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CD-ROM Products available to order

Email orders to sknutson (at) cbttape.org be sure to include your mailing address, be specific about which CD(s) 
you want and understand you are expected to pay $5 USD for each CD in a return envelope on receipt or by 
PayPal. (Additional donations gladly accepted).


1 CD-R produced on demand at the CBT Labs

CBT Tape CD #16 now shipping August - 2005

CBT Base Tape V469
CBT Overflow Tape  V466

Bootable CD (on a mainframe) with ZZSA Standalone Utilities, JES3 tools, VM/370 distribution, MVS 3.8j base distribution, and more. OS/360 base distribution has been removed from the CBT CD to make room for more MVS based material.  OS/360 CD's in two flavors are available to order below.

(This is the same version just updated and distributed at SHARE in Boston).
 Format is CD-R


1 CD-R produced on demand at the CBT Labs

Volker Bandke MVS Turnkey CD #3 now shipping August - 2002

A turnkey MVS system including the hercules emulator designed to install and be ready to use immediately on Linux or Windows prepared by Volker Bandke.    Format is CD-R or Download the original Volker Tur(n)key 3 system free now here or download the more up to date MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- System by Jurgen Winkelmann at his site




Jay Maynard's OS/360 MVT Turnkey CD #1 now shipping Feb - 2003

A turnkey OS/360 MVT system configured to use with the Hercules emulator. Includes a non functional copy of HASP III.  This is the version distributed at the MVT 30th Birthday Party during SHARE in Dallas.  Format is CD-R or Download OS/360 free now here


1 CD-R produced on demand at the CBT Labs click for a preview of the label

Rick Fochtman's OS/360 CD #1 now shipping Feb - 2003

As described by Rick this CD-ROM contains as complete a set of OS/360 source materials as I was able to find. It also contains a "genned" minimal system and a complete set of distribution libraries. The IBM Corporation, through its agents, has assured me that this material may be distributed freely, since it was not protected by copyright at the time of distribution. As a courtesy, you should make any appropriate attributions when re-using these materials.  Rick Fochtman "Gatherer of Archaica".  This is the version distributed at the MVT 30th Birthday Party during SHARE in Dallas.  Format is CD-R or  Download OS/360 free now here


Q. How do I go about doing this?

A. You need to send me a mailing address and be specific about which CD(s) 
you want
and I will send you the CD-ROM(s).  I operate using trustmail�   I mail on 
request and trust you to pay when you receive the package.  
Email me your information at [email protected]

Q. Is there a cost involved? If there is how much is it?

A. Yes  $5 (USD) per CD which pays for postage and materials (CD-R blank, mailers, etc.). 
There is no charge for the software itself which is freeware. 
I will include a pre-addressed envelope in the package so all you need to do is
apply postage, add whatever contents you want, and mail it back. 
I trust you to pay and sadly not everyone does but it's an easy way to purchase some good karma. Yes sending money to non-profit volunteer projects is scientifically proven to provide good karma:-)  

All packages are mailed first class in the USA and Air Mail for International delivery.

Q. Is $5 enough? Can I help out by sending you a little extra money?

A. If you want to send more anything over costs I will put it into a fund used to pay
 the bills for the CBT Tape web site, the mailing program, free distributions
 at user groups and other expenses. Any help is always appreciated. 

Q. Can I pay you on-line with a credit card

A. Yes  You can send me money directly using the free PayPal 
service at http://www.paypal.com .  I have found it to be quick and secure.   
Send money to [email protected] when using PayPal.  
PayPal now can be used from many countries outside North America. 

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!  


Q. Can I get a Purchase Order/Invoice/Receipt?

A. Not at this time.  If this is important to you please email me [email protected] and 
let me know and if there is enough interest we will try to arrange this.


Q. I live in another country than the United States can I pay you in my native currency?

A. I would prefer not.  Checks drawn on banks outside the US usually cost me more to
 cash (fee imposed by my bank) than they are worth.  
Foreign currency is typically inconvenient to get converted to US dollars and most places 
I can do it charge a fee.  
The bottom line is that I have to pay postage and buy supplies in US dollars.   
We place trust in you mailing on request.  
We ask that you make an effort to pay in US dollars or an International Postal Money Order.  
Electronic payment by PayPal may be a good alternative.


