Joseph Stiglitz on why America's appetite for Trump endures

Portrait of Joseph Stiglitz
Joseph Stiglitz. Dina Litovsky for BI
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A few hours after Donald Trump left a courtroom in lower Manhattan on April 22 for his hush-money trial, Joseph Stiglitz sat in a conference room uptown at Columbia Business School and talked about what a second term for the former president could mean for the country.

Trump's flame-throwing method of governing is a world away from Stiglitz's preference for a more temperate approach, and he warns this could adversely affect the global economy. If Trump is elected again, Stiglitz said, he could well pull support for Ukraine, sending grain prices soaring. Russia would also be clear to continue its expansionary efforts. Tensions with China could heat up further at a time when Beijing is threatening military action in Taiwan.

In addition to all of that, Stiglitz fears that if he's elected, Trump will do his best to stay in power by whatever means necessary. "He's shown every sense of being an authoritarian," Stiglitz told Business Insider. "I see no example of restraint."


Trump hasn't shied away from his strongman tendencies — which were abundantly clear in his effort to overturn the results of his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden, a challenge that was shot down in more than 60 court cases and culminated in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

Despite Trump's deviation from historical presidential norms, recent polls show that he has a slight lead over Biden in the upcoming November election. For Stiglitz, the 2001 winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, America's appetite for Trump can be traced back a little more than four decades ago to the election of Ronald Reagan. During Reagan's eight years as president, between 1981 and 1989, he ushered in an era of lower taxes and deregulation that's continued to this day— and Stiglitz argues that's had disastrous consequences.

That's the topic of Stiglitz's new book, "The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society," in which he argues it's time to issue a verdict on whether the free-market policies of Reagan and subsequent presidents have been successful.

"We've had 40 years of a neoliberal experiment: Strip away the regulations and lower the taxes — taxes are much lower than they used to be. And the whole theory was that was going to increase economic growth, and because of trickle-down economics, everyone would benefit," Stiglitz said.


"If you try something and it doesn't work for a little while, you say, 'Well, maybe we haven't given it enough time.' Forty years is long enough to say, 'Well, you have to make a judgment,'" he continued.

Joseph Stiglitz sitting in a chair.
Dina Litovsky for BI

The legacy of trickle-down economics

As Stiglitz details in his book, Reagan, drawing on the ideology of the economists Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, applied the principle of negative freedom to economic policy, arguing that corporations, individuals, and markets should be free from government interference.

Reagan successfully turned his economic philosophy into policy with his 1981 and 1986 tax cuts. By the time Reagan left office, corporate tax rates had dropped from 50% to 35%, and top marginal income-tax rates for the country's highest earners had fallen from 70% to 38.5%. He also relaxed regulations for banks and a number of industries.

Slashing regulations and taxes came with a promise that the rising tide would lift all boats — business investment and spending by the rich would boost the fortunes of middle- and lower-income workers. That reality hasn't come to pass, and wealth inequality has grown.


In 1989, America's richest 1% held 22.8% of the total net worth of individuals, according to Federal Reserve data. Today, that number is 30.3%.

The chart below, from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a left-leaning think tank, shows that income gains for the lower and middle classes have largely stagnated since 1980, while the income of the top 5% of earners has continued to grow.

income inequality
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

In addition to income growth, wealth growth has risen most for the richest 10% of Americans, while it's been stagnant for the 51st through 90th percentile and the bottom 50% of earners.

GDP growth has also generally been on a downward trend since 1984, according to World Bank data.


Stiglitz argues that Reagan's free-market policies have led to these conditions, and stagnating economic growth for the lower and middle classes is why so many Americans are drawn to a populist candidate with strongman leanings like Trump, who offers a different approach to governing.

"This kind of failure has provided fertile field for demagogues — populists — and has paved the road to the risk of authoritarianism," Stiglitz said.

That's despite the fact that Trump's policies very much resemble Reagan's. Trump touted his disdain for regulation during his first term and rolled back taxes — most significantly for the top 5% of earners — in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Stiglitz doesn't believe, however, that it would be as feasible for Trump to cut taxes again in a second term given that market forces are different — inflation is higher and the government's budget deficit has grown.

John Komlos, a professor emeritus at the University of Munich who has taught at Duke University and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, draws a similar line from Reaganomics — and the 1981 tax cuts that disproportionately benefited the wealthy — to Americans' populist leanings now.


