At Firebase, our mission is to help mobile app teams succeed, which means having the capabilities to support companies and teams of all sizes and complexity. In the last couple of years, we've matured significantly, from a realtime database to a full mobile app development platform. Firebase is built on top of Google Cloud, so you get all the technical scale, enterprise-grade access control and management, and machine learning strength that underpins many of Google's products. Today, we're excited to share a few new products and features that will help you build better apps, improve your app quality, and grow your business.
Firebase has a number of products to help you engage with your users and grow your business, from machine learning powered targeting with Firebase Predictions, to app optimization without republishing via Remote Config, to re-engaging lapsed users with Cloud Messaging. Today we're adding a new product, Firebase In-App Messaging, to round out the tools available for growing your user base, as well as making improvements to a couple of our existing products.
Notifications are a great way to bring users back into your app. But how do you ensure your users are interacting with your app in the right, intended way instead of fumbling between screens without taking any meaningful action? How do you guide them through your app experience?
Today, we're launching Firebase In-App Messaging to help you guide app users who are actively using your app by sending them targeted and contextual messages. Now, you'll be able to communicate with your most valuable users - the ones already interacting with your app - and deepen engagement with them by surfacing relevant information, offers, and tips as they use your app!
Messages can be customized by format, color, and CTA, allowing you to keep your messages on brand with your app. In-App Messaging is also integrated with Google Analytics for Firebase and Firebase Predictions, making it easy for you to target messages based on user profile data like app version, current behavior like a button click, or predicted future behavior like risk of churning. In-App Messaging is starting to roll out today; check out our documentation for more detail.
The Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) console and APIs let you send notifications and data messages to your users on iOS, Android, and web, but understanding how your notifications are performing across all these different platforms is hard. The new FCM reporting dashboard gives teams a central place to view key messaging stats like sends, impressions, and opens, so they can easily understand how their messages are performing. In addition to aggregating all these statistics, the reporting dashboard also gives you insight into your API sends from the console, for the first time.
Developers can use this information to monitor the health of their notification functionality, such as a dip in sends after the release of a new update, as well as use insights on notification sends and opens to improve notification strategy, like monitoring how the title of a notification impacts open rates. The FCM reporting dashboard allows you to filter sends by date, platform (iOS or Android), and type (data message or notification), making it easy to find the data you're looking for.
Previously, if you wanted to check what Remote Config values you've used in the past, you had to keep track manually. In one-person teams this is a hassle, but for large teams, where lots of different developers could be changing the project's Remote Config at once, this was nearly impossible.
Today, we are happy to announce that we're adding change history to Remote Config. Firebase saves 300 versions of a project's Remote Config for up to 90 days. You'll be able to see how parameters and conditions have changed over time and if you ever want to roll back to a previous version, all you have to do is click the rollback button.
We're beginning to roll out change history for Remote Config today and it will be fully available to all projects in a couple of days. Click here to see the technical documentation.
Change history in Remote Config
When the Fabric team joined Firebase last year, we were very excited to learn from their expertise in building tools for crash reporting and debugging. Over the last 18 months, we've made big steps to make Firebase into a platform that you can use to improve your app quality, including bringing Fabric's Crashlytics to Firebase. Today, we're excited to announce a number of improvements to Crashlytics, that help it integrate better with existing tools that developer teams use.
We've heard from you that you rely on a variety of different tools to make your business successful. We want to meet you where you're already working and empower you to use the best tool for the job. That's why we're launching a couple of new integrations for Firebase Crashlytics.
First of all, you'll now be able to export your Crashlytics data from Firebase to BigQuery, allowing you to run your own analysis on deobfuscated crash reports, including any metadata such as custom keys and values, logs, and user IDs. You can then visualize data and view trends with Data Studio or any other business analytics tool you use. You'll also be able to take ownership of your data in BigQuery by setting your own retention and deletion policies.
