#indiewebcamp 2016-03-10

2016-03-10 UTC
benwerd and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
is known making room for the url of the link I'm retweeting?
snarfed joined the channel
!tell KevinMarks my tweet had the URL of that link too
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
what I find fascinating is that no one at YouTube has bothered to make a YouFlix UI that basically uses YouTube content to proide a NetFlix experience
tantek meant to say: what I find fascinating is that no one at YouTube has bothered to make a YouFlix UI that basically uses YouTube content to provide a NetFlix experience
comzeradd_ and snarfed_ joined the channel
finchd-also, snarfed, Leeky_ and nelson joined the channel
Interesting! will have to play with this later to see how it compares to Netflix - looks promising! https://www.youtube.com/tv (and doesn't need Flash)
danlyke joined the channel
I thought Netflix used "Silverlight" ?
Smart TVs and stuff usually have a YouTube app too
or at least it did a few years ago
They are switching/have switched to HTML5 gradually over the last 2 years
oh ok, so i might actually be able to use Netflix now!
Even works on Linux (Chrome only) these days
ah good to know
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
they couldn't use sliverlight on ios/android
so they lobbied HTML to include DRM
[kevinmarks]: tantek left you a message 26 minutes ago: my tweet had the URL of that link too http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-09/line/1457570029993
[indieweb] "@sil Ultraviolet was quite bad (despite Milla Jovovich). Would easily rather watch nearly any IndieWeb video instead." http://tantek.com/2016/069/t4/ultraviolet-bad-rather-watch-indieweb-video
wolftune, tantek, miklb, pl_, ben_thatmustbeme and KevinMarks joined the channel
naming question - what is the class of things that have a bunch of channels of stuff that you consume?
e.g. audio has radio (but that means more the device)
and video has television (which again means more the device)
but for example, Spotify is a what?
Netflix, and youtube.tv are what?
Hulu is a what?
video streaming services
what about streaming vs broadcast?
is that a plumbing distinction or do they have UX differences?
the old term for streaming was "video on demand"
but Spotify doesn't call itself "audio on demand" (does it?)
what is Spotify?
Spotify is a playlist hosting silo and streaming music service https://indiewebcamp.com/Spotify
huh, perhaps "streaming" is the new "media on demand"
that is what i gather from the news
what is netflix?
Netflix is a subscription service for on-demand streaming video https://indiewebcamp.com/Netflix
huh, still has the "on-demand" distinction
streaming can be live, on-demand or both
I demand you to stream live now! :)
edited /events/2016-03-09-homebrew-website-club (+201) "/* Photos */ Add HWC DC photo"
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I live now to demand you stream! ;)
what is radio?
KevinMarks: ^^^
emmak joined the channel
#indieweb @t: welcome to the fortnightly Homebrew Website Club - if we have demos of new things, lets see them
#indieweb @kylewmahan: so I can see the events on http://indiewebcamp.com and go through accepting and replying them
a class of things that have a bunch of channels ... that's a feed IMO
viewing tv or movies or listening to radio - i'm going to a source and looking for a list of items to consume
#indieweb @kylewmahan: @aaronpk asked me for this thins week, I'm not sure why
#indieweb @t: well, Aaron is demoing webmention to the w3c next week, so he wanted more examples
#indieweb @schnarfed: brid.gy has added a decent amount since I was last here - user mentions and link searches and sends those too
#indieweb @schnarfed: brid.gy extends webmentions to the social networks so if people reply on twitter or facebook you see those too
#indieweb @schnarfed: tumblr switched to a link redirector like twitter's, which broke things and we ahd to rewrite
#indieweb @schnarfed: tantek took his twitter account private, which revealed a lot of extra cases fro us to handle
#indieweb @t: I found that having private posts meant people tweeted links to my site instead of retweeting
#indieweb @schnarfed: we also added lots of microformats to the brid.gy user page and so it acts as an api
#indieweb @schnarfed: we also added syndication of video to facebook and twitter, which tantek has been using
#indieweb @schnarfed: we applied for permission to the new Instagram API, so we will have to switch to scraping html
#indieweb @schnarfed: brid.gy costs 2-4¢ per user per month - we found that there were slow things which we improved
RT @kevinmarks #indieweb @schnarfed: tumblr switched to a link redirector like twitter's, which broke things and we ahd to rewrite
nelson joined the channel
#indieweb @schnarfed: Kyle found some slow parts in mf2py, and improved it but there may be more to do
#indieweb @kylewmahan: if you know what the final url looks like, we don't follow redirects; but we do that now
what is streaming?
