Poulton Hall, Pulford, Cheshire

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Wessex Archaeology

Poulton Hall,
Pulford, Cheshire
Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of the Results

Ref: 62506.01
April 2007
Poulton Hall, Pulford, Cheshire

Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Results

Prepared on behalf of
Videotext Communications Ltd
49 Goldhawk Road
W12 8QP

Wessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park

Report reference: 62506.01

April 2007

© Wessex Archaeology Limited 2007, all rights reserved

Wessex Archaeology Limited is a Registered Charity No. 287786
Poulton Hall, Pulford, Cheshire

Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Results



1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................1
1.1 Project Background ...................................................................................1
1.2 Site Location, Topography and Geology..................................................1
1.3 Historical Background...............................................................................1
1.4 Previous Archaeological Work .................................................................3
2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES.................................................................................4
3 METHODS...........................................................................................................5
3.1 Landscape and Earthwork Survey...........................................................5
3.2 Geophysical Survey....................................................................................5
3.3 Evaluation Trenches ..................................................................................5
4 RESULTS.............................................................................................................6
4.1 Introduction................................................................................................6
4.2 Landscape and Earthwork Survey...........................................................6
Site A: Earthwork Survey.............................................................................6
Search for the Abbey ....................................................................................7
4.3 Geophysical Survey....................................................................................8
Site A (Figure 4A)........................................................................................8
Site B (Figure 8) ..........................................................................................9
4.4 Evaluation Trenches ..................................................................................9
Site A: The Former Poulton Hall (Trenches 2-6) ........................................9
Site B: The Chapel (Trench 1) ...................................................................14
5 THE FINDS........................................................................................................15
5.1 Introduction..............................................................................................15
5.2 Pottery .......................................................................................................15
5.3 Ceramic Building Material (CBM) ........................................................16
5.4 Glass ..........................................................................................................17
5.5 Clay Pipe ...................................................................................................18
5.6 Metalwork.................................................................................................18
5.7 Other Finds...............................................................................................19
5.8 Human Bone .............................................................................................19
5.9 Animal Bone .............................................................................................19
5.10 Potential and further recommendations ................................................20
6 DISCUSSION.....................................................................................................21
6.1 Site A: The Former Poulton Hall............................................................21

6.2 Site B: The Chapel ...................................................................................22
Chronology and Chapel Development.......................................................22
Associated Buildings ..................................................................................22
The Abbey Complex ...................................................................................22
7 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................23
8 ARCHIVE ..........................................................................................................23
9 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................24

Appendix 1: Trench Summaries

Figure 1: Site location, trench location and geophysical survey areas
Figure 2: Pre-1675 Estate Map, with detail of Poulton Hall and the chapel
Figure 3: c. 1719 Estate Map
Figure 4: Site A: (A) Interpretation of geophysical results; (B) Hachure survey
Figure 5: Detail of Trench 2
Figure 6: Detail of Trench 4
Figure 7: Detail of Trenches 3, 5 and 6
Figure 8: Site B, Trench 1 and interpretation of geophysical survey

Front cover: Aerial shot of Trenches 2 and 4 under excavation

Back cover: Trench 2 under excavation

Table 1: Finds totals by trench
Table 2: Pottery totals by ware type

Poulton Hall, Pulford, Cheshire

Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Results


In June 2006 an archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Channel 4’s ‘Time

Team’ at the site of Poulton Hall, Pulford, Cheshire (centred on NGR 340600 358700)
to investigate the remains of a Cistercian Abbey, an associated grange complex and a
small chapel. The site at Poulton Hall and the small chapel are currently under
investigation by a local group, the Poulton Research Project.

The primary aims of the evaluation were to determine whether the remains within the
grounds of the former Poulton Hall relate to a Cistercian Abbey which was only in
existence for c.60 years before it was disbanded, and to investigate the nature of the
small chapel located to the south. As a result of the Time Team evaluation, it appears
likely that the Abbey was never built at Poulton Hall. The evaluation suggested
potential alternative sites for the Abbey through the analysis of the historical mapping,
aerial photography and topography of the area. The most likely location is in and
around the area of the small chapel.

The earliest phases of activity at the Poulton Hall site appear to date to the 14th
century and probably relate to the use of a monastic grange. Occupation, activity and
rebuilding of structures continued until the 16th century, when the grange evolved into
a manor house, and then through to the 19th century when it was finally demolished.

Poulton Hall, Pulford, Cheshire

Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Results


This programme of post-excavation and assessment work was commissioned and

funded by Videotext Communications Ltd, and Wessex Archaeology would like to
thank the staff at Videotext, and in particular Michael Douglas (Series Editor),
Melinda Corkery (Production Manager), Kate Edwards (Assistant Producer), Ben
Knappett (Researcher) and Jenny James (Production Co-ordinator) for their
considerable help during the recording and post-excavation work.

The geophysical survey was undertaken by John Gater, Ian Wilkins and Sam Hodson
of GSB Prospection. The field survey was undertaken by Henry Chapman, University
of Birmingham and landscape survey and map regression was undertaken by Stewart
Ainsworth of English Heritage. The excavation strategy was devised by Mick Aston,
Bristol University. The on-site recording was co-ordinated by Steve Thompson with
on-site finds processing by Naomi Hall, both of Wessex Archaeology.

The excavations were undertaken by Time Team’s retained archaeologists, Phil

Harding (Wessex Archaeology), Kerry Ely, Brigid Gallagher, Ian Powlesland, Naomi
Sewpaul and Matt Williams with assistance from Chris Caroe, John Cole, Ian Davis,
Fiona Grant, Tracey Smith and Alice Robinson. On-site pottery identification was
carried out by Debbie Klemperer, with small find identification by Helen Geake.

The archive was collated and all post-excavation assessment and analysis undertaken
by Wessex Archaeology. This report was compiled by Steve Thompson, with
specialist reports prepared by Grace Jones and Lorraine Mepham (finds) with Jessica
Grimm (animal bone). The illustrations were prepared by Kitty Brandon. The post-
excavation project was managed on behalf of Wessex Archaeology by Lorraine

This programme of work also benefited from discussion on-site with Jonathan Clark,
Buildings Archaeologist, Phil Harding of Wessex Archaeology, Helen Geake of
Cambridge University and Mick Aston of Bristol University.

Finally thanks are extended to Mike Emery of the Poulton Research Project and the
Duke of Westminster and Grosvenor Estates for inviting Time Team to Poulton Hall,
and for the use of images and mapping within this report; also to Gerry and Richard
Fair, landowners for the chapel site.

Poulton Hall, Pulford, Cheshire

Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Results


1.1 Project Background

1.1.1 Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Videotext Communications Ltd
to undertake a programme of archaeological recording and post-excavation
work on an archaeological evaluation undertaken by Channel 4’s ‘Time
Team’ at two sites near the small town of Poulton in Cheshire. The first site
is that of the former Poulton Hall, which the Poulton Research Project
believes was constructed upon the site of a monastic grange associated with a
12th century Cistercian Abbey (hereafter Site A). Site A is an area of open
grassland with clearly visible earthworks, sloping steeply down to the east
towards the flood plain of the River Dee.

1.1.2 The second site is an area of arable land where the Poulton Research Project
is currently excavating a small chapel and cemetery thought to be associated
with Poulton Abbey (hereafter Site B) (Figure 1).

1.1.3 This report documents the results of archaeological survey and evaluation
undertaken by Time Team, and presents an assessment of the results of these

1.2 Site Location, Topography and Geology

1.2.1 Both sites are located near the small town of Poulton, some five miles from
Chester near the Welsh border. Both sites are situated on a raised plateau to
the west of the flood plain of the River Dee at approximately 5m above
Ordnance Datum (m aOD). Site A (Poulton Hall) is centred on NGR 340600
359100 with Site B some 700m south-south-west of the Hall site at NGR
340500 358250. Site A lies just beyond the eastern perimeter of a Second
World War airfield.

1.2.2 The underlying geology of both sites is boulder clay overlain by alluvial silts
closer to the River Dee (BGS, Sheet 108).

1.3 Historical Background (Ecclesiastical Landscape Emery 1995)

1.3.1 The Abbey of St. Mary and St. Benedict at Poulton was founded between
1146 and 1153 by Robert the Butler, a hereditary member of the household
of Ranulph II ‘de Gernon’, the Earl of Chester. Robert the Butler granted
land on his small estate at Combermere to monks from the Savignac Abbey
of St. Mary and St. Michael to establish a new house, explicitly to pray for
his master’s soul. (Emery 2005)

1.3.2 Poulton was the one of three daughter houses (with Stanlaw and Hulton) of
Combermere Abbey; an Abbey in Cheshire founded in 1133 by Hugh
Malbank, second baron of Wich Malbank. Malbank regarded Ranulph II as
the principal founder and protector of the new abbey (VCH 1980, 150-151).
The three daughter houses were originally settled by monks from the Abbey
of Savigny in Normandy before the merger in 1147 with monks of the
Cistercian order (Knowles and Hadcock 1971, 118, 123). Savigny had been
founded by Vital de Mortain, a canon who resigned his prebend and built a
hermitage (later an abbey) in the forest of Savigny in 1105. He followed the
rule of St Benedict interpreted in a manner similar to the Cistercians

1.3.3 Under Cistercian rule, “…no abbot shall be sent to a new place without at
least 12 monks and…without the prior construction of such places as an
oratory, a refectory, a dormitory, a guest-house and a gate keeper’s cell so
that monks may immediately serve God and live in religious discipline”
(Emery 2005; see also Emery 2000). However, given the short life of Poulton
Abbey, it is not known if any of these buildings would have been constructed
in stone, or if the monks were living in timber precursors.

1.3.4 In 1214 Poulton was moved to a new site, the Abbey of St. Mary and St.
Benedict at Dieulacres in Staffordshire, by Ranulph III ‘de Blundeville’, the
4th earl of Chester and grandson of Ranulph II ‘de Gernon’, possibly after
continued incursions by the Welsh, recorded in Dieulacres Chronicles. Other
stories suggest that the abbey was removed on the behest of Ranulph’s dead
grandfather, who came to him one night in a vision.

1.3.5 Poulton Abbey was endowed with 3,000 acres of land, 1900 of which was
arable and, following the movement of the monks from Poulton to
Dieulacres, the site became a grange, a monastic farming estate worked by
lay brothers. Endowments continued to be made to Poulton, with an increase
in land given to them after their move to Dieulacres in 1214; money was also
granted for the restoration of the Abbey Church (not chapel) in 1240. The
site was referred to as Grangia de Poulton in 1315.

1.3.6 In 1493 the Abbot of Dieulacres leased land and buildings at Poulton Grange
to John Manley, and in 1504 Manley’s son (also John) was confirmed as
tenant with an 89-year lease, at a rent of £50 per annum.

1.3.7 Dieulacres grew to become a relatively prosperous house with an income of

£227 in 1535 and when the Abbey was dissolved in 1538 Poulton Grange
was listed as the most expensive asset, with a rental income of £25 (Knowles
and Hadcock 1971, 118; Videotext Communications 2006, 2).