"Trickle-down economics doesn't have a basis in economic theory. It was a political statement, basically," Komlos told Business Insider. "The way it was supposed to work is that you give this money to the superrich, they will build businesses that will hire people, and the money will trickle down to plumber Joe. But of course, that's not a law, that's wishful thinking."

But Komlos and Stiglitz don't place blame solely on Reagan for the growing economic inequality. Every president since has played a role in instituting neoliberal policies, Komlos said, including Democratic ones. Bill Clinton, for whom Stiglitz was an economic advisor, continued deregulating banks (a move which Stiglitz says he was against) and oversaw an outflow of US jobs to other countries when he signed the North American Free Trade Agreement and let China into the World Trade Organization.

The continued banking deregulation from Reagan to Clinton also helped to bring about the global financial crisis, Komlos said. And then Barack Obama, in the wake of the crisis, bailed out Wall Street banks while small businesses generally suffered.

In a recent paper, Komlos attempted to quantitatively connect wealth inequality and populism by looking at the income statistics of the ZIP codes where the January 6, 2021, insurrectionists lived. Ninety-five percent of the 933 people arrested in connection with the riots came from ZIP codes where the average income was under $62,400. Fifty-one percent of those arrested came from ZIP codes with average incomes between $25,609 and $41,287. Only about 2% of them lived in areas with an average income of $75,000 or more. Meanwhile, 32% of the country lives in ZIP codes with average incomes of at least that much, meaning upper-middle-class and high earners were largely underrepresented.

Joseph Stiglitz sitting in a chair in an office.
Dina Litovsky for BI

Is 'Reaganomics' fully to blame for growing inequality?

Plenty of economists disagree with Stiglitz's views.

Desmond Lachman, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative-leaning think tank, said rising inequality has complicated causes. In addition to allowing China into the World Trade Organization, there was a boom in "labor-replacing technology" like computers.

Lachman does not deny that deregulation has gone too far in some cases, but he pushed back on the notion that the US has to significantly change its regulatory structure.

"I do not think that we want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and go back to the overregulated economy that we had before we moved to a more deregulated economy first under Carter and then under Reagan," he said.


Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who was the chief economist for President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers and the chief economic advisor to John McCain's 2008 campaign, also rejected the idea that bigger government can solve wealth inequality.

"You can go look at the alternatives. Spain has had a wealth tax its entire existence; it hasn't solved inequality," Holtz-Eakin said. "So the notion that somehow the progressive-wealth-tax approach is going to solve things is at odds with the data. Every European country that's had a wealth tax has walked away from it, by and large."

He also said that the populism he saw growing on the 2008 campaign trail wasn't a result of wealth inequality and tax cuts but of disparity in economic opportunity in different parts of the country. Populist sentiment, he said, was also concentrated among those with lower education levels.

Stiglitz argues that higher taxes could create funding for education that could expand economic opportunities for lower-income people.


"Progressive taxation, with the proceeds redistributed to the less-well-off through social programs or education, expands the opportunity set of the poor, their freedom, even while it may simultaneously constrain the opportunity set of the rich," he writes in his book. "As in all things, there are trade-offs."

Stiglitz's new America

Stiglitz thinks about freedom differently than Reagan, Hayek, and Friedman. More government regulation, he says, creates freer market conditions.

"'Unfettered markets' — markets without rules and regulations — is an oxymoron, because without rules and regulations enforced by government there could and would be little trade," he writes in the book. "Cheating would be rampant, trust low. A world without any restraints would be a jungle in which only power mattered, determining who got what and who did what. It wouldn't be a market at all."

Stiglitz argues that tighter regulation and higher taxes could also free the lower class from exploitation by private firms and give them the freedom to pursue an education and obtain quality healthcare.


In his book, Stiglitz offers a number of solutions to what he views as the failures of neoliberalism. Together, they make up what he calls his vision of "progressive capitalism." They include:

  • More antitrust regulation and restrictions on mergers to prevent the lack of competition that arises from monopolies and results in price fixing.

  • A higher minimum wage and higher taxes to fund public programs like education and healthcare.

  • Policies that would trigger economic stabilization when macroeconomic shocks hit. (For example, the economist Claudia Sahm advocates for stimulus checks to automatically be sent out when the three-month moving average of the unemployment rate rises by 0.5%).

  • Policies to make credit more accessible for small businesses.

"Things aren't working very well," Stiglitz said. "And so when things aren't working very well, you've got to ask what's gone wrong and what can you do."

Joseph Stiglitz in front of a blue background.
Dana Litovsky for BI

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