From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of Ufo Phenomena (Revised and Updated)
By A.R. Roberts
About this ebook
The volume of evidence suggesting we are not alone, and probably never have been, is overwhelming. It suggests an alien agenda to accelerate the evolution of the human race.
To understand what is happening requires knowledge of what is going on today as well as the past, particularly during the biblical era.
Much has been learned through the Freedom of Information Act, from whistleblowers, and government and military officials. This book connects the dots suggesting what aliens have been doing for the past several thousand years.
A.R. Roberts
A.R. Roberts was a musician in the 1960s starring in 1964 at the Latin Quarter in New York with one group and appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show in December of that year. He later became a professional photographer and in 1994 moved to Florida where he authored four books on the UFO phenomenon.
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From Adam to Omega - A.R. Roberts
Copyright © 2020 Allen Roberts.
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ISBN: 978-1-5320-9311-1 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2020912249
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Chapter 1 Do Extraterrestrials Really Exist?
Chapter 2 The Question of Origin
Chapter 3 Ancient Mysteries
Chapter 4 Ancient Evidence
Chapter 5 The Alternative Phenomena
Chapter 6 The Hostile Factor
Chapter 7 Have Aliens Made Contact?
Chapter 8 Encounters, Denial, and Disinformation
Chapter 9 Abductions
Chapter 10 The Pre-Biblical Era
Chapter 11 Hybrids in the Bible
Chapter 12 Technology in the Bible
Chapter 13 The First Race
Chapter 14 The Longevity Factor
Chapter 15 Was There Really a Great Deluge?
Chapter 16 The New Race
Chapter 17 Moses: The Lord’s Main Man
Chapter 18 The Mystery of Mount Sinai
Chapter 19 Was Aaron Unfaithful?
Chapter 20 What Really Happened to Moses?
Chapter 21 Preparing for the Messiah
Chapter 22 Enter the Messiah
Chapter 23 What Really Happened to Christ?
Chapter 24 The Shroud
Chapter 25 Is Revelation Valid?
Chapter 26 Alien Messages
Chapter 27 Warning Signs
Chapter 28 Evaluating the Doomsday Threat
Chapter 29 Meeting the Deadline
Chapter 30 The Problems of Disclosure
Chapter 31 The New Indoctrination
Chapter 32 Countdown
U FOs: What are they? Where did they come from? Why are they here? These questions have plagued millions of people around the world for decades. What most people know of UFOs they have derived from biased media coverage and from tabloids touting bizarre, sensationalistic, and fabricated stories.
Owing to the veil of secrecy implemented by the government, the public never learned the real facts of the Roswell event. They never knew of UFO encounters reported by civilian and military pilots, astronauts, and police officers, and they never knew of the many UFO incursions that occurred at strategic nuclear weapons installations. However, thanks to the efforts of diligent and competent researchers, much has been learned through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), from whistleblowers, and from high-ranking military and government officials.
In the first edition of this book, I separated the unreliable and questionable information from the known facts and provided a few opinions, but I drew no conclusions; I left that up to the reader. However, since the publication of that book, new and updated information has become available; that information is included in this edition.
I was exposed to the UFO phenomenon when I was fifteen years old and living in Plattsburgh, New York, a city twenty-six miles south of the Canadian border, situated on the west side of Lake Champlain. I was a member of the Ground Observer Corps (GOC), an air force program designed to reduce the threat of a surprise air attack from the Soviet Union. Our observation post was Bravo Quebec 34 Black (Quebec
being pronounced as Kaybek
) and was located on the roof of Physicians Hospital, the highest point in the city. It was the duty of each observer to report every aircraft flying over the area to an air force filter center in Albany, New York, about 140 miles to the south. I manned the post on Friday nights from around 9:00 p.m. usually until after dawn—with my mother’s permission, of course, since I was only fifteen. Life was much simpler then, and much safer.
It was in the spring of 1955 when people all around the city began reporting UFOs. It was proposed that aliens were interested in the Strategic Air Command (SAC) base under construction at the south end of the city. The reports attracted the attention of Jim Roddy, the news director at radio station WEAV, and Art Pierce, the station’s newscaster. Hoping to see something for themselves, these gentlemen were frequent visitors to the post.
Their interest paid off one night during my shift when they saw a strange light erratically descend and disappear into the glow of construction lights, where crews were laying the runways at the new base. I was on the phone, calling in a routine aircraft report, so I hadn’t seen it. At first I thought they were kidding around, but they were adamant that something had gone down, and they wanted to go over and check it out. We had gotten to know each other pretty well over the weeks, and they offered to take me along if I was interested. They had aroused my curiosity, and so I decided to put the post out of operation and go with them.
The nearest we could get to the area was a bumpy dirt road in the woods adjacent to the construction. We pulled into a clearing where the equipment used to fell the trees and open up the road had once been parked. Jim climbed up on the roof of his car, hoping to spot a familiar city light in order to pinpoint our location, but the trees were too high, obscuring all view of the city lights. He suggested we go a little farther down the road, and if we didn’t see anything, then we would return to the observation post. It was at that exact moment we all looked up to see a huge, glowing, oval-shaped white object slowly and silently drift over our heads and out of sight over the trees. It appeared to be just skimming over the treetops, and I think it was Roddy that estimated it to be about forty feet from front to back. I’m not sure how accurate that estimate was, but if you take an average-size watermelon and hold it over your head at arm’s length, it will give you a good idea of its size.