1.3.8 In 1544 parts of the estate were granted to Sir George Cotton (Cheshire
County Council, SMR No.1799/2), but the Manleys remained as

1.3.9 Site A was referred to as Grange of Poulton in 1560 and as Poulton Hall in
1599. In an inquisition dated 1598, the parcel of buildings associated with
the hall are listed as: ‘The gallerie over the entrée of the said mansion house,

the kytchine and larder house there, and the building over the same, the daye
house, the barne house, the lofte over the same, the goose house there and
the hinn house over the same, all the northe buildings of the court there and
the oxe-house and the hey barne there, the kylne, the south orchard at the
parlour end, the lower garden, the Deares orchard, the More, the Hempe
butt, the barne pitt, the barne crofte, with all the bankes and hill from the hey
barne unto the Chappell feld, the Pryors meadow being in the lower end of
Hardcliffe. The four chappell felds, the poole mott, the meadowe and the
chappell meadow, with the bank under the chappell yorde joyninge to said

1.3.10 In 1601 the last male Manley at Poulton died childless, and the estate passed
to the family of his widow, the Grosvenors, who still own the estate today.
An estate map of pre-1675 shows a range of buildings around a square
courtyard, with a projection at the south-east corner, identified as ‘Poulton
Hall’ (Figure 2).

1.3.11 In 1672 Sir Peter Leycester described the Abbey chapel as being in a state of
decay and by 1718 Bishop Castrell on visiting the chapel commented that
‘nothing is left of it now…’ (see Figure 3). The exact location of the Abbey
chapel was identified in 1892 when Mr R.G. Williams rediscovered the site
and dug up a number of stamped and glazed floor tiles (Emery 2000).

1.4 Previous Archaeological Work

1.4.1 Mike Emery and the Poulton Research Project began looking for Poulton
Abbey in 1996, beginning with the site of the chapel (Site B). It was clear
that the area was rich in archaeological remains dating back to at least the
Bronze Age, from the recovery of pottery from a ring ditch with an
associated circular post-hole structure. This has been interpreted as a possible
henge and may therefore have its origins in the Neolithic period.

1.4.2 Numerous Romano-British finds have been recovered during the excavation
in the chapel field and through fieldwalking and imply the presence of a
stone-built structure in the vicinity. Tiles stamped ‘LEG XX’ show that
material produced by the 20th Legion, based at Holt to the south-west, was
being utilised at the site, although no buildings have been identified. A
Roman ditch was identified below the earliest phase of the chapel.

1.4.3 The chapel building appears to have been contemporary with the foundation
of the Abbey (c.1153) and comprised a single nave from the earliest phase of
building, with the addition of a chancel and tower in later periods. Multiple
burials associated with the chapel have been identified, a number truncated
by later periods of alteration to the chapel structure. Work within the chapel
site is ongoing - it is being used as an archaeological training excavation and
also as a training centre for the study of forensic archaeology by Crime Scene
Investigation (CSI) students from a number of police forces in the
surrounding area.

1.4.4 Recent work has identified the remnants of a stone building aligned north-
south close to the chapel; however, its relationship to the chapel and the
monastic complex is uncertain.

1.4.5 At Site A the Poulton Research Project carried out a programme of

geophysical survey and, following the identification of a number of
anomalies interpreted as walls, which appeared to be laid out in a square
formation, the Grosvenor estate allowed the excavation of two evaluation
trenches. Both trenches revealed stratified archaeology, the first containing a
series of stone steps, which had been blocked off at the base by a later brick
wall. The second trench contained a substantial east-west aligned stone wall
of uncertain date which appeared to have reused part of a moulded door
jamb. It was unclear if the identified remains related to the presumed Abbey,
the later grange or to Poulton Hall itself, which was finally demolished in


2.1.1 A project design for the programme of work was compiled by Videotext
Communications (2006), providing full details of the research aims and
methods. A brief summary is provided here.

2.1.2 The aim primary of the project was to investigate the hypothesis that the
earthworks within the Poulton Hall or ‘Abbey’ field relate to the
development of a monastic grange following the founding of a Cistercian
abbey between 1146 and 1153.

2.1.3 At Site A the project posed specific research questions:

1) What is the chronology of the Site?

2) What is the condition of underlying archaeological remains?

3) Is it possible to determine if buildings present form part of the Poulton

Abbey complex?

4) What remains are there of a grange or manorial series of buildings on

the Site?

5) Does the site of Poulton Hall on a 17th century map represent the
remains of the lost Poulton Abbey?
2.1.4 At Site B work by the Poulton Research Project was continuing and ‘Time
Team’ aimed to investigate an area of the chapel already exposed in an
attempt to answer the following research questions:
1) What is the date of the earliest phase of the chapel?

2) How did the chapel develop?

3) What is the nature of the building adjacent to the chapel identified on
the 17th century estate map?

4) Are these and any other buildings related to the monastic complex?


3.1 Landscape and Earthwork Survey

3.1.1 A landscape survey and analysis of the cartographic evidence was

undertaken by Stewart Ainsworth of English Heritage. A summary of the
findings are included here.

3.2 Geophysical Survey

3.2.1 Prior to the excavation of evaluation trenches, a geophysical survey was

carried out across the Site using a combination of resistance and magnetic
survey. The survey grid was set out by Dr Henry Chapman of Birmingham
University and tied in to the Ordnance Survey grid using a Trimble real time
differential GPS system.

3.3 Evaluation Trenches

3.3.1 Six evaluation trenches of varying sizes were excavated. Trench 1 was
opened across an area of the chapel already exposed, and Trenches 2-6 at the
site of Poulton Hall. Their precise locations were determined so as to
investigate geophysical anomalies, or targets identified from examination of
the cartographic evidence.

3.3.2 The trenches were excavated using a combination of machine and hand
digging. All machine trenches were excavated under constant archaeological
supervision and ceased at the identification of significant archaeological
remains, or where natural geology was encountered first. When machine
excavation had ceased all trenches were cleaned by hand and archaeological
deposits investigated.

3.3.3 The excavated up-cast was scanned by metal detector.

3.3.4 All archaeological deposits were recorded using Wessex Archaeology’s pro
forma record sheets with a unique numbering system for individual contexts.
Trenches were located using a Trimble Real Time Differential GPS survey
system. All archaeological features and deposits were planned at a scale of
1:20 with sections drawn at 1:10. All principal strata and features were
related to the Ordnance Survey datum.

3.3.5 A full photographic record of the investigations and individual features was
maintained, utilising colour transparencies, black and white negatives (on
35mm film) and digital images. The photographic record illustrated both the
detail and general context of the archaeology revealed and the Site as a

3.3.6 At the completion of the work, all trenches were reinstated using the
excavated soil.

3.3.7 A unique site code (POU 06) was agreed prior to the commencement of
works. The work was carried out on the 20th – 23rd June 2006. The archive
and all artefacts were subsequently transported to the offices of Wessex
Archaeology in Salisbury where they were processed and assessed for this


4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Details of individual excavated contexts and features, the full geophysical
report (GSB 2006), the summary of the landscape and earthwork survey and
details of artefactual and environmental assessments, are retained in the
archive. Summaries of the excavated sequences can be found in Appendix 1.

4.2 Landscape and Earthwork Survey

4.2.1 Previous investigations at Site A, the former Poulton Hall site or the ‘Abbey’
field, had suggested that the earthworks in this field might be the remains of
structures associated with the Cistercian Abbey. As a result of the earthwork
study undertaken as part of this programme of works it became clear that
these earthworks were those of Poulton Hall, potentially built upon the site of
an earlier monastic grange and not the site of an abbey. The hall is known in
historic documents from the end of the 16th century and appears on maps
from the mid 17th century (Figure 2) through to the late 19th century when it
was demolished.
Site A: Earthwork Survey
4.2.2 The earthwork survey at Site A (Figure 4B) identified a number of features:

A. Trackway: a possible trackway associated with the features identified

within Trench 3.

B. 19th century boundary: this boundary was constructed between 1882 and
1899 as identified from the historical Ordnance Survey (OS) mapping,
when the hall was demolished and the Black and White Cottages were
erected. Aerial photography indicates that this boundary was removed by

C. Hall courtyard: this is a roughly triangular-shaped, slightly raised area

identified as the central courtyard surrounded by the east, north and
possibly the south ranges of Poulton Hall. The earthworks are truncated at
the west by a scarp (probably an old drainage leat) running obliquely
across the site. The extension of the Cottage gardens and drainage may
have led to the further removal of earthworks on the western side. Traces
of brick walling and a small building shown on 19th and 20th century OS
mapping survive as surface features on the eastern side of the courtyard.
The earthworks are indicative of a courtyard arrangement of the buildings

indicated on the pre-1675 map, but undoubtedly with episodes of addition
and demolition up to the 19th century.

D. Ornamental garden features: these are located to the south of the main
courtyard complex as a well-defined ‘L’ shaped ditch. The south and east
arms maintain the axis of symmetry of the earthworks to the north. At the
west end of the southern arm a split level indicates a re-cutting of the ditch.
Further earthworks aligned to the west of this ditch indicate drainage
ditches, paddock boundaries and lets. This ‘L’ shaped ditch is typical of a
right angled pond of an ornamental nature and part of an ornamental
garden associated with Poulton Hall.

4.2.3 In summary, the earthworks are typical of a grange/courtyard house and

associated gardens, orchards and paddocks. Traces of ridge and furrow
running in an east to west direction can be seen overlying the earthworks, but
the existence of a building on the site until the 19th century indicates that this
is ploughing of a later date. Further low earthworks could be seen in the
fields to the south, indicating that some of the paddocks may have extended
in this direction. To the west the construction of the airfield during the
Second World War has probably destroyed surface traces of further
outbuildings shown on the pre-1675 map, although they may survive below
Search for the Abbey
4.2.4 Following the earthwork survey at Site A and the excavation of evaluation
trenches it became clear that the Abbey was unlikely to be at the site of
Poulton Hall, and the surrounding area was therefore investigated in a search
for possible alternative locations for the Abbey.

4.2.5 Two possible sites can be suggested from analysis of the topography and the
cartographic evidence.

A. To the west of the chapel site (NGR 340400 358250), a right-handed

change of direction is evident in the course of the Pulford Brook, below
the escarpment on which the chapel is located. This has been shown on
the mapping from at least 1719 (see Figure 3; the modern course of the
brook has changed). Aerial photography indicates that this is a diversion of
the original stream course which ran to the south, with a number of very
low ridges located between the original and new alignment which may be
indicative of buried features. Located to the west of these features are a
number of possible fishponds. The topographic location, on a slight high
spot within an area of relatively inhospitable land on the flood plain of the
river, is a typical location for the establishment of a monastic site, with the
right-angled diversion of the stream characteristic of the type of water
management associated with Cistercian religious houses. Analysis of the
mapping, aerial photography and field names allows a tentative indication
of a monastic precinct, which may support the location of the abbey to the
south of Pulford Brook. A curving boundary on the 1719 map (Figure 3:
the west boundary of Chappel Little Field and Chappel Far Field) indicates
the line of an earlier road, whilst the southern boundary of the latter named
field probably forms the south-western limit with the River Dee forming

the eastern boundary to the complex. The southern limit is less clear. To
the north, the northern boundaries of Chappel Little Field and Chappel
Field might form the precinct limit, with the grange located outside to the
north. A curving boundary shown on mapping from the southern end of
Poulton to the site of the chapel probably forms the route of a lane from
the village to the chapel and later parish church.

