
Flash Player Help

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Peer-Assisted Networking panel

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Note: The Settings Manager that you see above is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings.

The list of websites above is stored on your computer only, so that you can view or change your peer-assisted networking settings. Adobe has no access to this list, or to any of the information that the websites might have stored on your computer.

Use this panel to specify peer-assisted networking settings for any website you have visited. To learn about peer-assisted networking and how to decide whether or not to enable it, see What is Peer-Assisted Networking?

For each website you have visited, the list of Visited Websites displays:

  • The name of the website that you have visited
  • The peer-assisted networking setting for the website

Change networking settings

To specify settings for a particular website, select the website in the Visited Websites list, and then change its settings as desired. The following list explains the options:

  • If you don't want this website to share your bandwidth and you don't want to be asked again, select Always Deny.
  • If you do want this website to share your bandwidth and you don't want to be asked again, select Always Allow.
  • If you want Flash Player to always ask you before sharing your bandwidth, select Always Ask.

Disable P2P uplink for all

To never share your bandwidth, select Disable P2P uplink for all. This setting affects sites you have already visited and sites you haven't yet visited. If you deselect this option, your previous settings for individual websites (if any) are restored.