Secondly, we're launching an integration with Jira Software that allows you to create Jira issues based on crashes reported in Firebase. Combined with the existing integration with Slack, your team can now track the crashes they are working on, with tools they already use. The Jira integration will be rolling out over the coming weeks and if you want to manage your Firebase integrations now, you can visit the settings tab in the console.
Core to Firebase's DNA are a set of products that help developers like you build mobile backend infrastructure quickly and easily. After all, it began with a Realtime Database. We've been working closely with Google Cloud Platform to build a next generation of serverless backend tools, like Cloud Firestore and Cloud Functions, and we're continuing to improve on those products. We're also launching a couple of enhancements to Firebase Hosting that we hope will help you build websites more efficiently.
A few weeks ago at Cloud Next 2018, we introduced a number of improvements to Cloud Firestore and Cloud Functions for Firebase. Cloud Firestore now lets you scale your database up to 10,000 writes per second and 1 million concurrent users to handle any surges in traffic. Cloud Functions is now GA and ready for production use -- with predictable service guaranteed by an SLA. If you're looking to build your infrastructure in certain parts of the world, both Cloud Firestore and Cloud Functions will be supporting new regions in Europe and Asia over the next few months.
Another piece of feedback we've consistently heard is that you don't always have a one-to-one relationship between Firebase projects and hosted websites. Over the next couple weeks, we'll be rolling out an improvement to Firebase Hosting that allows you to host multiple websites within one project.
Additionally, when pushing an update to a site, the Firebase CLI (from v4.1.0) now only uploads the files that have changed between releases. This dramatically speeds up the process, letting you work more efficiently.
The Project Overview page in the console has received a major update, bringing together data from all different parts of Firebase to give you a single view into the health of your app, services and business. In addition to the analytics and crash data that's always been present you can now view performance issues, notification and A/B test status, and the usage and health data for other Firebase services like Functions, Hosting, and Storage, among others.
You'll also notice that the Latest Release section of the console will now have live data. This was one of our top requested improvements to analytics in the console and we're excited to be able to provide it for you.
All of these improvements are beginning to roll out today and will be available to everybody within a couple of weeks.
Thank you, as always, for being a part of the Firebase community. We strive to create a community that is welcoming to developers of all backgrounds and companies of all levels of sophistication. Your feedback and questions are invaluable in shaping the future of Firebase, so, as always, you can find us via any of our support channels.
If you'd like to meet the team in person, please join us at the annual Firebase Summit on October 29th in Prague, Czech Republic for a day full of technical sessions, hands-on instructor-led codelabs, and another round of new updates. Hope to see you there!
# -i returns headers in the response, -H sets a header curl -i \ -H 'X-Firebase-ETag: true' \ 'https://<your-database>'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... ETag: ViJFJowpbyRvgGNPzPJdGeN+mCY= ... 10 // Value at the specified location
# -X sets the method (defaults to GET), -d provides data to the method curl -i \ -X PUT \ -d '11' \ -H 'if-match: ViJFJowpbyRvgGNPzPJdGeN+mCY=' \ 'https://<your-database>'
If your app is using Firebase Realtime Database, you've probably gotten a lot of mileage out of its ability to notify your app quickly as changes are made to the database. Your listeners are triggering and receiving new data, users are delighted, and all is well with the world.
However, sometimes listeners may not behave in exactly the way you'd expect when combined with security and validation rules.
There are some important nuances to the way Firebase Realtime Database works, and how those nuances affect the way your listeners are triggered. Let's go over some of those situations, so you can expect the unexpected!
Are you using security and validation rules to protect access to your data? If not, please take a good hard look at that! But if you are using these rules, you can run into some behavior that may seem confusing at first, but is actually predictable, once you understand how the Firebase Realtime Database client libraries work.
All the code samples here will be in Java, because Android is my main thing. But the principles apply to each of the supported platforms, including iOS, web, and JavaScript on the server side.
