Energy and sustainability

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In the News: Yrjo Koskinen, Ari Pandes and colleague writing in The Conversation Canada

Stock markets signal a growing gap between Canadian and American clean tech firms

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In the News: Osman Alp and colleagues writing in The Conversation Canada

Emissions impossible? How the transport sector can help make the 2050 net-zero goal a reality

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In the News: Business in Calgary

Environmental and Reclamation Progress

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In the News: Reuters

Oil companies cautious about drilling as energy transition looms

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In the News: BNN Bloomberg

The world has become very polarized around the climate crisis, and it shouldn’t be: Professor

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In the News: Canadian Manufacturing

How recycling could solve the shortage of minerals essential to clean energy

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In the News: The Conversation Canada

How recycling could solve the shortage of minerals essential to clean energy

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In the News: California Management Review

Has Technology Sector Lost its Dominance?

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