Като партньор в проекта Eldicare 2.0, Blocks Health and Social Care спомага за своевременната подготовка на сектора за грижи за възрастни да отговори на бъдещите нужди на хората, нуждаещи се от дългосрочна грижа. Усъвършенстването на уменията на социалните асистенти, болногледачите и други професионалисти в грижата за възрастни е ключова цел в прехода към дигитален здравен мониторинг и ефективна дългосрочна грижа, центрирана около човека. #ElderlyCare #HealthCare #VocationalSkills
🇪🇺Long-term care needs are expected to grow tremendously in the EU over the next few decades, and it is not just about those aged 65+. In 2024, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre reported a staggering increase in demand within the elderly care sector. By 2070, approximately 21% more individuals aged 50 and older are estimated to require long-term care, compared to the demand in 2020. 🌍Expanding the workforce is a crucial starting point to tackle this challenge. An essential aspect of this strategy is ensuring that the workforce is not only sufficient in numbers but also highly skilled to meet the pressing needs of long-term care recipients. 💻With global technological advancements, the nature of long-term care is evolving. Care providers must now be digitally competent to utilize an array of digital assessment tools and monitoring systems to ensure high-quality care. Eldercare 2.0 addresses this need by updating current occupational profiles with essential new skills for elderly care practitioners. In addition to digital literacy, it emphasises other emerging skill areas such as green skills, entrepreneurship, and patient-centred care. This approach aims to both upskill and reskill caregivers to seamlessly meet the skills demands of the future. iekAKMIedu | AKMI International | Aktios Elderly Care | ACQUIN e.V. | BK CON | Asociace poskytovatelů sociálních služeb České republiky | Metropolitan College Global Engagement | FNAQPA | Gérontopôle AURA | Lares Mayores | ÖJAB – Österreichische JungArbeiterBewegung / Austrian Young Workers Movement | Blocks Health and Social Care | DAYANA-X Ltd. | Eurocarers | EUROPEAN AGEING NETWORK (EAN) | European Social Network | European Vocational Training Association - EVTA | European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)