JJ309 Fluid Mechanics Unit 5

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The key takeaways from the document are the concepts of screw threads, different types of screws like square and vee threads, and the principle of inclined plane applied to screw threads.

The main components of a screw are the helical groove or thread cut along the cylindrical surface, external threads on the outer surface and internal threads on the inner surface.

The principle behind the working of a screw is that turning the screw is equivalent to moving a load along an inclined plane using a horizontal force, with the thread acting as the inclined plane.





General Objective

: To understand the concept of the work ng of a screw. i

Specific Objectives : At the end of thi s u n ityou should be able to : state the term that are importan t for the study of screw. s match the prin c ip le screw working to that of fr ictio n o n an in c lin eplane. of d use these s u table concepts to solve pro blem in v ove. i l calculate the answer u s in g these concepts correctly.





INTRODUCTION The screws, bolt, studs, nuts etc. are widely used in variousm ch in e s structures for a and fas te nngs. These fastenin have screw threads, w hichare made by cutti n ga co ninuous i gs t helical groove o n cylin d rcal surface. If the threads are cut on the outer surface of a soli d i rod, these are know n as external threads. But if the threads are cut o n the in ternal surface of a hollow rod, these are know n as i nternal threads.

We use The principle of the inclined plane i n the screw thread concept/applications.


THE SQUARE-THREADED SCREW (a) A Single-Start Thread Let W be the axial force agai n s twhich the screw is turned, Fig. 5.1, and P the tangen ital force at the mean thread radius necessary to turn the nut. The develop men t of a thread ia an in c lin epdlane, Fig. 5.2, and tu rn in the nut agai n s t g the load i s equivalent to mo v in g isload up the plane by the horizontol th force P applied at the m an radius of the thread. e



Fig. 5.1 The angle , Tan = p D

Fig. 5.2


A Two-Start Thread For a two-start thread the distance mov es axia ly by the screw i n its nut i n one revoluti o nis the lead , which i s twice the pitch . D 2p D

Tan = Tan =


THE VEE-THREADED SCREW For a V-thread, the normal force between the nut and the screw i s increased s ince the axi a lcomponent of this force m ust equal W. Thus, i f the semi-angle of the thread i s , Fig. 5.3., then norm force = W sec . al The fr ictio n force i s therefore in ceased i n the ratio sec : 1, so that the V-thread i s r equival nt to a square thread hav ng a coeff icie n tof fr ictio n v sec e i

Fig. 5.3


Turn i n g screw i s equival nt to moving a m the e ass of weight W along the inclined plane by a horizontalforce P.


RAISING LOAD When the load i s raised by the force P the motion i s up the plane.(Fig.5.4).
Motion R P W R + P

Fig. 5.4 From the triangle of forces: Tan ( + ) = P w

P = W tan ( + )

Torque The torque T required to rotate the screw agai n s tthe load i s : T = P( 1 D) 2

1 T = PD 2 T = 1 WD tan ( + ) 2

1 D 2

Fig. 5.5: Cross-sectio n of Screw

Efficiency The efficie n of the screw i s equal to: cy Forward effi c ency : i 1 forward = force P req uired w ithoutfr ictio n ( = 0) force P requir d w ithfric tio n e 1 = w tan w tan( + )

tan 1 = tan( + ) or, 1 = work done on load W i n 1 revolution work done by P i n 1 revoluti o n 1 = we P(D)

w x 1 = e P D

But, w 1 = P tan( + ) an d tan = D

tan 1 = tan( + )

Maximum Efficiency 1 sin 1 + sin

1 mk a

Example 5.1 The helix angle of a screw tread is 100. If the coefficient of friction is 0.3 and the mean diameter of the square thread i s 72.5 mm, calculate: (a) the pitchof the tread, (b) the effi ciency when rai sin g a load of 1 kN, (c) the torque req u red. i

Solution 5.1 G iv : en = 100 (a) tan = = 0.3 Dmean = 72.5 m m p D p = tan 100 (3.14)(72.5) = 40.1 m m


= tan = tan 0.3 = 16.70 Eff icie n for raise load, cy = 1 tan tan( + ) tan10 0 0 0 tan(10 + 16.7 )

1 =

1 = 0.1763 0.5027 1 = 0.35 x 100% 1 = 35% 1 WD tan ( + ) 2


Torque, T =

T = 1 (1000)(72.5) tan (100 + 16.70) 2 1 T = (1000)(72.5)(0.5027) 2 T = 18.22 x 10 kN m m T = 18.22 N m



LOAD BEING LOWERED (i) When > P i s applied to res ist the downward mov emen t of the load. Under this cond iti o nthe load would just about to move downwards. If P were not appliedi n this directio n the load would overhaul, that i s move do wn o n its own weight.

