Part 1
The term short febrile illness is to be preferred to the earlier general term viral
fever for fevers less than 7 days duration
SFI (Short febrile illness)
Usual Presentation
Temperature more than 38.5 C for more than two consecutive days. It may be
continuous or remittent without severe chills or rigor.
Non specific headache which correspondingly increases with temperature
Dry cough with minimal white mucoid sputum
General aches and pains without real arthritis
Running nose, sneezing and nasal block characteristic of influenza
A reasonable provisional diagnosis of SFI can be made. 90% have uneventful
recovery within 7 days.
While arriving at a diagnosis, routine examinations of vital signs and basic
investigations may be made and rule out other diseases.
General approach
If fever presentation is on first day - make a provisional diagnosis and manage
based on symptoms and relevant history
If fever has history of more than 3 days or has been treated partly - diagnosis
should include investigations and proper decisions on management or referral
should be made
b) If the area reports show there is wide prevalence of specific fevers like
lepto/dengue/JE/scrub etc and do appropriate screening tests
Serological tests are costly but more confirmatory and available only in
specialized labs IgM Dengue, IgM lepto can confirm your suspicion. You
should know where these tests are available in your locality.NS1Ag is the latest
screening test which can diagnose dengue fever within 48 hours
Case definition
If the case corresponds to the above symptomatology of a disease it shall be
called as suspected case
If the case comes from the area of the identified cases and has a contact history
we shall define it as a probable case
If the confirmatory diagnostic investigations are carried out and is positive then
only it is considered as a confirmed case.
c) Tepid (slight warm water) sponging is the best and it should be done over
whole body and not just on forehead alone
d) Rest is most important factor and parents should be strictly instructed not to
send their children to school till they are totally symptom free
e) Do not cover the body with thick blanket or caps as they tend to rapid increase
of temperature, shivering and febrile fits Use light cotton loose dress
Part 2
Case identification
Here we are dealing with acute epidemic fevers i.e. acute miasmatic fevers. It
may be a fixed miasm where the characteristic features remain the same or it
may be differing in character or symptoms every year
Case taking
Acute case taking is limited to acute totality (presenting complaints and history
of presenting complaints- this includes the most probable etiology) completion
of symptom and confirmation of the symptom by requestioning is the key to
acute totality Case Analysis
Characteristic symptoms of the disease can be considered as characteristic
symptoms which helps us to find a desired remedy which is capable of
producing a ‘curative artificial disease very similar to the totality of symptoms
of the natural disease.
Symptoms which are constant, frequent, strongest and most troublesome to the
patient are to be given more value (Lesser writings- medicine of experience)
Most of the symptoms found in flavi virus infection (dengue, yellow fever,
KFD) seem to be similar in the initial 1-2 days. Leptospirosis or SFI also
presents similar symptoms.
Common symptoms and rubrics taken in SFI/ other viral infections may be as
follows. You may select the rubrics and decide on its severity and grade it. All
the symptoms which clinically characterize the disease may be included for
repertorisation. It is this medicine which we may select as genus epidemicus
First step 1 (a) – Find out the main and constant pathological symptoms of the
febrile case (1-2 days) and match with the limited rubrics given above. -
Repertory charts help you to arrive at group of medicines .If there is
concordance and feel the indicated remedy is in the above group go to step 2.
1(b) If there is no concordance take the usual repertorizing route
Step two 2 - Check out the remaining symptoms /rubrics from the medicine
3(b) Repetition- There is only one accepted law in organon as said in aph
245.When the response to first dose is increasingly perceptible and rapidly
increasing amelioration no repetition. On the other hand if the response is slow
improvement, then the medicine may be repeated at suitable intervals. In very
acute cases it may be repeated every hour, half hour or every fifteen minutes.
4 Follow up- Though in some cases the response may be rapid, it is reasonable
enough to request the patient to do a self assessment after 4-6 hours and decide
to repeat (if the improvement is slow/feel good is present but clinically no
improvement) to wait if there is good improvement (symptomatically and
clinically) and to report to the physician in case of warning signs (more vital
organs affected) whereupon physician decide to change the medicine).
