The “Nonsense” Papers: 2012 and Beyond: Ufo Anthology, Volume One
About this ebook
The idea of aliens and UFOs has always played a crucial role in human history. Regardless of the ridicule this mind-set inspires in skeptics, the intense speculation and debate on this topic continues to intrigue around the world. Hundreds have shared detailed personal experiences of contact with these beings or crafts, recounting a wide variety of alien interaction with our world and its peoples. Yet the official explanationsswamp gas, weather balloons, and morejust dont match up with these reports.
The Nonsense Papers anthology explores these controversial and contemporary issues, considering a wide variety of interrelated topics:
UFOs Military black projects based on alien technology Former NASA missions (and the possible secrets they hold) An alternative view on organized religious cults (and how their origin by our creators from the stars) Environmental issues, including climate change Time travel Testimonies from those who offer insight on alien contact The future and fate of our planet after 2012This collection also focuses on humanity and culture, examining where we are headed if we continue down our current path. It questions those who plan to save humanity by making exaggerated claims and impossible goals and challenges us to analyze and examine ourselves and our society as a whole. It implores humans to use common sense, rationality, and logic as our present life seems void of feelings, dreams, hopes, and desires.
Overall, the only way humans can save these precious ideologies is in the discovery of ourselves.
James W. Astrada
James W. Astrada has degrees and certifications in environmental studies and sustainability, as well as a BA in Spanish. His interests include ufology, environmental issues, biotechnology, animal rights, religion, cultural studies, theosophy, and the occult/mysticism. He is the author of the "Nonsense Papers" series.
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The “Nonsense” Papers - James W. Astrada
Copyright © 2010, 2012 by James W. Astrada.
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Preface The Message
Chapter 1 Alex Collier and the Andromedan Holographic Model of the Universe
Chapter 2 The Human Spark of Divinity and Robert Dean
Chapter 3 George Green and the New Pleiadian Paradigm
Chapter 4 Richard Dolan and Exopolitical Human Responsibility vs. Dr. Steven Greer and Project Starlight
Chapter 5 Jordan Maxwell: Alien Symbolism and the Human Connection
Chapter 6 Dan Burisch: Majestic
Interactions of a Futuristic UFO Paradox vs. John Titor: The Human or Computer Program from the Future?
Chapter 7 Dr. Pete Peterson: The Problem Solver of Spaceship Earth
Afterword The Final Word
For my mother Alexandra; may her journey on Earth lead to ascension in consciousness to surpass the human condition.
And for my boys Rupert and O’Higgins:
O’Higgins, you have been a crucial part of my life and partly responsible for the positive changes in me including this book. Even though you passed away too soon, your spirit is still with me. The other half is due to Rupert who is still here to help me ascend spiritually and mentally
The Message
Aliens and UFOs have always been a central point in human history and life in general. Whether the idea is completely ridiculed, scorned, or glorified, there seems to be a definite speculation on the existence of other worldly races and/or beings. What is the fascination we seem to cling to when discussing something that is only seen as pop culture and entertainment in this new age of digital technology? The digital age is truly among us and perhaps our preconceptions of where alien life will change based on new discoveries. Although the subject is mostly ridiculed and portrayed as fantasy, many hundreds of people over the course of this country’s history and worldwide have claimed contact or abduction by UFO entities giving detailed description about the events. The results range from different entities such as Reptilians, Greys, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Nordics, Sirians, Lyrians, little green men,
and so forth.
Although the majority of the cases are debunked, some of them are usually very well documented displaying that there is something transpiring. The common population’s trust in corporate run media outlets never really a full disclosure without a biased view. The government itself denies any strange phenomena and usually attribute the events to natural
occurrences, weather balloons, RC helicopters, swamp gas from Venus, Chinese lanterns, military flares attached to individual parachutes, optical illusions, military exercises, or completely deny the events (even though many small towns have numerous witnesses).
