Dulcamara SC
Dulcamara SC
Dulcamara SC
PLANT (Solenacea)
The best way I know of to win an argument is to start by being right
Must quarrel with everyone, but is not angry
Domineering, strong-minded and possessive (Esp. with family)
Anxiety for othersto keep them under control
Carves out a sphere of influence, to exert control
Outside her sphere, she is suspicious
She is always right, and expects others to acknowledge that
(DJ) Plant, worse with change of season
Has warts on back of hand
Name: a transition between bitter and sweet
Shes talking about transitions in life
CASE: from Dave
Wart on back of thumb
Huge, nasty looking
Massage theopist
In lots of transitions
My who being permission to breath
Parenting a teen
I want to stay as strong as can
Without feeing burn out
If build base
Strong base
Source of balance and strength
Energy draining, mom
Really sucks
Like dampen
Heavy compressed draining
Easier to find joy and happiness and acceptable
World isnt as clear and bright like a veil
Heavy feeling pulled down
Heavy exhausting
A pull
In winter worse, dampened
In summer like plant healthy and green
Like cycles in life
Something taking away
Veil is like a screen
Light clear, like blooming bush