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Chapter 8 Into the

The reverence for the truth demands we say again:
Galileo was incorrect; Newton was incorrect, and
Einstein was incorrect. Clearly, the electron theory is
wrong, and nuclear theory is very, very wrong. We have
proven them invalid.
—Lloyd Zirbes

The methodical research and vision of Viktor

Schauberger bestowed upon us as a legacy, a new and
deeper understanding of nature. It also would be
advantageous if present day physicists could provide us
with an equally clear understanding of exactly what
electricity, magnetism and gravity are and even perhaps,
an unravelling of the mysteries of the paranormal. Sadly,
for the past century mainstream theoretical physicists
from Einstein, Hasenorhl, Kaluza and Klein in the first
two decades of the twentieth century, to the superstring
aficionados of the present era, have been floundering in
a quagmire of increasingly nebulous and improbable
theories concerning these invisible, yet none the less
real, curiosities of the universe.
The reason physicists are unable to arrive at a
meaningful consensus as to what are electricity,
magnetism and gravity is simple: mainstream science
has divorced itself from nature, as exemplified by the
nonsensical statement that the German physicist Max
Planck made to Hitler: "Science has nothing to do with
nature," Until scientists discard the shackles of dogmatic
thought and establish an attunement with nature, they
will fail to realize that the key which unlocks the
mysteries of not only nature, but also serves as a portal

Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 165

between the physical and non-physical realms, is the theory was that atoms had to exhibit elasticity in order to
vortex. explain the behavior of gases.
The vortex, in one form or another, permeates On that fateful evening in Edinburgh, Thomson
throughout nature and the cosmos; we see it in the spiral produced a box which he had constructed for the
geometric arrangement of seeds in the sunflower or pine purpose of generating smoke rings. As the intrigued
cone, and in the configuration of sea shells and spiral audience of his scientific peers watched, Thomson
nebulae. The vortex is easily observed in tornadoes and demonstrated that the toroidal vortex rings of smoke
hurricanes, but what is less well known is that birds and emanating from his apparatus behaved exactly in the
insects accomplish flight by means of vortices generated in manner of atoms: they did not merge if they collided
the air adjacent to their wings. Viktor Schauberger with one another. Instead, they bounced off each other in
an elastic manner. Moreover, their apparent solidity was
utilized the longitudinal vortex in his flood control and
merely an illusion caused by the vortexial motion of the
water purification systems, and successfully employed
smoke particles. The experiment, concluded Thomson,
vortex technology in his flying saucer propulsion illustrated that atoms derived their properties from
devices. Since it is readily apparent from the research of vortexial spin.
Viktor Schauberger alone, that at least a rudimentary
knowledge of vortexial mechanics is essential in order to Thomson's experiment convinced his peers to adopt
unravel the greater mysteries of the universe, isn't it the atomic vortex theory propounded by Thomson. A
ludicrous that for the past century mainstream science major problem remained however: the smoke rings
has ignored the importance of the vortex in the general lacked the permanence of atoms. Thomson was a friend of
scheme of things? the brilliant German scientist Herman von Helmholtz,
(1821-1894) who had been studying vortexial motion in
Until the mid 19th century, the belief that atoms were
fluids.1 Helmholtz had deduced that a vortex spinning in a
composed of minute spheres of solid matter, formed the
frictionless medium would have permanency and not
bedrock of scientific dogma. This false dogma had been disintegrate. In Thomson's day, it had been accepted in
given additional impetus by Sir Isaac Newton, who scientific circles that the universe was pervaded by a
wrote that God had formed matter as hard, impenetrable, frictionless medium called the aether; Thomson
solid particles in perpetual motion. That mistaken belief concluded therefore, that light was a wave manifesting in
structure changed one cold winter evening in 1867, the frictionless aether, while physical matter was simply
when the distinguished British scientist Sir William vortexial motion.