The dilemma is the lack of information when paranormal events transpire without proper explanation. If anyone tries to disclose an event, they are slandered by the media and debunked by experts in various fields. When we consider something real or nonsense, the individual is left to decide which road to choose based on their current belief system and/or culture. Most humans seem to believe with absolute certainty, that we have no visitors or neighbors in this vast galactic universe filled with planets, stars, solar systems, and even identical galaxies. Most Americans believe in one deity responsible for such a complicated and unusual design of this universe. Scientists have already speculated more than three hundred sixty-five planets could harvest life similar to our own. With the final disclosure considering the Gliese 581 star system and Kepler 22b, there are planets that are exactly like Earth only bigger harboring water and possible life.
John P. Mills PhD recently stated that over 50 billion planets exist in the Milky Way Galaxy with 500 million living within habitable zones in their perspective star systems [1]. With this result, we seemed to be very disillusioned with the fact of universal loneliness and might have company right near our doorstep or even in our midst.
This idea of nonsense will explain why we must change our views based on culture, society, and religion due to the digital age. Many key speakers, authors, and ex-military personnel will explain to us their point of views displaying a human world vastly more complicated than potentially believed. It will question our current belief systems and force us to use the muscle that we may have been neglecting over many centuries of religious rule: our brains. These speakers also warn of dangerous events that are to transpire in the coming end of our current cycle in 2012. Whether we believe them or not, this idea must be investigated and researched. They will also perhaps force us to question our craziness and unwillingness to believe outside our fear driven culture, and introduce us to alien interest groups that they consider regressive or beneficial.
This step could also mean the search for intelligent life is far from over as we are just beginning to discover our place in this vast universe. Humans are so accustomed to simplistic and mundane explanations that it seems we do not have the ability anymore to rationalize. Everything has become a theory, and is described as controversial
or completely discredited depending on what right-wing religious faction plans on attacking first. We must realize that we need skepticism or opposition in order to gain profit or a heated debate. Let us not forget that selling this idea of UFOs is a tough sell on Capitol Hill as well. Just imagine the result of full disclosure as the president of the United States decided to tell people that aliens were. Many would see this as a godsend
and others would be mortified.
The impact on the religious community and the shroud of deception would be lifted, paving the way for a new consciousness. Frantic fear will drive the population rampant causing chaos and the systematic dismantling of what we call normal life. Corporate interests would have to alter their entire structure with the possibility of multi-dimensional expansion due to new alien factors. The Vatican is planning for something, as they have changed their idea overnight considering aliens [2].
Just until recently this belief was not supported by the church, however, it is now ok to believe in aliens and UFOs. A senior Vatican priest by the name of Guy Consolmagno, declared seriously in an interview on September 17, 2010 that if aliens landed here on Earth and requested baptism, he would be delighted to offer the service to them [3]. To further their delusion, Jesuit Father Jose Funes Director of the Vatican Observatory, considered aliens our extraterrestrial brothers
and were excluded from Christ’s redemption
on Earth [4]. This of course was only possible if the alien life form was of a different composition than human. Why an intelligent life form would ever have the need to adapt to primitive cultural beliefs is confusing to say the least. This idea of partial disclosure may be to prepare for some upcoming event(s) that will transpire changing our human history forever. We must try to open our minds to understand why it is so important to see a new perspectives rather than relying on narrow-minded dangerous views that have prevented our ascension into a new world view.
We must try to act vigilant and use our inner power in order to decipher what is right
and what is wrong.
We cannot allow globalization, culture, and religion to keep us in the shroud of ignorance that we have displayed over the last twenty-five hundred years. We are our own enemy, and how we raise our future generations, depends on our ability to rationalize, use common sense, logic, spiritual, and emotional realms. So far, it is quite clear that we have a lot to learn about ourselves, the environment/biosphere, and the proper use of energy resources without damaging the Earth. The idea of human rights in non-existent, the majority of animals are not loved and respected as they should be. They are seemingly viewed as food or lower species without feelings.
