Utilization of Artificial Rain Gauge For Hydro Meteorological Study (Field Report)

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Yustinus Adityawan 1)

e-mail : [email protected]
Undergraduate Student of Environmental Geography Department
Geography Faculty
Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta, 2010


This research was carried out at Sengkan Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special
Province. The taping and measuring of rain event took place during 10 days observation. The
purposes of this research are to know design of simple rain gauge which it is able to record rain
event and to know the correlation between rainfall and rain duration (day and minutes) during
laboratory observation took place.
The methods of this research can be divided into 2 methods. First method is to make
simple rain gauge instrument based the things around us. Rain gauge setting must be counted
aspects, which those can be influent taping and measuring process. Those aspects were existence
of something around the instrument such as vegetation and building, where those can be made
rainfall splash came in into the instrument; and easily to monitoring.
Second method was linear regression, it was used to know the correlation between
rainfall and rain duration during 10 days observation. Based on calculation result of regression
between time duration (day and minute) and rainfall, It wasn’t found any relevance/correlation
between time duration and rainfall.

Key words : Artificial rain gauge, simple rain gauge design, correlation between rainfall and time

1. Introduction
Hydrology can be defined as a hydrology at ecological life is as water
science which had relationship with supplier for any kind utilization.
earth’s water, occuring process, Explanation about hydrological
circulation and distribution, chemistry condition at certain area has important
and physical behavior, and reaction relevance with hydrologic cycles.
with their environment, included the Where hydrologic cycles can be
relevance with organism (International defined as water circulation within
Glossary of Hydrology, 1974 in upper, at surface, and below the earth
Seyhan, 1977). The role of study (Sharp, 2007). One of the components
hydrology at ecological life at certain from hydrologic cycles is rain, which
area has important role. The role of it becomes source for groundwater and
water surface.

Figure 1. Hydrologic Cycle

(Source : http://www.waterprotection.ca/images/watercycle.jpg)

Rain can be defined as a form 2000). The process which formed rain
of drop water which it has diameter depended a lot of factors, such as wind
more than 0,5 mm or smaller and wide direction, coordinate position, and
scattered at certain area (Soewarno, altitude.

Taping process and measuring gauge and manual measurement for
of rain have important role for recorded rain. Rain gauge is kind of an
climatological and hydrological instruments, which it is used by
applications at certain area (Habib et meteorologist and hydrologist to
al, 2001; Gómez, 2007; Beek et al, gather and measure the amount of
2010). Taping process and measuring liquid precipitation (solid precipitation
can be obtained with a lot of is measured by a snow gauge) over a
instruments such as remote sensing set period of time
(TRMM Precipitation Radar) and rain (http://wikipedia.com, 2010).
gauge. In this paper, author used rain

Figure 2. Rain Gauge

(Source : Wikipedia.com, 2010)

The development at certain balanced with the other of

region had an effects on physical, hydrological branchs, such as
social, and ecological aspects. One of hydrometeorology.
the effects of the development process Hydrometeorology is a science
was an amount of water required which studies atmosphere and land at
increasingly for many utilization, like hydrologic cycles, with pressing at the
industrial, agricultural, and household. relevance between both of them
The rise of an amount of water (Nurjani, 2008). Rain is a part of
required at certain region must be hydrometeorological branchs, include

quantity, time and space distribution. direction of wind, evaporation, and
The taping and measuring of rain need fragment of rain didn’t computable.
an expensive instrument which it is The accuracy of space
difficult to obtain by local distribution of rain at certain area
government, institution, academician, needs a lot of network instrument,
and society. where those need much operation cost
At this paper, author is and many instruments to record and
practicing on measurement and taping measure rain at certain area.
of rain. Rain data was obtained from Therefore, it was needed simple of
simple rain gauge instrument, where it rain gauge instrument which it can be
was made by author. Systematic error used by a lot of societies in Indonesia.
aspects such as velocity and the

2. Main Research Questions

The difference of physical were observed, those were rainfall,
conditions at certain area will be rain duration, and rain intensity.
influenced with social and ecological Based the explanation on
aspects. One of physical condition above, the main research questions of
which has influent to human life is this paper are How is design of
rain. Taping and measuring processes simple rain gauge instrument, which it
of rain were doing during 10 days. It able to record rain event and How is
depended on rain even took place at the correlation between rainfall and
these range times. The rain aspects rain duration (day and minutes) during
laboratory observation took place.