Thomson (later to become Lord Kelvin) addressed the
Royal Society of Edinburgh. Born in Ireland in 1824, Thomson's concept of the vortex atom was
Thomson was a child prodigy who entered university at championed by such great scientists as James Clerk
the tender age of eleven and later pioneered the laying of Maxwell (1831-1879) and Sir J.J. Thomson (1856-1940)
the first successful trans-Atlantic cable. A scientific who was the discoverer of the electron. Both the
maverick, Thomson was troubled that the scientists of Thomsons became honored for their outstanding
his era could not explain the permanence of the atom; all contributions to science by being made members of the
he found acceptable concerning contemporary atomic

Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World

prestigious Order of Merit and both were buried in the frequency. Professor Erenhaft's experiment
Westminster Abbey. demonstrated that the time taken for light to travel a
The atomic vortex theory held sway until the given distance along an axial path would vary according
to the radius of the longitudinal vortex and its angular
dawning of the twentieth century, when Einstein and
velocity, thus demonstrating that the speed of light is a
Hasenohrl both independently of each other introduced the
famous equation energy equals mass times the velocity
of light squared (E=mc2). Shortly thereafter, the world of Another problem with the Einstein equation is
rational scientific thought imploded inwardly upon itself, exactly what did he mean by the term "mass"? Einstein
and Albert Einstein became the demi god of mainstream used the erg as a value for energy in his celebrated
physics, which promptly and foolishly abandoned the equation. One erg is a unit of energy equal to the work
atomic vortex theory of energy and motion. done by a force of one dyne over a distance of one
The best that can be said about Einstein's equation is that centimeter. Ten million ergs are equivalent to one joule,
it illustrates that mass can be converted into energy, which is the equivalent to the flow of 6.28 x 1018
provided that the mass has been imbued with energy electrons, which possess a total weight of 5.708 x 10-12
from the cosmos. Unfortunately, a nuclear explosion kilograms. Here we are on the slippery slope known as
only releases a fraction of the energy predicted by the mainstream science, for where there is weight there is
Einstemian equation, implying that Einstein's Special mass. A fundamental flaw in Einstein's equation is that
Theory of Relativity is seriously flawed. Another one gram of mass on the surface of planet Earth at the
problem is that although Einstein's theory assumes that equator, weighs one gram, but in deep space that same
the velocity of light is a constant, the U.S. Office of mass has a weight value of zero, while on the lunar
Naval Research has experimentally determined that the surface it would weigh something different again.
speed of light varies. Felix Ehrenhaft, while a physics According to Einstein's equation, since mass has an
professor at the University of Vienna in 1949, conducted an equivalent weight of zero in deep space, nuclear
experiment in which very minute particles of matter were
technology could not function in space, yet in 1958,
three hydrogen bombs were exploded in space, beneath
sealed inside glass tubes, some of which contained a high
the lower area of the Van Allen belts, as part of the
vacuum, while others were pressurized. When the tubes
irresponsible Project Argus experiment, thus again
were subjected to concentrated light of various
illustrating a problem with Einstein's equation which has
frequencies, the minute particles were propelled in a
conveniently been swept under the academic rug.
spiralling manner under the influence of the light, a
phenomenon known as photophoresis. With the advent of Einstein's famous equation, and
the dismissal of the vortex atomic theory, mainstream
The experiment demonstrated that light does not physicists were faced with the dilemma of explaining
travel in the manner of a normal transverse wave, but exactly what matter is and how it can be totally
rather as longitudinal vortexial waves, the radius of the transformed into energy. We are still waiting for their
spiral path taken by the light wave varying according to answer. Even if mainstream physicists knew the answer,
168 Blueprint for a Better World it is information that the Illuminati hierarchy and its
military/industrial complex intends to withhold from the
Blueprint for a Better World 169
public, for it is information which would facilitate the originate then ultimately terminate. In accordance with
development of efficient free energy systems throughout the the law of conservation of energy, energy does not
public domain, thereby negating the geopolitical terminate—it merely changes its form under certain
influence of the energy cartel. It is a tragedy for conditions. Since energy is infinite in nature it also must
humankind that E=mc2 has become the root from which an possess infinite potential, which enables it to generate
insidious plant known as mainstream science has grown, harmonics of itself, in the process modulating or
and is being jealously protected by the Illuminati and its demodulating into various spectrums (dimensions) and
corrupt military/industrial complex. Until this toxic becoming more, or at other times, less complex.
plant withers and dies there will never be a paradise Everything in the universe consists solely of energy and
on planet Earth. motion, even thought.
If we are to acquire a meaningful understanding of It is commonly taught in science classes that Galileo
nature and the cosmos, it behooves us to take a closer studied the acceleration of free falling bodies. In
look at the structure of the atom and its relationship to actuality, he did no such thing, confining his
the vortex. The fundamental problem with the atomic experiments to merely rolling balls down inclined
vortex theory of Lord Kelvin and his 19th century planes. Horrified to discover that Galileo didn't conduct
colleagues was that they believed that atoms were any actual tests involving falling bodies, American
vortices in a universal sea of aether, not realizing that a scientist Lloyd Zirbes and his team conducted a series of
sub atomic particle composed of nothing except a vortex of tightly controlled experiments, in which hollow spheres
energy would require no aetheric sea to exist in. of equal weight and diameter but composed of different
Einstein complicated things by suggesting that matter is materials, including iron, aluminum, brass and carbon,
frozen energy, which is erroneous, since the energy were dropped simultaneously down a two thousand foot
comprising matter expresses itself in the form of mine shaft in Minnesota. High speed cameras located at
dynamic vortical flow. This vortical form is well the base of the shaft recorded the moment of impact of
evidenced in images of the vortical flow of sub atomic the spheres. Very surprisingly, the carbon sphere reached
matter obtained by means of bubble chambers, where the the bottom of the shaft first, followed by the aluminum,
vortical flow of such so-called "particles" conforms to then brass, and finally the iron sphere, which arrived
the golden mean ratio 1:1.618. Note that this form of some six feet after the carbon sphere had impacted. The
spiral repeats its proportions infinitely, no matter how test, repeated many times, demonstrated that different
large the spiral becomes, which is why the arms of some elements accelerate at different rates, when falling
spiral galaxies are also in accordance with the same through the same gravitational field.