Imagine you have the following database rules set up:
{ "rules": { ".read": true, ".write": false } }
So, basically, everything is readable and nothing is writable. Your security rules are likely going to be much more specialized, but the point is that some writes will not be allowed at certain locations or under certain circumstances. I'm keeping it simple here, in case you want to experiment with the code samples here in a new project.
Now imagine you have the following tiny bit of data in your database:
ROOT - data - value: 99
You'd expect that a ValueEventListener on the /data node would give you a snapshot containing a map of the key "value" to the number 99. So, if you executed this code, you'd get a single log statement showing these details:
private class MyValueEventListener implements ValueEventListener { @Override public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { Log.i("********** change", dataSnapshot.getKey() + ": " + dataSnapshot.getValue()); } @Override public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) { // If we're not expecting an error, report it to your Firebase console; } }
Pretty straightforward. But imagine you then attempt to change the value from 99 to 100:
HashMap map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("value", 100); dataRef.setValue(map);
Since our security rules prohibit this, we expect to fail. And it does. But one other thing happens that may not be expected. If MyValueEventListener is still registered at the time setValue() is called, it will also be triggered with the new value of 100. Not only that, but the listener will be triggered again with the original value of 99. Your app log might look something like this:
I/********** change: DataSnapshot { key = data, value = {value=99} } I/********** change: DataSnapshot { key = data, value = {value=100} } W/RepoOperation: setValue at /data failed: DatabaseError: Permission denied I/********** change: DataSnapshot { key = data, value = {value=99} }
So we see here that the listener got the original value of 99, then the updated value of 100, then an error, then back to the original 99.
Now, you might be thinking, "The security rules should have prevented that change to 100! What gives!" This is a completely understandable perspective. However, it's time to update your expectations with some knowledge about what's really going on here!
The client SDK has no knowledge of the security rules for your project. They live and are enforced on the Firebase server side. However, when the SDK handles the call to setValue(), it goes ahead and assumes that the update will actually work on the server. This is the usual case for code that's been written for a database with a particular set of rules —
the intent is typically never to violate any rules. With this assumption in play, the SDK goes ahead and acts early, as if the write to the database location has actually succeeded. The result of this is the triggering of all listeners currently added to the changed location within the same app process.
OK, so, you might be wondering: if a write can fail, why does the client SDK act early like this? The reasoning is that these immediate callbacks can help your app feel snappy in the face of a poor network connection, and also allows your app to be usable when completely offline. For example, if a user wants to make a change to their profile, why not let them see that change immediately, rather than having to wait for a full round trip to the server? After all, if your code intends to honor the security rules, there should be no problem, right?
In the case where your code does violate a security rule like this, the server notifies the app that the update actually failed at that location. The logical thing to do, at this point, is trigger all listeners at that location with the original data, so the UI of your app can regain consistency with known values from the server.
Given all this context on how security rules works, let's look at another scenario.
Child event listeners are different from the value event listeners described above. A ValueEventListener as shown above gives you the entire contents of a particular location, every time any part of it changes, whereas a ChildEventListener gives you callbacks for individual child nodes under a location whenever one of those children is added, changed, moved, or removed.