It looks like we don't have a page for "streaming" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10G4
#indieweb @kevinmarks: there is sgnodemapper that does that as part of the old social graph api - we should revive it
#indieweb @schnarfed: suprfeeder crawls a lot of websites and now we sendswebmentions from a lot of pages on the web to you
RT @kevinmarks #indieweb @kylewmahan: if you know what the final url looks like, we don't follow redirects; but we do that now
RT @kevinmarks #indieweb @schnarfed: suprfeeder crawls a lot of websites and now we sendswebmentions from a lot of pages on the web to you
RT @kevinmarks #indieweb @schnarfed: Kyle found some slow parts in mf2py, and improved it but there may be more to do
RT @kevinmarks #indieweb @kevinmarks: there is sgnodemapper that does that as part of the old social graph api - we should revive it
streaming is a method of content delivery where the user starts viewing a post on a site, typically timed media, and when it finishes, the site may automatically start showing another, either by scrolling or playing.
[indieweb] "last fortnight's homebrew website club was fun #indieweb" by Kevin Marks http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/last-fortnights-homebrew-website-club-was-fun-indieweb
edited /streaming (+171) "examples, see also"
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#indieweb @kevinmarks: http://webmention.herokuapp.com keeps a thread open so if I webmention on my static site, the comment appears in real time
hey KevinMarks is showing the web IRC log
homebrewSF joined the channel
demoing the web ui to the irc
hey homebrewSF!
everything is connected
but is it simply connected?
lukebrooker joined the channel
edited /streaming (+546) "YouTube, brainstorming Indieflix"
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#indieweb @kevinmarks: I've been expanding http://mention-tech.appspot.com/ to accept fragmentions as well, and show them as quotes
#indieweb @kevinmarks: it also can show the post comments in context for the posts as it caches the jf2 from the source
RT @kevinmarks #indieweb @kevinmarks: I've been expanding http://mention-tech.appspot.com/ to accept fragmentions as well, and show them as quotes
tantek joined the channel
[oliverpattison] joined the channel
jgarber I’m taking that idea that I talked about at HWC DC with giving photos their own unique URLs and trying it out: https://github.com/opattison/olivermakes/pull/276
[jgarber] joined the channel
oliverpattison: Nice work! :+1::skin-tone-2:
now I’m going to create a micro layout for individual photos and then link it up to the photo sets
[oliverpattison]: for photosets, http://indiewebcamp.com/collection might collect some prior-art
You’re making great progress! My goal of quickly adding auto-embedding Bandcamp music players on link pages met with a sudden end. Bandcamp’s iframe URLs aren’t easily derivable based solely on the album’s or song’s permalink. (e.g. an example iframe embed URL for https://theorchid.bandcamp.com/album/shadowing-lull-ep includes is https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=3995949234/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=fals
that’s a pain – bad URL design
or deliberate obfuscation
thanks for the tip about collections – I’ll look into that
For reference, here’s how I’m converting YouTube and Vimeo permalink URLs into their associated <iframe> `src` attribute URLs: https://github.com/FrancisCMS/FrancisCMS/blob/master/app/models/francis_cms/link.rb#L33-L39
[jgarber]: youtube and vimeo have standard embed code so I use that
There’s likely cleaner ways to do that but it works for now.
@KartikPrabhu: Right, yeah. I’m creating the <iframe> markup on the fly when rendering a “link” permalink on my site (e.g. https://sixtwothree.org/links/880 ), inferred from the URL I’m linking to.
[Jason Garber] The state of gun violence in the US, explained in 18 charts
I’m not specifically storing any embed information.
wow, great work on The Orchid, by the way
oliverpattison: Thanks! :smile:
[jgarber]: yeah I don't store the embed either though I might in the future see example: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/newtonian-mechanics-meets-music
[Kartik Prabhu] Newtonian mechanics meets music by @Wintergatan
@KartikPrabhu I’m currently playing around with collection-type posts on my Jekyll site now https://olivermak.es/2014/12/oliver-pattison/ (“related” writing connected to a single larger item)
it’s a sort of ad hoc approach to collecting, but sometimes I want my portfolio items to link to other project or writing items that are intrinsically connected
oh that is pretty neat looking
are you building these pages by hand or just from the links of the collected items?