It was an awesome sight, and the image of that object indelibly burned itself into my brain, and I could never forget it. However, it was thirty-three years later, in 1988, when I decided to do some research in an attempt to learn what it was we saw. That is when I learned just how complex the UFO issue is, and what I thought would take only a few weeks turned into twenty-three years of research, leading to the first edition of this book.
UFO sightings are a very small part of the overall picture. This book reveals the complexity of the UFO issue, a jigsaw puzzle comprising many pieces, many of which have never been recognized as being a part of the puzzle, thereby justifying the plural word phenomena
in the book’s subtitle.
The numerous subjects involved are as follows: ancient civilizations, Egyptology, science, astronomy, archaeology, unexplained prehistoric artifacts, prehistoric cave and rock drawings, religious and nonreligious medieval paintings, alien abductions, a hybrid breeding program, biblical scripture, and religious issues. Then there are the questionable issues that may or may not be relevant: bigfoot, animal mutilations, the Bermuda Triangle, crop circles, and the Fatima mystery. What also comes into question is whether the government has established contact and is secretly working with not one but several alien races, and the technological benefits we may have acquired from them.
Information pertaining to today’s UFO activity is considered factual by virtue of its documentation. Information pertaining to religious issues can be considered only circumstantial, since there is no way it can be proved. The volume of evidence, however, both factual and circumstantial, when combined, is overwhelming in suggesting we are not alone and probably never have been alone. It also suggests an alien agenda in which aliens are accelerating the evolution of the human race. This is strongly suggested in the UFO events of today. However, to understand what is going on today requires knowledge of what was going on in the past, particularly during the biblical era; it provides an important clue as to why the government has been so secretive regarding the UFO issue.
I made a prediction in the first edition of this book in 2012 that the public was being prepped for disclosure of the UFO phenomena. The Pentagon’s recent release of a few videos showing UFOs being tracked by radar from navy jet fighters is bearing this out; however, it has begun much sooner than I expected. Many people are now convinced the government will soon reveal everything they know of the phenomenon; however, I have reason to believe full disclosure will not occur for a very long time, owing to certain religious issues. It is something people all over the world must be psychologically prepared to deal with without creating worldwide chaos, and it will not happen overnight.
I am not a UFO fanatic. I am a skeptical person by nature. However, I have an open mind and am willing to consider different viewpoints, since I believe there are always two sides to every story. There was a time when people once thought it was impossible for humans to fly, let alone go to the moon. Therefore, one lesson I have learned in life is that you should never close your mind to an issue you know little or nothing about, because no matter how weird or bizarre it may seem at the moment, there is always a possibility it could turn out to be true.
I am not claiming my ideas are the answer to the UFO mystery. What I am proposing is a theory based on logical and commonsense evaluation of the evidence. Evidence, however, does not necessarily constitute proof. But because of the overwhelming volume of evidence, a very logical and cohesive theory is suggested of what is and has been going on for the past several thousand years. That, however, is something you must decide for yourself. I ask only that you judge the information based on its merits and form your own opinions and conclusions.
I would like to acknowledge the following people for their valuable assistance in the production of this book:
Jim and Hazel Thompson, my dear friends and neighbors, for their encouragement and moral support in writing this book
Pauline Barnes, my dear friend who provided constructive criticism in dealing with certain subject matter
Stacy Griffiths, Esq., who assisted in research
Shawn Moss, an excellent photographer and good neighbor
Colin Andrews, author and crop circle investigator, for providing correct details regarding military helicopter harassment during his investigation of a crop formation in the United Kingdom
Richard Tucker, a good friend for his constructive criticism and new ideas
Charles Woods, a good friend and former Aerojet Rocketdyne employee, for his knowledgeable opinions and input
Hector Lopez, who sadly passed away while this book was in production. He was a retired math teacher and good friend who offered valuable opinions and suggestions. He will be missed.
Part 1
UFOs and Aliens Past and Present
Chapter 1
U ntil recently, extraterrestrial life had always been a rather philosophical issue not high on the list of priorities for scientific study. However, since the UFO phenomenon revolves around possible alien visitors, it is essential to determine whether they could exist, and if so, whether they could visit our world. There are people who claim to have witnessed aliens disembark from a landed UFO and collect plant and soil samples, there are people who claim to have seen alien bodies from UFO crash sites, and there are even others who claim they were abducted by aliens. Their stories are compelling, and many of the witnesses appear credible, yet no one has ever been able to present one shred of evidence to support their claims. So are these people hallucinating? Are they mentally unstable? Did they fabricate the stories simply to gain publicity for themselves? These are issues any serious investigator will consider when determining the credibility of a witness. But the most important question is, Are any of them telling the truth?
Millions of people have photographed and videotaped what they believe were UFOs in the sky. Most show indistinct points of light or blurred images and are of little or no value. Nevertheless, there is a small percentage of such images in which state-of-the-art analyzing technology was able to rule out conventional aircraft, balloons, flocks of birds, and so forth. In these cases at least, investigators were able to determine what they are not, but not what they are, so there is still no proof that they are extraterrestrial spacecraft. But the universe is a big place, and who really knows what is out there?
It is almost impossible for one to conceive of the size of the universe. However, once you understand how vast it really is, you almost have to consider the possibility that there must be other life somewhere out there. The age of the universe is still under debate but is currently believed to be somewhere around 12 to 15 billion years old. Our sun is just one star in a galaxy we call the Milky Way, which, according recent estimates, contains anywhere from 100 billion to over 350 billion stars. We know there are at least 100 billion galaxies, which means there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand making up all the beaches on Earth—and that is a fact. What are the odds that some of these stars might host planets with intelligent life?
