Asignment 1
Asignment 1
Asignment 1
JANUARY SEMESTER 2014 HMEE 5043 SEMINAR PAPER IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT 1 (70%) SCOPE AND OBJECTIVE This assignment requires students to revie re!evant !iterature to "re"are a seminar "a"er in edu#ationa! management and !eadershi"$ The s#o"e o% the seminar "a"er #an &e %rom the %o!!o ing areas' 1$ ,$ 3$ 4$ 5$ (eadershi" and )rgani*ation E%%e#tiveness+ or Instru#tiona! (eadershi" and Student A#ademi# A#hievement+ or S#hoo! -u!ture and )rgani*ationa! -ommitment+ or (eadershi"+ Team .or/ and S#hoo! Hea!th+ or An0 other re!evant to"i# re!ated to Edu#ationa! Management+ or
The #ontent o% the Seminar 1a"er has to &e e2tra#ted %rom various sour#es o% !iterature su#h as dissertations+ 3ourna! arti#!es and &oo/s$ The !ength o% the "a"er shou!d &e rough!0 3500 ords 41,515 "ages6$ GUIDELINES OR ASSIGNMENT Sin#e the students have to "resent the "a"er in a seminar+ hen#e the "a"er has to %o!!o #ertain #riteria o% a seminar "a"er$ S!"# 1$ B%&'( )*'!'+, G-'."/'+"& Students are advised to use the %o!!o ing guide!ines to "re"are a seminar "a"er' 7sing %rom genera! to s"e#i%i# ru!e to rite the 8Introdu#tion9 1rovide 8:a#/ground9 in%ormation %or the su&3e#ts and setting Mat#h 0our 8;esear#h <uestions9 ith 8;esear#h )&3e#tives9 (o#ate re!evant !iterature to %ormu!ate 0our 8Theoreti#a! =rame or/9 1resent 0our resear#h varia&!es in a meaning%u! 8-on#e"tua! =rame or/9 -!ari%0 0our Methodo!og0 &0 identi%0ing resear#h design+ "o"u!ation and sam"!ing+ resear#h instruments+ data #o!!e#tion and data ana!0sis te#hniques$
S!"# 2$ C01#0+"+!& 02 % S"1'+%* P%#"* In this assignment+ students are required to rite a Seminar 1a"er o% Edu#ationa! Management hi#h #om"rises o% the %o!!o ing #om"onents' Introdu#tion :a#/ground o% the Stud0 4the need o% stud0+ "ro&!em statement6 ;esear#h )&3e#tives>;esear#h <uestions Theoreti#a! =rame or/ -on#e"tua! =rame or/ Methodo!og0 4 resear#h design+ data #o!!e#tion "ro#edures 4va!idit0 o% resear#h6+ sam"!ing method+ instrument or statisti#a! "ro#edures and ana!0sis6 1
S!"# 3$ O!3"* G-'."/'+"& T'!/" 02 !3" S"1'+%* P%#"* The tit!e o% the "a"er shou!d in#!ude resear#h varia&!es+ su&3e#ts and setting o% the stud0$ P%#"* S!*-(!-*" =i!es shou!d &e in MS .ord %ormat on!0 and shou!d &e %ormatted read0 %or "u&!i#ation &0 using Times Ne ;oman+ %ont si*e 1, and 1$5 s"a#ing$ 1a"ers shou!d &e "re"ared in sing!e #o!umn %ormat suita&!e %or dire#t "rinting onto A4 "a"er$ Insert "age num&er at the &ottom o% ea#h "age$ (eave a !ine #!ear &et een "aragra"hs$ =igures and ta&!es shou!d &e em&edded and not su""!ied se"arate!0$ 0*1%! 02 R"2"*"+("& -itations in the te2t shou!d %o!!o Ameri#an 1s0#ho!ogi#a! Asso#iation 4A1A6 re%eren#ing st0!e$ ;e%eren#es shou!d &e arranged a!"ha&eti#a!!0 and sorted #hrono!ogi#a!!0 i% ne#essar0$ More than one re%eren#e %rom the same author4s6 in the same 0ear must &e identi%ied &0 the !etters 8a9+ 8&9+ 8#9+ et#$+ "!a#ed a%ter the 0ear o% "u&!i#ation$ E4%1#/"& 02 R"2"*"+("&$
-han+ ?$ =$ @ Sidhu+ G$A$ 4,0106$ The re!ationshi" &et een !eadershi" st0!e+ 3o& stress and #o"ing strategies$ The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management $ Vol. 10$ -han+ ?$ =$+ (inton+ :$+ Sidhu+ G$ A$+ Sidhu+ ;$ A$+ =oo+ S$ =$ 4,0116 Investigating the re!ationshi" &et een "s0#ho!ogi#a! em"o erment ith "ersona! and s#hoo! #hara#teristi#s in the Ma!a0sian #onte2t+ Review of Higher Edu ation and !elf"#earning, Vol. $ + Issue10+ 11$ B15C4$
N0!"& 1$ The assignment shou!d &e su&mitted a##ording to the due date$ ,$ ?ou are to su&mit a so%t#o"0 and a hard#o"0 o% 0our assignment to 0our %a#i!itator$ 3$ 1!agiarised assignment i!! &e re3e#ted$