// This helper method starts with just a single parameter:
Company company = newCompany(PUBLIC);
// But soon it acquires more and more parameters.
// Conditionals creep into the newCompany() method body to handle the nulls,
// and the method calls become hard to read due to the long parameter lists:
Company small = newCompany(2, 2, null, PUBLIC);
Company privatelyOwned = newCompany(null, null, null, PRIVATE);
Company bankrupt = newCompany(null, null, PAST_DATE, PUBLIC);
// Or a new method is added each time a test needs a different combination of fields:
Company small = newCompanyWithEmployeesAndBoardMembers(2, 2, PUBLIC);
Company privatelyOwned = newCompanyWithType(PRIVATE);
Company bankrupt = newCompanyWithBankruptcyDate(PAST_DATE, PUBLIC);