Human nature has shown a sad reality by killing and displacing other organisms based on our greed and the lust for economic progress, fossil fuel energy, and lumber resources by destroying vital forests, and feeding the machine of industrialization. Although many movements have been created to defend the planet,
(I.e. ecofeminism, preservationists, conservationists, ecotheology, etc . . .) they are still based on the basis of human cultural beliefs that desperately need change. Our space of independence is non-existent as we are forced into submission by elite interests who are void of emotion, love, and spirit. How do we ever expect to be saved if we do not act? For this fact, we must accept that we are ruined and destroyed with no hope for survival. Perhaps this Native American prayer can help understand our dire need for change:
"O Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
Hear Me. I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom
Let me walk in Beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset
Make My Hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice
Make Me Wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my People
Let Me Learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock
I Seek Strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy—myself.
Make Me Always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes
So, When Life Fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame."
Ahoe (Native prayer; the seven sacred prayers)
We must fight ourselves from our own destructive nature in order to ascend into a new consciousness and possibly join our alien creators. These ideas are not to force you to accept these observations, but to question within and look around us at our everyday predicament. We need to challenge ourselves to new ideas. It seems that we want benign indifference, and separation of thought that would constitute unity is the major obstacles we have trouble overcoming. Humans tend to wrap ourselves in a busy, hard life so that we do not have the opportunity to discover our power. We need to give ourselves the chance to discover our inner power without having the thoughts of sin
and unworthy
in our vocabulary.
Ascension as an individual may take an entire lifetime or even many lifetimes to master; however it should not be an obstacle. Emotions, love, and compassion have to come universally, not fixated on one individual or many. Maybe then, we as humans can be viewed as more than a universal menace or lost child. We need to take care of our thoughts and those around us. We are on our own, and must be responsible for our own actions now. A very heartfelt suggestion from my mother was to focus on the present, and enjoy the moment for they are never to return. Living with no regrets and opening my mind to new ideas. This is a great task for our humanity; however could be achieved with the proper guidance from our alien forefathers who are no doubt intertwined within our society.
Many of these key speakers attended the Awake and Aware Conference held by Project Camelot back in 2009-2010. Having the privilege to view each lecture in detail initiated interest in the field of Ufology and paranormal activity. Adding travels to the Pampas in Argentina a few years back, the opportunity arose to view phenomena that were just simply unexplainable. Examples were anything from seeing orbiting lights circumventing windmills to red/yellow lights following individuals. With the Pampas being void of any light besides the stars, one was surrounded by complete darkness. The distance between neighbors were far too great to view any additional lights in what the townspeople called Chacras. Surprisingly, they were accustomed to these phenomena and even baptized with the name luz malas. Many of the people either refused or were too hesitant to explain the history or their own personal experiences due to fear.
Adding to personal research and furthering studies were due in part to these specific men, their presentations, and personal experiences in the paranormal. An ascension of sorts transpired after learning from those who have much to offer regarding UFOs and the history behind them. Growing and learning are essential to become a more informed and vigilant person that everyone has the opportunity to do. This opportunity has become one of the best experiences that will be shared with the rest of the human community.
End notes
[1] John P. Mills PhD. How many habitable are in the Milky Way Galaxy? Space/Astronomy (2012).
[2] Nicholos Wethington Vatican Holds Conference on Extraterrestrial Life.
Universe Today (November 2009).
[3] Alok Jha. Pope’s astronomer would baptize alien if it asked him.
The Guardian U.K (September 2010).
[4] John Thavis. Vatican astronomer says that if aliens exist, they may not need redemption.
Catholic News Service (May 2008)
If you are one step ahead of the world,
you’re a genius. If you are two steps ahead,
you’re a crack pot.
