place in the “field.” Our “epo model” of a vector field of
in the patterns shown in these two figures. (And of course one-dimensional (massless) oscillators is an exact analog of this
Dirac’s equation calls for unlimited numbers of polarized model, “already quantized.” The same is true of conventional
epos—as is verified by experiment—but it doesn’t state where quantum theory. As Taylor (2001) remarks: