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I bought a house sight unseen and moved my family from California to Missouri. As a first-time buyer, it was the best decision I could've made.

Elisabeth Wykert
Elisabeth Wykert. Kat Tuohy
  • Elisabeth Wykert, 32, moved her family to the Kansas City area from Orange County.
  • She doesn't regret buying a house without seeing it in person and paying $6,000 over asking.
  • Although she doesn't plan to stay long-term, she says living in Missouri has been great so far.

I'm a social-media influencer who moved from California to Missouri with my husband, our 4-year-old daughter, and our 15-year-old rescue dog without even visiting the home we purchased.

We relocated from Brea, a smaller city in Orange County, to St. Joseph, about an hour north of Kansas City. Funny enough, we moved to California from Missouri eight years ago to the exact same day we moved back out to Missouri — March 23.

There was so much I loved about California — the entertainment and nightlife, the weather, and the friendships I gained there

But it was always hard not having any immediate family near us, especially when my daughter was born. Our friends were amazing supports in our life, but sometimes you just need your mom.

The rental cost of living was wild, and to even think of purchasing a home was more wild.


I also always wanted a yard. We had a shared communal yard, which was nice, but I love having a huge fenced-in yard with a trampoline and space for my dog to run around.

My husband and I constantly weigh the pros and cons to everything we do in life. So when the Southern California charm of local entertainment and prospects of my career went away during the pandemic, we reexamined our pros and cons and felt it was a good time to make a change.

My husband and I are both from the Kansas City area. I moved to California to pursue acting.

I did a national commercial for Yoplait, played small roles in films, and finally got an awesome supporting role in a movie called "Wedding Screeners" that was close to getting picked up by Hallmark before the pandemic hit.

I started doing stand-up comedy six years ago as a hobby, and at the end of 2019, I began to really love it. It was my 2020 goal to tour the country doing stand-up. I submitted to a lot of comedy festivals — meaning I spent my own money and charged a bunch of credit cards — in hopes that 2020 was my year for comedy. It worked out in the end, just in an online way.


With all the club closures and film production being majorly halted, I don't need to physically be in California for now. We figured it was the one time we'd be able to do what I do and enjoy time with our immediate family.

Buying a house sight unseen is the most absurd thing I've ever done, and I run around filming shenanigans in brightly colored leotards for a living 

I bought it sight unseen because I didn't want to travel first. I knew the house was taking offers only for the weekend, but I didn't want to fly out, be disappointed, and then have to fly out again the next time I liked a house to possibly not buy that one.

My husband and I were truly just looking and not fully committed to the idea of moving when we put our offer in on the house we bought. It was only about a month from seeing to closing on our new home.

We got to do a Zoom walkthrough, but it really didn't compare to being able to walk through the physical house, and we immediately sent a bid slightly over asking since time was of the essence.


I don't know how many bids the house got, but my realtor did tell me there was another cash bid that also offered more than the asking price. I put a very nice letter with our offer detailing our excitement over how nice the house looked and our moving purpose of living closer to my father while his health was failing.

The housing market was definitely hard to navigate because houses were selling fast. That's also why we jumped on this house without seeing it in person.

There were quite a few things that we were surprised by when we got to the home, such as the fireplace cover not fully being installed and some lighting-installation flaws.

Overall, we're pleased with the cost-to-home value

I'd honestly recommend first-time home buyers with a median budget for your area do it sight unseen. I say this because as a first-time home buyer making such a big purchase, I feel I would've been a lot more nitpicky about things, and it would've taken so much longer to buy a house that would've been equally nice as the one we got.


Likewise, I don't know if we would've put the same offer in had we seen it in person, and we probably wouldn't have gotten this house. In hindsight, this was definitely a great house for our situation.

They were asking $199,000. If we'd seen it, we probably would've offered about $195,000 instead of $205,000. There's just something about being picky when you're looking at things in person, like moderate in-store shopping versus overbuying online.

But it was totally worth the $205,000. We truly like the size of our three-bedroom, three-bathroom home with a finished basement (about 1,250 square feet) and a huge fenced-in yard. It feels like we're living in a mansion.

Our apartment in California was $1,350 a month — and they raised it to $2,000 a month once we moved out. Our new home's mortgage payment (including the insurance cost) is $1,228 a month.


When my husband and I started looking at homes in Missouri, we found it was cheaper to have a mortgage than to rent. We began looking at smaller homes that were closer to the size of our two-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment (maybe 750 square feet) in California. We liked the idea of a third bedroom for an office and a basement or garage for filming my sketch-comedy videos, but a lot of the houses out here are ginormous old homes.

We moved to the next city over from where I grew up, which was a really hard mental adjustment since I hadn't lived in this area for 14 years

The reason I liked this house was that I knew the neighborhood was close to shopping and restaurants. That might sound silly to people, but we'd lived in an area for eight years where we could easily walk to get groceries, go to the mall, and eat out.

Also, proximity to Shatto Milk Co. cinched the deal for me. It's a dairy farm in northwest Missouri, and you can get it in this area only. They make my absolute favorite chocolate milk. I try local chocolate milk everywhere I visit in this country, and none compares to Shatto's.

One drawback in our area is that it doesn't have much entertainment. I went to the mall recently, and it was like a ghost town. It's a decently populated city of about 80,000, but the city's area is large enough that it feels like there aren't many people.


Also, it snowed in April. What the heck?

There's a decent stand-up comedy scene in Kansas City that I'm exploring

It doesn't seem that far of a drive for me because I was used to driving from Orange County to Los Angeles all the time. As far as dancing on the street in a gold leotard to make fun videos, my side of the street doesn't have a sidewalk, so I have to go to other spots in the neighborhood to make content. There needs to be more sidewalks here!

Since the pandemic, everything is self-taped-from-home auditions, and if I need to fly out for a booked job, I'm able to do that and feel safe traveling by taking precautions. And I'm fully vaccinated.

We don't plan on staying here long term

So far, living here has been great. We'll see how the entertainment industry adapts as the US slowly moves to a new normal. We're willing to adapt with wherever we need to go to continue my career in comedy and entertainment.


My husband and I are both in our 30s and hopefully have decades of new adventures ahead of us. But I really hope life takes us back to a place with a beach and consistently nice weather.

If you want to make a change in your day-to-day, do it

We came out here to spend a normal amount of free time with family, but as we approached buying and closing on our house to then moving out here, my father became increasingly ill. I'm really grateful for the time we had to visit and help with him, along with being a part of family gatherings, such as celebrating my grandmother's 97th birthday.

A lot of times, we focus on how "short" life is to encourage the "you only live once" mentality. I agree with that sentiment, but I also remind myself how long life is.

It's long enough to try something out for six months, or six years, until you need another change.


It's also long enough to remember to not get stuck in something that no longer works for you. Because before you know it, you might wake up when decades have passed without ever trying that next adventure.

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Real Estate California Housing Market
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