3. Objectives
The aims of this paper are to minutes) during laboratory
know design of simple rain gauge observation took place.
which it is able to record rain event
and 2) to know the correlation between
rainfall and rain duration (day and

4. Methods, Results, and Discussion
4.1. Design of Simple Rain Gauge.
Simple rain gauge can be easy to apply for various civitas,
useful for a lot of societies in which those for expert or still
developing contries like Indonesia, biginner. The matters of this design of
such as academition, which it useful simple rain gauge easily can be found
for study about climate condition at around us. Those are :
certain area; institution and a. Ex-bottle, like Coca-Cola bottle,
government which it useful matter for it was used to gather the amount
evaluation of development planning, of liquid precipitation.
where it was considering physical b. Glue, it was used to make the
aspect such hydrometeorological data bottom of ex-bottle came to flat
or rain data. relatively.
c. Paper, it was used to record data.
d. Cutter/Scissors, it was used to
cut ex-bottle.
e. Ruler, to measure the height of
amount of liquid precipitation in
the bottle.
f. Pen or pencil
g. Watch, to know precipitation
Figure 1. The matters of Simple Rain
h. Microsoft Exel, to know the
correlation between rainfall and
The making process of rain rain duration.
gauge is simple relatively and it is
Figure 2. The bottom of ex-bottle is’nt flat enough to measure the amount of liquid
and to make the bottom of ex-bottle become flat, author use glue.

Rain gauge setting must be has influence to rain quality data.

counted aspects, which those can be Because wind data wasn’t available,
influent taping and measuring process. so wind didn’t computable.
Those aspects were existence of Rain gauge must accurate,
something around the instrument such include a) sputtering of raindrop
as vegetation and building, where mustn’t come in into the bottle, b)
those can be made rainfall splash came water losses from resovoir by
in into the instrument; and easy to evaporation must be minimum, c) if
measure the instrument. snow, must melt.
Sometimes rain data doesn’t Selection place and the type of
has good quality, it was caused by rain gauge depend many factors like
systematic and random errors. reliable data, the type of data, the type
Humidity, evaporation, wind (velocity of precipitation, the cost and
and direction) are an examples of treatment, easily to monitoring, and
systematic error. In this paper, far away from any disruptions. So
systematic error wasn’t calculated by when rain occurred at certain time,
author. Wind is important factor who measurement must be done.


Glue 1
H Height (after filled)
The amount of liquid after rain event
H Height(empty)
D Diameter

Figure 3. Design of Rain Gauge

4.2. The Correlation Between Rainfall, Rain Duration, and Rain Iintensity.
The method was used to know If the value of regression goes
correlation between rain duration with up to 1 or more than 0.5, so it has the
rainfall was linear regression. Taping meaning that it has correlation
and measuring processes of between rainfall dan rain duration. If
precipitation data include rainfall dan the value of regression less than 0.5,
time duration during precipitation so it has the meaning that it hasn’t no
occured. Microsoft Exel was used for correlation between rainfall and rain
tabulation data and to know the duration.

Regression between Height and Observation Days

Height (mm)

3-Sep-10 5-Sep-10 7-Sep-10 9-Sep-10 11-Sep- 13-Sep- 15-Sep- 17-Sep- 19-Sep-
10 10 10 10 10
y = 0.1512x - 6088.2
R2 = 0.001
Series1 Linear (Series1)

Figure 4. Regression between time duration (day) and rainfall.