B. Some 500m to the east of Poulton Hall, at the bend of the River Dee, an
area just to the north of the River has topographical conditions conducive
to the location of a monastic site with water from the river being easily
diverted along the edge of the higher ground to the north. Unfortunately
this site could not be inspected as it lies within the grounds of Eaton Hall,
although the existence of ponds such as the Oxleisure Pool and the
Serpentine Lake (later garden features) and a complex system of drainage
channels are evidence of water management from the river along the base
of the escarpment. It is possible that an earlier monastic system of water
management may have been assimilated into the garden scheme.

4.3 Geophysical Survey

4.3.1 Four areas were investigated using a combination of resistance and magnetic
survey although only the areas relating to Sites A and B are discussed here.
Site A (Figure 4A)
4.3.2 The resistance results show three well defined linear features, two of relative
high resistance (A) and (B) and one of moderate resistance (C) together with
a number of linear trends. High resistance anomalies (A) and (B) are thought
to represent past field boundaries, possibly in-filled ditches. The slightly
weaker response (C) corresponds with a magnetometer response suggesting it
may also be a drain or field boundary, as it appears to be aligned with an
existing field edge. Anomaly (A) from the geophysical survey corresponds to
earthwork B from the landscape study and was identified as a 19th century
field boundary from the cartographic evidence.

4.3.3 The zone of high resistance (D) is the known location of the earlier
evaluation trenches. Further excavation at this location, after the geophysical
survey, revealed a stone-built staircase, substantial stone walls and
brick/stone floors. Although the walls are not readily apparent in the
geophysical data, the general high resistance can be attributed to the presence
of the stone/brick infill, floors and walls.

4.3.4 A second area of high resistance (E) was also thought to be the remains of a
building; this was later confirmed by the Poulton Research Project to be the
location of a ‘modern’ structure. This was not confirmed by excavation
during this programme of works although field observations identified
modern brickwork at the surface during the data collection

4.3.5 A number of linear trends of unknown significance are highlighted in the

interpretation diagram. Although the responses are weak it is possible that
some relate to the structures identified at (D) and possibly (E).

Site B (Figure 8)
4.3.6 Anomaly (K) appears to be an extension of the current ditch which follows
the line of a former stream and boundary. The responses in the east represent
the line of the now silted stream. Anomaly (L) is a weak response which may
be a natural variation within the soil but might have an archaeological origin.

4.3.7 Potential pit-like anomalies have been identified throughout the survey area,
the distribution would appear to be random; and may represent man-made
pits but a natural origin is more likely. It is possible that the pit anomalies
represent chemical or mineral variations within the sediment.

4.4 Evaluation Trenches

Site A: The Former Poulton Hall (Trenches 2-6)
Trench 2 (Figures 4 & 5)
4.4.1 Trench 2 was positioned to investigate geophysical anomaly (D). Following
the removal of the topsoil, a thick demolition deposit of stone and brick
rubble (202) was identified. This was mixed with backfill material from the
1997 excavation, and was removed to reveal in situ archaeology. It was clear
that there were two clear distinct phases of activity, one medieval and the
second 18th or 19th century. Pottery recovered from (202) was of post-
medieval (1500-1799) and modern date (1800-present) and included modern
refined whitewares, Staffordshire mottled ware and Midlands Yellow and
Purple wares.

4.4.2 The earliest identifiable structures within Trench 2 are thought to date to the
medieval period (although no direct dating evidence was recovered) and
potentially relate to the monastic grange known to be on the site. An east-
west aligned wall (Group (273)) had been disturbed by later activity; it was
observed in three separate sondages excavated through later occupation
layers, and recorded as (268), (269) and (274). Only the wall foundations
remained, constructed of sandstone rubble with clay infilling, and the upper
levels had been robbed so that the dressed stone could be recycled. Wall
Group (273) was seen to continue through into Trench 4, where it survived in
better condition (see below).

4.4.3 The eastern end of the wall formed a right-angled corner with the southern
end of north-south aligned wall (258), enclosing a room to the north. Both
walls were constructed in the same manner and were of the same dimensions.

4.4.4 At the western end of Trench 1 two bonded walls were possibly
contemporary with walls (273) and (258). East-west aligned wall (226) was
bonded at the eastern end to the southern end of (227), enclosing an area to
the north-west. Both walls were highly truncated by later activity, having
been extensively robbed for the recycling of dressed stonework. Only a
single course remained, resting upon sandstone rubble. The area formed by
walls (226) and (227) was only partially uncovered, and a clay bedding layer
(228) for surface (229) was identified within it. Floor surface (229) was
constructed of small bricks laid end on and had the appearance of the base of
a stacked tile hearth. It is possible that the brick surface bounded by stone-

built walls formed part of a hearth positioned in the centre of the room, either
with a free-standing chimney or utilising a fire hood to draw the smoke out.
Such hearths potentially date from the 15th century onwards.

4.4.5 Two possible occupation layers were identified within the enclosed area
formed by walls (273) and (258); however these had been truncated, highly
disturbed and re-used during later periods of activity. Following the
excavation of sondages through these deposits, earlier occupation and floor
levelling layers were identified in section (Figure 5, section). The earliest
levelling layer identified was (246), which overlay the natural geology (231).
This layer of re-deposited natural had sandstone blocks set into it to provide a
solid floor surface for the room. This was overlain by a thin occupation layer
(247), showing evidence of burning activity and potentially hearth clearance.
Above this was a layer of redeposited natural (253/277), either utilised as a
rammed floor, or as bedding for a floor which was subsequently removed.
Overlying this was a thin occupation layer of charcoal rich material
(254/222). It is unlikely that any of these layers represent in situ medieval
occupation (the only datable material comprised one late medieval pottery
sherd from (247)), but rather later occupation layers. A sondage excavated
through levelling layer (254/222) uncovered roughly circular cut (218). It is
possible that this represents the remains of tree or bush throw, created when
the site was cleared to begin work on the stone buildings, but the fill (221)
contained 17th – 18th century pottery.

4.4.6 Once the building went out of use it was systematically dismantled and
demolished material removed and recycled. The structures were robbed
down to the foundation level leaving no evidence of the upstanding
structures. Evidence of this demolition can be seen at the eastern end of the
trench where deposits (245) and (257) were exposed, containing numerous
fragments of sandstone, broken peg tile and decorated floor tile. Pottery
recovered from (245) dated to the post-medieval and modern periods. A
number of early 18th century ceramic tiles were also recovered.

4.4.7 At the western end of the trench, crushed sandstone layer (211) represented
disturbance and damage to (269), a section of wall Group (273).

4.4.8 Following the demolition of this area of the building, a north-south, stone-
lined drain, (244), was cut though levelling layer (253/277), occupation layer
(254/222) and a section of wall Group (273).

4.4.9 The date at which the building was demolished is unknown, as is the date of
the stone-lined drain, but it is likely that demolition only slightly predated the
next phase of construction, which occurred in the 18th or 19th century.

4.4.10 The final phase of building in Trench 2 saw the construction of cellar Group
(270) and associated structures. The cellar consisted of four dressed stone-
and brick-built walls forming a square room with a doorway in the north-
west corner and a cellar light in the western wall to provide light on the
doorway. The basal courses of walls (213), (234) and (235) were constructed
of reused medieval dressed stonework (wall (233) was not fully exposed)
overlain by 18th or 19th brickwork. The cellar floor (238) was constructed

from bricks laid in stretcher bond, a single course thick, although around the
edges reused medieval stone work had been utilised.

4.4.11 The cellar was accessed through a door in the north wall; outside the door
was a series of steps leading up to ground level. The steps (214) were
constructed of reused medieval dressed stone work with bricks filling the
gaps between the stone, and were bordered by stone-built walls (212) and

4.4.12 On the external face of wall (213) was a small rectangular structure formed
by walls (239), (266) and (240), butted on to wall (213). The nature and
function of this structure is unknown.

4.4.13 On the southern face of cellar wall (233) was a flight of steps leading up into
the room which would have been located above the cellar on the ground
floor. This structure was formed by two parallel dressed stone walls (263)
and (264), with the steps built in brick overlain by lime mortar (265). It is
unclear how much of the steps were truncated and at what height the ground
floor of the building began.

4.4.14 Located to the north-west of the cellar was stone flagged surface (205),
bordered by two parallel brick-built walls (204) and (207), forming a
corridor. The surface was probably external as it had two small brick-built
drain soak-aways (216) and (217) incorporated into it. The stone flagged
surface and the soak-aways were clearly contemporaneous as the flags were
laid around the drains. Wall (204) butted the northern end of wall (212).

4.4.15 The cellar fell out of use, perhaps in the later 19th or early 20th century, when
the doorway and cellar light were blocked up. The doorway was blocked by
wall (236) which appears to have been built in two phases. The cellar light
was blocked by wall (237).

4.4.16 Following this blocking the building was demolished, the cellar was
backfilled with deposit (232) and the site levelled. The cellar backfill
contained post-medieval pottery.

4.4.17 The final phase of activity identified within Trench 2 was the excavation of a
small evaluation trench by the Poulton Research Project in 1997 which
exposed steps (214) and drain (243). The evaluation trench was recorded as
(244) and removed the fill of the drain and the original backfill of the stairs.
Trench 3 (Figures 4 and 7)
4.4.18 Trench 3 was located to investigate the eastern end of geophysical anomaly
(A) and the northern limit of anomaly (D).

4.4.19 Following the removal of topsoil and a thin layer of demolition material
(302/313) in situ archaeology was identified, all dating to the 18th or 19th
century or later, but not fully investigated; the function is unknown. Finds
were recovered only from demolition layer (313) and comprise modern
refined whiteware pottery.

4.4.20 Towards the southern end of Trench 3 brick-built structure (304) had been
partly robbed by (305), while towards the centre of the trench square brick
structure (307) probably represents a plinth of some kind, perhaps related to
re-used medieval stone wall (308). The corner of a possible building was
formed by walls (311) and (312), enclosing an area to the south.

4.4.21 At the northern end of the trench a north-west – south-east aligned ditch
(314) was located; this was first identified in the geophysical survey and
related to the modern pumping station to the east of Trench 3.
Trench 4 (Figures 4 and 6)
4.4.22 Trench 4 was located to investigate geophysical anomaly (D). Following the
removal of topsoil and an arbitrary cleaning layer, in situ archaeology was
revealed, predominantly medieval in date with evidence of a number of
phases of alteration, and with a small area of later (potentially 18th or 19th
century) activity. The cleaning layer (402) produced pottery dating from the
later medieval period (Cistercian ware) to modern (refined whitewares).

