Senior Design Final Report

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April 25, 2008

Kristina Kitko
Mark Melasky
Perry Peterson
Tim Wranovix
5.0 SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................................................................... 11
5.1 VENTURI DESIGN.....................................................................................................................11
5.2 TRANSITION DESIGN................................................................................................................13
5.3 INTAKE PLENUM DESIGN..........................................................................................................15
5.4 VELOCITY STACKS...................................................................................................................16
5.5 SYSTEM INTEGRATION.............................................................................................................18
6.0 MATERIALS SELECTION ................................................................................................... 20
6.1 MATERIALS SELECTION...........................................................................................................20
#$%$% OVERVIEW$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&'
#$%$& "ONSTRAINTS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&'
#$%$( MATERIAL OPTIONS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&'
#$%$) RESINS* RETARDANTS* AND AD+ESIVES$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&%
7.0 TEST/EVALUATION PROCEDURE AND RESULTS .......................................................... 21
,$%$% !AMBIT MES+ !ENERATION PRO"ED-RE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&&
,$%$& L-ENT "OMP-TATIONAL L-ID D.NAMI"S ANAL.SIS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&&
,$%$( L-ENT "D DATA INTERPRETATION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&&
7.2 FLUENT RESULTS....................................................................................................................24
,$&$% VENT-RI RESTRI"TOR$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&)
,$&$& INTAKE PLEN-M$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&)
,$($( INTAKE PLEN-M WIT+ R-NNERS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&)
7.3 FLO!ENC" TESTING..............................................................................................................24
,$($% LOWBEN"+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&)
,$($& MODES O ANAL.SIS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&/
,$($( "D0 LOW BEN"+ INTE!RATION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&/
,$($) LOW BEN"+ "ONSTR-"TION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&/
,$($/ LOW BEN"+ OPERATION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&#
8.0 SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ........................................................................ 26
8.1 SOCIAL IMPACT.......................................................................................................................26
8.2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT.........................................................................................................26
#.0 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................. 27
10.0 PRO$ECT TASK MANAGEMENT .................................................................................... 27
10.2 PRO$ECT SC"EDULE.............................................................................................................27
11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE ORK .................................................................. 28
The primary purpose of the projet !as to "esi#$ a$" fa%riate a $e! i$ta&e system for the 2008
Formula SAE ar'
1.1 Formula SAE
(a$"er%ilt )otorsports "esi#$s a$" %uil"s a$ ope$ !heel raear to ompete i$ the a$$ual
Formula SAE ompetitio$' Formula SAE is a$ e$#i$eeri$# "esi#$ ompetitio$ hel" i$ *etroit,
)+ %et!ee$ ,-0 olle#es a$" u$i.ersities' Sori$# of the ompetitio$ is %ase" o$ %oth stati a$"
"y$ami e.e$ts' The stati e.e$ts i$lu"e a "esi#$ prese$tatio$, a ost prese$tatio$, a$" a
%usi$ess prese$tatio$' The "esi#$ ompetitio$ e.aluates the o.erall "esi#$ of the ar' /u"#es
e0ami$e e.ery aspet of the ar, ra$#i$# from !ei#ht to materials seletio$ to pa&a#i$#' The
ost ompetitio$ sores the teams relati.e to o$e a$other !ith a su%sta$tial pere$ta#e of sori$#
for that e.e$t %ase" upo$ a ra$& relati.e to the lo!est ost sore reporte"' E.ery team must
su%mit the atual retail ost of the parts of the ar i$lu"i$# la%or hours a$" ma$ufaturi$#'
Teams also ompete i$ the %usi$ess prese$tatio$, !here the team reates a fititious mar&eti$#
pla$ a$" prese$ts it to a pa$el of ju"#es'
The "y$ami e.e$ts are aeleratio$, s&i"1pa", autoross, e$"ura$e, a$" fuel eo$omy' The
aeleratio$ ompetitio$ measures the ar2s apa%ility i$ strai#ht li$e aeleratio$' The s&i"1pa"
times the ar arou$" t!o laps of a fi#ure 81style tra&' The autoross tra&, less tha$ o$e
&ilometer lo$#, omprises t!o laps of hairpi$ tur$s, slaloms, a$" short strai#ht1a!ays' The
e$"ura$e ourse is "esi#$e" to su%jet the ars to lo$#, sustai$e" stresses' This tra& is similar
to that of the autoross %ut is o$e &ilometer lo$# a$" "esi#$e" suh that multiple ars may %e o$
the tra& at the same time' The ompetitio$ is ru$ !ith t!o "ri.ers, eah "ri.i$# ,, o$seuti.e
laps' The fuel eo$omy is measure" "uri$# the e$"ura$e ompetitio$' The !ei#hte" sori$#
for eah e.e$t is "isplaye" i$ Fi#ure ,'
Figure 1: 4ere$ta#e of Total Sore for Eah E.e$t at Formula SAE
The si$#le %i##est fator i$ a team2s o.erall sore is the e$"ura$e e.e$t, omprisi$# 3-5 of the
o.erall sore' *esi#$ a$" ost are also lar#e pere$ta#es of a team2s o.erall sore, a$" the areas
!here the (a$"er%ilt team has stru##le" the most'
1.2 The Car
Eah team is allo!e" to "esi#$ a u$i6ue ar !ithi$ the rule speifiatio$s' The 2007 (8
)otorsports ar is $i$e feet lo$#, si0 feet !i"e a$" four feet tall' +t uses a 9o$"a CB: ;00
motoryle e$#i$e ha.i$# a "isplaeme$t of 5<<' The team a""e" hi#h ompressio$ pisto$s to
ompe$sate for the restritor' The ar has a steel hassis, a $aturally aspirate" i$ta&e=e0haust
system, a se6ue$tially shifti$# ma$ual tra$smissio$, a fi%er#lass %o"y a$" a$ a$ti1roll system' A
piture of the ar is loate" %elo! as Fi#ure 2'
Figure 2: 2007 (a$"er%ilt )otorsports Car
There are se.eral rule speifiatio$s that "iretly affet the sope of this projet' The "esi#$
team must ta&e these o$strai$ts i$to aou$t !he$ !or&i$# to!ar" the fi$al "esi#$' Teams
must i$lu"e a 20mm restritor o$ their i$ta&e systems' This restritor must %e loate" %et!ee$
the air i$ta&e a$" a$y fore" i$"utio$ systems' E0haust $oise is limite" to ,,0 "B' +$ a""itio$,
the "esi#$ team must !or& u$"er the o$strai$t that the ost of the system $ot %e su%sta$tial for
purposes of the o.erall ost sore at the Formula SAE ompetitio$'
1.3 The Curren S!"em
The 2007 ar uses a $aturally aspirate" i$ta&e system' The alumi$um i$ta&e has a fuel rail, spar&
plu# mou$ts, a$ air filter mou$t, a throttle %o"y, a$" a (e$turi1style restritor' Fi#ure 3 >%elo!?
sho!s a 4ro=E$#i$eer re$"eri$# of the urre$t i$ta&e system'
Figure 3: Curre$t +$ta&e System *esi#$
@hile the omplete system is fully fu$tio$al, $o testi$# has %ee$ performe" a$" $o a$alytial
"ata e0ists' The team suffers eah year "uri$# the "esi#$ portio$ of the ompetitio$ "ue to a la&
of %oth &$o!le"#e a$" 6ua$titati.e e.i"e$e a%out the "esi#$' +$ a""itio$, the team is u$a%le to
impro.e o$ the "esi#$ of the i$ta&e system as there is $o "ata o$ the effeti.e$ess of the urre$t
1.# S!"em Re$uiremen"
The system re6uireme$ts for the projet are the o$strai$ts !ithi$ !hih the team must !or&'
The fi$al pro"ut re6uireme$t !as alrea"y state" i$ the i$tro"utory portio$ of this setio$' The
"esi#$ team has three um%rella o$strai$t areas !hih the projet spo$sor speifie" i$ the 2008
FSAE rules, pa&a#i$# of the ar, a$" the ost' The Formula SAE rule o$strai$ts are liste" i$
setio$ ,'2' The pa&a#i$# o$strai$ts are that the system must fit !ithi$ the rear of the ar a$"
are e0plai$e" i$ setio$ 2',' The ost o$strai$ts are suh that the system shoul" $ot #reatly
i$rease the o.erall ost of the ar for the ost report' Thus, the team must %ase a$y "esi#$ a$"
fa%riatio$ "eisio$s o$ ompo$e$t ost'
2.1 E&ernal Iner'a(e"
There are se.eral "iffere$t i$terfaes that must %e aou$te" for i$ the "esi#$ of a $e! i$ta&e
system' +ma#es of the "iffere$t system i$terfaes are sho!$ as follo!s'
2',', +$ta&e )a$ifol" +$terfaes
The i$ta&e ma$ifol" o$$ets to the e$#i$e %y pressi$# i$to the i$ta&e ports i$ the yli$"er hea"'
Fi#ure 5 sho!s the i$ta&e ports o$ a yli$"er hea"'