mathematical ratio. In another experiment, two iron spheres of equal size
In addition to Viktor Schauberger, several other and weight, were placed six feet apart at the top of the
maverick and visionary scientists, e.g. Derek Bond and shaft, then simultaneously dropped. Both reached the
T.J. See, have extended our knowledge of vortexial impact plane simultaneously, but had diverged to a
physics.2 In considering the role of the vortex in the distance of fifty feet apart. We can conclude from this
physical universe, it is evident that a vortex consisting of test that identical falling bodies repel each other if
energy is either finite or infinite. If it is finite, it would spaced apart at the commencement of the drop.
170 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 171
Interestingly, prior to the test, a line was painted around surrounding a body in motion repels a like field which
the equator of each sphere. The camera revealed that surrounds a second body in motion. The field is not
during the descent both spheres rotated in the same polarized until it contacts the field surrounding a second
direction, the axis of rotation being aligned with the body in motion, at which point the fields unite to
geomagnetic poles of the Earth. produce polarized energy as exemplified by the
also conducted a controlled drop test in which, prior oscilloscope's momentary sine wave images.
to the drop, twenty identical iron spheres were placed in The experiment was repeated with various rotational
a pyramidal configuration contacting one another. speeds and varying gaps between the two passing balls.
During the fall the spheres remained in contact with each It was found that the audible intensity of the thumping
other, but rearranged themselves into a sphere. noise increased as the square of the rotational velocity,
After concluding his falling bodies experiments, and decreased as the square of the distance between the
Lloyd Zirbes conducted a most interesting experiment in two passing balls.
which an iron ball was attached to each end of a beam Zirbes found that all the experiments described above
twelve feet in length. The beam was mounted on a were reproducible. This suggests that Galileo's
pedestal and rotated horizontally by means of an electric suppositions concerning falling bodies—the cornerstone
motor. An antenna connected to an amplifier and of physics, are seriously flawed. Sir Isaac Newton based
oscilloscope was placed adjacent to the circle of rotation, his work on that of Galileo, just as Einstein and his
in order to detect any energy field generated by the successors have based their theories on the efforts of
rotating balls. As the rotating balls passed close to the Newton. We are accordingly faced with the inescapable
antenna the oscilloscope displayed a donut shaped conclusion that since Galileo's suppositions are badly
image, indicating that a body in motion produces a field flawed in light of Lloyd Zirbes meticulous experiments,
or force of a type which has not been identified by it implies that the various technologies upon which
mainstream science. humankind has become dependent are also based upon
The intrepid Zirbes then positioned two of the very questionable theory.
rotating devices such that the iron balls passed each Lloyd Zirbes' momentous discoveries clearly
other traveling in opposite directions. The gap between demonstrate that the force which unifies all things is
adjacent balls was only a quarter of an inch. The same motion. Zirbes devoted the last twenty five years of his
antenna and detection equipment was used to monitor life to analyzing and applying the results of his
the experiment. As the two adjacent balls passed each experiments. Realizing that Newton's gravitational
other a tremendous thump was heard, which shook the studies were badly flawed, Zirbes, with woefully
test stands (the pedestals were mounted in concrete). inadequate funds, scoured junkyards to find components
When the opposing balls approached each other, the suitable for him to construct equipment which enabled
oscilloscope showed a series of donut shaped images, him to investigate gravity. Eventually, Zirbes was able to
which changed to a sine wave at the moment that the develop an electromagnetic device which actually
balls were closest to each other. The ingenious produced gravity. Even though the hand fabricated
experiment revealed that the field and/or force equipment was crude, it caused everything in his
!72 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 173
workshop that wasn't bolted down to degravitate and fly planet Earth. All bodies of matter are attracted toward
around and Zirbes was seriously injured by flying debris. the center of the gravitational field through which they
While he was hospitalized, his workshop was destroyed move, but possessing their own weaker gravitational
by an arson fire. On several occasions Zirbes had invited fields, which offer a repulsive force to that of the more
numerous physics professors to observe his experiments, powerful gravitational field, adopt a stable orbital path
yet none of these contemptible and closed minded around the source of the stronger gravitational field.
persons accepted his invitations. Despite his momentous Zirbes' experiments demonstrated that as a body falls it
discoveries, Lloyd Zirbes died without his work ever expels a force of extracted energy along the leading edge
being published. of the fall, which causes the body to rotate in the
One balmy evening about six years ago, the author direction of the extraction. This extracted energy is
attended a party held at a mansion in Santa Barbara, expelled from the equatorial region of the body (the
California. The author was sitting in the garden with Bloch wall), then flows over the surface of the body to
friends when a stranger approached him from out of the re-enter the body at the poles. According to Zirbes, the
darkness. The stranger apologized for crashing the party extracted energy is gravity. The centrifical force exerted
and said that he felt compelled to give something to on the rotating body also causes an ejection of mass
someone and intuitively felt that the person was the from the body. Zirbes claimed that mass in motion was
magnetism and that protons and electrons were clusters
author. He handed the author a package and left. Upon
of sub atomic particles in motion. He stated that an
opening the package, the author discovered that its
electron was composed of eighty one such bodies while
contents were research papers written by Lloyd Zirbes!
