FA Wave

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Q. Write the VHDL Code for using structural modeling.



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity FA is
port(a,b,cin:in std_logic;
sum,carry: out std_logic);
end FA;

architecture FA_SM of FA is
component xor3
port(a1,b1,c1:in std_logic;
o1:out std_logic);
end component;

component and2
port(a2,b2:in std_logic;
o2:out std_logic);
end component;

component or3
port(a3,b3,c3:in std_logic;
o3:out std_logic);
end component;

signal t1,t2,t3:std_logic;
U1:xor3 port map(a,b,cin,sum);
U2:and2 port map(a,b,t1);
U3:and2 port map(b,cin,t2);
U4:and2 port map(a,cin,t3);
U5:or3 port map(t1,t2,t3,carry);
end FA_SM;

--Here 3- input XOR gate, 2-input AND gate and 3-input OR gate are used as a


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity xor3 is
port(a1,b1,c1:in std_logic;
o1:out std_logic);
end xor3;

architecture xor3_DF of xor3 is

signal s0:std_logic;
s0<=a1 xor b1;
o1<=s0 xor c1;
end xor3_DF;
-- and2
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity and2 is
port(a2,b2:in std_logic;
o2:out std_logic);
end and2;

architecture and2_DF of and2 is

o2<=a2 and b2;
end and2_DF;

-- or3
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity or3 is
port(a3,b3,c3:in std_logic;
o3:out std_logic);
end or3;

architecture or3_DF of or3 is

signal s1:std_logic;
s1<=a3 or b3;
o3<=s1 or c3;
end or3_DF;


Try Yourself:
Que:1 Write the code for Full Adder Using Half Adder as a component.

Que:2 Write the the code for Full Adder for given structure.

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