Figure ): +$ta&e 4orts
2','3 Cyli$"er 9ea" 4laeme$t
The yli$"er hea" %olts to the top of the e$#i$e piture" i$ Fi#ure 7'
Figure *: E$#i$e' The ri#ht si"e of the e$#i$e faes the fro$t of the ar'
2','- +$ta&e @i"th Co$strai$t
The i$ta&e ma$ifol" must fit %et!ee$ the mai$ roll hoop support %raes' This setup is sho!$ i$
Fi#ure 8'
Figure +: +$ta&e !i"th o$strai$t
The rules allo! fore" i$"utio$ systems a$" some teams hoose to impleme$t tur%ohar#ers'
A$ a$alysis of the a".a$ta#es a$" "isa".a$ta#es of a tur%ohar#e" system as ompare" to a
$aturally aspirate" system !as re6uire" i$ or"er to ma&e a fi$al "eisio$ o$ the type of system
that !ill %e "esi#$e" for the 2008 ar'
3.1 Tur.o(harger"
3',', Theory
A tur%ohar#e" system is su%sta$tially "iffere$t from a $aturally aspirate" system' +$ a
tur%ohar#e" system, a tur%i$e is plae" i$ the e0haust stream' The tur%i$e is attahe" to a
ompressor %y a shaft' The ompressor is loate" i$ the air i$ta&e stream a$" fores air i$to the
i$ta&e ma$ifol"' @he$ the yli$"er ope$s, more air is pushe" i$to the yli$"er tha$ i$ a N=A
>$aturally aspirate"? system' +f more air is i$ the yli$"er, the fuel i$jetors !ill " more
#asoli$e' This reates a la#er fuel mi0ture for the spar& plu# to i#$ite a$" pro"ues a lar#er
e0plosio$' A lar#er e0plosio$ reates more horsepo!er'
3','2 Tur%ohar#i$# 4ros
There are se.eral positi.e aspets to usi$# a tur%ohar#er o$ the (a$"er%ilt ar' The e$#i$e !ill
ha.e i$rease" horsepo!er' +$ a""itio$, the i$ta&e a$" e0haust system are "esi#$e" as o$e
%eause tur%ohar#ers ru$ o$ e0haust #ases a$" are impleme$te" i$ the i$ta&e' Also, the system
"oes $ot $ee" to %e as #eometrially preise i$ %oth "esi#$ a$" fa%riatio$ %eause the airflo! is
pressuriAe"' Tur%ohar#ers also !i"e$ the e$#i$eBs po!er %a$"C this ma0imiAes the po!er
output at the !heels a$" results i$ a faster respo$se time for the ar'
3','3 Tur%ohar#i$# Co$s
There are also "o!$si"es to the a"optio$ of a tur%ohar#e" system' The hi#h ompressio$
pisto$s urre$tly i$ the e$#i$e are for use !ith a N=A system a$" !oul" $ee" to %e replae"'
The !i"e$i$# of the e$#i$e2s po!er %a$" !oul" also ma&e the ar more "iffiult to "ri.e'
Tur%ohar#er la# a$ our !he$ the " presses the throttle' The ma$ifol" pressure may $ot
%e hi#h e$ou#h to " the "esire" amou$t of fuel' This happe$s %eause e0haust #ases are
spi$$i$# the ompressor at a ertai$ rate %efore the " hits the throttle' This rate may $ot %e
a%le to supply the $e! fuel "ema$"' A short time may %e $ee"e" for the ompressor to
pressuriAe the i$ta&e ma$ifol" to meet the "ema$"' This time is referre" to as the tur%ohar#er
+$ a""itio$, a tur%ohar#er !ill a"" !ei#ht to the ar' At 550 pou$"s, the (a$"er%ilt ar is
alrea"y amo$# the hea.iest at the ompetitio$' The autoross a$" e$"ura$e tra&s re6uire the
ars to tur$ sharply, so the li#hter ars perform %etter' The tur%ohar#er must also %e i$lu"e" i$
the ost report' Cost has %ee$ the !ea&est e.e$t for the team i$ the past !ith a <0
plae fi$ish
last year stemmi$# "iretly from the ost of parts use" o$ the ar' A$y a""itio$al ost i$urre"
!ith the prie of a tur%ohar#er !oul" further lo!er the ost sore for the teamC this !oul"
.iolate the o$strai$t set forth i$ the projet formatio$ sta#e re#ar"i$# a lo!1ost system for the
ost report'
3.2 %aural A"/iraion
3'2', Theory
There are se.eral optio$s for $atural aspiratio$ that "iffer from the 2007 arBs o$fi#uratio$' The
i$ta&e ple$um .olume a$" shape, !hih is the area that o$tai$s the air %efore it is su&e" i$to
a$ e$#i$e yli$"er, a$ %e .arie"' The siAe a$" shape of the (e$turi restritor a$ %e optimiAe"
for i$rease" flo! .eloity' A soop oul" also %e o$strute" arou$" the air filter to reate a
mil" fore" i$"utio$ resulti$# from the !i$" .eloity'
3'2'2 Natural Aspiratio$ 4ros
There are ma$y a".a$ta#es to a $aturally aspirate" system' The ar is urre$tly o$fi#ure" for a
N=A system usi$# hi#h ompressio$ pisto$s a$" the e$#i$e !oul" $ot re6uire a$y mo"ifiatio$'
This system is su%sta$tially heaper tha$ a fore" i$"utio$ system !hih !oul" meet the ost
o$strai$t set forth at projet formatio$' This o$fi#uratio$ has i$"epe$"e$t i$ta&e a$" "esi#$
systems' The "esi#$ team may hoose to !or& !ith o$e or %oth of these systems "epe$"i$# o$
time o$strai$ts' N=A systems are passi.e %eause they ha.e $o mo.i$# parts that ha.e the
possi%ility of failure' They are also $ot pressuriAe", so there is $o ris& of a$ e0plosio$ a$" thus
su%se6ue$t "ama#e to ompo$e$ts'
3'2'3 Natural Aspiratio$ Co$s
There are se.eral o$s to a N=A system !he$ ompari$# it to a tur%ohar#e" fore" i$"utio$
system' This system pro"ues less horsepo!er a$" has a $arro!er po!er %a$" ma&i$# it less
respo$si.e tha$ a tur%ohar#e" system' The #eometri o$fi#uratio$ of the system must %e
ma$ipulate" for optimiAatio$ a$" !ill %e more time o$sumi$# to "esi#$ tha$ a system that
utiliAes pressuriAe" air'
#.1 Com/eii3e Anal!"i"
+$ or"er to ma&e a fi$al "etermi$atio$ %et!ee$ a $aturally aspirate" system a$" a tur%ohar#e"
system, a ompetiti.e a$alysis of the 2007 Formula SAE results !as performe"' ,08 teams
atte$"e" the 2007 e.e$t a$" "ata !as rea"ily o%tai$e" for <3 of those prese$t' Of those <3 teams,
82 teams ra$ $aturally aspirate" systems a$" ,, teams ra$ tur%ohar#e" systems' A ta%le of
results for the teams !ith tur%ohar#ers is sho!$ %elo! as Ta%le ,'
Ta.le 1: Competitio$ :esults for Teams !ith Tur%ohar#ers
Team Florida Kokushikan Laval
State Cornell McGill
Washington Delaware Veneuela McMaster
"verall 6 11 14 16 45 50 53 54 57 86 95
#cceleration 9 8 41 1 73 67 11 53 73 73 73
Skid !ad 33 12 39 18 10 62 44 43 76 76 76
#utocross 7 26 33 38 10 50 71 30 70 90 90
$ndurance 9 15 7 16 37.45 36 37.45 37.45 27 37.45 37.45
Finish Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No No
Design 100 100 80 80 100 80 100 60 60 80 40
Cost 80.54 70.81 72.97 68.98 77.84 79.46 79.45 79.78 75.83 85.49 82.22
-',', O.erall Competitio$ :esults
The hi#hest plai$# team that ra$ a tur%ohar#er plae" ;
' No other teams plae" i$ the top ,0'
There appeare" to %e four teams that plae" !ell o.erall !ith tur%ohar#ers' The other se.e$
teams "i" $ot plae ompetiti.ely' 9o!, a further a$alysis %ase" upo$ "esi#$ a$" ost sores
!as re6uire" to meet the o$strai$ts set forth at projet formatio$'
-','2 *esi#$ a$" Cost :esults
Four out of the ele.e$ teams ru$$i$# tur%ohar#ers fi$ishe" i$ the top prelimi$ary poi$ts
%ra&et, reei.i$# ,00 poi$ts i$ the "esi#$ ompetitio$' This appears to ma&e a tur%ohar#e"
system a "esi#$ a".a$ta#e, %ut the %rea"th of &$o!le"#e a%out the system that is re6uire" to
prese$t a stro$# ase for a$y "esi#$ usi$# a tur%ohar#er !oul" %e %eyo$" !hat oul" feasi%ly
%e o%tai$e" %y the (a$"er%ilt )otorsports team %efore ompetitio$' +$ the ost e.e$t, the top
ost sore ear$e" at last year2s ompetitio$ !as <3'3, poi$ts' The shools liste" ha.e fairly lo!
ost e.e$t sores as a tur%ohar#e" system !oul" i$rease the ost of the ar for the ost report'
As (a$"er%ilt fi$ishe" poorly i$ ost !ithout a tur%ohar#e" system, the i$rease i$ ost
resulti$# from a tur%ohar#e" system !oul" %e a hi$"ra$e to impro.i$# ost ra$&i$#'
#.2 Com/eii3e Anal!"i" 1e(i"ion
Base" upo$ %oth the ompetiti.e a$alysis of teams !ith tur%ohar#e" systems a$" i$put from the
projet spo$sor a$" projet a".isor, it !as "ei"e" that the "esi#$ team !oul" fous o$ a
$aturally aspirate" i$ta&e system for the 2008 ar' The possi%le %e$efit that a tur%ohar#e"
system oul" ha.e i$ the "esi#$ e.e$t "i" $ot out!ei#h the ost that !oul" %e i$urre" i$ the
ost e.e$t'
).1 Venuri 1e"ign
Formula SAE rules re6uire that teams use a 20 millimeter restritor i$ their i$ta&e systems'
8si$# a restritor plate !oul" reate a .e$a o$trata, so the team uses a .e$turi $oAAle to
preser.e lami$ar flo! aross the restritor' The team pre.iously use" !hat they thou#ht !ere
.e$turis %ut !ere atually o$.er#i$#1"$# $oAAles' T!o of the pre.ious $oAAles !ere
teste" o$ our flo! %e$h' >The $um%ers are o$ly use" for ompariso$ purposes? The $oAAle
use" o$ the team2s 200, ar ha" a pressure "rop of 5'5 i$hes of !ater aross the throat' Last
year2s $oAAle ha" a pressure "rop of - i$hes of !ater' A$ i"eal .e$turi $oAAle shoul" ha.e $o
pressure "rop'
The team selete" a$ Ameria$ Soiety of )eha$ial E$#i$eers >AS)E? 9ershel .e$turi tu%e
for the restritio$' This .e$turi is i$te$"e" to measure flo! rate i$ pipeli$es a$" preser.e
lami$ar flo!' The "iameter of the .e$turi !as "itate" %y the 30 millimeter throttle the team
uses eah year a$" the 20 millimeter restritor rule' The "ime$sio$s of a 9ershel .e$turi are
alulate" as follo!e"D
Figure #D Sta$"ar" AS)E (e$turi Tu%e *esi#$ 4arameters'
Figure )D 4roE$#i$eer :e$"eri$# of 2008 (e$turi :estritor'
= =
= = =
= = =
,00 5
;7 ' ;
5 ' 72 20 ;25 ' 3 ;25 ' 3
25 ' -, 30 375 ' , 375 ' ,