P P Motion R - W

Fig. 5.6 From the tri angle of forces: Tan ( - ) = P w

P = W tan ( - ) Efficiency Downward efficie n : cy 1 downward = work done by P i n 1 revoluti o n work done on load W i n 1 revoluti o n

1 = P( D) w 1 = tan( ) tan



Example 5.2 Calculate the pitchof a single-start square threaded screw of a jack w hi h w illjust c allow the load to fall u n ifomly under its o w n weight. The m an diameter of the r e threads is 8 cm and = 0.08. If the p itch i s 15 mm, what is the torque required to lower a load of 3 kN? Solution 5.2 If the load i s to fall u nformly under its o w n weight, = i G iv : en = 0.08 p D p (3.14)(8) = tan = 4.57

Tan =

then, =

Tan 4.57 =

p = 20 m m If the p itc his 15 m, m Tan = Tan = p D 15 (3.14)(8)

Tan = 5.97 = 80.49 Torque, 1 WD tan ( - ) 2 T = 1 (3000)(8)tan (80.49- 4.57) 2 T = T = 1 (3000)(8)(tan 75 92) 2 T = 2.4 N m


When > If the angle of fr ictio n i s greater than the angle of the plane, then i t can be seen from the tri angle of force, that force P m ust be applied to help lower the load.
Motion c P R c W R

Fig. 5.7 From the tri angle of forces: Tan ( c ) = P w

P = W tan ( c )

Efficiency 1 terbalik = tan( ) tan

Example 5.3 The m an diameter of a squarecthreaded screw jack i s 5 cm The e . p itch of the thread i s 1 cm The coeff icie n tof fric tio in 0.15. What force . s m ust be applied at the end of a 70 cm long lever, which i s perpendicul r to the long itu d in a axi s of the screw to lower a load of 2 a l tonnes? Solution 5.3 G iv en: Mean diameter, d = 5 cm Pitch, p = 1 cm Then , 4 = 8.32

Coefficient of friction, = 0.15 = tan 4 Length of lever, L = 70 cm Force required to lower the load, P = W tan (4 ) = 2000 tan (8. 32c3.39) = 2000 tan 4. 53 = 2000 x 0.0854 = 170.8 kg

Load W = 2 t = 2000 kg

Activity 5A

TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING BEFORE YOU CONTINUE WITH THE NEXT INPUT! 5.1 A nut on a s in glecstart square thread bolt i s locked tight by a torque of 6 Nm The . thread p itch i s 5 m m and the mean diameter 6 cm Calculate : . (a) the axia lload o n the screw i n k ilogrammes (b) the torque required to loosen the nut. = 0.1. The total mass of the table of a p la n ng mach in eand its attached work p iece i s 350 ni kg. The table i s traversed by a s inglecstart square thread of external diam er 45 et m m and p itch 10 mm. The pressure of the cuttin g i s 600 N and the speed of cuttin g i s 6 met ers per minut . The coeffi c en t of fric tio for the table i s 0.1 and for the e i n screw thread i s 0.08. Fi n dthe power required. The m an radius of a screw of a square thread screw jack i s 2.5 cm The p itch of the e . thread i s 7 . 5mm. If the coeffi c en t of fric tio in 0.12, what effort applied at the end of a i s lever 60 cm length is needed to raise a weight of 2000 kg?. A screw press is used to compr ess books. The thread i s double thread (square head) w itha pitchof 4 m m and a m an radius of 25 m. e m The coeffi c en t of fric ti for i on the contact surfaces of the threads is 0.3. Determine the torque required for a pressure of 500 N.




