Proud of our team 💙
💥Smash Life💥 Smash Life Mentoring Professional Feedback: We were absolutely delighted to receive this feedback regarding the mentoring Sophie in our team is providing as we work closely with Shropshire Council Virtual School We provide reports as part of our mentoring and we always ask our staff to advocate and never be afraid to raise / put forward the child’s voice - everyone else in the process should have the resilience to digest this- after all in many cases our non intrusive PACE approach means we are quick to establish a connection with the child and with their consent we are able to help other professionals understand their thoughts, feelings , wishes, triggers and sometimes behaviour which can be invaluable for everyone in the process to change / adapt and ensure the child can feel seen, heard and listened too - in many cases “children will give us the answers if we truly LISTEN” We are proud of Sophie who has taken a permanent role with us as a senior mentor, her experience, knowledge, positive mindset, huge heart and approach is making Sophie a huge asset to Smash Life. If you want to know more about our school based, or commissioned mentoring please email [email protected] “Overcoming Life’s Hurdles Together” #mentoring #semh #report #safeguarding #approach #pace #childrenincare #leadingfromtheheart #socialcare #believe #strengthbased #pastoral #trauma #advocate #socialwork #localauthority #midlands #shropshire #wellbeing #teenagers #mentalhealth #traumainformed