mm d R
mm L
mm mm d R
mm d
mm mm D R
mm L
mm D
Figure 4D +ma#e of 2008 (e$turi :estritor'
Co$strutio$ of the .e$turi %e#a$ !ith ma$ufaturi$# a ma$"rel' +$ the e.e$t that the .e$turi
$ee"e" to %e ma$ufature" more tha$ o$e, the team "ei"e" to use a$ alumi$um mol" i$stea"
of foam' +f foam !as use" to ma&e the mol", it !oul" ha.e %ee$ "estroye" !he$ the fi%er#lass
!as remo.e" from it' This is %eause the .e$turi #ets smaller from %oth si"es' The solutio$ !as
to reate a$ alumi$um ma$"rel that splits at the 20 millimeter throat of the $oAAle' The t!o
piees of the ma$"rel !ere mahi$e" o$ the lathe' A hole !as "rille" i$ the mi""le of %oth of
them so that they oul" sli"e alo$# a ro"' O$e %oth piees !ere plae" o$ the ro", mol" release
!as applie" li%erally to the piees to e$sure that the fi%er#lass oul" %e remo.e" !ithout %ei$#
"ama#e"' After the $oAAle !as remo.e" from the mol", fla$#es !ere a""e" to %oth e$"s' The
fla$#es !ere attahe" %y usi$# a thi$ fi%er#lass paste to reate a fillet %et!ee$ the fla$#e a$" the
.e$turi' Small strips of #lass !ere lai" the fillet to o$$et %oth parts'
).2 Tran"iion 1e"ign
The tra$sitio$, or o$ial %e$", o$$ets the "iffuser of the .e$turi to the e$tra$e of the ple$um'
The rules state that the i$ta&e must %e at least ,- i$hes a%o.e the #rou$" other!ise a steel
housi$# must it' The rules also state that all ompo$e$ts of the ar must lie !ithi$ the
%ou$"ary reate" %y the top of the roll hoop to the tires' Therefore, the o$ial %e$" !as set at a
,-E a$#le from the horiAo$tal to omply !ith rule speifiatio$s' The plaeme$t also allo!s for
the throttle a$" air filter to fit arou$" the hassis to mai$tai$ a hi#h air flo! area'
The mol" for the tra$sitio$ o$siste" of maso$ite supports a$" polyuretha$e foam' The
%e#i$$i$# of the o$ial %e$" starts at a "iameter of 30mm to math the e0it of the .e$turi, a$"
e$"s !ith a "iameter of ;-mm to math the e$tra$e of the ple$um' T!o maso$ite piees at as
the %ou$"ary le$#th of the mol"' A tra$sitio$i$# piee !as the$ ut !ith a partiular ur.ature
a$" taper' The t!o irular e$" piees !ere attahe" to the tra$sitio$ to form the %ase of the
o$ial %e$" mol"' Ne0t, %lue foam !as !e"#e" i$to the ope$ setio$s of the mol"' The foam
!as sa$"e" "o!$ to math the taper a$" ur.ature of the %ase mol"' O$e the mol" !as sa$"e"
smooth, epo0y !as applie" to har"e$ the mol"'
The o$ial %e$" !as ma"e usi$# fi%er#lass' This material allo!e" for easy tra$sitio$i$# !hih
!as $ee"e" for the ur.ature a$" taper of the o$ial %e$"' )ol" release !as oate" o$ the
mol" %efore layi$# fi%er#lass strips arou$" the mol"' This allo!e" the o$ial %e$" ompo$e$t
to slip off the mol" easily'
The a$#le of ur.ature !as "itate" %y the rule a$" pa&a#i$# o$strai$ts' A$ a$#le of ;7E
%et!ee$ the e$tra$e of the o$ial %e$" a$" its e0it !as hose$ to mai$tai$ ma0imum air flo!
area to the air filter' The taper of the o$ial %e$" a$ %e see$ as a o$ti$uatio$ of the .e$turi2s
"iffuser' The optimal "iffuser a$#le of the .e$turi !as fou$" to %e 7E usi$# the AS)E style
.e$turi a$" the F loss fou$" i$ Fra$& @hite2s Fluid Mechanics' The "iffuser a$#le use"
for the o$ial %e$" !as <E "ue to pa&a#i$# o$strai$ts' )athi$# the .e$turi2s "iffuser a$#le
e0atly i$.ol.e" i$reasi$# the le$#th of the tra$sitio$ .iolati$# the rule a$" pa&a#i$#
o$strai$ts' The lo$#er e0pa$sio$ !oul" %e "ue to the fat that the e0pa$sio$ must tra$sitio$
from t!o fi$ite "iametersC the e0it of the .e$turi a$" the e$tra$e of the ple$um' 9o!,
loo&i$# at the F loss, a $e#li#i%le "iffere$e is fou$" %et!ee$ a "iffusio$ a$#le of 7E a$"
Figure *D *iffuser Loss Coeffiie$t Cur.e'
).3 Ina5e -lenum 1e"ign
A lo#1style ple$um !as "etermi$e" to %e the %est o$fi#uratio$ for e.e$ airflo!' The pre.ious
i$ta&e use" a tapere" ple$um !hih plae" the throttle "iretly a%o.e yli$"ers 2 a$" 3' A$
i$"epe$"e$t researh projet o$"ute" i$ the spri$# of 2007 "etermi$e" that yli$"ers , a$" -
!ere $ot reei.i$# a"e6uate air a$" that yli$"ers 2 a$" 3 !ere reei.i$# too muh air' The lo#
style ple$um !as selete" to orret this pro%lem' Also, the .olume of this ple$um !as 2'83
times the e$#i$e2s "isplaeme$t' The optimal ple$um .olume is ,'5 times the "isplaeme$t of
the e$#i$e' A ple$um that is too lar#e !ill lea" to "elaye" throttle respo$se'
Lo#1style ple$ums ha.e air that e$ters from the throttle o$ o$e si"e of the ple$um' Air that is
"ra!$ i$to the ma$ifol" tra.els throu#h the (e$turi a$" the o$ial "iffuser a$" rests a%o.e the
.eloity sta&s' +$ or"er to pre.e$t a$y %ias %et!ee$ yli$"ers, CF* !as o$"ute" o$ the
ple$um' +t !as fou$" that a ,5 "e#ree i$sert o$ the %a& of the ple$um a$#le" to!ar"s the
"iffuser !oul" e6ualiAe airflo! to the yli$"ers' To i$rease the throttle respo$se, the .olume of
the ple$um !as alulate" to %e <00 u%i e$timeters, !hih is ,'5 times the .olume of the
*ue to spae o$strai$ts %et!ee$ the mai$ roll hoop %raes, the ple$um $ee"e" to %e plae"
either a%o.e or %elo! the %raes' 4lai$# the ple$um %elo! the %raes !oul" re6uire short
.eloity sta&s that !oul" "erease tor6ue, so the ple$um !as "esi#$e" to #o a%o.e the %raes'
A ple$um le$#th of ,, i$hes !as "etermi$e" to %e lo$# e$ou#h for four .eloity sta&s to %e
spae" !ith %ell shape" tops' To reate <00 u%i e$timeters of .olume, a 2'5 i$h irular
ross setio$al area !as selete"' +t !as "etermi$e" that ma&i$# the %ottom of the ple$um flat
!oul" %e easier for attahi$# the .eloity sta&s'
Co$strutio$ of the ple$um %e#a$ !ith ma&i$# a polystyre$e mol"' T!o piees of maso$ite
!ere ut to math the ross setio$ of the ple$um' A$ ,, i$h piee of polystyre$e !as plae"
%et!ee$ the maso$ite setio$s a$" a hot!ire !as "ra##e" them to ut the foam' The foam
!as the$ %o$"e" !ith epo0y to a piee of maso$ite to i$rease" the strutural i$te#rity of the
mol"' The remai$i$# surfaes !ere also oate" !ith epo0y i$ preparatio$ for usi$# %o$"o
%eause it !ill %ur$ polystyre$e' Bo$"o !as $ee"e" to fill imperfetio$s i$ the polystyre$e
reate" %y the hot!ire' After the surfae !as sa$"e", mol" release !as applie" to the mol" to
pre.e$t the fi%er#lass from attahi$# to it'
Attahi$# the .eloity sta&s to the ple$um is a$ i$triate proess' Appropriate spai$# %et!ee$
the sta&s is esse$tial for mati$# to the i$ta&e ports' +$stea" of measuri$# the "ista$e %et!ee$
the i$ta&e ports, layout "ye !as applie" to eah port' A piee of poster %oar" !as presse"
a#ai$st them to i$"iate their spai$#' As pre.iously me$tio$e", the %ottom of the i$ta&e
ple$um is flat' The piee of poster %oar" !as tape" to the %ottom of the ple$um a$" holes !ere
"rille" throu#h %oth the poster a$" the fi%er#lass'
After the four holes !ere "rille" i$ the %ottom of the ple$um, the .eloity sta&s !ere "roppe"
throu#h' Thi$ fi%er#lass paste !as use" o$ the u$"ersi"e of the %ottom of the ple$um to reate a
fillet %et!ee$ the %ottom a$" the sta&s' Small strips of #lass !ere lai" the fillet to o$$et
%oth parts' The fla$#e !as attahe" %y usi$# a thi$ fi%er#lass paste to reate a fillet %et!ee$ the
fla$#e a$" the ple$um' Small strips of #lass !ere lai" the fillet to o$$et %oth parts'
).# Velo(i! Sa(5"
The ru$$ers of the i$ta&e system o$$et the ple$um to the i$ta&e ports of the e$#i$e' The
performa$e of the e$#i$e a$ %e impro.e" %y usi$# 9elmholtA reso$a$e !hih is a fu$tio$ of
the le$#th of the ru$$ers' 9elmholtA reso$a$e apitaliAes o$ the pressure ha$#es assoiate"
!he$ air is fore" i$to a$" out of a .olume' The hi#h pressure i$si"e of a .olume !ill flo! out
!he$ the e0ter$al fore ausi$# the air to mo.e i$to the .olume a.ity is remo.e"' This atio$
auses the a.ity to %e left !ith a lo!er pressure tha$ the outsi"e .olume' Therefore, the pressure
ha$#es a$ assist !ith the flo! of air throu#h the .eloity sta&s' +f tu$e" orretly, sho&
! !ill form that assist eah ru$$er i$ "ra!i$# ma0imum air flo! from the ple$um to the
e$#i$e' For i$sta$e, as the air flo!s throu#h .eloity sta& ,, the pressure "iffere$es !ill ause
a sho& !a.e to %ou$e %a& to!ar"s the ple$um' 4roper tu$i$# !ill the$ ause the sho& !a.e
to assist .eloity sta& 2 i$ "ra!i$# air to the e$#i$e' These sho& ! o$ti$ue to assist !ith
air flo! i$ the e$#i$e2s firi$# or"er'
+t !as fou$" that the .eloity sta&s shoul" %e ,5-'5;mmC ho!, "ue to pa&a#i$#
o$strai$ts, the le$#th !as i$rease" %y 50'8mm >2 i$hes? to fit arou$" the hassis' The use of 8
i$h .eloity sta&s "i" $ot affet the tu$i$# pea&s of the 9elmholtA alulatio$s "rastially so
this le$#th !as a"opte"' Calulatio$s i$ the appe$"i0 sho! that the tu$i$# pea&s !ere <528 a$"
,50,' The !i"e ra$#e of tu$i$# pea&s allo!s for a !i"er po!er %a$" for i$rease" performa$e
of the e$#i$e'
The .eloity sta&s !ere o$strute" out of fi%er#lass %y usi$# a ma$"rel, !hih !as mahi$e"
out alumi$um usi$# a lathe' The le$#th of the ru$$ers math the le$#th alulate" from the
9elmholtA alulatio$s of 8 i$hes a$" the "iameter mathes the i$$er "iameter of the i$ta&e
ports of the e$#i$e of ,'35 i$hes' The top of the .eloity sta& has a %ell shape" ur.e of 0'5
i$hes' Aor"i$# to Ble.i$s Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook, the %ell ra"ius a$" ru$$er