Our solar system is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Considering the size and the age of the universe, how can one not consider the possibility, or even the probability, that life evolved elsewhere millions, or even billions, of years before it did on Earth? Because of the vast distances between stars, scientists question whether travel between them is even possible. Utilizing current technology, it would take us thousands of years to reach the nearest one. For this reason, many mainstream scientists believe interstellar travel is impractical. Their argument involves Einstein’s theory of relativity—the laws pertaining to the speed of light. Light travels through space at one hundred eighty-six thousand miles per second, and technologically it is an impossible speed to attain, because it would take more energy than the entire universe contains to propel a spaceship to that velocity. Even if we could reach light speed, the laws of physics pertaining to time and space dictate that the faster one moves through space, the slower the passage of time becomes. In other words, if a trip took twenty-five years traveling at light speed, the voyagers would age only twenty-five years, while back on Earth, hundreds of years would have elapsed. This means they would return to find their loved ones long deceased. Such an expedition would be of no benefit to any people who were alive on Earth when the voyagers departed, because they would never live long enough to see their return.
Thus there is the argument some scientists have proposed for why UFOs cannot be of extraterrestrial origin. They say that since interstellar travel is impossible or impractical for us, it is also impossible or impractical for anyone else who may exist out there, implying that any other intelligent life in the universe is restricted by the same limitations we face. However, in order to make such a claim, one would assume they would have to be well informed on the scientific and technological capabilities of such civilizations; so I fail to see how they can even propose such an idea. For all they know, any number of extraterrestrial (ET) races could have long ago developed the technology to bend the fabric of the space-time continuum and visit Earth as routinely as we visit other countries.
As for our own limitations, are we to believe that we have reached the pinnacle of scientific discovery—that there is nothing left to learn and nothing left to achieve? How do we know there isn’t a completely new dimension of technology waiting to be discovered tomorrow, which will allow us to overcome the challenge of faster-than-light travel?
Almost everything was considered impossible at one time or another. People once said that if man were meant to fly, he would have been born with wings. But on December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright proved them wrong. Then it was thought impossible to fly faster than the speed of sound, until October 14, 1947, when Captain Charles Chuck
Yeager, flying the Bell X-1 aircraft, broke the sound barrier. After this, it was thought impossible for man to go to the moon. But the naysayers were again proven wrong when, on July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Eugene Buzz
Aldrin climbed down out of their Apollo 11 lunar lander and walked on the surface of the moon. Now that we have met and overcome these challenges, we are told it is impossible to travel faster than light. Since we were able to conquer yesterday’s impossibilities,
I see no reason not to believe that interstellar travel is also a challenge we will eventually overcome. In fact, we may have already taken the first step. In 2000, the Sunday Times in the United Kingdom published an article about how particle physicists in the United States demonstrated that light pulses can be accelerated up to three hundred times their normal velocity of one hundred eighty-six thousand miles per second.¹ This would seem to suggest that nothing is truly impossible.
It was in 1995 when the first discovery of an extrasolar planet called 51 Pegasi b was confirmed.² Since then, NASA’s exoplanet website confirms that over four thousand new planets have been discovered. With the application of new technologies, stars with multiple planets are now being discovered—the number of which is constantly growing—and the search has barely just begun. And the volume of space so far explored is comparable to that of a glass of water in the ocean.
So the odds favoring the existence of planets capable of supporting life are increasing every day, along with the probability that other intelligent life has evolved. Suddenly we find it not so inconceivable that others from another world could have visited Earth in the distant past—and may still be doing so today. And if they interacted with ancient humans, it is entirely possible they influenced much of our early history.
Something else to consider is that time (at least to some extraterrestrials) could be very different from how we understand it. We perceive time in a linear fashion—with a past, a present, and a future—and we measure its passage with clocks and calendars. Our day is based on the twenty-four-hour cycle of the earth’s rotation, and our year is based on the 365 days it takes for the earth make one complete orbit around the sun. However, in comparison to our standards, a day to an extraterrestrial may equal months, years, or even centuries. The concept of a thousand years being like a day is even mentioned in the Bible (2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4). We tend to judge everything based on our own concepts and standards, but how do we know that an extraterrestrial civilization would measure things the same way? We don’t! There is no law that says everything in the universe is, or has to be, restricted to our limitations.
Of course, none of this is proof of extraterrestrial existence or that extraterrestrials have visited Earth. I have simply expressed an opinion based on a logical assessment of established information. However, to claim that interstellar travel is impossible for an extraterrestrial civilization only because it is currently impossible for us is simply an unscientific assumption and reflects a narrow-minded perspective.
Chapter 2
T wo of the biggest mysteries humans have yet to explain are their own origin and UFOs. As for origin, the Bible claims divine creation was responsible for man, while science suggests humans evolved, possibly from apes. So far, no tangible evidence exists to support either creation or evolution. They are both part of a debate that will undoubtedly continue for generations to come. There is, however, a mountain of credible evidence supporting the existence of UFOs.
One factor inhibiting our ability to comprehend the UFO issue is the intimidation of religious doctrine. For centuries, religion has dictated what we are allowed to believe. This is exemplified by what happened to Galileo in the seventeenth century, when the accepted belief was that the sun and stars revolved around the earth—that the earth was the center of the universe. When Galileo invented the first astronomical telescope in 1609, he saw the heavens as no one before him ever had, and he soon confirmed what Copernicus had already proposed—that the earth revolved around the sun, thus diminishing the earth’s status as the center of the universe.