4.4.23 Two small features were observed in sondages excavated through later
deposits, and represent the earliest phase of activity within Trench 4, pre-
dating the earliest phase of stone construction.

4.4.24 Small sub-circular feature (407) was partially revealed beneath wall (405)
and layer (404), and was filled with (406); the function of this feature is
unknown. It was sealed by layer (443). Linear feature (414) was aligned
roughly north-south beneath (408) and wall (405). The nature of this feature
is uncertain although it is not the construction cut of wall (405), but it may
have been the remains of a beam-slot, part of an earlier timber-built structure.
Pottery recovered from both (407) and (414) dated to the late medieval
period (14th/15th century); a single sherd of post-medieval Midlands Purple
ware may be considered as intrusive.

4.4.25 The earliest stone-built structure, possibly forming part of the monastic
grange, was represented by east-west aligned wall (412), the continuation of
wall Group (273) in Trench 2. This wall survived as a single course of
dressed stonework encasing a rubble core, and overlying a rubble foundation,
identical to (273) in Trench 2.

4.4.26 Wall (412) was bonded at its western end to the southern end of wall (452),
forming an enclosed room to the north-east. Wall (452) had been highly
disturbed and truncated by later (probably 20th century) intrusion (425),
though it was clear that (452) was constructed in the same manner as (412).
At the junction of (452) and (412) was a probable doorway recorded as
(427), leading into the room formed by the two bonded walls.

4.4.27 This room contained evidence of repeated floor make-up layers, bedding
layers, rammed surfaces and occupation layers, creating a series of laminated
deposits seen in the sections of sondages excavated though them (Figure 6,
section). The latest rammed clay floor surface was (418/428/429), sealed by
occupation layer (417/419) which contained a mixture of late medieval, post-
medieval and modern pottery. Layers (435) and (438) contained sherds of

late medieval pottery (14th/15th century), but no pottery was recovered from
underlying layers.

4.4.28 The western end of wall (412) was bonded to the northern end of wall (451),
forming an enclosed area to the south, potentially an external central
courtyard surface. Wall (451) also formed a corridor with wall (450) and
stone flagged surface (446), perhaps part of an ambulatory around the central
courtyard. The corridor was filled with demolition/backfill/levelling layer
(432) which contained numerous sherds of post-medieval pottery

4.4.29 A second phase of building, possibly late medieval or early post-medieval,

was identified to the south of wall (412), perhaps marking the division of the
internal courtyard and the creation of a room bounded by walls (412) and
(405). Wall (405) butted the southern face of (412) and several deposits had
accumulated on the eastern and western sides of the wall. A sondage on the
western side of (405) revealed occupation layer (404) sealing redeposited
natural layer (443). On the eastern side of (405), possible floor surface (408)
overlay levelling layer (409), which in turn sealed possible buried ground
surface (410), over feature (414). It is possible that surface (410) was part of
the internal courtyard; it was recorded as (415) in a separate sondage to the
south of possible buttress (442). (Layer (415) produced medieval and early
post-medieval pottery.

4.4.30 A large rubbish pit (425) cut through wall (452). The fill contained a mixture
of domestic refuse (animal bone, ceramic building material, clay pipe,
pottery), of which the datable material (pottery) is 17th/early 18th century.

4.4.31 At the northern end of Trench 4 was a modern brick-built structure, (454), a
possible soak-away.
Trench 5 (Figures 1 & 7)
4.4.32 Trench 5 was located on the lower flood plain to the east of the site of
Poulton Hall and to the west of the River Dee, and was targeted upon
geophysics anomaly (E).

4.4.33 Following the removal of topsoil, a thick deposit of alluvium (502) was
identified. This overlay a dark grey brown/black layer (503) which was not
investigated due to the depth of the trench and time constraints. However, it
was clear that archaeological layers did survive at over 1m below the current
ground surface.
Trench 6 (Figures 4 & 7)
4.4.34 Trench 6 was positioned to target geophysical (C). The removal of topsoil
revealed a large ditch cutting through natural silty clay alluvium (605). Ditch
(603) was at least 2.90m wide and 1.30m deep, and contained modern brick
rubble within fill (602). It could either be a backfilled field boundary or may
have been associated with the pumping station.

Site B: The Chapel (Trench 1)
Trench 1 (Figures 1 & 8)
4.4.35 Trench 1 was located on the site of a small chapel previously excavated by
the Poulton Research Project; the walls and internal structures of the chapel
had been exposed and recorded, and subsequently backfilled. The current
evaluation aimed to ascertain if any features or structures predated the
chapel, by expanding an area already excavated. A number of construction
phases had been identified for the chapel, which comprised a small single
open nave enlarged by the addition of a chancel at the eastern end and a
tower at the western. No date has been proposed for the earliest construction
phase of the chapel, though 14th and 15th century decorated floor tiles have
been recovered from the later building phases.

4.4.36 Trench 1 was positioned at the junction of the southern and original eastern
wall of the nave where it was butted by the addition of the chancel.
Following the removal of (101), deliberate backfill over the walls containing
post-medieval pottery, it became clear that considerable robbing of the walls
of the nave and chancel had occurred and that nothing remained of either the
internal floor surfaces or the upstanding walls; only foundation material

4.4.37 The earliest phase of activity identified consisted of a possible tree- or bush-
throw (117) revealed below wall (105), which potentially represents the
initial clearing of the site prior to the construction of the nave.

4.4.38 The southern wall of the nave (107) was built of dressed stone with a rubble
core, and was tied into the eastern wall (105). Both walls were heavily
truncated and showed no evidence of mortar, implying that these were
foundations and not upstanding walls. No foundation trenches were
identified and no datable material was recovered from the construction phase
of the early nave. Two possible external surfaces may relate to the nave, or
they may just be dumps of material. Layer (115) may be the remains of a
rammed chalk surface, while (103) was a possible cobbled surface.

4.4.39 A possible unused grave was identified adjacent to wall (107), but its
stratigraphic relationship to the wall had been disturbed by earlier excavation
along the wall line. Feature (114) cut ?surface (115), and was truncated by
the foundation cut for the chancel building (112). The foundation cut was
filled with deliberate backfill material (113) around the stonework and
yielded a single sherd of medieval pottery.

4.4.40 Walls (108/106) and (109) formed the chancel later added to the nave. The
latter was the southern wall of the chancel and was heavily truncated by later
robbing. It appears contemporaneous with (108/106) which butts the corner
of the southern and eastern wall of the nave. Wall (108/106) consisted of a
dressed outer face of stone with a rubble core, and no inner face. Due to the
extent of the robbing and that no upstanding walls remain interpretation is
difficult, but it is possible that (108/106) represents the remains of a door sill
to enter the chancel, although it may just be the foundation of southern

chancel wall and a continuation of (109). Walls (109) and (108/106) were
constructed within foundation cut (112) which cut (103).

4.4.41 Following the addition of the chancel it would have been necessary to knock
through the eastern wall of the nave to provide access. This appears to have
occurred and was recorded as (119), a linear cut which had removed the
majority of wall foundation (105), leaving only a stub where it joined (107),
and which was backfilled with (118). As the eastern wall of the nave was
knocked through it is possible that the remains of (105) were reused as the
base for the springer for the chancel arch; however, this is not clear due to
the extent of robbing.

4.4.42 With the addition of the chancel it was deemed necessary to reinforce the
junction of the southern and partly removed eastern nave walls and the
southern wall of the chancel, and buttress (110) was therefore built.


5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Finds were recovered from five of the six trenches excavated (no finds were
recovered from Trench 6, although only minimal quantities were recovered
from Trenches 3 and 5. The assemblage is largely of late medieval and post-
medieval date.

5.1.2 All finds have been quantified by material type within each context, and
totals by material type and by trench are presented in Table 1. Subsequent to
quantification, all finds have been at least visually scanned in order to gain
an overall idea of the range of types present, their condition, and their
potential date range. Spot dates have been recorded for selected material
types as appropriate (pottery, ceramic building material, glass). All finds data
are currently held on an Access database.

5.1.3 This section presents an overview of the finds assemblage, on which is based
an assessment of the potential of this assemblage to contribute to an
understanding of the site in its local and regional context, with particular
reference to the potential presence of a monastic grange at Site A, and to the
use of the chapel and associated cemetery at Site B.

5.2 Pottery

5.2.1 The pottery is of late medieval, post-medieval and modern date, but the
majority falls within a date range of 17th to 18th century. The assemblage has
been quantified by ware type, and the results are summarised in Table 2.
Late medieval
5.2.2 The earliest material is in fine, oxidised sandy wares, sometimes glazed, of
14th or 15th century date. Eight sherds of blackware, or possible Cistercian
ware, were also recovered (Trench 4), including the rim from a conical mug.
Cistercian ware first appeared in the later 15th century and continued in use
into the 16th century. It represents changing technologies with the use of very

fine clays and saggars, but also changing social practices with the
introduction of specialised ceramic drinking vessels (augmenting the more
restricted, and multi-purpose, ceramic repertoire of the earlier medieval
period). Blackwares evolved from the Cistercian wares during the 17th
century. Five sherds of a fine whiteware and a single reduced sandy ware
sherd could not be closely dated.
5.2.3 Pottery from the 17th and 18th centuries dominated the assemblage. The most
commonly occurring material was Midlands Purple ware, a hard-fired
earthenware with a lead glaze. Several jar rims and horizontal strap handle
fragments were present. Production centres are known from Staffordshire,
Warwickshire and Derbyshire. Seven sherds of Midlands Yellow ware were
also recorded. The sherds of both Purple and Yellow ware seen here are
likely to represent the later part of these industries (17th to 18th century).

5.2.4 Redwares are also present, and many display slipped decoration, mostly in
the form of trailed slip. Most of the forms encountered are open, either bowls
or dishes. Production centres are known in north Staffordshire, but local kilns
were also manufacturing slipware and the source of the Poulton Abbey
vessels is uncertain. Sixteen sherds of trailed and combed slipware are
certainly of Staffordshire type.

5.2.5 Most other post-medieval wares occur in small numbers. These include six
sherds of mottled ware: a buff earthenware with a streaked glaze caused by
particles of manganese or iron in the glaze. A number of centres, including
Staffordshire, were producing mottled wares. Three sherds of stoneware were
identified, at least one of which is a German import. The base from an 18th
century tin-glazed earthenware plate or dish was also identified (demolition
deposit (432)), decorated with a polychrome bird motif. Two pre-firing holes
through the footring of the vessel indicate it was intended as a display piece.

5.2.6 Smaller quantities of modern refined whitewares were also recovered, these
include sponge-decorated pearlwares of the 19th century.