"iameter orrespo$" to a loss oeffiie$t of 0'0,10'03' The %ell shape" ur.e helps re"ue the
loss of flo! throu#h the .eloity sta& as the 9elmholtA reso$a$e fre6ue$y assists i$ "ra!i$#
air throu#h the ru$$ers'
Figure +D 4roE$#i$eer re$"eri$# of (eloity Sta&'
The ru$$ers !ere fa%riate" from fi%er#lass !rappe" arou$" the alumi$um mol"' (i$yl1ester
resi$ !as use" for the sta&s "ue to its resista$e to orrosio$ %y #asoli$e' Alumi$um %osses
attah the ru$$ers to hol" the fuel1i$jetors' The %osses !ere reate" usi$# alumi$um sto& !ith
a hole "rille" throu#h the e$ter reati$# a tu%e' Ne0t the %osses !ere fae" at a -5 a$#le to
allo! for the %osses to lay flat o$ the outsi"e of the sta&s' Fi$ally the %osses !ere attahe" !ith
a strutural a"hesi.e that has hi#h resista$e to #asoli$e orrosio$'
Figure 6D 4roE$#i$eer :e$"eri$# of +$ta&e System !ith Bosses'
).) S!"em Inegraion
Figure 10: 4roE$#i$eer :e$"eri$# of Complete" System'
Figure 11D 4roE$#i$eer :e$"eri$# of Complete" System i$ Car'
Figure 12D 4roE$#i$eer :e$"eri$# of omplete" system i$ Car'
4.1 Maerial" Sele(ion
As !ith a$y e$#i$eeri$# projet or u$"erta&i$#, material seletio$ is of #reat si#$ifia$e' +$
"etermi$i$# proper material, "eisio$s must %e ma"e %ase" o$ o$strai$ts that "esi#$ e$#i$eers
must !or& !ith' These o$strai$ts a$ %e physial or ustomer "efi$e"' 4hysial o$strai$ts
refer to limitatio$s that u$"erlyi$# e$#i$eeri$# pri$iples "itate o$ a system' Customer "efi$e"
o$strai$ts refer to limitatio$s that the "esi#$ e$#i$eer must ta&e $ote of i$ reati$# a "esi#$, a
prime e0ample %ei$# %u"#et o$strai$ts' +$ stri.i$# to pro"ue the most optimal i$ta&e system,
areful o$si"eratio$ !as #i.e$ to %oth sets of o$strai$ts' +$ partiular the physial o$strai$ts
!ere first i"e$tifie" as a mea$s to "etermi$e !hat materials !oul" %e most suita%le' The$,
ustomer "efi$e" o$strai$ts !ere ta&e$ i$to o$si"eratio$ to help the "esi#$ team settle o$ the
%est material that fit these o$strai$ts'
;','2 Co$strai$ts
The physial o$strai$ts plae" upo$ the i$ta&e system !ere "etermi$e" %ase" o$ the %asi
pri$iples of $aturally aspirate" e$#i$es' Speifially, a material !as $ee"e" that oul" !ithsta$"
the hot temperatures pro"ue" %y the om%ustio$ proess ourri$# i$ the e$#i$e' ), a
material !as $ee"e" that oul" !ithsta$" the hot temperatures pro"ue" %y a possi%le e$#i$e
The ustomer "efi$e" o$strai$ts plae" o$ the "esi#$ proess !ere mostly ost relate"' Bei$#
that the i$ta&e system is o$e portio$ of the o.erall ar "esi#$, the e$tire team2s %u"#et oul" $ot
%e alloate" to the i$ta&e system' As a result, the Formula SAE team !a$te" the most ost
effeti.e i$ta&e system "esi#$' +$ a""itio$, !ei#ht !as a major issue %ei$# that the e0isti$#
i$ta&e system !as rather hea.y a$" a""e" u$$eessary !ei#ht to the ar, !hih oul" pro.e
"etrime$tal to its performa$e'
;','3 )aterial Optio$s
+$itially, rapi" prototypi$# !as o$si"ere", !ith a pote$tial "o$ator set up' @ith rapi"
prototypi$# there !ere issues to %e o$si"ere"' Amo$# these !ere fuel resisti.ity a$" lea&i$#,
heati$# issues, "y$ami pressure, a$" ease of mahi$i$# to $ame a fe!' Also, the ma0imum
usa%le .olume of the mahi$e !as limite" to ,000 i$hes u%e", !hih !oul" ha.e fore" the
team to partitio$ the i$ta&e i$to smaller piees' +$ !ei#hi$# the pros a$" o$s, it !as "etermi$e"
that rapi" prototypi$# !as $ot feasi%le'
Bei$# that fu$"s !ere limite", it !as "etermi$e" that t!o materials oul" possi%ly %e use" for
the "esi#$ of the i$ta&e system, $amely alumi$um a$" fi%er#lass' To "etermi$e !hih material
to settle upo$, the team !ei#he" the pros a$" o$s of eah material' @ith alumi$um, the e$tire
i$ta&e oul" %e mahi$e" i$1house' Thou#h the failities a.aila%le oul" easily mahi$e this, the
e$tire proess !oul" %e .ery time o$sumi$#, %eause eah ompo$e$t !oul" ha.e to %e
mahi$e"' +$ o$trast, fi%er#lass !oul" o$ly re6uire that a mol" %e ma"e, a$" ma$y opies of a
ompo$e$t oul" %e easily fa%riate" usi$# this mol"' Fi%er#lass is also li#ht!ei#ht, oul" %e
use" i$1house, a$" !oul" pro.e more ost effeti.e for the ost report' @ith fi%er#lass %ei$#
more time a$" ost effiie$t, the "esi#$ team "ei"e" to selet fi%er#lass as its primary material'
The %osses, !hih i$te#rate the fuel rail a$" the .eloity sta&s, !ere the o$ly ompo$e$ts
fa%riate" usi$# alumi$um'
A or& #as&et material !as use" %et!ee$ the fla$#es o$$eti$# the .arious su%1systems
to#ether' This material reate" a$ airti#ht seal !hih !as re6uire" to allo! the hi#hest pressure
possi%le !ithi$ the system impro.i$# performa$e'
;','- :esi$s, :etar"a$ts, a$" A"
+$ seleti$# fi%er#lass as the material for the i$ta&e, the "esi#$ team ha" a ouple of issues to
"eal !ith' The fi%er#lass ha" to %e a%le to !ithsta$" e0posure to #asoli$e, i$ a""itio$ to
resista$e to fire that a$ our "uri$# a$ e$#i$e %a&fire' To ompe$sate for these issues, the
team use" a flame retar"a$t oati$#, a$" a fuel1proof epo0y resi$' The fuel1proof epo0y !as
use" i$ o$strutio$ of the .eloity sta&s %eause the .eloity sta&s are o$$ete" to the fuel
rail, !hih arries fuel, %y !ay of the %osses' This fuel1proof resi$ !ill protet a#ai$st a$y
possi%le fuel orrosio$' The speifi fuel1proof epo0y resi$ use" !as (i$yl Ester :esi$ %y
Airraft Sprue G Speialty Compa$y' The flame retar"a$t use" !as AFS E.ershiel" Cerami
Surfae Treatme$t, also %y Airraft Sprue G Speialty Compa$y'
+$ a""itio$ to the aforeme$tio$e" epo0ies a$" flame retar"a$t, 4oly Epo0y :esi$ a$" 9ar"e$er,
%y Airraft Sprue G Speialty Compa$y, !as use" for o$strutio$ of the ple$um, .e$turi, a$"
o$ial e0pa$sio$' This partiular epo0y !as use" %eause of its u$mathe" te$sile a$"
ompressi.e stre$#th, a$" its u$%eata%le fati#ue resista$e' As a mea$s to o$$et the %osses to
the .eloity sta&s E0treme 308 Strutural A"hesi.e, %y E0treme A", !as use"' This
strutural a"hesi.e !as $ote" for its e0eptio$al %o$"i$# apa%ilities !ith %oth metals, i$
a""itio$ to its fuel resista$e'
*.1 Fluen Com/uaional Flui9 1!nami(" -a(5age In"ru(ion"
7',', Ham%it )esh He$eratio$ 4roe"ure
As eah ompo$e$t !as re$"ere" i$ 4roE$#i$eer, it !as possi%le to #e$erate mesh files "iretly
from the 4roE$#i$eer file' The lies i$ the fat that the #eometry of eah 4roE$#i$eer file
ha" to %e simplifie" i$ or"er for Ham%it to i$terpret' As Flue$t is a omputatio$al flui" "y$amis
pro#ram, the meshes of i$terest !ere the flo! .olume throu#h the system' +t !as $eessary to
&eep this i$ mi$" !he$ a"apti$# 4roE$#i$eer files' Thus, it !as $eessary to remo.e all !all
thi&$esses a$" e0ter$al #eometries' The omplete" 4roE$#i$eer file !as sa.e" as a I'stp file
a$" importe" i$to the Ham%it meshi$# pro#ram' This allo!e" for a""itio$al #eometri
simplifiatio$ !ithi$ the meshi$# pro#ram a$" su%se6ue$t fae a$" .olume meshi$#' The
.olume mesh !as the o$trol .olume of the flui" i$si"e of the system' *iffere$t ma0imum
allo!a%le mesh tolera$es !ere #e$erate" %ase" upo$ the ompo$e$t #eometryD the i$ta&e
ple$um ha" a lar#er ma0imum allo!a%le mesh siAe >,'2? %ut a lar#er "istri%utio$ of "iffere$t
siAes' The .e$turi restritor ha" a smaller ma0imum allo!a%le mesh siAe >0'5? %ut a more e.e$
"istri%utio$ of mesh siAes, "ue lar#er to the ompletely irular shape of the o%jet' )esh
#e$eratio$ sree$ shots may %e fou$" i$ Appe$"i0 2' Bou$"ary o$"itio$s !ere a""e" at eah of
the i$terfaes %oth i$ter$al a$" e0ter$al to eah ompo$e$t a$alyAe"' All faes that !ere $ot
i$lets or outlets for the flo! ha" %ou$"ary o$"itio$s of J!all'2 +$let a$" outlet surfaes !ere
#i.e$ those respeti.e "esi#$atio$s' The file !as the$ e0porte" as a I'msh file for a$alysis'
7','2 Flue$t Computatio$al Flui" *y$amis A$alysis
The I'msh file !as importe" from Ham%it as a ase i$ Flue$t' O$e the ase !as loa"e" a$" re1
sale", %ou$"ary o$"itio$s !ere re"efi$e"' Operati$# o$"itio$s !ere "efi$e" as sta$"ar"
pressure a$" room temperature for airflo! e$teri$# i$to the system' A sta$"ar" lami$ar flo!
mo"el !as selete" for the .e$turi restritor as the flo! throu#h this part of the system "i" $ot
ha.e a #reat "eal of tur%ule$e upo$ i$itial e0ami$atio$ of Flue$t alulatio$s' A sta$"ar" &1K
mo"el !as selete" for the e$er#y e6uatio$ i$ the i$ta&e ple$um' This !as selete" %eause of
the tur%ule$e reate" %y the i$teratio$ of the e$#i$e !ith the i$ta&e system' A &1K mo"el is
%ase" upo$ a solutio$ suh that the rate of "issipatio$ of &i$eti e$er#y is e6ual to the .isosity
multiplie" %y the .ortiity' This omes out of the Na.ier1Sto&es solutio$s' The theory %ehi$" this
mo"el is also !hy .ortiity !as selete" as a parameter of i$terest i$ a$alyAi$# the Flue$t
fee"%a&' Seo$" or"er up!i$" o$"itio$s for mome$tum a$" pressure !ere hose$ to
ma0imiAe preisio$ !ithi$ the system' The i$itial o$"itio$s i$si"e of the system !ere "efi$e"
%ase" upo$ a sta$"ar" alulatio$ of the mass flo! rate i$to o$e yli$"er' This resulte" i$ a$
e$tra$e .eloity of ,0 m=s to the .e$turi a$" the ple$um' 4ressure !as estimate" at ,0 psi i$to
the .e$turi' As eah mo"el !as 6ualitati.e a$" relati.e to a$other mo"el, these !ere aepta%le
assumptio$s' After testi$# "iffere$t o$.er#e$e i$ter.als >%et!ee$ , a$" 200 iteratio$s? it !as
