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Historical Weather Data for November 17
Average high temperature during the last 30 years
48° F
Average low temperature during the last 30 years
30° F
Chance measureable precipitation will occur (for the
24 hour period. For any 6 hr. period, chances are about 1/2 that shown)
Time sun is first seen in east if there were no mountains.
(the sky gets light about 25 minutes before this.)
7:16 AM
Time sun is last seen in west if there were no mountains.
(the sky stays light about 25 minutes after this.)
5:08 PM
Average Temperatures
1:00 am
37° F
2:00 am
36° F
3:00 am
36° F
4:00 am
36° F
5:00 am
35° F
6:00 am
35° F
7:00 am
35° F
8:00 am
30° F
9:00 am
35° F
10:00 am
39° F
11:00 am
41° F
12:00 pm
43° F
1:00 pm
45° F
2:00 pm
46° F
3:00 pm
48° F
4:00 pm
47° F
5:00 pm
46° F
6:00 pm
43° F
7:00 pm
40° F
8:00 pm
39° F
9:00 pm
39° F
10:00 pm
38° F
11:00 pm
37° F
12:00 pm
37° F
This Day in Weather History: November 17
In 1930, Spanish Fork received 11 inches of snow. In 1998, a cold front blew through Utah. Shingles were blown off a roof in Spring Lake. Provo had a gust of wind to 51 mph, Dugway 69 mph, and Snowbird 64 mph. Many mountain areas received 5 to 10 inches of snow.