G52MAL: Lecture 18: Recursive-Descent Parsing: Elimination of Left Recursion

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G52MAL: Lecture 18

Recursive-Descent Parsing: Elimination of Left Recursion

Henrik Nilsson University of Nottingham, UK

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 1/17

This Lecture

The problem of recursive-descent parsing and left recursive grammars. Elimination of left recursion.

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 2/17

Left Recursion
Consider: A Aa |

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 3/17

Left Recursion
Consider: A Aa | Parsing function: parseA ts = case parseA ts of Just (a : ts) -> Just ts _ -> Just ts

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 3/17

Left Recursion
Consider: A Aa | Parsing function: parseA ts = case parseA ts of Just (a : ts) -> Just ts _ -> Just ts Any problem?

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 3/17

Left Recursion
Consider: A Aa | Parsing function: parseA ts = case parseA ts of Just (a : ts) -> Just ts _ -> Just ts Any problem? Would loop! Recursive-descent parsers cannot deal with left-recursive grammars.

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Elimination of Left Recursion (1)

A grammar is left-recursive if there is some + non-terminal A such that A A.

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 4/17

Elimination of Left Recursion (1)

A grammar is left-recursive if there is some + non-terminal A such that A A. Certain parsing methods cannot handle left-recursive grammars.

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Elimination of Left Recursion (1)

A grammar is left-recursive if there is some + non-terminal A such that A A. Certain parsing methods cannot handle left-recursive grammars. If we want to use such a parsing method for parsing a language L = L(G) given by a left-recursive grammar G, then the grammar rst has to be transformed into an equivalent grammar G that is not left-recursive.

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Recap: Equivalence of Grammars

Two grammars G1 and G2 are equivalent iff L(G1 ) = L(G2 ). Example: G1 : S | A A a | aA L(G1 ) = {a} = L(G2 ) (The equivalence of CFGs is in general undecidable.)
G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 5/17

G2 :

S A A | Aa

Elimination of Left Recursion (2)

We will rst consider immediate left recursion; i.e., productions of the form A A where cannot derive .

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 6/17

Elimination of Left Recursion (2)

We will rst consider immediate left recursion; i.e., productions of the form A A where cannot derive . Key idea: A | A and A () are equivalent.

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Elimination of Left Recursion (2)

We will rst consider immediate left recursion; i.e., productions of the form A A where cannot derive . Key idea: A | A and A () are equivalent. The latter can be expressed as: A A A A |
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The following grammar G1 is immediately left-recursive: A b | Aa Draw the derivation tree for baa using G1 .

The following is a non-left-recursive grammar G1 equivalent to G1 : A bA A aA | Draw the derivation tree for baa using G1 .
G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 7/17

Elimination of Left Recursion (3)

For each nonterminal A dened by some leftrecursive production, group the productions for A A A1 | A2 | . . . | Am | 1 | 2 | . . . | n such that no i begins with an A.

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 8/17

Elimination of Left Recursion (3)

For each nonterminal A dened by some leftrecursive production, group the productions for A A A1 | A2 | . . . | Am | 1 | 2 | . . . | n such that no i begins with an A. Then replace the A productions by A 1 A | 2 A | . . . | n A A 1 A | 2 A | . . . | m A | Assumption: no i derives .
G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 8/17

Elimination of Left Recursion (4)

Consider the (immediately) left-recursive grammar: S A|B A ABc | AAdd | a | aa B Bee | b Terminal strings derivable from B include: b, bee, beeee, beeeeee Terminal strings derivable from A include: a, aa, aadd, aaadd, aaadddd, abc, aabc, abeec, aabeec, abeecbeec, aabeeeecddbeec
G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 9/17

Elimination of Left Recursion (5)

Let us do a leftmost derivation of aabeeeecddbeec: SA ABc AAddBc aAddBc aABcddBc aaBcddBc aaBeecddBc aaBeeeecddBc aabeeeecddBc aabeeeecddBeec aabeeeecddbeec
G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 10/17

Elimination of Left Recursion (6)

Here is the grammar again: S A|B A ABc | AAdd | a | aa B Bee | b

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 11/17

Elimination of Left Recursion (6)

Here is the grammar again: S A|B A ABc | AAdd | a | aa B Bee | b An equivalent right-recursive grammar: S A|B A aA | aaA A BcA | AddA | B bB B eeB |

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Elimination of Left Recursion (7)

Derivation of aabeeeecddbeec in the new grammar: S A aA aAddA aaA ddA aaBcA ddA aabB cA ddA aabeeB cA ddA aabeeeeB cA ddA aabeeeecA ddA aabeeeecddA aabeeeecddBcA aabeeeecddbB cA aabeeeecddbeeB cA aabeeeecddbeecA aabeeeecddbeec
G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 12/17

General Left Recursion (1)

To eliminate general left recursion:

rst transform the grammar into an immediately left-recursive grammar through systematic substitution then proceed as before.

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 13/17


An occurrence of a non-terminal in a right-hand side may be replaced by the right-hand sides of the productions for that non-terminal if done in all possible ways. All productions for non-terminals that, as a result, cannot be reached from the start symbol, can be eliminated.

(See e.g. Aho, Sethi, and Ullman (1986) for details.)

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 14/17

General Left Recursion (2)

For example, the generally left-recursive grammar A Ba B Ab | Ac | is rst transformed into the immediately left-recursive grammar A Aba A Aca A a

G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 15/17

Transform the following generally left-recursive grammar A BaB B Cb | C Ab | Ac into an equivalent immediately left-recursive grammar.

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First: A BaB B Abb |Acb | A AbbaB | AcbaB | aB B Abb |Acb |


Or, eliminating B completely: A AbbaAbb | AcbaAbb | aAbb | AbbaAcb | AcbaAcb | aAcb | Abba | Acba | a
G52MAL: Lecture 18 p. 17/17

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