"etermi$e" that after 50 iteratio$s the system !as o$.er#e" to a poi$t !here $o further
iteratio$s !oul" ha$#e the solutio$ si#$ifia$tly' All Flue$t solutio$s !ere ru$ u$"er a 50
iteratio$ o$.er#e$e i$ a$" all plots !ere o$.er#e" %y this poi$t i$ time'
7','3 Flue$t CF* *ata +$terpretatio$
Figure 13D Flue$t A$alysis of 2007 :estritor'
Figure 1#D Flue$t A$alysis of 2008 :estritor'
O$e a".a$ta#e to the use of Flue$t as the CF* soft!are for a$alysis !as the a%ility to sa.e "ata
a$" at a later poi$t i$ time' Thus, it !as $ot esse$tial to ha.e a speifi set of parameters
i$ mi$" !he$ ru$$i$# eah flo! simulatio$' Cases oul" %e !ritte$ a$" "ata reo.ere" at a later
poi$t i$ time' +$itial flo! mo"eli$# of the .e$turi restritor fouse" o$ e0ami$i$# the ra"ial
.eloity a$" .eloity ma#$itu"e throu#h the o$trol .olume' 9o!, o$e a flo!%e$h system
!as "esi#$e" for system testi$#, the "ata !ere re1e0ami$e" i$ terms of pressure loss throu#h the
system' 4ressure losses !ere e0ami$e" throu#h eah ompo$e$t that !as mo"ele" i$ Flue$t' For
the i$ta&e ple$um a$" i$ta&e ru$$ers, pressure loss, .eloity ma#$itu"e, a$" ma#$itu"e of
tur%ule$t i$te$sity !ere hose$ as the parameters of i$terest i$ the mo"el' )a#$itu"e of
tur%ule$t i$te$sity !as a""e" as a parameter to pro.i"e a$ a""itio$al !ay to .isualiAe the
ma#$itu"e of flo! #oi$# i$to the i$ta&e ru$$ers'
*.2 Fluen Re"ul"
7'2', (e$turi :estritor
The 2007 .e$turi restritor "esi#$ !as the first mo"el simulatio$ omplete" i$ Flue$t' 4ressure
ma#$itu"e a$" ra"ial flo! .eloity results .erifie" that the flo! !as ho&i$# at the 20 millimeter
restrite" "iameter' The simulatio$ of the AS)E1"esi#$ %ase" restritor "i" $ot sho! a similar
ho&e poi$t, i$ fat, a$y reirulatio$ prese$t i$ the flo! patter$ !as !ell after the restrite"
7'2'2 +$ta&e 4le$um
+t !as "ei"e" that the i$ta&e ple$um shape !oul" %e mo"ifie" i$ Flue$t i$"epe$"e$t of the
i$ta&e ru$$ers' The u$mo"ifie" ple$um shape !as mo"ele" a$" results may %e fou$" i$ A'2 of
the appe$"i0' +$ a$ attempt to re"istri%ute the airflo! more e.e$ly to the ru$$ers, hamfers !ere
a""e" to the si"e of the ple$um $earest to the fourth ru$$er' , "e#ree i$reme$ts !ere mo"ele"
up to 20 "e#rees' +t !as "etermi$e" that ,5 "e#rees of hamfer i$ either "iretio$ i$rease"
airflo! !hile still %ei$# "esi#$e" for ease of ma$ufature' The hamfer top the top !as selete"
%ase" upo$ the most e.e$ "istri%utio$ of airflo! i$to the top of the ru$$ers'
7'3'3 +$ta&e 4le$um !ith :u$$ers
The i$ta&e ple$um !as mo"ele" !ith ru$$ers attahe" as the fi$al step i$ the Flue$t mo"eli$#
proess' The u$mo"ifie" ple$um !as mo"ele" i$ Flue$t a$" the$ ompare" to the mo"ifie"
ple$um selete" >,5 "e#ree hamfer to the top?' The mo"ifie" ple$um sho!e" a more e.e$
pressure "istri%utio$ i$to all of the ru$$ers' This resulte" from the $ature of the hamferD the
airflo! !as re"irete" i$to the 3
a$" -
yli$"ers' +$ the u$mo"ifie" "esi#$, the ape0 of the
ple$um !as fille" !ith a re#io$ of reirulati.e flo!' A""i$# the hamfer #reatly re"ue" the
ma#$itu"e of the phe$ome$a' The flo! !as i$stea" re"istri%ute" throu#hout the four yli$"ers as
is e.i$e" %y the i$rease i$ .eloity ma#$itu"e at the top of the ru$$ers'
*.3 Flo:.en(h Te"ing
7'3', Flo!%e$h
+$ "esi#$i$# the .arious ompo$e$ts that omprise the i$ta&e system, the a$alysis of flo!
throu#h these ompo$e$ts i$te#ral to the "esi#$ proess' +$ a$alyAi$# the flo!
harateristis of these ompo$e$ts, the primary #oal of the team !as to mi$imiAe the pressure
"iffere$tial aross the ompo$e$ts !hih !oul" lea.e the mi$imal pressure loss aross the e$tire
i$ta&e system' +$ mi$imiAi$# the o.erall pressure "iffere$tial of the i$ta&e ma0imum air flo!
.eloity a$ %e o%tai$e" !hih pro.i"es for more optimal air i$ta&e i$to the e$#i$e'
7'3'2 )o"es of A$alysis
The t!o primary mo"es of flo! a$alysis a.aila%le to the team !ere omputatio$al flo!
"y$amis a$alysis a$" flo! %e$h testi$#' +$ "etermi$i$# !hih mo"e of a$alysis to use the
team, o$e a#ai$, assesse" the stre$#ths a$" !ea&$esses of eah system' @ith omputatio$al
flo! "y$amis >CF*?, !hih utiliAes a 31"ime$sio$al system mo"el, lar#e amou$ts of
6ua$titati.e "ata oul" %e o%tai$e" that oul" help "etermi$e ho! fi$al mo"els oul" %e
o$strute" a$" teste" to e$sure optimum air flo!' 8$fortu$ately, the i"ealiAe" results may $ot
perform as ompute" %ei$# that CF* pro#rams "o $ot pro.i"e o$rete "ata, %ut rather .ery
soli" pre"itio$s of flo! %eha.ior' Furthermore, reati$# eah mo"el of a ompo$e$t a$" #oi$#
throu#h a thorou#h flo! a$alysis is a time i$te$si.e proess that !oul" lea.e less time to
fa%riate the $e! i$ta&e system' +$ a""itio$, ma$y assumptio$s must %e ma"e to ma&e the mo"el
o$.er#e, or ma&e user o$strai$ts pro"ue optimal flo! .alues'
Flo! %e$h testi$# is a .ery ommo$ metho" use" i$ the testi$# of i$ta&e systems of
i$ter$al om%ustio$ e$#i$es' E.ery flo! %e$h %asially o$sists of a$ air pump, pressure
measuri$# i$strume$ts, a$" a meteri$# eleme$t' The air pump pro.i"es airflo!, !hile the
meteri$# eleme$t pro.i"es flui" .eloity rea"i$#' Flo! %e$hes pro.i"e aurate pressure
"iffere$tial "ata aross a$y ompo$e$t teste", !hih is a %e$efit $early u$parallele"'
7'3'3 CF*= Flo! Be$h +$te#ratio$
+$ "etermi$i$# !hih flo! a$alysis tool !oul" %e most %e$efiial, the team "ei"e" o$
i$te#rati$# results from %oth omputatio$al flo! "y$amis soft!are a$" flo! %e$h "ata' The
omputatio$al flo! "y$amis "ata !as use" to pro.i"e su##estio$s as to ho! .aryi$# ertai$
physial harateristis of ompo$e$ts, suh as the shape, !oul" promote optimal airflo!' The
flo! %e$h "ata !as use" as a mea$s to pro.i"e empirial, i$"isputa%le "ata that !oul" either
support or rejet .arious su##estio$s %rou#ht forth from usi$# the omputatio$al flo! "y$amis
a$alytial "ata'
The CF* soft!are that the team use" !as FL8ENT ;'3 %y Flue$t +$' a$" Ham%it,
Flue$t2s #eometry a$" mesh #e$eratio$ soft!are' The 31"ime$sio$al mo"els importe" i$to
Flue$t !ere reate" !ith 4roE$#i$eer 3'0 soft!are' The flo! %e$h !as o$strute" for
i$te#ratio$ !ith the (a$"er%ilt @i$" Tu$$el, loate" i$ (a$"er%ilt2s E$er#etis La%oratory'
7'3'- Flo! Be$h Co$strutio$
The materials use" for o$strutio$ !ere 4(C pipe, !oo", a "ryer hose, a$" fle0i%le pipe
o$$etor !ith lamps' To o$strut the flo! %e$h, the team ha" to first "esi#$ a$ orifie to
seal off air omi$# from the !i$" tu$$el' This orifie re6uire" a hole throu#h its e$ter to allo!
for 4(C pipe to pass throu#h' To sol.e this pro%lem, the team "esi#$e" a !oo"e$ orifie, !ith a
2 i$h hole "rille" throu#h the e$ter, !hih sre!e" i$to the holes supporti$# the ori#i$al
orifie' The$, a 2 i$h 4(C o$$eter pipe !as ru$ throu#h the hole, a$" o$fi#ure" to rest
.ertially !ithi$ the !i$" tu$$el' This allo!e" the flo! %e$h to apture the "y$ami pressure of
the airflo!' Ne0t, a 2 i$h 4(C pipe !as o$$ete" to the e$" of the o$$eter that lay outsi"e
of the !i$" tu$$el, !ith this pipe the$ %ei$# o$$ete" to o$e e$" of a 2 i$h 4(C pipe !ith a
<0 "e#ree %e$"' The$, a lo$#er piee of 2 i$h 4(C pipe !as o$$ete" to the other e$" of the
<0 "e#ree %e$", a$" a fle0i%le plasti ru%%er o$$eter !as lampe" to the e$"'
7'3'5 Flo! Be$h Operatio$
To use the flo! %e$h, the (a$"er%ilt @i$" Tu$$el !as tur$e" o$ to a "esire" air flo! .eloity'
The$, a$ e0ter$al pressure #au#e, !ith t!o e0ter$al i$serts, !as use" to o%tai$ the pressure
"iffere$tial' O$e e$" !as plae" %ehi$" the ompo$e$t i$ the fle0i%le ru%%er i$sert to apture the
stati pressure of airflo!' The "esire" ompo$e$t to %e measure" !as the$ plae" i$si"e the
fle0i%le ru%%er i$sert u$til $o $otiea%le air lea&a#e !as o%ser.e"' The$, the other e$" of the
pressure #au#e i$serts !as i$serte" at the ope$ e$" of the ompo$e$t %ei$# measure"' @ith a
measure of pressure %ehi$" a$" at the e$" of the ompo$e$t, the pressure "iffere$tial, i$ i$hes
of !ater, !as the$ a%le to %e measure"'
+.1 So(ial Im/a(
)ost urre$t i$ta&e systems are fa%riate" out of a hi#h stre$#th, hi#h melti$# poi$t metal' +$ the
last ,0 years, the e0pa$sio$ of omposite materials has le" to i$$o.atio$s i$ terms of material
a"aptatio$ for sta$"ar" assem%ly li$e ompo$e$ts i$ the automoti.e i$"ustry' )ost i$ta&e
systems are still ma$ufature" from hi#h temperature metals' @ith a lo$#1term appliatio$ of a
omposite fi%er#lass system it may le$" re"e$e to the "e.elopme$t of hi#h1temperature
li#ht!ei#ht omposite materials as a$ alter$ati.e to metals'
+.2 En3ironmenal Im/a(
The "e.elopme$t of a more effiie$t "esi#$ i$ the i$ta&e ma$ifol" !ill allo! for more omplete
om%ustio$' This !ill "erease the amou$t of ar%o$ "io0i"e release" at the e0haust'
There ha.e %ee$ se.eral health o$er$s raise" the use of fi%er#lass i$ the last ,0 to ,5
years' +t must %e $ote" that all projet !or& i$.ol.i$# fi%er#lass !as "o$e !hile proteti.ely
o.ere" %y fae mas&s, lo$, a$"' +t is also importa$t to $ote that the fi%er#lass
use" !as o$ti$uous fi%er#lass !hih is $ot the fi%er#lass that has ome u$"er sruti$y' The
fi%er#lass that is ommo$ly use" for i$sulatio$ is of le$#th less tha$ 5 miro$s a$" "iameter less