Q. Is any money I send you tax deductible?

A. NO. The CBT Tape is not a charity or a business rather a
 loosely organized group of volunteers so any money you send ($5 or $500) is NOT tax deductible.


Q. How long would it take me to get this once I have ordered it?

A. In North America usually about a week though it can be more depending on my travel schedule for work.


Q. Do I need to provide my own CD-R media?

A. No.  It's silly to have you mail me a single blank CD-R.


Q. What is on the CBT CD-ROM exactly?

A. Lots!  All of this and more!

* CBT BASE Tape the most popular and frequently updated
* Updates pending to the next release of the CBT Tape
* ZZSA this CD can be booted in your IBM mainframe to the
  ZZSA Standalone Utilities or you may build a tape or disk to IPL
* Steve Samson e-book MVS Performance Management OS/390 Edition by Stephen L. Samson
* Bob DuCharme's e-book The Operating Systems Handbook
* Blue Zone FTP mainframe friendly Windows FTP client free for personal or commercial use
* CBT Overflow Tape the older but still useful material
* JES3 JES3 utilities and sample code including the very latest updates to the free SDF SPOOL viewer
* OS/360 Resources  The IBM MVS OS/360 operating system
* VM/370 R6 Resoures The IBM VM/370 R6 operating system
* MVS 3.8J Resources The IBM MVS 3.8j operating system
* Hercules The Hercules System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator
* Volker Bandke's Hercules Documents & Tools Detailed help on building
Hercules for Windows, Generating an MVS system, and more
* Planet MVS David Alcock's web site full of useful information, software, and just plain fun!
* Introduction to Generating and Running OS/360 on Hercules by Jay Maynard
* UCLAmail a unique mainframe based mail package which includes the useful
IPC cross memory communications facility.  Interesting code to examine.
* Lionel Dyck's Tools and Toys XMITIP and other great ISPF tools and toys
* Nigel Pentland's 'RACF' utilities are text processing programs which take an IRRDBU00 ASCII flat file
  download from RACF and produces as output text reports and depending on the program JCL which
  can be checked, transfered back to mainframe and submitted.
* PDS Magician a free Windows Utility to extract contents of XMIT files on a PC
* XMIT Manager a free Windows Utility to view and extract the contents of
XMIT files on a PC also FTP2JES a few utility for access to the JES by FTP
* RECV390 yet another free Utility for working with XMIT files on a PC and more from Jim Morrison
* Book Explorer a free add-on to improve the use of IBM softcopy readers


Q. What is on the Volker Bandke MVS Turnkey CD-ROM exactly?

A. See Volker's site


Q. What is the CBT tape ?

A. The CBT tape is a collection of freeware, almost all open-source distribution,
 for the IBM mainframe MVS and OS/390 operating system environment. 
It includes useful tools like PDS, TAPEMAP, full screen ZAP, sample exits, 
SHOWMVS, and lots more. File 1 has a discussion of the tape and tips for 
getting started along with a complete description of the contents 
of the current version of the tape and it�s change history. 


Q. How often is the CBT Tape CD updated?

A.  Infrequently of late as most folks just download from this site and we haven't distributed CD's at a conference in a few years.

Q. What is on the CBT Tape CD?

A. Lots! The CD is a collection of the everything on the CBT Tape and a great many
other freeware tapes and useful free tools. Distributions of IBM 
historical operating systems OS/360, MVS 3.8J,  VM/370 R6. 
Refer to the readme.txt file and the web site http://www.cbttape.org 
The current update continues to add material to help make these
 distributions useable, a recent version of the Hercules emulator, and the latest CBT Tape version of course. 

Lots of other little useful bits too with almost 625M of highly compressed MVS Freeware goodness!


Q. Will the personal information that I reveal in ordering this such as my identity, employer, email address and mailing address be shared with anyone else?

A. No! Your personal information will not be shared with anyone and it is not available for sale under any terms.

For more details see our privacy policy.




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