Lesson Plan 10-3

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CEP Lesson Plan Teacher/s: Lauren Drew (with Jorge Beltran) Level: I5 Date/Time: 10/3/ 013!

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Goal: To hear and pronounce the reduction of of and to and to discuss feelings while developing fluency. O !ectives "#$%&T': #tu%ents $ill %e &&le To' 1( )ecogni*e an% $ro%uce the re%uction o+ ,o+- an% ,to- in s$eech ( .s/ a&out an% e0$ress +eelings! es$eciall1 those o+ anno1ance Theme: 2ersonalit1 an% 3motions 30tensions: )e%uction o+ ,to- in in+initives an% surve1 o+ $ersonal $et $eeves 1( The &eginning o+ the lesson consists o+ a review o+ the homewor/ (wor/&oo/ e0ercises with gerun%s an% in+initives) where stu%ents will write their answers on the &oar% an% get +ee%&ac/ +rom their +ellow stu%ents an% +rom the teacher i+ necessar1( 4erun%s an% in+initives +ollowing ver&s an% gerun%s +ollowing $re$ositions will &e reviewe% in a $aire% s$ea/ing activit1 &ase% on %iscussion 5uestions not +inishe% +rom the %a1 &e+ore an% a list o+ %iscussion to$ics a%a$te% +rom American English File 3 (e(g( 6hat %o 1ou $re+er to %o alone7 6hat %o 1ou en8o1 %oing with 1our +amil17)( Teachers will monitor +or accurac1 with gerun%s an% in+initives( De$en%ing on time! trou&le s$ots will &e reviewe% &1 $utting errors on the &oar% an% having stu%ents %iscuss in $airs! or a short grammar auction (where stu%ents ,&u1- correct sentences) will ta/e $lace( ( 9ee Jorge:s lesson $lan +or the ne0t stage o+ the lesson! which +ocuses on listening an% note#ta/ing s/ills( &i()#*ill)+icros*ill Activity 1: Listening for of reduction &ctivity)Procedure)#tage ,nteraction Ti(e 5#; min(

1.1 Pre-Stage: O en o!er oint to *-S+ S-S sho! icture of confused man. As" ss ho! ( airs) the# thin" he feels. Elicit confused. Sa# that sometimes !e can feel confused !hen !e$re learning a ne! language. As" ss to discuss in airs %o #ou thin" it$s difficult to understand Americans& 'h# do #ou thin" it$s (sometimes) difficult to understand English&Set 1 minute time limit.

.lass feed/ac" 0 !rite student ans!ers to !h# it$s difficult on the /oard. 1f no one sa#s an#thing a/out s eed+ /ring this u . Sa# that !e$re going to learn a/out ho! s eech changes !hen !e s ea" 2uic"l#. 1.-. %uring Stage: Sho! 1$m feeling stressed. 1 ha3e a lot of ro/lems. And tell students #ou !ill read the second sentence t!ice 0 once slo!l#+ and once more 2uic"l#. As" students to listen for an# differences in ronunciation. 4e eat a fe! times+ as necessar#. As" ss to tal" !ith their artner 0 do the# hear a difference& Elicit that a lot of /ecomes a lotta (5635 565). As" ss to o en /oo" to . 78. Sa# !e !ill listen to a con3ersation a/out a fortune teller. Elicit definition of a fortune teller in o en class and as" if an#one thin"s it$s a good idea to go. *ell ss to listen and circle !hat !e hear 0 5635 or 565 *angi/le Outcome 9 *. feed/ac"5 eer feed/ac": .hec" in airs+ listen again to chec"+ then o en class feed/ac". As" ss if : is going to go Outcome: students ha3e sho!n e3idence of hearing of reduction -.1 Pre-Stage: %rill a lotta interesting things and a lotta mone#+ from the con3ersation. ;a3e ss read the dialogue in airs+ s!itching roles once. -.-. %uring Stage: Sho! another sam le sentence on the /oard !ith to (1 don$t "no! !hat to do<) As" students to guess in airs !hich !ord the# thin" !ill /e reduced and !h#. Elicit in o en class feed/ac" that to is a re osition li"e of and doesn$t add im ortant information (content) to the sentence+ so it T#9! 9#9 ($airs) ;#10 min(