This was in total contradiction to what the church believed. At the time, the church was a powerful influencer in government matters, and when Galileo published his findings, he was labeled a heretic and subjected to religious persecution. In 1633, he was summoned to Rome for an inquisition and sentenced to life imprisonment for suspicion of heresy. To avoid imprisonment, he was forced to recant all his work, and only then did the church commute his sentence to house arrest.³ Thus, organized religion set the paradigm by which established beliefs are protected—even if they are wrong. Although Galileo was right, the narrow-minded perspective of religious authorities prevented them from even giving him the benefit of the doubt. Simply put, they had been brainwashed into accepting their inaccurate beliefs as the absolute truth, and no one was to dare question them. The same prejudicial attitude still prevails three centuries later; any scientist today who challenges established beliefs risks not only the scorn of his peers but also the security of his job. He, too, becomes a victim of what I call the Galileo syndrome.
A more recent example of this is what happened to Virginia Steen-McIntyre. In 1966, archaeologists excavating a site in Hueyatlaco, Mexico, unearthed a collection of stone tools and leaf-shaped spear points, and McIntyre was part of the United States Geological Survey team sent to date the items. She said they used the radiometric dating procedure that determines actual age, and that two procedures were implemented: one using uranium atoms, and the other, tiny zircon crystals. At first she suspected the site might be about twenty thousand years old, but to her astonishment, all tests dated the artifacts at two hundred fifty thousand years old.⁴
McIntyre admits that she was naïve and unaware of the controversy she had created, and had no idea of how it was about to impact her career. Thinking she might be on to something big, she refused to deviate from the facts that had been established. Consequently, the dig was closed down; she lost her teaching job at an American university and has been unable to work in her profession ever since. She was blackballed for refusing to cave in to mainstream ideology.
There seems to be an unwritten law in the scientific community that one must bury any evidence that conflicts with mainstream beliefs, such as that which suggests intelligent humans were around long before scientists believe it possible. Excellent documentation of this is presented in Forbidden Archaeology, a book written by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson. In that book are over eight hundred pages documenting human presence and artifacts that are hundreds of thousands and even millions of years old.
It seems prehistoric humans left many clues that things other than birds were flying around in his skies. All over the world, petroglyphs on rocks and in caves depict what look like the many UFOs being reported today, and they appear in many medieval paintings as well. Written references can be found in ancient writings from Mesopotamia, China, India, Mexico, and South America, not to mention the Bible. They are simply too numerous to ignore, and it does not take a rocket scientist to recognize their technological implications. So if these ancient artists and writers were depicting flying craft, then it would appear that UFOs have been around for many thousands of years. If so, then how far back in time do they really go? Were they around at the dawn of humanity? Could they even be responsible for man’s existence? Though the idea may sound crazy, it is not inconceivable.
As near as can be determined, humans, as we are today, have been traced back about fifty thousand years, to the period when the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons faded from the scene. The Cro-Magnon allegedly resembled modern humans in many ways, and some theorize they may have been more evolved descendants of the Neanderthal; supposedly they were more intelligent and more human in appearance. Until recently, it was thought that the Cro-Magnon came after the Neanderthal. Now there is evidence that they coexisted in some regions before the Neanderthal finally exited the picture. Since this was about the time modern humans allegedly emerged, the sequence would seem to support evolution.
Creationists acclimated to the mystical beliefs associated with religion believe human life began only six thousand years ago, with Adam and Eve. However, six thousand years hardly seems a sufficient amount of time for so many diversified species of humanity to have evolved, at least from a common origin such as Adam and Eve. When you consider the variety of races that exist among the human species, each with individual physical characteristics regarding height, facial features, skin color, hair color, and the presence or absence of facial hair, one has to wonder where they came from. Variety prevails in every species of life on Earth and is the result of millions of years of evolution. Logically, we might expect that millions of years would have also produced distinctive differences among Homo sapiens. If, as the Bible claims, modern humans arrived on the scene only six thousand years ago, it seems an insufficient amount of time for such distinct diversity to have evolved; even sixty thousand years would not seem long enough.
The evolution theory suggests that humans may have evolved from apes somewhere along the way—but when? Evolution constitutes a gradual change, not change and continuance. If apes evolved into humans, then there should be no more apes around. Separately, humans and apes can be traced back millions of years; however, there is no evidence that apes evolved into humans, leaving what scientists refer to as the missing link.
Most DNA is contained in the nucleus of the human cell; we inherit half of our DNA from our mother and half from our father. However, a small portion called mitochondrial DNA exists outside the nucleus and contains elements contributed only by the female, and it can be used to trace a person’s lineage far back in time. According to author Mark Eastman, research was conducted at the University of California in Berkeley using mitochondrial DNA samples of 147 individuals from around the world, and the results were surprising. The tests indicated that they all descended from the same female ancestor, which they dubbed the mitochondrial Eve.⁵ This would seem to imply that everyone alive on Earth today descended from the same female ancestor.
The mutational rate of mitochondria suggests that the mitochondrial Eve lived about six thousand to sixty-five hundred years ago—a timeline that could fit the Genesis account of Creation. The problem, however, is that it still seems unlikely that so many diversified races of humanity with such a distinct variation of physical characteristics would have evolved in such a short span of time.
But what if the mitochondrial Eve was actually a series of female hybrids created from the same DNA source containing the same mitochondria? What if they were separate alien projects conducted at different times on different continents that produced the various races of humanity? Would that not logically explain why the DNA of 147 people from around the world has the same mitochondrial signature?