tha$ 3 miro$s' This fi%er#lass is of o$er$ %eause of i$halatio$ issuesC air%or$e fra#me$ts are
the primary health o$er$' The o$ti$uous fi%ers use" to %uil" this i$ta&e system !ere se.eral
millimeters thi& a$" o$tai$ $o fra#me$ts small e$ou#h for air%or$e o$er$s' That %ei$# sai",
are !as still e0erise" !he$ !or&i$# !ith fi%er#lass'
6.0 CO%C08SIO%S
The "esi#$ as prese$te" more tha$ e0ee"s the e0petatio$s set forth %y the projet spo$sor' The
system is li#hter tha$ last year, a$" far more ost effeti.e' The fi$al system ost !as L2;8'70 as
represe$te" i$ the 2008 (a$"er%ilt )otorsports ost report' The total !ei#ht of the $e! system
!as 2'77 pou$"s' The 9elmholtA primary tu$i$# pea& !as <052 rpm, !ith seo$"ary reso$a$e
pea&s at a more ti#htly pa&e" fre6ue$y ra$#e tha$ the 2007 system' The o.erall ple$um
.olume !as <00 ' *iffuser a$#les a$" o$ial %e$" a$#les !ere 7 a$" < "e#rees respeti.ely'
The fi$al system !as i$te#rate" i$to the 2008 (a$"er%ilt )otorsports ar for the FSAE
10.1 -ro<e( -lan
The most esse$tial part of this projet !ill %e the #e$eratio$ of a soli" fou$"atio$ for the "esi#$
of a $e! i$ta&e' The e0isti$# system is 7 years ol" a$" "oes $ot ha.e the $eessary "esi#$ a$"
testi$# re6uire" to ompete stro$#ly i$ the Formula SAE "esi#$ e.e$t' After "ei"i$# upo$ a
$aturally aspirate" system, the team !ill mo"el the urre$t system i$ a omputatio$al flo!
mo"eli$# pro#ram a$" %e#i$ to ma&e ha$#es to the "esi#$' After steps are ta&e$ to mo"ify a$"
optimiAe the "esi#$, a prototype "esi#$ !ill %e selete"' This prototype !ill %e ma$ufature" a$"
teste" o$ the 2008 (a$"er%ilt )otorsports ar' +f a""itio$al iteratio$s are re6uire" for
fu$tio$ality, the proess !ill %e#i$ a#ai$ u$til a fi$al prototype i$ta&e system is "eli.ere" to the
projet spo$sor'
10.2 -ro<e( S(he9ule
The pla$$e" projet she"ule, a s$apshot of !hih is sho!$ i$ Fi#ure ,,, #a.e the team the first
semester of projet !or& to familiariAe !ith the i$ta&e system a$" %e#i$ i$itial
researh i$to a $e! system' This time !as spe$t lear$i$# the ompo$e$ts of a$ i$ta&e system
a$" its i$terfaes, researhi$# $atural aspiratio$ a$" tur%ohar#e" systems, a$" "e.elopi$# a
projet !e%site a$" projet ma$a#eme$t o$trol flo!' !i$ter %rea&, the projet fouse" o$
the "e.elopme$t of su%tas&s that !oul" %e "i.i"e" amo$#st #roup mem%ers' These tas&s
i$lu"e" omputatio$al flo! mo"eli$# of the urre$t system a$" i$itial researh i$to a$alytial
flo! solutio$s for i$ta&e mo"eli$#' The $e0t phase of the projet %e#a$ after !i$ter %rea& a$"
i$lu"e" omputatio$al flo! testi$# of the urre$t system a$" appliatio$ of a$alytial flo!
solutio$s to the urre$t system' From this poi$t, re1"esi#$ a$" optimiAatio$ !as the primary tas&,
!ith fous plae" i$itially o$ the i$ta&e system .e$turi restritor a$" follo!i$# the flo! throu#h
to the ple$um a$" ru$$ers' @ith re1"esi#$ a$" optimiAatio$ of the i$ta&e system omplete,
prototype mo"els !ere %e o$strute" a$" shoul" ha.e %ee$ teste" o$ the FSAE ar' 9o!,
the projet spo$sor "i" $ot ha.e the ar fi$ishe" i$ time to allo! i$te#ratio$ of the $e! i$ta&e
system o$to the $e! hassis'
There !ere se.eral major roa"%lo&s e$ou$tere" that put the projet %ehi$" its ori#i$ally
she"ule" "ate of ompletio$ >April ,?' The time re6uire" to "e.elop fully fu$tio$al a$"
aurate CF* mo"els !as #reater tha$ ori#i$ally e0pete"' +t is reomme$"e" that i$ the future
more tha$ o$e team mem%er familiariAe !ith CF* mo"eli$#' +$ a""itio$, !aiti$# o$
material or"ers pushe" the projet appro0imately a !ee& %ehi$" she"ule' The speialty fuel
oati$#s a$" resi$s re6uire" for ma$ufature !ere o$ly a.aila%le from selet retailers' This !as
$ot aou$te" for i$ the ori#i$al projet she"ule'
The "e.elopme$t of a ompleme$tary e0haust system !oul" further i$rease the effiie$y,
"erease !ei#ht, a$" "erease ost, of the po!ertrai$ system' +$ a""itio$, the "e.elopme$t of a
post1proessi$# al#orithm !oul" allo! the e$tire i$ta&e system to %e mo"ele" i$ a omputatio$al
flui" "y$amis pro#ram' The omputer use" to mo"el the system ompo$e$ts "uri$#
"e.elopme$t "i" $ot ha.e the a.aila%le memory to iterate a solutio$ for the e$tire system' 8se of
the ACC:E omputi$# luster !oul" #reatly failitate mo"eli$# of the e$tire system a$" !oul"
"erease total time $eessary to ru$ eah ase' ACC:E "oes $ot ha.e H8+ apa%ility, !hih
!oul" thus $eessitate the "e.elopme$t of a post1proessi$# pro#ram to i$terpret a$" ompile
the $umerial output'
A$other faet of the omputatio$al mo"eli$# that oul" %e e0plore" i$ the future is tra$sie$t
flo!' The a$alysis use" for the urre$t "esi#$ !as all stea"y1state, stea"y1flo!' +$ reality, this is
$ot the situatio$ i$ a$ i$ta&e systemC ho!, "ue to the omple0ity that is e$taile" i$ this &i$"
of mo"eli$# >i'e' $eessitates a$ outsi"e pro#ram to #e$erate the tra$sie$t o$"itio$s?, a stea"y
system assumptio$ !as use" for mo"eli$#' 8se of a$ e$#i$e flo! pro#ram ouple" !ith Flue$t
!oul" pro.i"e the tra$sie$t flo! o$"itio$s $eessary to o%tai$ a more realisti mo"el of airflo!
throu#h the system'
The system !as "esi#$e" a$" ma$ufature" !ell !ithi$ the time o$strai$ts of the projet
she"ule, %ut $o time !as "esi#$ate" for pro"ut testi$# o$ the ar' To this "ate, the omplete"
system has $ot ru$ o$ the 2008 ar' Althou#h the system has %ee$ i$te#rate" o$to the ar, the ar
has $ot %ee$ ru$ !ith the $e! i$ta&e system' E0te$si.e testi$# is the o$ly !ay to 6ua$tify the
"esi#$ impro.eme$ts impleme$te" o$ the 2008 i$ta&e system the pre.ious "esi#$'
Ble.i$s, :o%ert *' Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook' (a$ Nostra$" :ei$hol" +$'D Ne! Mor&'
Bor#hi, )', E' )attarelli, a$" L' )o$torsi' N+$te#ratio$ of 3*1CF* a$" E$#i$e Cyle
Simulatio$sD Appliatio$ to a$ +$ta&e 4le$um'O SAE Technical Paper Series. 0,125,2'
Brehm, C', /'9' @hitela!, L' Sassi, a$" C' (afi"is' NAir a$" Fuel Charateristis i$ the +$ta&e
4ort of a S+ E$#i$e'O SAE Technical Paper Series, 0,1,-<,' ,<<<'
Clay!ell, )ar&, *o$al" 9or&heimer, a$" Harrett Sto&%ur#er' N+$.esti#atio$ of +$ta&e Co$epts
for a Formula SAE Four1Cyli$"er E$#i$e 8si$# ,*=3* >:iar"o @A(E1(ECT+S?
Couple" )o"eli$# Teh$i6ues' SAE Technical Paper Series. 0,13;52' 200;'
Clay!ell, )ar& a$" *o$al" 9or&heimer' N+mpro.eme$t of +$ta&e :estritor 4erforma$e for a
Formula SAE :ae Car throu#h ,* G Couple" ,*=3* A$alysis )etho"s'O Formula SAE
Technical Series' 200;10,13;5-' 200;'
Cauhi, /o$atha$, )ario Farru#ia, a$" Noel BalAa$' NE$#i$e Simulatio$ of a :estrite" FSAE
E$#i$e, Fousi$# o$ :estritor )o"elli$#'O SAE Technical Paper Series. 0,13;5,' 200;'
Cui, Mi$#ji$, @e$yu 4a$, /ames 9' Leyle&, :a$"all H' Sommer, a$" Su$il F' /ai$' NCyli$"er1
to1Cyli$"er (ariatio$ of Losses i$ +$ta&e :e#io$s of +C E$#i$es'O SAE Technical Paper
Series. <8,025' ,<<8'
Farru#ia, )ario, )i&e :ossey, a$" Bria$ 4' Sa$#eorAa$' NO$ the 8se of a 9o$"a ;00 -1
Cyli$"er E$#i$e for Formula SAE Competitio$'O Formula SAE Technical Series' 20051
0,10025' 2005'
Ha$#ur"e, 4rasha$t :', H' Asho&araja$, a$" A'('L' 4ati' NSimulatio$ of +$ta&e System for T!o
Cyli$"er Naturally Aspirate" +$1*iret +$jetio$ E$#i$e'O SAE Technical Paper Series,
3210030' 200-'
9o$"a, Masuhiro, Tomoa&i Fo"ama, Fatsuhi&o @a&a%ayashi, Foihi Na&ayama, Tatsuya
)orimoto, a$" Ta&eshi 8e"a' NA *esi#$ )etho" of E$#i$e +$ta&e a$" E0haust System
for Formula SAE (ehile 8si$# Numerial Simulatio$ Co"es'O SAE Technical Paper
Series. 321008,' 2005'
/ameso$, :e$ee T' a$" 4atri& A' 9o"#i$s' N+mpro.eme$t of the Tor6ue Charateristis of a
Small, 9i#h1Spee" E$#i$e Throu#h the *esi#$ of 9elmholtA1Tu$e" )a$ifol"i$#'O
Formula SAE Technical Series' <00;80' ,<<0'
/a!a", Ba"ih, Ali$ *ra#oiu, Lor$e *yar, Ferry Pell$er, a$" Chris :ie"el' N+$ta&e *esi#$ for
)a0imum 4erforma$e'O SAE Technical Paper Series' 0,12277' 2003'
/a!a", Ba"ih A', /effrey 4' 9oste, a$" Bria$ E' /oh$so$' NFormula SAE *ual 4le$um +$"utio$
System *esi#$'O Formula SAE Technical Series' 0,10-57' 2002'
/a!a", Ba"ih A', /effrey 4' 9oste, a$" Bria$ E' /oh$so$' N+$ta&e System *esi#$ for a Formula
SAE Appliatio$'O Formula SAE Technical Series. 0,12553' 200,'
/a!a", Ba"ih A', )ihael *' *eHai$, a$" A$tho$y 4' Mou$# /r' N*esi#$ of a :estrite"
+$"utio$ System for a 9i#h Spee" Four Cyli$"er E$#i$e'O Formula SAE Technical
Series' 200,10,130<0' 2000'
Li$#, /' a$" L' T' M' Tu$' NCF* A$alysis of No$1Symmetrial +$ta&e )a$ifol" for Formula
SAE Car'O Formula SAE Technical Series' 200;10,1,<7;' 200;'
)Fee, :'9', H' )Cullou#h, H' Cu$$i$#ham, /'O' Taylor, N' )*o!ell, /'T' Taylor, a$" :'
)Cullou#h' NE0perime$tal Optimisatio$ of )a$ifol" a$" Camshaft Heometries for a
:estrite" ;00 Four1Cyli$"er Four1Stro&e E$#i$e'O SAE Technical Paper Series. 321
0070' 200;'
Sha!, C'T', *'/' Lee, S'9' :ihar"so$, a$" S' 4ierso$' N)o"elli$# the Effet of 4le$um1:u$$er
+$terfae Heometry o$ the Flo! Throu#h a$ +$let System'O Formula SAE Technical
Series' 200,10,105;<' 2000'
Sil.estri, /oh$ /', Thomas )orel, a$" )ihael Costello' NStu"y of +$ta&e System @a.e
*y$amis a$" Aoustis %y Simulatio$ a$" E0perime$t'O SAE Technical Paper Series.
<-020;' ,<<-'
Smith, 4hilip 9' a$" /oh$ C' )orriso$' The Scieni!ic Desi"n o! E#haus and $nake Sysems. 3