For this example, let's use the same security rules as before, with everything readable and nothing writable:
Now, let's say you have a node in your database called /messages, where you want users to be able to push new message content to be shared with others:
private class MyChildEventListener implements ChildEventListener { @Override public void onChildAdded(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot, String s) { Log.i("**********", "childAdded " + dataSnapshot.toString()); } @Override public void onChildChanged(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot, String s) { Log.i("**********", "childChanged " + dataSnapshot.toString()); } @Override public void onChildRemoved(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { Log.i("**********", "childRemoved " + dataSnapshot.toString()); } @Override public void onChildMoved(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot, String s) { Log.i("**********", "childMoved " + dataSnapshot.toString()); } @Override public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {; } } DatabaseReference messagesRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("messages"); messagesRef.addChildEventListener(new MyChildEventListener()); HashMap map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("key", "value"); DatabaseReference newMesssageRef = newMessageRef.push(); newMessageRef.setValue(map);
In this code, we have a ChildEventListener added on /messages, then we're trying to add a new child object into a location determined by some generated push id. Of course, we expect this to fail because of the security rules. But, let's look at the log to see what actually happens if we execute this code:
I/**********: childAdded DataSnapshot { key = -KTfacNOAJt2fCUVtwtj, value = {key=value} } W/RepoOperation: setValue at /messages/-KTfacNOAJt2fCUVtwtj failed: DatabaseError: Permission denied I/**********: childRemoved DataSnapshot { key = -KTfacNOAJt2fCUVtwtj, value = {key=value} }
We see that the client library immediately triggers the onChildAdded method with the new child object under /messages, then logs an error, then triggers the onChildRemoved callback with the same object.
If you read through and understood the prior example, this one should be a little less surprising. The Firebase client SDK is again acting early in response to the call to setValue() and assuming that the write will success. Then, after the write fails because of the security rules, it attempts to "undo" the add that failed. This ensures that the app's UI can remain up-to-date with the correct child values, assuming that it has implemented onChildRemoved correctly.
The behavior of the Firebase client library in the face of violated security rules should be more clear now, but you might still be wondering how you can detect if a violation occurred. It may not be adequate for your app to simply reverse the effect of the write. In fact, you may even want to know if and when that actually happens, as it could be considered a programming error. This brings me to the next point.
In the examples above, it can be very difficult to tell if your call to setValue() failed at the server just by looking at the listener callbacks. If you want to detect failure, you'll need a bit of extra code to respond to that event. There are two ways to do this. First, there is CompletionListener that you can pass to an overload of setValue that gets notified of errors. Alternatively, you can also use the Play Services Task API by using the Task object returned by setValue. I'll prefer a Task here, because it has built-in protections against Activity leaks (note the first argument to addOnCompleteListener is an Activity instance):
Task task = messageRef.setValue(map); task.addOnCompleteListener(MainActivity.this, new OnCompleteListener() { @Override public void onComplete(@NonNull Task task) { Log.i("**********", "setValue complete"); if (!task.isSuccessful()) { Log.i("**********", "BUT IT FAILED", task.getException()); FirebaseCrash.log("Error writing to " + ref.toString());; } } });
When the write of the value completes, with either success or error, the OnCompleteListener registered to the Task will be called. If it failed, I can check the Task to see if it was successful and deal with it as needed. In the above code, I'm choosing to report the error to Firebase Crash Reporting, which can help me determine if and where I made a mistake in my code or security rules. It's probably a good idea to always report your write failures like this, unless you fully expect that a write could legitimately fail, under normal circumstances, to a security rule.
To learn a lot more about the Task API, you can read a four-part blog series starting here.
When there is an update to a location that also has active listeners in the same process, the flow of data through the process goes like this:
Using this knowledge, it's possible you may have reset your expectations to expect the unexpected for your listeners! Were your expectations changed? Let me know in the comments below! And, if you have any programming questions about Firebase Realtime Database, you can ask us on Stack Overflow with the firebase-database tag. For more general questions, you can ask on Quora or use the firebase-talk Google Group.
If you like, follow me on Twitter as CodingDoug, and don't forget to check out our YouTube channel for Firebase tutorials and other shows.
With Firebase, we've been working towards a world where developers don't have to deal with managing servers and can instead build web and mobile apps with only client-side code. However, there are times when you really do need to spin up your own server. For example, you may want to integrate with a third-party API (such as an email or SMS service), complete a computationally expensive task, or have a need for a trusted actor. We want to make your experience on this part of your stack as simple as it is on the front-end. Towards that aim, we announced the Firebase Admin SDKs for Node.js and Java at the Firebase Dev Summit in Berlin earlier this week.