Every febrile case (initial) may be asked to come for a follow up after 48
hours (2 days) with simple blood tests like Hb, TC, DC, ESR, platelet count
and urine routine tests or other relevant tests).or report immediately if there are
warning signs like persistent vomiting, abdominal tenderness, loss of
orientation, low BP, scarcely perceptible pulse, cold clammy extremities and
restlessness, breathing difficulty, or mucosal bleeding
(a)If patient is better, make sure that the patient is getting better in all
diagnostic parameters like BP, pulse rate, blood reports immunological
(b) If patient is febrile, sick, sinking vitality it means the patient has not fully
responded to our first line of treatment and hence we have to reconsider our
management strategy and so follow next critical phase management
(c) Refer to another senior homoeopathic physician or seek his advice with
whom you have confidence along with proper case details and medicine given
and decide further management
Eye hemorrhage
Epistaxis heat during
Mouth hemorrhage gums
Vomiting incessant
Vomiting coffee ground/ blood
Vomiting intermittent fever during
Abdomen pain liver heat during
Abdomen pain diarrhoea during
Abdomen pain vomiting after
Abdomen ascites( dropsy)
Respiration difficult mucus in the chest
Inflammation pleura
Urine bloody
Fever yellow fever
Stool bloody
Stool color black with remittent fever
Chest inflammation lungs
Select the rubrics which fit into your case. These are crisis rubrics showing
grave character. From the list of medicines you get check symptoms you have
not repertorised. If a medicine covers all these. Then that will be the indicated
Aim - It should lessen the danger and duration of disease. It should promote
remission at the earliest and prevent complication
1(b) Check for the remaining symptoms and see which remedy runs through
all of them
Opium, Agaricus, Spongia, Merc, bry, hyoscyamus Carbo veg, HCN etc will come. add
the remaining symptoms of the case and find the remedy. It should correspond to the
gravity of the condition. Its use may revive the patient. Supplement whatever available
with you to help the patient and send the case to the hospital
This should be managed in hospital HDU only. But there are chances in rural settings to
get a patient in such a state.
Step 1 As usual all systemic and routine examinations should be done quickly Patient
would be drowsy, comatose, delirious or disoriented with low BP or narrow pulse
pressure , pulse may be scarcely perceptible, extremities cold and clammy
Step 2 explain the situation to patient bystanders and try to get a written consent for
managing the case and try to arrange for transportation of patient to a hospital for
critical management
Step 3 give the most indicated medicine
Step 4 ask the patient or bystander to administer by inhaltion at frequent intervals 5-10-
15 minutes till they reach the hospital
Never deny the patient the homoeopathic care to any patient in any stage but use your
legal and common sense while dealing with such very critical cases. Advised for
referral may be written on case record even if you think it is safe for patient to undertake
our management and the patient is not illing to go to another place.
Annexure 1
1-2 days > 2 days
Body pain
General Neck Back Upper limb Lower limb Joints Head pain
pain (localization)
Chill/rigor Yes No
If yes, Time
Pain Yes No
If yes, modalities
Pain Yes No
Swallowing difficult
Pain Yes No
Enlarged Spleen
Enlarged Liver
Leucopenia Leucocytosis
Pleural effusion
If yes, nature
(Time and other factors)
Confusion Coma
Other symptoms
BP Resp rate
Chest X ray
Total count
<4000 4000-10,000 >10,000
Blood urea
<40 >40
Igm Dengue
Igm lepto
IgM chikungunya
Widal test
Annexure 3
Rubric analysis of Gels in fevers
Chill Generalities
Physical anxiety –compelled to do something no rest, hot bathing , cold bathing agg, agg change of position, desire for
change of position Agg and amel- from taking cold air, becoming cold, tendency to take cold, becoming cold agg, kicks off
covers, dryness of usually moist internal parts, agg eating small quantities
Agg from cold drinks in hot weather
Desire and amel from cold food , cold drinks
Aversion food chill during
Hot drinks desire ,aggravates
Hot food aggr
Water amel
Vital lack of heat warmth agg Heat internal, bood vessels
Becoming heated
Amel lying, on painful part
Aversion motion, aggravation motion,/ of affected part
Pulse rapid,fast, full/hard/tense
Rest amel, physical restlessness perspiration during
Season –summer , winter, in summer after cool days
Side – one side, right
Slow manifestation
Touch agg, tremblingweakness fever during, weakness exertion from
Weather wet amel, change from cold to warm, cool days after hot weather
Heat internal, bood vessels
Becoming heated
Amel lying, on painful part
Aversion motion, aggravation motion,/ of affected part
Pulse rapid,fast, full/hard/tense
Rest amel, physical restlessness perspiration during
Season –summer , winter, in summer after cool days
Side – one side, right
Slow manifestation