5.3 Ceramic Building Material (CBM)

5.3.1 The CBM assemblage is dominated by roofing materials. Walling and

flooring pieces were also identified, as well as two moulded chimney bricks,
and two drain fragments.
Roof tiles
5.3.2 Roofing material comprises two peg tiles, three nibbed tiles and 13 ridge tile
fragments. A complete section of one ridge tile was reconstructed (280mm
wide, 130mm high and 30mm thick). A groove along the crest of another
indicated that it was originally decorated. With the exception of one small
undiagnostic curved fragment all other ridge tile pieces are plain and flat, and
of a similar thickness to the peg and nib tile fragments.

Floor tiles
5.3.3 Decorated floor tiles were recorded from four contexts (demolition deposit
(245), cleaning layer (402), layer (403) and dumped deposit (438)). Parallels
for the tiles have not yet been identified and their date is therefore uncertain,
although the form of decoration and fabric type suggests they are late
medieval or early post-medieval.

5.3.4 Seven tiles are line-impressed. Three tiles with identical patterns came from
(245) and (438). The motif comprises two parallel curved lines at one edge
and a five-part leaf/tree design in the centre; it forms part of a multi-tile
design. Of three fragments from (245), one shows a clover-shaped design.
Another shows part of a line-impressed lion, possibly part of a Royal
Standard, but is over-fired and could be a waster. One tile from (403) is also
heavily over-fired and displays a fleur-de-lys and three flowing
shapes/figures repeated within a circle. The presence of two over-fired pieces
suggests that tile manufacture may have been taking place close to the site.

5.3.5 Two tile fragments from pit (425) are abraded but show the remains of a
quarter-circle motif in inlaid slip. A plain floor tile was also found in
cleaning layer (402), but the surface is abraded and it may be that any
decoration has simply been worn away.
5.3.6 Rubble backfill layer (232) (cellar 270) produced four complete bricks; all
were hard fired, and two were over-fired. The largest brick is overfired and
blistered, and measures 250mm in length, 110mm in width, 90mm in height
and weighed 5.4kg. All other bricks are of a similar size (225x115x55mm;
235x110x80mm; 235x110x70mm) and weight (3-3.8kg). Brick fragments
were also recorded from pit (425) and demolition deposit (432).

5.3.7 Two moulded bricks were recovered from cleaning layer (402). These are of
the type used for barley-twist columns and chimneys, and date from the
second half of the 19th century.
Pipes and drains
5.3.8 A contorted, blistered and vitrified field drain fragment from cellar backfill
(232) is probably a waster. A complete drain pipe was recorded from context

5.4 Glass

5.4.1 The glass is all of post-medieval date. The assemblage comprises vessel glass
(24 fragments) and window glass (12 fragments). Some of this is in
particularly poor condition, with active oxidisation.
Vessel glass
5.4.2 Cellar wall (234) produced 12 fragments from an ‘onion-shaped’ bottle of
mid 17th to mid 18th century date. A distorted fragment from demolition
deposit (202) may be from a similar vessel. The top of a 17th/18th century
phial was identified from pit (425). The base of a flask, in an almost
colourless glass, came from cleaning layer (402). An early 17th century

example from Southampton is comparable (Charleston 1975, fig. 225,
no.1590). The same context also produced single fragments of green vessel
glass which could not be related to type. Fragments from modern wine
bottles, dark green or brown in colour, were recorded from demolition
deposit (202), cut (218), construction cut (203) and cleaning layer (402). A
light green fragment from a modern jar base also came from (202).
Window glass
5.4.3 Nine fragments from a very pale green diamond-shaped quarry with grozed
edges came from cleaning layer (402). These are in poor condition and
heavily oxidising; the condition is typical of late medieval or early post-
medieval window glass. Single small and undiagnostic fragments were also
recovered from Trench 1 topsoil, pit (425) and demolition deposit (432).

5.5 Clay Pipe

5.5.1 Most of the clay pipe comprises undiagnostic stem pieces. Demolition
deposit (202) produced a bowl from a spurred pipe with moulded leaf
decoration, of 18th century date. A bowl fragment from pit (425) is of early
17th century date.

5.6 Metalwork
5.6.1 One coin and one token were recovered. The former is a badly corroded coin,
possibly an 18th century halfpenny (unstratified in Trench 2), whilst the latter
is a post-medieval token, too badly corroded to be identified (demolition
deposit (432)).
Copper alloy
5.6.2 The copper alloy objects comprise a dressmaker’s pin, tack head, and a
cartridge end.
5.6.3 A plano-convex decorated lead spindle whorl was recovered from cleaning
layer (402). The decoration occurs on both sides and is geometric, consisting
of a zigzag line creating triangle shapes. Egan has noted that lead was not
uncommonly used for spindle whorls in the north of England and Wales,
citing that 34 out of 44 published whorls from Meols, Cheshire are of lead,
although most are undecorated (Egan 1998, 261). A perforated disc from
make-up layer (435) represents a weight or fitting. A piece of lead waste was
recorded from Trench 5 topsoil.
5.6.4 Of the 47 iron objects recovered, 28 are nails. Other finds include a stirrup
(make-up layer (435)), an iron ring (same context), a possible fitting
associated with horse-gear, and a two-pronged implement of uncertain
function (cleaning layer (402)). The remaining objects are heavily corroded
and could not be identified.

5.7 Other Finds

5.7.1 Roofing slates, either whole or partial, were recovered from demolition
deposit (202), cellar backfill (232), cellar wall (234) and cleaning layer
(402). An architectural fragment from demolition deposit 245 consists of a
half-round moulding in Old Red Sandstone. A piece of worked mudstone of
unknown function was present in gully (414).

5.7.2 A very small quantity of fired clay from layer (403) and make-up layer (435)
is probably structural in origin. All fragments display organic impressions
and one also shows wattle impressions.

5.7.3 Two pieces of iron slag were present in cleaning layer (402).

5.8 Human Bone

5.8.1 Redeposited fragments of human bone were recovered from two contexts at
the Chapel site (Trench 1), all from the topsoil (101. These comprised a
fragment of adult skull, and an adult tooth (not necessarily from the same
individual), and a group of infant bones (c. 2-3 years), from the lower limb of
one individual.

5.9 Animal Bone

Methods of assessment
5.9.1 Conjoining fragments that were demonstrably from the same bone were
counted as one bone in order to minimise distortion, and therefore specimen
counts (NISP) given here may differ from the absolute raw fragment counts
in Table 1. There may also be some discrepancies when bone is fragile may
fragment further after initial quantification. No fragments were recorded as
‘medium mammal’ or ‘large mammal’; these were instead consigned to the
unidentified category.

5.9.2 The extent of mechanical or chemical attrition to the bone surface was
recorded. The numbers of gnawed bone were also noted. Marks from
chopping, sawing, knife cuts and fractures made when the bone was fresh
were recorded as butchery marks.
Condition and preservation
5.9.3 The 243 animal bones derive from two sites: Poulton Hall (Trenches 2 and 4)
and Poulton Chapel (Trench 1). A small amount of material comes from the
demolished chapel in Trench 1. The bulk of the material comes from Trench
4 (Table 3).

5.9.4 Analysis of the pottery showed that most of it dates to the post-medieval
period, suggesting that the bones derive from the demolition phases rather
than from the occupation phases of the sites.

5.9.5 All animal bone was in fair or good condition. 4% of the bones showed signs
of gnawing (no trench was particularly affected). Of note is a bone of a
young pig from layer (441), which showed traces of rodent gnawing

(probably rat). The gnawing indicates that some of the bone were
(deliberately) laying around and were accessible by dogs and rodents.
However, at only 4%, canid scavenging is not a significantly biasing factor.

5.9.6 As can be seen in Table 3, although all three assemblages are very small,
they show a similar faunal list dominated by cattle bones and followed by
sheep/goat and a small proportion of pig. The chapel trench (Trench 1)
contained only a few bones from the usual domesticates: cattle, sheep/goat
and pig.

5.9.7 The larger assemblages from the Poulton Hall site show more species
variety. Trench 2 contained the bones of cat, fallow or red deer, rabbit,
chicken and a wader (could be further identified to species). Trench 4
contained cat, chicken, (greylag) goose, woodcock, possible pigeon, magpie
and fish (a dermal denticle of a spotted ray).

5.9.8 The presence of deer, rabbit and wild birds indicate that venison was
(occasionally) eaten by the inhabitants of the site. As the strict
medieval/post-medieval hunting laws restricted hunting for the commoners,
the presence of a deer bone could indicate wealth or poaching.

5.9.9 Young chicken, goose and possible pigeon bones indicate that these birds
were kept on the site. In medieval and post-medieval times, the keeping of
pigeons was restricted to the elite. The best time to hunt woodcocks is during
spring when the male birds perform their mating ritual.

5.9.10 Spotted rays live in the Irish Sea, which is approximately 15 km away from
the site. It is likely that the specimen was caught there.
Material characteristics
5.9.11 7% of the bones could inform us about the phenotype of the post-medieval
animals on the site. 14% of the bones can provide an age at death. It was
noted that many bones derived from young cattle, sheep/goat and pig. In
particular, gully (414) and layer (419) contained the remains of suckling pig
and point to a luxurious lifestyle. The foetal cattle metatarsus (240-50 days
after conception) from layer (416) indicates that some animals were kept on
the spot. This is not an unusual find for a monastic grange.

5.9.12 The bones showed signs of professional butchery with joints and ribs being
chopped up by cleavers. A cattle rib was sawn-off below the head. Three
bones from Trenches 2 and 4 were calcined.

5.9.13 The overall impression of the three assemblages is that they represent
butchery waste and kitchen refuse typical for a (high status) post-medieval

5.10 Potential and further recommendations

5.10.1 The evaluation has produced a relatively small finds assemblage, which is
largely post-medieval in date, only small quantities of medieval material
having been recovered. The potential of the assemblage to contribute any
further to an understanding of the use of the site in the medieval period is,

therefore, extremely limited, nor can much be added to a discussion of the
post-medieval occupation of Poulton Hall. Further analysis of this
assemblage is therefore not proposed.


6.1 Site A: The Former Poulton Hall

6.1.1 The research aims of the project had been centred around the medieval
Abbey of Poulton, established between 1146 and 1153. It became clear,
however, that the structures identified within the evaluation trenches
probably related to the medieval grange which grew up on the site following
the movement of the monks in 1214 to the Abbey of St. Mary and St.
Benedict at Dieulacres in Staffordshire, and which later developed into
Poulton Hall.

6.1.2 It was always going to be difficult to identify any structures relating to the
Abbey. The site appeared to have undergone a number of alterations and
rebuilding episodes which may have masked earlier structures. Moreover, as
the Abbey was short-lived it may in any case have been constructed in wood
rather than stone, which would have been more difficult to identify.
However, the more obvious reason why the Abbey was not identified on the
site is because it was never there. The trenches revealed no evidence of a
medieval monastic house, and the landscape survey was able to identify two
potential alternative sites for the Abbey.
6.1.3 In the absence of any features or deposits relating to the 12th century Abbey,
the earliest identified features, in Trench 4, were dated by pottery to the 14th
and 15th centuries; one was a possible beam slot, later replaced by a stone
wall. This late medieval activity presumably related to the monastic grange,
but building phases dating to this period proved difficult to identify.