What are the Admin SDKs?
The Firebase Admin SDKs provide developers with programmatic, second-party access to Firebase services from server environments. Second-party here refers to the fact that the SDKs are granted elevated permissions that allow them to do more than a normal, untrusted client device can. The Admin SDKs get these elevated permissions since they are authenticated with a service account, a special Google account that can be used by applications to access Google services programmatically. The Admin SDKs are meant to complement the existing Firebase web and mobile clients which provide third-party, end-user access to Firebase services on client devices.
Some of this may sound familiar for those of you who have used the existing Firebase Node.js and Java SDKs. The difference is that we have now split the second-party (aka "admin") and third-party (aka "end-user") access use cases into separate SDKs instead of conflating them together. This should make it easier for beginners and experts alike to know which SDK to use and which documentation to follow. It also allows us to tailor the Admin SDKs towards server-specific use cases. A great example of this is the new user management auth API which we will go into in the next section.
What can the Admin SDKs do?
The Admin SDKs for Node.js and Java offer the following admin capabilities that already existed in the prior server SDKs:
In addition, the Node.js SDK brings some exciting new functionality:
How can I get started with the Admin SDKs?
The best place to start is with our Admin SDKs setup guide. The guide will walk you through how to download the SDK, generate a service account key file, and use that key file to initialize the Admin SDK. Thanks to our new Service Accounts panel in your Firebase Console settings, generating service account keys should be a breeze.
What's next for the Admin SDKs?
This is really just the beginning for the Admin SDKs. We plan to expand the Admin SDKs across two dimensions. Firstly, we want to provide Admin SDKs in more programming languages, allowing you to write code in the language you feel most comfortable. Secondly, we plan to integrate with more Firebase services, including adding support for services like Firebase Cloud Messaging and bringing the new user management API to Java.
Would you like us to build an Admin SDK in a particular language? Do you want the Admin SDKs to support a certain Firebase service or feature? Let us know in the comments below or by sending us a note through our feature request support channel.
We are excited to expand our first-class support for backend developers in the Firebase ecosystem. Stay tuned for more to come in the future!
Private Backups is a good solution for backing up, scripting, and gathering analytics by regularly exporting your entire Database. Previously, setup involved a bit of back and forth between the user and Firebase Support. We are now offering a self-service user interface for Blaze customers in the Firebase console that seamlessly enables daily backups of your Firebase Database to a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
To get started, visit the new “Backups” tab in the Database section of the Firebase console, and the wizard will guide you through setting up your automated backups.
To save on storage costs, we enable Gzip compression by default, and you can choose to enable a 30-day lifecycle policy to have backups older than 30 days automatically purged.
When the setup process is complete, you will have a Google Cloud Storage bucket. On a daily basis, we will backup your Database’s application data and rules in JSON format to your bucket. You can view the status and history of all your backups directly in the Firebase console. There is also a “Manual Backup” button which lets you instantly enqueue a current backup of your database and rules, and is incredibly useful to take specific timed snapshots or as a safety action before you perform any code changes.
Here are three good reasons to start using automated backup today:
Offline Scripting
Automatic Database Backups let you crawl, analyze, and perform large scripted actions against your data without affecting the realtime performance of your customers connecting to the Database.
Historical Data Analysis
With historical snapshots of your database, you can retroactively analyze your data, look for trends, and make product decisions based on past data points.
Recovery From Corrupt or Lost Data
With Automatic Database Backups, you can easily restore your data in the event of data corruption or loss. To restore your database, simply download1 a backup file to your local machine from the backups tab. You can then click the "Import JSON" button2 under the data tab to restore your Database to a previously backed-up state.
We are continuing to streamline the experience for Firebase developers, and this new release gives developers more control over their data while reducing the need to go through support processes.