—Sterling Alan
Alex Collier and the
Andromedan Holographic
Model of the Universe
As we take a look at the marvels of the planet Earth such as the pyramids of Giza, the Inca Civilization (including Machu Picchu), the Olmec statues, and Tenochtitlan (whose entire layout happens to fashion the solar system), Stonehenge, the Cambodian pyramids etc. we happen to attribute them to human design. This accepted theory states that humans have shaped these wonderful, complex and mystical designs by our own hands. To be accurate, most of these creations believed to be created in our sequential time, are in fact much older. The Sphinx for instance, is much older as opposed to the common belief of thirty-five hundred years by Egyptologists. In the 1960s, mathematician and symbolist R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz postulated the following theory from his book Sacred Science: The King of Pharaonic Theocracy :
"A great civilization must have preceded the vast movements of water that passed over Egypt, which leads us to assume that already existed, sculptured in the rock of the west cliff at Giza that Sphinx whose laconic body, except for the head shows indisputable signs of aquatic erosion . . .
Schwaller de Lubicz then suggested ways to prove that a civilization way beyond the capabilities of Egypt 4,500 years ago existed many thousands of years prior to that time:
If the single fact of the water erosion of the Sphinx could be confirmed, it would in itself overthrow all accepted chronologies of the history of civilization; it would force a drastic re-evaluation of the assumptions of ‘progress’—the assumption upon which the whole of modern education is based. It would be difficult to find a single, simple question with graver implications . . .
With this overwhelming evidence like the Sphinx, the arguments of the experts are seemingly crumbling and eroding. As humans need to feel important in the cosmos, we attribute the mysteries of the past to simple explanation when it fact it requires more. The universe as we will cover in detail is a vast place filled with stars, planets, galaxies too grand for the human mind to understand. In turn, we seem to create an illusionary world where humans are the center and the rest of the universe looks upon us for we are the only intelligent life form
in the solar system.
This of course even not attributing to Jungian archetypes, gives the feeling of being insignificant and the desire to be the center of attention (transitioning into something great in our lifetime). Humans seem to need this attention due to the lack of a general purpose. One could defend this theory by focusing on the natural system. Mammals on this planet seem to instinctively develop equilibrium with their surrounding environment while humans move from one area to another. When we have exhausted all resources in the area, we have to multiple to sustain our species and move elsewhere to another area continuing our cycle of destruction. Overall, it seems our purpose is to destroy based on our natural instincts.
To add to this description of humans, we also have such a delusional idea of ourselves including which planetary bodies in the solar system are considered planets and others not, which species are more important than others, and which areas of the world should be spared and others used for resources etc . . . Looking at these observations and our situations, humans should strive for truths and a better understanding.
Through history, most iconic constructions given credit to ancient civilizations complete accuracy, articulation and quite frankly a work of art (as we see in these wonderful structures), could not be humanly possible. According to the ancient alien theory, our alien ancestors may have had a big part in the design, technology, and construction of these great wonders [1] [2]. Let us study the pyramids of Giza for instance; the three pyramids are so perfect, that a sheet of paper cannot fit between the blocks. All three of them are lined perfectly with the Orion-Osiris belt and seem to move with the stars trajectories. Graham Hancock theorized in conjunction with Robert Bauval that whoever built these great wonders, had knowledge on how the stars would look eight thousand years before they were actually built [3]. There seems to be an in depth connection between the stars of Orion and the three pyramids according to the Orion Correlation Theory. First presented by Robert Bauval in 1983, he believed through observations, which the three main pyramids and their layout coincided with the three stars on the belt of Orion:
We have demonstrated with a substantial body of evidence that the pattern of stars that is
frozen on the ground at Giza in the form of the three pyramids and the Sphinx represents the deposition of the constellations of Orion and Leo as they looked at the moment of sunrise on the spring equinox during the astronomical
Age of Leo
(i.e., the epoch in which the Sun was housed
by Leo on the spring equinox). Like all processional ages this was a 2,160-year period. It is generally calculated to have fallen between the Gregorian calendar dates of 10,970 and 8810 BC." (The Mars Mystery, pg. 189)
In order to accomplish a feat such as this, one would need to have the technology to fly, have knowledge on how the stars would correlate with these wonders and view from a celestial point for a finished product. Some in the scientific community offered other evidence that the perfect
match claimed by Hancock and Bauval was not so. Scientists by the name of Ed Krupp from the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles and Anthony Fairall an astronomy teacher from the University of Cape Town South Africa argued that the angles were somewhat different from that of the stars [4] [5]. Either way, it could still be theorized that primitive men existing from that time period had little to do with the construction of the pyramids.