*ransition to ,-: Let$s ractice sa#ing it

Activity 2: Producing reductions of if and to

is often reduced in 2uic" s eech. As" if ss thin" this is more formal or informal. Put e@am le rom ts on /oard (something there is lots of in =e! >or" etc.) and as" ss to discuss in airs. *ell them to focus on reducing of and to< *ransition to ,3:As" a/out !hat there are a lot of in =e! >or" last. Elicit something anno#ing (lots of eo le on the su/!a#+ lots of traffic+ lots of trash+ lots of noise?) Activity 3: Ways to ask about and express feelings Aonitor and listen for reductions. ;el !ith e@am les if necessar#. *angi/le Outcome 9 *. feed/ac"5 eer feed/ac": Brou feed/ac" !ith a cou le of e@am les. Prom t ss correction to reduced forms if necessar# 3.1 Pre-Stage: T#9! 9#9 E@ lain to ss ho! /eing on a hot and ($airs) cro!ded su/!a# !hen someone comes in to la# the drums ma"es me feel (it reall# irritates me). %o #ou feel the same !a#& 3.-. %uring Stage: Sho! ss !a#s to as" a/out feelings on /oard (%o #ou feel the same !a#& etc.) Aodel a #es ans!er (*hat dri3es me craC#) and as" ss to thin" of others in airs. Assign t!o min. time limit Brou feed/ac" on /oard. Sho! ss ictures of t# ical et ee3es and elicit definition (something that ma"es #ou feel reall# anno#ed or angr# e3en though it$s not reall# a serious ro/lem). Aodel discussing one of the ictures ('hat$s ha ening& ;o! does it ma"e #ou feel&) As" ss to discuss the hotos in airs. Aonitor and assist !ith 3oca/ular# !hen re2uested. =ote an# ersistent errors for dela#ed feed/ac". 'hen ss finish as" them to come u !ith their o!n e@am les. *ransition to ,7: *ell ss that the# !ill use their o!n e@am les to find out more a/out their classmates. *angi/le Outcome 9 *. feed/ac"5 eer feed/ac": Brou feed/ac" 0 !hich !as the most anno#ing to #ou& 'h#& Outcome: students ha3e sho!n e3idence of /eing a/le to as" a/out and e@ ress feelings of 10#15 min(

anno#ance. 7.1 Pre-Stage: As" ss to choose the most 9#9 (wal/ Activity 4: alking about anno#ing et ee3e the# ha3e. aroun%) personal pet peeves !class survey" 7.-. %uring Stage: *ell students the# !ill find out ho! man# of their classmates agree !ith them. *ell them to !rite a list of !ith the num/er of students in the class. =e@t to e3er# num/er the# !ill !rite their classmate$s name and !hether or not the# agree. Aodel for the class and ma"e sure students "no! to as" !h#&and to use ne! e@ ressions *ransition to ne@t stage: choose one et ee3e sur3e# to ma"e a ie chart !ith. Elicit5 sa# that this is a gra hic. As" ss !here the# usuall# see gra hics li"e this (!ith te@ts) 3n% o+ o&servation *angi/le Outcome 9 *. feed/ac"5 eer feed/ac": O en class feed/ac" 0 !as there an# et ee3e e3er#one agreed !ith& One no one agreed !ith& Outcome: students !ere a/le to discuss their o!n feelings of anno#ance and as" others if the# felt the same !a#. The lesson continues with the te0t on $age 50( 9ee Jorge:s lesson $lan(

10 min(

<aterials: 2ower$oint sli%es on smart &oar%= 9tu%ent &oo/ (>n Target )= Listening (>n Target 4oogle music)


.ntici$ate% 2ro&lems ? 9uggeste% 9olutions: #Timing ma1 &e tight( In this case! the activities will &e allowe% to run longer an% the +ollowing rea%ing tas/ will &e a%a$te% (intro%uction in class an% rea%ing at home) #9tu%ents ma1 re5uest a lot o+ voca&ular1 +or %escri&ing $ictures( In this case! %on:t give more than a cou$le o+ wor%s $er $icture( Tell stu%ents to tr1 to e0$lain what the1 mean in another wa1 an% that this is a use+ul s/ill #9tu%ents ma1 &e %istracte% &1 other +eatures o+ 5uic/ s$eech or wh1 ,o+- is re%uce% onl1 sometimes( Tell stu%ents that we will tal/ more a&out 5uic/ s$eech in the +uture( #9tu%ents ma1 not &e sure what to %o or sa1( <o%el the tas/s an% ma/e suggestions/elicit i%eas while monitoring #9ome stu%ents ma1 +inish tas/s earlier than others( Be $re$are% to %irect them to another mini#tas/( @ontingenc1 2lans (what 1ou will %o i+ 1ou +inish earl1! etc(): #I+ we +inish earl1! we will start with the ne0t stage o+ the class (the rea%ing on $( 50) #I+ the technolog1 %oes not wor/! I will write on the &lac/&oar% instea% o+ using the $ower$oint an% as/ m1 co#teacher to $lease ma/e co$ies o+ the $ictures +or me(

#I+ the listening %oes not wor/! I will rea% the conversation with m1 co#teacher(

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