Resume Pe

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Patient Education Institute - Coralville, IA 9/1/2004 5/1/2014

Editorial Director & Senior Instructional Designer, 2008-2014
- Lead as Senior Instr!tiona" #esi$ner% a&&"'in$ ad"t "earnin$ t(eories to te)t% *isa" and
- Create% edit% and e)e!te interna" trainin$ $ides and &ro$ra+s ,or e+&"o'ees and
- -ana$e and &ro*ide strate$i! "eaders(i& ,or a tea+ .riters% editors% and !o&'
editors/&roo, readers
- P"an% !oordinate% and esta/"is( &rod!tion ti+e"ine ,or t(e !o+&"etion o, (ndreds o,
si+"taneos &ro0e!ts
- Resear!(% and &rod!e !ontent ran$in$ ,ro+ (ea"t( ed!ation and trainin$ to +ar1etin$
and RFP +ateria"s
- Pro*ide ,eed/a!1% !oa!(in$% and re*isions to .riters to ensre +ateria"s are
.ritten% desi$ned% and re*ised /ased on t(e instr!tiona" o/0e!ti*es% in!"din$
stor'/oard and +"ti+edia
- Coordinate .it( S-Es and !"ients to desi$n instr!tiona" strate$ies
- -aintain a .or1in$ 1no."ed$e o, &rod!ts and t(eir !ontent in!"din$ !o+&"e) *arieties
o, +eta data
- 2ee& a .or1in$ 1no."ed$e o, -i!roso,t O3!e Site% Ado/e Creati*e Site% Arti!"ate%
Ca&ti*ate% Sond,or$e% and ot(er $enera" o3!e &ro$ra+s
Editor and Illustrative Manager, 2006-2008
- S&er*ise t(e &rod!tion o, and &rod!e instr!tiona" +ateria"s% s!( as *ideo and adio
instr!tion% on"ine a!ti*ities and assess+ents% (t+" &a$es% and $ra&(i!s
- Prod!e e-"earnin$ &resentations
- Create and edit F"as( ani+ations ,or e-"earnin$ &resentations and +ar1etin$ +ateria"s
- Re!rit ne. e+&"o'ees t(ro$( ad &"a!e+ent and s!reenin$
- 4rite and edit (ea"t( arti!"es% "i!ensin$ a$ree+ents% RFPs % +ar1etin$ /ro!(res% and
ot(er !ontent
- 5oi!e A!tin$ ,or e-"earnin$ &rod!ts and +ar1etin$ &resentations
Multimedia Associate and Editor, 2004-2006
- 4rite and edit (ea"t( arti!"es% "i!ensin$ a$ree+ents% RFPs% and +ar1etin$ /ro!(res
- Prod!e e-"earnin$ &resentations
- Ser*e as "ead i""strator and ani+ator
- Conta!t "eads ,or sa"es &r&oses% +aintain and or$ani6e on"ine sa"es +ana$e+ent
- Fi"in$ and ot(er !"eri!a" .or1
- 2009 :;A;% Ps'!(o"o$'% As(,ord 7ni*ersit'< C"inton IA
- 2001 A;A;% S!ott Co++nit' Co""e$e< :ettendor,

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