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A top mind at UBS Global Wealth Management explains why investors' meltdown over elevated interest rates is misguided — and shares a 5-part investing blueprint as stocks continue to rise

david lefkowitz ubs
David Lefkowitz of UBS Global Wealth Management isn't fretting about elevated interest rates. UBS
  • Stocks have floundered despite impressive earnings reports due to high interest rates.
  • However, an equities head at UBS Global Wealth Management isn't concerned.
  • Here are five ways that investors should position their portfolios as markets rally again.

A wave of excellent Q1 earnings reports has barely kept US stocks afloat, but a leading mind at UBS Global Wealth Management is confident that markets can resume their charge higher.

UBS strategist Jonathan Golub recently remarked that first-quarter profits are expected to rise 8.3% from last year, largely thanks to the biggest earnings surprise since 2021. Less than a month ago, analysts were calling for subdued earnings growth of just 3%.

Instead of pulling forward future growth, UBS found that second-quarter estimates are also above-trend, which is a departure from the typical rhythm of companies exceeding a low bar.

UBS Q2 EPS estimate

Despite those reasons for rejoicing, investors weren't too reassured by Q1 reports. Their focus seems to be elsewhere, and that's not a shock — considering what else is going on in markets.


"In the long run, earnings matter tremendously," said David Lefkowitz, the head of US equities at UBS GWM, in a recent interview. "But in the short run, other things like sentiment, positioning, what's going on with interest rates — those can also be important factors."

Prior to the 4.2% pullback in April, US stocks were on a historically rare tear. The S&P 500 rose about 26% from late October through late March, which is in the 98th percentile for a five-month span, according to an early May report from Bank of America. Lefkowitz cited a similar statistic.

That rally made investors excessively optimistic. And judging by how portfolios were positioned, many were getting outright greedy. High hopes for stock returns and earnings laid the groundwork for last month's disappointment, Lefkowitz said.

Why rates aren't worth panicking about

If overly bullish sentiment was the kindling for the firesale in markets, higher interest rate expectations were the spark.


Alarmingly high inflation data made investors ditch their calls for rate cuts. Yields on the 10-year Treasury note jumped, with Lefkowitz noting that they soon rose by 1.5 standard deviations. Such large, sudden swings in rate expectations and yields often coincide with a sell-off, he said.

There are two key components of stock valuations, the equities head noted: earnings and the price investors will pay for them — also known as the discount rate. Higher interest rates weigh on price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios by reducing the present value of future earnings. However, Lefkowitz noted that P/E ratios are a poor predictor of stock returns in the near term.

Although higher rates can be a headache, Lefkowitz said earnings growth matters most. If the economy was weak, the Federal Reserve may be forced to cut rates. The Fed keeping rates elevated for longer is a sign of its faith in the economy, which is an encouraging sign for profits.

"The reason that they don't need to cut is because nominal growth is still pretty solid," Lefkowitz said. "So if you think about companies and corporate profits, their revenues are on nominal terms. So if inflation's a little bit hotter, that should boost revenues, and companies that have pricing power are going to be in a better position to actually expand margins in that situation."


Instead of obsessing over when interest rates will fall, Lefkowitz said investors should consider the reasoning behind the Fed's decisions. Markets will likely react differently if rates are reduced because of a sudden downturn in the economy as opposed to making progress on inflation.

"If rates are rising and that's leading to more confidence in the earnings growth outlook, then that shouldn't be a headwind to markets," Lefkowitz said.

Follow this 5-part investing game plan

Healthy earnings growth and a resilient economy have strategists at UBS GWM bullish about US stocks. In their base case, the S&P 500 will end the year modestly higher at 5,200, though their upside scenario is that the index rises another 8.7% to 5,500 as inflation tumbles.

In this environment, investors should stay in equities without going overboard, Lefkowitz said. He outlined five specific areas of the market that he's especially bullish on now.


UBS has long favored technology stocks broadly instead of just the mega-cap growth names that have buoyed the sector. Lefkowitz said having exposure to this group is vital despite its massive run, considering the sheer strength of the artificial intelligence spending boom.

"We are in the early innings of what is likely going to be a multi-year period of deployment of AI infrastructure and technology throughout many different industries in the economy," Lefkowitz said. "A lot of that is perhaps embedded in valuations, but it still means that we're still going to see some pretty nice earnings growth for many of these leaders in the coming years."

The firm's other top-rated sectors are industrials and healthcare, Lefkowitz said.

Industrials have near- and long-term catalysts, he noted, including improvements in inventories and manufacturing sentiment as well as trends like nearshoring and infrastructure spending.


Healthcare is a more defensive group that insulates against a potential market downturn while also providing ample growth through medical-device companies and pharmaceutical firms, especially those behind treatments for obesity and diabetes.

Small caps also are a compelling risk-reward proposition, Lefkowitz said, seconding sentiment from other investment firms. These companies underperformed as rate expectations rose, leaving them even cheaper than usual. If their earnings rebound, they could be off to the races.

"The thesis is really three-fold: rates, probably more likely going lower than higher from here; potential improvement in earnings growth; and then just a pretty good margin of safety because valuations are pretty attractive," Lefkowitz said.

Lastly, quality companies should remain a core part of portfolios since they can perform well in almost any market, Lefkowitz said. The group isn't the cheapest relative to the market, but there are plenty of sound investments with stable growth for those who look in the right places.

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