6.1.4 The earliest phases of the building had undergone a number of alterations,
both during the post-medieval period and into the modern period. No
structures could be clearly assigned a medieval date as no datable material
was recovered from the construction cuts of the walls, although occupation
layers associated with stone walls in Trench 4 did contain (late) medieval
pottery, and repeated repairs to floors and the deposition of occupation debris
show that the buildings were in use for some time. Trench 2 also showed
evidence of possible medieval structures, including stone walls and stacked
tile hearth.

6.1.5 The change from a Cistercian monastic grange to the manor of Poulton Hall
was not clear from the archaeological remains; it appears that there had been
a continuous use of the site, with buildings reused and repaired in later
periods. The pottery assemblage, however, does suggest that major activity
was occurring on site in the 17th and 18th centuries when the site was owned
by the Grosvenor family (who still own the site today). In the mid 17th

century Poulton Hall comprised four ranges of buildings enclosing a central
courtyard and further outlying buildings (see Figure 2). This courtyard was
perhaps identified in Trench 4, with a possible surrounding ambulatory.
Pottery from the courtyard surface ranged in date from the late medieval to
post-medieval period.

6.1.6 The final phase of buildings on the site is 18th or 19th century in date and
relates to farm buildings; these can be seen as the cellar and associated
structures in Trenches 2 and 3.
6.1.7 The condition of the underlying archaeology was on the whole very good and
it was clear that evidence for multiple phases of activity survived beneath the
topsoil and turf of the pasture field. The archaeology had suffered most in
Trench 2 due to the extent of the 18th or 19th century cellar and associated
structures which greatly impacted upon the underlying structures and
features. The medieval walls had been highly truncated and the shaped stone
re-used in the steps to the cellar and lower courses of the cellar walls.

6.2 Site B: The Chapel

Chronology and Chapel Development
6.2.1 The earliest identifiable phase of activity on Site B related not to the building
of the chapel but to the clearance of the site prior to the chapel construction.
A small tree or bush throw was revealed beneath the southern wall of the
nave which had been identified by the Poulton Research Project as the
earliest phase of chapel construction. It appears that the bush was part of the
vegetation cleared as the site was prepared for building.

6.2.2 The evaluation was unable to provide any further information about the
earliest phases of the chapel construction, which had already been excavated
and interpreted by the Poulton Research Project.

6.2.3 Investigation of the construction cut for the addition of the chancel at the
eastern end of the nave did recover a single sherd of medieval pottery within
the backfill around the southern chancel wall, but no more precise date could
be assigned, and the sherd is likely to be residual from activity on the site
prior to the chancel construction.

6.2.4 Analysis of the structural remains by Buildings Archaeologist Jonathan Clark

did identify a possible springer base for the chancel arch between the nave
and the chancel.
Associated Buildings
6.2.5 It did not prove possible within the time constraints of the evaluation to
investigate the building adjacent to the chapel, to try and ascertain its
function, perhaps as a gate house contemporaneous with the chapel.
The Abbey Complex
6.2.6 The original Abbey complex could not be identified, but from analysis of the
field names, historical mapping, aerial photography and topography it seems

most likely to have been located around the chapel site. A limit to the
precinct has been possibly identified surrounding the site of the chapel, and
modifications to the waterways and fish ponds have also been recognised.
Earlier work by the Poulton Research Project has identified buildings within
this area which could not be investigated at this time; these remains
potentially represent structures belonging to the Abbey.


7.1.1 Given the limited nature of the results of the evaluation, no further analysis is
deemed appropriate. A copy of this report will be submitted to the Cheshire
Sites and Monuments Record, and the results may also be used by the
Poulton Research Project in their continuing investigation of the site of the
Abbey. It is recommended that a summary of the results of the evaluation is
submitted as a short note for inclusion in the annual round-up of
investigations and excavations in the Journal of the Chester Archaeological


8.1.1 The excavated material and archive, including plans, photographs and written
records, are currently held at the Wessex Archaeology offices under the
project code 62506 and site code POU 06. It is intended that the archive
from the Poulton Hall field evaluation should ultimately be deposited with
the Chester Museums Service, with the archive from the chapel evaluation
being retained by the Poulton Research Project to be used in their continued
work at the Site.


Charleston, R.J., 1975, ‘The glass’, in C. Platt and R. Coleman-Smith (eds.),

Excavations in Medieval Southampton 1953-1969. Volume 2: The Finds, 203-

Egan, G., 1998, The Medieval Household: Daily Living c.1150-c.1450, Medieval
Finds From Excavations in London 6

Emery, M., 1995, The Archaeology of an Ecclesiastical Landscape, Chester City


Emery, M., 2000, The Poulton Chronicles, Poulton Archaeology Press

GSB Prospection, 2006, Hooke Court, unpub. report for Time Team

Knowles, D. and Hadcock, R.N., 1971, Medieval Religious Houses: England and

Videotext Communications, 2006, Proposed Archaeological Evaluation at Poulton

Hall, Pulford, Cheshire, NGR SJ 406 591 Project Design, unpub. report for
Time Team

Victoria County History (VCH), 1980, A History of the County of Chester, Vol. 3

Internet source
http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13489b.htm/ Abbey of Savigny

Table 1: Finds totals by trench (number / weight in grammes)

Chapel Poulton Hall

Material 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL
Pottery 4/27 101/2136 2/4 140/2812 - 247/4926
Medieval 1/1 3/31 - 28/246 - 32/278
Post-Medieval 3/26 98/2105 2/4 112/2566 - 215/4648
Ceramic Building Material 7/133 68/26,354 - 87/30,411 - 162/56,898
Wall Plaster - 2/7 - 3/332 - 5/339
Fired Clay - - - 5/125 - 5/125
Clay Pipe 1/4 6/25 - 8/34 - 15/63
Stone 4/2606 - 5/850 - 9/3456
Glass 1/1 18/762 - 17/111 - 36/874
Slag - - - 2/299 - 2/299
Metalwork 2 12 - 40 1 55
Coins - 1 - 1 - 2
Copper Alloy 1 2 - - - 3
Iron 1 9 - 37 - 47
Lead - - - 2 1 3
Human Bone 9/27 - - - - 9/27
Animal Bone 66/348 77/1168 - 95/1677 - 238/3193
Shell - 3/43 - 2/55 - 5/98

Table 2: Pottery totals by ware type

Date Range Ware No. Weight (g)

Medieval Fine whiteware 5 8
Medieval Reduced sandy 1 1
Late Medieval Cistercian ware 8 62
Late Medieval Fine sandy ware 18 207
sub-total medieval 32 278

Post Medieval Midlands Purple Ware 99 3092

Post Medieval Midlands Yellow Ware 7 176
Post Medieval Mottled ware 6 73
Post Medieval Fine whiteware 1 2
Post Medieval Pale firing sandy ware 3 27
Post Medieval Redware 12 250
Post Medieval Redware (slipwares) 34 598
Post Medieval Stoneware 3 19
Post Medieval Staffs-type slipware 16 70
Post Medieval Tin-glazed earthenware 1 35
Modern Refined redware 2 11
Modern Refined whiteware 31 295
Sub-total post-medieval 215 4648

Table 3 Faunal list by trench (NISP)

Chapel Poulton Hall

Species Tr 1 Tr 2 Tr 4
Mammal Cattle (Bos Taurus) 12 33 34
Sheep/Goat (Ovis/Capra) 5 12 11
Pig (Sus dom.) 4 4 11
Cat (Felis catus) 1 2
Fallow/Red Deer
(Dama dama/Cervus elaphus)
Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 1
Bird Chicken (Gallus gallus dom.) 1 9
Goose (Anser anser (dom.?)) 5
Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) 3
Wader (Scolopacidae) 1
Pigeon (Columba livia/oenas) 1?
Magpie (Pica pica) 1
Bird 1 4 3
Fish Spotted ray (Raja montagui) 1
Indeterminate 44 18 20
Total 66 76 101

APPENDIX 1: Trench Summaries

bgl = below ground level

Trench 1 Type: Machine Excavated

Dimensions: 5.06m x 4.1m Max. depth: 0.15m deep Ground level: 15.39m aOD
context description depth (bgl)
101 Topsoil. Current topsoil, mid grey brown friable silty clay. Re-deposited backfill 0-0.10m
material which seals the archaeology already exposed within the chapel site.
102 Skeletal Fragment of infant skeleton recovered during removal of 101. -
103 Floor Possible cobbled surface identified to south of chapel structure, or remnants of -
infilling from demolished chapel walls, not removed. Small sandstone
104 Natural Natural geology, alluvial silts. -
105 Wall Foundation of area of walling, 1.60m long by 0.80m wide, relationship 0.15m high
unclear due to extent of robbing, though appears to form eastern wall of the
nave and is contemporary with wall 107, the southern nave wall. Forming the
eastern corner of the early single celled chapel. Alternatively, it could form
the springer of the chancel arch, separating the earlier nave from the second
phase addition of the chancel.
106 Structure Small section of wall foundation associated with 108, rubble infilling of -
southern wall of chancel, and associated with 109. Or could be possible door
sill for entrance through the southern wall. 1.20m long by 0.60m wide.
Interpretation difficult due to robbing.
107 Wall Southern wall of nave, recorded for 2.60m in length and 0.80m wide, 0.20m high
constructed of shaped sandstone blocks for external and internal faces with
rubble core. Butted by external buttress 110 and 108 and 106.
108 Structure East west aligned structure. Shaped sandstone blocks forming southern wall of 0.15m high
chancel (with rubble core 106), though possibly door sill for entrance through
chancel wall.
109 Wall Interpreted as southern wall of chancel, associated with 108 and 106, though 0.15m high
highly disturbed through robbing. Later addition to the chapel, second phase.
Roughly shaped sandstone blocks.
110 Structure Roughly rectangular buttress located on the southern side of wall 107. 0.01m high
supporting structure following the addition of chancel wall 109 and possibly
108 and 106.
111 Fill Fill within construction cut 112, dark brown silty clay, infilling around walls
108,109 and buttress 110.
112 Cut Construction cut for the erection of southern chancel wall 108, 106 and -
109 and buttress 110. cuts 113. Not excavated.
113 Fill Fill of 114. Mid brown silty clay. Cut by 112. 0.08m deep
114 Cut Cut of unknown feature, possible unused grave. Relationship to wall 107 0.08m deep
lost, by earlier excavation. Potentially contemporary with earliest phase
of chapel activity, cut through by construction cut for chancel 112.
Recorded as 1.14m long and 0.54m wide and 0.10m deep.
115 Layer Possible crushed chalk and mortar floor surface, or result of material -
discarded during construction of chapel cut through by 114.
116 Fill Mid to dark brown silty clay fill of 117, probable tree throw, charcoal rich, 0.14m deep
evidence of burning the stump out prior to chapel being built.
117 Cut Cut of probable tree throw, removed to build chapel, underlies 105. 0.14m deep
118 Fill Fill of north-south aligned cut 119. Fill of removed wall cut. Eastern wall of 0.14m deep
119 Cut Cut for the removal of the eastern wall of the nave following the addition 0.14m deep
of the chancel so allowing access from the nave to chancel.
120 Cut Equivalent to 112. -
121 Fill Equivalent to 111. -

