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Evangelism: Go Make... (Matt. 28:19)
Evangelism: Go Make... (Matt. 28:19)
Evangelism: Go Make... (Matt. 28:19)
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Evangelism: Go Make... (Matt. 28:19)

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DR. ALTHEA MARCHELLE BROWN serves as an ordained itinerant elder in the Fourth Episcopal District and served in that position in the Sixth Episcopal District of the AME Church. She earned her Master of Divinity from Turner Theological Seminary, at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia; and a Doctor of Ministry from the Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. Her other two books, published by AuthorHouse, are Holy Spirit: Fruit and Gift Seminar and Praise and Worship: Heaven’s Street Address. These guidebooks and study aides are practical and authoritative resources for church leaders and practitioners in ministry.
Release dateJun 25, 2009
Evangelism: Go Make... (Matt. 28:19)

Dr. Althea Marchelle Brown

DR. ALTHEA MARCHELLE BROWN is a theologian from Michigan whose educational pilgrimage has come full circle. She was an evangelist and teacher for Prevailing Word Outreach Church in Anchorage, Alaska. She grew up in Detroit, Michigan and Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her three siblings and was the middle child born to Laura (1935-2014) and William (1930-2009). She was raised by her step-father, Bishop Isadore Rowsey, who lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and mother Laura. She has two adult children, David and Krista and three grandchildren, K'Yon, Milan, and Kaidence (2016-2016). She is serving as an ordained itinerant elder in the Fourth Episcopal District (Michigan Conference) and also served in the Sixth Episcopal District (Georgia Conference) for the AME Church. She has a sincere commitment to education and believes that it is a primary tool of empowerment.She is a graduate of the University of Detroit (1975), with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. She earned a Master of Business Administration, from Central Michigan University (1981) in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, and her Doctor of Chiropractic at Life University (1994) in Marietta, Georgia, where she also served as faculty. Currently, she is an adjunct professor for several colleges in Michigan and is the CEO and founder of Agape Connection Inc. , an accounting and tax business. Dr. Brown is a driven and committed follower of Jesus Christ. She realized her heavenly Father's call on her life could only be actively living Jesus Christ's commandment "to Go forth and make disciples of all nations." She graduated from Turner Theological Seminary (2002), at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia, as valedictorian of her class, where she earned her Master of Divinity, with a major in New Testament. She subsequently earned her Doctorate of Ministry, at the Ecumenical Theological Seminary (2006) in Detroit, Michigan. The title of her dissertation is Evangelism: Learning to Share the Good News in an African American Context. For over two decades, Dr. Brown's experience in active ministry, accounting, entrepreneurship, and as a college professor has equipped her with the insight and wisdom to offer retreats, seminars, workshops, and/or Bible Studies that include a guidebook and study aid such as this, Holy Spirit: Fruit and Gifts Seminar, and Praise and Worship: Heaven's Street Address that serve as practical and authoritative resources for church leaders and practitioners in the ministry. Her works are relevant and insightful tools for those interested in ministering to the needs of this generation. Lastly, her works further demonstrate how the power of the Holy Spirit empowers the followers of Jesus Christ TODAY to persuasively impact the lives of others for the glory of her heavenly Father! For more information, contact her by telephone at 888-777-4914, ext. 801, visit her website, and listen to interviews.

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    Evangelism - Dr. Althea Marchelle Brown

    © 2009 Dr. Althea Marchelle Brown. All rights reserved.

    Third Edition

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    A note on nouns and pronouns: Christians are referred to as born-again believer(s);

    God is referred to as Yahweh; Jesus Christ is referred to as Yahshua; Scripture(s)

    as Holy Scripture(s); Amen is referred as So Be It and the Bible is referred to as

    the Book of Life. The only exceptions are in the case of direct quotations.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/24/2022

    EVANGELISH: GO MAKE…(MATT. 28:19)/ Dr. Althea Marchelle Brown

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-6742-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-6743-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-4426-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2010902829

    Cover design by Dr. Althea Marchelle Brown

    Cover illustration by AuthorHouse

    Photo on the back cover taken by George Murry of Princess Wall

    Portraiture back cover picture, White Lake, Michigan.

    Photography by Rogers William Foster, Oak Grove African

    Methodist Church, Detroit, Michigan.

    The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal

    Church – ©2016, by the African Methodist Episcopal Church

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    Holy Scripture quotations noted NIV, unless otherwise indicated, are

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    of Yahweh, The Holy Scriptures, 10th ed. copyright © 2012 by the

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    Some research used from Holy Bible, Life Application Study Bible copyright ©

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    "Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will

    acknowledge before my Father in heaven; but whoever denies me

    before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven."

    (Matthew 10:32-33 NRSV)




    Preface to the Third Edition



    Chapter 1   Evangelism Overview

    An Overview on Evangelism in the African American Church

    An Overview on Sin and Salvation

    A Historical Overview on Evangelism and Witnessing

    Other Author’s Books and Articles on Evangelism and Witnessing in the 21st Century

    Chapter 2    Instructions On an Evangelism Seminar and Training

    The Purpose of the Evangelism Seminar and Training

    The Evangelism Goals

    Learning to Share the Good News of Yahshua with Others— Seminar and Training

    Session 1: Introduction and Questionnaire

    Session 2: Definitions and Personal Testimonies

    Sessions 3-4: Role Plays and Objections (Slides 24-30)

    Session 5: Closing Reflections

    Chapter 3   Theological Reflections


    A Final Note

    Operational Definitions

    Appendix A   Evangelism Seminar and Training Announcements

    Appendix B   Evangelism Seminar and Training Schedule

    Appendix C   Evangelism Seminar and Training Questionnaire

    Appendix D   Evangelism Seminar and Training PowerPoint

    Appendix E   About the Author

    Works Consulted


    There is no doubt that one of the most critical issues facing the Kingdom of God is how the church reaches those who have not been effectively evangelized or experienced the nature and inclusive message of God. The work done by Dr. Brown helps to give workers in evangelism an instructive guide that will enable them to properly utilize the divine gift of outreach to the masses. Her scholarly approach and exhaustive research in the dynamics and history of the methodology involved in evangelism bears witness to the truth of the presence of a divine call.

    Now, if ever, it is imperative for the development of the Kingdom of God to have individuals who clearly see and understand the need for expanding the kingdom of born-again believers by preparing individuals, groups, and churches for the fulfillment of the mission of Christ in calling the lost unto salvation.

    Evangelism for the 21st Century Church must not be viewed in the context of traditionalism, which seeks to only reach out to its own, but must in a broader sense take the message of Christ Jesus to invite whosoever will come to the banquet table to feast on that which has been prepared by God.

    In your labor to expand the role of the local church in

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