protons and neutrons each possessed twenty two
In keeping with the work of such scientific giants as thousand individual bodies, identical in composition to
Nikola Tesla and Viktor Schauberger, the research of those comprising electrons. These bodies would
Lloyd Zirbes will have a profound effect upon correspond to the gluons of quantum mechanics and
technologies brought forth by future generations of explains why a proton or ion has a much greater mass
scientists, if they become acquainted with Lloyd Zirbes' charge than an electron.
experiments, for practical applications of his research The brilliant 19th century mathematician Georg
would enable us to create communication systems (audio Riemann achieved fame in the academic world by
and video) based upon the broadcasting of gravity creating a metric tensor which allowed any point on a
instead of electrons, anti gravitic systems for space curved surface composed of four dimensions, to be
travel, free energy systems and the ability to rearrange defined by a collection of ten numbers. Reimann
the atomic structure of matter by means of injected postulated that the warping of space created the apparent
gravity. appearance of forces which are purely imaginary. He
All bodies, regardless of whether they are a planet or was unable however, to explain how gravity, electricity
a sub atomic particle, are in motion and are influenced or magnetism were able to accomplish the warping of
by gravitational fields. In the case of the Milky Way space.
galaxy, the primary gravitational field is that of the Einstein applied Reimann's metric tensor to his own
universe, whereas the sun's gravitational field influences concept of warped space and hypothesized that the
174 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 175
degree to which the space surrounding a body is curved body. If Einstein's conception of curved, or warped
is dependent upon the mass and energy inherent in that space was incorrect, it has serious repercussions for the
body. He was aware that the sun warped the path of light validity of the various string theories currently in vogue
emitted from distant stars, thus creating an illusion of such as the herotic string theory, which proposes a
their true location, when viewed from Earth. He closed string possessing clockwise vibrations operating
theorized that the distortion of the light path was caused in ten dimensional space and counterclockwise
by the curvature of space in the vicinity of the sun. His vibrations which manifest in a twenty sixth dimensional
hypothesis concerning the warping of space is generally space. If Einstein's theory of gravity is omitted from the
accepted as correct by present day theoretical physicists various string theories, they become mathematically
and mathematicians presumably because experiments, inconsistent and ineffective.
conducted during solar eclipses, have revealed that the
light emitted from distant stars is indeed distorted in the Proponents of the atomic vortex theory depict
vicinity of the sun. physical matter as being composed of funnel shaped
vortices of energy. Lloyd Zirbes, on the other hand,
There is an alternate explanation for this occurrence
claimed that atoms were composed of spherical
however. The experiments of Lloyd Zirbes and his
corpuscles of energy. Although both of these
scientific team demonstrated that a rotating body expels conceptions of the atom appear to be at variance with
extracted energy that forms a field which we call gravity, one another, the author feels that this really is not the
the strength of which is determined by the permeability case. Some balls of string sold commercially, are wound
of its mass and angular velocity of the body. The author in the form of a sphere with a hole running all the way
suggests that it is the gravitational field of the sun that through it. A ball of string wound in this spherical
distorts the path of starlight, not the presence of curved manner enables the user to unwind the string by reaching
space. In other words, curved space may only exist in the into the hole running through the axis of the ball, and
fertile imagination of mathematicians and theoretical pulling out the end of the string that initiated the winding
physicists, not in the physical universe. of the ball. If, before the ball of string was removed from
Einstein's perception of a gravitational field the machine that wound it, the beginning end of the
postulates that planets orbit the sun because the sun has string was unwound at the same rate that new string was
warped space in the vicinity of the sun. If we were to being wound onto the ball, the ball of string would
place a bowling ball in the middle of a very taut rubber always remain the same diameter until motion ceased.
membrane, the heavy bowling ball would make a Now let us consider a sub atomic "particle" or
depression in the rubber membrane. If we then rolled a corpuscle composed of a string of pure energy and
marble towards the bowling ball, the depression in the wound in the same configuration as the ball of string. As
rubber membrane would cause the marble to orbit previously stated in this chapter, the United States Office
around the bowling ball. The falling body experiments of Naval Research (ONR) has demonstrated
of Lloyd Zirbes suggest that planets in the solar system experimentally that the velocity of light is not finite.