[oliverpattison]: I like that your pattern-library is open and public
in between – I have layout items that refer to a unique ID internal to my site, like: `{% include block/project--satellite.html id="2014-12-19:reading-driven-design" %}`
aah i see neat
so I don’t have to hand-code anything to make it happen – it’s a reusable component that I can put a unique ID into (same unique ID that the atom feed uses so it should never change)
i have had that way of composing on my to-do list for a long time
pattern library isn’t just for show – I use it to design and maintain my site :sweat_smile:
yes of course! which is why it is useful. keeps all the results of your code visible
mdik_ joined the channel
one of these days I’m going to create a less opinionated, portable version of it for use in other Jekyll sites
i am sorting out my patterns/templates internally first then maybe a patterns page is on order
codemonkey, yakker, KartikPrabhu, sh4l, danlyke and lukebrooker joined the channel
[indieweb] "IndieWeb “Press This” Bookmarklet for WordPress" by Chris Aldrich http://boffosocko.com/2016/03/09/indieweb-press-this-bookmarklet-for-wordpress/
[indieweb] "Include IndieWeb Press This plugin · Issue #31 · indieweb/wordpress-indieweb
sh4l joined the channel
i don't even understand the tweet that ^ is a reply to
dogada and sh4l joined the channel
[bridgy] Kevin Marks replied '@FakeUnicode I hadn't thought of it this way, but if a fragmentation is an id yo...' to a tweet that linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/fragmention (https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/707826751322378241)
cweiske, KevinMarks, sanduhrs, tantek, loic_m, jihaisse, gRegorLove, almereyda, friedcell, smcgregor, kronda, anarchivist, davidascher, davbo, DePhraser, bigbluehat, rMdes, voxpelli, mattl, Pierre-O, benward__, tommorris, bergie, lewisnyman and bret joined the channel
[indieweb] "Sharing from the #IndieWeb on Mobile (Android) with Apps and @WithKnown" by Chris Aldrich http://stream.boffosocko.com/2016/sharing-from-the-indieweb-on-mobile-android-with-apps-and
edited /User:Boffosocko.com (+225) "/* Itches */ added some details about indieweb and mobile"
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edited /User:Boffosocko.com (+154) "/* Finished */ IndieWeb Press This"
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!tell tantek re: indieflix it's called popcorn time
Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
almereyda joined the channel
[indieweb] "Liked Sharing from the #IndieWeb on Mobile (Android) with Apps and @WithKnown from Chris Aldrich" by Georg Kaser https://geor.gs/2016/liked-sharing-from-the-indieweb-on-mobile-android-with-apps
adactio and sh4l joined the channel
ENDLICH: Datensammelei via Like-Buttons und Social-Plugins in DE rechtswidrig! Das große Jammern in der Szene beginnt... #IndieWeb #now
[indieweb] "ENDLICH: Datensammelei via Like-Buttons und Social-Plugins in DE rechtswidrig! Das große Jammern in der Szene beginnt... #IndieWeb #now" by Georg Kaser https://geor.gs/2016/endlich-datensammelei-via-like-buttons-und-social-plugins-in-de-rechtswidrig-das
adactio_ joined the channel
how was HWC yesterday, adactio?
petermolnar: Very nice! Just a few of us sitting around renewing LetsEncrypt certs and discussing POSSEing to Medium, and a bit of Service Worker chat.
sounds good
is a bit sad of the fact that even though he's also in the UK, Brighton is still 3 hours
sanduhrs1 joined the channel
@svensonsan brid.gy Account und WP Plugin Indieweb
@renefischer die brid.gy / indieweb-lösung ist mein lösungsvorschlag, bzw. das was ix bei @dasnuf installiert habe. @svensonsan
adactio, sanduhrs, j12t, friedcell and adactio_ joined the channel
KevinMarks: hey, sorry for yesterday, I missed to answer you. I do not have my own website for now. I have only some domains and few servers that I use for testing purpose ...
sammachin, mxuribe, j12t, squeakytoy, ttepasse, Lancey, adactio, almereyda, singpolyma and Garbee joined the channel
@Ron_Williams vinculum implements trackbacks, pingbacks &webmentions but its name not intuitive, would do better as "linkback" module, thx!
bigawuc, squeakytoy2, frzn, sanduhrs, __number5__ and sh4l joined the channel
[indieweb] "Extenting Press This in WordPress to support indieweb reply, like and repost" by Peter Molnar https://petermolnar.eu/press-this-indieweb/
wolftune, tantek, arthurspooner, almereyda, jonnybarnes, sh4l, shiflett, snarfed, j12t and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
created /Windows_Live_Spaces (+318) "prompted by petermolnar and dfn added by petermolnar"
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dogada and sh4l joined the channel
created /MSN_Spaces (+32) "prompted by petermolnar and dfn added by petermolnar"
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edited /site-deaths (+269) "adding Windows Live Spaces"
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j12t, sparverius, snarfed1, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, snarfed, Lancey and sh4l joined the channel
so indieauth to openid delegation through github seems to fail
What error?