Another possible explanation for the missing link could be attributed to the mythical gods associated with many ancient civilizations. For example, many gods of Greco-Roman mythology were said to have descended from the sky while riding dragons that were emitting fire. The knowledge passed down by people like Hippocrates, Archimedes, Pythagoras, Homer, Plato, and Aristotle, plus the sophistication of Roman and Greek architecture, are factors revealing the intelligence level of these people, which makes it difficult to accept the idea that they believed in flying dragons. Theories proposed by many UFO researchers are that the flying dragons were really alien craft that came down from the sky. But were they really emitting flames? A craft emitting flames suggests a rocket-type of propulsion, which seems primitive for beings who may have traveled across light-years of space. Many UFOs reported today are described as being engulfed in an aura of bright light, and since fire was the only source that produced light back then, a glowing aura of light surrounding the craft, in all likelihood, would have been described as fire.
The technology exhibited by the beings that emerged from these craft would likely be perceived as magic or miraculous, so naturally they would have been perceived as gods. But it is those referred to by various cultures as creator gods, who supposedly created human beings, that in this case are the ones of interest.
Prometheus was the creator god worshipped by both Romans and Greeks. The creator gods of other civilization include P’an-Ku of the Chinese; Odin of the Norse; the Anunnaki of the Sumerians; Viracocha of the Incas; Kukulkan (Gucumatz), the most famous of the Mayans’ thirteen creator gods; and Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs.⁶ Most references suggest Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl are one and the same, first worshipped by the Mayans and later by the Aztecs. And there are others too numerous to mention. These gods were spread around the world in Greece, Rome, Mesoamerica, South America, Mesopotamia, China, and Scandinavia, and all of them reportedly came down from the sky. Did these gods, in different locations around the planet, genetically engineer the various versions of the human race, each with distinct individual physical characteristics, such as height, skin color, facial features, etc.?
If these really were different gods, what are the odds that the humans they created would have all had the same mitochondrial signature, such as that of Berkeley’s test subjects? Could it be possible they were not different gods but were one god that each civilization knew by a different name?
Now if—and I repeat, if—the human race is the product of genetic engineering by extraterrestrials, it could logically explain the missing link. But could it also have been a program spread over millennia in which they experimented with DNA alterations that resulted in the distinct variations of humanity?
Since the DNA of the Berkeley subjects indicates an origin of six thousand or so years ago, it might suggest that the last creation phase took place at that time and that civilizations with mitochondria dating to earlier times were wiped out by some global catastrophe or were purposely eliminated for some reason, possibly because they proved nonviable for their intended purpose. That scenario could fit the biblical account of Adam’s descendants being destroyed by a flood. It might also explain the stories and legends of many other ancient civilizations from around the world describing similar floods.
But if the human race, as it is today, is the result of genetic juggling, we have to ask why. Why would an alien race become involved with our evolution?
Ancient cave drawings suggest that aliens were around when prehistoric humans roamed the land. What is unknown is whether they created prehistoric humans or whether they were already here. The fact that humans created petroglyphs of what appear to be disc-shaped craft and images resembling astronauts might suggest humans were already here, and since there are no prehistoric humans around to ask, there is no way to know. That is part of the equation we will just have to leave unanswered for the time being.
Nevertheless, regardless of how it was, it appears a project was initiated to accelerate human evolution through genetic engineering. I say this based on what we know is happening today, which I will get into later on.
As to why aliens became involved with our evolution, we can only speculate. One theory is that they are aware of an impending disaster that will threaten the existence of humanity before the technology needed for survival can be created. If, however, they did create the human race, it would be all the more reason to formulate a plan to protect their project, and the feasibility of such a plan might have warranted creating a few experimental races.
Now, you can take this for what it’s worth, but numerous skeletons have allegedly been discovered in various places around the world, and some appear to be from a diversified race of giants, some as tall as twenty or more feet. Whoever, or whatever, these people were, many supposedly had red hair and double rows of upper and lower teeth, and some had six fingers and toes. There are many internet sites describing these discoveries, only a few of which may be credible. Some show newspaper articles with dates, locations, and the names of the archaeologists who were involved. Some of the bones allegedly date back millions of years, which, if true, might suggest that they belong to members of the first test races. According to many of the articles, these finds were turned over to the Smithsonian and other museums, and in most cases, the museums have either lost them over the years or stored them in the basement, away from public view. If this is true, it is but another attempt by the elite mainstream to avoid having to rewrite the history books.
Originally I was unconvinced about the authenticity of the giants described in the Bible, on the internet, and in documentary programs. However, after researching it further, I learned of credible evidence that some people over nine and ten feet tall, and even taller in some cases, did exist in ancient times.
In 1911, while ranchers were collecting bat guano in a Lovelock, Nevada, cave, they discovered forty or fifty giant skeletons with long red hair. However, this was disputed by the University of California, which investigated the site in 1912 and again in 1924. Along with numerous artifacts, they claim the sixty mummies they unearthed were of average size. And a study by the University of Nevada claims they were only six feet tall.⁷ Also, the local Humboldt Museum claims that although the people were slightly robust, their size fell within normal parameters.⁸ This seemed to dispel any idea of giants living in the area.