Trench 2 Type: Machine Excavated
Dimensions: 11.88m x 9.7m Max. depth: 1.40m Ground level: 11.44m aOD
context description depth (bgl)
201 Topsoil Current turf and topsoil of pasture field, dark grey brown silty clay. 0-0.25m
202 Layer Dark grey silty clay demolition layer containing fragments of CBM and 0.25-055
broken stone work. Mixed with deliberate backfill from the 1997 excavation
by the Poulton Research Project.
203 Cut Construction cut for wall 204, roughly north south aligned. Contains wall 204, -
with deliberate backfill 224 and 225 deposits. Cuts levelling layers 253 and
204 Wall North-south aligned brick-built wall, probably English bond, with compact -
lime mortar, only 2 courses identified. 2.80m long by 0.40m wide and 0.34m
high. 18th or 19th century build. Butts wall 212.
205 Surface External surface constructed of stone setts, forms corridor between walls 204 -
and 207. Set into layer 222. Had a slope angled towards the centre and so
probably associated with drain openings 216 and 217.
206 Cut Construction cut for north-south aligned wall 207. -
207 Wall North-south aligned brick-built wall, 1.20m long by 0.24m wide and 0.08m -
high. Two courses of English bond with compact lime mortar. Associated with
wall 204 and surface 205.
208 Drain Ceramic drain pipe which runs alongside wall 207. Associated with external -
surface 205 and wall 207.
209 Layer Charcoal rich deposit directly below 202 and overlying 210. Spread of burnt -
material possibly associated with demolition phase of later structures. 19th
210 Layer Light yellow brown clay levelling layer which is sealed by 209 and seals 211. -
Possible levelling following the demolition of the later buildings.
211 Layer Crushed sandstone blocks and small stones resulting in layer of crushed -
sandstone. Derived from foundation material for probable medieval wall 269.
Damaged following the destruction of the medieval buildings and later
212 Wall Part of cellar Group 270; forms western wall of stone steps leading to cellar. -
Contemporary with steps 214 but stratigraphically overlies them. Recorded as
0.80m long by 0.40m wide and 1.05m high. Butted by wall 213, and is butted
by later wall 204. Constructed of shaped sandstone blocks with lime mortar.
Four courses.
213 Wall Part of cellar Group 270. Forms the western wall of the cellar, 5.60m long by -
0.440m wide and maximum height 1.50m constructed in red brick in rough
English bond with compact lime mortar. Reused medieval stone work for the
basal levels. Has window set in to it, which had been blocked by blocking
brickwork 237. Butts the southern end of 212.
214 Steps Part of cellar Group 270. Set of five steps leading down into the cellar. -
Constructed form large reused medieval stonework with bricks to level and fill
gaps in the stonework. Bonded by walls 241 and 212. Initially exposed by the
Poulton Research Project.
215 Cut Construction cut for ceramic drain 272, cut through by 203. -
216 Structure Brick built drain/soak-away opening, within cut 219, associated with sett -
surface 205.
217 Structure Brick built drain/soak-away opening, within cut 220, associated with sett -
surface 205.
218 Cut Cut of small circular feature revealed in sondage excavated through levelling -
deposit 222. Clear steep sides and flat base. Filled with 221.
219 Cut Construction cut for drain/soak-away opening. -
220 Cut Construction cut for drain/soak-away opening. -
221 Fill Mid grey brown silty clay with rare sandstone inclusions, fill of feature 218. -
222 Layer Light yellow brown silty clay, bedding layer for sett surface 205. Overlies 268 -
and 230. Deposit equivalent to 254.

224 FILL Backfill deposit which seals drain 275 and fills construction cut 203 of wall -
204 on the western side of wall 204. Mixed mid brown and dark grey black
silty clay.
225 Fill Backfill deposit of construction cut 203 of wall 204 on the eastern side of wall -
204. Mid grey-brown silty clay.
226 Wall Roughly east-west aligned wall foundation associated with possible wall 227, -
built from shaped sandstone blocks forms a corner with 227. Unclear if
medieval in date but appears associated with later floor surface 229 and
bedding layer 228. Overlies feature 218. Wall highly truncated.
227 Wall Roughly north-south aligned wall fragment associated with wall 226 and -
possible floor surface 229. Wall highly truncated.
228 Layer Light yellow brown clay bedding layer for brick floor surface 229. -
229 Surface Brick-built surface, thin bricks laid side on into clay bedding layer, has a -
similar appearance to tile stacked hearth, possibly medieval in date.
230 Layer Redeposited natural mid yellow silty clay. -
231 Natural Mid yellow silty clay alluvial deposit. -
232 Layer Brick rubble backfill of cellar formed by walls 213, 233, 234 and 235. Result 1.50m thick
of demolition and material used to fill void. 19th early 20th demolition.
Stratigraphically later than doorway blocking 236 and window blocking 237.
233 Wall Southern brick wall of cellar Group 270. Only two courses visible as backfill -
232 not removed at this point. Light grey compact mortar.
234 Wall Eastern brick wall of cellar Group 270. Upper six courses (0.62m) English 1.47m high
bond with compact lime mortar overlying re-used medieval shaped sandstone
blocks (0.85m).
235 Wall Northern brick wall of cellar Group 270. Fifteen courses, English bond, 1.44m high
overlying a single course of re-used medieval stonework. Doorway at western
end, leading to steps 214, later blocked by 236.
236 Wall Brick blocking wall of doorway through wall 235; appears to be two phases of 1.39 high
blocking as upper seven courses (0.55m) in irregular bond with rough,
unpointed mortar compared to the lower nine courses; 0.84m. Blocking
inserted just prior to demolition.
237 Wall Brick blocking wall of cellar light in wall 213. Five courses in stretcher bond, 0.40m high
same phase as blocking of doorway with 236.
238 Floor Brick floor of cellar, stretcher bond, single course thick; towards centre is a -
line of half bricks. Part of Group 270.
239 Wall Northern east-west aligned wall, part of structure butting onto the western side -
of wall 213; only exposed in plan and so not fully understood. Forms a
rectangular structure with walls 240 and 266.
240 Wall Southern east-west aligned wall, part of structure butting onto the western side -
of wall 213; only exposed in plan and so not fully understood. Forms a
rectangular structure with walls 239 and 266.
241 Wall Northern wall of stairway structure leading into cellar down steps 214. Part of -
Group 270. Constructed of sandstone blocks, no mortar identified. Overlies,
but contemporary with, 214.
242 Structure Stone-lined drain, partly excavated in 1997 by the Poulton Research Project. -
Within cut 243, and clearly truncated by construction cut for cellar Group 270.
243 Cut Construction cut for stone lined drain 242, roughly north-south aligned. -
244 Cut Excavation trench into drain 243, part of Poulton Research Project -
excavations of 1997.
245 Layer Dark grey brown sandy silt demolition layer which overlies 257. -
246 Layer Light yellow brown silty clay levelling layer revealed below 247 in sondage to -
east of wall 204. Only revealed in section.
247 Layer Charcoal rich dark brown silt clay layer; possible occupation activity -
identified in sondage, above 246 and sealed by 253.
248 Layer Mottled grey and brown clay layer below 222 in sondage on west side of 204. -
250 Cut Construction cut for set of steps to the south of cellar Group 270. Possible -
steps leading into ground floor rooms of now demolished building.
251 Fill Backfill deposit around steps in 250. Mixed mid brown silty clay. -

252 Layer Arbitrary cleaning layer around steps in cut 250. -
253 Layer Light yellow brown clay levelling deposit, identical to 277, and overlies 278 -
and overlain by 205 and 254.
254 Layer Charcoal rich dark grey brown silty clay layer, which overlies 253, possible -
occupation layer or dumped material.
255 Wall Wall foundation for north-south aligned wall, bonded to eastern end of wall -
274 forming corner. Sealed by deposit 253. Originally part of medieval wall
associated with 274, 268 and 269. Part of Group 273.
256 Cut Construction cut for wall 255. Not seen. -
257 Layer Light yellow clay deposit. Similar to 253, partly overlies wall 255. Demolition -
layer with abundant sandstone fragments and peg tile.
258 Layer Redeposited clay natural towards the south of the trench, light yellow silty -
clay, overlies possible wall 259 and 260.
259 Structure Possible wall constructed of re-used medieval moulded stone work. Unclear if -
wall or just dump.
260 Structure Possible wall constructed of re-used medieval moulded stone work. Unclear if -
wall or just dump.
263 Structure Re-used medieval stonework forming part of stairway into first floor of -
264 Structure Re-used medieval stonework forming part of stairway into first floor of -
265 Structure Brick built entrance foundation, associated with 263 and 264; two courses -
thick, lime mortar.
266 Wall Brick wall which joins 240 and 239 together, on west side of wall 213. -
268 Wall Sandstone rubble foundation for medieval wall. Part of Group 273. -
269 Wall Sandstone rubble foundation for medieval wall. Part of Group 273. -
270 Group Group for 18th or 19th century cellar. Composed of construction cut 274, walls -
213, 233, 234, 235, floor 238, steps 214, and wall 212 and 241.
271 Cut Construction cut for cellar. -
272 Drain Ceramic drain within cut 215, cut through by 203. -
273 Group Group for medieval wall composed of 269, and 268 and 274. Continues in -
Trench 4 as 412.
274 Wall Medieval wall foundation which butts west side of 255. Part of Group 273. -
275 Drain Ceramic drain associated with wall 204 and 213. -
277 Layer Light yellow brown clay levelling deposit, identical to 253. -

Trench 3 Type: Machine Excavated

Dimensions: 8.40m x 1.60m Max. depth: 1.20m Ground level: 11.13m aOD
context description depth (bgl)
301 Topsoil Modern topsoil and turf of pasture field. Mid grey-brown silty clay. 0.11m thick
302 Layer Demolition layer, directly beneath the topsoil, mid grey-brown silty clay with 0.08m thick
frequent brick rubble and sandstone rubble.
303 Layer Mid yellow brown clay, redeposited natural. Levelling layer. 0.10m thick
304 Structure Brick-built structure only revealed in plan, possible corner of wall foundation -
but unclear. Potentially related to feature 305.
305 Cut Cut of feature of unknown function, potentially robber cut for removal of 304, -
but not clear.
306 Fill Fill of 305 dark yellow-brown silty clay. -
307 Structure Brick built structure only revealed in plan, two courses high. Function -
308 Structure Re-used medieval stonework perhaps as facing for brick built structure 307, -
but not clear.