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5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

161 kg, 3.47 N m 191 W 14.07 kg 4450 N m m



OVERHAULING OF THE SCREW When the load moves down and overcomes the thread fr ictio n by its own weight, i t i s sai d to overhaul. When i t move s down agai n s ta res istin g force P we found that P = W tan ( c ) When the load overhauls, P = 0 Therefore, tan ( c ) = 0 c =0 = Hence, when the angle of the inclined plane is equal to the angle of the friction the load w ill overhaul. The efficie n of such a screw when rai sin g a load i s giv e nby: cy tan 1 = tan( + ) but =
1 =

tan tan 2

Example 5.4 A load of 6 kN i s liftedby a jack hav ng a s in i glecstart square thread screw of 45 m m core diameter and p itch 10 mm. The load revolves w iththe screw and the coeffi c en t of fr ictio n at the screw thread i s 0.05. Fin dthe torque required to lif t the load. i Show that the load w illoverhaul.

Solution 5.4 G iv : en W = 6000 N + D mean = 45 1 x 10 = 50 m m = 0.05 p = 10

m m 2

Then , tan = tan = 0.05 = 2.86 1 2 1 tan = tan = p D

10 (3.14)(50) tan = 0.0637 = 3.64 WD tan ( + )

Torque required, T =

(6000)(50) tan (3.64 + 2.86) 2 = 3000(50) tan (6 .50 ) = 3000(50) (0.114) = 17.1 N m tan tan( + ) tan 3.64
0 0

Eff icie n cy,

= =

tan(3.64 + 2.86 ) 0.0636 = 0.114 = 0.558

= 56%



(overhau ling)

Activity 5B

TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING BEFORE YOU CONTINUE WITH THE NEXT INPUT! 5.5 The drum of a w ind lasss 10 cm in diameter and the effort i s appliedto the handle 60 i cm fro the axis .Fi n dthe effort necessary to support a weight of m m ass 120 kg. A wheel and axle i s used to raise a load of mass 50 kg. The radius of the wheel is 50 cm and wh ile i t mak es seven revolutio n sthe load rise s3.3 m What is the smallest . force that w ill support the load?. A table carrying a machin e tool i s traversed by a threecstart screw of 6 m m p itch and external diam er 23 m. et m The m ass of the table i s 200 kg and the coeffi c ent i of fric tio between the table an d its guidesi s 0.1. The screw i s driv by a m tor at 12 n en o rev/s. Fi n dthe speed of operatio n of the tool, the power required and the coeffi c en t of fric tio n i for the thread i f the efficie n i s 70 percen t. cy A d ifferen ital pulley, the two parts of which have respectively twenty four and twenty fiv e teeth, is used to raise a weight of m ass 500 kg. Show by sketch how the apparatus i s used, and determin e its velocity ratio. Fi n dalso what effort m ust be exerted i f the effi c ency i i s 60 percen t.




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5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8

10 gN 7 1 gN 2

12.96 rnrmm , 60.5 W, 0.11 50, 16 2 gN. 3


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Fm m the torque to ram s ea load of 6 kN u s m m a screw jack w m tha doublecstart square d g thread, co m ta m mg two threads per centimeter and a mean diameter of 60 mm. = mm 0.12. What ms the torque requmr d to lower the load? e


A lathe saddle of rass 30 kg m straversed by a s m m glecstart squarecthread screw of 10 r p mtch am d re am dmareter 40 rr. If the vertm calforce o m the cuttm m tool m s250 r g N, f m m the torque at the screw requmr d to traverse the saddle. The coeffmcm e mof d e t fr mctmo m betweem saddle am d lathe bed am d for the screw thread m s0.15.


A doublecstart squarecthread screw has a p mtch of 20 r am d a re am dmareter of r 100 r , = 0.03. Calculate mts effmcm em whem ram mm g a load. r cy s


A load of 2500 N m sto be ram sedby a screw jack w m thream dmareter of 75 r r am d p mtch of 12 rr. Fm m the effm c emcy of the screw jack, m fthe coeffm c em t of d m m frm c tm obetweem the screw am d mut ms 0.075. m

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1. 2. 3. 4.

31.4 N , 12 N r r 0.376 N r 80.5 % 41.5 %

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!.. May success be with you always.

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