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Classroom Membership

Ross Scroggs edited this page Nov 16, 2024 · 1 revision

Classroom - Membership

API documentation


<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<UniqueID> ::= id:<String>
<UserItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>

<CourseAlias> ::= <String>
<CourseID> ::= <Number>|d:<CourseAlias>
<CourseIDList> ::= "<CourseID>(,<CourseID>)*"
<CourseEntity> ::=
        <CourseIDList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector | <CSVkmdSelector>
<CourseState> ::= active|archived|provisioned|declined|suspended
<CourseStateList> ::= all|"<CourseState>(,<CourseState>)*"

Special quoting for course aliases

As course aliases can contain spaces, some care must be used when entering <CourseAliasList>, <CourseID>, <CourseIDList> and <CourseEntity>.

Suppose you have a course with the alias Math Class. To get information about it you enter the command: gam info course "d:Math Class"

The shell strips the " leaving a single argument d:Math Class; gam correctly processes the argument as it is expecting a single course.

Suppose you enter the command: gam info courses "d:Math Class"

The shell strips the " leaving a single argument d:Math Class; as gam is expecting a list, it splits the argument on space leaving two items and then tries to process d:Math and Class, not what you want.

You must enter: gam info courses "'d:Math Class'"

The shell strips the " leaving a single argument 'd:Math Class'; as gam is expecting a list, it splits the argument on space while honoring the ' leaving one item d:Math Class and correctly processes the item.

For multiple aliases you must enter: gam info courses "'d:Math Class','d:Science Class'"

See: Lists and Collections

Manage membership for courses

These commands can process multiple courses and add and delete can process multiple students/teachers.

gam courses <CourseEntity> add teachers [makefirstteacherowner] <UserTypeEntity>
gam courses <CourseEntity> add students <UserTypeEntity>
gam courses <CourseEntity> delete|remove teachers|students <UserTypeEntity>
gam courses <CourseEntity> clear teachers|students
gam courses <CourseEntity> sync teachers [addonly|removeonly] [makefirstteacherowner] <UserTypeEntity>
gam courses <CourseEntity> sync students [addonly|removeonly] <UserTypeEntity>

When makefirstteacherowner is specified, the first/only user in <UserTypeEntity> will be updated to be the owner of the Course(s).


A clear operation deletes all of the members of the specified type. The owner teacher will not deleted.


A sync operation gets the current roster for a course and compares it to the proposed roster.


  • members in the proposed roster that are not in the current roster will be added
  • members in the current roster that are not in the proposed roster will deleted

When the addonly option is specified:

  • members in the proposed roster that are not in the current roster will be added
  • members in the current roster that are not in the proposed roster will not be deleted

When the removeonly option is specified:

  • members in the proposed roster that are not in the current roster will not be added
  • members in the current roster that are not in the proposed roster will be deleted

Bulk membership changes

Suppose you have a CSV file (CourseStudents.csv) with headers: courseId,email

Each row contains a course ID and a student email address.

The following command will synchronize the membership for all courses.

gam redirect stdout ./CourseUpdates.txt redirect stderr stdout courses csvkmd CourseStudents.csv keyfield courseId datafield email sync students csvdata email

You can also do add and delete in this manner.

Legacy manage membership

These commands are for backward compatibility; only one course can be processed and add and delete can only process a single student/teacher.

gam course <CourseID> add [makefirstteacherowner] teachers <UserItem>
gam course <CourseID> add students <UserItem>
gam course <CourseID> delete|remove teachers|students <UserItem>
gam course <CourseID> clear teachers|students
gam course <CourseID> sync teachers [addonly|removeonly] [makefirstteacherowner] <UserTypeEntity>
gam course <CourseID> sync students [addonly|removeonly] <UserTypeEntity>

When makefirstteacherowner is specified, the only/first user in <UserItem> or <UserTypeEntity> will be updated to be the owner of the Course.

Display course membership

gam print course-participants [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        (course|class <CourseID>)*|([teacher <UserItem>] [student <UserItem>]) [states <CourseStateList>]
        [show all|students|teachers] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]

By default, the print course-participants command displays participant information about all courses.

To get participant information for a specific set of courses, use the following option; it can be repeated to select multiple courses.

  • (course|class <CourseID>)* - Display courses with the specified <CourseID>.

To get participant information for courses based on their having a particular participant, use the following options. Both options can be specified.

  • teacher <UserItem> - Display courses with the specified teacher.
  • student <UserItem> - Display courses with the specified student.

To get participant information for courses based on their state, use the following option. This option can be combined with the teacher and student options. By default, all course states are selected.

  • states <CourseStateList> - Display courses with any of the specified states.

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Display course membership counts

Display the number of course participants.

gam print course-participants
        (course|class <CourseID>)*|([teacher <UserItem>] [student <UserItem>]) [states <CourseStateList>]
        [show all|students|teachers]


$ gam print course-participants teacher asmith states active show students showitemcountonly
Getting all Courses that match query (Teacher: [email protected], Course State: ACTIVE), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account...
Got 3 Courses...
Getting Students for Course: 636981507234 (1/3)
Got 30 Students...
Got 43 Students...
Getting Students for Course: 589346784341 (2/3)
Got 22 Students...
Getting Students for Course: 589345535881 (3/3)
Got 23 Students...

The Getting and Got messages are written to stderr, the count is writtem to stdout.

To retrieve the count with showitemcountonly:

count=$(gam print course-participants teacher asmith states active show students showitemcountonly)
Windows PowerShell
count = & gam print course-participants teacher asmith states active show students showitemcountonly

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