e"itio$'HT Foulis G Co Lt"'D 9e$ley1o$1Thames, E$#la$"' ,<7,'
@a&a%ayashi, Fatsuhi&o, Tomoa&i Fo"ama, a$" Masuhiro 9o$"a' N4rojet Base" Lear$i$#
E"uatio$ %y SAE Formula Car 4ro#ram at Fo&ushi&a$ 8$i.ersity Q E"utio$ a$"
:esult of *e.elopme$t :esearh'O SAE Technical Paper Series' 3210082' 2005'
@hite, Fra$&' Fluid Mechanics' 2
e"itio$' )Hra!19illD Ne! Mor&, NM' ,<8;'
A.1 =elmhol> Re"onan(e Cal(ulaion"
=elmhol> Re"onan(e -ea5 1eerminaion
S!"em Chara(eri"i("
+$ta&e )a$ifol" :u$$er Le$#th Limr R 20'537 m
+$ta&e )a$ifol" :u$$er Area Aimr R <',70 m
:estritor Outlet *iameter *ro R 3'000 m
+$ta&e 4ort Le$#th Lip R <'-,3 m
+$ta&e 4ort A.era#e Area Aip R <',70 m
E$#i$e Compressio$ :atio EC: R ,3'8
*isplaeme$t per Cyli$"er *4C R ,-<'750 m
4le$um Le$#th Lple$ R 27'<-0 m
4le$um A.era#e Area Aple$ R 32'2,0 m
Throttle Bo"y +$"uta$e +thr R 0'222 m
(e$turi +$"uta$e +.e$t R 7'<;0 m
Co$ial Be$" +$"uta$e +o$ R 2'22< m
Spee" of Sou$" i$ Air S -2EF Cs R 335'28 m=s
+$ta&e 4ort +$"uta$e
lip =
02; ' ,

