Powering Australia’s First Nations Node Leader Sam Kirby recently had the pleasure of attending the First Nations and The Clean Energy Transition Forum held in Perth on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja. The event brought together First Nations leaders and allies with speakers representing Neoen Yindjibarndi Energy Corporation Indigenous Energy Australia and Windlab and more, to discuss the challenges and opportunities posed by the clean energy transition. Themes across the day included how renewable clean energy projects can and should positively benefit culture, the importance of balancing energy efficiency, energy use and clean energy generation, respectful cultural approaches to Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC), as well as financing options for renewable energy projects and equity arrangements. The event showcased First Nations clean energy leadership and we give a shout out to the many guest speakers and conference Chairs Clare Pope, Emma Garlett and Raquel Todd. Brigette McDowell Tommy Hicks Julie-ann Lambourne Bianca Graham GAICD Frank van Rooyen Noel Prakash Christopher Marchesi Tamara Brooker Jop van Hattum Martin (Kusi) Bin Rashid James Stephens #poweringaustralia #firstnationsleadership #energytransition
Deadly to meet everyone and hearing the great work for mob.
Looking well Sam Kirby!
Great to see the updates of you moving and shaking in your new role Sam Kirby!
First Nations Node Leader - Powering Australia - Koori man living and working on Noongar Boodja
1wIt was amazing to meet so many influential people all working to progress First Nations priorities in the Clean Energy Transition. Special mention to all the fantastic First Nations female leaders making a huge impact!