Lesson 3 Final

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Ms. Poole

Date April 30,2014 Subject/ Topic/ Theme diar e!tr "rade
I. Objectives
How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan"
The da o$ the %orm %ill help the stude!ts &!o% %hat %orms do duri!' the da a!d help the soil.
Learners will be able to#
* + Ap A! , -.
-reate a diar e!tr o$ a li$e o$ a %orm - /
+!dersta!d a da o$ a %orm +
0e able to tal& about the li$e o$ a %orm

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
1.21.,.1 1i$e *e3uireme!ts) 2r'a!isms ha(e basic !eeds. A!imals a!d pla!ts !eed air, %ater, a!d $ood. Pla!ts also re3uire li'ht. Pla!ts a!d a!imals use $ood as a
source o$ e!er' a!d as a source o$ buildi!' material $or 'ro%th a!d repair.
45ote# 6rite as ma! as !eeded. 7!dicate ta/o!om le(els a!d co!!ectio!s to applicable !atio!al or state sta!dards. 7$ a! objecti(e applies to particular lear!ers
%rite the !ame4s8 o$ the lear!er4s8 to %hom it applies.8
.remember, u!dersta!d, appl, a!al9e, e(aluate, create
II. 'efore (ou start
Identif( !rere)uisite
*nowledge and s*ills.
6orms ccle a!d pre(ious da material
Outline assessment
4applicable to this lesso!8
Pre-assessment (for learning):
Formative (for learning):
Diar e!tr
Formative (as learning):
Summative (of learning8:
+at barriers migt tis
lesson !resent"
+at will it ta*e ,
emotionall(- etc.- for (our
students to do tis lesson"
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Action and E.!ression
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Pro(ide optio!s $or perceptio!)
making information perceptible
6riti!' $act $rom the boo& a$ter
liste!i!' to it.
Pro(ide optio!s $or phsical actio!)
increase options for interaction
Writing skills are being used
Pro(ide optio!s $or recruiti!'
i!terest) choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimie threats
-hoose o!e thi!' the %orm did a!d
i!corporate it i!to their jour!al
Pro(ide optio!s $or la!'ua'e,
mathematical e/pressio!s, a!d
smbols) clarify ! connect
Pro(ide optio!s $or e/pressio! a!d
commu!icatio!) increase medium
of e"pression
Pro(ide optio!s $or sustai!i!' e$$ort
a!d persiste!ce) optimie
challenge, collaboration, mastery-
oriented feedback
Pro(ide optio!s $or comprehe!sio!)
activate, apply ! highlight
;i'hli'ht %hat a da i! the li$e
o$ a %orm is li&e
Pro(ide optio!s $or e/ecuti(e
$u!ctio!s) coordinate short ! long
term goals, monitor progress, and
modify strategies
Mo!itor b %al&i!' arou!d
Pro(ide optio!s $or sel$)re'ulatio!)
e"pectations, personal skills and
strategies, self-assessment !
/aterials1wat materials
$boo*s- andouts- etc& do
(ou need for tis lesson
and are te( read( to
0oo&: Diar o$ a 6orm, %orm paper to %rite $i!al diar e!tr o!, paper $ormatted %ith ho% diar
should be %ritte!
How will (our classroom
be set u! for tis lesson"
5o special set up
III. 2e Plan
2ime Com!onents
3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities
for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order tin*ing )uestions and5or
6#89 /otivation
Sho% a diar a!d see i$ the ca! 'uess %hat it is
a!d sa ho% it is special to me a!d see ho% ma!
ha(e %ritte! i! a jour!al or i$ the ha(e o!e.
"uess %hat 7 bou'ht i! a!d see i$ the ca! ma&e
co!!ectio!s o$ it bei!' a diar
A!s%er 3uestio! %ith thumbs up
4the lar'est
compo!e!t or
mai! bod o$
the lesso!8
