Ask Em 15/05 I'm second-fiddle to everything my partner does
Do you feel like you come second to your partner’s hobbies? (Picture: Getty Images)

Metro’s agony aunt Em Clarkson is here to solve all your problems.

This week she’s handing down sage guidance on an oversharing boyfriend, friends who have turned frosty all of a sudden, and what to do if you feel like you’re simply roommates with your long-term partner.

Read on for this week’s reader conundrums and Em’s advice.

Dear Em, I’ve been with my fiancé for 16 years. Although engaged, there are no plans to get married yet and we’re both cool with that. We’ve not got kids together, but have a house and two dogs.

He plays golf twice a week, plays in a pool team one evening, has pool practice another evening, cricket practice one evening, and plays cricket all day every Saturday.

Our holidays have to revolve around the cricket season and we can’t go out together on Saturday evenings because he goes to the pub after cricket with the team. If we do make plans to get a takeaway or watch something together after cricket, he frequently drops me at the last minute to stay out with his friends, or he’ll make last-minute plans to go the pub if his friends are there. On top of this, he frequently goes to work events in the evenings (obviously cannot be helped).

If I’m given notice that he’s got other plans, then I can arrange something too, but I’m often just left home alone. I don’t want to be the partner who dictates what the other can do with their own time. He’s obviously doing what makes him happy and I’m glad he’s got hobbies.

There’s no insecurity, I don’t suspect at all that there’s anyone else involved. We get on really well, we make each other laugh all the time and have a nice life. I just want him to want to spend time with me without having to tell him. It feels disingenuous if he’s only hanging out with me because I’ve asked him to.

Is this what drifting apart is? Are we just friends who live together? Is it the end of the road but neither of us are taking the leap to call it?

Metro columnist Emily Clarkson
Metro’s agony aunt Em Clarkson is coming through with the advice this week (Picture: Natasha Pszenicki)

My oh my he does sound like a busy boy. And I love that you’re not insecure, but I also absolutely think you’re within your rights to have questions about your relationship and to feel like you’re playing second fiddle a lot.

I don’t know if you’ve drifted apart, but from here, it doesn’t sound like he’s prioritising you, and only you know how you feel about that. I know couples my parents’ age who live pretty separate lives; beds, hobbies, friends, and who seem pretty happy with the arrangement. But then of course, there are climbing divorce rates to indicate that not everyone can make their peace with shifting priorities.

Have you played second fiddle in a relationship? How did you move past it?Comment Now

It’s a lot of time watching cricket. And I infer from that that you’re at home looking after the dogs and doing the lion’s share of the housework. And on that level I worry a little bit that you might not be being treated the way you deserve to be.

Ultimately you are special, you are a total miracle of a person with your whole life in front of you, and I am a big believer in spending time with people who see your glow and, in turn, make you shine. You need to feel loved, and chosen, and important. And that’s not to say the guy can’t like his cricket, I have a brother who we lose for days at a time to the sport, but I think there needs to be some compensation, some reconciliation, some making up for it; whether that’s dinners out or flowers or whatever it is that he knows you like.

It sounds like he’s got complacent, like he’s taking you for granted, and so yes, maybe you have drifted, maybe you are just friends who live together. But as for whether it’s the end of the road or not, there is only one way to find out, and that’s to sit within your feelings and work out what you need from your life.

If it’s more then you are currently getting from him then you need to tell him, and give him the chance to give it to you. If he can’t, or won’t…. well maybe it is time to leap. Good luck!

Dear Em, my boyfriend and I were at a family party last night and my cousin asked me about our sex life. I said I’m not going to talk about that. My boyfriend told me that he knows all about his colleagues’ sex lives, that it’s the most natural thing in the world and nothing to be ashamed of. The next morning, we were intimate and he said ‘my colleagues will know about this by the end of the day tomorrow’ but never asked me what he could share with others.

I really care about him and our relationship and I hold our love so close to my heart and I didn’t think it would bother me that he tells them what we do in the bedroom but I don’t feel happy about it. He said he knows them really well but I don’t know them at all and they know personal things about me. He said he knows who has done what within his team and that he won’t be telling me – this makes me feel uncomfortable since they know what I have done.