Based on calculation result of Regression between time duration

regression between time duration (day (day) and rainfall has value as 0.001
and minute) and rainfall, It wasn’t and the value of regression between
found any relevance/correlation minute and rainfall is 0.2536.
between time duration and rainfall.
Regression between Height (mm) and Time Duration (minute)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time Duration (minute)
y = 0.0837x + 9.9006
R2 = 0.2536 Series1 Linear (Series1)

Figure 5. Regression between time duration (minute) and rainfall.

The value percent of rainfall doesn’t depend from time duration of rain
event, but depends on intensity. The greater of rain intesity influences to rainfall.
Time duration becomes not important, but sometimes it becomes important too
depends on situation, place, and another aspects.

5. Conclusions
1. Artificial rain gauge is an easily tool which it can be recorded and
taped rain event, cheap relatively.
2. Design of rain gauge is simple to apply or use for any kind of
3. Based on calculation result of regression between time duration
(day and minute) and rainfall, didn’t find any relevance/correlation
between time duration and rainfall.
4. The value percent of rainfall doesn’t depend from time duration of
rain event, but depends on rain intensity.
6. References
Beek, C.Z.Van de., Leijnse, H., Torfs, Quality Lab, Geography Faculty,
P.J.J.F., and Uijlenhoet,R., 2010, UGM.
Climatology of Daily Rainfall Sevruk, B., and Lapin, M., 1993,
Semivariance In The Precipitation Measurement &
Netherlands, Hydrol.Earth Quality Control, Proc., Int.
Sysy.Sci.Discuss., 7, 2085-2120. Symp. on Precipitation and
Gómez, M.R.S., 2007, Spatial And Evaporation, Vol. 1, Slovak
Temporal Rainfall Gauge Data Hydrometeorological Institute,
Analysis And Validation With Bratislava, Slovakia.
TRMM Microwave Radiometer Seyhan, E., 1977, Fundamentals of
Surface Rainfall Retrievals, Hydrology, Amsterdam: Instituut
Master Thesis, Netherland: voor Aardwetenschappen, Vrije
International Institute For Geo- Universiteit.
Information Science And Earth Sharp, J.M., 2007, A Glossary of
Observation. Hydrogeological Terms, Texas:
Habib, E., Krajewski, W.F., and Department of Geological
Kruger, A., 2001, Sampling Sciences, The University of
Errors Of Tipping-Bucket Rain Texas.
Gauge Measurements, Journal Soewarno, 2000, Hidrologi
of Hydrologic Engineering, pp. Operasional Jilid Satu,
159 - 166. Bandung: PT. Citra Aditya
Nurjani, E., 2008, Manual Book For Bakti.
Hydrometeorology Lab Work, www.wikipedia.com/ was accessed at
Yogyakarta: Hydrology and Air August 26, 2010.
Table 1. The result of Taping and Measuring Rain Event
Time Time Duration Height Volume
No Day Start Finish minute second (mm) (mm3)
1 Saturday, Sept 04, 2010 15.36 18.45 189 11340 21 1305.61
2 Sunday, Sept 05, 2010 17.50 19.15 85 5100 12 746.06
3 Monday, Sept 06, 2010 13.30 20.38 248 14880 15 932.58
4 Wednesday, Sept 08, 2010 13.15 19.10 355 21300 48 2984.26
5 Friday, Sept 10, 2010 19.05 19.14 9 540 5 310.86
6 Saturday, Sept 11, 2010 12.55 13.30 35 2100 22 1367.78
Saturday, Sept 11, 2011 21.10 23.55 165 9900 63 3916.84
7 Sunday, Sept 12, 2010 15.31 16.01 30 1800 7 435.20
Sunday, Sept 12, 2010 20.50 21.45 55 3300 4 248.69
8 Thursday, Sept 16, 2010 1.00 4.05 185 11100 23 1429.96
Thursday, Sept 16, 2011 18.00 21.30 210 12600 10 621.72
9 Friday, Sept 17, 2010 13.30 14.05 35 2100 30 1865.16
10 Saturday, Sept 18, 2010 18.48 19.28 40 2400 6 373.03
Total 1641 98460 266 16537.75
Source : Field Measurement, 2010 (during 10 days)

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