309 Cut Possible construction cut or possibly robber cut for structures in Trench 4; as -
not investigated interpretation is difficult.
310 Fill Fill of 309. Dark reddish-brown clay. -
311 Wall Brick built wall, north-south aligned, not fully exposed and so not entirely
312 Wall Roughly east-west aligned brick wall, potentially related to 311, but unclear. -
313 Layer Demolition layer, dark brown silty clay with brick and stone rubble, similar to
314 Cut Cut of large ditch north-west south east aligned, modern ditch. -
315 Fill Fill of 314, dark red brown clay with modern bricks at base of deposit. -
316 Natural Natural alluvial silts. -
317 Layer Equivalent to 313. -
318 Layer Equivalent to 303. -

Trench 4 Type: Machine excavated

Dimensions: 13.40m x 7.20m Max. depth: 0.75m Ground level: 11.67m aOD
context description depth (bgl)
401 Topsoil Current turf and topsoil of pasture field. 0.15m thick
402 Layer Arbitrary cleaning layer, below 401 and above archaeology. 0.05m thick
403 Layer Compact dark grey brown silt, with occasional charcoal flecks. Layer located -
to east of buttress/structure 442. Same as 404.
404 Layer Equivalent to 403, mixed occupation layer which butts wall 405. Overlies
layer 443.
405 Wall North-south aligned sand stone wall, re-used stonework for outer face and 0.40m high
rubble core, 5.60m long by 0.65m wide and 0.40m high, two courses of
stonework. No visible mortar. Butts wall 412, evidence of second phase of
building. Overlies backfilled feature 407.
406 Fill Mid yellow-grey silty clay fill of 407, feature of unknown function., sealed by 0.15m thick
deposit 443.
407 Cut Cut of small circular feature with rounded sides and rounded base. Not fully 0.15m deep
exposed as lies beneath wall 405. Potentially earliest phase of activity.
Function unclear.
408 Layer Mid greyish-brown silty clay, butts western side of wall 405, possible floor 0.19m thick
layer relating to walls 412 and 405. Overlies 409.
409 Layer Mid grey-brown silt with coal and clinker inclusions. Overlies 410, and sealed 0.13m thick
by 408. Levelling deposit, dumped material.
410 Layer Mid brown-grey silt with occasional coal flecks, possible buried soil layer, 0.18m thick
sealed by 409, and overlies 413, fill of feature 414.
411 Layer Mid brown silty clay dump layer; overlies 419. 0.02m thick
412 Wall East-west aligned wall, constructed of worked sandstone blocks for internal 0.25m high
and external faces with rubble core and clay bedding and bonding material.
No mortar identified. Single course of shaped stonework overlying rubble
foundation. Has possible door way 427 through it and bonded to 451 at
western end. Associated with corridor surface 446, and is butted on southern
side by 405. Equivalent to Group 273 in Trench 2.
413 Fill Fill of 414, dark yellow-grey silt, fill of linear gully 414. Similar to 406. 0.15m deep
414 Cut Cut of linear feature north-south aligned, which is overlain by 405, possible 0.15m deep
pre-cursor to 405; possible beam-slot or construction gully. Cuts 444.
415 Layer Mid brown-grey silt, possible buried soil layer overlies 445. 0.15m thick
416 Layer Mid brown-grey silt layer; possible buried soil layer which is overlain by 445. 0.26m thick
417 Layer Light reddish-brown silt layer, possible occupation which overlies clay floor 0.06m thick
layer 418, quite patchy. Sealed below 402.
418 Layer Dark yellow clay layer, latest floor surface relating to wall 412. Overlies 431. 0.07m thick
Equivalent to 428 and 429.
419 Layer Equivalent to 417, overlain by 411. 0.06m thick
420 Fill Fill of circular feature 421, very light brown grey. Unexcavated. -

421 Cut Cut of small circular feature possible pit or post hole. Unexcavated. Cuts 419, -
which seals floor 418.
422 Layer Dark yellow dirty clay layer which is overlain by 416. Origin of deposit 0.06m thick
423 Layer Mid brown silty loam, with common charcoal fragments, fill of 424. 0.04m deep
424 Cut Cut of shallow scoop which cuts 419. 0.04m deep
425 Cut Cut of large rubbish pit which cuts through wall 452; filled with 426. 0.60m deep.
426 Fill Fill of 425, 17th/early 18th century rubbish pit. Dark yellow brown sandy silty 0.60m thick
427 Structure Possible doorway through wall 412 at its junction with 452. -
428 Floor Floor layer identical to 418, overlies 430. -
429 Floor Floor layer identical to 418, overlies 430. -
430 Layer Layer of water worn pebbles set into the top of 431, levelling or make-up for -
floor 418/428/429.
431 Layer Dark grey silty clay, probable levelling layer, sealed by floor layer 418 / 429 / -
428; pebbles 430 set into it.
432 Layer Demolition layer which fills corridor formed by walls 450 and 451, and rests 0.55m thick
upon floor surface 446.
433 Layer Very dark brown clay silt which overlies 434, and is sealed by 418. Trample / -
occupation layer replaced by later floor.
434 Layer Small spread of mortar sealed by 433; overlies 435. -
435 Layer Rubble rich layer; overlies charcoal rich layer 436. Make up layer, overlain -
by 431.
436 Layer Thin charcoal rich silty layer; overlies 437 and sealed by 435. -
437 Floor Light yellow silty clay floor layer; overlies 438 and sealed by 436. -
438 Layer Very dark grey-brown silt, dump of material, coke and coal rich, overlies 439 -
and sealed by 437.
439 Layer Mixed mid yellow-brown silt and black coke rich layer, sealed by 438; -
overlies 440.
440 Layer Light yellow silty clay, clean silt deposit which overlies natural. -
441 Layer Equivalent to 431. -
442 Structure Sandstone rubble foundation for possible buttress, associated with wall 405. -
443 Layer Re-deposited natural, light yellow silty clay levelling; seals 406 and overlain -
by 404.
444 Layer Light yellow silty clay dirty natural deposit sealed by 445. -
445 Layer Very dark grey-black deposit which overlies 444 and is sealed by 415 and -
416, coke and clinker rich deposit.
446 Floor Stone flagged floor of corridor formed by wall 450 and 451. -
447 Layer Equivalent to 438. -
448 Layer Possible occupation layer, mixed silty/sandy clay, dark grey-brown black -
layer beneath 447.
449 Cut Construction cut for wall 412. -
450 Wall North-south aligned wall forming the western wall of corridor, with flagged
floor 446.
451 Wall North-south aligned wall forming the eastern wall of corridor, with flagged
floor 446.
452 Wall North-south aligned wall bonded to the northern side of wall 412; cut through -
by pit 425.
453 Cut Construction cut of brick-built structure. Cuts 448. -
454 Structure Brick-built rectangular structure of unknown function, possible soak-away but -
not fully exposed or investigated. Formed of bricks in stretcher bond and
bonded with lime mortar. Only upper course exposed.

Trench 5 Type: Machine excavated
Dimensions: 3.4m x 1.6m Max. depth: 1.10m Ground level:
context description depth (bgl)
501 Topsoil Current turf and topsoil. 0-0.30m
502 Layer Light yellow brown alluvial deposit. 0.30-1.10m
503 Layer Dark grey-brown black flayer sealed by 502. not investigated and so nature 1.10m+

Trench 6 Type: Machine excavated

Dimensions: 3.5m x 1.60m Max. depth: 2.05 Ground level:
context description depth (bgl)
601 Topsoil Current turf and topsoil. 0-0.30m
602 Fill Fill of ditch 603, mid to dark grey-brown humic silt layer. Contained modern 1.30m thick
603 Cut Cut of large ditch, initially thought to be wall on geophysics, steep straight 1.30m deep
604 Subsoil Mid brown silty clay sub soil which seals ditch 603. 0.30-0.65m
605 Natural Natural light yellow alluvial silts. 0.65m+

Geophysical data courtesy of GSB Prospection Ltd
Poulton Hall

Poulton Chapel

Lane to chapel
Monastic precinct border
Projected monastic precinct border

Wessex Date: 12/01/07 Illustrator: KJB

Archaeology Path: Y:\PROJECTS\62506\Drawing Office\Report Figures\Time Team\07_01_02\

c.1719 Estate Map (courtesy of the Grosvenor Estate) Figure 3

Geophysical data courtesy of GSB Prospection Ltd

222 215 272 225

Trench 2
227 220
228 254
W E 230 217
224 242
218 253
10.90m aOD 204
203 226

254 254 258

225 253 Section 244
247 253
246 Wall Group 273
277 243 245
210 207 241 242
Wall Group 242

212 245
Sandstone 209 Wall Group
0 0.5m 269 273
Charcoal 214
211 219
268 235
South facing section through sondage east of 204 236


237 238



239 202


266 202
Feature 240
Edge of
archaeological layer
Bricks 233

Mortar 258
Stone 265 258
Cellar Group 270 260
Stone flags
263 259
Blocking bricks
Ceramic drain
Roof tile
Trench 2 from the north
0 1 2m

Date: 12/01/07 Revision Number: 0

Scale: Plan 1:50 Section 1:10 Illustrator: KJB

This material is for client report only © Wessex Archaeology. No unauthorised reproduction.
Archaeology Path: Y:\Projects\62506 TT\Drawing Office\Report Figures\Time Team\07-01-02

Detail of Trench 2 Figure 5


11.25m aOD 412 454

448 448



Carbon 0 0.5m
West facing section through sondage


Trench 4 430

425 natural
426 Section

452 418 435




414 natural
406 407





Edge of
archaeological layer
Stone flags
0 1 2m
Trench 4 from the north

This material is for client report only © Wessex Archaeology. No unauthorised reproduction.

Date: 15/01/07 Revision Number: 0

Scale: Plan 1:50 Section 1:10 Illustrator: KJB

Archaeology Path: Y:\Projects\62506 TT\Drawing Office\Report Figures\Time Team\07-01-02

Detail of Trench 4 Figure 6

Trench 3







308 311

310 307

304 Feature
Edge of
306 Archaeological layer

Trench 3 from the south west

Trench 6

Trench 6 from the north

Trench 5

Trench 5 from the north west

0 1 2m Date: 15/01/07 Revision Number: 0

Scale: Plan 1:50 Illustrator: KJB

Wessex This material is for client report only © Wessex Archaeology. No unauthorised reproduction.
Archaeology Path: Y:\Projects\62506 TT\Drawing Office\Report Figures\Time Team\07-01-02

Detail of Trenches 3, 5 and 6 Figure 7

Trench 1

118 117



107 110

114 Trench
0 1 2m Trench 1 from the east

Site B

Trench 1 location

Field Drains
0 50m
Ferrous Aerial view of chapel from east (photo courtesy of the Poulton
Research Project)
Date: 12/01/07 Revision Number: 0

Scale: Plan 1:50 (Geophysics 1:1000) Illustrator: KJB

This material is for client report only © Wessex Archaeology. No unauthorised reproduction.
Archaeology Path: Y:\Projects\62506 TT\Drawing Office\Report Figures\Time Team\07-01-02

Site B, Trench 1 and interpretation of geophysical survey Figure 8

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Tel: 01722 326867 Fax: 01722 337562 [email protected] www.wessexarch.co.uk
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Tel: 020 7953 7494 Fax: 020 7953 7499 [email protected] www.wessexarch.co.uk

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