Part of me thinks I’m weird for not talking to my own colleagues about our sex life, but then why would I? I’m not close with them and I don’t believe in doing something just to fit in.

I can’t pretend to be okay with it and he knows when I have something on my mind. We’re really happy together, we make each other laugh and I feel safe when I’m with him, so I don’t want to argue about this or for it to cause a wedge between us, but I do want him to know how I feel with communication being so important in a relationship. How should I approach this issue?

You are absolutely within your rights to communicate a boundary here; it makes you uncomfortable therefore it is unacceptable, and that’s the end of it. I understand you don’t want to argue with him or cause a wedge, but you cannot pass up your boundaries for an easy life – you have a right within your relationship to have your wishes respected.

I hope that he, at the very least, is having these conversations in a respectful manner; he’s not describing a one-night stand to the lads down the pub, it sounds like an intimate conversation between friends, but without your consent, that’s irrelevant, really, and I don’t think it’s okay. And you have to tell him that.

Want to ask Em Clarkson a question?

Em Clarkson is here to solve all your problems.

Well, sort of.

As Metro’s agony aunt the influencer, author and content creator (busy much?) is primed and ready to be a sympathetic ear, an oracle of wisdom or, quite simply, a stand-in for that girl in the nightclub bathroom you share your thoughts and dreams with while waiting in line.

While she stresses she’s no alternative for therapy, Em is keen to talk through any quandary.

With over 300,000 followers on Instagram and a reputation as one of the more honest influencers out there, Em is often asked for advice in her DMs. Now, she wants to do the same in Metro, as our columnist.

No topic is off limits. So if you’ve a question for her agony aunt series, email [email protected].

Say it as you have to me: you love him to bits, you feel safe and happy with him but this feels like a violation of trust and makes you uncomfortable, you need for him to stop sharing every detail of your sex life with his colleagues.

If he cannot respect that boundary, then he isn’t respecting you and I think you go from there to establish what you can put up with within this relationship.

And I don’t think you’re weird, by the way, the most important thing you can be within an intimate relationship is comfortable and if keeping it to yourself ensures you feel that, then crack on.

Dear Em, I have a friendship group that I really love being part of, which is five girls, but recently one of the girls has just stopped talking to me, can’t be bothered to meet up with me and makes no effort with me at all. In the group, four of the girls have been friends for a really long time so I’m fairly new in comparison.

The way she’s acting at the moment is making me feel really left out and worried that I’m going to lose the other friends from the group, too. I have no idea what’s caused her to start acting like this as I’ve barely seen her so I don’t think I could have said or done anything to upset her.

She has always made comments in the past to the effect of ‘I’m glad you’re becoming part of the group’ which makes me feel that I’m on the edge of the group anyway.

Is it normal to feel scared that I’m going to lose my friends?

I’m really sorry that you’re feeling anxious about your place within this group, and I totally understand why you do. But, and I say this with all the love in the world because I regularly am EXACTLY where you are: nothing has actually happened yet.

It does sound like this one friend is going through something, but you don’t know what it is, and your mind is working overtime to fill in the blanks, and often when our minds do that, we centre ourselves and use our friends as sticks to beat ourselves with. I know I am more than capable of making scenarios up in my head in which I am the villain, and everyone hates me, even when I don’t have a shred of evidence with which to back that up.

There’s a very big chance that your friend has got her own sh*t going on, and for whatever reason, you are collateral in that. She mightn’t have the capacity to be a good friend to you right now, she may be triggered by you or something in your life for whatever reason.

Honestly though the likelihood is, that this has nothing to do with you at all. So if I were you, I’d haul your ego out of the situation and try not to catastrophise, there’s no reason at all why you’re going to lose all your friends over this. Maybe drop her a text, let her know you’ve been thinking about her, ask if you can do anything or if she’s around for a drink.

If she ignores you then I think it’s very safe to assume this really doesn’t have anything to do with you but even if it did, by not communicating that to you, it’s her problem not yours. You’ve done the right thing in trying to be there for her, and often that is all you can do. I’m sure she’ll be back before you know it.

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