🎯 On 8 and 9 July, the HyPEF - Tracing Clean Hydrogen partners met in Rome for the project's first General Assembly. Together, we discussed: 🔹The selection of #hydrogen product categories and sub-categories to establish the first Product Environmental Footprint category rules. 🔹Future #stakeholderengagement activities to validate the HyPEF methodology research 🔹Future communication and dissemination activities to improve the visibility of the project's methodological progress on #LCA and benchmarking of hydrogen-related products. 👏 Special thanks to our partners IMDEA Energy | EIFER - European Institute for Energy Research | ENEA | Ecoinnovazione srl - spin off ENEA | ENGIE | Hexagon Purus | Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc. #cleanenergy #decarbonisation #energytransition
☀ In a heatwave-struck Rome, HyPEF partners met up for the project’s first General Assembly to touch base on the progress of the project’s activities. 🔎 The discussion around one of HyPEF’s core tasks - the selection of hydrogen product categories (and sub-categories) for which to write up the (first ever) Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules - took centre stage. An extensive brainstorming session offered multiple insights on which criteria to use for the selection of categories to ensure HyPEF's picks: ✅ meet the Clean Hydrogen Partnership's expectations, 🎯 are representatives of likely routes and technologies for the future deployment of clean #hydrogen, 👍 support the qualification of hydrogen products as a sustainable investment! Other hot topics of the meeting included: 🔹Updates on the newly constituted Advisory Working Group 🔹Future stakeholder engagement activities to validate HyPEF’s methodological research 🔹Upcoming communication and dissemination actions to enhance visibility of the project’s methodological advancements in #LCA and benchmarking of hydrogen-related products. 👏 Well done IMDEA Energy | ISINNOVA - Research Innovation Sustainability | EIFER - European Institute for Energy Research | ENEA | Ecoinnovazione srl - spin off ENEA | ENGIE | Hexagon Purus | Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc.| for a productive meeting! 🙏 Thank you Advisory Working Group members Alessandro Arrigoni (JRC - European Commission), Annabelle Brisse & Luiz Paulo Sales (Hynamics), and Diana Barbu (Hydrogen Europe) for attending online and confirming your availability to support HyPEF’s research with your expertise. 😎 A big GRAZIE to Alessandro Agostini and Claudio Carbone from ENEA for hosting us on the banks of the Tiber and to the "locals" from ISINNOVA - Research Innovation Sustainability - Giorgia Galvini, Stefano Proietti, Valentina Malcotti, and Danilo Zaini - for the Roman food experience🍝