orbit the sun, not because of the influence of warped Another experiment conducted at an ONR laboratory by
space, but because the gravitational field generated by a the late Dr. Freeman Cope clearly demonstrated that
rotating body repels the gravitational field of an adjacent tachyons in the form of electromagnetic dipoles, also
176 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 177
travel at speeds exceeding that of the stated velocity of causes the motor's rotor to rotate. According to the
light. The author hypothesizes that our string of pure author's postulate, the electrical and magnetic
energy originates in a realm of existence or dimension components would not appear together in the space time
which transcends the space-time continuum of our continuum of our physical universe, but would alternate
physical universe, and oscillates at an incredibly high at a very fast rate, the magnetic component being ninety
frequency. When this energy string slows to a velocity degrees out of phase with the electrical component,
equal to or slightly less than the normally accepted speed which is why the magnetic field manifests at right angles
of light, it forms, together with other energy strings of to a conductor through which electricity flows.
similar frequency, vortical wave packets of energy we Presumably, the information and energy comprising the
erroneously perceive as a sub atomic particle. Depending electrical component and the information and energy
upon their frequency these vorticle energy packets would which comprises the magnetic component cannot co-
not be at variance with the warmth, chemical, light and exist in the same space and time.
life ethers propounded by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, founder of
the Anthroposophy movement. As the string initially enters the space/time
continuum of the physical universe it is in a "time
When we wind a ball of string by hand, our hands are forward" mode. As the string exits the sub atomic ball
describing a vortical motion, and the same applies to our however, it will experience a backwards flow of time as
energy string as it slows and demodulates to form a sub it returns to its higher realm from whence it originated.
atomic "particle" ball. Sub atomic energy balls The "time forward" and "time reversing" portions of the
possessing different frequencies will impart different same energy string comprise a longitudinally polarized
characteristics to atoms, thus creating the various phase conjugate system and does not conflict with the
elements found in the physical universe. The energy views expressed by E.T. Whittaker in 1903 concerning
string entering the ball will have a different spin scalar potential. It was stated previously in this chapter
direction to the energy spin of the string exiting the ball that in 1949, Professor Felix Ehrenhaft conducted a
on its way back to its source in a higher dimension. No photophoresis experiment which suggested that light
energy is consumed, it only changes its form as it travels in a longitudinal spiral path. The author suggests
transitions from the non-physical to the physical realm, that the energy string which forms the sub atomic ball
thus invalidating the Law of Entropy which is also travels in a similar longitudinal spiral manner. The
invalidated by proven free energy devices. The author distance travelled per spiral revolution will increase
hypothesizes that the spin of the energy string in one dramatically as the string begins to wind itself into what
direction manifests as electrical flow, while the spin in we perceive as a virtual "solid" sub atomic particle. If
the opposite direction creates magnetism—gravity the angular velocity of the energy string remains
resulting from electromagnetic imbalance or constant, the time taken for the energy string to axially
compression of the electromagnetic force, as spin energy travel one spiral revolution (one wavelength) will
ejected from the equator (Bloch wall) of the "particle" increase accordingly, then decrease again after passing
re-enters the "particle" at the polar axis of rotation. We the equator of the ball. This explains why the axial
see the latter phenomenon evidenced in electric motors velocity of the energy string decreases as it creates the
where magneto-gravitational displacement of mass

178 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 179
wave form of the sub atomic ball after entering the
In order for an atom to remain stable, all the various
physical universe. vortical wave forms which comprise the various sub
In all probability, the strings are not taut as are the atomic virtual particles of the atom must possess various
strings of a musical instrument, but rather occur as frequencies which are harmonically resonant with one
extremely small discrete packets of pulse modulated another, otherwise the atom would disintegrate. Each
pure energy and information heterodyned together, with vortical string contains astronomical levels of energy.
the energy and information contained therein transmitted When such a string is deliberately broken either by
to the next discrete packet by means of resonance. The nuclear fission or by nuclear fusion, this tremendous
extremely sophisticated experiments of physicist Dr. energy is released in an incoherent manner and is totally
George Merkl revealed that light consists of incredibly incompatible with the ordered functioning of planet
small crystals. It follows that the packets of energy and Earth. Being very tightly condensed, this released
information comprising the strings of the author's energy, which originated in a higher realm of existence,
postulate, may also be of a crystalline nature. Such takes an extremely long time to dissipate in the form of
crystals would be oscillating at frequencies far greater nuclear radiation, which is why so-called radioactive
than that of visible light and accordingly would be particles (actually wave packets of energy) possess such
undetectable by means of conventional laboratory long half lives.
equipment. The author surmises that such crystals would The energy fields generated by the energy strings can
possess an octahedral geometry, since the octahedral impart energy to one another provided that their
crystal has perfect internal symmetry. Crystals also frequencies are resonant and their polarities are in phase,
possess the capability of storing and regulating in which case new harmonic wave structures are formed.
information, as has been found to occur in nickel Conversely, if the frequencies are resonant with one
cadmium batteries which possess a re-charging memory, another but the polarities are dissimilar, the energy fields
i.e. the batteries can only be charged to the level of the will repel one another.
previous charge.
