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If you think that this site draws the type of people who would be interested in your S/390 or technical product we do accept a limited amount of advertising.  General rate information is listed below.  To sign up for an Ad, for more details, other options not listed, or to speak someone directly send a note to  [email protected] .   I can be very flexible in helping you communicate with the MVS community here and put your advertising dollars to use doing good works for that same community.

The same static button (< 5k) up to 468 x 60 in a single  download area with link and ALT text as you supply (CBT, COV, JES2, JES3, etc.) $100/month
Site Sponsor Package. Your logo or banner on Home Page, buttons or banners up to 468 x 60 with link and ALT text as you supply in up to 3 download areas $200/month or 10% discount $2160 one annual payment
The same static  button or banner up to 468 x 60 (< 5k) on the Home Page $150/month
One time ad in CBT Tape Announcement email newsletter (100 words or less and 1 URL) $100

Advertising here is directed to an extremely targeted audience composed of almost exclusively S/390 computer literate professionals. 

All graphics are hosted on our server so that we retain control of the web site appearance, performance, and availability.

The CBT Tape web site, tape production, and all associated costs are paid for entirely by private contributions to this non-profit loosely organized group of volunteers.  Advertising revenue goes 100% against expenses.  Contributions without expectation of advertising are also welcome.  The CBT Tape does not currently have status as a recognized charity so contributions are NOT tax deductible but do provide you with excellent karma.

                            Happy Face

You can donate on-line using a credit card by using the free PayPal service at http://www.paypal.com .  I have found it to be quick and secure.   If you sign up by clicking on the link below I get $5 referral bonus.  Send money to [email protected] when using PayPal.    All donations are deposited to the account used to pay for the CBT Tape web site and go 100% against those expenses (web hosting and domain registration fees).

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