However, a museum seventy-five miles away has three giant skulls believed to be from the Lovelock cave locked in a cabinet in a back room and not on public display, possibly out of respect for the local Indians. Author David Childress compared a modern dental impression of a normal adult male to the mandible (jawbone) of one of the huge skulls in the cabinet, and one can only conclude the skull belonged to a person of enormous size—possibly 10 or 12 feet tall.⁹ In 1931, an article in the Nevada Review-Miner claims two giant skeletons, one 8.5 feet tall and another nearly 10 feet tall, were found in the Humboldt dry lakebed.¹⁰
Much of the information I have studied suggests all giant skeletal evidence was turned over to the Smithsonian (or in some cases confiscated by the Smithsonian) and has been kept hidden from the public. As to why this is, I suspect it challenged their status-quo concept of human history and evolution. To admit that giant people once walked the earth would necessitate rewriting the history books, and that would embarrass the scientists who, for years, lied to the public rather than admit they were wrong.
Accelerating evolution would involve the genetic reconstruction of the human species, and what better way to speed up the process than with hybrids. This may have been accomplished by collecting ova from female subjects and sperm samples from men—a scenario that today parallels procedures described in many alien abduction cases (a subject covered in chapter 9). Assuming they had the technology, they would modify the DNA in the sperm samples for genetic improvement and then inseminate the women.
As the children with the modified genes were born, they would pass their seeds on to the next generation. The more hybrids created, the faster the distribution of improved genes. During this phase, they may have made a few mistakes, thereby making it necessary on occasion to eliminate a race and replace it with a new one. The red-haired giants with six fingers and toes and double rows of teeth, assuming they actually existed, may possibly have been one of the first test races. Then, several thousand years ago, using DNA with the most favorable genetic qualities they had preserved from earlier experiments, the aliens may have created special hybrids to breed a new race from the existing population in the region of Mesopotamia. Hypothetically, the theory suggests that the male hybrid was Adam, and the female was the mitochondrial Eve, and were created with the same chromosomal package we carry today. They may have conducted the same process at different times in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and North and South America, each time using the same DNA. If this hypothesis is correct, would it not then provide a logical explanation for why the DNA of all the subjects tested at Berkley has the same mitochondrial signature?
Eventually humans would have become genetically compatible with their extraterrestrial creators, allowing the creators to mate with human females. This is assuming, of course, we looked like them—were created in their image, as stated in the Bible. However, it seems unlikely that such unions would be permitted. Their superior genes would have probably been diluted in the still-primitive human species; the offspring may have inherited a higher capacity for learning but would not have evolved far enough up the evolutionary scale to acquire the wisdom necessary to deal with it, and it could create serious problems down the line. However, according to the Bible, such sexual unions did occur, and those who were involved got into a lot of trouble. This issue will also be covered in greater detail later.
There is, of course, no way to prove that extraterrestrials are involved in a project to accelerate human evolution. However, let’s assume for the moment that they are, and that one phase of their project is to learn which steps would be most advantageous in achieving this goal. Would it not then be necessary to conduct experiments in order to make such a determination? Might they have created one or more races with which to test genetically enhanced abilities—abilities that could explain the amazing megalithic structures: the architectural wonders that are impossible to duplicate with modern tools and machinery?
But remember, this is only hypothetical. There is no evidence to prove this is what happened; however, you must admit it could make sense. And when we examine some of the amazing architectural accomplishments of ancient humans, it seems to make even more sense.
Chapter 3
O ne of the theories proposed in the field of UFO research is that we are a hybrid species created by extraterrestrials. One proponent of this theory is the late Zecharia Sitchin, an expert in ancient Mesopotamian languages. Although his ideas are disputed in mainstream circles, he claims that Sumerian cuneiform writings identify these extraterrestrials as the Anunnaki, who came from a planet called Nibiru, which orbits through our neighborhood every thirty-six hundred years. He proposed that they were the Nephilim—the biblical giants mentioned in Genesis. One tablet he deciphered allegedly describes several items that the goddess Ishtar adorned herself with before making a flight to visit her sister in some distant land.
In his book The Twelfth Planet, he states that in 1934, archaeologists excavating a site in Mari on the west bank of the Euphrates River unearthed a four-thousand-year-old life-size statue of Ishtar wearing what appeared to be the same items. A strange box is strapped to her back and appears to be attached to the back of her helmet by a strap; it is further supported by two large shoulder pads. There is also what appears to be a hose attached to the base of the box by a circular clasp.
Two of the items mentioned on the tablet that Sitchin said adorned the goddess were straps clasping her breasts,
which seemed to be what was holding the box in place on her back, and twin stones on her shoulders,
which appear to be shoulder pads used to support the weight of this box.¹¹ So what was this box? Perhaps it was used for carrying personal effects; however, the hose attached to it suggests it might have been an oxygen pack designed for high-altitude flight in a small craft. Its appearance implies technology, and since the statue is four thousand years old, one has to wonder. However, astronomers dispute the idea that a planet called Nibiru orbits through our solar system every thirty-six hundred years; if it did, it could drastically affect the orbits of other planets and create catastrophic problems on a cosmic scale.
As early as 1844, it was suspected that there was an invisible star orbiting around Sirius. Its existence wasn’t confirmed until 1862, when astronomer Alvan Graham Clark first viewed it through a telescope. It was named Sirius B, and it orbits Sirius about once every fifty years. Yet it appears that the Dogon, a primitive tribe in Africa, have known about this star for centuries, and they even worship it in their ceremonial practices. Their legends claim they learned of it from aquatic-like beings that descended from the sky in a large craft.¹² Since this star is invisible to the naked eye, how could they have possibly known about it centuries before Clark confirmed its existence, unless there is some element of truth to their legend?