*ead diar o$ a %orm
,/plai! the $ormat o$ the diar e!tr the are 'oi!'
to %rite a!d the! tell them the are %riti!' the
jour!al as a %orm
"o o(er a! e/ample %ith them
;a(e them help me %rite o!e a!d 'i(e me
su''estio!s $or o!e as a class
*e(ie% the %orms da so the ha(e ideas o! %hat
the are %riti!'
Se!d stude!ts to des&
Ta&e stude!ts %ho !eed a little more help aside a!d
ma&e sure the ha(e a! idea a!d do their &id job o$
the diar e!tr
1iste! to the boo&
Stude!ts tal& about the %orms da
Stude!ts as& 3uestio!s i$ ha(e a!
Stude!ts %or& at des&
;a(e o!e or t%o stude!ts share %ith the class their
e!tries a!d see i$ a!o!e=s da is similar to the
%orms i! real li$e also 7 %ill chec& to ma&e sure i$
the i!cluded somethi!' that a %orm does i! real
li$e duri!' their da.
Stude!ts share their %or& a!d discuss i$ da is
similar to theirs
:our reflection about te lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement
for ne.t time. 46rite this a$ter teachi!' the lesso!, i$ ou had a cha!ce to teach it. 7$ ou did !ot teach this lesso!, $ocus o! the
process o$ prepari!' the lesso!.8
7 thi!& that the lesso! %e!t reall %ell. At $irst 7 %as !er(ous %he! 7 started a!d %as i!troduci!' m diar but
%he! 7 started readi!' the boo& that is %he! 7 started to rela/ more. The stor %as A Diar o$ a 6orm, a!d
that is %h 7 led m lesso! o$$ %ith sho%i!' m Diar a!d e!'a'i!' them that %a. 6he! 7 read the boo& 7
read it slo%l a!d at %hat 7 thou'ht %as a 'ood pace. The %ould comme!t i! bet%ee! a!d 7 as&ed at o!e
poi!t a 3uestio! a!d 'ot some respo!ses that 7 %a!ted %ithout ha(i!' to prompt them so that %as !ice. The!
%he! 7 %as $i!ished 7 mo(ed them to the other part o$ the carpet %here 7 sho%ed them a! e/ample o$ m diar
e!tr a!d the! had %ritte! o!e %ith them. 7 thi!& it %e!t %ell a!d 7 thou'ht their ideas %ere 'ood a!d %as a
little u!realistic but 7 still %e!t %ith it. 7 the! e/plai!ed that the are %riti!' a diar e!tr as a %orm a!d the!
se!t them o$$ to 'et the paper a!d %rite. 7 $or'ot to me!tio! %he! the %ere do!e to 'o to their ce!ters but the
as&ed a!d 7 told them %he! the %ere do!e. 7 had called bac& the o!es %ho !eeded more help a!d it %e!t %ell.
The! 7 loo&ed at the time a!d reali9ed 7 should start co!cludi!' so 7 chose t%o bos a!d t%o 'irls to share 4!ot
thi!&i!' about it8 but lear!ed there should be a strate'. The! the bell ra!' $or recess a!d 7 se!t them to li!e
2(erall 7 thi!& it %e!t ama9i!' a!d m (oice held out because 7 %as losi!' it. 0ut other tha! that 7 %as (er
happ o(erall ho% it %e!t a!d 7 ma ha(e $or'otte! a couple small thi!'s, but 7 still %as proud a!d $elt li&e 7
ha(e impro(ed si!ce the $irst (isit. The o!l thi!' 7 $or'et is the are $irst 'raders sometimes a!d the !eed to
act out or %i''le arou!d. 7 thi!& the o!e thi!' 7 !eed to %or& o! is ho% ster! m (oice is a!d 7 thi!& si!ce m
$irst 'rade teacher %as ster! it is di$$ere!t to see Mrs. 6est'ate a!d rememberi!' %hat m e/perie!ce %as
li&e. 7$ 7 tau'ht $irst 'rade, 7 %ould !eed to $i'ure out m teacher (oice more a!d $i'ure out ho% 7 should be
%he! discipli!i!' a child. 0esides these small thi!'s that 7 %ill %or& o!, 7 thi!& it %e!t %ell $or a lar'e 'roup
%or& %hich is a lot di$$ere!t tha! the smaller 'roup.
Dear Diar,
7! the mor!i!' 7>
7! the a$ter!oo! 7>
7! the ,(e!i!' 7>

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