Dedicating this Monday LinkedIn post to all of you, who just like myself at the moment, are running around like headless chickens. You are not alone, cluck cluck. 3 Chrome windows opened simultaneously, a total of 3 to do lists, a pomodoro in the background and an Asana for more clarity on today's priorities 😅 Yep, that's me right now. That's the part of a freelance life we don't share nearly enough - and in my case, it's a very common case. Especially when things are going well, and there are too many interesting clients, projects and collaborations at once. That's it, that's the post. No wisdom. No B2B sales learnings. Now back to my chaos kingdom, hoping to organise it all, one click at a time. #SEO #FreelanceLife #HappyMonday
Happy Monday! I'm knee deep in elder-care for the folks and trying to make sense of dementia (not mine). Back to freelancing as soon as I'm able!
How do you handle days like this? Any tips for managing the chaos, or are you also in the same boat? Would love to hear your strategies (or just your Monday struggles) in the comments!
Ah, the freelance juggle! How do you decide which task gets priority when everything feels urgent?
I thought I was the only one. My one chrome tab is dedicated to follow up list today
That's what Monday is all about. So much to do but most of the time gone while prioritising the tasks. Happy Monday 😊
Only 3 Chrome windows? I'm often teased by the amount of browsers and tabs I have open - that's not counting the ones in my head that include parenting responsibilities, bin days, homework deadlines, shopping lists 😳 - seeking tips. Following thread.
No no no! I thought you were going to end with a solution to it all! You can't leave us hanging like that! 😂
Only 2 Chrome windows but on each of them more than 10 tabs 👀🙈
Chaos kingdom this made me giggle! Love this real world post for a Monday morning
Global & European Search Awards Judge | Digital Lead at Forsters LLP | Marketing & Brand Consultant | Speaker & Specialist in Digital Transformation, Technical SEO, and Accessibility
1mo.... and how many tabs in those 3 Chrome windows.... 🤣