Touch agg, tremblingweakness fever during, weakness exertion from
Weather wet amel, change from cold to warm, cool days after hot weather
Baptisia rubrics
Chill Heat
Pyrogen rubrics
Chill Heat
Beginning in back With chillness, hectic,
between scapulae, chill intense heat Celsius,
with perspiration, intermittent chronic, augue,
periodicity regular malarial, oscillating, Septic
quotidian, rigors, long fevers, stage- heat followed
lasting rigors agg by chill, aversion to covering
evening, desire for in any stage of fever
warmth which
does not relieve septic
conditions ,Time 7 pm
sewer gas`
Arnica rubrics
Indoor air agg, desire for open air, cold washing amel, bcoming
cold agg, physical exertion agg, faintness fever during , flushes
of heat, agg becoming heated, formication cold external parts,
hard bed sensation of, excessive physical irritability, pulse-
full rapid fluttering, jerking
Activity- desire, increased
Bathing – warm bathing agg
hard bed sensation of
Numbness chill during
agg during perspiration, no relief - perspiration
Generalities – ailments from – excitement, fear, fright
Pulse- rapid, slow, abnormal, imperceptible,full,irregular
Sensation of strength
Ailments from sun desire uncovering, hot weather agg, walking
Type – continued , septicemia, cerebrospinal,
Body – lower part
Stuporous, stupefaction and unconsciousness
Intense heat of head and face, body cold
chill followed by heat with perspiration
desire for uncovering
Types of fever – zygotic, septic, rheumatic, puerperal, milk
fever, continued typhoid, catarrhal, tertian, remittent,
intermittent, bilious, gastric, and hectic
Side – one sided, right side,
In Kerala IHMA is participating in the first ever public private homoeopathic venture
in our country in preventive field called RAECH( rapid action epidemic control cell
homoeopathy). From it time of evolution via G O (rt) no 2543/04/H&FWD dated
7/9/2004 it has become an umbrella where epidemic related measures and studies are
conducted in homoeopathic field. It is striving for a standardized quick and effective
response in epidemics. Though many of us may point many fingers at the functioning
of this system, it is undeniably true that
1) It had created a group thinking in epidemic situation where chaos was in the state
where each organization would declare and criticize the genus epidemicus of other
organizations and created confusion in the minds of the people
2) It had brought out scientific studies on the effectiveness of prophylactic medicines
which gave us a talking platform among scientists. This was possible only because of
manpower and money resources pooled by RAECH which could not have been done
by other organizations
Any mass programme needs multi level participation and so is our preventive
programme. Rather than a homoeopathic programme run by homoeopaths for
homoeopathy it has to be a people’s programme guided by homoeopathic experts.
More expertise, more standardization, more alertness and more multilevel involvement
of experts and voluntary organizations is needed in delivery of medicines at shortest
notice, planning the delivery , increasing rate of consumption of GE, and feedback
study. But the core area, identifying GE with standardization is of greatest concern
and all IHMA members participating in RAECH activities or interested in preventive
field of homoeopathy are requested to keep in mind the following points
In an epidemic the most used and effective medicine in treating the epidemic case
may not be the preventive medicine. This is a wrong concept harboured by many
Hahnemann as the patients came to him a advanced stages but these medicines have no
role in preventing the initial symptoms from developing to a full fledged disease.
Test of effectiveness of a GE- it should not only prevent the disease but when
administered in the initial stage of the disease should abort the disease. That is the only
test suggested in our literature.
Case taking for selecting GE – Should possibly be taken from the epicenter of the
epidemic and should include all the symptoms in detail. Case taking need not be taken
in complicated cases /ICU’s.
Relation with RAECH- any person can take the case reported before him and
report it to the DLEG member or can contact the nearest medical officer. Please
make available with you a contact /phone number of the medical officer/ DLEG /TRG
member. You will be invited to the DLEG to present the case or more wide case taking
in your area may happen. please follow it up with your DLEG member on the progress
of the epidemic management.
Contact the SLEG member if you have any complaints or suggestions to be made
before the highest level
Camps- you can organize medical camps in association with RAECH after informing
your DLEG member who in turn will notify the DMO and medicines will be made
available to you as per DLEG decisions. Now the medicines are distributed in strip
forms and it is readily available in HOMCO at shortest notice.
If you have any influence in media or in organizations which can help deliver the GE
please report it to your DLEG member