Days Left | Pass % | Notes |
1 | 5% | Everything is broken! Signing in to the service is broken. Almost all tests sign in a user, so almost all tests failed. |
0 | 4% | A partner team we rely on deployed a bad build to their testing environment yesterday. |
-1 | 54% | A dev broke the save scenario yesterday (or the day before?). Half the tests save a document at some point in time. Devs spent most of the day determining if it's a frontend bug or a backend bug. |
-2 | 54% | It's a frontend bug, devs spent half of today figuring out where. |
-3 | 54% | A bad fix was checked in yesterday. The mistake was pretty easy to spot, though, and a correct fix was checked in today. |
-4 | 1% | Hardware failures occurred in the lab for our testing environment. |
-5 | 84% | Many small bugs hiding behind the big bugs (e.g., sign-in broken, save broken). Still working on the small bugs. |
-6 | 87% | We should be above 90%, but are not for some reason. |
-7 | 89.54% | (Rounds up to 90%, close enough.) No fixes were checked in yesterday, so the tests must have been flaky yesterday. |