On my way to the EU Industrial Carbon Management Forum in Pau, I have just attended the launch of the Danish CCS Fund and NEKST Implementation.
Presentations by Anders Hoffmann, Deputy Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities and Henrik Sulsbrück, Head of Division to the Danish Energy Agency.
Some take backs:
Total funds of DKK 28.7 billion DKK (€ 3.9 billion) over 15 years. The Operator shall each year from 2030 until (and including) 2044 capture and store a fixed quantity of CO2 and may offer additional quantities in 2029. Based on the prequalification, max. 10 operators will be invited to bid.
Timing: Submission on request for prequalification: 25 March 2025, submission on first indicative offer: 26 August 2025, estimated deadline for submission of Best and Final Offer: 17 December 2025, Estimated timing of decision regarding award of the contracts: April 2026.
A new industry dialogue forum, NEKST Implementation Forum for CCS, will be established. The purpose is to remove barriers for implementation of CCS. Other ministries will be included in the Forum.
It will be very interesting to follow this important funding initiative.
#CCS, #carboncapture, #ICMForum2024, #carbonmanagement, Aalborg Portland A/S, Cementir Holding N.V.
Maximilian Eichler great to have you on our sideline. 😎 🤝 Let's go!