With Gzip enabled, you will need to decompress your database data before importing back into Firebase. ↩
For very large Databases, it is more efficient to contact support for data restoration from our own regular backups, rather than through the JSON files of Automatic Database Backups. ↩
For most developers, building an authentication system for your app can feel a lot like paying taxes. They are both relatively hard to understand tasks that you have no choice but doing, and could have big consequences if you get them wrong. No one ever started a company to pay taxes and no one ever built an app just so they could create a great login system. They just seem to be inescapable costs.
But now, you can at least free yourself from the auth tax. With Firebase Authentication, you can outsource your entire authentication system to Firebase so that you can concentrate on building great features for your app. Firebase Authentication makes it easier to get your users signed-in without having to understand the complexities behind implementing your own authentication system. It offers a straightforward getting started experience, optional UX components designed to minimize user friction, and is built on open standards and backed by Google infrastructure.
Implementing Firebase Authentication is relatively fast and easy. From the Firebase console, just choose from the popular login methods that you want to offer (like Facebook, Google, Twitter and email/password) and then add the Firebase SDK to your app. Your app will then be able to connect securely with the real time database, Firebase storage or to your own custom back end. If you have an auth system already, you can use Firebase Authentication as a bridge to other Firebase features.
Firebase Authentication also includes an open source UI library that streamlines building the many auth flows required to give your users a good experience. Password resets, account linking, and login hints that reduce the cognitive load around multiple login choices - they are all pre-built with Firebase Authentication UI. These flows are based on years of UX research optimizing the sign-in and sign-up journeys on Google, Youtube and Android. It includes Smart Lock for Passwords on Android, which has led to significant improvements in sign-in conversion for many apps. And because Firebase UI is open source, the interface is fully customizable so it feels like a completely natural part of your app. If you prefer, you are also free to create your own UI from scratch using our client APIs.
And Firebase Authentication is built around openness and security. It leverages OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, industry standards designed for security, interoperability, and portability. Members of the Firebase Authentication team helped design these protocols and used their expertise to weave in latest security practices like ID tokens, revocable sessions, and native app anti-spoofing measures to make your app easier to use and avoid many common security problems. And code is independently reviewed by the Google Security team and the service is protected in Google’s infrastructure.
Fabulous uses Firebase Authentication to power their login system. Fabulous is a research-based app incubated in Duke University’s Center for Advanced Hindsight. Its goal is to help users to embark on a journey to reset poor habits, replacing them with healthy rituals, with the ultimate goal of improving health and well-being.
The developers of Fabulous wanted to implement an onboarding flow that was easy to use, required minimal updates, and reduced friction with the end user. They wanted an anonymous option so that users could experiment with it before signing up. They also wanted to support multiple login types, and have an option where the user sign-in flow was consistent with the look and feel of the app.
“I was able to implement auth in a single afternoon. I remember that I spent weeks before creating my own solution that I had to update each time the providers changed their API” - Amine Laadhari, Fabulous CTO.
Chu-Day is an application (available on Android and iOS) that helps couples to never forget the dates that matter most to them. It was created by the Korean firm Malang Studio, that develops character-centric, gamified lifestyle applications.
Generally, countdown and anniversary apps do not require users to sign-in, but Malang Studio wanted to make Chu-day special, and differentiate it from others by offering the ability to connect couples so they could jointly countdown to a special anniversary date. This required a sign-in feature, and in order to prevent users from dropping out, Chu-day needed to make the sign-in process seamless.
Malang Studio was able to integrate an onboarding flow in for their apps, using Facebook and Google Sign-in, in one day, without having to worry about server deployment or databases. In addition, Malang Studio has also been taking advantage of the Firebase User Management Console, which helped them develop and test their sign-in implementation as well as manage their users:
“Firebase Authentication required minimum configuration so implementing social account signup was easy and fast. User management feature provided in the console was excellent and we could easily implement our user auth system.” - Marc Yeongho Kim, CEO / Founder from Malang Studio
For more about Firebase Authentication, visit the developers site and watch our I/O 2016 session, “Best practices for a great sign-in experience.”