Mainstream science hypothesizes that the energy
The experiments of Lloyd Zirbes revealed that the generated by stars, including our sun, is due to a nuclear
rate of acceleration of a falling body was dependent proton-proton fusion reaction. Inconsistencies observed
upon its molecular structure and that a rotating body in solar phenomena render this hypothesis untenable, for
developed an energy field around itself, the field strength liquid gallium detectors reveal that solar emissions of
being dependent upon the permeability of the material to neutrinos are far less than would be the case if the sun
the energy flowing from the center of the mass. This was a gigantic fusion reactor. In addition, such a fusion
means that gravity is not dependent upon a volume of reaction would be too chaotic to account for the regular
mass, but rather on the permeability of the mass to the sunspot cycle; moreover, mainstream science has yet to
energy flowing through it. When atoms are in coherent explain satisfactorily how such a fusion reaction could
alignment, as in a magnet, their field strength is be adequately contained.
intensified and accordingly attract physical matter whose
atoms are composed of wave forms of similar frequency The falling bodies research of the late Lloyd Zirbes
but also of lower energetic levels, e.g. iron. provides us with a possible insight as to solar energy

180 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 181
production. The late Dr. George Merkl, a brilliant
physicist and also an accomplished Sumerian scholar, The reader is probably cognizant of the toy
proposed that solar energy was generated by mechanical consisting of a row of steel balls, each individually
means, not as the result of fusion reactions. This suspended from a frame by two strings. When the ball at
becomes quite a plausible theory if we imagine our sun one end of the row strikes the next ball in line, kinetic
to possess a gigantic rotating core consisting of a energy is transmitted through each ball in turn without
multiplicity of rotating spheres. Due to their rotation and them moving. Only the impacted ball at the far end of
dissimilar polarities, each sphere would possess an the row moves. This is analogous to the manner in which
energy field which would repel adjacent rotating water molecules in the ocean transmit wave energy, each
spheres. The gigantic rotating core would possess a individual water molecule remaining virtually
composite gravitational field which would be the motionless as it assists in creating wave motion. Thus
primary gravitational field of the entire solar system. the wave form travels, but not the individual water
Surrounding this core would be thousands of smaller molecules. Nineteenth century scientists accordingly
rotating bodies which would orbit the central core at thought that individual energy vortices had to exist in a
varying orbital velocities, depending upon their radial universal sea of a frictionless "something," which they
distance from the core. termed the aether.

It was previously mentioned in this chapter that an In our model of the vortex atom, the individual
audible "thump" was heard when two rotating iron balls energy strings return to their source, so the concept of an
passed close to each other during one of the Zirbes aetheric sea becomes redundant, since the energy
experiments. The audible sound was the result of the contained in the strings emanates in a dimension beyond
the confines of our physical space/time continuum.
shearing of the energy fields which surrounded each of
According to atomic vortex proponent Derek Bond, time
the rotating iron balls. During the test, the oscilloscope
expresses as a cyclic, vortical motion and is linked to all
revealed that the interaction of the two energy fields
energy in the infinite multiverse. This accords well with
resulted in the momentary image on the screen of a sine
the vortex theory presented in this chapter. We would
wave, indicative of the release of polarized energy. In a
speculate that time is linked to many different
similar manner, the violent interaction of the energy frequencies, and when it oscillates at frequencies greater
fields surrounding the individual bodies comprising the than that of light, past, present and future may occur
sun would result in the release of tremendous polarized simultaneously.
energy. What has indeed been monitored on earth is the
emanation from the sun of continual emissions of energy From an esoteric standpoint, we have to question
in the form of dipoles. When the solar dipoles encounter how a supposedly inanimate object such as a crystal
the earth's geomagnetic field, many are sheared, knows how to grow in a specific geometric
resulting in separate north and south monopoles. The configuration. In a previous chapter we saw how Rupert
north monopole energy plays a role in the photosynthesis Sheldrake proposed that a resonant informational field
of plants, while the south monopoles stimulate root controlled the manner by which morphogenesis—the
growth. The dipoles are also sheared by coronal determining factor in the growth and shape of
discharges. organisms, occurred. He suggested that a morphic field
was a non material region of influence extending in
182 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 183
space and continuing in time. Information also was
the brain of each person produces a chemical called
presented concerning the method by which George
phenylethylamine. If the brain ceases the production of
Lawrence detected the reception by plant growth of
the chemical, love ceases. This particular chemical tends
intelligent information emanating from some unknown to inhibit rational thinking to some degree, hence the
source in the cosmos. The author accordingly suggests expression "love is blind."