= cm lip
4rimary :u$$er +$"uta$e
r = lim
2-0 ' 2 lim

= cm r
4le$um +$"uta$e
$plen =
8;7- ' 0

= cm $plen
Cyli$"er Effeti.e (olume
? , >
? , >

57- ' 8; , cm % =
Fre6ue$y Fator
, ? lim >
% r lip

-;5 ' <

= E !p
4rimary +$"uta$e
r lip $prim lim + =
2;; ' 3

= cm $prim
Seo$"ary +$"uta$e
$plen $con $&en $hr $ + + + = se
2;< ' ,, se

= cm $
+$"uta$e :atio
-5, ' 3 = a
Capaita$e :atio
? > 3
Aip Lip Aimr Limr
5,7 ' < = b
Calulatio$ Co$sta$ts
? - >
b a A '
a b a A
+ + =
-85 ' 35
2<0 ' 37
:eso$a$t Fre6ue$ies
, 2
? >
, 2
? >
% $prim b a
' A
% $prim b a
' A



5;< ' , 2
<;3 ' < ,

E !
E !
Fre6ue$y :atios
;58 ' , 2
053 ' , ,

E (
4rimary +$"uta$e Area
Lip Limr
Lip Aip Limr Aimr
? > ? >
,70 ' < cm Aprim =
9elmholtA )o"el Tu$i$# 4ea&
? , >
? , >
? >

DP% Lip Limr
%s )p
rpm )p ; ' <05, =
9elmholtA Tu$i$# 4ea&s
)p ( )
)p ( )
2 2
, ,
rpm )
rpm )
,50, 2
<528 ,
Inerial Wa3e Charging
E$#i$e Spee" at 4ea& Effiie$y
rpm ) 000 , ,0 =
Optimal Cra$&shaft *isplaeme$t
>Tar#et "etermi$e" e0perime$tally?
Spee" of Sou$" i$ Air
s m %s = 28 ' 335 =
4rimary 4ort a$" :u$$er Le$#th
> ,2
> ,00


cm Lp 870 ' 2- =
4rimary :u$$er Le$#th
Lip Lp Limr =
cm Limr -57 ' ,5 =
>A"" 2 i$' "ue to pa&a#i$# o$strai$ts as lai" out i$ paper?
cm Limr 537 ' 20 =
A.2 2am.i Me"h 2eneraion Re"ul"
A.3.1 Fluen Com/uaional Re"ul" ? Ina5e -lenum @ Runner"
A.3.2 Fluen Com/uaion Re"ul" ? Ina5e -lenum Cham'er


A.3.3 Fluen Com/uaional Re"ul" ? Venuri Re"ri(or
A.# E3er"hiel9 Cerami( Coaing
Worldwide Distri%utor o& #ircra&t !arts and !ilot Su''lies

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1oo! Pro!(cts
2its & P%ans
3B4 '(##%ies

1est "oast
)ast "oast


2008 Air '/o+s
"(stomer "omments
"o78 $ark , "(stom
$eta% Parts
"o78 1orks/o#
A"' A+ar!
Nor+a%k *i&/
Presi!ent9s $essa&e
A:o(t ;s
$ission 'tatement

A"' '#ecia%s6Ne+
A"' .ift "ar!s
'/o##in& -ists
4r!er 3orm
)<$ai% -ist
)AA *ome#a&e
)AA "/a#ter -istin&
Covering Material - Polishes - Ceramics
#FS $V$(S)*$LD C$(#M*C
S+(F#C$ T($#TM$NT
An )as8<0o<A##%8 .%ass<
-ike 3inis/ 1it/ $an8
,ncre!i:%e Protective
Pro#erties 3or A%most An8
Aircraft '(rface
Yo(%% :e ama7e! at t/is
s#ra8a:%e= +i#ea:%e=
!i##a:%e t/in= c%ear %i>(i!
t/at c(res to an a%most
im#re&na:%e coatin&.
)ver'/ie%!9s #rotective
#ro#erties :o&&%e t/e min!.
)?am#%es@ ,n tests it resists
:%o+<torc/ /eat A8es= :%o+<
torc/ f%ameB a:ove 2000C3
,t is im#ervio(s to virt(a%%8
an8 c/emica%. ,t is e?ce%%ent
for /ar!ness= f%e?i:i%it8=
im#act an! scratc/
resistance= a!/esion= an!
corrosion #rotection. ,t is
(n:e%ieva:%8 s%ick.
4n an8 aircraft= )ver'/ie%! /as a##%ications from nose cone to tai% cone. 1i#e!
on a #ro#= t/is incre!i:%e fi%m s/e!s :(&s= #e::%es= sa%t s#ra8= +/atever. 4n an
e?/a(st= it sea%s t/e meta% from corrosion an! :8 refraction re!(ces /eat
transmissions to co+%in& an! e%se+/ere. 4n %ea!in& e!&es :(&s s%i!e off. 4ver
t/e entire #%ane= t/e s%ick s(rface fortifies t/e :o(n!ar8 %a8er= re!(ces !ra&. A*o+
man8 knots +i%% 8o(r #%ane #ick (# +it/ an )ver'/ie%! finis/DB
)ver'/ie%! is a cata%87e! treatment s8stem t/at /as :een ca%%e! %i>(i! &%ass :8
some= %i>(i! ceramic :8 ot/ers. ,t is non</a7ar!o(s A%ike a%% '' #ro!(ctsB. "%eans
(# +it/ +ater Aor so%ventsB. .ri#s most an8 s(rface= from stain%ess stee%= to
#%e?i&%ass= to #aint.
Beca(se t/is t/in %i>(i! covers so m(c/ s(rface #er &ram= t/e cost #er s>(are foot
is trivia%.
)ver'/ie%! is a tr(e :reakt/ro(&/ mirac%e coatin&. 0/ere9s not/in& com#ara:%e
avai%a:%e. 4nce 8o( (se it 8o(9%% contin(e to fin! a m8ria! of a##%ications. Better
&ive it a tr8 soon.
!("D+CT D$SC(*!T*"N
'0)1AE0 'Y'0)$' ))E'*,)-5 is a t+o<com#onent= ceramic
A.) Vin!l E"er Re"in
Worldwide Distri%utor o& #ircra&t !arts and !ilot Su''lies

!o'ular Searches
Airframe Parts
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"om#osite $ateria%s
"overin& '(##%ies
)n&ine Parts
-an!in& .ear
$eta%s & P%astics
Pi%ot '/o#
1oo! Pro!(cts
2its & P%ans
3B4 '(##%ies

1est "oast
)ast "oast


2008 Air '/o+s
"(stomer "omments
"o78 $ark , "(stom
$eta% Parts
"o78 1orks/o#
A"' A+ar!
Nor+a%k *i&/
Presi!ent9s $essa&e
A:o(t ;s
$ission 'tatement

A"' '#ecia%s6Ne+
A"' .ift "ar!s
'/o##in& -ists
4r!er 3orm
)<$ai% -ist
)AA *ome#a&e
)AA "/a#ter -istin&
Composites - Resin
V*N,L $ST$( ($S*N
5o+ "/emica%s 5erakane 411<350 PA in8% )ster
Eesin is an e#o?8<:ase! in8% ester !esi&ne! to
#rovi!e s(#erior to(&/ness an! /i&/ corrosion
resistance. $an8 %ea!in& kit aircraft man(fact(rers
(se vin8% ester resins e?tensive%8 !(e to its >(a%it8 an!
ease of fa:rication. 1e f(rnis/ me!i(m F#romote!F
vin8% ester 411<350 PA resin +/ic/ inc%(!es "4NAP=
5$A t/e resin is c(re! :8 a!!in& t/e $)2P +/ic/ is
f(rnis/e! +it/ t/e kit. .e% times var8 accor!in& to t/e
amo(nt of $)2P a!!e! an! t/e am:ient tem#erat(re.
'/e%f %ife of #romote! vin8% ester resin is s/ort at on%8
a fe+ mont/s.
Resin: Color may vary by manufacturer
Catal-st Large .uantit- Chart
(esin .uantit-
.uart Gallon / Gallon
162G 1616 o7. 263 o7. 1<163 o7.
364G 164 o7. 1 o7. 5 o7.
1G 163 o7. 1<163 o7. 6<263 o7.
1<162G 162 o7. 2 o7. 10 o7.
Catal-st Small .uantit- Chart
A20 <30 min(te #ot %ife at 2G mi? ratioB
(esin .uantit-
01 dro's 2 3 cc
4 o5 6 o5 7 o5 34 o5 38 o5
162G 9 !ro#s 18 !ro#s 36 !ro#s 1.8 cc 2.5 cc
364G 14 !ro#s 27 !ro#s 2 cc 3 cc 4 cc
1G 18 !ro#s 36 !ro#s 2.5 cc 3.75 cc 5 cc
1<162G 27 !ro#s 2 cc 4 cc 6 cc 8 cc
2G 36 !ro#s 2.5 cc 5 cc 7.5 cc 10 cc
Descri'tion !art No5 !rice 9u-
,NY- )'0)E E)',N 411<350PA
1 .A--4N
01<07350 :6057/
$)2P N4EA" "A0A-Y'0 4 4H 01<07325 :05/1
,NY- )'0)E E)',N 411<350PA
1 .A--4N 2,0
01<07355 :6;5/1
A.) -ol! E/o&! Re"in
Composites - Epoxy
!"L, $!"<, ST(+CT+(#L
$!"<, S,ST$M
Po%8 )#o?8 is a tr(e /i&/<#erformance e#o?8 resin +it/
(nmatc/e! tensi%e= com#ressive= an! f%e? stren&t/s. ,t
a%so /as (n:eata:%e #ee%= s/ear= an! fati&(e
resistance= as +e%% as im#act stren&t/ an! fract(re
:e/avior. ,ts &reat for +in&s= canar!s= f(se%a&es= tai%
feat/ers= an! %an!in& &ear. ;se it in mo%!s or mo%!%ess
constr(ction. ,t #arts easi%8 an! +orks :ea(tif(%%8 in
vac((m :a&&in&. AAvoi! si%icone<treate! #ee% #%8.B ,t
/as 014 c(re #/ases= +/i%e a%% ot/er resins<e#o?8=
#o%8ester= or vin8%ester</ave I(st one. 0/e t+o #/ases
occ(r a%% :8 t/emse%ves !(rin& t/e c(rin& #rocess. 0/e res(%tin& :on! is to(&/er
an! stron&er t/an an8 ot/er.
Descri'tion !art No5 !rice 9u-
P4-Y<P4JY K;AE0 2,0 01<07905 :085;/
P4-Y<P4JY 1<164 .A- 2,0 01<07906 :=754/
P4-Y<P4JY E)',N .A--4N 01<07934 :;65/1
P4-Y<P4JY *AE5)N)E K;AE0 01<07935 :4;5=/
A.4 -ro<e( Man9rel" an9 Mol9"

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