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Justice Alito would be disqualified from January 6 cases if he were on a lower court, but SCOTUS's rules are 'merely performative,' expert says

Samuel Alito
Justice Samuel Alito. AP Photo/Stephan Savoia, File
  • Justice Samuel Alito has faced criticism for displaying pro-Trump flags at his properties.
  • Doing this would disqualify him from January 6 cases in a lower court, a legal-ethics expert said.
  • SCOTUS's code of ethics is "merely performative," the expert told BI.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has been under scrutiny for displaying pro-Trump flags outside his properties.

A legal-ethics professor told Business Insider that the flags would have disqualified Alito from working on cases related to the Capitol riot if he were on a lower court. But, he added, Alito likely wouldn't be barred from hearing those cases on the Supreme Court because its code of conduct is "merely performative."

"The flying of each of these two flags — and definitely the display of both flags — clearly calls into question Justice Alito's impartiality in any case relating to January 6, including but not limited to the case relating to the former president's complete-immunity arguments," Doron Kalir, a legal-ethics professor at Cleveland State University, told BI.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that an "Appeal to Heaven" flag — which had been used by Capitol rioters — was flown outside Alito's New Jersey vacation home last summer. The white flag, which features a pine tree under the words "an appeal to heaven," has been around since the Revolutionary War, but in recent years has become a symbol of "Stop the Steal" supporters who want a more Christian government.


House Speaker Mike Johnson downplayed the flag's meaning on Wednesday. "It's George Washington's flag," he told CNN. "It goes back to the founder's era. I've always flown that flag."

The news of the Pine Tree flag came a week after reports said an upside-down American flag was displayed outside Alito's Virginia home in January 2021, shortly after the Capitol riot. The upside-down flag has been used as a symbol by people who falsely claim that former President Donald Trump was the true winner of the 2020 election.

Alito said his wife had placed their flag that way in response to a spat with a neighbor.

Kalir said the code of conduct for all federal and state judges requires a judge to remove themself from any proceeding in which their impartiality might reasonably be questioned — particularly when the judge has made a public statement, like flying a partisan flag, that could appear to commit them to a certain side in the case.


But notably, Kalir said, the Supreme Court does not abide by this code, and, in fact, had no code of ethics until a few months ago.

When SCOTUS adopted its own code of conduct in November, it included the standard that a justice should recuse themself from a case where their impartiality could be reasonably questioned. But unlike the code for all other judges, the Supreme Court's code did not include the example about public statements.

Instead, it said, "the rule of necessity may override the rule of disqualification," meaning if there's no one to replace the justice, the justice does not have to disqualify themself.

"And, beyond that, the new Supreme Court Code is merely performative — no one can enforce it, and the Justices are not bound by it in any meaningful way (other than the Honor System, which doesn't seem to work recently in that Court)," Kalir said in an email to BI.


Democrats and some GOP senators criticized Alito over the upside-down flag, with Sen. Lindsey Graham calling it a "mistake" and John Thune, the Senate Republican whip, saying it was a "bad decision," CNN reported.

Representatives for the Supreme Court did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider.

Correction: May 24, 2024 — An earlier version of this story misattributed a quote about the "Appeal to Heaven" flag. House Speaker Mike Johnson, not Samuel Alito, made the statement to CNN.

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