that all matter in the physical universe is imparted with
information via the aforementioned energy strings, and If the fundamental tenets of the author's atomic
that this information emanates from a Supreme vortex theory are valid, then we may expect that vortex
Intelligence. It is also proposed that the energy strings atoms oscillating at frequencies higher than that of
resonantly link everything that exists in the physical visible matter, could comprise the various mental and
universe. Because the strings are intelligently controlled emotional energy bodies which clairvoyants claim to
from a higher vibratory dimension, order exists observe surrounding humans. Since the vortex atoms
throughout the universe except when for instance, would possess their own reality, such energy bodies
destructive energies emanating from nuclear reactions surrounding humans would also have a reality of their
are released. own, but would be in resonant communication with our
physical bodies by means of those rotating energy
What we can conclude from the atomic vortex vortices known as chakras, which connect with the
hypothesis postulated in this chapter is that everything in physical endocrine glands. The endocrine glands are
the universe, including thought, is energy, which in turn probably receptors which translate the incoming ultra-
owes its existence to motion. Energy is infinite and, high frequencies emanating from beyond the space/time
although it has the capability of changing its form, it continuum into biological signals appropriate for the
never terminates. Since it is perpetual it invalidates the human nervous system. Some medical practitioners
Big Bang theory because there could never be any refute the established belief inherent in conventional
primordial matter if energy is infinite (in all probability, medicine that germs and viruses cause illness, claiming
the universe expands and contracts in a cyclic manner). instead that such so-called pathogens are merely
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle claims that the scavengers of dead toxic cells. They could well be
propagation and direction of a particle of matter cannot correct, for electromagnetic pollution from electrical
be determined. If, as the author postulates, sub atomic powerlines and microwave sources, together with
vortices are linked to a higher intelligence which directs ingested chemical toxins, may inhibit the resonant
their activity, the Heisenberg Principle is invalid. The informational exchange between the physical human
vortex theory also suggests that magnetism, electricity, body and our various non-physical energy bodies. The
gravity, mass and inertia all emanate from a single atomic vortex theory would also explain why polarity
unifying energy source, thus facilitating operational healing and radionics therapies can alleviate illness.
coherence throughout the universe. The author
The atomic vortex theory would also suggest that
postulates that energy also manifests in the form of love.
realms of existence also occur at other planes of reality.
So what exactly is love? Strangely enough, love is not
Some, composed of vortex atoms oscillating at
merely an abstract expression, for when the bioenergy
frequencies lower than those of our own physical
fields of two people are in resonance with one another,
universe, presumably would possess a space/time
184 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 185
continuum different than that of our physical universe.
Realms of existence oscillating at much greater In that case, is it possible to experimentally prove the
frequencies than that of our physical universe most validity of the basic atomic vortex theory? The answer is
likely could be planes where past, present and future undoubtedly yes. The late scientist T.J. See postulated
occur simultaneously. Such Nirvana-like planes of non that an anti-gravitic force would be created if electrons
physical existence may well be the realms where the soul were forced into very close proximity with one another.
resides after clinical death occurs, unless one happens to This occurs in the flying saucer propulsion system
be a politician or one of the more rapacious members of developed by Viktor Schauberger, in which extremely
the legal profession. powerful longitudinal vortices force adjacent electrons
together, resulting in the generation of an anti-gravitic
While still a baby, the author underwent a clinical vector. The American scientist Dr. Patrick Flanagan has
near death experience. Since that time, he has had the devoted years unravelling the secrets closely held by the
ability to astrally project to various non-physical realms water molecule. He has discovered experimentally that
of existence. He has observed while on his astral travels, there is an electrical potential amounting to thousands of
that there are also what may be considered non-physical volts of electricity between a rapidly rotating water
inter planes. It is in one of these in-between planes that vortex and the air at the axis of the vortex.
the reptilian overlords of the Illuminati are entrapped.
According to Illuminati historians, these reptilians were One of the more awesome examples of the
banished from their own homeland on account of their longitudinal vortex to be found in nature is the tornado.
evil ways, and were the beings referred to in the Book of Some curious phenomena have been associated with
Genesis (not all creatures of the reptilian genre are evil). tornadoes: people who had the misfortune to be trapped
The Illuminati reptilians are unable to return to their in their homes which were in the path of moderate
homeland, because they have lost the key data necessary tornadoes observed that their furniture degravitated and
for them to reach that realm of existence (a few humans floated around. High velocity bullets striking a window
are aware of that key). Perhaps it is well to caution will often pass through it, leaving a round hole in their
esoteric neophytes at this juncture that astral travel is wake. Bullets are not found embedded in the typical
fraught with danger and should not be embarked upon glass window pane, yet there have been instances where
imprudently. straw has been found embedded in window panes after
the passage of a tornado. It could be that a tornado warps
The various string theories have resulted in the the fabric of time. If this is the case, then the straw and a
development of new and very powerful forms of portion of the glass window pane were momentarily
mathematics such as homology and topology, but do the occupying the same space at the same time. After the
various string theories bear any relationship to the true tornado passed and time returned to normality, the
functioning of the multiverse? Unfortunately, the information causing the physical manifestation of the
horrendous amount of energy which would have to be glass returned from whence it originated, causing that
generated in order to experimentally prove the validity portion of glass displaced by the embedded straw to
of string theory, is beyond the present scope of scientific dematerialize, since no two physical objects can occupy
endeavor. the same space at the same time. The experiments of
Viktor Schauberger and Professor Forscheimer clearly
186 Blueprint for a Better World
Blueprint for a Better World 187
demonstrated that water is cooled in the vicinity of a
light is then impinged upon by the light from a second
longitudinal vortex. laser in order to create an interference pattern which is
It is clear from these cited examples that the vortex then captured on film. Although the developed film
manifests throughout nature. But why? The answer is displays no tangible image of the object which has been
that a great expenditure of energy is required in the photographed, a three dimensional image will appear in
generation of expansive forces such as centrifugal force, space when a laser beam is projected through the
for instance. Such expansive forces result in the holographic film. Even if the developed film is cut into
consumption of energy in the form of heat, friction or small pieces, each piece will contain all the visual
sound. A longitudinal vortex in the form of a hyperbolic information that had been encoded in the complete film.
