How To Communicate With Parallel Port
How To Communicate With Parallel Port
How To Communicate With Parallel Port
– But in parallel port, all the 8 bits of a byte will be sent to the
port at a time and a indication will be sent in another line.
The Parallel Port
25 Contacts 36 Contacts
Programming The Parallel Port with
Programming The Parallel Port with
In Port VI Out Port VI
address specifies the address to which you want to write an 16-bit signed integer.
This VI accepts only 16-bit addresses. Like (378), (379) or (37A) in hex or
its corresponding decimals (888). (889) or (890) respectively.
Programming The Parallel Port with
• The data read can be I8 just to read the data port inputs
• The data read can be I16 just to read the data port and status
port inputs
• The data read can be I32 to read all the data port, the status
port and the control port inputs
• The write value can be I8 just to write to the data port outputs
• The write value can be I16 just to write to the data port and
status port outputs
• The write value can be I32 to write to all the data port, the
status port and the control port outputs
Example 1
To send high or low value to DATA 0 of the parallel port (pin 2)
Decimal Display Format
or Led control
hexadecimal Display Format
Example 2
To send high or low values to DATA 0..7 of the parallel port
Example 3
To read the inputs DATA 0..7 of the parallel port
Control Port address Data Port address
In hex but can be in decimal
If display format changed
Parallel port monitor
• Download the following program that
monitor the three ports of the parallel port
Example 4 Using VISA
• The main trick is to tie pins 11(Busy) and 12 (Paper
Error) to ground. Otherwise, the hardware driver will
think the printer it is talking to is busy or experiencing
an error and will not output any data.
Or type ASRL10
Example 5 Using VISA
To send high or low values to DATA 0..7 of the parallel port
Continuous output
Example 6
How to read the
Status port getting
• To read the Control Port getting C3C2C1C0