This year's Google I/O was an exciting time for Firebase. In addition to sharing the many innovations in our platform, we also hatched a time-traveling digital fish named Firebass.
Firebass is an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that lives across a variety of static web pages. If you haven’t played it yet, you might want to stop reading now and go fishing. After you’ve caught the Firebass and passed the challenge, come back -- we’re going to talk about how we built Firebass.
We partnered with Instrument, a Portland-based digital creative agency, to help us to create an ARG. We chose ARG because this allowed us to utilize developers’ own software tools and ingenuity for game functionality.
Our primary objective behind Firebass was to make you laugh, while teaching you a little bit about the new version of Firebase. The payoff for us? We had a blast building it. The payoff for you? A chance to win a free ticket to I/O 2017.
To begin, we needed to establish a central character and theme. Through brainstorming and a bit of serendipity, Firebass was born. Firebass is the main character who has an instinctive desire to time-travel back through prior eras of the web. Through developing the story, we had the chance to revisit the old designs and technologies from the past that we all find memorable -- as you can imagine, this was really fun.
We put together a functional prototype of the first puzzle to test with our own developers here at Google. This helped us gauge both the enjoyment level of the puzzle and their difficulty. Puzzle clues were created by thinking of various ways to obfuscate information that developers would be able to recognize and manipulate. Ideas included encoding information in binary, base64, hex, inside images, and other assets such as audio files.
The core goal with each of the puzzles was to make them both logical but not too difficult -- we wanted to make sure players stayed engaged. A bulk of the game’s content was stored in Firebase, which allowed us to prevent players from accessing certain game details too early via inspecting the source code. As an added bonus, this also allowed us to demonstrate a use-case for Firebase remote data storage.
One of our first challenges was to find a way to communicate a story through static web pages. Our solution was to create a fake command line interface that acted as an outlet for Firebass to interact with players.
In order to ground our time travel story further, we kept the location of Firebass consistent at but changed the design with each puzzle era.
After establishing the Pro Bass Finders site and fake terminal as the centerpieces of the game, we focused on flushing out the rest of the puzzle mechanics. Each puzzle began with the era-specific design of the Pro Bass Finders home page. We then concepted new puzzle pieces and designed additional pages to support them. An example of this was creating a fake email archive to hide additional clues.
Another clue was the QR code pieces in puzzle 2.
The QR codes demonstrate Firebase time-based read permissions and provide a way to keep players revisiting the site prior to reaching the end of puzzle 2. There were a total of three pieces of a QR code that each displayed at different times during the day. It was really fun and impressive to see all of the different ways players were able to come up with the correct answer. The full image translates to ‘Locating’, making the answer the letter ‘L’, but many players managed to solve this without needing to read the QR code. You're all smart cookies.
Puzzle 3 encompassed our deep nostalgia for the early web, and we did our best to authentically represent the anti-design look and feel of the 90s.
In one of the clues, we demonstrated Firebase Storage by storing an audio file remotely. Solving this required players to reference Firebase documentation to finish writing the code to retrieve the file.
<!-- connect to Firebase Storage below --> <script> console.log('TODO: Complete connection to Firebase Storage'); var storageRef =; var file = storageRef.child('spectrogram.wav'); // TODO: Get download URL for file ( </script>
While the contest was still active, players who completed the game were given a URL to submit their information for a chance to win a ticket to Google I/O 2017. After the contest was closed, we simply changed the final success message to provide a URL directly to the Firebass Gift Shop, a treasure in and of itself. :)
This was an unforgettable experience with a fervently positive reaction. When puzzle 3 unlocked, server traffic increased 30x! The community response in sharing photos, Slack channels, music, jokes, posts, etc. was incredible. And all because of one fish. We can’t wait to see all the swimmer winners next year at I/O 2017. Until then, try playing the game yourself at Thank you, Firebass. Long may you swim.