In an isolated area of the South Pacific is a tiny island governed by Chile, called Rapa Nui. More commonly known as Easter Island, it has inspired the imaginations of many with its megalithic stone figures called moai. Like silent sentries, many are spread along the coastline, facing inland, away from the sea.¹³ They were carved out of a high mountain quarry, but how they were moved down from the top of the mountain and across the land to their present locations is still somewhat of a mystery. Many lie broken along the route of transport, evidence that moving them was not always successful.¹⁴ Although many theories have been postulated, it seems no one knows for sure whom or what these stone giants represent—or what purpose they served. They bear certain similarities to other statues found in South America and in Mexico and Central America. Is it possible there was once interaction between these cultures? The only writings left by these people are carved into a few wooden blocks that have managed to survive the ages. The language of the writings is called Rongorongo, which to this day no one has successfully been able to decipher.¹⁵ The immense size of the statues has fueled theories of extraterrestrial involvement; however, those lying broken along the route of transport are mute testimony of human fallibility.
Then there is the Nazca Plains in Peru, one of the driest places on Earth, averaging about half an inch of rainfall in a five-year span. Carved into the side of a hill is a figure that, because of its appearance, has been nicknamed El Astronauto.
Etched into the ground is a variety of images, including a monkey, spider, dog, frog, hummingbird, whale, and many others.¹⁶ There is also a huge amalgamation of lines that, oddly enough, seem to resemble aircraft runways.¹⁷ Created about two thousand years ago, these images are almost unrecognizable at ground level; only from the air can they best be seen for what they really are. So far, no one has been able to figure out who really created them or what purpose they served.¹⁸
Were these images created by ancient Indians who intended only for their gods to see them? Or were they, as some believe, landing sites for alien spacecraft? The lines in Nazca resembling runways might suggest this, but some of them stretch for miles across the landscape.
But why would aliens even need runways? If, in their planetary exploration, it was necessary for them to land on runways, how could they build them before they landed? Moreover, if they did have some means to reach the planet’s surface in order to build them, then why would they still need to build them? It is illogical, plus the surface around the Nazca lines could not support the landing of an aircraft.
Another mystery, noted by Erich von Däniken in the Ancient Aliens television series, is a Nazca mountaintop that appears to have been landscaped to a completely flat surface. An aerial view shows all the neighboring mountains with high craggy ridges, so how did only one mountain obtain a smooth, flat surface? It seems unlikely that it was caused by natural weathering, thus suggesting it was achieved by some technological process. And von Däniken said there is no evidence anywhere around the base of the mountain of the debris that was cleared from the top.¹⁹ So how was this accomplished, and for what reason? It has been suggested that natural weathering would have eventually eroded and buried such debris; however, if true, that would have occurred millions of years ago, since the area experiences only about a half inch of rainfall in five years. And who had the technology to landscape the mountaintop millions of years ago?
About one hundred miles north of Nazca is a trident (often called a candelabra) carved into a cliff in the Bay of Pisco.²⁰ It measures 595 feet from top to bottom and is visible from twelve miles out at sea.
Hundreds of miles south of Nazca, in Cerro Unitas, Chile, is a figure so large it stretches over the top of the mountain into which it is carved.²¹
None of this, however, is proof of an extraterrestrial connection. But when examining other colossal wonders of ancient humans scattered around the world, one must keep an open mind to the possibility.
Tiahuanaco / Puma Punku
Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku represent one of the most intriguing mysteries of the ancient world. The ruins encompass an area of approximately 2.3 square miles at twelve thousand five hundred feet above sea level in the Bolivian Andes. Adorning the walls of a sunken courtyard in Tiahuanaco are carved faces representing what appear to be different races from around the world.²² Would this not suggest that whoever built the city was familiar with civilizations on a global scale?
Research at Tiahuanaco was conducted around the turn of the twentieth century by archaeologist Arthur Posnansky. He estimated the site to be about seventeen thousand years old, which would have made it the oldest known city on Earth.²³ He based his calculations on the location of the portal of the sun, the solstice marker.²⁴ Like many other ancient civilizations, they used stone formations to mark the solstice points for agricultural purposes, and according to Posnansky, the portal of the sun corresponded to where precession, the wobbling of the earth’s axis, would have placed the rising sun about seventeen thousand years ago. However, more modern and precise dating techniques have allegedly narrowed it down to around twelve thousand years. Posnansky’s findings have been disputed in mainstream circles because, according to their beliefs, no kind of civilization is supposed to have existed that long ago. One argument proposed is that whoever built the city miscalculated the placement of the solstice marker.
Tiahuanaco was a city built to precise astronomical alignment with stone blocks weighing up to four hundred tons and fitted together without mortar with such precision that one cannot stick a pin in the cracks. Common sense tells us that to think these people miscalculated the placement of the solstice marker is insane. When we consider the precision involved with all aspects of construction, this seems like a ridiculous attempt to protect mainstream beliefs, which, in reality, are based only on assumptions.
Since these people knew enough to build a solstice marker, then they were already using the solstice points for agricultural purposes before they built Tiahuanaco. It seems unlikely that it was something they discovered during construction; they had to have known about it in advance. Would it not make sense to consider the possibility that maybe—just maybe—the portal of the sun was erected exactly where it was supposed to be? But this is another example of how some mainstream scientists are still caught up in the Galileo Syndrome.
Today, Tiahuanaco remains one of history’s biggest mysteries. Who were the people that built the city, and where did they go? How did they lift four-hundred-ton stone blocks, and why did they build at such a high and barren altitude, where vegetation is sparse and its growth stunted? It is evidence that people possessed amazing technical abilities thousands of years before mainstream scientists claim such technology was possible. So whom do we credit with the construction of this site twelve thousand years ago? Primitive Indians? Aliens? Or maybe a hybrid race with genetically enhanced abilities?