parabola, on the other hand, generates a centripetal as A very important experiment conducted at the
well as a centrifugal force. Since the radius of such a University of Paris in 1982, by a research team under the
vortex is continually decreasing as the length of the direction of physicist Alain Aspect, found that sub
vortex extends, increasingly less energy is required to atomic particles are able to instantaneously communicate
maintain its angular momentum (nature does not expend with each other, regardless of the distance separating
energy unnecessarily). To give credit where credit is them. This discovery invalidates Einstein's supposition
due, Albert Einstein stated that: "Nature is the that nothing can exceed the speed of light.
embodiment of the simplest conceivable mathematics." According to physicist David Bohm, Aspect's
He was perfectly correct, for nature expresses itself experiment implies that objective reality does not exist
through the use of the mathematically simple spiral, both and that the component parts of each atom are connected
in the form of hyperbolic vortices and also spirals to higher levels of reality than we are aware of. Since the
incorporating the Fibonacci mathematical series; nature physical universe is composed of atoms, and each atom
does not appear to require the advanced, albeit elegant, is connected to other levels of reality, the implication is
mathematics necessary for the evolution of the various that the universe is a holographic projection. If, as the
string theories, or the curved space of Reimann, Einstein author suggests, all information in the multiverse
etal. emanates from a single source, then it follows that the
The atomic vortex model presented in this chapter projectionist creating the holographic image is what we
suggests that everything occurring on every level of mere mortals term God or Allah.4
existence is interconnected by a matrix of energy and If objective reality doesn't exist and the physical
information, thus forming in totality a multiverse universe is merely an illusion—a philosophy espoused
consisting of nothing but motion. Without motion, mass, by some eastern religions, then we mortals should have
electricity and magnetism would not exist, leaving us the ability to collectively effect a paradigm shift by
with the startling conclusion that we live in a creating a new realm of existence for ourselves in
holographic multiverse where objective reality doesn't another dimension, hopefully in a holographic world
exist (a multiverse being interpenetrating universes). filled with love and respect for all creatures, not hatred.
A hologram is made by subjecting a three The world of science has evolved from the
dimensional object to a beam of laser light. The reflected experiments and research of those who preceded us.
188 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World
Unfortunately, the passage of quantum physics and
superstrings is leaving a great deal of flotsam in its Chapter 9 De-Energizing the Energy
wake. The two decades that the author has spent in
researching free energy systems compels him to believe Cartel
that the atomic vortex postulate presented in this chapter
has fundamental validity. However, it should not be "Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be
accepted as dogma. Hopefully, a person younger and driven by power obtainable at any point in the
brighter than the author will be able to expand the universe. " —
theory, correcting any flaws in the process, after the Nikola Tesla
experiments of Lloyd Zirbes and George Merkl—both
brilliant scientists who are now deceased, have been To be meaningful, our proposed blueprint for a better
reproduced and verified. A major highlight of the atomic world has to include means for the provision of an
vortex theory is that it shows us that because we are inexpensive, clean and abundant energy source. Solar
connected to everything in the cosmos, thus making us energy systems are too expensive to effectively
multi dimensional entities, we must individually strive to implement. Moreover, the solar panels or arrays of
be responsible for our actions. Another major aspect of photovoltaic cells necessary for the harnessing of the
the atomic vortex theory is that it illustrates that there is sun's energy are, like windmills, not only unsightly, but
an afterlife. Therefore we should not fear death, for also are susceptible to weather variations. Hydro electric
unless we conquer fear, we cannot learn to project love power clearly is not the answer, due to enormously high
toward others effectively. capital costs and unacceptable ecological damage.
Obviously, our blueprint must encompass an energy
system not dependent upon highly polluting and
expensive fossil fuels, nor expose the citizens of planet
Earth to the hazards of nuclear power.
Such an ideal energy source is not confined to the
realms of science fiction, but in actuality, has covertly
been identified and harnessed by various inventors for
more than a century. Amazingly, the physical universe is
filled with this particular energy which can be tapped
and used to fulfill all the different energy needs currently
provided by fossil fuels. Therein lies a fundamental
problem, for the Illuminati derives its global political
clout by virtue of its monopolistic control of religion,
fossil fuels and precious metals. In consequence,
Illuminati controlled agencies such as Patent Offices, the
FBI and even judicial branches of governments
throughout the western world, zealously inhibit the

190 Blueprint for a Better World Blueprint for a Better World 191

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