Also make sure you delegate to openid.indieauth.com not just IndieAuth.com
squeakytoy joined the channel
mtony75: Things I wish I could do in gnuSocial: 1. Indieweb subscribing. Would make the perfect Indieweb reader or… https://quitter.no/notice/1221499
[indieweb] "mtony75: Things I wish I could do in gnuSocial: 1. Indieweb subscribing. Would make the perfect Indieweb reader or notification service. (hint hint [email protected] ). 2. Follow specific public Twitter accounts. Just so I don't have to jump back a forth. gnuSocial is becoming my primary social destination all day now. But I do have to check back with Twitter and G+ at least twice a day. 3. Better Google Photos integration. Love to give a share URL and the photo preview pops up." by Tony Fleming https://quitter.no/notice/1221499
KartikPrabhu and snarfed1 joined the channel
[indieweb] "Stephen Paul Weber posted, “@mtony75 IndieWeb with Atom PSHB should work today. Follow twitter accounts there is a plugin for.”" https://singpolyma.net/actionstream/reply-httpstwitter-commtony75status708014339886862336-mtony75-indieweb/
shiflett and sh4l joined the channel
Got some memory alerts on my WebMention service, https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ Doesn't seem to have affected anything, but will keep an eye open
[indieweb] "While @Netflix is down,
[indieweb] "last fortnight's homebrew website club was fun #indieweb" by Kevin Marks http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/last-fortnights-homebrew-website-club-was-fun-indieweb
Something weird going on with my Bridgy Publish button but can't figure it out. Intermittently when I click to publish it's like it sends two publish requests. First works, second fails due to Twitter API "same tweet" restriction.
i have the same problem with my bookmark button in Quill, except it does post the bookmark twice
huh, interesting
ah, so maybe a bookmarklet thing
Mine isn't a bookmarklet
mine is the actual form submit button, after the bookmarklet stage
Bridgy logs show the exact same time, two posts. Huh
got it. huh indeed
but mine only is a problem when i use the keyboard shortcut i made to submit the button
the weird thing is the code hasn't changed, but it's double-posting now
Weirdly, it doesn't seem to do it if I wait a few seconds after I publish the note on my site before clicking the button to publish to Twitter.
Preeeety sure I'm not just clicking so fast it double clicks. But who knows :)
snarfed1 joined the channel
[indieweb] "Comment on IndieWeb “Press This” Bookmarklet for WordPress by Robert Catrini" by Robert Catrini http://boffosocko.com/2016/03/09/indieweb-press-this-bookmarklet-for-wordpress/#comment-29984
jciv, j12t, tantek, ehlovader and Pierre-O joined the channel
between slack, facebook and github having implemented reacji, it's defniitely bumping that up on my own priority list now
that was quick :)
aaronpk has 92 karma
superfeedr has 2 karma
I pushed that post to GitHub less than a minute before that notification
PuSH is pretty magic
tantek joined the channel
Indeed, the PuSH -> Superfeedr -> Loqi -> IRC latency is amazingly low / instant as I experienced yesterday (noted in IRC)
tantek: petermolnar left you a message 12 hours, 56 minutes ago: re: indieflix it's called popcorn time http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-10/line/1457602994640
grins profusely
petermolnar: do you use popcorn time? does it consume h-feed?
also the webmention -> webmention.herokuapp.com -> update on the page is also very cool
singpolyma and gavinc joined the channel
[Kevin Marks] last fortnight's homebrew website club was fun #indieweb
and having it show up in irc and at the bottom of http://www.kevinmarks.com/hwc2016-02-24.html in real time
Homebrew Website Club 2016-02-24
woudl eb a better demo if I used a shorter page on kevinmarks.com so I din't have to scrol it up
jciv, lukebrooker and snarfed1 joined the channel
wolftune and snarfed joined the channel