Others who strictly believe in their faith or religious doctrine attribute these colossal wonders to slaves
or local inhabitants. The Sinai Peninsula has no archeological evidence of any bones, artifacts, or even Egyptian weapons lain out on the desert floor [6]. We have to t ake in consideration of how Egyptians also claimed that they were able to transport these humungous blocks that weighed tons, up sand dunes on simple pulleys and carts. After they were placed on top of each other with laser precision, (that even technology now cannot even produce) the magnificent structures were created. Why is it that only three of the pyramids have withstood the passage of time, yet others supposedly created by the same craftsmanship, crumbled to the ground? The only logical explanation is that the originals were not created by the Egyptians, and the Egyptians arrived to this location to find these objects (the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx) already here.
The Egyptian Antiquities Organization and Egyptian tourism cannot afford to admit this due to the obvious blow it would cost them in tourist dollars. Is this a money making scheme only, or do they have something else to hide? Recently, no one is allowed to enter the pyramids for unknown reasons [7]. Are they afraid that someone will discover something that is not supposed to be seen? Many experts
that claim to have an understanding in prehistoric archeology and physical anthropology, refuse to believe that these magnificent structures were built by other beings. They also claim to have tons of evidence
based on history.
History, as fragile as it is, changes almost every day as researchers are finding more and more discrepancies in their structured belief systems. Having a degree does allow one to discuss the topic in an arena or debate forum however, at the same time could be fundamentally flawed, especially if it is based on a system that can be changed every day by discoveries. Is it too difficult to believe that there exist beings more advanced and powerful than humans in the universe? All of the past civilizations from Sumer to the Native Americans share their encounters with gods from the stars. How much more evidence do we need; a spaceship landing, worldwide enslavement by an exterior source, or the annihilation of humans in general?
If we are to accept this controversial truth of alien life engaging with humans on a day-to-day basis, we have to ask certain questions. If they are here, why is there so much effort to block disclosure about a subject that most consider nonsense? This could be a direct result to what could be called power control. The hierarchy that we contain in this human world must be maintained with no intention of change. In order to claim two important roles (power and rites) bestowed upon the powerful elite, the mass must be made to see a certain view, otherwise chaos ensues. This is not uncommon as all organisms have their own caste system and the powerful have no intention of sharing what they have with anyone at any cost.
There will always be those who have everything and those who have nothing; the only problem is the powerful who gain their position seem afraid to fall. This is how the system has worked for over five thousand years; an unbalanced system masquerading as a balanced one, ready to crumble at any time on the brink of failure. All those who gain power are afraid to lose it. Those who do not have it have a hunger for it, which is why they are always on the losing end. This cycle of self-destruction must stop in order for change
to occur, introducing a new system. The question is now what kind of system will be created to allow a real balance to occur where the bottom rung
supports the elite without a time bomb attached. In the long run, humans must come in terms with the painful reality that we refuse to face: not all of us have a sense of worth that is equal determined by our own prejudices. Due to this belief system, not everyone can be spared.
