⏰ Update: We've got a winner - check out this week's newsletter to see who the winner was!
For £0.01, you can get your message in front of 13,000 diverse aspiring lawyers.
To keep LittleLaw free, I take sponsorship from organisations (1) who want to reach our amazing audience, and (2) I think would provide them some value.
But for this coming week's post, I realised I had a slot open.
So instead of running without any sponsor, I'm opening bidding to anyone who wants to reach 13,000 brilliant aspiring lawyers.
I don't think you'll find a better value promotion opportunity ever.
Bidding starts at £0.01, in my DMs.
What have you got to lose?
(p.s. if you wan more data on our audience, let me know)
⏰ Bidding will end Sunday at 12pm (midday)
HR consulting and training in Northern Illinois
3moIt’s all you Nancy!