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'SNL' mocked Trump's border-wall national emergency. Trump wasn't happy.

alec baldwin trump snl
Alec Baldwin as US President Donald Trump on "Saturday Night Live." Screenshot via NBC
  • "Saturday Night Live" satirized President Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency over funds for his long-sought wall along the US-Mexico border.
  • Alec Baldwin appeared as Trump delivering an announcement in the White House's Rose Garden about a "fake" national emergency that would secure funds "so I can has wall."
  • Trump hit back on Sunday in an early-morning tweet, saying its political sketches were "total Republican hit jobs."

"Saturday Night Live" satirized President Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency over funds for his long-sought wall along the US-Mexico border.

Alec Baldwin appeared as Trump, closely mirroring the president's comments delivered in the White House Rose Garden two days earlier, when he declared a national emergency to allocate nearly $8 billion for construction of his long-sought border wall.

Using one of Trump's key talking points for promoting the wall, Baldwin delivered a near echo of Trump's claim in the press conference that "walls work 100% of the time."

"We have a tremendous amount of drugs flowing into the country from the southern border, or 'the brown line' as many people have asked me not to call it," Baldwin said. "That's why we need wall. Because wall works. Wall makes safe."


Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle cast Trump's declaration as an unprecedented move around Congress to take control of military funding.

Baldwin asked what he called the "fake" media scrum if they "can all see why I have to fake this national emergency."

"I have to because I want to. It's really simple. We have a problem," Baldwin said, adding he was "basically taking military money so I can has wall."

Read more: Trump declares national emergency to build his border wall


Baldwin continued, mentioning Trump's comments two days earlier in which he said he expected legal challenges to the emergency but was confident the Supreme Court would rule in his favor.

"I'm going to sign these papers for emergency," he continued. "And then I will immediately be sued and the ruling will not go in my favor and it will end up in the Supreme Court and I'll call my buddy Kavanaugh and I'll say it's time to repay the Donny, and he will say, 'New phone, who dis?' Then the Mueller report will be released, crumbling my house of cards and I can just plead insanity."

Baldwin added: "And my personal hell of being president will finally be over."

Trump hit back Sunday in an early-morning tweet, writing that there was "nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC!"


Mentioning the focus of the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion of his 2016 campaign with Russia, Trump questioned how the comedy didn't earn "retribution" for its sketches.

"Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution?" Trump wrote. "Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

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President Donald Trump Saturday Night Live
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