We Just Tried eBay Now And It Rocks — Here's How It Works

Welcome to the future of local shopping—delivered by eBay.


eBay Now, an on-demand delivery service, picks up goods from local stores. Its couriers—they call themselves "shoppers"—deliver your purchases to your door in about an hour. You pay a $5 delivery and local sales tax.

San Francisco has become a battleground for local delivery services, with two startups, Postmates and TaskRabbit, vying for business, and a third, Uber, contemplating getting into the business.

eBay Now courier April
April is an eBay Now courier. Owen Thomas, Business Insider

But eBay has been quietly working on eBay Now for months. It just launched it to a few select customers, including local-commerce expert Rocky Agrawal.

We had to try it ourselves. So we snagged an invite and went shopping.


You log in with your eBay account.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

No one looks at Terms of Service agreements, do they? We did—and we were intrigued by the name "Triton." Triton is the name of eBay's search-optimization technology.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

Here's a clue to how long eBay's been working on eBay Now: The privacy policy is dated May 2012.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

On to the app! When you get started, eBay greets you with all kinds of folksy suggestions.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

The categories give you an idea of what you should shop for—gadgets, for example.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

Get a rug delivered for just five bucks—why not?

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

The hour-long delivery window makes a lot of impulse buys possible.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

And sometimes time is of the essence.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

Look at these partners—Macy's, Toys 'R' Us, Target, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, and Best Buy.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

You can also navigate by category or search.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

There's a fairly deep selection of gadgets.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

But we thought we'd go for clothes instead. Time for a new pair of jeans!

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

What size? We took a stab. If you need to return or exchange something, you have to do that through eBay Now—you can't take it to the store.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

eBay already had our shipping address from our regular eBay account. That's a powerful advantage eBay has over startups.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

A map popped up after eBay assigned the delivery to a courier, April.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

The app had already added eBay Now's phone number to our contacts. Before we knew it, our phone was ringing! April was on the line.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

The delivery took about 10 minutes longer than originally forecast, but the app kept us updated. We could even see where April's car was.

eBay Now app
eBay Now app

Here's April! We recognized her instantly from the app. She had a few questions for us, since eBay is testing out the service: Did we like the $5 price? (Yes.) Would we recommend it to friends? (Already have.)

eBay Now courier April
April is an eBay Now courier. Owen Thomas, Business Insider

She used an iPhone with PayPal Here, eBay's answer to Square. She had a version of the eBay Now app, too.

eBay Now payment screen
Owen Thomas, Business Insider

Intriguing! We actually paid via "Milo.com Inc." Milo is a local-shopping search engine that eBay bought in December 2010, and it's behind eBay Now.

eBay Now app
Owen Thomas, Business Insider

Here are our jeans! We got a great deal—free delivery for the first purchase, and $15 credit. Oh, and they fit perfectly—so no need to figure out how to return them.

My jeans!
Owen Thomas, Business Insider

eBay has a lot of competition. Uber, the on-demand limo service, is thinking about doing deliveries ...

maya uber
WSJ's Maya Baratz arrives at Uber NYC's launch party in the car service. Uber Blog

... so compare eBay Now's slick shopping experience to Uber's transportation-on-call app.

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