Part of the Tiahuanaco complex is Puma Punku. It was built before Tiahuanaco, but a catastrophic event apparently destroyed the site. Some suggest it was an alien base that the inhabitants destroyed when they left, for whatever reason. Others believe a devastating earthquake caused its destruction. Author Brien Foerster is a geologist who studied the ruins and said the pattern of destruction resembles that of a massive flood that buried much of the debris in mud. Fragments of shattered granite blocks litter the site; Foerster suggests these fragments resulted from an explosion that possibly resulted from an asteroid impact near Lake Titicaca.²⁵ Since much of the debris is embedded in the soil, it is a logical theory. Being that the site is over twelve thousand feet above sea level, the only source of water in the area that could be attributed to a flood is Lake Titicaca, about fifteen miles away. According to author Graham Hancock, the remnants of a seaport at the site is evidence that Lake Titicaca originally extended to Puma Punku.²⁶
The real mystery of Puma Punku is the technology of its construction. Walls constructed of H-blocks appear to have been prefabricated to interlock with one another. A liquid molten alloy poured into T-shaped grooves carved into the edges of other blocks hardened into metal staples that firmly held the blocks together.²⁷ The blocks were cut with such precision and fitted together—without mortar—so perfectly that one cannot fit a pin in the cracks between them—something beyond our present ability to achieve.²⁸ And these blocks are made of granite and diorite; such blocks can be crafted today only with diamond-tipped tools.²⁹
Roger Hopkins, a master stonemason and sculptor from Palm Springs, California, also studied Puma Punku’s ruins. He said that incise cuts carved into some of the blocks were made with a precision that is impossible to duplicate with existing technology.³⁰ It is impossible to create such cuts in granite and diorite with stone tools and copper chisels, which are the only tools known to have existed at the time.
Some of these blocks, weighing several hundred tons, came from sixty miles away and were carried twelve thousand five hundred feet up to the top of the mountain. Again, was it primitive Indians who did it? Aliens? Or, as suggested before, was it a race of hybrid humans with genetically enhanced abilities?
Easter Island, Nazca, Cerro Unitas, Tiahuanaco, and Puma Punku are just a few of the mysteries in South America. Although the statues on Easter Island bear similarities to some found in other countries, and carved faces of many different races adorning the walls of a Tiahuanaco courtyard suggest knowledge of civilizations on a global scale, such suggestions contradict mainstream beliefs established long ago. Unchallenged for many years, these beliefs gradually came to be accepted as fact, just as with those who, in the seventeenth century, believed the earth was the center of the universe.
Although there is no proof that extraterrestrials were interacting with these people, we cannot dismiss the possibility that these civilizations possessed enhanced physical or mental abilities that allowed them to perform tasks for which heavy-duty machinery is needed today. Our most powerful construction equipment is incapable of moving, let alone lifting, stone blocks of the size found at Puma Punku, not to mention those in Baalbek, Lebanon. Some of the blocks in the Temple of Jupiter complex weigh about one thousand tons, and one that is still at the quarry site weighs an estimated thirteen hundred tons.³¹ And another block recently discovered at the quarry weighs an estimated sixteen hundred tons.³² How in the world did they lift and move these monstrosities? Obviously they had the means to do it, yet it is far beyond our present capability. Apparently ancient people could do it. But how?
Archaeologists and historians have long challenged the idea that alien technology is evident in the structures of ancient civilizations, maintaining that the ancient peoples were able to create these architectural wonders using primitive stone tools. However, as a result of more recent discoveries, their skepticism is being challenged by hard facts, thereby forcing them to reevaluate their beliefs. One discovery that has scientists scratching their heads is Göbekli Tepe.
Göbekli Tepe
The 1994 discovery of Göbekli Tepe is now forcing scientists to reevaluate their long-standing beliefs about human history. It is located near Sanliurfa in southeastern Turkey, is said to be eleven thousand to twelve thousand years old, and is considered the oldest advanced site on the planet.³³ However, the construction of Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku also exhibit advanced technology that allegedly dates back twelve thousand years. If this is true, then Göbekli Tepe may be the second-oldest advanced site on the planet. Nevertheless, as with Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, Göbekli Tepe’s builders are unknown.
The complex is composed of circular walls surrounding perfectly sculpted T-shaped columns adorned with a variety of animals carved in bas-relief. The height and weight of the columns vary among the articles written about the site. A website called Skeptical Dictionary claims the columns stand sixteen feet tall.³⁴ The Smithsonian also says they are sixteen feet tall and weigh between seven and ten tons.³⁵ National Geographic has them at eighteen feet tall and weighing sixteen tons.³⁶ In the November/December 2008 issue of Archaeology magazine, an article by Sandra Scham says the T-shaped columns weigh between ten and fifty tons and are surrounded by circular stone walls that are six feet high.³⁷
Archaeologists have been excavating Göbekli Tepe for thirteen years and have uncovered only 5 percent of the complex. The quality of the columns suggests its builders utilized some unknown advanced method of stonecutting; however, the site has yet to yield a single stonecutting tool or other implements.
Because of the variety of animals depicted on the columns, some have suggested Göbekli Tepe may represent Noah’s ark, but it is just a theory. Mount Ararat, where the ark allegedly came to rest, is approximately 350 miles away.³⁸
Having been buried under twenty feet of sand, the site was in pristine condition. Archaeologists believe the burial was intentional, though the reason for it is not clear. One theory is that its inhabitants intended to preserve it for their return at some future date. Another suggests it was to prevent its destruction by rival communities, possibly