Project Camelot’s Message
Project Camelot, a private established organization claiming to alert humanity about the truth concerning UFOs, interviews certain individuals that will be covered during the course of this book. This group also considers themselves to be an active part of the exopolitical community (being considered UFO special interest group beforehand). The group leaders are two individuals called Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan who fund the entire organization on their own, with generous contributions from followers. Another individual David Wilcox is a third member, claiming to be a psychic medium with an understanding of the spirit world and its mechanics. The group supposedly focuses on creating awareness for the rest of humankind to wake up
from their mental sleep and see the truth for what it really is. Their main belief system is centered on the belief that an advanced race of aliens known as the Draco (reptilian), are using human beings as a natural resource (food, energy, slave labor etc . . .). According to their Intel, these beings exist in the same galaxy and have been here for about eight hundred thousand years or so. There are few speculations that in fact a race of intelligently created bipedal reptiles did exist at the time of the dinosaurs called dinosauroid (taking in consideration that if the dinosaurs survived, they would evolve into this species). In the 1980s, a paleontologist by the name of Dale Russell introduced the idea that if the dinosaurs survived they would evolve into something similar to human beings with their own language [8] [9].
Although the idea was completely ridiculed after its publication, many still believe this may be a possibility. Human beings are not the only species to evolve in any environment. It may be a little hard to imagine that other organisms may have evolved elsewhere in the universe far beyond our imagination. Why is it such an unbelievable concept that humans refuse to admit? Do we feel threatened? Will this concept destroy our egos to display that we are not in control and important? Have these beings existed thought our history and worshipped in ancient cultures? Almost every ancient civilization (Incan, Aztec, Egyptian, Phoenician, Sumerian, Babylonian, Native American, Rama, etc . . .) has had a reptilian deity that they have worshipped and considered all powerful. Sebek (Sobek), Nimrod, Quetzalcoatl, Apep (Apophis), Hong (rainbow dragon) Medusa, Nagas (Hindu), and the Chitari (African), are just a few examples of the many gods that the ancients feared and worshipped over the millennia. They believed that they were descendants of these reptilian entities that bred with their humankind to create the kings of men and women.
Is Project Camelot trying to inform us, or is there something bigger at stake here? Cassidy’s passion is to eliminate the Draconian influence on the human race so that we may be free to rule ourselves. She is bent on the belief that we humans are all going to be saved and ascend into greatness without doing any effort. In the author’s opinion, practicing a dangerous technique of alerting the unprepared population is not such a good idea. A system that humans have been dependent on for the last five thousand years is to be replaced with Cassidy’s dream it seems. Are we ready to rule ourselves and decide which humans are worth supporting and which are not? We all believe we are unique and our idea of the sanctity of life is based on cultural and personal beliefs. We do not seem to possess the mental skill or ability to decide for ourselves at this point in time. It is apparent that maybe we humans are too weak to decide for ourselves which is why we allow systems to control us, and our independence is something that is lacking in our beings (to take responsibility seems to difficult a task).
Alex Collier and the Fate of Humanity
One individual known as Alex Collier is a close friend of Project Camelot and offers his insight on a new system given to him by an extraterrestrial race known as the Andromedans. He considers himself an extraterrestrial contactee that is able to transmit the message that this alien race has for human beings. This race supposedly originates from the galaxy Andromeda and according to him; they are a benevolent race only here in the interest of our benefit. Since everyone seems to have an agenda, Collier may mean well to lift the human spirit; however a fresh analysis is required. Collier stated that these beings operated on a holographic level in terms of government and society. The term holographic implies that fourth and fifth density are dominant and can intervene with lower dimensions at will that human beings currently operate on (second and third densities) [10]. Acquiring this technology and utilizing it can be very useful for societies to grow and establish a balance of sorts. Human corporations and governments would not accept this technology or system for the fact that their firm control on humans could be eliminated. Unless there is profit for this system on a public level, the secret and special interest groups will continue to conceal this technology until they can establish a monopoly. Collier strongly believes that the governments cannot afford disclosure of this precious technology until preparations for the public population are established.
Sometime in 2012, Collier claims that major events and changes will occur on this planet. He doesn’t imply that there will be an end of the world scenario; however, he states and end in human consciousness would occur. In any case, somehow humans will alter themselves or be altered artificially through frequency. He also stated his belief that China or India would be the