AI as a tool for creativity Some positive inspiration and ideas on the way forward in this deck #advertising #AI #creativity
Thought I'd share the deck I chatted through at #cannesincairns earlier this week for those that couldn't make it. Obviously sharing a deck without the commentary leaves lots of room for misinterpretation but TLDR this is a biased opinion on the NEED for the industry to change the way we operate and to not look at AI as doom but an opportunity for rebirth. At the same time its a bit of a plea to those creating AI products to respect the craft, process and value of creativity. To understand the role of machines, embrace their value, but MORE IMPORTANTLY the need to design AI AROUND great people and not in way that tries to override them. Big thanks to Pippa Chambers, Cannes In Cairns and B&T for having me and props and homage to Zoe Scaman, Marcus B., Graham Sweet, Ant Keogh, Jess Wheeler, Allister Hercus, Jeremy Somers and Jenny Nicholson for playing and experimenting with AI in interesting ways (and there's a heap more I couldn't fit in!). These are the types of people who will lead the industry to a better, more creative and interesting place and hopefully one that has an upward impact into culture itself. And final thanks to Ronan Murphy for helping pull the deck together!